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(During the experiment)
(Publications and results)
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* [[http://hallaweb.jlab.org/wiki Back to Hall A wiki]]
The SRC Tritium Experiment (E12-14-011) is an (e,e'p) experiment in Hall A, comparing the momentum distribution of protons in tritium and helium-3. These nuclei have a large proton-neutron asymmetry, but are also isospin-mirror nuclei, meaning that the proton distribution in tritium can tell us about the neutron distribution in helium-3.  
The SRC Tritium Experiment (E12-14-011) is an (e,e'p) experiment in Hall A, comparing the momentum distribution of protons in tritium and helium-3. These nuclei have a large proton-neutron asymmetry, but are also isospin-mirror nuclei, meaning that the proton distribution in tritium can tell us about the neutron distribution in helium-3.  
== Publications and results ==
* '''Comparing proton momentum distributions in A = 2 and 3 nuclei via 2H 3H and 3He (e,e′p) measurements'''
** R. Cruz-Torres, S. Li, F. Hauenstein, A. Schmidt, D. Nguyen, et al., (Jefferson Lab Tritium Collaboration)
** [https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0370269319306045 Phys. Lett. B '''797''', 134890 (2019)]
** [https://arxiv.org/abs/1902.06358 arXiv:1902.06358 (2019)]
[[Image:Screen Shot 2019-02-22 at 2.23.35 PM.png|300px|center]]
* '''Probing few-body nuclear dynamics via 3H and 3He (e,e'p)pn cross-section measurements'''
** R. Cruz-Torres, D. Nguyen, S. Li, F. Hauenstein, A. Schmidt, et al., (Jefferson Lab Tritium Collaboration)
** [https://arxiv.org/abs/2001.07230 arXiv:2001.07230 (2020)]
[[Image:Screen Shot 2020-01-31 at 10.20.18 PM.png|600px|center]]
== Important codes ==
* replay script can be found here:
**(Make sure to be in the "coincidence" branch)
* bash scripts to submit jobs to the farm can be found here:
* skimmer and combiner codes can be found here:
* skimmer keeps events based on the database: elist_database.
**This event list was created with the following code by Shujie:
== During the experiment ==
== During the experiment ==
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* [[Data-taking period]]
* [[Data-taking period]]
== Important Links ==
== Beam Energy Calibration ==
[https://www.jlab.org/indico/event/197/session/3/contribution/12/material/slides/0.pdf Done by D. Higinbotham] ([[This is a 'pass-dependent' statement]])
* [http://hallaweb.jlab.org/ Hall-A website]
For second pass beam, use the Tiefenbach energy multiplied by 1.0025(5)
* [https://logbooks.jlab.org/book/halog Hall-A Elog]
* [https://misportal.jlab.org/mis/apps/physics/shiftSchedule/index.cfm?experimentRunId=TRITON-2017 Shift Sign-Up]
* [https://misportal.jlab.org/mis/physics/shiftSchedule/?experimentRunId=TRITON-2017 Shift Schedule] (Read only)
* [https://wiki.jlab.org/tegwiki/index.php/Run_Plan_From_Run_Coordinator Run Coordinator Page]
* [https://www.jlab.org/accel/ops/ops.html CEBAF Status]
* [http://hallaweb.jlab.org/equipment/HRS.html HRS info]
== Other information ==
(That is, replace the value Ebeam in db_run.dat by 1.0025xEbeam)
After this correction, the measured Ebeam (before Eloss corrections) is '''~ 4.3255 GeV'''
[http://hallaweb.jlab.org/equipment/beam/energy/arc_web.html check this too]
== Raster Calibration ==
[[More details here]]
== Target Information ==
* [https://logbooks.jlab.org/files/2018/01/3514205/TGT-RPT-17-007.pdf Tritium Target Tech. Note]
* [https://logbooks.jlab.org/files/2018/01/3510390/DT_A1845.pdf Target Ladder Alignment Survey January 2018]
* [https://hallaweb.jlab.org/wiki/images/0/06/H3_target_info_summary.pdf Information from Jesse]
* [https://logbooks.jlab.org/files/2017/12/3501699/TGT-CALC-17-020.pdf Target Densities (TGT-CALC-17-020)]
* [https://logbooks.jlab.org/files/2018/11/3619916/TGT-CALC-17-020.pdf Target Densities (TGT-CALC-17-020) <- NEW ONE]
* [https://hallaweb.jlab.org/wiki/images/7/7b/Tritium_decay.pdf Helium contamination in tritium target - by Tyler Kutz]
{| style="border: 1px solid black;"
!density [mg/cm2]
!70.8 +/- 0.4
!142.15 +/- 0.8
!85.1 +/- 0.8
!53.4 +/- 0.6
== Kinematics ==
* Kinematics [https://hallaweb.jlab.org/wiki/images/8/87/Main_kinematics.pdf MORE DETAILS HERE]
[https://hallaweb.jlab.org/wiki/images/8/87/Main_kinematics.pdf MORE DETAILS HERE]
**Ebeam (nominal) = 4300 MeV
**Ebeam (epics) = 4318.49 MeV
These are the nominal values we got by optimizing in simc (these are not the actual values from the experiment)
{| style="border: 1px solid black;"
{| style="border: 1px solid black;"
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* '''BCM calibration'''
== HRS Angles, Surveys, and Mispointings ==
** run number: 100172
** target: carbon foil
** currents and attenuator values:
***      3uA ---> 140
***      7uA ---> 163
***    12uA ---> 184
***    18uA ---> 204
*** 22.2uA ---> 214
**These are nominal values for the beam current. Gotta get the actual values from epics info.
** See example in the halog, entry number: 3505501
* '''Unser calibration'''
** run number: 100451
** target: dummy
** current values: 0,2,0,3,0,5,0,10,0,25,0,40,0,60,0,80,0,90,0,100,0,2,0,3,0,5,0,10,0 uA
** Ideally we would have completed two full cycles from 0 to 100 uA, but the beam came back and we decided to go back to production.
** See example in the halog, entry number: 3499263
== Shift Instructions ==
* [https://wiki.jlab.org/tegwiki/index.php/How-To_and_Shift_Info Overview]
* More detailed instructions
** [https://wiki.jlab.org/tegwiki/index.php/ShiftLeader Shift Leader ]
** [https://wiki.jlab.org/tegwiki/index.php/TargetOperator Target Operator ]
** [https://wiki.jlab.org/tegwiki/index.php/Third Third Person ]
Instructions for important tasks
* Running with the carbon-Hole target
* Running with the optics target
* Running with the dummy target
* Running with the tritium target
* Running with the helium-3 target
== JLab Training ==
* You need to have a JLab account and be an active user.
* All trainings are available [https://www.jlab.org/div_dept/train/webbasedtraining.html HERE].
* You can check the current status of your trainings [https://misportal.jlab.org/training/home.seam HERE].
=== Regular Trainings: ===
The trainings that we need are:
* SAF110T - Tritium Training
* SAF116kd - Physics Division Work Governance
* SAF103 - ODH Training (Short quiz at the end)
* SAF100 - EH&S Orientation
* SAF801 - Radiation Worker Training
** If you do it for the first time you need to do a quiz at a JLab computer and a practical test. Afterwards you get your personal dosimeter
** If you renew your Radiation Worker training you only need to do the quiz.
* SAF110 - After you did all of the above you need the Hall A walkthrough.
* Read and sign the COO/ESAD/RSAD/ERG in the counting room. Electronic copies are [http://hallaweb.jlab.org/index/safety-docs/current/ HERE].
=== Tritium Target Operator Training ===
* Most detailed description of what to do can be found [https://wiki.jlab.org/jlab_tritium_target_wiki/index.php/Training HERE].
* cryotarget training (lets you operate the standard Hall-A/C targets)
** Contact Greg, JP, and Silviu (see table above) to schedule time to receive a lecture. Lecture slides [http://hallaweb.jlab.org/equipment/targets/cryotargets/TOtraining.pdf HERE].
** Lecture training followed by a practical training with one of them.
** Take half a shift with a trained Target Operator.
** Once the steps above are completed, send an email to Meekins, Greg, JP, and Silviu letting them know
* Tritium Target Operator Training
** Note that this is different from the SAF110T - Tritium Training mentioned above
** Training consists of going through the slides [https://wiki.jlab.org/jlab_tritium_target_wiki/images/e/e1/Hall_A_Tritium_Target_Operator_Training.pdf HERE].
** Send an email to Meekins letting him know that you completed the training
== Documentation ==
* [https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Kt_5uLLEZvaStKJK1RfV_C5BNUpuJaaEfpH8UXgCA3k/edit#gid=0 Run List]
* [http://hallaweb.jlab.org/12GeV/experiment/E12-07-108/Publications/Technical/Spectrometer/Fall16/Right&Left_HRS_GMP_Fa16.pdf For collimator cut]
* [https://hallaweb.jlab.org/wiki/images/d/df/18_04_04_Tritium_%28e%2Ce%27p%29_v3.pdf Experiment seminar slides]
* [https://hallaweb.jlab.org/wiki/images/b/bb/18_04_06_Run_Plan.pdf Run and online analysis slides]
* [[Raster]]
* [[HRS DAQ Resources]]
* Simulation
** [[Using MCEEP]]
** [[Using SIMC]]
** [[Using COSY]]
* [[Tel Aviv University SRC group]]
* [[http://hallaweb.jlab.org/wiki back to Hall A wiki]]
== Target Information ==
* [https://logbooks.jlab.org/files/2018/01/3514205/TGT-RPT-17-007.pdf Tritium Target Tech. Note]
* [https://logbooks.jlab.org/files/2018/01/3510390/DT_A1845.pdf Target Ladder Alignment Survey January 2018]
* [https://hallaweb.jlab.org/wiki/images/0/06/H3_target_info_summary.pdf Information from Jesse]
== HRS Surveys and Mispointings ==
* Spectrometer Surveys
* Spectrometer Surveys
** [https://hallaweb.jlab.org/wiki/images/3/34/L-HRS_Tritium%284-17-2018%29.pdf LHRS Survey, April 17 (during slow and fast2 kinematics)]
** [https://hallaweb.jlab.org/wiki/images/3/34/L-HRS_Tritium%284-17-2018%29.pdf LHRS Survey, April 17 (during slow and fast2 kinematics)]
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== Reference Reading ==  
== HRS Momenta ==
Values taken from db_run.dat file.
{| style="border: 1px solid black;"
!Run number
!LHRS p_cent [GeV]
!RHRS p_cent [GeV]
== Optics ==
[http://web.mit.edu/reynier/www/Tritium_optics_matrices/LHRS_current_optics.html current LHRS matrix]
[http://web.mit.edu/reynier/www/Tritium_optics_matrices/RHRS_current_optics.html current RHRS matrix]
[[More information can be found here]]
== Other information ==
* '''BCM calibration'''
** run number: 100172
** target: carbon foil
** currents and attenuator values:
***      3uA ---> 140
***      7uA ---> 163
***    12uA ---> 184
***    18uA ---> 204
*** 22.2uA ---> 214
**These are nominal values for the beam current. Gotta get the actual values from epics info.
** See example in the halog, entry number: 3505501
* '''Unser calibration'''
** run number: 100451
** target: dummy
** current values: 0,2,0,3,0,5,0,10,0,25,0,40,0,60,0,80,0,90,0,100,0,2,0,3,0,5,0,10,0 uA
** Ideally we would have completed two full cycles from 0 to 100 uA, but the beam came back and we decided to go back to production.
** See example in the halog, entry number: 3499263
== Root files on Tape ==
Actual raw data: /mss/halla/triton/raw/
July 10th, 2018: [[/mss/halla/triton/prod/coinc_eep/pass2.1/all/]]
July 27th, 2018: [[/mss/halla/triton/prod/coinc_eep/pass2.2/all/]]
August 10th, 2018: [[/mss/halla/triton/prod/coinc_eep/pass2.3/all/]]
== Documentation ==
* [https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Kt_5uLLEZvaStKJK1RfV_C5BNUpuJaaEfpH8UXgCA3k/edit#gid=0 Run List]
* [http://hallaweb.jlab.org/12GeV/experiment/E12-07-108/Publications/Technical/Spectrometer/Fall16/Right&Left_HRS_GMP_Fa16.pdf For collimator cut] (this cut ended up not being used)
* [https://hallaweb.jlab.org/wiki/images/d/df/18_04_04_Tritium_%28e%2Ce%27p%29_v3.pdf Experiment seminar slides]
* [https://hallaweb.jlab.org/wiki/images/b/bb/18_04_06_Run_Plan.pdf Run and online analysis slides]
* [https://arxiv.org/pdf/1811.12167.pdf Boiling paper]
* [[Raster]]
* [[HRS DAQ Resources]]
* Simulation
** [[Using MCEEP]]
** [[Using SIMC]]
** [[Using COSY]]
* [[Tel Aviv University SRC group]]
* [https://hallaweb.jlab.org/experiment/Tritium/E12-11-112/tritium_page/runlist.php?exp=EPrunlist&runtype=All&hrs=all&target=All&keyword=&submit=search MySQL Database]
=== Reference Reading ===  
* [https://hallaweb.jlab.org/wiki/images/2/26/PR12-13-012.pdf Proposal ] for E12-14-011, approved by PAC-42
* [https://hallaweb.jlab.org/wiki/images/2/26/PR12-13-012.pdf Proposal ] for E12-14-011, approved by PAC-42
Line 194: Line 260:
* [http://hallaweb.jlab.org/publications/Technotes/files/2002/02-012.pdf Tech notes on HRS optics calibration]
* [http://hallaweb.jlab.org/publications/Technotes/files/2002/02-012.pdf Tech notes on HRS optics calibration]
* [https://misportal.jlab.org/ul/publications/view_pub.cfm?pub_id=12877 Hall A Coordinate systems (Ye Zhihong PhD thesis)]
* [https://misportal.jlab.org/ul/publications/view_pub.cfm?pub_id=12877 Hall A Coordinate systems (Ye Zhihong PhD thesis)]
* [http://hallaweb.jlab.org/equipment/HRS.html HRS info]
=== Previous (e,e'p) studies ===
=== Previous (e,e'p) studies ===
Line 200: Line 267:
* [http://hallaweb.jlab.org/experiment/E07-006/ Hall-A E07-006 4He(e,e'p) experiment]
* [http://hallaweb.jlab.org/experiment/E07-006/ Hall-A E07-006 4He(e,e'p) experiment]
== Weekly SRC Meetings (Wednesdays 9:30 ET) ==
== Meetings ==
* [[Files (SRC Meetings)]]
=== Bi-weekly Tritium SRC Analysis Meetings (Every Other Tuesdays 10:00 ET)===
== Bi-weekly SRC Analysis Meetings (Every Other Tuesdays 10:00 ET) ==
* [[SRC Analysis Meetings]]
* [[SRC Analysis Meetings]]
=== Weekly SRC Meetings (Wednesdays 9:30 ET) ===
* [[Files (SRC Meetings)]]

Latest revision as of 23:20, 31 January 2020

The SRC Tritium Experiment (E12-14-011) is an (e,e'p) experiment in Hall A, comparing the momentum distribution of protons in tritium and helium-3. These nuclei have a large proton-neutron asymmetry, but are also isospin-mirror nuclei, meaning that the proton distribution in tritium can tell us about the neutron distribution in helium-3.

Publications and results

Screen Shot 2019-02-22 at 2.23.35 PM.png
  • Probing few-body nuclear dynamics via 3H and 3He (e,e'p)pn cross-section measurements
    • R. Cruz-Torres, D. Nguyen, S. Li, F. Hauenstein, A. Schmidt, et al., (Jefferson Lab Tritium Collaboration)
    • arXiv:2001.07230 (2020)
Screen Shot 2020-01-31 at 10.20.18 PM.png

Important codes

During the experiment

The information that was more relevant for activities during the data-taking period will be moved from this page to the following new page:

Beam Energy Calibration

Done by D. Higinbotham (This is a 'pass-dependent' statement)

For second pass beam, use the Tiefenbach energy multiplied by 1.0025(5)

(That is, replace the value Ebeam in db_run.dat by 1.0025xEbeam)

After this correction, the measured Ebeam (before Eloss corrections) is ~ 4.3255 GeV

check this too

Raster Calibration

More details here

Target Information

Target density [mg/cm2]
Hydrogen 70.8 +/- 0.4
Deuterium 142.15 +/- 0.8
Tritium 85.1 +/- 0.8
Helium-3 53.4 +/- 0.6



These are the nominal values we got by optimizing in simc (these are not the actual values from the experiment)

Kinematics LHRS momentum [GeV] LHRS angle [deg] RHRS momentum [GeV] RHRS angle [deg]
Fast 3.543 20.88 1.4805 48.80
Slow 3.543 20.88 1.246 58.50
Parallel (Hydrogen) 3.543 17.80 1.4805 48.80

HRS Angles, Surveys, and Mispointings

LVDT retults

Kinematics Run number L mispointing [mm] R mispointing [mm] LHRS angle [deg] RHRS angle [deg]
Fast 100085 1.18245 -0.70915 20.8837 48.8207
Hydrogen 100100 0.9882 -0.7113 17.8017 48.8207
Slow 100532 0.48765 -0.65395 20.8812 58.5031
Fast2 100658 0.49145 -2.9875 20.8812 48.8187
Hydrogen2 100685 0.8831 -3.00255 17.8053 48.8188

HRS Momenta

Values taken from db_run.dat file.

Kinematics Run number LHRS p_cent [GeV] RHRS p_cent [GeV]
Fast 100085 3.54334 1.48051
Hydrogen 100102 3.54334 1.4805
Slow 100532 3.54331 1.246
Fast2 100658 3.5433 1.48051
Hydrogen2 100685 3.5433 1.4805


current LHRS matrix

current RHRS matrix

More information can be found here

Other information

  • BCM calibration
    • run number: 100172
    • target: carbon foil
    • currents and attenuator values:
      • 3uA ---> 140
      • 7uA ---> 163
      • 12uA ---> 184
      • 18uA ---> 204
      • 22.2uA ---> 214
    • These are nominal values for the beam current. Gotta get the actual values from epics info.
    • See example in the halog, entry number: 3505501
  • Unser calibration
    • run number: 100451
    • target: dummy
    • current values: 0,2,0,3,0,5,0,10,0,25,0,40,0,60,0,80,0,90,0,100,0,2,0,3,0,5,0,10,0 uA
    • Ideally we would have completed two full cycles from 0 to 100 uA, but the beam came back and we decided to go back to production.
    • See example in the halog, entry number: 3499263

Root files on Tape

Actual raw data: /mss/halla/triton/raw/

July 10th, 2018: /mss/halla/triton/prod/coinc_eep/pass2.1/all/

July 27th, 2018: /mss/halla/triton/prod/coinc_eep/pass2.2/all/

August 10th, 2018: /mss/halla/triton/prod/coinc_eep/pass2.3/all/


Reference Reading

Previous (e,e'p) studies


Bi-weekly Tritium SRC Analysis Meetings (Every Other Tuesdays 10:00 ET)

Weekly SRC Meetings (Wednesdays 9:30 ET)