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Argon (e e`P) Wiki Page (Back to Hall-A Main Wiki)


  • Please sign up for shifts -- [link]
  • Please read and sign the safety documentation in the count house. A readable versions can be found [here]!
  • Here is a link to the [Run list] for the Argon experiment.

Daily Run Meetings

Daily Run Meetings

Daily Run meetings are typically at 4pm in the Counting House 2nd floor conference room. Meeting announcements are sent to the mailing list.



How to taking Data

Start Coda

  • How to run DAQ
    • From a terminal login as "adaq2" machine (do "ssh adaq@adaq2" without the quotes)
    • Password is available on the white board
    • After login to adaq2, type "startcoda" to bring up the runcontrol GUI
    • The default configuration is "coincidence", if it is not loaded you can choose it from the menu "configurations->Cool", select "coincidence"
    • Click "Platform->connect"
    • Click on "Download" button
    • Click on "Start (>>)" button, and acknowledge "start-of-run" pop-up window
    • To end a run click on "End" button
  • How to kill coda processes
    • At the terminal of adaq2, type "kcoda"

  • How to setup the Prescale
    • We just use PrescaleR for Ar experiment.
 login as "adaq" on "adaq2" machine
       type "prescaleR &" to open the GUI
       set desired prescale factors and click "Save" and Exit 

Replay data

    • From a terminal login as a-onl machine ( do "ssh aonl" without the quotes)
    • Password is available on the white board
    • After login to aonl, type gotritium, then Type
      .x replay_coinc.C
      runnumber (You can see the run number from CODA GUI)

Online GUI

(Last updated: February 15th 2017)

Once the run has been replayed (see instructions above), login to aonl1, aonl2, aonl3, or aonl4 as user a-onl (password on the white board) and do

$ gotritium
[] onlineCOINC Run#

The output files are stored under adaq1/data1/Ar40_[run number].root

Shift Workers

Counting house: 5501 & 5507 | Run coordinator: 876-1787 | MCC: 7046 & 7047 & 7048 | Crew chief: 7045 | Guard house: 8522

Your Responsibilities

Before the start of your shift: read, understand and sign the safety documentation of the experiments.

Shift Leader

  • Communicate clearly and effectively with shift crews and MCC (7047), and log any status information to the HALOG
  • Maintain data taking quality and an efficient use of beam time.
  • Follow the directives in the COO
  • Log the following in a shift summary in the HALOG:
    • run list (describing the goal of this run: eg production on LH2, BMC calibration...) and report main statistic numbers
    • any major events, including accesses

Target Operator

  • Assist the shift leader and third person with their duties

Third person

  • Start and stop the DAQ. Record the purpose for every single run in the "Run list" binders. Read [this] to create more blank forms.
  • Online replay of all production runs (twice), as described in [online data analysis instructions]. First replay the first 50 k events, check online plots (see next bullet), then run a full replay.
    • You can find the information on how to complete these task in the [Data Taking] section of this page.
  • Compare replay histograms with the sample ones and report to shift leader any unexplained differences. Halog them.
  • Fill shift checklist once per shift (for guidance, please see the checklist how-to), go here to find blank copies of the shift [check list] and the [shift check list how to.]

  • The shift leader or TO can help.

Beam Recovery Procedure

Update: October 24, 2010.

  • Empty target, establish correct beam position
    • 5 uA empty target
    • BPM4A (X,Y) = ( 0.0, 0.0) mm
    • BPM4B (X,Y) = ( 0.0, 0.0) mm
    • See white board for updates on these.
    • Tolerances on these : +/- 0.3 mm
  • In standard configuration we run without the raster (ok on cryotarget if beam current is less than 5uA)
  • Put in BeO target, for visual check of spot (if camera still works)
    • 10 uA rastered beam on BeO.

Slow control

How to bring up HAC control window (Hall A Tools), Monticello and JTabs

We like to run this display on is hacsbc2. The monitor is located in the Hall A Counting House in rack CH01A02, just below the NMR dipole oscilloscopes. Click here to see the screen.

If the display is not here: log onto the a-onl or the adaq accounts:

  • Hall A Tools: 'hlamain'
  • JTabs: 'jtabs'
  • Monticello" 'monticello'

JTabs is the newest version of the accelerator tools (it replaces monticello) and has some overlap witht he old EDM monticello and hlamain GUIs. It is most likely to be up to date and working, but maybe missing some items from the EDM tools. [Original halog with nice pictures

High Voltage controls (updated: 03/15, K.Park)

LHRS/RHRS : High Voltage controls

Login as "adev" on the "adaql1" or "adaql2" computers. (since I have added voice alarm for LEFT, RIGHT HRS and Compton HV, please note that command is different !)

cd ~adev/slowc

To run the Left HRS alone: ./hvsL LEFT

To run the Right HRS alone: ./hvsR RIGHT

To run the beamline (Compton) crate: ./hvsC BEAMLINE

The following instructions can be used for running the GUI using the vnc server How to open high voltage GUI. This is not how we want to run routinely.

[HV instructions for users]

[HV for experts]

Alarm Detail (which has HV GUI screen here !, username:adaq, passwd: same as adaq1)

/home/adaq/beep/ -> DVCS_HV_alarm.wav (updated K.Park Feb.08,2016) (username:adaq, passwd: same as adaq1)

~/slowc/hvg.bob/hvtools -. (edit line5)
"ssh adaq@hapc3 /usr/bin/play /adaqfs/home/adaq/beep/call_alarm1" (DVCS_HV_Alarm.wav)
cd ..
havac hvtools/

HRS HV alarm

If you hear about Left/Right HV alarm (either Red flashing rectangular box on screen .OR. Voice), please look at either LeftHRS or RightHRS HV GUI which are running on "adev" on the "adaql1" or "adaql2"

    • make sure "beepServer" is running on hapc3...If you are not sure run "/home/adaq/beep/start_beepserver"

Alarm Detail (which has HV GUI screen here !, username:adaq, passwd: same as adaq1)

/home/adaq/beep/ -> LeftHRS_HV_Alarm.wav (username:adaq, passwd: NOT same as adaq1: gev instead daq)

/adaqfs/home/adev/slowc/hvg.newAug2014/hvtools -. 
"ssh adaq@hapc3 /usr/bin/play /home/adaq/beep/call_alarm3"

==Links to more HV help==
These two links provide some <b>old</b> but useful information.

For experts 

or contact to Kijun Park <>

How to reboot iocs and the Ethernet/GPIB converters for the Unser and BCMs

See the link:

Low Pressure and Gas Shed Air Flow Alarm

Read [this].


Starting HALOG

  • For the standalone halog utility: 'ssh adaq@adaqX' ; 'halog'. This will submitt to the new logbook.
    • Enter text in the large message area, your name in the User area, and a title in the Subject field. Remember that experiments tend to suffer from too little documentation, not too much. Also, halog entries allow people to remotely check on the experiment progress without bothering you with phone calls. When complete, after pressing the "Make Entry" button, the text in the message center at the top of the window should read 'Entry was saved with lognumber <XXXX>', otherwise something is wrong. It may take a minute or two for the entry to show up in the logbook.
    • Making a screen snapshot: Click 'Add Attachment' in the bottom button row of the halog window. The halog window will disappear, and the window the cursor is in will become the active window, its outline flashing. By moving the cursor you can select any window to be selected, by clicking on the left mouse button. You also can select an arbitrary part of the screen by holding down the left mouse button and dragging the cursor along. All the time a rectangle will flash that indicates the selected area. Releasing the mouse button will then cause this screen area to be included into the entry. It will show up as a thumbnail picture in the halog window, where you can discard it or accept it, and then make a second screen grab.

How to bring up the Alarm Handler

  • From the "toolbox" icon in the taskbar, press the "Alarm Handler" label. Alarms are indicated by a beep and the alarm handler button flashing. The color red indicates values far out of range, while the color white indicates a communication failure. Clicking on the alarm handler button will bring up an alarm handler list. A detailed list is given in the left panel, and clicking on items here brings up a more detailed list in the right panel. The alarm can be acknowledged and silenced by clicking on the button beside the alarm indicator.

[This Halog entry] has some more info about the alarm settings. If the alarm is up but there is no sound, check [this halog entry].

How to launch the StripChart monitor (updated 07/26/2016)

  • > ssh -X hacuser@hlal00 (password on the white board if needed/ no passed is needed if you login from
  • > cd /a/opsuser/hacuser/DVCS_anode_current
  • > MyaViewer -type Strip -file dvcs_anode_col1.xml (this is for 1st column of DVCS block: far-away from beam line)
  • > MyaViewer -type Strip -file dvcs_anode_col13.xml (this is for 13th column of DVCS block: closest to beam line)
  • for more detail information: contact to Kijun Park(

You can plot time dependencies of EPICS variables

Two options:

  • Plotting from now on: Pressing the "toolbox" icon and launch "StripTool", which enables you to plot any EPICS variable(s) versus time. To find out the name of a particular EPICS variable, click on it with the middle mouse button on the MEDM GUI.
  • Plotting things from the past: log as hacuser on hlal00 (pssword on the wall). Launch "menubar", then look for the "Archiver Menu", then "MyaViewer-Archive Chart"

How to bring up the Beamtime Time Accounting Table (updated 11/05)

See for information.

What/where to check target temperature and pressure

The target temperature and pressure is displayed on the target GUIs running on cryotarg as well as on the camera monitors in the rack (CH01A06) left of the target computer. Look at the camera monitor on the top right of rack CH01A06. It displays the temperatures for the three loops on three white temperature controllers, with loop 1 at the top and loop 3 on the bottom. Ask the TO for help if you can't find the temperature or it doesn't make sense. The adjacent camera displays the JT valve controller readings and tachometers.

How to bring back OTR viewer

  • click System Expert in the jtab
  • click Viewers
  • click Cross Point Switch
  • Select XPT
  • A window will open (Crosspoint Video Control), click on the live button for Hall A OTR
  • select live BC3 adviewer, the viewer window will appear.
  • Call MCC to use the OTR

Blank lists (shift check list, run list, compton run list)

Needs to be changed

For blank copies of the shift [check list] and the [shift check list how to.].

The data run list is available in a white binder in the counting house. In order to generate more runlists, follow the instructions below:

  • Log into a-onl@aonl1
  • cd tritium/runlist
  • Open runlist.tex and edit the line \Setcounter{run}{'put the latest run number here'}
  • do: latex runlist.tex
  • do: dvips -o runlist.dvi
  • do: lp -d chax (Print to printer in the backroom)

How to take BCM calibration run

(Borrowed from [GMP wiki].)

In brief, we need:

1. tell MCC our plan: e.g. go over the sequence 0,1,3, 5, 0, 10, 0, 12.5, 0, 15, 0, 17,5, 0, 20, 0, 22,5, 0, 25, 27.5, 0, 30 uA twice in a single run. 90 seconds for each current change (e.g. 90sec for 0uA, 90sec for 5uA...). The idea is to cover our production (and boiling study) beam current range (0 to 25 uA in our case), and have at least 10 points. This process may take one or two hours.

2. the raster/target don't matter. But there may be a limit of current we can deposit to the beam dump if we put target to empty. Check with MCC. We took the first BCM run with Carbon foil target with raster on.

3. we can turn off all trigger except the clock (PS8), a prescale factor of 200 or 500 should be fine (to keep the event rate at a few hundred Hz) In the first BCM calibration run 630 we used ps8=500 and the statistics is not good. So maybe ps=200 would be better.

4. start bcm logger:

Start BCM Logger script Login from 'adaq1' as 'hacuser' to 'hlal00' or 'hlal01' computer. Type command:


The data will be stored to text file 'BCMLOG/bcm_log_$DATE_$TIME.log' where $DATE is current date and $TIME is current time.

To stop BCM logger type in terminal:


Default list of EPICS variables that will be logged into data file are defined in script ~bin/BCM_logger:

 PV_LIST="hac_bcm_dvm1_read hac_bcm_dvm2_read hac_unser_read hac_unser_current 
                 FCupsCORRECTED.VAL IBC0L02Current IBC1H00:bcmtctemp_r HA:K224:Current HA:K224:Operate"

5. start coda, go over the currents described in step 1, twice, in a single run. If tripped, go back to 0 uA, then back to the previous current. Please take notes and post it on halog.

6. stop coda, stop logger.


Ar(ee'p) DAQ

If you can not find the information you were looking for here, please check the [DVCS how to] webpage.

[Halla Webpage]

[Shift Schedule]

[Tritium Group Main Page]

[Tritium Group How To]