TDIS DAQ, 7 August 2017
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Organizational details
- 11:00 AM, CC A110
We will be using the BlueJeans system. To join via Phone:
- Dial: 1-888-240-2560 (US or Canada only); other access numbers are available from
- Enter Conference ID: 491884270, and press #
Meeting URL
- Kondo - chip options other than DREAM: KG_tdis_20170807.pdf
- Ed - update about the SAMPA chip (used in the ALICE TPC upgrade) and its associated electronics: SAMPA talk.pdf
- Paul - data rate: Pking_tdis_20170807.pdf
- Jixie - tracking
- Kondo:
- Discussed GET system/AGET chip (see talk)
- similar to DREAM
- talked to F. Sabatie, thinks AGET better than DREAM for rTPC
- F. Sabatie is willing to put us in touch with Saclay developers, need to send our requirements so that they can help
- Not done yet
- Also discussed VMM chip
- Signal peak ADC and tie information
- No waveform
- Might still work
- Thinks best option is likely to work with Saclay to develop
- PK comment: AGET would have same data rate constraint as DREAM, maybe VMM looks more promising
- but, peak time may be late (~100ns)
- need to find out if flexible/adjustable
- Discussed GET system/AGET chip (see talk)
- Ed:
- Discussed SAMPA chip (see talk) used in sPHENIX, STAR
- new ASIC for ALICE TPC
- all will use continuous readout
- ALICE 1 TByte/sec
- prototypes this year
- shaper permits sampling at reasonable rates, ~20 MHz possible
- 1.28 GByte/sec max off chip, need on-chip data reduction
- NL comment: SAMPA may (not I think) be giving us an 80 ns peaking time, will go with 160 ns standard, a problem for us
- Sao Paulo group would be willing to go back for ~$100k
- SAMPA continued:
- triggered - continuous mode possible, both time-stamped
- "heartbeat" triggers
- Discussed SAMPA chip (see talk) used in sPHENIX, STAR
- Paul:
- Discussed general constraints, ideas for data rate and choices (see talk)
- Trigger rate if we record all electrons in SBS ~6 kHZ
- What about time and amplitude only?
- What about only tracks that have good timing (would need at least some basic track finding)?
- How many time bins?
- Full reconstruction online (online processor approach)
- NL commented that ALICE is trying similar approaches
- Reduce 1-3 TByte/sec to 1-few GByte/sec via online cluster finding, etc.
- Larger experiments doing this kind of online processing (FPGAs even), factors of ~10-15 reduction
- Discussed general constraints, ideas for data rate and choices (see talk)
- Discussion:
- Nilanga/Bogdan, summarize detector changes discussed after SBS collaboration meeting
- 20 usec memory time higher than proposed (a problem)
- may not need as good momentum resolution
- how large does rTPC need to be?
- Rachel to estimate, study ~few to 10 cm gap
- talk for next meeting!
- Design Option 2 - jet structure
- discuss with drawings at next meeting
- Design Option 3 - multiple TPCs with E, B, z parallel
- 50 cm length divided into ~5 sections
- Also can use faster gas to get to 1 usec
- Kijun to simulate
- talk for next meeting!
- Nilanga/Kondo/Bogdan to present sketches/ideas at next meeting!
- Kondo also looking at readout of rate new ideas
- Discuss this as well at next meeting!
- NL commented that hardware programming (data reduction, cluster programming,...) will also be important
- need to work with more groups doing this
- JZ pointed to a set of simulation plots that he has done (see link) looking at resolution, for VIPs 60-400 MeV
- assumes 0.3 mm resolution on hit, 70/30 Ar/CO2
- 100 hits along track
- for current BONNUS12 tracking software
- ~3% momentum resolution, 1 mm in z
- We need to know what kaon momentum resolution we will need
- k-TDIS will try to estimate for next meeting
- PK had one other concern: background in physics region vs. worst? Will coordinate with Rachel.
- KG asked if simulation covers ion flow-back also?
- could be important
- will need to simulate ions flowing back from the primary, also reduction of pressure/ionization density
- Put on the to do list!
- Nilanga/Bogdan, summarize detector changes discussed after SBS collaboration meeting