Jefferson Lab HALL A Logbook for February 14 - All EXCEPT Automatic Entries
386296 02/28/14 15:27 a-onl Simulated beam current follow-up
386295 02/28/14 15:04 a-onl Simulated beam current in scalers
386292 02/28/14 12:40 kalyan Right arm straw chamber HV on
386291 02/28/14 12:38 kalyan HV serial cable swap
386290 02/28/14 11:02 R. Michaels plan to swap halladaq8 and ahut2
386287 02/28/14 09:24 R. Michaels restarted HV server, R-HRS
386286 02/28/14 09:18 R. Michaels Cards missing again, upper R-HRS HV crate
386256 02/27/14 14:50 kalyan Right arm HV lost connection to ahut2:2001 - server restarted
386255 02/27/14 13:26 Kalyan Right arm VDC wire hits and efficiency
386254 02/27/14 13:17 Kalyan New raw data file location: /adaq1/data1/gmp_*
386235 02/26/14 18:16 Kalyan DAQ is operational - new raw data file name and run numbers !!
386223 02/26/14 15:47 Kalyan DAQ is still down ....
386218 02/26/14 14:26 Kalyan DAQ down for a short while
386207 02/26/14 12:28 R. Michaels how to make scripts run in CODA 2.6 without hanging
386200 02/26/14 12:14 R. Michaels L-HRS scripts
386199 02/26/14 12:12 R. Michaels work on start/end scripts, part 1
386190 02/26/14 11:06 Jack The machine hacweb2 now has access to hlal00
386189 02/26/14 10:46 Sasha Moller polarimeter aperture detector
386188 02/26/14 10:44 Sasha Configuration of Moller quads plastic shield is fixed
386187 02/26/14 10:40 Sasha Moller target magnet coils water leak
386153 02/25/14 17:41 R. Michaels more work on start/end scripts
386150 02/25/14 17:33 YANG Run # shown on GUI plots
386134 02/25/14 16:40 Kalyan Left arm run pedestal and cosmic runs
386127 02/25/14 15:28 R. Michaels revovering all HV cards on R-HRS top HV crate
386120 02/25/14 15:15 R. Michaels R-HRS MLU operational
386119 02/25/14 14:58 YANG L-arm FPP U-plane M6 read-out cards installed
386116 02/25/14 14:48 Kalyan Left arm pedestal run 2988
386112 02/25/14 14:33 Longwu Pedestal run 24971 (Filter for last 16 TA removed)
386103 02/25/14 11:22 kalyan Modified Right arm total absorber database
386099 02/25/14 10:52 a-onl Trial post to both elogs
386098 02/25/14 10:29 a-onl Test entry for both elogs
386096 02/25/14 09:40 a-onl Test post to both elogs
386095 02/25/14 09:31 a-onl Test entry for both elogs
386094 02/25/14 09:27 a-onl Test entry to both logbooks
386088 02/24/14 16:44 R. Michaels halog run scripts tests
386046 02/24/14 11:34 Longwu Plots for gain matching of L-arm prl1 and prl2 PMTs
386045 02/24/14 11:31 Kalyan Right arm VDC efficiency
386041 02/24/14 10:24 Kalyan Left arm pedestal run with modified filters
386040 02/24/14 10:14 Kalyan Right arm preshower - Run 24962
386039 02/24/14 10:11 Kalyan Right arm s2m ADC - Run 24962
386038 02/24/14 10:08 Kalyan Right arm VDC - run 24962
386035 02/22/14 19:17 Kalyan Left arm s0 time resolution
386033 02/21/14 18:49 Longwu ADC spectrum after filter replacement on right arm
386032 02/21/14 18:11 Kalyan Right arm pedestals after were filter installed
385998 02/21/14 10:54 Kalyan Left arm straw chamber check - (Run 2976, Feb 20th)
385997 02/21/14 10:49 Kalyan Right arm check - several missing channels (Run 24950, Feb 20th)
385996 02/21/14 09:49 Longwu HV setting for pion rejectors changed
385994 02/20/14 16:47 A. Camsonne Start/End of run Left HRS
385991 02/20/14 16:25 R. Michaels R-HRS lower crate fixes itself ?!
385979 02/20/14 15:29 A. Camsonne Uncommented library 3801 from boot script vme_right.boot
385978 02/20/14 15:28 R. Michaels HV modules ok for lower crate
385977 02/20/14 15:23 R. Michaels no more 3801 on R-HRS
385976 02/20/14 15:05 A. Camsonne Scaler library
385975 02/20/14 15:04 A. Camsonne Scaler library
385974 02/20/14 14:58 Kalyan Right arm coda not operational - errors on TS from scaler routines
385973 02/20/14 13:52 yangw filter on the LEFT arm replaced
385972 02/20/14 12:12 R. Michaels R-HRS status
385971 02/20/14 09:25 Longwu HV setting for pion rejectors changed
385970 02/19/14 13:34 R. Michaels xscaler works everywhere now
385969 02/19/14 12:16 Kalyan LHRS straw chamber plots for run 2969 (taken Feb 18th)
385968 02/19/14 10:12 R. Michaels halla-rightarm-top-sw
385967 02/18/14 15:19 Kalyan Rigth arm HV down
385966 02/18/14 11:31 Sasha Moller target problem
385965 02/18/14 11:12 Kalyan/Barak Left HRS xscaler display operational
385964 02/17/14 14:40 Kalyan Left arm straw chamber HV back to normal
385963 02/17/14 13:47 Kalyan Left arm HV alarm - related to straw chamber trip
385962 02/17/14 00:58 Kalyan LHRS straw chamber (Run #2948)
385961 02/16/14 18:03 Kalyan LHRS cosmics check: VDC (Run #2944)
385960 02/16/14 17:58 Kalyan RHRS cosmics check: shower (Run #24943)
385959 02/16/14 17:53 Kalyan RHRS cosmics check: VDC (Run #24943)
385958 02/16/14 17:49 Kalyan RHRS cosmics check: preshower (Run #24943)
385957 02/16/14 17:46 Kalyan RHRS cosmics check: gas Cherenkov (Run #24943)
385956 02/16/14 17:43 Kalyan RHRS cosmics check: s0 and s2m (Run #24943)
385955 02/16/14 17:21 Kalyan LHRS cosmics check: straw chamber (Run #2944)
385954 02/16/14 17:04 Kalyan LHRS cosmics check: pion rejector 1 and 2 (Run #2944)
385953 02/16/14 16:53 Kalyan LHRS cosmics check: gas Cherenkov (Run #2944)
385952 02/16/14 16:45 Kalyan LHRS cosmics check: s0 and s2m (Run #2944)
385951 02/14/14 12:07 Kalyan Updates to LHRS coda configuration
385950 02/14/14 12:01 Kalyan Useful runs for left and right arm
385949 02/14/14 10:55 Kalyan Pedestal run for left arm : 2937
385948 02/14/14 10:28 R. Michaels exercising php script from adaq1
385947 02/14/14 10:21 Kalyan Yet another test of halog
385946 02/14/14 10:04 R. Michaels another test
385945 02/14/14 10:00 R. Michaels testing that I can ...
385944 02/14/14 09:57 R. Michaels test of halog using php script with figure
385943 02/14/14 09:50 R. Michaels halog fixes for adaq1
385942 02/14/14 09:40 R. Michaels testing of halog on adaq1
385941 02/14/14 09:36 R. Michaels test of halog
385937 02/13/14 12:41 Kalyan Testing halog
385935 02/13/14 11:39 R. Michaels HV issues - update
385934 02/13/14 11:30 R. Michaels test of halog using php script
385933 02/13/14 11:28 R. Michaels issues with halog
385932 02/13/14 11:24 bob test of halog
385912 02/07/14 09:09 R. Michaels Trigger MLU deployed
385911 02/06/14 22:58 R. Michaels L-HRS HV status -- working, but somewhat flakey
385910 02/04/14 17:37 Kalyan Cannot run coda after the adaq1 move
385909 02/04/14 10:28 beaufait Power supply prep.