Simulation Codes

The modified form factor subroutine for MCEEP can be downloaded from here. This includes the proton form factors derived from fits to world data by Peter Bosted ( pdf ) and by John Arrington ( pdf ). In each case, the neutron form factors remain in the Galster parametrisation. Remember to change the individual form factors being used in MCEEP in the input.f subroutine; the Peter Bosted fit uses the tag 'BOSTED' while the John Arrington fit uses the tag 'JASIMC'.

MCEEP &ndash link to a zipped tarball file of the updated MCEEP input and form factor codes that I used. More details on setting up and using MCEEP can be found here.

SIMC &ndash link to a zipped tarball file of the complete SIMC code which I used - the 12 GeV version; further details on this can be found here.