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E08-014 : Three Nucleons Short Range Correlations at x>2

Experiment propusal

E08-014 web site

Spetrometers and Detectors


Run Details


How To Documentation

1, Login into adaq machines in counting house:
   [adaq@adaql2 $] ssh -X adaq@adaqlN (N=3~10, DONOT use adaql1,adaql2 for data analysis)
2, Go to Experiment Directory: (/adaqfs/home/adaq/e07006/onlana)
    [adaq@adaql10 $]goonlana
3, Run replay Script:
    [adaq@adaql10 $]analyzer 'replay_HRS.C(XXXX,50000)'  (XXXX is the run number)
4, Run OnlineGUI:
    [adaq@adaql10 $]analyzer
     analyzer [3]: online("HRS",XXXX) 
All replay scipts and detectors calibration scripts can be found at /work/halla/e08014/disk1/yez/
1, ~/replay/,     replay script
2, ~/DB/,         data base 
    must check that $DB_DIR points to this directory.
3, ~/Rootfiles/,  replayed data contained
4, ~/analyzer/,   Hall-A standard analyzer, which is currently updated to 1.5.22
5, ~/root_v5.26,  ROOT version 5.26 
    analyzer is compiled base on v5.26 so check your $ROOTSYS, or simply do: 'source SourceHereFirst'
6, ~/onlineGUI,   online GUI. 
    To check onlineGUI on ifarm, type: ./online -f HRS.cfg -r XXXX. 'online_C.so' still doesn't work.
7, ~/batch_farm/, Submit jobs to ifarm 
   create your run list file, in which last line need to press 'ENTER'. 
   Run './farm_cache' to cache raw data from silo,
   then run './gofarm' to submit jobs. 'gofarm2' is a better script to split one run replay into multi jobs but I am still working on it.
8, ~/HRS/,        All detectors calibration directory.
