Jefferson Lab HALOG ARCHIVES Logbook for January 09 - All EXCEPT Automatic Entries
258511 01/31/09 23:52 Yunxiu Ye Abs_spectrum_swing_013109
258510 01/31/09 23:34 auto_target target: Spin Flip Report: Spin flip system_swing_013109,Pol.of 68% to 60.1% . Stopping flip from ~18:20 to 19:15 due to one laser droped
258509 01/31/09 23:17 bogdanw spot++
258498 01/31/09 20:23 auto_snap Target Field and Oven Temps snapshot
258497 01/31/09 20:23 auto_snap Target Cell Temps snapshot
258496 01/31/09 20:23 auto_snap Radiation and Ozone snapshot
258495 01/31/09 20:23 auto_snap Hall A Tools snapshot
258494 01/31/09 20:23 auto_snap Compton Polarimeter snapshot
258493 01/31/09 20:23 auto_snap BigBox Magnet snapshot
258492 01/31/09 20:23 auto_snap Beam Position and Current snapshot
258491 01/31/09 20:23 auto_snap Beam Energy in A and C snapshot
258490 01/31/09 19:36 Chiranjib/ Y TRIBUTE to RUTGERS' COMET
258489 01/31/09 19:31 Chiranjib RUTGERS COMET DEAD
258486 01/31/09 18:08 A. Camsonne Compton computer rebooted
258485 01/31/09 18:04 bogdanw spot++
258482 01/31/09 16:57 Chiranjib hapc7 reboot done
258481 01/31/09 16:36 R. Michaels re: hapc7
258480 01/31/09 16:27 Chiranjib hapc7 monitor screen disappears
258476 01/31/09 15:58 Shahinyan Shift Summary
258475 01/31/09 15:09 R. Michaels reboot CODA
258473 01/31/09 14:59 Shahinyan Compton rate
258472 01/31/09 14:56 R. Michaels new HAPPEX run 30744.
258466 01/31/09 12:22 auto_snap Target Field and Oven Temps snapshot
258465 01/31/09 12:22 auto_snap Target Cell Temps snapshot
258464 01/31/09 12:22 auto_snap Radiation and Ozone snapshot
258463 01/31/09 12:22 auto_snap Hall A Tools snapshot
258462 01/31/09 12:22 auto_snap Compton Polarimeter snapshot
258461 01/31/09 12:22 auto_snap BigBox Magnet snapshot
258460 01/31/09 12:22 auto_snap Beam Position and Current snapshot
258459 01/31/09 12:22 auto_snap Beam Energy in A and C snapshot
258457 01/31/09 11:07 R. Michaels HAPPEX run 30743
258455 01/31/09 10:15 R. Michaels neg. BB dtime, switched to L-HRS scalers (datamon)
258452 01/31/09 08:40 yawei left arm VDC efficiency, run#5740
258449 01/31/09 08:29 R. Michaels BB hit times.
258448 01/31/09 08:20 A. Deur Hall A tools
258447 01/31/09 08:17 R. Michaels spot++
258443 01/31/09 08:06 A. Deur Laser spectrum (looks fine)
258442 01/31/09 08:04 auto_target target: Spin Flip Report: spin flip control report
258440 01/31/09 07:50 Carlos Owl shift summary
258439 01/31/09 07:22 auto_target target: Spin Flip Report: Owl Report
258438 01/31/09 07:21 kelleher Laser Absorption Spectrum
258433 01/31/09 05:02 Carlos spot++
258430 01/31/09 04:22 auto_snap Target Field and Oven Temps snapshot
258429 01/31/09 04:22 auto_snap Target Cell Temps snapshot
258428 01/31/09 04:22 auto_snap Radiation and Ozone snapshot
258427 01/31/09 04:22 auto_snap Hall A Tools snapshot
258426 01/31/09 04:22 auto_snap Compton Polarimeter snapshot
258425 01/31/09 04:22 auto_snap BigBox Magnet snapshot
258424 01/31/09 04:22 auto_snap Beam Position and Current snapshot
258423 01/31/09 04:22 auto_snap Beam Energy in A and C snapshot
258422 01/31/09 04:14 Kalyan Fast clock (sync signal) signal missing from ROC10
258417 01/31/09 02:12 zhangyi BB gas cherenkov pmt degrading issue
258416 01/31/09 02:11 zhangyi BB gas cherenkov pmt degrading issue
258415 01/31/09 02:09 Jin Golden Rootfile -> Run#5697
258414 01/31/09 01:58 zhangyi comparition of BB Gas Cherenkov ADC before & after ADC gate change II
258413 01/31/09 01:46 zhangyi comparition of BB Gas Cherenkov ADC before & after ADC gate change I
258409 01/31/09 00:02 bogdanw shift report
258400 01/30/09 21:12 auto_target target: Spin Flip Report: Report for spin flip system
258399 01/30/09 21:11 Bo Laser Absorption Spectrum
258398 01/30/09 20:22 auto_snap Target Field and Oven Temps snapshot
258397 01/30/09 20:22 auto_snap Target Cell Temps snapshot
258396 01/30/09 20:21 auto_snap Radiation and Ozone snapshot
258395 01/30/09 20:21 auto_snap Hall A Tools snapshot
258394 01/30/09 20:21 auto_snap Compton Polarimeter snapshot
258393 01/30/09 20:21 auto_snap BigBox Magnet snapshot
258392 01/30/09 20:21 auto_snap Beam Position and Current snapshot
258391 01/30/09 20:21 auto_snap Beam Energy in A and C snapshot
258388 01/30/09 19:20 Bo Zhao spot ++
258387 01/30/09 18:43 Kalyan ROC14 probem solved
258385 01/30/09 18:40 Kalyan ROC14 errors
258372 01/30/09 17:24 auto_scaler SCALER = -1
258370 01/30/09 17:19 Higinbotham Shift Summary
258369 01/30/09 16:50 brads BB Cerenkov ADC gate changed from 120ns --> 80ns
258368 01/30/09 15:56 Higinbotham Controlled Access
258367 01/30/09 15:50 Higinbotham ROC10 Problem Again...
258366 01/30/09 15:36 glamazdin ROC10 crush
258365 01/30/09 14:35 Fixed
258364 01/30/09 14:34 Kalyan Re:Missing 32 Channels
258363 01/30/09 14:34 Kalyan Re:Missing 32 Channels
258360 01/30/09 14:19 auto_scaler SCALER = -1
258358 01/30/09 14:17 Missing 32 Channels
258357 01/30/09 14:14 adev SCALER = -1
258355 01/30/09 14:02 adev SCALER = -1
258354 01/30/09 13:55 adev SCALER = -1
258353 01/30/09 13:55 Higinbotham Reset
258349 01/30/09 13:48 adev SCALER = -1
258348 01/30/09 13:43 Higinbotham Fastbus Repair
258347 01/30/09 13:41 adev SCALER = -1
258346 01/30/09 13:41 Higinbotham spot++
258343 01/30/09 13:34 adev SCALER = -1
258342 01/30/09 13:28 adev SCALER = -1
258341 01/30/09 13:25 Jack (techs) Fastbus crate
258340 01/30/09 13:21 adev SCALER = -1
258337 01/30/09 13:14 adev SCALER = -1
258332 01/30/09 13:07 adev SCALER = -1
258331 01/30/09 13:00 adev SCALER = -1
258329 01/30/09 12:53 adev SCALER = -1
258328 01/30/09 12:46 adev SCALER = -1
258325 01/30/09 12:39 adev SCALER = -1
258323 01/30/09 12:32 adev SCALER = -1
258322 01/30/09 12:21 auto_snap Target Field and Oven Temps snapshot
258321 01/30/09 12:21 auto_snap Target Cell Temps snapshot
258320 01/30/09 12:21 auto_snap Radiation and Ozone snapshot
258319 01/30/09 12:21 auto_snap Hall A Tools snapshot
258318 01/30/09 12:21 auto_snap Compton Polarimeter snapshot
258317 01/30/09 12:21 auto_snap BigBox Magnet snapshot
258316 01/30/09 12:21 auto_snap Beam Position and Current snapshot
258315 01/30/09 12:21 auto_snap Beam Energy in A and C snapshot
258314 01/30/09 10:57 A. Camsonne Compton Electron detector control board moved
258313 01/30/09 10:09 Higinbotham ROC 10 Power Cycled, but Voltages Wrong
258310 01/30/09 09:48 glamazdin ROC10 and coda restore
258307 01/30/09 09:21 ycwang ROC10 has problem
258306 01/30/09 09:20 glamazdin ROC10 crush
258305 01/30/09 08:02 Yoomin Owl Shift Summary
258301 01/30/09 07:38 kelleher Laser Absorption Spectrum
258300 01/30/09 07:36 auto_target target: Spin Flip Report: Spin Flip System Report
258297 01/30/09 05:56 adaq spot++
258296 01/30/09 05:53 Yoomin BPM/BCM
258293 01/30/09 04:21 auto_snap Target Field and Oven Temps snapshot
258292 01/30/09 04:21 auto_snap Target Cell Temps snapshot
258291 01/30/09 04:21 auto_snap Radiation and Ozone snapshot
258290 01/30/09 04:21 auto_snap Hall A Tools snapshot
258289 01/30/09 04:20 auto_snap Compton Polarimeter snapshot
258288 01/30/09 04:20 auto_snap BigBox Magnet snapshot
258287 01/30/09 04:20 auto_snap Beam Position and Current snapshot
258286 01/30/09 04:20 auto_snap Beam Energy in A and C snapshot
258284 01/30/09 03:29 Yoomin BB HV trip
258282 01/30/09 02:26 Sarah CODA restart
258276 01/30/09 00:45 Yoomin Long HAPPEx run 30735
258275 01/30/09 00:08 Sarah End of run entry labeled wrong
258273 01/30/09 00:02 LeRose Shift Summary (swing)
258267 01/29/09 21:29 LeRose BB Trip
258265 01/29/09 21:12 LeRose Beam Back
258264 01/29/09 21:10 LeRose BB Trip and ion chamber beam trips
258262 01/29/09 20:50 LeRose BB Trip
258259 01/29/09 20:20 auto_snap Target Field and Oven Temps snapshot
258258 01/29/09 20:20 auto_snap Target Cell Temps snapshot
258257 01/29/09 20:20 auto_snap Radiation and Ozone snapshot
258256 01/29/09 20:20 auto_snap Hall A Tools snapshot
258255 01/29/09 20:20 auto_snap Compton Polarimeter snapshot
258254 01/29/09 20:20 auto_snap BigBox Magnet snapshot
258253 01/29/09 20:20 auto_snap Beam Position and Current snapshot
258252 01/29/09 20:20 auto_snap Beam Energy in A and C snapshot
258251 01/29/09 20:05 LeRose Hall A Tools
258250 01/29/09 20:01 LeRose Spot++
258247 01/29/09 19:03 LeRose BB Trip
258244 01/29/09 16:47 LeRose BB Trip
258240 01/29/09 16:01 Higinbotham Shift Summary (Day)
258232 01/29/09 12:20 auto_snap Target Field and Oven Temps snapshot
258231 01/29/09 12:20 auto_snap Target Cell Temps snapshot
258230 01/29/09 12:20 auto_snap Radiation and Ozone snapshot
258229 01/29/09 12:20 auto_snap Hall A Tools snapshot
258228 01/29/09 12:20 auto_snap Compton Polarimeter snapshot
258227 01/29/09 12:20 auto_snap BigBox Magnet snapshot
258226 01/29/09 12:19 auto_snap Beam Position and Current snapshot
258225 01/29/09 12:19 auto_snap Beam Energy in A and C snapshot
258224 01/29/09 11:45 Katich No end/start of run entries
258222 01/29/09 11:21 brads EPICS beam energy readbacks are frozen.
258219 01/29/09 09:03 ycwang Run 5678 stopped for RICH
258214 01/29/09 08:03 Yoomin Owl Shift Summary
258212 01/29/09 07:49 Yooomin Unstable BPM of run 5677
258211 01/29/09 07:42 adaq spot++
258207 01/29/09 07:06 Yoomin BB trip
258205 01/29/09 07:04 auto_target target: Spin Flip Report: Spin Flip System Control Panel Report
258204 01/29/09 07:03 kelleher laser spectrum
258202 01/29/09 06:12 Yoomin Beam Stripchart
258201 01/29/09 06:10 Yoomin Beam off for a while
258199 01/29/09 05:36 Kalyan VDC efficiency
258196 01/29/09 04:19 auto_snap Target Field and Oven Temps snapshot
258195 01/29/09 04:19 auto_snap Target Cell Temps snapshot
258194 01/29/09 04:19 auto_snap Radiation and Ozone snapshot
258193 01/29/09 04:19 auto_snap Hall A Tools snapshot
258192 01/29/09 04:19 auto_snap Compton Polarimeter snapshot
258191 01/29/09 04:19 auto_snap BigBox Magnet snapshot
258190 01/29/09 04:19 auto_snap Beam Position and Current snapshot
258189 01/29/09 04:19 auto_snap Beam Energy in A and C snapshot
258187 01/29/09 04:02 Yoomin BB HV trip again
258184 01/29/09 03:43 Yoomin BB HV trip
258182 01/29/09 03:37 zhangyi T2 & T6 of BB cherenkov in high luminosity
258181 01/29/09 03:24 Yoomin Hall A General Tools
258176 01/29/09 02:01 Jin Lumi HV change for detector #1&2
258173 01/29/09 01:17 Jin Lumi detector #1 and 2 are saturated
258172 01/29/09 00:44 zhangyi PMTs (Beam Line side) of BB cherenkov are turned on
258168 01/28/09 23:49 A. Puckett Shift summary (swing)
258167 01/28/09 23:35 puckett spot++ for shift checklist
258165 01/28/09 23:18 auto_target target: Spin Flip Report: Auto Spin Flip start @ 65% Pol.
258164 01/28/09 23:14 puckett spot++ on 3He @ 2 uA, 6x6.6 raster size
258160 01/28/09 22:37 Bo Target strip charts
258159 01/28/09 22:22 zhangyi Beam line side of BB Cerenkov have been turned off
258157 01/28/09 22:08 Bo Abs. Spect.
258156 01/28/09 22:04 auto_target target: Spin Flip Report: spin flip report
258153 01/28/09 21:08 brads Updated halogscript so 'No Auto' page skips the auto-snapshots
258152 01/28/09 21:02 Kalyan BB online histograms back to normal
258151 01/28/09 20:49 Jin Re: further update, solustion
258150 01/28/09 20:46 glamazdin re: Empty BB TDC's
258148 01/28/09 20:40 Kalyan Re: empty BB TDC's histograms
258146 01/28/09 20:29 Kalyan Re: empty BB TDC's histograms
258145 01/28/09 20:19 auto_snap Target Field and Oven Temps snapshot
258144 01/28/09 20:19 auto_snap Target Cell Temps snapshot
258143 01/28/09 20:19 auto_snap Radiation and Ozone snapshot
258142 01/28/09 20:19 auto_snap Hall A Tools snapshot
258141 01/28/09 20:19 auto_snap Compton Polarimeter snapshot
258140 01/28/09 20:19 auto_snap BigBox Magnet snapshot
258139 01/28/09 20:19 auto_snap Beam Position and Current snapshot
258138 01/28/09 20:18 auto_snap Beam Energy in A and C snapshot
258137 01/28/09 20:06 adaq empty BB TDC's histograms
258134 01/28/09 19:31 puckett BB HV trip
258133 01/28/09 19:30 adaq new rates for H2 reference cell
258122 01/28/09 19:07 Jin Reference cell pressure gauge calibration
258121 01/28/09 19:02 Yi Qiang EPR for transverse pumping
258120 01/28/09 19:01 puckett Ref. cell filling complete, 135 psig hydrogen
258119 01/28/09 18:30 Chiranjib/ Y Fibers for the TRANSVERSE pumping
258118 01/28/09 18:28 COMET power Yi/Chiranjib
258117 01/28/09 18:15 Jin NMR Cross Calibration
258116 01/28/09 17:50 Chiranjib Internal Temperature test ( Brady Vertical polarization)
258115 01/28/09 17:21 Kalyan Argon-ethane gas for bigbite not bubbling
258114 01/28/09 17:03 Chiranjib EPR on BRADY ( Vertical polarization , pi -)
258112 01/28/09 16:22 A. Puckett BB HV trip
258109 01/28/09 16:05 Higinbotham Shift Summary (Day)
258105 01/28/09 15:20 mcanan Absorption Spectrum 01/28/2009 day shift
258104 01/28/09 15:11 A. Camsonne RICH HV setting
258103 01/28/09 14:39 Higinbotham RICH HV Settings
258100 01/28/09 13:16 ycwang Beam charge asymmetry comes back
258099 01/28/09 12:32 adaq target: Spin Flip Report: No Shift Worker Comment
258098 01/28/09 12:18 auto_snap Target Field and Oven Temps snapshot
258097 01/28/09 12:18 auto_snap Target Cell Temps snapshot
258096 01/28/09 12:18 auto_snap Radiation and Ozone snapshot
258095 01/28/09 12:18 auto_snap Hall A Tools snapshot
258094 01/28/09 12:18 auto_snap Compton Polarimeter snapshot
258093 01/28/09 12:18 auto_snap BigBox Magnet snapshot
258092 01/28/09 12:18 auto_snap Beam Position and Current snapshot
258091 01/28/09 12:18 auto_snap Beam Energy in A and C snapshot
258090 01/28/09 12:10 ge jin tools screen
258089 01/28/09 11:57 ge jin spot++
258085 01/28/09 10:19 Higinbotham BigBite Wire Chamber Trip
258083 01/28/09 09:56 ycwang still continue large beam charge asymmetry
258081 01/28/09 09:15 Higinbotham Beam Back & BigBite WC On
258080 01/28/09 09:00 Higinbotham MCC Tuning
258078 01/28/09 08:06 Yoomin Owl Shift Summary
258075 01/28/09 07:46 Yoomin BB HV tripped
258073 01/28/09 06:50 adaq target: Spin Flip Report: Spin Flip System Control Panel Report
258072 01/28/09 06:47 kelleher laser spectrum
258071 01/28/09 06:27 Yoomin BB HV trip
258068 01/28/09 05:54 adaq spot++
258067 01/28/09 05:52 Kalyan Large beam charge asymmetry
258064 01/28/09 05:02 Yoomin Unstable Beam--BPM/BCM strip chart
258062 01/28/09 04:18 auto_snap Target Field and Oven Temps snapshot
258061 01/28/09 04:18 auto_snap Target Cell Temps snapshot
258060 01/28/09 04:18 auto_snap Radiation and Ozone snapshot
258059 01/28/09 04:18 auto_snap Hall A Tools snapshot
258058 01/28/09 04:18 auto_snap Compton Polarimeter snapshot
258057 01/28/09 04:18 auto_snap BigBox Magnet snapshot
258056 01/28/09 04:18 auto_snap Beam Position and Current snapshot
258055 01/28/09 04:18 auto_snap Beam Energy in A and C snapshot
258051 01/28/09 03:08 Kalyan Re:F1 TDC DMA transfer terminated by unknown BUS Error
258050 01/28/09 02:53 Sarah Roc 5 reboot
258049 01/28/09 02:44 Kalyan F1 TDC DMA transfer terminated by unknown BUS Error
258039 01/27/09 23:43 A. Puckett shift summary
258038 01/27/09 23:25 Yunxiu Ye Absorption spectrum
258037 01/27/09 23:18 adaq target: Spin Flip Report: Spin flit system stared at 4:46 and works well with pol. rising from 64% to about 67.5%
258034 01/27/09 22:23 puckett spot++ for shift checklist
258033 01/27/09 22:07 Kalyan BigBite scintillator database is updated with time offsets
258029 01/27/09 21:30 brads BB Cerenkov HVs turned ON
258028 01/27/09 21:29 brads Re: BB Cerenkov switch from CO2 --> C4F8O finished
258027 01/27/09 21:10 puckett Hall in controlled access
258023 01/27/09 20:21 puckett requested access for 9 PM for Brad for Cerenkov work
258022 01/27/09 20:17 adaq Target Field and Oven Temps snapshot
258021 01/27/09 20:17 adaq Target Cell Temps snapshot
258020 01/27/09 20:17 adaq Radiation and Ozone snapshot
258019 01/27/09 20:17 adaq Hall A Tools snapshot
258018 01/27/09 20:17 adaq Compton Polarimeter snapshot
258017 01/27/09 20:17 adaq BigBox Magnet snapshot
258016 01/27/09 20:17 adaq Beam Position and Current snapshot
258015 01/27/09 20:17 adaq Beam Energy in A and C snapshot
258014 01/27/09 20:14 puckett target work during day shift
258011 01/27/09 18:44 A. Camsonne Compton cavity not locking
258009 01/27/09 18:31 puckett BPM stripcharts at time of HV trip
258008 01/27/09 18:30 puckett BigBite MWDC HV trip
258006 01/27/09 17:52 A. Camsonne Compton HV restored , background rate are ok, turning laser back on
258004 01/27/09 17:18 puckett ended run 5633 so MCC could tune improve Compton rates...
258002 01/27/09 17:12 A. Camsonne Compton backgound high
258001 01/27/09 17:06 puckett Run 5633 is first production run this shift
257989 01/27/09 16:33 puckett spot++ on BeO @ 2 uA
257984 01/27/09 16:04 A. Deur day shift summary
257983 01/27/09 15:59 A. Camsonne Compton work
257981 01/27/09 15:54 brads Hall back to Beam Permit @ 3:35pm
257979 01/27/09 15:49 ycwang 5624 is a good rich pedestal run
257969 01/27/09 15:27 brads re: BB Cerenkov HV OFF, switching from CO2 --> C4F8O
257968 01/27/09 14:36 brads Hall back to regular Controlled Access
257958 01/27/09 13:38 Katich Target work this morning
257957 01/27/09 12:44 Target EPR measurements on Jan. 23
257956 01/27/09 12:30 Kalyan New database directory is created 20090127
257955 01/27/09 12:27 Yi Qiang Hall is locked for laser tuning
257954 01/27/09 12:26 Katich replay_det_BB modified
257952 01/27/09 12:17 adaq Target Field and Oven Temps snapshot
257951 01/27/09 12:17 adaq Target Cell Temps snapshot
257950 01/27/09 12:17 adaq Radiation and Ozone snapshot
257949 01/27/09 12:17 adaq Hall A Tools snapshot
257948 01/27/09 12:17 adaq Compton Polarimeter snapshot
257947 01/27/09 12:17 adaq BigBox Magnet snapshot
257946 01/27/09 12:17 adaq Beam Position and Current snapshot
257945 01/27/09 12:17 adaq Beam Energy in A and C snapshot
257943 01/27/09 12:11 A. Camsonne Compton electron detector dark current
257942 01/27/09 12:00 Kalyan beam RF signal on BigBite changed
257940 01/27/09 11:24 brads BB Cerenkov threshold to TDCs lowered to 7-0mV
257939 01/27/09 11:16 brads BB Cerenkov HV OFF, switching from CO2 --> C4F8O
257937 01/27/09 10:50 A. Deur He3 ref cell vented
257936 01/27/09 10:38 A. Deur laser are off
257935 01/27/09 10:19 A. Deur target spin flip off and in home position
257925 01/27/09 08:26 A. Deur Hall A tools record
257924 01/27/09 08:16 A. Deur laser spectrum
257923 01/27/09 08:12 adaq target: Spin Flip Report: spin flip system control panel report
257922 01/27/09 08:00 Yoomin Owl Shift Summary
257918 01/27/09 05:59 adaq spot++
257913 01/27/09 04:25 Jin Backup/Remove Online Root Files
257912 01/27/09 04:17 adaq Target Field and Oven Temps snapshot
257911 01/27/09 04:17 adaq Target Cell Temps snapshot
257910 01/27/09 04:16 adaq Radiation and Ozone snapshot
257909 01/27/09 04:16 adaq Hall A Tools snapshot
257908 01/27/09 04:16 adaq Compton Polarimeter snapshot
257907 01/27/09 04:16 adaq BigBox Magnet snapshot
257906 01/27/09 04:16 adaq Beam Position and Current snapshot
257905 01/27/09 04:16 adaq Beam Energy in A and C snapshot
257904 01/27/09 04:02 adaq target: Spin Flip Report: Target halog report
257903 01/27/09 03:52 dalton Target stripchart screen grab
257898 01/27/09 02:08 Jin Compton reloaded into production conf.
257897 01/27/09 01:06 xqian Is Compton runing mode "background"?
257893 01/27/09 00:01 dhamilton Swing Shift Summary
257888 01/26/09 22:01 dhamilton Very Stable Beam Conditions
257885 01/26/09 20:16 adaq Target Field and Oven Temps snapshot
257884 01/26/09 20:16 adaq Target Cell Temps snapshot
257883 01/26/09 20:16 adaq Radiation and Ozone snapshot
257882 01/26/09 20:16 adaq Hall A Tools snapshot
257881 01/26/09 20:16 adaq Compton Polarimeter snapshot
257880 01/26/09 20:16 adaq BigBox Magnet snapshot
257879 01/26/09 20:16 adaq Beam Position and Current snapshot
257878 01/26/09 20:16 adaq Beam Energy in A and C snapshot
257875 01/26/09 20:07 dhamilton Shift Checklist - Hall A Tools
257874 01/26/09 20:03 dhamilton Shift Checklist - spot++
257866 01/26/09 15:56 Ole Hansen Day Shift Summary
257865 01/26/09 15:37 Yunxiu Ye Abs_spectrometer
257864 01/26/09 15:30 adaq target: Spin Flip Report: Spin flip system works stably with polarisation about 68.5
257861 01/26/09 14:37 A. Camsonne Compton computer rebooted
257860 01/26/09 13:56 Annand DAQ crash run 5594
257856 01/26/09 12:16 adaq Target Field and Oven Temps snapshot
257855 01/26/09 12:16 adaq Target Cell Temps snapshot
257854 01/26/09 12:16 adaq Radiation and Ozone snapshot
257853 01/26/09 12:15 adaq Hall A Tools snapshot
257852 01/26/09 12:15 adaq Compton Polarimeter snapshot
257851 01/26/09 12:15 adaq BigBox Magnet snapshot
257850 01/26/09 12:15 adaq Beam Position and Current snapshot
257849 01/26/09 12:15 adaq Beam Energy in A and C snapshot
257846 01/26/09 11:07 xqian it is ok
257844 01/26/09 10:47 Ole Hansen BB HV trips recovered
257842 01/26/09 10:39 Ole Hansen BB wire chamber HV trip
257839 01/26/09 09:50 A. Camsonne Compton restarted ... background rate around 400 Hz still
257833 01/26/09 08:01 Yoomin Owl Shift Summary
257831 01/26/09 07:52 ycwang BigBite MWDC hits per plane
257830 01/26/09 06:54 Yoomin 5588 is a GOOD PRODUCTION run!
257829 01/26/09 06:51 Yoomin Target moved to Polarized 3He
257827 01/26/09 06:34 Yoomin Target moved to empty position
257823 01/26/09 04:15 adaq Target Field and Oven Temps snapshot
257822 01/26/09 04:15 adaq Target Cell Temps snapshot
257821 01/26/09 04:15 adaq Radiation and Ozone snapshot
257820 01/26/09 04:15 adaq Hall A Tools snapshot
257819 01/26/09 04:15 adaq Compton Polarimeter snapshot
257818 01/26/09 04:15 adaq BigBox Magnet snapshot
257817 01/26/09 04:15 adaq Beam Position and Current snapshot
257816 01/26/09 04:15 adaq Beam Energy in A and C snapshot
257813 01/26/09 03:23 Jin Cannot Start Compton Run
257812 01/26/09 03:10 khem f1tdc overflow
257809 01/26/09 01:35 Yoomin BPM/BCM, Compton
257808 01/26/09 01:33 Yoomin Hall A General Tools
257806 01/26/09 01:15 adaq spot++ of Run 5583
257801 01/26/09 00:00 dhamilton Swing Shift Summary
257794 01/25/09 20:15 adaq Target Field and Oven Temps snapshot
257793 01/25/09 20:15 adaq Target Cell Temps snapshot
257792 01/25/09 20:15 adaq Radiation and Ozone snapshot
257791 01/25/09 20:15 adaq Hall A Tools snapshot
257790 01/25/09 20:15 adaq Compton Polarimeter snapshot
257789 01/25/09 20:14 adaq BigBox Magnet snapshot
257788 01/25/09 20:14 adaq Beam Position and Current snapshot
257787 01/25/09 20:14 adaq Beam Energy in A and C snapshot
257786 01/25/09 20:02 dhamilton Shift Checklist - Hall A Tools
257785 01/25/09 20:00 dhamilton Shift Checklist - spot++
257778 01/25/09 16:20 dhamilton CODA problems
257775 01/25/09 16:02 Annand Day Shift Summary
257774 01/25/09 15:48 adaq target: Spin Flip Report: No Shift Worker Comment
257772 01/25/09 15:33 Annand HV trip BigBite
257771 01/25/09 15:31 Annand ROC reboot
257770 01/25/09 15:18 Annand Coda lost GUI run 5574
257764 01/25/09 12:31 adaq Hall-A Tools
257763 01/25/09 12:28 Annand Spot++ Day shift
257760 01/25/09 12:14 adaq Target Field and Oven Temps snapshot
257759 01/25/09 12:14 adaq Target Cell Temps snapshot
257758 01/25/09 12:14 adaq Radiation and Ozone snapshot
257757 01/25/09 12:14 adaq Hall A Tools snapshot
257756 01/25/09 12:14 adaq Compton Polarimeter snapshot
257755 01/25/09 12:14 adaq BigBox Magnet snapshot
257754 01/25/09 12:14 adaq Beam Position and Current snapshot
257753 01/25/09 12:14 adaq Beam Energy in A and C snapshot
257752 01/25/09 11:39 Annand Laser Absorption Spectrum
257751 01/25/09 11:36 adaq target: Spin Flip Report: 3He target status
257750 01/25/09 11:34 yawei BB wire chamber plots of run#5568, seems normal
257748 01/25/09 11:33 B. Zhao DAQ crahsed around 10:50am
257747 01/25/09 11:33 yawei BB wire chamber plots for run#5568, seems normal.
257746 01/25/09 11:25 Annand Runs 5569,5570
257745 01/25/09 11:22 yawei run#5569 is a good production run and run#5570 is junk
257744 01/25/09 11:19 yawei roc9 and roc 10 not respond, kcoda and reboot the roc
257743 01/25/09 11:19 Annand He3 DAQ crash
257735 01/25/09 08:44 R. Michaels re: Fastbus problems last night
257734 01/25/09 08:01 Yoomin Owl Shift Summary
257732 01/25/09 07:59 Carlos Laser Absorption Spectrum
257729 01/25/09 06:52 Jin Speed beam check before production
257728 01/25/09 06:45 Yoomin BPM/BCM
257726 01/25/09 06:36 Kalyan Controlled access activity to fix the BB DAQ
257724 01/25/09 06:24 adaq target: Spin Flip Report: Owl shift log
257715 01/25/09 05:42 Jack (Techs) Fastbus
257705 01/25/09 05:19 Jin Power problem with bbcamac1
257696 01/25/09 04:14 adaq Target Field and Oven Temps snapshot
257695 01/25/09 04:14 adaq Target Cell Temps snapshot
257694 01/25/09 04:14 adaq Radiation and Ozone snapshot
257693 01/25/09 04:14 adaq Hall A Tools snapshot
257692 01/25/09 04:14 adaq Compton Polarimeter snapshot
257691 01/25/09 04:14 adaq BigBox Magnet snapshot
257690 01/25/09 04:13 adaq Beam Position and Current snapshot
257689 01/25/09 04:13 adaq Beam Energy in A and C snapshot
257687 01/25/09 04:00 Yoomin Hall A Tools
257681 01/25/09 03:40 Kalyan Update on DAQ problem.
257675 01/25/09 01:40 Kalyan Re: still trying to fix DAQ problem
257672 01/25/09 01:27 Kalyan still trying to fix DAQ problem
257666 01/25/09 01:00 adev SCALER = -1
257663 01/25/09 00:54 adev SCALER = -1
257660 01/25/09 00:34 Kalyan Asked for controlled access to power cycle BB crates - hight DT
257650 01/25/09 00:01 K Wang Swing run summary 1-24-09
257643 01/24/09 21:56 adaq target: Spin Flip Report: All's fine
257642 01/24/09 21:53 Kalyan Target screen snap shot
257641 01/24/09 21:40 K Wang Hall A tool
257640 01/24/09 20:50 Kalyan Run 5518 is junk - end run failed
257636 01/24/09 20:13 adaq Target Field and Oven Temps snapshot
257635 01/24/09 20:13 adaq Target Cell Temps snapshot
257634 01/24/09 20:13 adaq Radiation and Ozone snapshot
257633 01/24/09 20:13 adaq Hall A Tools snapshot
257632 01/24/09 20:13 adaq Compton Polarimeter snapshot
257631 01/24/09 20:13 adaq BigBox Magnet snapshot
257630 01/24/09 20:13 adaq Beam Position and Current snapshot
257629 01/24/09 20:13 adaq Beam Energy in A and C snapshot
257626 01/24/09 18:19 Chiranjib HAPPEX now in Transversity config.
257623 01/24/09 17:54 K Wang Hall A tool
257622 01/24/09 17:36 R. Michaels re: HAPPEX DAQ
257621 01/24/09 17:21 Chiranjib SPIN FLIP TURNED ON
257620 01/24/09 17:20 Chiranjib RUN 5514 is junk
257615 01/24/09 17:04 Chiranjib rates with he-3 6/6.6 raster
257612 01/24/09 16:56 Chiranjib He-3 rates at 2 uA
257610 01/24/09 16:53 Chiranjb Target moved to He-3
257609 01/24/09 16:52 Chiranjib SPOT ++ ( BeO)
257607 01/24/09 16:47 Chiranjib rates with BeO
257605 01/24/09 16:24 Chiranjib MCC is trying to get the BPMS
257604 01/24/09 16:06 dhamilton BBHV back on
257602 01/24/09 16:04 dhamilton Day Shift Summary
257601 01/24/09 15:51 dhamilton BPM, spot++ check information
257600 01/24/09 15:48 dhamilton MCC still trying to restore nominal BPM values
257599 01/24/09 14:48 E.Chudakov Moller results
257598 01/24/09 14:41 A. Deur Optic target in beam position
257597 01/24/09 14:34 Chiranjib History of the effect of laser trip on temp.
257596 01/24/09 14:31 Chiranjib Diode laser 3 tripping
257595 01/24/09 14:05 A. Deur Diode lader #3 keeps tripping
257594 01/24/09 13:43 A. Deur Lasers turned on
257593 01/24/09 12:20 A. Deur Big oven temp. drop. Laser off.
257592 01/24/09 12:16 A. Deur Oven temperature oscillations
257591 01/24/09 12:13 adaq Target Field and Oven Temps snapshot
257590 01/24/09 12:13 adaq Target Cell Temps snapshot
257589 01/24/09 12:13 adaq Radiation and Ozone snapshot
257588 01/24/09 12:13 adaq Hall A Tools snapshot
257587 01/24/09 12:13 adaq Compton Polarimeter snapshot
257586 01/24/09 12:13 adaq BigBox Magnet snapshot
257585 01/24/09 12:13 adaq Beam Position and Current snapshot
257584 01/24/09 12:13 adaq Beam Energy in A and C snapshot
257582 01/24/09 11:40 Dustin McNul Run Coordinator Report for Jan 24, 2009
257581 01/24/09 11:38 Annand HAPEX crash again
257578 01/24/09 11:25 xqian Positron and Electron Comparison
257577 01/24/09 11:16 ycwang ROC28 error message
257576 01/24/09 11:02 ycwang ROC28 crashed
257575 01/24/09 10:59 Annand Happex DAQ restart
257572 01/24/09 10:21 dhamilton Shift Checklist - Hall A Tools
257571 01/24/09 10:19 dhamilton Shift Checklist - spot++
257569 01/24/09 09:57 Annand Trigger rates 2uA, different raser
257568 01/24/09 09:56 dhamilton Beam checkout complete
257567 01/24/09 09:47 A. Deur He3 target back in beam position
257565 01/24/09 09:42 A. Deur plot of target temperature fluctuations
257563 01/24/09 09:11 A.Deur Optic target in beam position
257562 01/24/09 08:58 A. Deur Oven Temperature dropping again
257561 01/24/09 08:57 dhamilton Beam RF Problems
257560 01/24/09 08:55 A. Deur beam off for a while: stopped the target spin flip
257559 01/24/09 08:52 A. Deur plot of oven temperature
257558 01/24/09 08:50 A. Deur Oven Temperature drop
257556 01/24/09 08:28 A. Deur Laser Absorption Spectrum
257555 01/24/09 08:26 adaq target: Spin Flip Report: report from spin flip control panel
257553 01/24/09 08:02 Carlos Owl shift summary
257550 01/24/09 06:50 Yoomin Frequent ROC28 error
257545 01/24/09 05:44 Yoomin ROC28 error again.
257540 01/24/09 04:37 Yoomin spot++ of run 5501
257539 01/24/09 04:12 adaq Target Field and Oven Temps snapshot
257538 01/24/09 04:12 adaq Target Cell Temps snapshot
257537 01/24/09 04:12 adaq Radiation and Ozone snapshot
257536 01/24/09 04:12 adaq Hall A Tools snapshot
257535 01/24/09 04:12 adaq Compton Polarimeter snapshot
257534 01/24/09 04:12 adaq BigBox Magnet snapshot
257533 01/24/09 04:12 adaq Beam Position and Current snapshot
257532 01/24/09 04:12 adaq Beam Energy in A and C snapshot
257531 01/24/09 04:09 Jin Golden Root File -> Run #5492
257530 01/24/09 04:05 Jin New BPM position set
257527 01/24/09 03:10 Jin Trigger rate, he3 pi- production
257526 01/24/09 02:30 Xinhu Yan Hall A WebBrower
257525 01/24/09 02:25 Xinhu Yan Target strip charts
257522 01/24/09 01:50 Yoomin ROC28 crashed, HAPPEx RunControl Restarted.
257519 01/24/09 00:42 Xinhu Yan Laser Absorption spectrum
257515 01/23/09 23:56 Bosted Swing Shift SUmmary
257513 01/23/09 23:14 A.Rakhman Target Moved to 3He Production
257506 01/23/09 22:42 Yi Qiang Replaced a blowed fuse for the variac
257505 01/23/09 22:37 A.Rakhman target changed to reference cell
257504 01/23/09 22:27 A. Rakhman lasers are off
257503 01/23/09 22:12 Glamazdin ROC28 crush
257502 01/23/09 22:08 A.Rakhman Laser Spectrum
257501 01/23/09 22:04 A.Rakhman laser spectrum is strange
257500 01/23/09 22:02 R. Michaels re: HAPPEX Qasy
257498 01/23/09 21:57 R. Michaels re: HAPPEX R-HRS scalers
257497 01/23/09 21:54 adaq target: Spin Flip Report: laser spectrum is strange
257496 01/23/09 21:54 adaq target: Spin Flip Report: laser spectrum intensity has gone up
257493 01/23/09 21:40 adaq HAPPEX scalers looks strange
257492 01/23/09 20:50 adaq BCM asymmetry looks weird
257489 01/23/09 20:12 adaq Target Field and Oven Temps snapshot
257488 01/23/09 20:12 adaq Target Cell Temps snapshot
257487 01/23/09 20:12 adaq Radiation and Ozone snapshot
257486 01/23/09 20:12 adaq Hall A Tools snapshot
257485 01/23/09 20:12 adaq Compton Polarimeter snapshot
257484 01/23/09 20:12 adaq BigBox Magnet snapshot
257483 01/23/09 20:12 adaq Beam Position and Current snapshot
257482 01/23/09 20:12 adaq Beam Energy in A and C snapshot
257481 01/23/09 19:36 R. Michaels re: ROC28
257480 01/23/09 19:22 A. Rakhman Target RTD screen
257479 01/23/09 19:20 A. Rakhman Compton
257478 01/23/09 19:17 A. Rakhman Target Strip Charts
257477 01/23/09 19:17 Glamadin HAPPEX DAQ crush
257471 01/23/09 18:52 Kalyan Re :BB dead time problem
257466 01/23/09 18:24 Glamazdin BB dead time problem
257459 01/23/09 18:07 adev SCALER = -1
257449 01/23/09 17:26 Jin Re: LABVIEW CRASH
257448 01/23/09 17:16 A.Rakhman Target Changed
257447 01/23/09 17:13 Chiranjib SPIN FLIP LABVIEW CRASH
257446 01/23/09 17:12 A. Camsonne Compton restarted, oddity with ET
257442 01/23/09 16:41 Bosted Splot++ run 5474
257440 01/23/09 16:04 R. Michaels day summary
257438 01/23/09 15:41 Katich Lumi HVs set
257437 01/23/09 15:22 R. Michaels He3 target ready, beam back
257436 01/23/09 15:07 R. Michaels switched to TransPvdis
257435 01/23/09 14:51 R. Michaels beam check, target not ready
257432 01/23/09 13:39 Yi Qiang Target Holding Field Has Been Changed for Negative Bigbite Field
257431 01/23/09 13:21 Kalyan BigBite shower and preshower high voltage settings are updated for BB negative polarity
257430 01/23/09 13:08 R. Michaels access for BB polarity change
257426 01/23/09 12:12 adaq Target Field and Oven Temps snapshot
257425 01/23/09 12:12 adaq Target Cell Temps snapshot
257424 01/23/09 12:11 adaq Radiation and Ozone snapshot
257423 01/23/09 12:11 adaq Hall A Tools snapshot
257422 01/23/09 12:11 adaq Compton Polarimeter snapshot
257421 01/23/09 12:11 adaq BigBox Magnet snapshot
257420 01/23/09 12:11 adaq Beam Position and Current snapshot
257419 01/23/09 12:11 adaq Beam Energy in A and C snapshot
257418 01/23/09 11:17 brads re: firefox problems
257417 01/23/09 10:48 Kalyan Coin. time shift by 2ns in negative polarity
257413 01/23/09 09:36 Jin Re: Bigbite PreSum TDC25 missing
257412 01/23/09 09:28 yawei Bigbite PreSum TDC25 missing!
257411 01/23/09 09:04 yawei It is reasonable for the coincident time shift
257410 01/23/09 08:56 adaq online analysis 5469
257407 01/23/09 08:37 R. Michaels firefox problems / solutions
257405 01/23/09 07:52 Carlos Owl shift summary
257404 01/23/09 07:50 Jin Huang Beam Position scan to pin down He3 cell center
257403 01/23/09 07:35 R. Subedi Run Coordinator Report: Jan 22, 2009
257400 01/23/09 07:12 Xinhu Yan Target Laser absorption spectrum
257399 01/23/09 07:11 xinhu Yan Target status charts
257398 01/23/09 06:29 Jin Lumi #6 is saturated
257397 01/23/09 06:13 Yoomin online check
257396 01/23/09 05:50 Jin Target Status
257394 01/23/09 05:37 Jin turning on Bigbite wire chamber
257391 01/23/09 05:23 Jin Spot++ at final Position, 6x6 raster
257385 01/23/09 04:40 Jin Spot++, he3 cell, 6x6 raster
257383 01/23/09 04:35 Jin spot++ on he3 cell, 4x5 raster
257380 01/23/09 04:27 Jin Spot++, 3x4 raster
257377 01/23/09 04:17 Jin BeO spot camera shot
257376 01/23/09 04:13 Jin Harp Scan results
257375 01/23/09 04:11 adaq Target Field and Oven Temps snapshot
257374 01/23/09 04:11 adaq Target Cell Temps snapshot
257373 01/23/09 04:11 adaq Radiation and Ozone snapshot
257372 01/23/09 04:11 adaq Hall A Tools snapshot
257371 01/23/09 04:11 adaq Compton Polarimeter snapshot
257370 01/23/09 04:11 adaq BigBox Magnet snapshot
257369 01/23/09 04:11 adaq Beam Position and Current snapshot
257368 01/23/09 04:11 adaq Beam Energy in A and C snapshot
257365 01/23/09 02:15 Xinhu Yan HE3 cell pressure is 118 Psig
257364 01/23/09 02:12 Jin Spot++ on Optics. Reads Twice Size of on Y
257361 01/23/09 01:58 adaq target: Spin Flip Report: Moving Target to optics
257359 01/23/09 01:53 Xinhu Yan Target Laser absorption spectrum
257358 01/23/09 01:51 Carlos Data taking starting
257357 01/23/09 01:51 Xinhu Yan Target Laser absorption spectrum
257353 01/23/09 00:00 LeRose Shift Summary (swing)
257350 01/22/09 22:11 LeRose Q1 Left
257348 01/22/09 21:42 LeRose Q1 left erratic: Techs
257347 01/22/09 21:26 LeRose No Beam
257346 01/22/09 20:11 adaq Target Field and Oven Temps snapshot
257345 01/22/09 20:11 adaq Target Cell Temps snapshot
257344 01/22/09 20:11 adaq Radiation and Ozone snapshot
257343 01/22/09 20:11 adaq Hall A Tools snapshot
257342 01/22/09 20:10 adaq Compton Polarimeter snapshot
257341 01/22/09 20:10 adaq BigBox Magnet snapshot
257340 01/22/09 20:10 adaq Beam Position and Current snapshot
257339 01/22/09 20:10 adaq Beam Energy in A and C snapshot
257338 01/22/09 19:58 LeRose No Beam cont'd
257337 01/22/09 19:46 LeRose No Beam (again)
257336 01/22/09 18:49 LeRose Beam Back Starting Moller
257335 01/22/09 18:18 Yi Qiang The 3rd comet laser is back on line NOW
257334 01/22/09 18:11 LeRose Left Arm OK/ No beam
257333 01/22/09 17:56 Yi Qiang All carbon foil were still there through yesterday
257332 01/22/09 17:45 A. Camsonne Compton electron detector slow control crate rebooted
257331 01/22/09 17:38 Jin 2 carbon foils missing!
257330 01/22/09 17:34 R. Michaels TIR helicity check, changed cable.
257327 01/22/09 17:21 Techs D1 Polarity
257326 01/22/09 16:29 LeRose Controlled Access
257324 01/22/09 16:01 Wolfgang Day Shift Summary
257316 01/22/09 14:57 Kalyan BigBite track x vs theta
257310 01/22/09 13:18 R. Subedi positron run calibration
257307 01/22/09 12:11 Wolfgang Hall A Tools Screen
257306 01/22/09 12:10 adaq Target Field and Oven Temps snapshot
257305 01/22/09 12:10 adaq Target Cell Temps snapshot
257304 01/22/09 12:10 adaq Radiation and Ozone snapshot
257303 01/22/09 12:10 adaq Hall A Tools snapshot
257302 01/22/09 12:10 adaq Compton Polarimeter snapshot
257301 01/22/09 12:10 adaq BigBox Magnet snapshot
257300 01/22/09 12:10 adaq Beam Position and Current snapshot
257299 01/22/09 12:10 adaq Beam Energy in A and C snapshot
257298 01/22/09 12:09 Wolfgang Spot++
257297 01/22/09 12:01 ycwang BigBite MWDC hits per wire
257296 01/22/09 11:46 Moffit Re: Lumi behavior
257295 01/22/09 11:45 R. Subedi Re: Run Coordinator Report: Jan 21, 2009
257294 01/22/09 11:11 Katich some lumi saturation - beam problem?
257292 01/22/09 11:07 R. Subedi Run Coordinator Report: Jan 21, 2009
257291 01/22/09 11:06 ycwang BB HV tripped
257289 01/22/09 10:56 adaq target: Spin Flip Report: Jan 22 day shift Halog Report
257288 01/22/09 10:55 Jin BPM position goes more than 1mm off
257287 01/22/09 10:55 Wolfgang BB HV trip
257285 01/22/09 10:49 ycwang BB HV tripped
257284 01/22/09 10:44 Ole Hansen Analyzer update
257282 01/22/09 10:36 Jin Target Status During Positron Running
257281 01/22/09 10:20 ycwang rates at 3He at 14uA, T1 increases 20% compare with Jan 14.
257275 01/22/09 09:53 Jin Target -> He3 Cell
257272 01/22/09 09:45 Jin Laser are unlocked
257269 01/22/09 09:35 Katich Move to Beam Permit
257267 01/22/09 09:31 mcanan Target Motion
257266 01/22/09 09:23 Katich Found the leak in reference cell line
257264 01/22/09 08:40 Kalyan BB shower + preshower hight voltage updated
257263 01/22/09 08:22 fansler/ewin Big Bite Polarity
257262 01/22/09 08:02 A. Tobias Target: Lasers are OFF and fiber removed
257260 01/22/09 07:58 riordan Owl Shift Summary
257259 01/22/09 06:52 A. Tobias Target: Moved to Empty Target Position
257257 01/22/09 06:46 A. Tobias Target: Finished taking 3He Reference Cell data P=125psig
257256 01/22/09 06:42 riordan Requested to go to Controlled Access
257254 01/22/09 06:38 A. Tobias Target: Turn ON Fake AutoFlip
257253 01/22/09 05:41 Jin Trigger rate, 14uA on he3 ref cell
257251 01/22/09 05:31 Jin spot++ on he3 refcell
257248 01/22/09 05:29 Jin trigger rate, he3 ref cell, 6x6 raster, 2ua
257245 01/22/09 05:25 A. Tobias Target: Moved to Reference Cell filled with 125psig 3He-gas
257244 01/22/09 05:24 Jin Trigger Rate, He3 Ref Cell, 2uA, 3x4 raster
257242 01/22/09 05:06 adaq target: Spin Flip Report: All is Ok.
257241 01/22/09 05:03 A. Tobias Target: Laser Absorption Spectrum Owl Shift
257238 01/22/09 04:14 riordan Hall A Tools
257237 01/22/09 04:12 riordan spot++
257236 01/22/09 04:10 adaq Target Field and Oven Temps snapshot
257235 01/22/09 04:10 adaq Target Cell Temps snapshot
257234 01/22/09 04:09 adaq Radiation and Ozone snapshot
257233 01/22/09 04:09 adaq Hall A Tools snapshot
257232 01/22/09 04:09 adaq Compton Polarimeter snapshot
257231 01/22/09 04:09 adaq BigBox Magnet snapshot
257230 01/22/09 04:09 adaq Beam Position and Current snapshot
257229 01/22/09 04:09 adaq Beam Energy in A and C snapshot
257228 01/22/09 03:48 riordan HV Trip BPMs
257225 01/22/09 03:40 riordan BigBite MWDC HV Trip
257224 01/22/09 03:27 riordan Compton Rates Reasonable
257223 01/22/09 03:03 A. Tobias Target: Moved back to Pol. 3He Target Position
257221 01/22/09 02:56 A. Tobias Target: Did manual Flip 68.6% and restart AutoFlip
257220 01/22/09 02:54 Jin spot++ on he3 cell
257215 01/22/09 02:38 A. Tobias Target: Moved to Empty Target Position
257214 01/22/09 02:32 A. Tobias Target: Moved back to Pol. 3He Target Position
257211 01/22/09 02:22 A. Tobias Target: Moved to Optics Position
257210 01/22/09 01:10 A. Tobias Target: Turned OFF autoflip while waiting for beam
257209 01/22/09 01:06 riordan No Beam for a while longer
257207 01/22/09 00:46 xyan hall a scaler charts
257206 01/22/09 00:39 riordan No Beam for Accelerator Work
257205 01/22/09 00:18 riordan Compton Rates Very High
257202 01/22/09 00:01 Yunxiu Ye Abs_spectrometer
257200 01/21/09 23:54 adaq target: Spin Flip Report: Spin flip system works well with pola. about 68%
257199 01/21/09 23:51 A. Puckett Swing shift summary
257198 01/21/09 23:25 puckett spot++ for shift checklist
257197 01/21/09 23:19 puckett Compton temporarily flakes out--appears CODA-related
257195 01/21/09 22:54 puckett make that a large EXcursion, not an INcursion
257192 01/21/09 22:45 puckett anatomy of a trip
257190 01/21/09 22:41 puckett HV trips did not happen during the ramp...
257189 01/21/09 22:28 puckett Regarding MWDC HV trips...
257188 01/21/09 22:27 brads MWDC trips correlate to position excursions
257186 01/21/09 22:12 puckett and yet another after trip forces us to end run 5425
257183 01/21/09 21:56 puckett ANOTHER BB MWDC HV trip
257181 01/21/09 21:23 puckett no beam during first few minutes of run 5424
257178 01/21/09 21:10 puckett another HV trip.
257175 01/21/09 20:09 adaq Target Field and Oven Temps snapshot
257174 01/21/09 20:09 adaq Target Cell Temps snapshot
257173 01/21/09 20:09 adaq Radiation and Ozone snapshot
257172 01/21/09 20:09 adaq Hall A Tools snapshot
257171 01/21/09 20:09 adaq Compton Polarimeter snapshot
257170 01/21/09 20:09 adaq BigBox Magnet snapshot
257169 01/21/09 20:09 adaq Beam Position and Current snapshot
257168 01/21/09 20:09 adaq Beam Energy in A and C snapshot
257167 01/21/09 20:01 adaq lumi empty
257166 01/21/09 19:56 A. Puckett another BB MWDC HV trip
257163 01/21/09 19:14 A. Puckett BB MWDC HV trip
257158 01/21/09 17:38 A. Puckett asked MCC to increase ramp rate
257153 01/21/09 16:05 Wolfgang Day Shift Summary (II)
257152 01/21/09 16:04 Chiranjib SPIN FLIP STARTED
257151 01/21/09 16:03 Chiranjib spot ++
257149 01/21/09 15:59 golge Correction to Raster Size #5417
257147 01/21/09 15:58 chiranjib rates with 2 uA ( 6 by 6.6 raster)
257144 01/21/09 15:51 adaq rates on 3He raster 3x4
257143 01/21/09 15:49 mcanan target motion
257140 01/21/09 15:08 mcanan target motion
257139 01/21/09 13:12 Wolfgang Possible cause for HV trips?
257138 01/21/09 12:30 Wolfgang Day Shift Summary
257136 01/21/09 12:09 adaq Target Field and Oven Temps snapshot
257135 01/21/09 12:09 adaq Target Cell Temps snapshot
257134 01/21/09 12:09 adaq Radiation and Ozone snapshot
257133 01/21/09 12:08 adaq Hall A Tools snapshot
257132 01/21/09 12:08 adaq Compton Polarimeter snapshot
257131 01/21/09 12:08 adaq BigBox Magnet snapshot
257130 01/21/09 12:08 adaq Beam Position and Current snapshot
257129 01/21/09 12:08 adaq Beam Energy in A and C snapshot
257127 01/21/09 12:04 Wolfgang Many BB DC HV trips
257125 01/21/09 12:00 Jin It's fine : Fluctuations in target HacAi_hpchan6
257121 01/21/09 11:53 yawei BB chamber HV tripped again, stop the run, bring HV back
257119 01/21/09 11:40 R. Subedi BPM lock for Compton
257118 01/21/09 11:27 brads Fluctuations in target HacAi_hpchan6
257117 01/21/09 11:16 yawei BB HV tripped, end the run and bring HV back
257116 01/21/09 11:13 yawei no end for run#5410 due to the Roc9 problem.
257115 01/21/09 11:08 R. Subedi Run Coordinator Report: Jan 20, 2009
257111 01/21/09 10:44 adaq target: Spin Flip Report: Jan 21st day shift Report
257109 01/21/09 10:27 Wolfgang Spot++
257107 01/21/09 10:21 Wolfgang Tools Screen
257102 01/21/09 08:49 R. Subedi Compton spectrum change (now good )
257098 01/21/09 07:59 riordan Owl Shift Summary
257097 01/21/09 07:14 adaq target: Spin Flip Report: All is Ok.
257096 01/21/09 07:11 A. Tobias Target: Laser Absorption Spectrum Owl Shift
257092 01/21/09 05:47 riordan BigBite MWDC HV Trip
257089 01/21/09 04:59 riordan BigBite MWDC HV Trip
257087 01/21/09 04:22 riordan Hall A Tools
257086 01/21/09 04:20 riordan spot++
257085 01/21/09 04:08 adaq Target Field and Oven Temps snapshot
257084 01/21/09 04:08 adaq Target Cell Temps snapshot
257083 01/21/09 04:08 adaq Radiation and Ozone snapshot
257082 01/21/09 04:08 adaq Hall A Tools snapshot
257081 01/21/09 04:08 adaq Compton Polarimeter snapshot
257080 01/21/09 04:08 adaq BigBox Magnet snapshot
257079 01/21/09 04:08 adaq Beam Position and Current snapshot
257078 01/21/09 04:08 adaq Beam Energy in A and C snapshot
257076 01/21/09 03:53 riordan BigBite MWDC HV Trip
257071 01/21/09 02:21 riordan BigBite MWDC HV Trip
257069 01/21/09 02:14 riordan BigBite MWDC HV Trip
257064 01/21/09 01:58 riordan Beam Restored
257063 01/21/09 01:53 riordan No beam for a few minutes
257059 01/21/09 00:02 A. Puckett Swing Shift Summary, 1/20/09
257058 01/20/09 23:57 xyan The end run of 5395 missed because of wrong close of the terminal
257055 01/20/09 23:15 A. Puckett BB WC HV trip
257051 01/20/09 22:19 ycwang RICH HV tripped during RUN 5392 and 5393
257050 01/20/09 22:14 adaq target: Spin Flip Report: All's well!
257049 01/20/09 22:13 A. Kolarkar Target Laser absorption spectrum
257048 01/20/09 22:03 Jin G0/TIR helicity problem
257046 01/20/09 21:26 A. Puckett BB and left arm VDC HV trip
257042 01/20/09 20:32 Jin Beam Position tuning
257041 01/20/09 20:07 adaq Target Field and Oven Temps snapshot
257040 01/20/09 20:07 adaq Target Cell Temps snapshot
257039 01/20/09 20:07 adaq Radiation and Ozone snapshot
257038 01/20/09 20:07 adaq Hall A Tools snapshot
257037 01/20/09 20:07 adaq Compton Polarimeter snapshot
257036 01/20/09 20:07 adaq BigBox Magnet snapshot
257035 01/20/09 20:07 adaq Beam Position and Current snapshot
257034 01/20/09 20:07 adaq Beam Energy in A and C snapshot
257018 01/20/09 19:05 A. Puckett recovered from HV trip
257017 01/20/09 18:59 A. Puckett B.B. wire chamber HV trip
257015 01/20/09 18:55 brads BB Cerenkov ADC data now in ROC5, slot 17
257014 01/20/09 18:54 A. Camsonne Compton rates OK turned on laser
257013 01/20/09 18:44 brads BB Cerenkov work Tuesday
257010 01/20/09 18:06 A. Puckett Summary of checkout runs
257009 01/20/09 18:03 A. Kolarkar Spin flip ON; target pol. 68.4%; production
257008 01/20/09 18:03 puckett previous spot++ entry was for 6x6.6 raster size
257007 01/20/09 18:00 adaq Trigger rates 14uA 3He
257005 01/20/09 17:49 A. Puckett spot++ on 3He at
257003 01/20/09 17:45 Moffit HAPPEX DAQ: Running in TransPvdis configuration.
257002 01/20/09 17:45 adaq 2uA with 5x6.6 raster on 3He
257000 01/20/09 17:43 V. Sulkosky BigBite Raster Signals
256999 01/20/09 17:42 Kalyan Rates with 2uA on 3He
256998 01/20/09 17:41 A. Puckett spot++ on 3He at 2 uA, 3x4 raster
256995 01/20/09 17:36 A. Kolarkar Target to pol. 3He
256992 01/20/09 17:28 A. Kolarkar Target to Optics
256991 01/20/09 16:32 A. Kolarkar Target to Empty
256990 01/20/09 16:05 W. Korsch Day Shift Summary
256983 01/20/09 15:42 Moffit Re: Double Pulsing in BCM dx3 fanout to the Right Spectrometer
256969 01/20/09 15:20 A. Camsonne RICH work
256945 01/20/09 13:36 Moffit Inserting Fake BCM dx3
256938 01/20/09 13:03 Chiranjib/Yi Internal Temperature Test
256931 01/20/09 12:21 Chiranjib/yi NMR frequency / field sweep calibration
256928 01/20/09 12:07 adaq Target Field and Oven Temps snapshot
256927 01/20/09 12:07 adaq Target Cell Temps snapshot
256926 01/20/09 12:07 adaq Radiation and Ozone snapshot
256925 01/20/09 12:07 adaq Hall A Tools snapshot
256924 01/20/09 12:07 adaq Compton Polarimeter snapshot
256923 01/20/09 12:07 adaq BigBox Magnet snapshot
256922 01/20/09 12:07 adaq Beam Position and Current snapshot
256921 01/20/09 12:06 adaq Beam Energy in A and C snapshot
256920 01/20/09 11:51 Yi/Chiranjib EPR for Vertical Anti-parallel Pumping
256919 01/20/09 11:50 Yi/Chiranjib EPR for Vertical Anti-parallel Pumping
256913 01/20/09 11:09 Kalyan T7 removed from L-HRS scaler
256911 01/20/09 11:02 Yi Qiang Auto spin flip paussed for calibrations
256910 01/20/09 10:55 Elfassi/Brad BB Cerenkov Work
256907 01/20/09 10:09 R. Subedi Run Coordinator Report: Jan 19, 2009
256903 01/20/09 09:13 Wolfgang Beam studies
256902 01/20/09 09:12 W. Korsch BB HV tripped on WCs 1 and 2
256899 01/20/09 07:56 riordan Owl Shift Summary
256896 01/20/09 07:06 adaq target: Spin Flip Report: All is Ok.
256895 01/20/09 07:04 A. Tobias Target: Laser Absorption Spectrum Owl Shift
256890 01/20/09 05:23 riordan Beam Restored
256889 01/20/09 05:20 riordan MCC IOC Crash
256886 01/20/09 04:06 adaq Target Field and Oven Temps snapshot
256885 01/20/09 04:06 adaq Target Cell Temps snapshot
256884 01/20/09 04:06 adaq Radiation and Ozone snapshot
256883 01/20/09 04:06 adaq Hall A Tools snapshot
256882 01/20/09 04:06 adaq Compton Polarimeter snapshot
256881 01/20/09 04:06 adaq BigBox Magnet snapshot
256880 01/20/09 04:06 adaq Beam Position and Current snapshot
256879 01/20/09 04:06 adaq Beam Energy in A and C snapshot
256878 01/20/09 03:52 riordan Hall A Tools
256877 01/20/09 03:50 riordan spot++
256871 01/20/09 01:07 riordan F1 TDC Hit-FIFO Overflow
256869 01/20/09 00:22 Kalyan Re: Zillion F1 TDC FIFO overflows in recent runs... Stuck scaler?
256865 01/19/09 23:23 B Norum Hall A Tools
256864 01/19/09 23:22 B Norum Spot++
256863 01/19/09 23:22 brads Zillion F1 TDC FIFO overflows in recent runs... Stuck scaler?
256862 01/19/09 23:21 B Norum Run activity
256861 01/19/09 23:16 brads 20% deadtime with only ~40 Hz DAQ rate in run 5331. Other weirdness in end-of-run data...
256858 01/19/09 22:42 A. Kolarkar Target Laser absorption spectrum
256857 01/19/09 22:42 adaq target: Spin Flip Report: All good.
256853 01/19/09 21:17 A. Kolarkar LeCroy HV alarms
256851 01/19/09 21:09 Chiranjib COMPTON RATE pretty high
256846 01/19/09 20:06 adaq Target Field and Oven Temps snapshot
256845 01/19/09 20:06 adaq Target Cell Temps snapshot
256844 01/19/09 20:06 adaq Radiation and Ozone snapshot
256843 01/19/09 20:06 adaq Hall A Tools snapshot
256842 01/19/09 20:06 adaq Compton Polarimeter snapshot
256841 01/19/09 20:06 adaq BigBox Magnet snapshot
256840 01/19/09 20:06 adaq Beam Position and Current snapshot
256839 01/19/09 20:06 adaq Beam Energy in A and C snapshot
256837 01/19/09 19:33 B Norum 1 uA run
256828 01/19/09 16:33 R. Michaels re: TransPvdis
256826 01/19/09 16:11 Moffit HAPPEX DAQ: Running in TransPvdis configuration.
256824 01/19/09 15:59 A. Deur Beam summary
256821 01/19/09 15:08 Katich Problem with BCMu3 in RHRS
256819 01/19/09 14:21 V. Sulkosky Compton Asymmetry
256810 01/19/09 12:05 adaq Target Field and Oven Temps snapshot
256809 01/19/09 12:05 adaq Target Cell Temps snapshot
256808 01/19/09 12:05 adaq Radiation and Ozone snapshot
256807 01/19/09 12:05 adaq Hall A Tools snapshot
256806 01/19/09 12:05 adaq Compton Polarimeter snapshot
256805 01/19/09 12:05 adaq BigBox Magnet snapshot
256804 01/19/09 12:05 adaq Beam Position and Current snapshot
256803 01/19/09 12:05 adaq Beam Energy in A and C snapshot
256802 01/19/09 11:38 Wolfgang tools screen
256801 01/19/09 11:36 Wolfgang spot++
256796 01/19/09 09:55 yawei sorry, it is 5320
256795 01/19/09 09:55 A. Deur Rich spectra different from ref. ones
256794 01/19/09 09:37 yawei no end run information elog entry for run#5230, but the run is good
256791 01/19/09 08:32 R. Subedi Typo: Run Coordinator Report: Jan 18, 2009
256790 01/19/09 08:23 R. Subedi Run Coordinator Report: Jan 18, 2009
256789 01/19/09 08:10 A. Deur Deadtime is slightly high
256788 01/19/09 08:01 riordan Owl Shift Summary
256784 01/19/09 07:16 adaq target: Spin Flip Report: All is OK
256783 01/19/09 07:13 A. Tobias Target: Laser Absorption Spectrum Owl Shift
256782 01/19/09 06:48 xqian We should do compton every two hours in the expert shift from now on
256779 01/19/09 05:55 riordan Beam Down for a Few Minutes
256776 01/19/09 04:21 riordan Hall A Tools
256775 01/19/09 04:18 riordan spot++
256772 01/19/09 04:05 adaq Target Field and Oven Temps snapshot
256771 01/19/09 04:05 adaq Target Cell Temps snapshot
256770 01/19/09 04:05 adaq Radiation and Ozone snapshot
256769 01/19/09 04:05 adaq Hall A Tools snapshot
256768 01/19/09 04:05 adaq Compton Polarimeter snapshot
256767 01/19/09 04:05 adaq BigBox Magnet snapshot
256766 01/19/09 04:05 adaq Beam Position and Current snapshot
256765 01/19/09 04:05 adaq Beam Energy in A and C snapshot
256760 01/19/09 00:54 riordan BigBite Preshower Block HV
256754 01/19/09 00:05 B Norum Shift summary
256751 01/18/09 23:24 B Norum spot++
256750 01/18/09 23:23 B Norum Swing shift summary
256749 01/18/09 23:22 B Norum Hall A Tools screen
256748 01/18/09 23:06 Katich Lumis 7 and 8 fixed
256745 01/18/09 21:38 A. Kolarkar Target Laser absorption spectrum and Vertical polarization
256744 01/18/09 21:36 adaq target: Spin Flip Report: All's good.
256741 01/18/09 20:28 A. Kolarkar Wire chamber HV trip/reset
256738 01/18/09 20:05 adaq Target Field and Oven Temps snapshot
256737 01/18/09 20:05 adaq Target Cell Temps snapshot
256736 01/18/09 20:04 adaq Radiation and Ozone snapshot
256735 01/18/09 20:04 adaq Hall A Tools snapshot
256734 01/18/09 20:04 adaq Compton Polarimeter snapshot
256733 01/18/09 20:04 adaq BigBox Magnet snapshot
256732 01/18/09 20:04 adaq Beam Position and Current snapshot
256731 01/18/09 20:04 adaq Beam Energy in A and C snapshot
256726 01/18/09 18:36 Jin Lumi # 7 & 8 is saturated
256723 01/18/09 18:00 Jin Spot++ for 6x6 raster
256722 01/18/09 17:57 Jin Trigger Rate, 2uA, 6x6 raster @ he3 cell
256720 01/18/09 17:53 Target EPR for Vertical Pumping
256719 01/18/09 17:52 Target EPR for Vertical Pumping
256718 01/18/09 17:24 Kalyan Late Entry: Re: Gas Cerenkov test (5238)
256713 01/18/09 16:27 Kalyan L-HRS scalers : T1 fixed but T6 still have problem
256711 01/18/09 16:12 Bosted Day shift summary
256710 01/18/09 15:37 Xing From Run 5300 to Run 5302, we use H2 reference target.
256707 01/18/09 15:22 ycwang rates at H2 @14uA
256705 01/18/09 15:09 Bosted spot++ with 5 by 6 raster
256702 01/18/09 14:58 Bosted Spot++ with 3x4 mm on hydrogen reference cell
256701 01/18/09 14:58 Wolfgang Tools screen
256698 01/18/09 14:52 Wolfgang Move to Reference Cell
256696 01/18/09 14:48 Bosted spot++ on BeO target at 2 muA
256694 01/18/09 14:43 ycwang BBite HV trip
256693 01/18/09 14:38 A. Camsonne Compton central crystal settings restored
256692 01/18/09 14:29 Wolfgang Reference cell filled with H2
256691 01/18/09 14:28 A. Camsonne Compton central crystal settings restored
256690 01/18/09 14:13 Wolfgang VERTICAL POLARIZATION
256689 01/18/09 14:13 Target Group Laser Power Measurement
256688 01/18/09 14:10 V. Sulkosky Experiment Summary for Jan 13, Owl - Jan 14, Swing
256687 01/18/09 14:09 Wolfgang Moved target
256686 01/18/09 14:03 Jin Fake spin signal ON
256684 01/18/09 13:44 R. Subedi Run plan for today
256683 01/18/09 13:42 Kalyan TS busy signal in LHRS
256682 01/18/09 13:38 Kalyan Access activity for scalers and BB shower HV
256673 01/18/09 12:59 A. Camsonne RICH scaler assignement
256672 01/18/09 12:51 A. Camsonne RICH added additionnal clear
256661 01/18/09 12:08 R. Subedi Hall A locked for Laser Work
256660 01/18/09 12:04 adaq Target Field and Oven Temps snapshot
256659 01/18/09 12:04 adaq Target Cell Temps snapshot
256658 01/18/09 12:04 adaq Radiation and Ozone snapshot
256657 01/18/09 12:04 adaq Hall A Tools snapshot
256656 01/18/09 12:04 adaq Compton Polarimeter snapshot
256655 01/18/09 12:04 adaq BigBox Magnet snapshot
256654 01/18/09 12:04 adaq Beam Position and Current snapshot
256653 01/18/09 12:04 adaq Beam Energy in A and C snapshot
256645 01/18/09 11:35 Jin Sending test Spin signal
256641 01/18/09 11:18 Yi Qiang Laser Power Measured Upstairs
256640 01/18/09 11:18 Yi Qiang Laser Power Measured Upstairs
256637 01/18/09 11:01 Jin NMR Cross Calibration
256629 01/18/09 10:33 Chiranjib/yi EPR before we switch from Transverse to Vertical
256628 01/18/09 10:17 R. Subedi Beam stops for Target work, called for controlled access
256627 01/18/09 10:12 adaq target: Spin Flip Report: spin flip report before the EPR and the vertical config.
256625 01/18/09 09:54 adaq target: Spin Flip Report: Target Status
256620 01/18/09 08:16 xqian Owl Shift Summary
256619 01/18/09 08:10 Wolfgang Laser Absorption Spectrum
256617 01/18/09 07:57 R. Subedi Run Coordinator Report: Jan 16 (Swing)-17, 2009
256616 01/18/09 07:55 A. Camsonne Compton setting
256615 01/18/09 07:44 zhangyi laser spectrum
256614 01/18/09 07:44 adaq target: Spin Flip Report: end of owl shift
256613 01/18/09 07:30 zhangyi halla main tools
256612 01/18/09 07:28 posik Total owl shift charge
256611 01/18/09 07:28 zhangyi spot++
256608 01/18/09 07:01 R. Subedi Compton rate
256603 01/18/09 05:00 A. Camsonne Compton rates improving
256602 01/18/09 04:39 A. Camsonne RICH large event size
256601 01/18/09 04:14 A. Camsonne Asked to MCC to see if compton rates can be improved
256598 01/18/09 04:07 A. Camsonne Compton rates still high
256597 01/18/09 04:04 adaq Target Field and Oven Temps snapshot
256596 01/18/09 04:04 adaq Target Cell Temps snapshot
256595 01/18/09 04:04 adaq Radiation and Ozone snapshot
256594 01/18/09 04:03 adaq Hall A Tools snapshot
256593 01/18/09 04:03 adaq Compton Polarimeter snapshot
256592 01/18/09 04:03 adaq BigBox Magnet snapshot
256591 01/18/09 04:03 adaq Beam Position and Current snapshot
256590 01/18/09 04:03 adaq Beam Energy in A and C snapshot
256585 01/18/09 01:29 xqian Background level in Wire Chamber
256582 01/18/09 00:36 B Norum Tools Screen
256581 01/18/09 00:33 B Norum spot++
256579 01/18/09 00:14 Yi Zhang laser spectrum at the beginning of owl shift
256578 01/18/09 00:12 adaq target: Spin Flip Report: owl shift start ... all things look OK
256577 01/17/09 23:54 posik run 5270 stopped short HV crash
256575 01/17/09 23:51 Blaine Norum BB WC HV trip
256573 01/17/09 23:33 Blaine Norum Beam Dump rad levels
256572 01/17/09 23:19 brads Radiation levels at the dump 1000x what they were yesterday!?
256569 01/17/09 22:28 A. Kolarkar Target Laser absorption spectrum
256568 01/17/09 22:28 adaq target: Spin Flip Report: All's well
256563 01/17/09 20:40 Kalyan scalers cross talk on T1 and T6
256562 01/17/09 20:03 adaq Target Field and Oven Temps snapshot
256561 01/17/09 20:03 adaq Target Cell Temps snapshot
256560 01/17/09 20:03 adaq Radiation and Ozone snapshot
256559 01/17/09 20:03 adaq Hall A Tools snapshot
256558 01/17/09 20:03 adaq Compton Polarimeter snapshot
256557 01/17/09 20:03 adaq BigBox Magnet snapshot
256556 01/17/09 20:03 adaq Beam Position and Current snapshot
256555 01/17/09 20:03 adaq Beam Energy in A and C snapshot
256552 01/17/09 19:03 Kalyan Re:2 BB shower channels got 0 Current Reading on HV
256547 01/17/09 17:07 Jin 2 BB shower channels got 0 Current Reading on HV
256544 01/17/09 16:27 Chiranjib Trigger distributions
256543 01/17/09 16:24 Chiranjib Empty histograms in BB shower ADCss
256542 01/17/09 16:21 Chiranjib BigBite WC hits for run 5263
256541 01/17/09 16:18 Chiranjib VDC wires / TDCs for the production run 5263
256540 01/17/09 16:12 A. Camsonne Compton rates
256539 01/17/09 16:06 Chiranjib SPOT ++ for run 5263
256537 01/17/09 16:04 ransome day shift summary
256536 01/17/09 15:47 A. Deur Hall A tool
256535 01/17/09 15:45 Chiranjib Started production !!!
256530 01/17/09 15:21 A. Camsonne Compton oddity
256527 01/17/09 15:13 A. Camsonne Compton no rate for now
256525 01/17/09 14:52 ransome Compton problems
256524 01/17/09 13:58 R. Subedi Ready to take beam
256523 01/17/09 13:28 Yi Qiang Target to Optics
256522 01/17/09 13:26 Yi Qiang Target Polarization after Internal Temp Test is 58.7%
256521 01/17/09 13:25 Yi Qiang Target Polarization after Internal Temp Test is 58.7%
256520 01/17/09 13:20 Yi Qiang Internal Temperature Test with Transverse pumping
256519 01/17/09 13:13 ransome he levels in magnets now OK
256518 01/17/09 12:36 ransome esr/magnets
256515 01/17/09 12:28 A. Camsonne RICH work
256512 01/17/09 12:20 brads BB Cerenkov modifications to PMT 5 and PMT 17 signals
256511 01/17/09 12:03 adaq Target Field and Oven Temps snapshot
256510 01/17/09 12:03 adaq Target Cell Temps snapshot
256509 01/17/09 12:03 adaq Radiation and Ozone snapshot
256508 01/17/09 12:03 adaq Hall A Tools snapshot
256506 01/17/09 12:03 adaq Compton Polarimeter snapshot
256505 01/17/09 12:02 adaq BigBox Magnet snapshot
256504 01/17/09 12:02 adaq Beam Position and Current snapshot
256503 01/17/09 12:02 adaq Beam Energy in A and C snapshot
256502 01/17/09 11:53 Yi Qiang Target to He3 for Internal Temp Test
256497 01/17/09 11:49 R. Subedi BB HV mainframe replaced, will be down for about an hour due to ESR
256486 01/17/09 11:29 A. Deur Optic target in
256480 01/17/09 11:16 xqian bbps1:2001 HV crate is replaced
256476 01/17/09 10:47 ransome BB, ESR
256475 01/17/09 10:23 A. Deur target spin flip paused
256474 01/17/09 10:04 yawei run#5242 and run#5243 are junk, take care of run#5241
256470 01/17/09 09:14 xqian About the run
256469 01/17/09 09:10 V. Sulkosky Re: Problem could start earlier than RUN 5179, Need to be careful when we analyzed the data in this period
256468 01/17/09 08:53 yawei It takes about two hours for this new production run#5242 (events 1M)
256467 01/17/09 08:17 A. Deur Laser Absorption Spectrum
256466 01/17/09 08:16 adaq target: Spin Flip Report: No Shift Worker Comment
256465 01/17/09 08:08 adaq target: Spin Flip Report: Spin Flip system control report
256464 01/17/09 08:01 R. Michaels owl summary
256462 01/17/09 07:49 posik total shift charge
256461 01/17/09 07:25 R. Subedi Compton photon rate degraded
256458 01/17/09 06:21 R. Michaels some low gases
256457 01/17/09 06:01 R. Michaels re: alleged crosstalk
256454 01/17/09 04:33 R. Michaels absorption spectrum
256453 01/17/09 04:32 adaq target: Spin Flip Report: owl Jan 17
256450 01/17/09 04:14 R. Michaels spot++
256449 01/17/09 04:02 adaq Target Field and Oven Temps snapshot
256448 01/17/09 04:02 adaq Target Cell Temps snapshot
256447 01/17/09 04:02 adaq Radiation and Ozone snapshot
256446 01/17/09 04:02 adaq Hall A Tools snapshot
256445 01/17/09 04:02 adaq Compton Polarimeter snapshot
256444 01/17/09 04:02 adaq BigBox Magnet snapshot
256443 01/17/09 04:02 adaq Beam Position and Current snapshot
256442 01/17/09 04:02 adaq Beam Energy in A and C snapshot
256441 01/17/09 03:01 R. Michaels more on Gas Cer. test
256440 01/17/09 02:50 R. Michaels Gas Cerenkov test (5238)
256437 01/17/09 02:41 posik run 5237 should be production type
256434 01/17/09 02:32 xqian Problem could start earlier than RUN 5179, Need to be careful when we analyzed the data in this period.
256433 01/17/09 02:15 Jin Update : Problems related with LHRS DAQ are solved
256431 01/17/09 01:43 posik HAPPEX restarted
256430 01/17/09 01:43 R. Michaels beam permit, L1A problem fixed
256429 01/17/09 01:42 posik run 5237 first production run after controlled access
256425 01/17/09 01:24 Jin Compile of symptoms related to LHRS DAQ
256411 01/17/09 00:43 posik run 5228 stopped for controlled access
256409 01/17/09 00:27 R. Michaels extra hits in Fastbus
256406 01/16/09 23:52 Ransome shift summary
256405 01/16/09 23:11 xqian dead time does not improve at all after changing 1us to 0.85us
256402 01/16/09 23:04 V. Sulkosky Re: Left Gas Cerenkov
256401 01/16/09 23:01 R. Subedi Run Coordinator Report Jan 15 (Day) - 16(Day): third try
256400 01/16/09 22:17 xqian We are not losing data with this cut
256398 01/16/09 22:08 R. Subedi Run Coordinator Report: Jan 15 (Day) - 16 (Day), 2009
256396 01/16/09 22:00 R. Subedi Run Coordinator Report: Jan 15 (Day)- 16(Day), 2009
256395 01/16/09 21:07 ransome Hall A tools
256393 01/16/09 21:06 ransome spot++
256391 01/16/09 20:30 C. Dutta/V. Checked Left Gas Cerenkov Pedestals
256390 01/16/09 20:11 V. Sulkosky Runs 5219 and 5223 for Pedestal Check
256387 01/16/09 20:02 adaq Target Field and Oven Temps snapshot
256386 01/16/09 20:02 adaq Target Cell Temps snapshot
256385 01/16/09 20:02 adaq Radiation and Ozone snapshot
256384 01/16/09 20:02 adaq Hall A Tools snapshot
256383 01/16/09 20:02 adaq Compton Polarimeter snapshot
256382 01/16/09 20:02 adaq BigBox Magnet snapshot
256381 01/16/09 20:01 adaq Beam Position and Current snapshot
256380 01/16/09 20:01 adaq Beam Energy in A and C snapshot
256375 01/16/09 19:13 Kalyan L-HRS EDTM signal on TDC have some problem
256369 01/16/09 17:52 Kalyan BB MWDC hit times before and after TDC window change
256363 01/16/09 16:01 Yunxiu Ye Spin system works well
256361 01/16/09 16:00 adaq target: Spin Flip Report: Spin system works well
256360 01/16/09 15:56 Ole Hansen Day Shift summary
256359 01/16/09 15:43 Kalyan Re: TDC window reduced from 1.0 us to 0.854us
256358 01/16/09 15:40 adaq target: Spin Flip Report: Spin flip system works well
256357 01/16/09 15:37 Kalyan TDC window reduced from 1.0 us to 0.854us
256354 01/16/09 15:15 A. Camsonne Compton rates update
256353 01/16/09 14:49 V. Sulkosky Gas Cerenkov Pedestal Changed
256352 01/16/09 14:34 Ole Hansen spot++
256347 01/16/09 13:45 ycwang Left_arm HV
256346 01/16/09 13:34 A. Camsonne Compton file clean up
256345 01/16/09 13:12 Ole Hansen CODA restarted
256343 01/16/09 13:07 Ole Hansen CODA crash
256338 01/16/09 12:49 ycwang LHRS gas chrenkov needs to be checked
256337 01/16/09 12:20 yawei preshower and shower energy check, run#5210
256336 01/16/09 12:08 A. Camsonne Compton rates worsening
256335 01/16/09 12:06 ycwang LHRS gas cherenkov individual channel ADC
256334 01/16/09 12:01 adaq Target Field and Oven Temps snapshot
256333 01/16/09 12:01 adaq Target Cell Temps snapshot
256332 01/16/09 12:01 adaq Radiation and Ozone snapshot
256331 01/16/09 12:01 adaq Hall A Tools snapshot
256330 01/16/09 12:01 adaq Compton Polarimeter snapshot
256329 01/16/09 12:01 adaq BigBox Magnet snapshot
256328 01/16/09 12:01 adaq Beam Position and Current snapshot
256327 01/16/09 12:01 adaq Beam Energy in A and C snapshot
256322 01/16/09 11:49 xqian Gas Problem? Individual ADC?
256321 01/16/09 10:55 ycwang a different plot for Left_arm gas Cherenkov.
256312 01/16/09 08:08 xqian Hit efficiency
256311 01/16/09 08:01 Ransome Owl Shift summary
256307 01/16/09 07:26 adaq target: Spin Flip Report: All Ok.
256306 01/16/09 07:23 A. Tobias Target: Laser Absorption Spectrum Owl Shift
256305 01/16/09 06:50 xqian Argon/Ethan Gas Bottle Change
256304 01/16/09 06:15 xqian Increase the beam current to 14uA from 13.5uA
256303 01/16/09 06:14 xqian Check of the Dead time
256298 01/16/09 04:50 ransome Hall Atools
256297 01/16/09 04:33 ransome spot++
256296 01/16/09 04:01 adaq Target Field and Oven Temps snapshot
256295 01/16/09 04:01 adaq Target Cell Temps snapshot
256294 01/16/09 04:01 adaq Radiation and Ozone snapshot
256293 01/16/09 04:01 adaq Hall A Tools snapshot
256292 01/16/09 04:01 adaq Compton Polarimeter snapshot
256291 01/16/09 04:01 adaq BigBox Magnet snapshot
256290 01/16/09 04:01 adaq Beam Position and Current snapshot
256289 01/16/09 04:00 adaq Beam Energy in A and C snapshot
256280 01/16/09 00:01 A. Puckett Swing shift summary
256278 01/15/09 23:58 A. Kolarkar Laser Absorption Spectrum
256276 01/15/09 23:28 adaq target: Spin Flip Report: All good.
256274 01/15/09 23:12 xqian DATAMON modification
256271 01/15/09 22:04 Kalyan Re: negative dead time problem
256270 01/15/09 21:29 posik Helicity Diff doesn't match golden root
256267 01/15/09 20:27 Kalyan Run 5197 => gas cerenkov off
256262 01/15/09 20:00 adaq Target Field and Oven Temps snapshot
256261 01/15/09 20:00 adaq Target Cell Temps snapshot
256260 01/15/09 20:00 adaq Radiation and Ozone snapshot
256259 01/15/09 20:00 adaq Hall A Tools snapshot
256258 01/15/09 20:00 adaq Compton Polarimeter snapshot
256257 01/15/09 20:00 adaq BigBox Magnet snapshot
256256 01/15/09 20:00 adaq Beam Position and Current snapshot
256255 01/15/09 20:00 adaq Beam Energy in A and C snapshot
256252 01/15/09 19:00 Jin Beam Energy Logger to run database is disabled
256251 01/15/09 18:39 A. Puckett MCC says injector problem fixed, resumed production data taking @13.5 uA
256241 01/15/09 17:54 Chiranjib SPOT ++
256239 01/15/09 17:50 Yi Qiang Rates for He3 with 2uA 6x6.6 raster
256237 01/15/09 17:48 Yi Qiang Rates of He3 with 2uA, 3x4 raster
256234 01/15/09 17:44 A. Kolarkar Target back to 3He
256233 01/15/09 17:42 Yi Qiang Trigger rate for 2uA optics target
256231 01/15/09 17:40 A. Puckett spot++ on BeO
256229 01/15/09 17:33 A. Kolarkar Target moved to Optics
256228 01/15/09 17:23 A. Puckett Software expert on-call restored our target motion control GUI.
256227 01/15/09 17:05 A. Puckett Target Motion--edl file for target motion controls GUI appears to be missing
256226 01/15/09 16:38 A. Puckett 3He target motion difficulties
256225 01/15/09 16:35 R. Michaels re: negative deadtime
256223 01/15/09 16:00 Saha Shift Summary
256222 01/15/09 15:56 Kalyan Negative deadtime problem
256211 01/15/09 14:00 Chiranjib CODA crashed during run 5180
256210 01/15/09 13:56 X. Jiang more looks like a software issue, kinematics shift ? in run 5175
256208 01/15/09 13:51 brads Possible culprits for Beamline HV crate alarms
256205 01/15/09 13:24 brads Compton BG and Rad29_p1 rates rising over last 4 hours.
256204 01/15/09 12:51 R. Subedi HV alarm from Beamline
256203 01/15/09 12:31 averett laser spectrum screen
256200 01/15/09 12:18 yawei run#5176 is normal
256199 01/15/09 12:00 adaq Target Field and Oven Temps snapshot
256198 01/15/09 12:00 adaq Target Cell Temps snapshot
256197 01/15/09 12:00 adaq Radiation and Ozone snapshot
256196 01/15/09 12:00 adaq Hall A Tools snapshot
256195 01/15/09 12:00 adaq Compton Polarimeter snapshot
256194 01/15/09 12:00 adaq BigBox Magnet snapshot
256193 01/15/09 12:00 adaq Beam Position and Current snapshot
256192 01/15/09 12:00 adaq Beam Energy in A and C snapshot
256191 01/15/09 11:52 adaq target: Spin Flip Report: No Shift Worker Comment
256190 01/15/09 11:49 yawei Kinematics shift, run#5175
256189 01/15/09 11:40 xing Hall A tool screen
256186 01/15/09 11:23 xing spot++ for Run No. 5177
256183 01/15/09 10:02 adaq target: Spin Flip Report: day shift spin flip system control screen shot
256182 01/15/09 09:45 V. Sulkosky Compton Rate @ 2 kHz/uA
256177 01/15/09 08:02 Ransome owl shift summary
256175 01/15/09 07:42 adaq target: Spin Flip Report: All is OK.
256174 01/15/09 07:41 A. Tobias Target: Laser Absorption Spectrum
256173 01/15/09 06:59 ransome big bite trip
256170 01/15/09 06:24 A. Tobias Target: Go to BeO/C for Beam Tuning & then back to 3He Production
256165 01/15/09 04:02 ransome Hall A tools
256164 01/15/09 04:00 ransome spot++
256163 01/15/09 03:59 adaq Target Field and Oven Temps snapshot
256162 01/15/09 03:59 adaq Target Cell Temps snapshot
256161 01/15/09 03:59 adaq Radiation and Ozone snapshot
256160 01/15/09 03:59 adaq Hall A Tools snapshot
256159 01/15/09 03:59 adaq Compton Polarimeter snapshot
256157 01/15/09 03:59 adaq BigBox Magnet snapshot
256156 01/15/09 03:59 adaq Beam Position and Current snapshot
256155 01/15/09 03:59 adaq Beam Energy in A and C snapshot
256153 01/15/09 03:03 Jin Coda Rebooted
256146 01/15/09 01:17 zhangyi PMT#04 in BB Cherenkov seems bad
256142 01/14/09 23:55 A. Puckett swing shift summary
256139 01/14/09 23:36 adaq target: Spin Flip Report: Spin Flip vi. All's well.
256138 01/14/09 23:34 A. Kolarkar Laser Absorption Spectrum
256135 01/14/09 22:03 Jin Production Trigger Rate
256130 01/14/09 20:35 brads re: F1TDC overflow persists
256129 01/14/09 19:59 adaq Target Field and Oven Temps snapshot
256128 01/14/09 19:59 adaq Target Cell Temps snapshot
256127 01/14/09 19:59 adaq Radiation and Ozone snapshot
256126 01/14/09 19:59 adaq Hall A Tools snapshot
256125 01/14/09 19:59 adaq Compton Polarimeter snapshot
256124 01/14/09 19:59 adaq BigBox Magnet snapshot
256123 01/14/09 19:59 adaq Beam Position and Current snapshot
256122 01/14/09 19:59 adaq Beam Energy in A and C snapshot
256121 01/14/09 19:46 ROC5 reboot; F1TDC overflow persist
256118 01/14/09 18:47 ycwang 4 sigma threshold for run #5160
256115 01/14/09 18:27 ycwang 3 sigma threshold for 5159
256111 01/14/09 17:24 A. Kolarkar Target at 3He
256110 01/14/09 17:24 A. Pucket spott++ on 3He
256103 01/14/09 17:10 Jin Target -> he3 Location
256100 01/14/09 16:38 A. Camsonne RICH rmoved clear on TH and veto on clear by TH
256099 01/14/09 16:26 Katich lumi data back to normal
256095 01/14/09 16:10 R. Michaels new data mover for Hall A data
256089 01/14/09 16:01 A. Deur Day shift summary
256088 01/14/09 15:59 Jin Spin signal set to logical 1 on both channels
256085 01/14/09 15:13 Sirish Compton Tune
256082 01/14/09 14:45 A. Deur ref cell pressure drop
256081 01/14/09 14:32 adaq Hall A tool snapshot
256078 01/14/09 13:35 Katich lumi signals not present in main DAQ
256076 01/14/09 13:28 yawei bigbite HV trip
256074 01/14/09 13:14 ycwang Lumi plots when beam comes back
256070 01/14/09 12:22 ycwang BigBite HV trip
256069 01/14/09 11:59 adaq Target Field and Oven Temps snapshot
256068 01/14/09 11:59 adaq Target Cell Temps snapshot
256067 01/14/09 11:58 adaq Radiation and Ozone snapshot
256066 01/14/09 11:58 adaq Hall A Tools snapshot
256065 01/14/09 11:58 adaq Compton Polarimeter snapshot
256064 01/14/09 11:58 adaq BigBox Magnet snapshot
256063 01/14/09 11:58 adaq Beam Position and Current snapshot
256062 01/14/09 11:58 adaq Beam Energy in A and C snapshot
256061 01/14/09 11:53 Moffit/Katic No Lumi Data. Missing helicity and target signals to HAPPEX Right Spectrometer crate.
256059 01/14/09 11:05 Chiranjib TARGET----> OPTICS
256056 01/14/09 10:57 Chiranjib RTD #7
256055 01/14/09 10:53 Chiranjib target charts
256048 01/14/09 09:43 A. Camsonne Power cycled ROC14 for RICH
256045 01/14/09 09:29 adev BigBite WireChamber Measured Voltage change!
256040 01/14/09 09:19 Xinhu Yan ROC Problem
256039 01/14/09 09:18 adev BigBite WireChamber Measured Voltage change!
256033 01/14/09 08:34 A. Deur Target Laser absorption spectrum
256032 01/14/09 08:30 adaq target: Spin Flip Report: Spin Flip System Control Panel
256028 01/14/09 08:03 gilman shift summary
256026 01/14/09 07:19 gilman BB ch 2+3 trip on beam trip
256022 01/14/09 05:24 adaq target: Spin Flip Report: All OK.
256021 01/14/09 05:22 A. Tobias Target: Laser Absorption Spectrum Owl Shift
256018 01/14/09 04:24 gilman spot++ for shift checklist
256017 01/14/09 04:23 gilman HA Tools for shift checklist
256016 01/14/09 04:17 Jin RTD#6 Value Changed is normal
256013 01/14/09 03:58 adaq Target Field and Oven Temps snapshot
256012 01/14/09 03:58 adaq Target Cell Temps snapshot
256011 01/14/09 03:58 adaq Radiation and Ozone snapshot
256010 01/14/09 03:58 adaq Hall A Tools snapshot
256009 01/14/09 03:58 adaq Compton Polarimeter snapshot
256008 01/14/09 03:58 adaq BigBox Magnet snapshot
256007 01/14/09 03:58 adaq Beam Position and Current snapshot
256006 01/14/09 03:58 adaq Beam Energy in A and C snapshot
256005 01/14/09 03:35 A. Tobias Target: Correction RTD#6 Changed
256004 01/14/09 03:27 A. Tobias Target: RTD#5 Value Changed
256001 01/14/09 02:22 xqian Current Running Condition:
255994 01/14/09 00:58 Jin Golden Root File -> Run #5119
255993 01/14/09 00:37 Katich Lumi HVs set
255992 01/14/09 00:22 Jin Lumi # 5&6 is saturated
255990 01/14/09 00:01 A. Puckett Swing shift summary (continued)
255984 01/13/09 23:46 adaq target: Spin Flip Report: Spin Flip vi - All's fine!
255983 01/13/09 23:43 A. Kolarkar Spectrum Analyser Screenshot
255980 01/13/09 22:22 A. Kolarkar Target moved back to 3He
255979 01/13/09 22:15 A. Kolarkar Target moved to empty
255977 01/13/09 21:53 A. Puckett Swing shift summary
255974 01/13/09 21:48 Chiranjib HAPPEX DAQ started
255970 01/13/09 21:23 Chiranjib Spot ++ on 3He ( 3by4 )
255966 01/13/09 21:20 chiranjib Spot ++ with 6 by 6.6 raster on 3He
255961 01/13/09 21:12 A. Kolarkar Target at 3He
255958 01/13/09 21:09 A. Puckett spot++ on BeO after access
255957 01/13/09 21:09 adev BigBite WireChamber Measured Voltage change!
255956 01/13/09 21:07 kalyan/brads Gate for raster current ADC in BB DAQ --> 40ns
255953 01/13/09 20:58 adev BigBite WireChamber Measured Voltage change!
255936 01/13/09 20:40 brads Plastic shield plate on BB back in position
255935 01/13/09 20:37 adev BigBite WireChamber Measured Voltage change!
255931 01/13/09 20:06 V. Sulkosky Re: "square-wave" structure in the xpos BPMs vs. time
255930 01/13/09 19:59 A. Puckett Hall in controlled access
255929 01/13/09 19:58 adaq Target Field and Oven Temps snapshot
255928 01/13/09 19:58 adaq Target Cell Temps snapshot
255927 01/13/09 19:58 adaq Radiation and Ozone snapshot
255926 01/13/09 19:57 adaq Hall A Tools snapshot
255925 01/13/09 19:57 adaq Compton Polarimeter snapshot
255924 01/13/09 19:57 adaq BigBox Magnet snapshot
255923 01/13/09 19:57 adaq Beam Position and Current snapshot
255922 01/13/09 19:57 adaq Beam Energy in A and C snapshot
255914 01/13/09 19:33 Jin spot++ for 2uA on He3 with 6x6.6 raster
255912 01/13/09 19:30 Jin Trigger Rate @ 2uA, He3, 6x6.6 raster
255908 01/13/09 19:26 Jin Trigger Rate with 2uA on he3 cell with raster 5x6
255904 01/13/09 19:22 Jin trigger rate @ 4x5 raster, 2uA, he3
255901 01/13/09 19:20 Jin Spot++ for 2uA on He3 with 3x4 raster
255899 01/13/09 19:16 adev SCALER = -1
255898 01/13/09 19:14 Jin Trigger Rate @ 3He, 2uA, 3x4 raster
255897 01/13/09 19:12 A. Kolarkar Target moved to 3He
255884 01/13/09 18:44 Kalyan BCM downstream x3 problem in "++" state on LHRS scaler is fixed
255865 01/13/09 18:13 E.Chudakov Moller results, spin dance
255855 01/13/09 17:48 A. Puckett Beam back, 2 uA on BeO, raster 3x3
255854 01/13/09 17:48 A. Puckett spot++ on BeO
255851 01/13/09 17:44 A. Kolarkar Target moved to BeO
255847 01/13/09 15:58 Saha Shift Summary
255846 01/13/09 15:21 Kalyan BigBite shower, preshower and scintillator pedestals updated
255845 01/13/09 15:14 brads "square-wave" structure in the xpos BPMs vs. time
255844 01/13/09 15:06 gomez Compton EPICS problems
255843 01/13/09 14:50 Bosted Target laser screen shot
255840 01/13/09 14:42 adaq target: Spin Flip Report: Spin flip status report
255839 01/13/09 13:30 A. Camsonne EPICS fix for the Compton
255838 01/13/09 12:47 A. Camsonne RICH work summary
255837 01/13/09 12:11 brads BB Cerenkov runlist for gain check of Cerenkov PMTs 1--10 (late entry)
255836 01/13/09 11:57 adaq Target Field and Oven Temps snapshot
255835 01/13/09 11:57 adaq Target Cell Temps snapshot
255834 01/13/09 11:57 adaq Radiation and Ozone snapshot
255833 01/13/09 11:56 adaq Hall A Tools snapshot
255832 01/13/09 11:56 adaq Compton Polarimeter snapshot
255831 01/13/09 11:56 adaq BigBox Magnet snapshot
255830 01/13/09 11:56 adaq Beam Position and Current snapshot
255829 01/13/09 11:56 adaq Beam Energy in A and C snapshot
255828 01/13/09 11:49 R. Michaels followup about 2nd files
255825 01/13/09 11:39 Moffit HAPPEX DAQ: Changed bootfile for pvdis1
255822 01/13/09 11:28 R. Michaels re: TransPvdis config
255812 01/13/09 10:51 adev BigBite WireChamber Measured Voltage change!
255809 01/13/09 10:47 V. Sulkosky Runs 5056 and 5057 are not Production
255802 01/13/09 10:08 Bosted Target moved to Empty
255800 01/13/09 09:55 V. Sulkosky Re: Beam half-wave plate entry
255797 01/13/09 09:29 V. Sulkosky Target OTR with Raster
255796 01/13/09 09:26 Moffit HAPPEX charge feedback calibrated.
255795 01/13/09 09:20 V. Sulkosky Re: Harp Scan Results
255794 01/13/09 09:20 V. Sulkosky Re: Harp Scan Results
255791 01/13/09 08:57 gilman target otr removed
255790 01/13/09 08:39 gilman lambda/2 plate status
255789 01/13/09 08:33 A. Camsonne Compton restarted and compton rates and slow control screens not appearing
255788 01/13/09 08:31 xqian BigBite Wire Chamber Study summary
255786 01/13/09 08:15 Bosted Target moved to reference
255785 01/13/09 08:12 xqian Carbon and N2 looks fine,
255781 01/13/09 08:07 R. Michaels duplicated, truncatd data files
255780 01/13/09 08:07 A. Camsonne RICH CRL max channels set back to 120 instead of 480
255776 01/13/09 08:02 A. Tobias Owl Shift Summary
255770 01/13/09 07:55 adaq hall a tool
255767 01/13/09 07:43 adev BigBite WireChamber Threshold change!
255765 01/13/09 07:31 khem spot++
255764 01/13/09 07:24 adaq target: Spin Flip Report: No Shift Worker Comment
255763 01/13/09 07:16 A. Tobias Target Laser Spectrum
255761 01/13/09 07:00 khem end run 5045 fail
255760 01/13/09 06:32 khem left arm replay looks ok run5039
255754 01/13/09 06:19 adev BigBite WireChamber Measured Voltage change!
255751 01/13/09 06:09 adev BigBite WireChamber Measured Voltage change!
255749 01/13/09 05:58 adev BigBite WireChamber Threshold change!
255747 01/13/09 05:55 xqian HV GUI plot
255746 01/13/09 05:55 xqian HV Crate Problem!!!
255743 01/13/09 05:48 adev BigBite WireChamber Threshold change!
255740 01/13/09 05:26 adev BigBite WireChamber Threshold change!
255735 01/13/09 05:13 xqian Update the wire chamber database for t0 calibration with data
255728 01/13/09 04:39 xqian BigBite Collimator mis-placement
255720 01/13/09 03:28 Jin Ref Cell -> 2psig N2, Ready for BCM Calib
255719 01/13/09 03:26 A. Tobias Hall A Target HARP scan
255718 01/13/09 03:22 Jin Spot++ @ Refcell 2uA, 6x6.6 raster
255717 01/13/09 03:21 xqian BigBite Wire Chamber is on now
255715 01/13/09 03:18 Jin Trigger rate @ ref cell N2 2uA, 6x6.5 raster
255713 01/13/09 03:13 Jin Spot++ @ Ref cell 2uA, 4x5 raster
255710 01/13/09 03:10 Jin Trigger, 20psig N2 Ref cell, 4x5 raster
255709 01/13/09 03:03 Jin Spot++ @ Refcell 2uA, 3x4 raster
255707 01/13/09 02:59 Jin Spot ++ for 2uA, 3x4 raster @ Optics
255706 01/13/09 02:59 Jin Trigger Rate @ 20psig N2, 2uA 3x4 raster
255704 01/13/09 02:53 Jin Target -> Ref Cell
255701 01/13/09 02:45 Jin Target -> BeO
255700 01/13/09 02:41 Jin Target OTR
255699 01/13/09 02:16 Jin BeO Screen
255698 01/13/09 02:05 Jin Target -> Empty Target
255697 01/13/09 00:30 adaq target: Spin Flip Report: Target Spin Flip System Status - Swing
255696 01/13/09 00:25 A. Tobias Target Laser Spectrum
255695 01/13/09 00:19 Jin Huang Swing Shift Summary
255693 01/12/09 22:52 Jin Bigbite HV off for beam tuning
255688 01/12/09 21:54 Jin Beam Permit is Requested
255660 01/12/09 19:38 Chiranjib Internal Temperature Test ( with Al's suggestions)
255659 01/12/09 19:38 Chiranjib Internal Temperature Test ( with Al's suggestions)
255634 01/12/09 18:33 Kalyan BB wire chamber HV is turned off
255631 01/12/09 18:10 Chiranjib EPR calibration
255630 01/12/09 18:10 Chiranjib EPR calibration
255627 01/12/09 18:02 Jin Q2/3 cycle; LHRS to +2.35GeV/c
255618 01/12/09 17:00 jpchen/jin/c opened H2/N2 adn He3 gas bottles for reference cell system
255617 01/12/09 16:45 adaq Scaler rates (BigBite) snapshot
255616 01/12/09 16:25 folts tech / windows
255606 01/12/09 15:43 fansler Be window He flow reduced
255597 01/12/09 15:28 Chiranjib FSD test
255582 01/12/09 14:24 A. Camsonne RICH test runs
255561 01/12/09 12:45 adaq Scaler rates (BigBite) snapshot
255551 01/12/09 12:08 Jack Right Arm VDC bad HV cable
255522 01/12/09 10:29 Fansler/Ewin Check list/Techs
255488 01/12/09 08:45 adaq Scaler rates (BigBite) snapshot
255487 01/12/09 04:45 adaq Scaler rates (BigBite) snapshot
255486 01/12/09 00:44 adaq Scaler rates (BigBite) snapshot
255485 01/11/09 20:44 adaq Scaler rates (BigBite) snapshot
255484 01/11/09 19:57 Jin Target -> Empty Position
255483 01/11/09 19:45 Jin Target Tests / Measurement
255478 01/11/09 16:44 adaq Scaler rates (BigBite) snapshot
255474 01/11/09 16:17 brads BB Cerenkov T2 Cer+Sh overlap trigger enabled
255471 01/11/09 16:07 brads/kalyan Re: Lots of F1 TDC Hit-FIFO overflow errors on replay (FIXED)
255468 01/11/09 15:59 brads EDTM T5 working again
255466 01/11/09 15:56 Chiranjib Internal Temperature Test
255465 01/11/09 15:51 posik cer shower overlays
255463 01/11/09 15:34 Chiranjib EPR before the Internal temp. test
255462 01/11/09 15:34 Chiranjib EPR before the Internal temp. test
255460 01/11/09 15:25 brads Re: Lots of F1 TDC 5d017ebf Hit-FIFO overflow errors on replay (bottom cable was culprit)
255442 01/11/09 14:19 Kalyan Re: Lots of F1 TDC 5d017ebf Hit-FIFO overflow errors on replay
255429 01/11/09 13:25 brads Lots of F1 TDC 5d017ebf Hit-FIFO overflow errors on replay
255419 01/11/09 12:55 brads BB Cerenkov PMT 17 is (mostly) dead
255418 01/11/09 12:44 adaq Scaler rates (BigBite) snapshot
255412 01/11/09 08:44 adaq Scaler rates (BigBite) snapshot
255411 01/11/09 04:44 adaq Scaler rates (BigBite) snapshot
255410 01/11/09 00:44 adaq Scaler rates (BigBite) snapshot
255409 01/11/09 00:00 zhangyi pumping cell RTD position check
255371 01/10/09 20:44 adaq Scaler rates (BigBite) snapshot
255368 01/10/09 20:26 atrig Trigger-Download
255360 01/10/09 19:57 brads BB Cerenkov noise tests
255317 01/10/09 17:05 A. Camsonne RICH event limit removed for noisy event study
255310 01/10/09 16:44 adaq Scaler rates (BigBite) snapshot
255301 01/10/09 16:15 Jin Spin up started again @ transverse, 230C, Cell Brady
255290 01/10/09 15:18 Yi Qiang Update on RTD 7
255284 01/10/09 13:34 Yi Qiang Solder on RTD 7 became solidated again
255283 01/10/09 13:11 Yi Qiang Turned Heaters OFF for checking RTD issue
255282 01/10/09 12:44 adaq Scaler rates (BigBite) snapshot
255281 01/10/09 08:44 adaq Scaler rates (BigBite) snapshot
255280 01/10/09 04:44 adaq Scaler rates (BigBite) snapshot
255279 01/10/09 01:48 Jin Laser are off
255278 01/10/09 01:04 Yi Qiang RTD 7 issue
255277 01/10/09 00:44 adaq Scaler rates (BigBite) snapshot
255276 01/10/09 00:42 Yi/Chiranjib Transverse pumping chamber pickup coil adjustment
255275 01/10/09 00:17 Jin Spin up started @ transverse, 230C, Cell Brady
255274 01/09/09 23:59 Jin Pumping chamber RTD7 is broken
255273 01/09/09 23:56 Yi/Chiranjib Cooling jets are now ON
255272 01/09/09 20:44 adaq Scaler rates (BigBite) snapshot
255261 01/09/09 17:56 Kalyan extra copies of BCM downstream x3 signal on L-HRS scalers
255256 01/09/09 17:20 V. Sulkosky Left HRS VDC HV's On
255253 01/09/09 17:11 V. Sulkosky Hall A Closing on Sunday, January 11
255250 01/09/09 16:44 adaq Scaler rates (BigBite) snapshot
255249 01/09/09 15:47 Yi Qiang Laser <-> Fiber connection modified
255241 01/09/09 13:19 R. Subedi Right VDC u2 and v2 signals missing
255233 01/09/09 12:44 adaq Scaler rates (BigBite) snapshot
255226 01/09/09 08:43 adaq Scaler rates (BigBite) snapshot
255225 01/09/09 04:43 adaq Scaler rates (BigBite) snapshot
255224 01/09/09 00:43 adaq Scaler rates (BigBite) snapshot
255223 01/08/09 20:43 adaq Scaler rates (BigBite) snapshot
255218 01/08/09 18:40 Jin Fast Flipping Fake Spin Signal ON
255217 01/08/09 18:37 Jin Start Transverse Pumping
255214 01/08/09 18:31 Yi Qiang More tests for the Lasers
255194 01/08/09 16:43 adaq Scaler rates (BigBite) snapshot
255150 01/08/09 12:43 adaq Scaler rates (BigBite) snapshot
255129 01/08/09 10:25 V. Sulkosky BigBite Negative Polarity
255105 01/08/09 08:43 adaq Scaler rates (BigBite) snapshot
255084 01/08/09 04:43 adaq Scaler rates (BigBite) snapshot
255083 01/08/09 02:32 Chiranjib Keys
255082 01/08/09 01:11 Target Group Target Activity Summary
255081 01/08/09 00:43 adaq Scaler rates (BigBite) snapshot
255080 01/07/09 20:43 adaq Scaler rates (BigBite) snapshot
255061 01/07/09 18:08 Yi Qiang Target field is set to vertical +@ 25 G
255058 01/07/09 17:42 V. Sulkosky BigBite Off
255057 01/07/09 17:33 brads Shower thresholds changed to 50mV for trigger tests
255054 01/07/09 16:50 Katich Carbon Foil Replaced
255053 01/07/09 16:43 adaq Scaler rates (BigBite) snapshot
255052 01/07/09 15:50 Jin Both Spin Signal Channel are set to Logical 1
255042 01/07/09 12:43 adaq Scaler rates (BigBite) snapshot
255016 01/07/09 09:18 Yi Qiang Target is under survey, enclosure opened
255015 01/07/09 08:56 V. Sulkosky BigBite HV Alarm
255014 01/07/09 08:43 adaq Scaler rates (BigBite) snapshot
255012 01/07/09 04:43 adaq Scaler rates (BigBite) snapshot
255011 01/07/09 00:43 adaq Scaler rates (BigBite) snapshot
254995 01/06/09 20:43 adaq Scaler rates (BigBite) snapshot
254993 01/06/09 16:43 adaq Scaler rates (BigBite) snapshot
254992 01/06/09 16:34 Kalyan BPM and Raster signals on BigBite are ready
254984 01/06/09 15:20 Ole Hansen Analyzer updated to 1.5.7pre1
254982 01/06/09 15:09 V. Sulkosky BigBite @ 710 A
254971 01/06/09 12:42 adaq Scaler rates (BigBite) snapshot
254967 01/06/09 12:05 Kalyan Added three 1877 TDCs to ROC10
254955 01/06/09 11:05 Yi Qiang Target Enclosure Closed
254952 01/06/09 08:42 adaq Scaler rates (BigBite) snapshot
254951 01/06/09 08:37 V. Sulkosky BigBite Off
254950 01/06/09 04:42 adaq Scaler rates (BigBite) snapshot
254949 01/06/09 00:42 adaq Scaler rates (BigBite) snapshot
254938 01/05/09 21:24 Target He3 Cell Installed
254937 01/05/09 20:42 adaq Scaler rates (BigBite) snapshot
254936 01/05/09 20:04 V. Sulkosky Reconnected Raster Signals for BigBite
254926 01/05/09 18:36 ycwang one RICH low voltage loosen
254902 01/05/09 17:34 Jin Fake Spin Signal ON for the night
254901 01/05/09 17:00 Kalyan BPM signals on BigBite
254900 01/05/09 16:42 adaq Scaler rates (BigBite) snapshot
254889 01/05/09 14:43 R. Michaels T3,T4 routed to L-HRS TS
254884 01/05/09 14:32 atrig Trigger-Download
254882 01/05/09 14:24 gomez Patch/Update of Hall A Controls computers
254880 01/05/09 14:15 Jack RICH freon reservoir filled
254878 01/05/09 14:11 Jack BigBite gas system status
254873 01/05/09 13:15 xqian Gas is flowing on BigBite Wire Chamber
254872 01/05/09 12:55 Yi Qiang More current settings
254871 01/05/09 12:42 adaq Scaler rates (BigBite) snapshot
254857 01/05/09 11:39 A. Camsonne Added TIR input state in crl readout for RICH
254850 01/05/09 10:51 ycwang low deadtime when configuration from TwoArmRICH to LeftHRSRich
254847 01/05/09 10:45 ycwang High deadtime using & Clearout signal from one sequencer
254841 01/05/09 09:58 R. Michaels PVDIS crate in HAPPEX
254839 01/05/09 09:11 Yi Qiang Current settings for other horizontal directions:
254838 01/05/09 08:56 Target Deviation of the dipole direction from the compass mirror normal direction
254837 01/05/09 08:42 adaq Scaler rates (BigBite) snapshot
254836 01/05/09 08:25 Target Current setting for Transverse - Field
254835 01/05/09 04:42 adaq Scaler rates (BigBite) snapshot
254834 01/05/09 00:42 adaq Scaler rates (BigBite) snapshot
254833 01/04/09 20:42 adaq Scaler rates (BigBite) snapshot
254832 01/04/09 18:01 Target BIGBITE TURNED ON
254831 01/04/09 16:42 adaq Scaler rates (BigBite) snapshot
254830 01/04/09 12:42 adaq Scaler rates (BigBite) snapshot
254829 01/04/09 08:42 adaq Scaler rates (BigBite) snapshot
254828 01/04/09 04:42 adaq Scaler rates (BigBite) snapshot
254827 01/04/09 00:41 adaq Scaler rates (BigBite) snapshot
254826 01/03/09 20:41 adaq Scaler rates (BigBite) snapshot
254825 01/03/09 16:41 adaq Scaler rates (BigBite) snapshot
254824 01/03/09 12:41 adaq Scaler rates (BigBite) snapshot
254823 01/03/09 08:41 adaq Scaler rates (BigBite) snapshot
254822 01/03/09 04:41 adaq Scaler rates (BigBite) snapshot
254821 01/03/09 00:41 adaq Scaler rates (BigBite) snapshot
254820 01/02/09 20:41 adaq Scaler rates (BigBite) snapshot
254819 01/02/09 16:41 adaq Scaler rates (BigBite) snapshot
254818 01/02/09 12:41 adaq Scaler rates (BigBite) snapshot
254817 01/02/09 08:41 adaq Scaler rates (BigBite) snapshot
254816 01/02/09 04:41 adaq Scaler rates (BigBite) snapshot
254815 01/02/09 00:41 adaq Scaler rates (BigBite) snapshot
254814 01/01/09 20:41 adaq Scaler rates (BigBite) snapshot
254813 01/01/09 16:41 adaq Scaler rates (BigBite) snapshot
254812 01/01/09 12:40 adaq Scaler rates (BigBite) snapshot
254811 01/01/09 08:40 adaq Scaler rates (BigBite) snapshot
254810 01/01/09 04:40 adaq Scaler rates (BigBite) snapshot
254809 01/01/09 00:40 adaq Scaler rates (BigBite) snapshot