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How to taking Data

Start Coda

  • How to run DAQ
    • From a terminal login as "adaq2" machine (do "ssh adaq@adaq2" without the quotes)
    • Password is available on the white board
    • After login to adaq2, type "startcoda" to bring up the runcontrol GUI
    • The default configuration is "coincidence", if it is not loaded you can choose it from the menu "configurations->Cool", select "coincidence"
    • Click "Platform->connect"
    • Click on "Download" button
    • Click on "Start (>>)" button, and acknowledge "start-of-run" pop-up window
    • To end a run click on "End" button
  • How to kill coda processes
    • At the terminal of adaq2, type "kcoda"

  • How to setup the Prescale
    • We just use PrescaleR for Ar experiment.
 login as "adaq" on "adaq2" machine
       type "prescaleR &" to open the GUI
       set desired prescale factors and click "Save" and Exit 

Replay data

    • From a terminal login as aonl machine ( do "ssh a-onl" without the quotes)
    • Password is available on the white board
    • After login to a-onl, type gotritium, then Type
      .x replay_coinc.C
      runnumber (You can see the run number from CODA GUI)

Online GUI

(Last updated: February 15th 2017)

Once the run has been replayed (see instructions above), login to aonl1, aonl2, aonl3, or aonl4 as user a-onl (password on the white board) and do

$ gotritium
[] onlineLHRS
[] onlineRHRS

The output files are stored under adaq1/data1/Ar40_[run number].root

Shift Workers

Counting house: 5501 & 5507 | Run coordinator: 876-1787 | MCC: 7046 & 7047 & 7048 | Crew chief: 7045 | Guard house: 8522

Your Responsibilities

Before the start of your shift: read, understand and sign the safety documentation of the experiments.

Shift Leader

  • Communicate clearly and effectively with shift crews and MCC (7047), and log any status information to the HALOG
  • Consult the daily run plans and communicate with [ run coordinator] whenever problems happen that cannot be solved by shift workers.
  • Maintain data taking quality and an efficient use of beam time.
  • Follow the directives in the COO
  • Log the following in a shift summary in the HALOG:
    • run list (describing the goal of this run: eg production on LH2, BMC calibration...) and report main statistic numbers
    • any major events, including accesses

Target Operator

  • Assist the shift leader and third person with their duties

Third person

  • Start and stop the DAQ. Record the purpose for every single run in the "Run list" binders. Read this to create more blank forms.
  • Online replay of all production runs (twice), as described in [online data analysis instructions]. First replay the first 50 k events, check online plots (see next bullet), then run a full replay.
  • Compare replay histograms with the sample ones and report to shift leader any unexplained differences. Halog them.

  • The shift leader or TO can help.

Slow control

How to bring up HAC control window (Hall A Tools), Monticello and JTabs

We like to run this display on is hacsbc2. The monitor is located in the Hall A Counting House in rack CH01A02, just below the NMR dipole oscilloscopes. Click here to see the screen.

If the display is not here: log onto the a-onl or the adaq accounts:

  • Hall A Tools: 'hlamain'
  • JTabs: 'jtabs'
  • Monticello" 'monticello'

JTabs is the newest version of the accelerator tools (it replaces monticello) and has some overlap witht he old EDM monticello and hlamain GUIs. It is most likely to be up to date and working, but maybe missing some items from the EDM tools. [Original halog with nice pictures

High Voltage controls (updated: 03/15, K.Park)

LHRS/RHRS : High Voltage controls

Login as "adev" on the "adaql1" or "adaql2" computers. (since I have added voice alarm for LEFT, RIGHT HRS and Compton HV, please note that command is different !)

cd ~adev/slowc

To run the Left HRS alone: ./hvsL LEFT

To run the Right HRS alone: ./hvsR RIGHT

To run the beamline (Compton) crate: ./hvsC BEAMLINE

The following instructions can be used for running the GUI using the vnc server How to open high voltage GUI. This is not how we want to run routinely.

[HV instructions for users]

[HV for experts]

DVCS : High Voltage controls

[We do not use the right arm]: For the right arm, login in an adaq computer as adev, and launch the program hvgui_vnc.

For the left arm and beamline, go in the Lecroy item in Hall A EPICS menu

For the DVCS calorimeter:
The HV control GUI should be running and you should be able to interact with it through a VNC server.

  • login a-onl@aonl2
  • a-onl@aonl2> cd slowc/
  • Type ./hvs DVCS
    • There are two tabs with high voltages. When switching the high voltage on or off, make sure to do the switch for both tabs!
    • There is always latest version of HV file under: /adaqfs/home/a-onl/slowc/DVCS/hv_set/Calo_HV_XXX.set
  • Since high traffic in loading VNC, HV server GUI is running in local a-onl@aonl2 machine in the counting room (front room) (11/08)

Same screen session in HRS.

For more information about the HV control for the DVCS calorimeter see HV_CALO


How to start DVCS HV GUI on

Login as "a-onl" on the "aonl2" computer. 
(1) cd /adaqfs/home/adaq/dvcs3/slowc/
(2) ./RunDVCS_CalHV_Crates.exe 

hv_set file : /adaqfs/home/adaq/dvcs3/slowc/DVCS/hv_set/allcalo_halla.hv

HV crates in the Hall are labeled new names (DVCS Cal HV1(upper) and DVCS Cal HV2(middle))

PortServer: hatsv17 (
DVCS Cal HV1(upper) : hatsv17:2002
DVCS Cal HV2(middle): hatsv17:2003

HV Frame Configuration file:

DVCS HV map file:

HV map Configuration file:

Run log entry HV map tables are same format as Julie's HVmap, ARS tables and DVCS HV Alarm map GUI.


 If you start HV-GUI but get error "initialization" 
In this case,
>login: a-onl@aonl2
> ps -ef | grep -i hvs  (make sure you are not Killing HRS HV ~!!)
> kill -9 PROCESS#
> cd ~/slowc/
> .hvs DVCS

How to start DVCS ADC readout through EPICS

IOC iochacs boot parameters

boot device          : dc
unit number          : 0
processor number     : 0
host name            : opsfs
file name            : /cs/op/iocs/iochacs/vx/
inet on ethernet (e) :
host inet (h)        :
gateway inet (g)     :
user (u)             : vxwrks
flags (f)            : 0x80
target name (tn)     : iochacs
startup script (s)   : /cs/op/iocs/iochacs/startup
Login as "" that is accelerator computer. You need an accelerator computer account.
I have tested thorugh this:
> ssh -X
> edmRun /a/opsuser/mccops/edm/HALLA/DVCS/dvcsCalorimeter-new.edl

How to read DVCS Calo HV/Anode current and record Start_Run_Log

<b>MAKE SURE HV GUI IS RUNNIGN ONLINE</b> because hvcli uses TCP/IP protocol only  
Login as "adaq" on the "adaq1" or "adaq2" computers. 
> /adaqfs/home/adaq/scripts/epicsRunStart

make sure you call current version of "" in the "epicsRunStart"
look at the line# 1507, 1510: They should:

/adaqfs/home/adev/dvcs3/slowc/ -D DVCS -c GET -P MV -m 0:12,0:15 >> $epicsfile
/adaqfs/home/adev/dvcs3/slowc/ -D DVCS -c GET -P MC -m 0:12,0:15 >> $epicsfile

DVCS Calo Anode current Alarm

For a moment, we have only an alarm related with VME server status ( If lost connection, there is an audible alarm.
(1) ping to make sure it is a connection issue.
(2) if there is no ping result, you should reboot the VME by remote power-cycle. 

please see the step How-To-Reboot

DVCS Temperature Monitor

We installed the heat sensor (TEMPer1f which Charles bought) inside of DVCS calorimeter dark-box.

The motivation is to investigate the pedestal oscillation (possibly temperature dependence, air condition run cycle...)

At lease this allows us to monitor the temperature inside of dark-box The sensor installation is shown in the attached figure. (top of calorimeter frame)[Picture] We used the 33ft x 2 USB extension cables for the connection between sensor and dvcsdaq2 computer(down the hall).

ssh -X
cd /home/dvcs/DVCS_Temp/temper/usb-thermometer/

dvcs@dvcsdaq2> pcsensor 
2014/12/01 17:28:43 Temperature 99.61F 37.56C
    • How to install Driver
(1) make sure you have "libusb-dev"
how to check ?
> rpm -qa | grep -i libusb

If you don't have it, please
obtain "libusb-devel-0.1.12-23.el6.x86_64.rpm"
from " web" or
ifarm "/lustre/expphy/volatile/clas/claseg3/parkkj/DVCS/DVCS_Temp/temper/"

(2) install
>rpm -Uvh ibusb-devel-0.1.12-23.el6.x86_64.rpm
> rpm -qa | grep -i libusb

(3) copy directory: "usb-thermometer"
from " web" or 
ifarm "/lustre/expphy/volatile/clas/claseg3/parkkj/DVCS/DVCS_Temp/temper/"

(4) cd /home/dvcs/DVCS_Temp/temper/usb-thermometer
> cp 99-tempsensor.rules /etc/udev/rules.d/
> make
> scp pcsensor /usr/local/bin/

should be long as USB-cable is connected...
(reboot machine if necessary...)
    • Where is Script

script is running under on /home/dvcs/temp/ cat temp2.log (DVCS HV on @17:51)

    • How to Monitor
>> ssh -X a-onl@aonl1
>> cd /adaqfs/home/a-onl/parkkj/temper/
>> ./GetDVCSTempTime.exe  (If password asked (usually NOT but in case), type same as one of adaq1)
>> display tempNow.png  (You can post this figure on HALOG if it needs.)
  • This plot shows the temperature history between -8hrs and Now.

DVCS HV alarm

If you hear about DVCS HV alarm (either Red flashing rectangular box on screen .OR. Voice), please look at the DVCS HV GUI which is running on machine then figure out the what the problem is.

Alarm Detail (which has HV GUI screen here !, username:adaq, passwd: same as adaq1)

/home/adaq/beep/ -> DVCS_HV_alarm.wav (updated K.Park Feb.08,2016) (username:adaq, passwd: same as adaq1)

~/slowc/hvg.bob/hvtools -. (edit line5)
"ssh adaq@hapc3 /usr/bin/play /adaqfs/home/adaq/beep/call_alarm1" (DVCS_HV_Alarm.wav)
cd ..
havac hvtools/

HRS HV alarm

If you hear about Left/Right HV alarm (either Red flashing rectangular box on screen .OR. Voice), please look at either LeftHRS or RightHRS HV GUI which are running on "adev" on the "adaql1" or "adaql2"

    • make sure "beepServer" is running on hapc3...If you are not sure run "/home/adaq/beep/start_beepserver"

Alarm Detail (which has HV GUI screen here !, username:adaq, passwd: same as adaq1)

/home/adaq/beep/ -> LeftHRS_HV_Alarm.wav (username:adaq, passwd: NOT same as adaq1: gev instead daq)

/adaqfs/home/adev/slowc/hvg.newAug2014/hvtools -. 
"ssh adaq@hapc3 /usr/bin/play /home/adaq/beep/call_alarm3"

==Links to more HV help==
These two links provide some <b>old</b> but useful information.

For experts 

or contact to Kijun Park <>

LED table control

The LED driver is located in the DVCS IOC. To access it:

  • open a terminal, and type the command: "telnet iochacs"
  • load the LED control library by typing: "ld < NewLedLib.o"

Then it is possible to control the led. Few commands:

  • SetFrequency(prescalefactor1,prescalefactor2), to turn off the LED put a large prescale factor SetFrequency(0xffff,0xffff)
  • To switch ON the LED corresponding to a particular block: SetBlock(columnNbr, rowNbr)
  • To scan several blocks of the calo with the LEDs: ScanCalo(MaxColumnNbr, MaxRowNumber, Number)
  • SetDelayTrig(Step)
  • SetDelayLed(Step)
  • To turn the Led Off LedOff()
  • To turn the Led On LedOn()

Reboot calorimeter HV crates/ Port Server/ VME ADCs crate (10/28/2016)

If the DC current are not read out ( ie GUI frozen and time out in the end of run ) that could mean that the IOC iochacs ( is down.

If the DVCS CALO ADC readback is frozen, here is the detailed procedure for IOC reboot:

1. open a terminal on adaq1
2. telnet src2 (username: adaq and password same as for hacweb8)
3. menu option 1- Device Manager
4. menu option 2- Outlet Management
5. menu option 1- Outlet Control/Configuration
6. menu option 10-  DVCS ADC VMECrate  (*Note that now you see correct name on console !)
7. menu option 1- Control Outlet
8. option 3 immediate reboot

exit: use <ESC>

Alternative way, You need a hardware reboot by pushing the reset button in the hall VME module is in the middle size black rack beside DVCS HV rack. You see the "reset" button on the top-front panel of module.

The IOC is plugged on a remoter control power strip which is using the hostname src2 

The plug assignements are
1 hatsv17(port server)
5 DVCS Bottom HV
6 GEM Test HV
15 DVCS Top HV

End CODA run first (see modified instructions in halog 342245 [[1]])

Login on the src2 host ( use the username and password for hacweb8 ) and go outlet control and select reboot immediate on the selected plug. Here is a detailed procedure in halog 341127 [[2]]

How to reboot iocs and the Ethernet/GPIB converters for the Unser and BCMs

See the link:

Low Pressure and Gas Shed Air Flow Alarm

Read [this].


Ar(ee'p) DAQ