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Transversity Collaboration Meeting

(March 17, 2008 at JLab L224/225)

 9:00-9:15    Hall A beam and summer installation schedule. -- Kees de Jager

 9:15-9:30    Milestone check, major issues of concerns. -- Xiaodong Jiang(.ppt)

 9:30-9:40    RICH update from INFN, plan of installation. -- Evaristo Cisbani(.pdf)

 9:40-10:00    Transversity trigger/DAQ, preparation for May test run. -- Kalyan Allada (.pdf)

 10:00-10:20    chamber1+chamber2 for pi0 run preparation.-- Xin Qian(.pdf)

 10:20-10:40     BigBite gas Cherenkov progress.(+ chamber-3 repair)-- Brad Sawatzky (.pdf)

 10:40-10:50    -- coffee break---

 10:50-11:10    BigBite hardware for transversity. Plan of electron-detector frame modification. Installation plan for May test run.

 11:10-11:40    More detailed discussions on May test run, Xiaodong Jiang + all. A check list, and responsibilities.

 11:40-12:00    HRS detector status, S2M+A2 commisioning needs. -- Vincent Sulkosky (.pdf)

 12:00-12:20    Progress on BigBite tracking software. -- Ole Hansen(.pdf)

 12:20-1:30    -- Lunch break --

 1:30-13:50    BigBite related design. Doug Higinbotham discussions: major BigBite items left. -- Al Gavalya

 13:50-14:20    Polarized target design and discussions. -- Al Gavalya

 14:20-14:40    Target lab progress -- Yi Qiang(.pdf)and (.pdf)

 14:40-15:00    Target density measurement. -- Yi Zhang(.pdf) 15:00-15:20    Next stage of target work, a timeline of target installation. -- J P Chen(.ppt)

 15:20-15:30    --Coffee break--

 15:30-15:50    Happex lumi-monitors and performance during PREX test run. Integration into transversity DAQ. -- Dustin McNulty

 15:50-16:10    Target spin-fip and integration into DAQ. Systematic uncertainties. -- Jin Huang (.pdf)

 16:10-16:40    Planning for summer installation:
           i. BigBite hardware, DAQ.
           ii. BigBite detector shielding.
           iii. HRS detector installation, S2M+A1+RICH.
           iv. Target magnet coil installation, field measurements.
           v. Target work and major tests in the hall.

 16:40-17:30   A summary of major milestone from now till sept-08. -- Xiaodong Jiang
           Discussions of manpower/responsibilities and collaboration issues

 17:30    -- adjourn --