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  Quasi-Elastic Family Talks  
Measurement of the Target Single-Spin Asymmetry in Quasi-Elastic 3He(e,e'). APS Meeting, April 2011. Yawei Zhang.

GEn Extraction at Q2 = 1 (GeV/c)2 from Polarized 3He(e,e') Measurements. APS Meeting, April 2011. Ge Jin.

Measurements from 3He(e,e'n) Scattering at Jefferson Lab. APS Meeting, April 2011. Elena Long.

Single Spin Asymmetry (SSA) in 3He(e,e'n). GHP Workshop, April 2011. Bo Zhao.

Single Spin Asymmetries (SSA) in 3He(e,e') from a vertically polairzed 3He target: Nucleon structure studies using two photon exchange. DIS Meeting, April 2011. Todd Averett.

Ay Measurement from 3He(e,e'n) Scattering at Jefferson Lab. APS Meeting, February 2010. Elena Long.

Understanding the Three-Body Nuclear System: Asymmetry Measurements in Quasi-Elastic 3He(e,e'd) and 3He(e,e'p). APS Meeting, February 2010. Ge Jin.

Two-Photon Exchange as a Laboratory for Nucleon Structure Studies. T. Averett.

Understanding the Three-Body Nuclear System: Asymmetry Measurements in Quasi-Elastic 3He(e,e'd) and 3He(e,e'p). SESAPS Meeting, September 2009. Ge Jin.

The 3He(e,e'n) Channel in Ay and GEn Measurements. DNP Meeting, October 2009. Elena Long.

Measurement of the Target Single-Spin Asymmetry in Quasi-elastic 3He(e,e'). DNP Meeting, October 2009. Bo Zhao.

Know Your Target: Toward A Better Understanding of the 3He System. APS April Meeting, May 2009. Elena Long.