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Experiment Home Pages

  • E08-027: Measurement of g2p and the Longitudinal-Transverse Spin Polarizability

  • E08-014: x>2 Short-Range Correlations

  • E08-011: Parity Violation in Deep Inelastic Scattering

  • E08-010: Measurement of the Coulomb Quadrupole Amplitude in the Low Momentum Transfer Region

  • E08-007: Measurement of the Proton Elastic Form Factor Ratio at Low Q2

  • E08-005: Measurements of the Target Single-Spin Asymmetry Ay in the Quasi-Elastic 3He(e,e'n) Reaction

  • E07-007 & E08-025: Second Generation Hall A DVCS

  • E07-006": 4He(e,e'pN) Short-Range Correlations Experiment

  • E06-014: Measurement of the Neutron d2: Towards the Electric χE and the Magnetic χB Color Polarizabilities

  • E06-010: Measurement of Single Target-Spin Asymmetry in Semi-Inclusive Pion Electroproduction on a Transversely Polarized 3He Target

  • E06-007: Impulse Approximation limitations to the (e,e'p) on 208Pb: Identifying Correlations and Relativistic Effects in the Nuclear Medium

  • E06-002: PREX (Lead Radius Parity Experiment)

  • E05-110: Precision Measurement on Longitudinal and Transverse Response Functions of Quasi-Elastic Scattering in the Momentum Transfer Range 0.55GeV/c ≤ |q| ≤ 0.9GeV/c

  • E05-102: Measurement of the Ax and Az Asymmetries in the Quasi-Elastic 3He(e,e'd)

  • E05-109: Measurement of Nucleon Strange Form Factors at High Q$^2$

  • E05-015:Measurement of the Target Single-Spin Asymmetry in Quasi-Elastic 3He(e,e')

  • E05-007: Parity Violation in Deep Inelastic Scattering

  • E05-004 & E05-103: LEDEX (Low Energy Deuteron EXperiments)

  • E04-018: Elastic Electron Scattering off 3He and 4He at Large Momentum Transfers

  • E04-012: High Resolution Study of the 1540 Exotic State and Its Partners

  • E04-007: Precision Measurements of Electroproduction of pi0 near Threshold

  • E03-104: Probing the Limits of the Standard Model of Nuclear Physics with the 4He(e,e'p)3H Reaction

  • E03-101: GamPP - Hard Photodisintegration of a Proton Pair

  • E02-013: Measurement of the Neutron Electric Form Factor GEn at High Q2

  • E01-020: (e,e'p) Studies of the Deutron at High Q2

  • E01-015 : Short Range Correlations Experiment

  • E01-012: Spin Duality

  • E00-107: Proton Polarization in Deuteron Photodisintegration to Egamma > 3 GEV at thetacm=90 degrees

  • E01-001 New Measurement of (GE/GM) for the Proton

  • E00-110: Deeply Virtual Compton Scattering at 6 GeV

  • E00-102: Testing the Limits of the Single-Particle Model in 16O(e,e'p)

  • E00-007: Proton Polarization Angular Distribution in Deuteron Photodisintegration

  • E99-114: Real Compton Scattering (RCS)

  • E99-117: Precision Measurement of the Neutron Asymmetry A1n at Large x using CEBAF at 6 GeV

  • E99-007: Measurement of the ratio Ge/Gm for the proton from Q2 = 3.5 GeV2 to 5.6 GeV2 using recoil polarization technique

  • E98-108: Electroproduction of Kaons up to Q2 = 3 (GeV/c)2.

  • E97-111: Systematic Probe of Short-Range Correlations via 4He(e,e'p)3He

  • E97-110: The GDH Sum Rule, the Spin Structure of 3He and the Neutron using Nearly Real Photons

  • E95-001: Precise Measurement of the Transverse Asymmetry AT' in Quasielastic Electron Scattering from 3He at low Q2.

  • E94-107: High Resolution 1p-Shell Hypernuclear Spectroscopy

  • E94-104: Photo-pion Production in 2D and 4He at 0.9-5.9 GeV

  • E94-010: Neutron Extended Gerasimov Drell Hearn Sum Rule

  • E93-050: Virtual Compton Scattering

  • E93-027: Measurement of the ratio of the proton's electric to magnetic form factor

  • E91-026: Measurement of Electric and Magnetic Elastic Structure Functions of the Deuteron at Large Momentum Transfers

  • E91-011: Investigation of the N to Delta Transition via Polarization Observables

  • E91-010: Parity Violation in Elastic Scattering from the Proton

  • E89-044: Selected studies of the 3He and 4He Nuclei Through Electrodisintegration at High Momentum Transfer

  • E89-003: Study of Quasielastic (e,e'p) Reaction in 16O at High Recoil Momenta