Jefferson Lab HALL A Logbook for April 04 - All EXCEPT Automatic Entries
120065 04/30/04 23:50 Armando magnetlevels1&2 stripchart
120064 04/30/04 23:39 H. Benaoum RICH Gas Stripchart
120063 04/30/04 23:38 H. Benaoum Left & Right Septum Stripchart
120062 04/30/04 23:37 H. Benaoum Hall A general Tools Stripchart
120061 04/30/04 23:36 H. Benaoum RICH HV
120060 04/30/04 23:35 H. Benaoum Left & Right Septum Controls
120059 04/30/04 23:33 H. Benaoum Energy Spread Stripchart
120050 04/30/04 22:11 Cusanno Kaon Coincidence time
120047 04/30/04 21:52 C. Ferdi Cannot read the scalers values
120038 04/30/04 20:11 Breuer half wave plate change now
120037 04/30/04 20:01 breuer rich gas and HV screens
120036 04/30/04 20:00 breuer septum strip charts
120035 04/30/04 19:59 breuer septa controls screens
120034 04/30/04 19:58 breuer General Tools Screen
120033 04/30/04 19:57 breuer energy spread, beam current strip charts
120026 04/30/04 18:52 paschke HAPPEX lumi HV changed
120023 04/30/04 18:29 Armando DAQ problem during run 2988
120009 04/30/04 16:21 LeRose Shift Summary
120004 04/30/04 15:39 ulmer Deadtime jumped
120003 04/30/04 15:35 LeRose Right Septum
120002 04/30/04 15:34 LeRose Left Septum
120001 04/30/04 15:30 LeRose Magnet Liquid Levels
120000 04/30/04 15:30 LeRose Hall A Tools
119999 04/30/04 15:29 LeRose Beam Strip Charts
119996 04/30/04 15:15 LeRose Right Arm Controls
119994 04/30/04 14:57 LeRose Controlled Access(es)
119991 04/30/04 14:23 Reitz FSD Dump Diffuser Pump
119990 04/30/04 13:46 Reitz Methane Bottles switched
119986 04/30/04 12:53 LeRose Magnet Liquid Levels
119985 04/30/04 12:51 LeRose Left Septum Screens
119984 04/30/04 12:50 LeRose Right Septum Screens
119983 04/30/04 12:49 LeRose Hall A Tools
119982 04/30/04 12:48 LeRose Beam Screens
119981 04/30/04 12:46 ulmer VDC tripped
119968 04/30/04 11:39 LeRose Access at 13:00
119967 04/30/04 11:36 LeRose RICH Trip
119966 04/30/04 11:30 LeRose Be Target ("thin" vs. "thick")
119961 04/30/04 11:21 LeRose Left Arm Controls
119960 04/30/04 11:02 ulmer PS6 changed from 140 to 160
119959 04/30/04 10:58 LeRose Beam screens/ higher current
119953 04/30/04 09:52 LeRose Thin Be
119951 04/30/04 09:27 LeRose RICH Trip
119950 04/30/04 09:23 LeRose If access call the tech's
119941 04/30/04 08:10 LeRose RICH Trip
119940 04/30/04 08:09 R. Feuerbach Owl shift summary
119936 04/30/04 07:39 P. Baturin RICH strip chart
119935 04/30/04 07:39 P. Baturin RICH HV and Gas screens
119934 04/30/04 07:37 P. Baturin Septum strip charts
119933 04/30/04 07:35 P. Baturin General Tools screen
119932 04/30/04 07:34 P. Baturin Energy Spread and Current Monitor
119931 04/30/04 07:28 P. Baturin Septum controls screens
119927 04/30/04 06:57 P. Baturin VDC efficiency
119924 04/30/04 06:36 R. Feuerbach Multiple 'TS1 not responding' errors
119917 04/30/04 04:40 R. Feuerbach Another RICH trip
119915 04/30/04 04:34 R. Feuerbach changed prescale factors
119912 04/30/04 03:56 R. Feuerbach RICH trip
119910 04/30/04 03:44 P. Baturin General Tools Screen
119909 04/30/04 03:41 P. Baturin RICH HV and Gas Screens
119908 04/30/04 03:34 p. Baturin SLI Status and Control Screen
119907 04/30/04 03:29 P. Baturin Magnet Levels Screens
119902 04/30/04 02:46 P. Baturin Septum strip charts
119901 04/30/04 02:42 P. Baturin Septum Control Screens
119900 04/30/04 02:34 R. Feuerbach beam current and energy spread
119894 04/30/04 00:28 R. Feuerbach Lost communication with septum controls
119892 04/30/04 00:18 Breuer shift summary 04/29/04 16:00-24:00
119890 04/29/04 23:42 Breuer general Tools screen
119889 04/29/04 23:41 breuer strip charts: energy spread and beam current
119878 04/29/04 21:45 R. Michaels prescale data in datastream
119872 04/29/04 20:49 Breuer SLI screen
119870 04/29/04 20:47 Breuer Septa control screens
119869 04/29/04 20:45 Breuer magnet liquid levels charts
119868 04/29/04 20:44 Breuer Hall A tools screen
119867 04/29/04 20:43 Breuer Rich HV and gas screens
119866 04/29/04 20:42 Breuer Beam current, energy spread strip charts
119855 04/29/04 18:26 Breuer beam current and energy spread graphs
119843 04/29/04 16:07 LeRose 1C12XPOS
119842 04/29/04 16:05 LeRose Shift Summary
119839 04/29/04 15:34 LeRose Fast Feed Back OFF
119834 04/29/04 14:25 J. Singh prescale factor business
119830 04/29/04 13:53 LeRose RICH Trip
119828 04/29/04 13:47 LeRose RICH Trip
119827 04/29/04 13:37 LeRose Energy Spread Return from Beam Trip
119826 04/29/04 13:34 LeRose RICH Gas Screen
119823 04/29/04 13:07 LeRose Magnet Liquid Levels
119819 04/29/04 12:29 LeRose Tool Screen & RICH
119818 04/29/04 12:23 LeRose Good Beam!
119817 04/29/04 12:15 LeRose RICH trip
119815 04/29/04 12:10 LeRose RICH trip
119792 04/29/04 07:54 S. Marrone shift-summary: 00.00-08.00, 29/04/2004
119787 04/29/04 07:15 Frullani energy spread
119786 04/29/04 07:10 Frullani rich behaviour owl shift
119785 04/29/04 07:08 S. Marrone beam stability
119776 04/29/04 04:57 Frullani target control crash
119771 04/29/04 04:20 Frullani Current chart
119770 04/29/04 04:17 Frullani Energy spread
119769 04/29/04 04:14 Frullani Septum Status
119762 04/29/04 00:08 Breuer shift summary 16:00-24:00 04/28/04
119760 04/28/04 23:46 breuer rich gas screen
119759 04/28/04 23:46 breuer septa graphs
119758 04/28/04 23:45 breuer septa control screens
119757 04/28/04 23:44 breuer magnet level graphs
119756 04/28/04 23:44 breuer beam current graph, general tools screen
119755 04/28/04 23:42 breuer energy spread graph
119741 04/28/04 20:50 paschke prescale settings
119736 04/28/04 19:38 Breuer Magnet liquid level strip charts
119735 04/28/04 19:36 Breuer Beam strip chart, General tools screen
119734 04/28/04 19:33 breuer energy spread strip chart again
119733 04/28/04 19:32 Breuer septum left, right strip charts
119728 04/28/04 18:56 Breuer Hall A Septum Control screens
119727 04/28/04 18:53 Breuer Magnet Level strip charts
119726 04/28/04 18:51 Breuer Current strip chart + Hall A generals Tools screen
119725 04/28/04 18:48 Breuer energy spread strip chart
119724 04/28/04 18:46 breuer Rich strip chart, HV pictures
119710 04/28/04 16:01 Lindgren Shift Summary
119707 04/28/04 15:39 Rikki reboot target IOC
119702 04/28/04 14:52 lindgren beam current strip
119701 04/28/04 14:35 lindgren tools
119700 04/28/04 14:34 Lindgren magnet levels strip chart
119699 04/28/04 14:32 Lindgren RICH HV
119698 04/28/04 14:30 lindgren Energy spread strip chart
119696 04/28/04 14:26 Lindgren septa controls
119688 04/28/04 12:43 Lindgren Partial shift activities 8:00 AM - 12:30 PM
119675 04/28/04 08:04 E.Chudakov Owl Shift Summary
119668 04/28/04 06:35 E.Chudakov Beam permit
119667 04/28/04 06:10 E.Chudakov Hall A Network Problem - Control Access requested
119664 04/28/04 05:21 E.Chudakov Beam trips often
119662 04/28/04 04:55 E.Chudakov Beam trips
119657 04/28/04 04:12 E.Chudakov HV right arm - archive
119656 04/28/04 04:09 E.Chudakov HV Left arm - archive
119651 04/28/04 03:22 E.Chudakov RICH gas
119645 04/28/04 02:22 E.Chudakov HRS status
119644 04/28/04 02:21 E.Chudakov OTR signals
119641 04/28/04 02:07 E.Chudakov Beam charts
119640 04/28/04 02:05 E.Chudakov Septa status
119639 04/28/04 02:03 E.Chudakov RICH gas
119624 04/28/04 00:06 Sulkosky Swing Shift Summary
119620 04/27/04 23:31 H. Benaoum RICH Gas
119619 04/27/04 23:30 H. Benaoum RICH HV
119618 04/27/04 23:28 H. Benaoum Left & Right Septum Stripchart
119616 04/27/04 23:23 H. Benaoum Hall A General Tools
119614 04/27/04 23:20 H. Benaoum Left & Right Septum Controls
119613 04/27/04 23:06 H. Benaoum Magnet Level 1 &2 StripChart
119612 04/27/04 23:04 H. Benaoum Energy Spread Stripchart
119611 04/27/04 23:03 P. Baturin Run#2854 - Left VCD trip
119608 04/27/04 22:54 H. Benaoum RICH Oxygen level greater than 50ppm
119606 04/27/04 22:38 Sulkosky SLI and OTR
119604 04/27/04 22:17 H. Benaoum spot++
119599 04/27/04 21:45 H. Benaoum 118uA beam current
119598 04/27/04 21:38 Sulkosky RICH Methane Bottle Changed
119593 04/27/04 20:58 Sulkosky RICH HV changed to 2075 V
119592 04/27/04 20:44 Sulkosky SLI and OTR
119589 04/27/04 20:22 Sulkosky Oxygen Level below 30 ppm
119588 04/27/04 20:18 Sulkosky RICH HV Trips
119577 04/27/04 18:36 Sulkosky SLI and OTR Screen
119575 04/27/04 18:22 Sulkosky Left VDC HV tripped
119573 04/27/04 18:20 Sulkosky RICH Oxygen Level
119572 04/27/04 18:16 H. Benaoum Hall A General Tools
119571 04/27/04 18:09 H. Benaoum Magnet Level 1 & 2 Stripchart
119570 04/27/04 18:03 P. Baturin Correction to entry #119567
119569 04/27/04 18:00 H. Benaoum Left & Right Septa Stripchart
119568 04/27/04 17:54 H. Benaoum Energy Spread Online
119567 04/27/04 17:54 P. Baturin VDC (off) and RICH trip runs
119565 04/27/04 17:51 H. Benaoum Left & Right Septa Controls
119563 04/27/04 17:40 Sulkosky RICH HV and Strip Chart
119562 04/27/04 17:37 Sulkosky RICH gas GUI
119561 04/27/04 17:34 Sulkosky RICH HV Tripped, Run 2840
119558 04/27/04 17:16 Sulkosky Left VDC HV Tripped
119551 04/27/04 16:14 Lindgren Shift Summary
119549 04/27/04 16:03 Lindgren RICH HV Tripped
119546 04/27/04 15:18 lindgren Hall A tools and strip chart
119543 04/27/04 14:43 Lindgren Shift Activities 1:40 - 2:40 PM
119538 04/27/04 13:46 Lindgren Shift Activities Beam is Back
119536 04/27/04 11:38 Lindgren 9:00 AM -11:30 shift activities
119535 04/27/04 11:36 LeRose Strip Chart Files
119534 04/27/04 11:04 Lindgren More magnet levels
119533 04/27/04 11:02 LIndgren Energy spread and magnet levels
119532 04/27/04 10:58 Lindgren Rich high voltage and strip chart
119531 04/27/04 10:56 Lindgren Septa strip charts
119530 04/27/04 10:55 Lindgren Septa control screens
119529 04/27/04 09:38 Lindgren Partial shift summary 8:00 AM - 9:00 AM
119527 04/27/04 08:56 Markowitz owl shift summary
119517 04/27/04 07:06 Markowitz elevated O2 levels in RICH gas
119510 04/27/04 05:27 nelyubin target IOC reboot
119505 04/27/04 04:02 markowitz OTR and SLI
119504 04/27/04 04:00 Markowitz tools and current
119503 04/27/04 04:00 markowitz magnet liquids strip charts
119502 04/27/04 03:59 Markowitz septa controls screen
119501 04/27/04 03:58 markowitz septum strip chart
119499 04/27/04 03:57 markowitz current strip chart, SLI
119497 04/27/04 03:56 markowitz RICH gas and strip chart
119484 04/27/04 01:06 Markowitz HV (R top and L)
119483 04/27/04 01:04 Markowitz SLI and OTR screens
119482 04/27/04 00:56 Markowitz HV GUIs (R botoom, beamline)
119481 04/27/04 00:55 Markowitz Tools and current screens
119480 04/27/04 00:54 Markowitz magnet strip charts
119479 04/27/04 00:53 Markowitz septa controls GUIs
119477 04/27/04 00:51 Markowitz energy spread strip chart, SLI
119476 04/27/04 00:51 Markowitz septa strip charts
119475 04/27/04 00:50 Markowitz RICH gas GUI screen
119474 04/27/04 00:49 Markowitz RICH HV and strip chart
119468 04/27/04 00:09 Nelyubin Target Status
119465 04/27/04 00:01 jpchen Swing Shift Summary
119461 04/26/04 23:38 jpchen 1C12 OTR data
119449 04/26/04 21:26 jpchen Rich strip charts
119448 04/26/04 21:25 jpchen right and left septa strip charts
119447 04/26/04 21:22 jpchen beam spread stripe charts
119446 04/26/04 21:16 Reitz EP results
119444 04/26/04 21:13 jpchen 1C12 OTR picture
119442 04/26/04 21:02 jpchen e-p completed, Be in, asked for 100 uA beam, 1C12 OTR in, raster on
119441 04/26/04 20:59 H. Benaoum Be-thick target
119440 04/26/04 19:49 H. Benaoum Empty Target
119438 04/26/04 19:20 P. Baturin RICH trip on Run#2806
119435 04/26/04 19:13 reitz rich tripped
119433 04/26/04 19:06 H. Benaoum Be-thick target
119432 04/26/04 19:00 H. Benaoum Empty target
119427 04/26/04 17:37 P. Baturin Run 2803 beam problems
119426 04/26/04 17:32 reinhold large jump in SLI energy spread
119424 04/26/04 17:25 H. Benaoum IOC rebooted
119423 04/26/04 17:07 jpchen beam spot with 100 uA for Be target
119421 04/26/04 16:56 reinhold DAQ ROC16 won't boot
119420 04/26/04 16:56 jpchen Still no beam, MCC run test plan
119417 04/26/04 16:17 R. Michaels ROC16 lost its NVRAM
119416 04/26/04 16:08 LeRose Shift Summary
119414 04/26/04 16:05 M. Iodice Tief, hallaP energies VS run nr.
119413 04/26/04 16:01 reinhold RICH HV trip
119411 04/26/04 15:42 LeRose Energy Spread Strip Chart
119407 04/26/04 13:54 LeRose No Beam
119406 04/26/04 13:22 LeRose Right Septum Screens
119405 04/26/04 13:21 LeRose Left Arm Screens
119404 04/26/04 13:19 LeRose Tool Screen
119403 04/26/04 13:18 LeRose Left Arm Restored
119402 04/26/04 12:36 LeRose Returning to HYP Settings
119401 04/26/04 12:35 LeRose Beam Studies extended
119400 04/26/04 12:00 Reitz (fast)EpicsLogger
119399 04/26/04 11:56 bogdanw VDC gas flow rate
119393 04/26/04 10:05 LeRose Tools (Bogdan's Test)
119390 04/26/04 09:18 LeRose Beam Studies
119385 04/26/04 08:36 markowitz shift summary
119376 04/26/04 06:31 markowitz SLI and OTR screens
119375 04/26/04 06:29 markowitz rich gas, strip chart screens
119374 04/26/04 06:28 markowitz septa strip charts
119373 04/26/04 06:27 markowitz SLI screen, strip chart
119372 04/26/04 06:27 Nelyubin Target Status
119371 04/26/04 06:26 markowitz septum controls screens
119370 04/26/04 06:25 markowitz magnet cryo screens
119369 04/26/04 06:24 markowitz current and tools screens
119364 04/26/04 05:29 markowitz a1 vs a2 is uncorrelated??
119359 04/26/04 04:25 markowitz OTR data valid
119358 04/26/04 04:15 markowitz SLI screen shot and comparison
119357 04/26/04 04:10 markowitz hall a otr screen
119354 04/26/04 03:55 markowitz left hv and right top hv
119353 04/26/04 03:53 markowitz right arm, beamline hv
119346 04/26/04 02:10 markowitz rich hv trip
119343 04/26/04 02:01 Nelyubin Target Status
119342 04/26/04 01:47 markowitz rich HV trip
119339 04/26/04 01:11 markowitz beam spot++ at 100 uA
119338 04/26/04 01:10 markowitz rich gas gui screen
119337 04/26/04 01:09 markowitz septum strip charts
119336 04/26/04 01:08 markowitz tools and current screens
119335 04/26/04 01:07 markowitz cryogen flow stripcharts
119334 04/26/04 01:07 markowitz septum ncontrols screens
119332 04/26/04 01:06 markowitz energy spread screens
119331 04/26/04 01:05 markowitz rich hv screens
119329 04/26/04 01:00 markowitz RICH HV trip in run 2779
119326 04/26/04 00:25 markowitz spot++ on 9Be
119323 04/26/04 00:08 Reinhold moved to Be thick target
119322 04/26/04 00:07 reinhold Target motion/ lifter / IOC problem
119321 04/26/04 00:07 markowitz moved target to Be
119314 04/25/04 22:56 reinhold DAQ hung up (run 2774 does not exist)
119306 04/25/04 21:03 reinhold MCC has problems
119303 04/25/04 20:38 Cusanno Beam central energy
119294 04/25/04 18:30 reinhold MCC increases beam current
119291 04/25/04 18:07 M. Iodice beam energy part 2
119290 04/25/04 17:56 M. Iodice beam energy abs. value
119288 04/25/04 17:41 reinhold RICH HV trip during run 2763
119279 04/25/04 16:16 Ole Hansen Energy lock tripped
119278 04/25/04 16:10 Ole Hansen Shift summary
119277 04/25/04 16:02 A.Shahinyan ESR temperatures
119276 04/25/04 16:01 A.Shahinyan Temperature Cryostat
119275 04/25/04 15:59 A.Shahinyan Temperatures Loop1
119270 04/25/04 15:02 Yi Qiang noisy preshower ADC pad
119269 04/25/04 15:00 Yi Qiang VDC noisy wires
119266 04/25/04 14:27 Ole Hansen Left, beamline HV screens
119265 04/25/04 14:26 Ole Hansen Right HRS HV screens
119264 04/25/04 14:24 Ole Hansen Septa controls
119263 04/25/04 14:23 Ole Hansen Energy spread strip chart
119262 04/25/04 14:22 Ole Hansen Energy spread control screen
119261 04/25/04 14:20 Ole Hansen RICH screens
119260 04/25/04 14:19 Ole Hansen Magnet strip charts
119259 04/25/04 14:18 Ole Hansen Septa strip charts
119258 04/25/04 14:17 Ole Hansen Tools and current GUIs
119255 04/25/04 13:56 Ole Hansen RICH trip
119254 04/25/04 13:48 Ole Hansen Beam current down to 80uA
119249 04/25/04 13:11 Ole Hansen Analyzer 1.2.2 installed
119248 04/25/04 12:42 Ole Hansen Back is back.
119245 04/25/04 12:19 Ole Hansen Injector work
119244 04/25/04 12:15 Ole Hansen Many parallel replays now possible
119237 04/25/04 10:36 Ole Hansen Data taking resuming
119232 04/25/04 08:00 Markowitz Shift summary
119216 04/25/04 04:09 markowitz left, beamline hv screens
119215 04/25/04 04:08 markowitz right hrs detector HV screens
119214 04/25/04 04:04 markowitz left septum current stability
119213 04/25/04 04:01 markowitz septa strip charts
119211 04/25/04 03:55 markowitz tools and current GUIs
119209 04/25/04 03:55 markowitz magnet strip charts
119208 04/25/04 03:54 markowitz septa controls screens
119207 04/25/04 03:52 markowitz energy spread screens
119206 04/25/04 03:51 markowitz RICH screens
119191 04/25/04 00:12 reinhold physics analyzer OK
119188 04/24/04 23:48 reinhold MCC says everything OK now
119187 04/24/04 23:40 reinhold MCC still having problems
119186 04/24/04 23:30 reinhold MCC found problem; Hall C tail
119185 04/24/04 22:54 reinhold MCC tries to give beam back
119184 04/24/04 22:43 reinhold run 2735 lots of trips
119182 04/24/04 22:42 reinhold MCC still has problems
119180 04/24/04 22:30 reinhold septa charts
119179 04/24/04 22:30 reinhold Magnet Liquid levels
119178 04/24/04 22:29 reinhold Hall A tools
119177 04/24/04 22:28 reinhold BCM chart
119176 04/24/04 22:27 reinhold Energyspread chart
119175 04/24/04 22:26 reinhold MCC sees BLM trips in hall
119173 04/24/04 22:02 reinhold physics analyzer broken
119172 04/24/04 21:37 reinhold Beam back
119170 04/24/04 21:08 reinhold MCC has magnet problems
119167 04/24/04 20:41 reinhold RICH HV trip during run 2732
119161 04/24/04 20:01 reinhold RICH HV trip during run 2730
119146 04/24/04 17:10 reinhold RICH HV trip
119139 04/24/04 16:02 C. C. Chang Shift Summary
119137 04/24/04 15:48 Shahinyan Cryostat_coolant _temperatures
119136 04/24/04 15:46 shahinyan temperatures loop2
119135 04/24/04 15:42 shahinya ESR_Temperatures
119128 04/24/04 14:26 C. C. Chang Magnet Screen
119127 04/24/04 14:25 C. C. Chang Septa Controls
119126 04/24/04 14:22 C. c. Chang Septa screen
119125 04/24/04 14:20 C. C. Chang RICH HV strip chart
119124 04/24/04 14:17 C. C. Chang Energy spread strip chart
119121 04/24/04 13:26 C. C. Chang RICH trip
119116 04/24/04 12:41 C. C. Chang Coda hangs
119114 04/24/04 12:31 C. C. Chang RICH trip
119106 04/24/04 10:11 C. C. Chang RICH trip
119103 04/24/04 09:37 Ibrahim VDC Efficiency !
119100 04/24/04 09:17 C. C. Chang RICH trip
119095 04/24/04 08:44 Ibrahim physics replay
119092 04/24/04 08:19 C. C. Chang Beam energy spread
119090 04/24/04 08:03 M. Iodice OWL shift summary
119085 04/24/04 07:10 M. Iodice RICH control screen and chart
119084 04/24/04 07:05 M. Iodice Beam current chart
119081 04/24/04 06:45 M. Iodice target Loop1 and Loop2 charts
119080 04/24/04 06:43 M. Iodice target ESR and Cryo Charts
119079 04/24/04 06:33 M. Iodice Left septum controls screen
119078 04/24/04 06:32 M. Iodice Right Septum controls screen
119075 04/24/04 06:14 M. Iodice Hall A General Tool
119074 04/24/04 05:59 M. Iodice Energy spread problem SOLVED
119071 04/24/04 05:28 M. Iodice Septa strip charts
119068 04/24/04 04:58 M. Iodice Increase in the energy spread
119064 04/24/04 04:18 M. Iodice current monitor strip chart
119058 04/24/04 03:19 M. Iodice Rich strip chart
119051 04/24/04 01:43 M. Iodice RICH tripped
119042 04/23/04 23:59 perdrisat 16to24 log/4/23/04
119040 04/23/04 22:56 markowitz IOC trip
119039 04/23/04 22:50 markowitz beam has been almost steady
119038 04/23/04 22:34 perdrisat RICH HV trip
119036 04/23/04 22:27 Punjabi RICH HV
119030 04/23/04 21:08 perdrisat alarm on L septum vacuum pump
119028 04/23/04 20:51 reinhold Left Septum Vacuum Pump Alarm
119025 04/23/04 20:13 M. Iodice VDC Right arm hit efficiency
119021 04/23/04 19:30 punjabi VDCL efficiency
119020 04/23/04 19:28 punjabi VDCR efficiency
119013 04/23/04 18:07 markowitz 8-hour energy spread
119012 04/23/04 18:03 markowitz tools and current strip chart
119011 04/23/04 18:02 markowitz magnet cryo levels strip chart
119010 04/23/04 18:01 markowitz septum controls screens
119009 04/23/04 18:00 markowitz RICH strip chart and HV
119008 04/23/04 17:59 markowitz septum strip charts
119007 04/23/04 17:58 Markowitz energy spread screen
118998 04/23/04 16:05 C. C. Chang Shift Summary
118993 04/23/04 15:08 Reimer RICH Trip run 2668
118989 04/23/04 14:39 C. C. Chang SLI beam energy spread
118987 04/23/04 14:26 C. C. Chang RICH trip
118980 04/23/04 12:50 C. C. Chang Magnets screen
118979 04/23/04 12:48 C. C. Chang Septa stripchart
118977 04/23/04 12:45 C. C. Chang RICH HV stripchart
118976 04/23/04 12:43 C. C. Chang Energy spread stripchart
118971 04/23/04 11:56 Reimer HV trip-compton
118970 04/23/04 11:43 C. C. Chang Reboot Happex 5
118963 04/23/04 10:34 C. C. Chang Stable beam
118956 04/23/04 08:02 Moffit Owl Shift Summary
118952 04/23/04 07:55 J. Singh owl shift RICH strip
118951 04/23/04 07:53 J. Singh owl shift septum stripcharts
118950 04/23/04 07:52 Moffit MCC: Beam away...
118949 04/23/04 07:52 J. Singh owl shift energy spread stripchart
118948 04/23/04 07:49 J. Singh spectrometer magnet cryo levels since crash
118947 04/23/04 07:43 J. Singh beam stability over the last 3.5 days
118946 04/23/04 07:35 R. Michaels Energy Spread EPICS data
118943 04/23/04 06:54 J. Singh target charts, part 3
118940 04/23/04 06:52 Moffit Energy Spread - 1C12 OTR
118939 04/23/04 06:51 J. Singh target charts screenshots, part 2
118938 04/23/04 06:50 J. Singh new hall a cryotarget controls screenshot
118937 04/23/04 06:44 R. Michaels x10 BCM not well calib.
118936 04/23/04 06:32 J. Singh hall a RICH detector screenshots
118935 04/23/04 06:31 J. Singh owl shift hall a septum controls screenshots
118934 04/23/04 06:30 J. Singh owl shift hall a general tools screenshot
118931 04/23/04 05:57 J. Singh spot check
118930 04/23/04 05:55 J. Singh pion rejector HV acting up again
118928 04/23/04 05:42 Moffit RICH HV Trip
118924 04/23/04 04:56 J. Singh start run failed, ROCS 12 & 16
118921 04/23/04 04:22 J. Singh spot check
118920 04/23/04 04:12 Moffit RICH HV Trip
118913 04/23/04 03:20 J. Singh run 2641 physics root file
118908 04/23/04 02:24 Moffit Energy Spread - 1C12 OTR
118907 04/23/04 02:16 J. Singh run 2642 detector replay
118906 04/23/04 02:11 Moffit Energy Spread, after recovery
118903 04/23/04 01:56 J. Singh spot check
118902 04/23/04 01:50 J. Singh right dipole screenshots
118901 04/23/04 01:48 J. Singh right dipole recovery
118899 04/23/04 01:32 J. Singh settings for harp scan
118898 04/23/04 01:27 Moffit/Singh HARP SCAN!!!
118897 04/23/04 00:02 X. Zheng shift summary
118895 04/22/04 20:27 M. Iodice R-arm Gas Cherenkov
118894 04/22/04 18:45 X. Zheng Right dipole "breaker shut" fault
118893 04/22/04 18:23 Reimer He Target Pressure
118892 04/22/04 17:59 X. Zheng Right Dipole quenched again
118891 04/22/04 16:59 X. Zheng Right arm dipole power supply fault remains
118890 04/22/04 16:05 C. C. Chang Run summary
118888 04/22/04 15:47 C. C. Chang All magnets crashed
118886 04/22/04 15:29 C. C. Chang Beam energy spread
118883 04/22/04 15:01 Miyoshi R-arm Cerenkov figures at 20/95uA
118882 04/22/04 14:53 C. C. Chang Beam energy spread
118881 04/22/04 14:48 Reitz RICH HV -> 2100
118878 04/22/04 14:29 Reitz started new target gui
118876 04/22/04 14:15 C. C. Chang Magnets
118875 04/22/04 14:13 C. C. Chang RICH stripchart
118874 04/22/04 14:11 C. C. Chang Septa stripchart
118873 04/22/04 14:10 jpchen target GUI and alarm handler
118871 04/22/04 13:36 C. C. Chang Solid beam at 95 uA
118870 04/22/04 13:16 C. C. Chang Beam back
118868 04/22/04 12:18 C. C. Chang Beam study
118867 04/22/04 11:14 Reitz hrs pedestals
118866 04/22/04 11:14 Reitz Rich pedestals
118863 04/22/04 10:41 C. C. Chang Beam study
118859 04/22/04 10:16 C. C. Chang Quarter-shift report
118856 04/22/04 09:50 C. C. Chang More beam for Hall A
118853 04/22/04 08:49 Reitz RICH Gas flow
118850 04/22/04 08:14 J. Singh target alarm handler part 2
118849 04/22/04 08:11 J. Singh target alarm handler
118848 04/22/04 08:05 R. Michaels Scalers summary of owl
118846 04/22/04 08:01 Moffit Owl Shift Summary
118843 04/22/04 07:57 J. Singh owl shift Energy Spread stripchart
118842 04/22/04 07:49 J. Singh owl shift RICH stripchart
118841 04/22/04 07:48 J. Singh owl shift septum stripcharts
118840 04/22/04 07:30 J. Singh beam very stable!
118837 04/22/04 06:50 Adaq Great Beam.
118828 04/22/04 04:17 R. Michaels EPICS / Scaler analysis code
118827 04/22/04 04:09 J. Singh spot check, looks good
118822 04/22/04 03:02 Moffit Energy Spread... Hall-C Beam returns
118819 04/22/04 02:33 R. Michaels new Espread EPICS vars to datastream
118807 04/21/04 23:54 paschke Swing Shift Summary and Run Summary
118804 04/21/04 23:40 paschke Energy spread stripchart
118801 04/21/04 23:00 paschke Beamline HV, Slot1, Chan1 (harp? ep?)
118792 04/21/04 21:42 paschke Tool Screen
118791 04/21/04 21:41 paschke Right Septum Status
118790 04/21/04 21:40 paschke Left Septum Status
118789 04/21/04 21:38 paschke Q1 flow rates recovered
118786 04/21/04 20:59 paschke SLI not working
118783 04/21/04 20:17 Reitz EP Beam Energy
118782 04/21/04 20:11 paschke Energy FFB fixed
118781 04/21/04 20:04 reimer 2A Energy Lock vs Fast Feedback
118779 04/21/04 19:49 paschke Q1 recovered, no beam yet
118778 04/21/04 19:44 paschke Q1 flow rates figure
118777 04/21/04 19:36 paschke Q1 flow rates unstable
118776 04/21/04 18:28 paschke Q1 trip, access needed.
118773 04/21/04 17:51 paschke RICH HV trip
118767 04/21/04 16:00 LeRose Shift summary
118766 04/21/04 15:49 LeRose Energy Spread Strip Chart
118764 04/21/04 14:57 LeRose Tool Screen
118763 04/21/04 14:56 LeRose Left Septum
118762 04/21/04 14:54 LeRose Right Septum
118761 04/21/04 14:35 LeRose Hall C!
118758 04/21/04 14:01 LeRose Mislabeled runs 2602 & 2603
118755 04/21/04 13:39 LeRose SLI Energy Spread Available
118753 04/21/04 13:14 LeRose Beam Back
118752 04/21/04 11:53 M. Iodice Rich angle resolution
118751 04/21/04 11:41 M. Iodice PID on coinc Time and CoincTime Resolution
118750 04/21/04 09:53 LeRose Hall A Tools & BCM
118749 04/21/04 09:51 LeRose Left Septum
118748 04/21/04 09:50 LeRose Right Septum
118747 04/21/04 09:33 Adaq New RICH pedestal
118744 04/21/04 09:03 LeRose Beam Off
118739 04/21/04 08:03 Moffit Owl Shift Summary
118734 04/21/04 07:34 Moffit HV Trip... again
118733 04/21/04 06:59 Moffit Energy Spread - 1C12 OTR
118731 04/21/04 06:55 R. Michaels RICH trip
118730 04/21/04 06:47 Moffit MCC: Beam returns
118727 04/21/04 06:42 R. Michaels test of atrig halog auto-entries
118726 04/21/04 06:27 atrig test entry
118724 04/21/04 06:20 Moffit MCC: Beam way.. trying to fix tripping problem.
118719 04/21/04 04:57 J. Singh beam stability for last ~30 hrs
118716 04/21/04 04:12 Moffit Energy Spread - 1C12 OTR
118715 04/21/04 03:57 Moffit Changes made to onlineGUI
118710 04/21/04 02:33 Moffit Another HV trip. Card1,Ch1 Beamline
118709 04/21/04 02:17 Moffit Energy Spread - 1C12 OTR
118708 04/21/04 02:05 Moffit Alarm for Comm loss to Lecroy HV
118705 04/21/04 01:50 Moffit Beamline HV Card1,Chan1 trip.
118702 04/21/04 00:54 R. Michaels A2 histo fix (26, not 24, PMTs)
118701 04/21/04 00:34 Moffit Energy Spread clarification...
118698 04/21/04 00:20 Moffit Energy Spread - 1C12 OTR Above Spec without g0 beam
118696 04/21/04 00:00 paschke Hall A tools screenshot
118695 04/20/04 23:59 paschke Septum screen shots, swing
118694 04/20/04 23:54 paschke Swing Run Summary
118693 04/20/04 23:53 paschke Swing shift summary
118690 04/20/04 23:28 sulkosky Target Status
118689 04/20/04 22:58 paschke beam returns
118687 04/20/04 22:37 paschke no beam, continuing spot troubles
118685 04/20/04 21:34 sulkosky Methane Flow to 900
118684 04/20/04 21:34 paschke energy width too large
118681 04/20/04 20:23 sulkosky Target Strip Charts 2
118679 04/20/04 20:21 sulkosky Target Strip Charts 1
118675 04/20/04 18:28 sulkosky RICH Oxygen Level Normal
118674 04/20/04 18:27 paschke Left VDC HV trip
118669 04/20/04 17:39 paschke Beam returns, production starts
118666 04/20/04 17:12 sulkosky Target IOC Reboot
118664 04/20/04 16:38 paschke Rich gas alarm when bottles switched
118662 04/20/04 16:02 Z.-E. Mezian Shift Summary
118661 04/20/04 14:26 Z.Meziani Beam current tests in Hall A
118660 04/20/04 13:36 Z. Meziani Septa status charts
118656 04/20/04 08:03 Moffit Owl
118655 04/20/04 08:03 J. Singh pulsed beam
118654 04/20/04 07:36 Moffit MCC: Beam away
118650 04/20/04 06:27 Moffit Energy Spread - 1C12 OTR
118645 04/20/04 04:48 J. Singh target status
118644 04/20/04 04:40 J. Singh red HV on beamline
118641 04/20/04 04:18 J. Singh spot check, good
118638 04/20/04 03:14 Moffit Energy Spread - 1C12 OTR
118633 04/20/04 01:08 Moffit Energy Spread - 1C12 OTR
118630 04/20/04 00:25 J. Singh RICH: trip
118629 04/20/04 00:14 paschke swing shift run summary
118628 04/20/04 00:12 paschke swing shift summary
118624 04/19/04 23:29 paschke trip rate
118621 04/19/04 23:11 ODK hall a general tools screenshot
118620 04/19/04 22:29 paschke new quad values
118615 04/19/04 22:05 paschke Energy spread acceptable (3e-5)
118613 04/19/04 21:22 paschke optics runs
118612 04/19/04 21:12 paschke energy spread still bad
118608 04/19/04 20:15 paschke Bad energy spread!
118605 04/19/04 19:03 holmstrom Target Move
118599 04/19/04 18:47 Holmstrom Target Move
118596 04/19/04 18:23 R. Feuerbach pedestals set for R-HRS
118587 04/19/04 16:16 LeRose Septum IOC
118586 04/19/04 16:12 LeRose Shift summary
118584 04/19/04 15:31 jpchen target cryo status
118583 04/19/04 15:30 jpchen target status
118582 04/19/04 15:03 jpchen ioc re-boot button works. Also be able to move to the optcis target
118581 04/19/04 15:02 LeRose Blank Septum Screens
118580 04/19/04 14:57 LeRose Septum IOC
118579 04/19/04 14:49 jpchen Cryotarget status
118578 04/19/04 14:26 LeRose Left Septum Field
118577 04/19/04 13:38 LeRose Right Septum Field
118576 04/19/04 12:30 paschke further notes on septum heating
118574 04/19/04 11:29 R. Feuerbach R-HRS S2 R-ADCs fixed
118569 04/19/04 10:51 Ole Hansen adaql1 data disks back online
118566 04/19/04 08:03 adaq Owl Shift Summary
118565 04/19/04 07:51 J. Singh target status screenshot
118564 04/19/04 07:26 J. Singh RICH screenshots
118563 04/19/04 07:22 J. Singh septum controls screenshot
118562 04/19/04 07:20 J. Singh hall A general tools screenshot
118561 04/19/04 07:14 J. Singh owl shift RICH strip
118560 04/19/04 07:12 J. Singh owl shift septum strip
118559 04/19/04 07:11 J. Singh septum PLC beam current test
118558 04/19/04 07:03 Moffit MCC: No more CW. Tune beam for optics.
118550 04/19/04 05:46 J. Singh left arm pion rejector HV part 3
118549 04/19/04 05:33 J. Singh RICH: trip
118548 04/19/04 05:27 J. Singh increased septum current, part 2
118545 04/19/04 05:07 J. Singh increased septum current, part 1
118542 04/19/04 04:28 J. Singh target status
118541 04/19/04 04:24 J. Singh spot check of run 2547
118540 04/19/04 04:20 Moffit Septa Stripcharts.. last 4 hours
118537 04/19/04 03:15 Choi S2 R-PMT ADC 6
118532 04/19/04 00:54 J. Singh RICH Gas Oxygen Update
118526 04/18/04 23:58 Z.-E. Mezian Shift summary
118521 04/18/04 22:18 C.Ferdi Septa Strip Charts
118518 04/18/04 21:15 C.Ferdi RICH Strip Chart
118509 04/18/04 19:41 M.Iodice Lambda and Sigma Emiss
118504 04/18/04 17:42 Z-E. Meziani status charts for the septa
118496 04/18/04 16:00 R. Lindgren Shift sumary
118495 04/18/04 15:36 R. Lindgren Start production running
118493 04/18/04 15:18 Richard Lind Hall A Tools and Left septum controls
118492 04/18/04 15:16 Lindgren strip chart
118491 04/18/04 14:55 R. Lindgren Septum currents restored
118490 04/18/04 14:33 folts/fansle septum control freeze
118489 04/18/04 14:16 R. Lindgren Septum power supply problems
118488 04/18/04 11:56 V.Nelyubin Target alarm limit changed
118487 04/18/04 11:40 R. Lindgren Septum controls frozen
118484 04/18/04 11:14 R. Lindgren Partial shift summary 8:00 AM to 11:00 AM
118480 04/18/04 09:17 J. Singh left arm pion rejector HV part 2
118477 04/18/04 08:47 J. Singh hall A tools (gas shed pressures)
118474 04/18/04 08:11 J. Singh loop 2 temp low level alarm levels changed
118472 04/18/04 08:03 J. Singh owl shift summary, part 2
118471 04/18/04 08:00 J. Singh owl shift run summary, part 2
118470 04/18/04 07:52 J. Singh owl shift RICH strip
118469 04/18/04 07:51 J. Singh owl shift spec magnet liquid levels
118468 04/18/04 07:48 J. Singh owl shift septum strip
118467 04/18/04 07:40 J. Singh CODA probs
118465 04/18/04 07:19 J. Singh RICH: trip
118463 04/18/04 07:01 J. Singh left arm pion rejector HV
118457 04/18/04 05:54 J. Singh spot check @ ~75 microA Carbon
118456 04/18/04 05:52 J. Singh owl shift summary, part 1
118454 04/18/04 05:46 J. Singh loop 2 temp alarm
118450 04/18/04 05:31 J. Singh owl shift run summary, part 1
118449 04/18/04 05:29 J. Singh trouble getting to 100 microA
118448 04/18/04 05:26 J. Singh target alarms
118446 04/18/04 04:46 J. Singh target moved to Carbon
118445 04/18/04 04:33 J. Singh target status screenshots
118433 04/18/04 03:06 Paschke Re: Notes on septum heating test
118432 04/18/04 03:04 Paschke Re: Notes on septum heating test
118431 04/18/04 02:58 J. Singh right septum LN2 level
118430 04/18/04 02:57 Paschke Notes on septum heating test
118427 04/18/04 02:46 J. Singh added liquid levels to septum strip
118424 04/18/04 02:32 J. Singh RICH: trip again!
118423 04/18/04 02:24 J. Singh RICH: trip
118414 04/18/04 01:32 J. Singh raster spot check
118413 04/18/04 01:29 J. Singh Spectrometer Magnet Liquid Levels
118410 04/18/04 01:07 J. Singh RICH: trip
118407 04/18/04 00:41 J. Singh RICH: Trip
118404 04/18/04 00:31 Markowitz RICH HV trip
118398 04/18/04 00:05 Z.-E. Mezian Shift summary
118396 04/17/04 23:46 Adaq changing Pk to 1.96 GeV/c
118369 04/17/04 19:47 Adaq Channel 6 S2 R Arm right side
118363 04/17/04 19:21 cusanno RICH trip
118356 04/17/04 17:58 folts left septum quench
118355 04/17/04 17:54 Markowitz ESR 4K flow
118354 04/17/04 17:42 Markowitz septa strip charts showing trip
118352 04/17/04 16:46 Z.-E. Mezian left septum trip
118347 04/17/04 16:03 R. Lindgren Shift Summary
118346 04/17/04 16:01 Ibrahim Septum charts
118345 04/17/04 16:00 Ibrahim Tools screen
118341 04/17/04 15:32 R. Michaels status VDC & S2m(R)
118340 04/17/04 15:32 R. Snyder Target monitors for day shift
118335 04/17/04 15:00 Markowitz run 2485 missing mass
118332 04/17/04 14:35 cusanno RICH cuts
118325 04/17/04 13:20 R. Lindgren Partial shift summary 11:48 AM to 1:17 PM
118321 04/17/04 12:36 Ibrahim harp scan # 1954 Results
118317 04/17/04 12:13 Ibrahim harpscan #1953
118312 04/17/04 11:57 Markowitz Lambda missing energy
118310 04/17/04 11:49 markowitz A2 calibration
118308 04/17/04 11:40 Adaq Missing energy spectrum
118305 04/17/04 11:22 R. Lindgren Partial shift summary
118302 04/17/04 11:04 R. Michaels online deadtime repair
118301 04/17/04 11:04 Ibrahim Left and right VDC efficiency for run 2476
118275 04/17/04 08:18 M. Iodice OWL SHIFT SUMMARY
118274 04/17/04 08:10 M. Iodice Rich Trip
118270 04/17/04 07:59 Moffit Septum Heating - LH2-4cm at 71uA
118269 04/17/04 07:51 J. Singh OTR part 3
118266 04/17/04 07:44 M. Iodice Rich tripped again
118265 04/17/04 07:40 J. Singh hall A tools screenshot (VDC currents)
118258 04/17/04 07:01 J. Singh CODA probs
118253 04/17/04 06:20 J. Singh Spike in target temp?
118252 04/17/04 06:19 M. Iodice Rich tripped
118246 04/17/04 05:49 J. Singh OTR issues part 2
118245 04/17/04 05:44 M. Iodice RICH angle reconstruction
118244 04/17/04 05:40 M. Iodice aerogel nr pe
118241 04/17/04 05:27 Moffit Septum Heating - LH2-4cm at 50uA
118237 04/17/04 04:47 Iodice R-arm Cherenkov sum plot
118236 04/17/04 04:33 J. Singh OTR trouble
118235 04/17/04 04:27 Nelyubin R-arm Cherenkov sum
118234 04/17/04 04:24 J. Singh 4cm LH2 target is in
118231 04/17/04 04:15 J. Singh RICH: HV Alarm cleared
118228 04/17/04 04:08 J. Singh hall A tools screenshot
118225 04/17/04 04:03 J. Singh RICH status
118223 04/17/04 03:59 J. Singh RICH: HV decreased
118215 04/17/04 03:38 J. Singh RICH: low level alarm for Methane flow
118213 04/17/04 03:28 Eugene Chuda Shower detector calibration
118207 04/17/04 02:20 J. Singh owl shift cryotarget status
118203 04/17/04 02:10 J. Singh Target Motion Issues
118198 04/17/04 01:38 J. Singh RICH: increasing methane flow
118197 04/17/04 01:33 J. Singh LeCroy HV not connected?
118188 04/17/04 00:14 cusanno Bull's eye scan 100 microA
118184 04/17/04 00:00 cusanno RICH trip
118181 04/16/04 23:53 cusanno Bull's eye scan 50 microA
118167 04/16/04 21:23 Garibaldi Bull's eye scan, 10 microA
118160 04/16/04 21:10 Garibaldi Bull's eye scan (0,0) raster on
118155 04/16/04 20:57 Garibaldi Bull's eye scan (0,0) repeated
118153 04/16/04 20:51 Garibaldi Bull's eye scan (0,-2)
118148 04/16/04 20:40 Garibaldi Bull's eye scan (2 ,-2)
118143 04/16/04 20:31 Garibaldi Bull's eye scan (2,2)
118139 04/16/04 20:21 Garibaldi Clarifications on previous bulls eye entries
118138 04/16/04 20:15 Garibaldi Bull's eye scan (0,2)
118134 04/16/04 20:05 Garibaldi Bull's eye scan (2,2)
118130 04/16/04 19:51 Garibaldi Bull's eye scan (2,-2)
118125 04/16/04 19:34 garibaldi Bull's eye scan (-2,0)
118121 04/16/04 19:10 Jack VDC gas system restored
118115 04/16/04 19:00 garibaldi bull's eye scan (+2,0)
118110 04/16/04 18:24 Adaq nominally centered bullseye (0,0)
- 118125 04/16/04 19:34 garibaldi Bull's eye scan (-2,0)
- 118130 04/16/04 19:51 Garibaldi Bull's eye scan (2,-2)
- 118134 04/16/04 20:05 Garibaldi Bull's eye scan (2,2)
- 118138 04/16/04 20:15 Garibaldi Bull's eye scan (0,2)
- 118143 04/16/04 20:31 Garibaldi Bull's eye scan (2,2)
- 118148 04/16/04 20:40 Garibaldi Bull's eye scan (2 ,-2)
- 118153 04/16/04 20:51 Garibaldi Bull's eye scan (0,-2)
- 118155 04/16/04 20:57 Garibaldi Bull's eye scan (0,0) repeated
- 118160 04/16/04 21:10 Garibaldi Bull's eye scan (0,0) raster on
- 118167 04/16/04 21:23 Garibaldi Bull's eye scan, 10 microA
- 118181 04/16/04 23:53 cusanno Bull's eye scan 50 microA
- 118188 04/17/04 00:14 cusanno Bull's eye scan 100 microA
118107 04/16/04 17:42 R. Michaels S2m ADC problem (R-arm)
118106 04/16/04 17:41 markowitz hv left and beamline screen shots
118105 04/16/04 17:40 markowitz hv right arm screen shots
118104 04/16/04 17:39 markowitz tools screen
118103 04/16/04 17:24 R. Snyder VDC efficiency -- run 2430
118102 04/16/04 17:10 LeRose Shift Summary
118099 04/16/04 16:55 R. Michaels VDC resolution
118097 04/16/04 16:43 paschke VDC efficiency, Run 2428
118075 04/16/04 14:51 LeRose Septum Heating
118068 04/16/04 13:22 R. Michaels correction: 2424 ped run
118067 04/16/04 13:03 Holmstrom Gas Cerenkov problem
118066 04/16/04 13:02 LeRose Run 2423 Pedistal
118064 04/16/04 12:48 paschke cryo target status, day shift
118062 04/16/04 12:47 Holmstrom Right arm Gas Chir.
118054 04/16/04 12:25 LeRose Right Arm HV
118049 04/16/04 12:04 LeRose RICH HV Reset
118048 04/16/04 11:34 LeRose Database A1/A2 Updated
118046 04/16/04 11:26 LeRose Trigger Download
118044 04/16/04 11:00 LeRose Harps Repaired
118043 04/16/04 10:23 Jack VDC gas system - ethanol bypassed
118036 04/16/04 08:59 cusanno RICH HV scan
118035 04/16/04 08:56 R. Feuerbach RICH Hv scan
118030 04/16/04 08:11 R. Feuerbach Owl Shift Summary
118024 04/16/04 07:45 R. Feuerbach Septa screens
118022 04/16/04 07:41 cusanno RICH delay scan (2)
118020 04/16/04 07:36 cusanno RICH delay scan (1)
118018 04/16/04 07:32 R. Feuerbach Top VDC on R-HRS.
118003 04/16/04 05:54 R. Feuerbach Files for RICH delay scan
117996 04/16/04 05:36 R. Feuerbach VDC R_BTM HV trips
117988 04/16/04 04:50 J. Singh owl shift cryotarget status
117958 04/16/04 02:06 R. Feuerbach No signal from 1H03A and B harps
117956 04/16/04 00:54 Iodice SWING shift summary
117954 04/16/04 00:49 Markowitz left septum power supply
117944 04/15/04 22:32 Iodice Left septum strip chart
117943 04/15/04 22:28 Iodice Left septum I/O error
117933 04/15/04 21:29 R. Michaels reset halog entry #
47 04/15/04 20:36 Iodice swing shift Cryotarget screen
44 04/15/04 18:47 Markowitz magnets turned off for mcc
41 04/15/04 18:09 Adaq septum steering
36 04/15/04 17:24 Markowitz target cooled, ramping septa
4 04/15/04 13:34 R. Feuerbach R-HRS S2 AC filter
117898 04/14/04 10:00 R. Michaels A1,A2 threshold (gain)
117884 04/13/04 15:59 R. Michaels Electricity interrupted on L-arm
117852 04/13/04 11:09 folts septa ramp test
117824 04/12/04 17:34 folts Septa ramp test
117786 04/11/04 00:17 LeRose Septum Beam Steering
117778 04/10/04 20:24 Iodice today run summary
117767 04/09/04 19:10 R. Feuerbach Rftime and S0 TDCs
117762 04/09/04 16:04 folts septum ramp test
117760 04/09/04 15:48 folts right septum ramp test
117691 04/08/04 15:31 R. Michaels/ adjusted coinc. time width
117682 04/08/04 14:14 atrig Trigger-Download
117681 04/08/04 14:03 atrig Trigger-Download
117676 04/08/04 13:55 atrig Trigger-Download
117633 04/07/04 13:50 atrig Trigger-Download
117626 04/06/04 15:39 atrig Trigger-Download
117612 04/05/04 17:15 R. Michaels test of halog
117606 04/05/04 16:08 atrig Trigger-Download
117605 04/05/04 15:48 atrig Trigger-Download
117586 04/04/04 12:23 Jack VDC gas system
117498 04/01/04 09:12 Adaq COOL DOWN