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E05-102: Measurement of the Ax and Az Asymmetries in the Quasi-Elastic 3He(e,e'd) Reaction
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  E05-102 Publications  
J.M. Laget, The 3He(e,e'p) reactions and the components of the 3He wave function, Physics Letters B 276 (1992) 398.
     Effects of S- and D-states in 3He(e,e'p)

S. Nagorny, W. Turchinetz, Marifestation of small nuclear components and current structure in the 3He(e,e'd)p reaction, Physics Letters B 398 (1996) 429.
     Why 3He(e,e'd) is sensitive to the S'-state as well

S. Nagorny, W. Turchinetz, Marinestation of mixed symmetry components in the 3He(e,e'p)pn reaction, Physics Letters B 429 (1998) 222.
     More on the S- and S'-states

R.G. Milner et al., The spin dependent momentum distributions of the neutron and proton in 3He, Physics Letters B 379 (1996) 67.
     Similar conclusions but in the 3He(p,2p) and 3He(p,pn)

W. Glöckle et al., The three-nucleon continuum: achievements, challenges and applications, Physics Reports 274 (1996) 107.
     Review paper on the Faddeev approach

E. Six, Spin correlations in quasi-elastic electron scattering from a 3He internal target, PhD dissertation, Arizona State University (1999).
     NIKHEF results (See Figs. 44-49)

L.P. Yuan et al., Trinucleon photo-reactions with Δ-isobar exitation: Radiative nucleon-deuteron capture and two-body photo-disintegration of the three-nucleon bound state, Few-Body Systems 32 (2002) 83.
L.P. Yuan et al., Two-body electrodisintegration of the three-nucleon bound state with Δ-isobar exitation, Physics Review C 66, 054004 (2002).
A. Deltuva et al., Trinucleon photonuclear reactions with Ddelta;-isobar excitation: Processes below pion-production threshold, Physical Review C 69, 034004 (2004).
A. Deltuva et al., Three-body electrodisintegration of the three-nucleon bound state with Δ-isobar excitation: Processes below pion-production threshold, Physical Review C 70, 034004 (2004).
     3N system, state-of-the-art I (Hannover/Lisbon group)

J. Golak et al., Electron and photon scattering on three-nucleon bound states, Physics Reports 415 (2005) 89.
     3N system, state-of-the-art II (Bochum/Krakow group)