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This page acts as an archive of the various talks, reports, updates, and presentations regarding HCAL-J.
This page acts as an archive of the various talks, reports, updates, and presentations regarding HCAL-J.
*Status update of HCAL, Hall A Collaboration Meeting. Jan 26-27, 2023 [https://indico.jlab.org/event/602/contributions/11909/attachments/8868/12823/HallA_collaboration_01272023.pdf]
*HCal Preliminary GMn Results, Hall A Collaboration Meeting. Feb 11th, 2022 [[https://sbs.jlab.org/cgi-bin/DocDB/private/ListBy?authorid=23 | Doc DB Link 163-v1‎]]
*HCal Move Prep, SBS DAQ Meeting. May 14th, 2020 [[Media:HCal_Move_Preparations-compressed.pdf‎| pdf]]
*Modified PS706 SN21785 Discriminator Tests. March, 2021 (url) [https://sbs.jlab.org/DocDB/0000/000081/001/Modified_Discriminator_SN21785.pdf]
*Modified PS706 SN22217 Discriminator Tests. April, 2021 (url) [https://sbs.jlab.org/DocDB/0000/000085/001/Modified_Discriminator_SN22217.pdf]
*Modified PS706 SN4574 Discriminator Tests. April, 2021 (url) [https://sbs.jlab.org/DocDB/0000/000082/001/Modified_Discriminator_SN4574.pdf]
*Modified PS706 SN20876 Discriminator Tests. April, 2021 (url) [https://sbs.jlab.org/DocDB/0000/000084/001/Modified_Discriminator_SN20876.pdf]
*Modified PS706 SN17315 Discriminator Tests. April, 2021 (url) [https://sbs.jlab.org/DocDB/0000/000083/001/Modified_Discriminator_SN17315.pdf]
*HCal Status Update, SBS Weekly Meeting. November 9th, 2020 [[Media:HCal_SBS_Meeting_11_9_2020_compressed.pdf‎| pdf]]
*HCAL-J: A Segmented Hadron Calorimeter with High Time Resolution, DNP Talk. October 31st, 2020 [[Media:HCal_Presentation.pdf‎| pdf]]
*HCal Status Update, SBS Weekly Meeting. 14 September, 2020 [[Media:HCal_SBS_Meeting_9_14_2020.pdf‎| pdf]]
*Neural Networks for Detector Triggers, AI/ML Town Hall August 28th, 2020 [[Media:ML_Group_Talk.pdf‎| pdf]]
*HCal Analysis and Efficiency Studies: Eric Fuchey, 26 August, 2020 [[Media:HCalAna.pdf‎| pdf]]
*HCal Update and LDRD Machine Learning Trigger Proposal: 14 July, 2020 (url) [https://www.jlab.org/indico/event/389/contribution/18/material/slides/0.pdf]
*Energy Deposition Study Slides: 7 May, 2020 [[Media:HCal_Energy_Deposition.pdf‎| pdf]]
*HCAL-J Cosmic Ray Test at JLab: Posted: 4 May, 2020. Research from June-July 2018 [[Media:Report_HCAL-J_April_2020.pdf| pdf]]
*DAQ Update (fADC Timing) Slides: 13 March, 2020 [[Media:FADC_Timing_Resolution_3_13_2020.pdf ‎| pdf]]
*DAQ Update (fADC Timing) Slides: 13 March, 2020 [[Media:FADC_Timing_Resolution_3_13_2020.pdf ‎| pdf]]
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*DAQ Update (TDC Timing) Slides: 7 February, 2020 [[Media:HCal_DAQ_Update_Timing_NPE_2_7_2020.pdf ‎| pdf]]
*DAQ Update (TDC Timing) Slides: 7 February, 2020 [[Media:HCal_DAQ_Update_Timing_NPE_2_7_2020.pdf ‎| pdf]]
*Notes from SBS GMn-GEn-RP Preparedness Review: 4-5 August, 2019 [[Media:SBS_Review_2019.docx ‎| docx]]
*SBS Collaboration Meeting Status Update, 5 August 2019 (url) [https://www.jlab.org/indico/event/336/contribution/21/material/slides/0.pdf]
*Electronics/DAQ Update: 14 November 2019 (url) [https://hallaweb.jlab.org/12GeV/SuperBigBite/SBS-minutes/2019/HCal_Update_11_14_2019.pdf]
*Notes from SBS GMn-GEn-RP Preparedness Review: 4-5 August, 2019 [[Media:SBS_Review_2019.docx ‎| download docx]]
*SBS Collaboration Meeting Status Update: 5 August 2019 (url) [https://www.jlab.org/indico/event/336/contribution/21/material/slides/0.pdf]
*Timeline: 22 May 2019 (url) [https://hallaweb.jlab.org/12GeV/SuperBigBite/SBS-minutes/2019/HCal_timeline_May_23_19_SBS-mtg.pdf]
*HCAL Commissioning: 26 February 2019 (url) [https://hallaweb.jlab.org/12GeV/SuperBigBite/meetings/col_2019feb26/talks/Cornejo_HCAL_Feb2019_CollaborationMeeting.pdf]
*Quick Timing Analysis: 21 February 2019 (url) [https://hallaweb.jlab.org/12GeV/SuperBigBite/SBS-minutes/2019/Cornejo_HCAL_20190221.pdf]
*HCal Cable Mapping Version 1.2: 18 February 2019 (url) [https://hallaweb.jlab.org/12GeV/SuperBigBite/documents/HCAL_maps/HCAL%20Cable%20Mapping_V1.2.pdf]
*Cabling Maps: 14 February 2019 (url) [https://hallaweb.jlab.org/12GeV/SuperBigBite/SBS-minutes/2019/HCAL_Cabling_Maps_WT_14-Feb-2019.pdf]
*Paper: HCAL-J: "Hadron Calorimeter for the Study of Nucleon Form Factors at Jefferson Lab", Published 22 October, 2018, in Radiation Effects and Defects in Solids [[Media:HCal-J_Paper_2018.pdf ‎| pdf]]
*Paper: HCAL-J: "Hadron Calorimeter for the Study of Nucleon Form Factors at Jefferson Lab", Published 22 October, 2018, in Radiation Effects and Defects in Solids [[Media:HCal-J_Paper_2018.pdf ‎| pdf]]
*Overview and Status Slides: 22 July, 2018 [[Media:Cornejo_HCAL_SBS_20180722.pdf ‎| pdf]]
*SBS Detector Integration HCAL Electronics and DAQ Status, Needs, and Plans: 30 October 2018 (url) [https://hallaweb.jlab.org/12GeV/SuperBigBite/meetings/rev_30oct2018/talks/HCAL-BW.pptx.pdf]
*Status of HCal project: 30 October 2018 (url) [https://hallaweb.jlab.org/12GeV/SuperBigBite/meetings/rev_30oct2018/talks/HCal_Status_Oct_30_18.pdf]
*Hadron Calorimeter Assembly Update: 17 October 2018 (url) [https://hallaweb.jlab.org/12GeV/SuperBigBite/SBS-minutes/2018/HCAL_Update_2018-Oct-17_final-v2.pdf]
*Status of HCal Project: 5 September 2018 (url) [https://hallaweb.jlab.org/12GeV/SuperBigBite/SBS-minutes/2018/HCal_Status_Sept_05_2018.pdf]
*HCal-J Status: 7 August 2018 (url) [https://hallaweb.jlab.org/12GeV/SuperBigBite/SBS-minutes/2018/HCal_update_Aug_07_2018.pdf]
*HCAL-J: Overview and Status Slides: 22 July, 2018 [[Media:Cornejo_HCAL_SBS_20180722.pdf ‎| pdf]]
*HCAL-J Electronics: 22 July 2018 (Download pptx at DocDB url) [https://sbs.jlab.org/cgi-bin/DocDB/private/ShowDocument?docid=13]
*HCAL-J COSMIC RAY TEST AT JLAB: 18 June - 26 July 2018 [[Media:Report_HCAL-J_April_2020.pdf ‎| pdf]]
*14th Workshop on European Collaboration in Higher Education on Radiological and Nuclear Engineering and Radiation Protection, HCAL-J: Hadron Calorimeter for the study of nucleon Form Factors at Jefferson Lab: 1 June 2018 (url) [https://indico.cern.ch/event/696724/contributions/2994185/attachments/1859127/3054775/05_Petta_CHERNE18_Petta.pdf]
*Electronics Update Slides: 25 April, 2018 [[Media:HCal_Electronics_Update_2018.pdf ‎| pdf]]
*Electronics Update Slides: 25 April, 2018 [[Media:HCal_Electronics_Update_2018.pdf ‎| pdf]]
*HCAL-J: Overview and Status: 23 February 2018 (url) [https://hallaweb.jlab.org/12GeV/SuperBigBite/meetings/col_23feb18/talks/Cornejo_HCAL_SBS_GMn_20180223.pdf]
*HCal Electronics: 23 February 2018 (Download pptx at url) [https://hallaweb.jlab.org/12GeV/SuperBigBite/meetings/col_23feb18/]
*HCal Electronics: 20 December, 2017 [[Media:BPQ_HCal_electronics_Dec_20_17.pptx ‎| download pptx]]
*SBS HCAL – FADC update: 20 September 2017 (url) [https://hallaweb.jlab.org/12GeV/SuperBigBite/SBS-minutes/2017/SBS-HCAL-DAQ-Sept-20-2017.pdf]
*HCAL-J Status: 13 September 2017 (url) [https://hallaweb.jlab.org/12GeV/SuperBigBite/SBS-minutes/2017/HCAL-J%20StatuSept%202017.pdf]
*Response to ERR Comments and Recommendations on GMN Detector Simulations: 17 July, 2017 [[Media:ERR_recommendations_response.pdf ‎| pdf]]
*Response to ERR Comments and Recommendations on GMN Detector Simulations: 17 July, 2017 [[Media:ERR_recommendations_response.pdf ‎| pdf]]
*ERR Proposal Update: 2017 (url) [https://hallaweb.jlab.org/12GeV/SuperBigBite/documents/ERR2017/update10.pdf]
*ERR Wiki Page with Talks: 2017 (url) [https://hallaweb.jlab.org/wiki/index.php/SBS_2017_GMn_Experimental_Readiness_Review]
*HCAL-J Status Update: 14 July 2017 (url) [https://hallaweb.jlab.org/12GeV/SuperBigBite/meetings/col_13jul17/talks/Cornejo_HCAL_SBS_20170714.pdf]
*HCal Electronics: 14 July 2017 (Download pptx at url) [https://hallaweb.jlab.org/12GeV/SuperBigBite/meetings/col_13jul17/]
*HCAL-J Status: 26 April 2017 (url) [https://hallaweb.jlab.org/12GeV/SuperBigBite/SBS-minutes/2017/HCAL-J%20StatusApr%202017.pdf]
*HCal Electronics with First-level ECal trig: 23 August 2016 (url) [https://hallaweb.jlab.org/12GeV/SuperBigBite/SBS-minutes/2016/BPQ_Hcal_electronics_Aug_24_16.pdf]
*HCAL-J Status: 22 July 2016 (url) [https://hallaweb.jlab.org/12GeV/SuperBigBite/meetings/col_21jul16/talks/HCALJ_SBS_Collaboration_July_2016_gbf.pdf]
*HCal Electronics with First-level ECal trig: 22 July 2016 (url) [https://hallaweb.jlab.org/12GeV/SuperBigBite/meetings/col_21jul16/talks/BPQ_Hcal_electronics_July_16.pdf]
*HCal Electronics with First-level ECal trig: 27 April 2016 (url) [https://hallaweb.jlab.org/12GeV/SuperBigBite/SBS-minutes/2016/BQ_Apr_12_16_HCal_trig_electronics.pdf]
*HCAL-J Status: 11 May 2016 (url) [https://hallaweb.jlab.org/12GeV/SuperBigBite/SBS-minutes/2016/HCALJ_rpt_may_11_2016.pdf]
*The SuperBigbite Program at JLab from Form Factors to SIDIS and TDIS: 18 April 2016 (url) [https://agenda.infn.it/event/11323/contributions/7949/attachments/5844/6532/SBS_ECT_Franklin.pdf]
*HCal Electronics with First-level ECal trig: 9 March 2016 (url) [https://hallaweb.jlab.org/12GeV/SuperBigBite/SBS-minutes/2016/HCal_trig_electronics_Mar_08_16_bpq.pdf]
*HCal Height and GMn Acceptance: 4 May 2016 (url) [https://hallaweb.jlab.org/12GeV/SuperBigBite/SBS-minutes/2016/cornejo_20160504_HCalHeight_and_GMn_Acceptance.pdf]
*HCal Electronics with First-level ECal trig: 4 November 2015 (url) [https://hallaweb.jlab.org/12GeV/SuperBigBite/SBS-minutes/2015/BQ_Nov_4_15_Hcal_trig_electronics.pdf]
*HCal Electronics with First-level ECal trig: 21 October 2015 (url) [https://hallaweb.jlab.org/12GeV/SuperBigBite/SBS-minutes/2015/BQ_Oct_21_15_Hcal_trig_electronics.pdf]
*HCAL-J Status: 30 September 2015 (url) [https://hallaweb.jlab.org/12GeV/SuperBigBite/SBS-minutes/2015/HCALJ_rpt_sept_30_2015.pdf]
*HCAL-J Status: 16 July 2015 (url) [https://hallaweb.jlab.org/12GeV/SuperBigBite/meetings/col_15jul15/talks/HCALJ_SBS_Collaboaration_July_2015.pdf]
*SBS Meeting Simulated HCal-J Time Resolution: 1 April 2015 (url) [https://hallaweb.jlab.org/12GeV/SuperBigBite/SBS-minutes/2015/HCALJ_rpt_sept_30_2015.pdf]
*HCAL-J Update: March 2015 (Download pptx at url) [https://hallaweb.jlab.org/12GeV/SuperBigBite/SBS-minutes/2015/] called HCALJ Status Mar 2015.pptx.
*HCal Spacial Resolution with Brick Wall Stacking: 4 February 2014 (url) [https://hallaweb.jlab.org/12GeV/SuperBigBite/SBS-minutes/2015/HCal_brickwall_02.04.2014_VaheMamyan.pdf]
*HCAL-J Update Light Guides: October 2014 (url) [https://hallaweb.jlab.org/12GeV/SuperBigBite/SBS-minutes/2014/HCALJ%20Status%20Oct%202014%20gbf.pdf]
*HCAL-J: a Hadron Calorimeter for the Hall A SuperBigByteSpectrometer at JLab: 25 September 2014 (url) [http://newcleo.unime.it/Events/DHF2014/talks/Bellini.pdf]
*HCAL-J Activities: July/August2014 (url) [https://hallaweb.jlab.org/12GeV/SuperBigBite/SBS-minutes/2014/HCALJ_Update_Aug_2014.pdf]
*HCAL-J Status: 8 July (url) [https://slideplayer.com/slide/4398682/]
*HCALJ Update: June 2014 (url) [https://hallaweb.jlab.org/12GeV/SuperBigBite/SBS-minutes/2014/gbf%20HCALJ%20Status%20June%202014.pdf]
*HCAL-J Status: April 2014 (url) [https://hallaweb.jlab.org/12GeV/SuperBigBite/SBS-minutes/2014/franklin%20HCAL%20Status%20April%202014.pdf]
*HCAL-J Update: February 2014 (url) [https://hallaweb.jlab.org/12GeV/SuperBigBite/SBS-minutes/2014/HCAL_Update_Feb_2014.pdf]
*SBS Hadron Calorimeter Design Issues: 2014 (url) [https://www.yumpu.com/en/document/read/11768811/hadron-calorimeter-hall-a]
*HCal-cal: 2014 (url) [https://hallaweb.jlab.org/12GeV/SuperBigBite/SBS-minutes/2014/HCAL-cal.pdf]
*HCAL-J Status: December 2013 (url) [https://hallaweb.jlab.org/12GeV/SuperBigBite/SBS-minutes/2013/HCAL-J_Update_Dec_2013.pdf]
*Timeline: 20 November 2013 (url) [https://hallaweb.jlab.org/12GeV/SuperBigBite/SBS-minutes/2013/HCAL%20Timeline.pdf]
*HCAL-J Status: September 2013 (url) [https://hallaweb.jlab.org/12GeV/SuperBigBite/SBS-minutes/2013/franklin-HCAL-Status-Sept-2013.pdf]
*Simulation and Design of a Hadron Calorimeter for Jefferson Lab Hall-A Super Bigbite Spectrometer: 4 June 2013 (url) [https://hallaweb.jlab.org/12GeV/SuperBigBite/meetings/Collab-meeting-6-13/talks/SBS_Meeting_06.04.13_1-vahe.pdf]
*Hadron Calorimeter Construction: 4 June 2013 (url) [https://hallaweb.jlab.org/12GeV/SuperBigBite/meetings/Collab-meeting-6-13/talks/franklin%20HCAL%20Jun%202013.pdf]
*Scintillators for HCal: 20 March 2013 (url) [https://hallaweb.jlab.org/12GeV/SuperBigBite/SBS-minutes/2013/HCal_scintillator_fermilab-2-20-13.pdf]
*HCAL Development: 23 January 2013 (url) [https://hallaweb.jlab.org/12GeV/SuperBigBite/SBS-minutes/2013/HCal_development_01.23.2013.pdf]
*HCAL-J: 2013 (url) [https://hallaweb.jlab.org/12GeV/SuperBigBite/SBS-minutes/2013/gbf%20HCAL-J%20Update.pdf]
*Development of HCAL Detector: February/March 2012 (url) [https://hallaweb.jlab.org/12GeV/SuperBigBite/SBS-minutes/2012/HCAL_report_SBS_JLAB-3-21-12.pdf]
*Hadron Calorimeter for Hall A (HCAL-J): 11 July 2012 (url) [https://hallaweb.jlab.org/12GeV/SuperBigBite/SBS-minutes/2012/gbf-HCAL-Status-Rpt-July-2012.pdf]
*Hadron Calorimeter: 13 October 2012 (url) [https://hallaweb.jlab.org/12GeV/SuperBigBite/meetings/col_18oct12/franklin_HCAL_Oct_2012.pdf]
*Hadron Calorimeter for Hall A (HCAL-J): 26 September 2012 (url) [https://hallaweb.jlab.org/12GeV/SuperBigBite/SBS-minutes/2012/gbf-HCAL-Status-Rpt-Sept-2012.pdf]
*SBS Hadron and Electron Calorimeters: 22 January 2010 (url) [https://hallaweb.jlab.org/12GeV/SuperBigBite/meetings/05/talk/mkj_sbs_review_calo.pdf]
*SBS Hadron Calorimeter Design Issues: 13 June 2009 (url) [https://hallaweb.jlab.org/12GeV/SuperBigBite/meetings/04/talk/HCAL.pdf]
*Scintillator Fiber Tracker and Hadron Calorimeter for Super-Bigbite Spectrometer: 17 November 2008 (url) [https://userweb.jlab.org/~mahbub/HallA/SBS/SciFiber_HCAL.pdf]
*Hadron Calorimeter (HCAL) for SBS: 5 September 2008 (url) [https://hallaweb.jlab.org/12GeV/SuperBigBite/meetings/02/talk/khandaker-hcal.pdf]
*Hadron Calorimeter for the SBS: [[Media:Hadron_Calorimeter_for_the_SBS.pdf ‎| pdf]]
*Hadron Calorimeter for the SBS: [[Media:Hadron_Calorimeter_for_the_SBS.pdf ‎| pdf]]

Latest revision as of 08:57, 16 March 2023

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This page acts as an archive of the various talks, reports, updates, and presentations regarding HCAL-J.


  • Status update of HCAL, Hall A Collaboration Meeting. Jan 26-27, 2023 [1]



  • HCal Move Prep, SBS DAQ Meeting. May 14th, 2020 pdf
  • Modified PS706 SN21785 Discriminator Tests. March, 2021 (url) [2]
  • Modified PS706 SN22217 Discriminator Tests. April, 2021 (url) [3]
  • Modified PS706 SN4574 Discriminator Tests. April, 2021 (url) [4]
  • Modified PS706 SN20876 Discriminator Tests. April, 2021 (url) [5]
  • Modified PS706 SN17315 Discriminator Tests. April, 2021 (url) [6]


  • HCal Status Update, SBS Weekly Meeting. November 9th, 2020 pdf
  • HCAL-J: A Segmented Hadron Calorimeter with High Time Resolution, DNP Talk. October 31st, 2020 pdf
  • HCal Status Update, SBS Weekly Meeting. 14 September, 2020 pdf
  • Neural Networks for Detector Triggers, AI/ML Town Hall August 28th, 2020 pdf
  • HCal Analysis and Efficiency Studies: Eric Fuchey, 26 August, 2020 pdf
  • HCal Update and LDRD Machine Learning Trigger Proposal: 14 July, 2020 (url) [7]
  • Energy Deposition Study Slides: 7 May, 2020 pdf
  • HCAL-J Cosmic Ray Test at JLab: Posted: 4 May, 2020. Research from June-July 2018 pdf
  • DAQ Update (fADC Timing) Slides: 13 March, 2020 pdf
  • DAQ Update (TDC Timing) Slides: 7 February, 2020 pdf


  • Electronics/DAQ Update: 14 November 2019 (url) [8]
  • Notes from SBS GMn-GEn-RP Preparedness Review: 4-5 August, 2019 download docx
  • SBS Collaboration Meeting Status Update: 5 August 2019 (url) [9]
  • Timeline: 22 May 2019 (url) [10]
  • HCAL Commissioning: 26 February 2019 (url) [11]
  • Quick Timing Analysis: 21 February 2019 (url) [12]
  • HCal Cable Mapping Version 1.2: 18 February 2019 (url) [13]
  • Cabling Maps: 14 February 2019 (url) [14]


  • Paper: HCAL-J: "Hadron Calorimeter for the Study of Nucleon Form Factors at Jefferson Lab", Published 22 October, 2018, in Radiation Effects and Defects in Solids pdf
  • SBS Detector Integration HCAL Electronics and DAQ Status, Needs, and Plans: 30 October 2018 (url) [15]
  • Status of HCal project: 30 October 2018 (url) [16]
  • Hadron Calorimeter Assembly Update: 17 October 2018 (url) [17]
  • Status of HCal Project: 5 September 2018 (url) [18]
  • HCal-J Status: 7 August 2018 (url) [19]
  • HCAL-J: Overview and Status Slides: 22 July, 2018 pdf
  • HCAL-J Electronics: 22 July 2018 (Download pptx at DocDB url) [20]
  • HCAL-J COSMIC RAY TEST AT JLAB: 18 June - 26 July 2018 pdf
  • 14th Workshop on European Collaboration in Higher Education on Radiological and Nuclear Engineering and Radiation Protection, HCAL-J: Hadron Calorimeter for the study of nucleon Form Factors at Jefferson Lab: 1 June 2018 (url) [21]
  • Electronics Update Slides: 25 April, 2018 pdf
  • HCAL-J: Overview and Status: 23 February 2018 (url) [22]
  • HCal Electronics: 23 February 2018 (Download pptx at url) [23]


  • SBS HCAL – FADC update: 20 September 2017 (url) [24]
  • HCAL-J Status: 13 September 2017 (url) [25]
  • Response to ERR Comments and Recommendations on GMN Detector Simulations: 17 July, 2017 pdf
  • ERR Proposal Update: 2017 (url) [26]
  • ERR Wiki Page with Talks: 2017 (url) [27]
  • HCAL-J Status Update: 14 July 2017 (url) [28]
  • HCal Electronics: 14 July 2017 (Download pptx at url) [29]
  • HCAL-J Status: 26 April 2017 (url) [30]


  • HCal Electronics with First-level ECal trig: 23 August 2016 (url) [31]
  • HCAL-J Status: 22 July 2016 (url) [32]
  • HCal Electronics with First-level ECal trig: 22 July 2016 (url) [33]
  • HCal Electronics with First-level ECal trig: 27 April 2016 (url) [34]
  • HCAL-J Status: 11 May 2016 (url) [35]
  • The SuperBigbite Program at JLab from Form Factors to SIDIS and TDIS: 18 April 2016 (url) [36]
  • HCal Electronics with First-level ECal trig: 9 March 2016 (url) [37]
  • HCal Height and GMn Acceptance: 4 May 2016 (url) [38]


  • HCal Electronics with First-level ECal trig: 4 November 2015 (url) [39]
  • HCal Electronics with First-level ECal trig: 21 October 2015 (url) [40]
  • HCAL-J Status: 30 September 2015 (url) [41]
  • HCAL-J Status: 16 July 2015 (url) [42]
  • SBS Meeting Simulated HCal-J Time Resolution: 1 April 2015 (url) [43]
  • HCAL-J Update: March 2015 (Download pptx at url) [44] called HCALJ Status Mar 2015.pptx.


  • HCal Spacial Resolution with Brick Wall Stacking: 4 February 2014 (url) [45]
  • HCAL-J Update Light Guides: October 2014 (url) [46]
  • HCAL-J: a Hadron Calorimeter for the Hall A SuperBigByteSpectrometer at JLab: 25 September 2014 (url) [47]
  • HCAL-J Activities: July/August2014 (url) [48]
  • HCAL-J Status: 8 July (url) [49]
  • HCALJ Update: June 2014 (url) [50]
  • HCAL-J Status: April 2014 (url) [51]
  • HCAL-J Update: February 2014 (url) [52]
  • SBS Hadron Calorimeter Design Issues: 2014 (url) [53]
  • HCal-cal: 2014 (url) [54]


  • HCAL-J Status: December 2013 (url) [55]
  • Timeline: 20 November 2013 (url) [56]
  • HCAL-J Status: September 2013 (url) [57]
  • Simulation and Design of a Hadron Calorimeter for Jefferson Lab Hall-A Super Bigbite Spectrometer: 4 June 2013 (url) [58]
  • Hadron Calorimeter Construction: 4 June 2013 (url) [59]
  • Scintillators for HCal: 20 March 2013 (url) [60]
  • HCAL Development: 23 January 2013 (url) [61]
  • HCAL-J: 2013 (url) [62]


  • Development of HCAL Detector: February/March 2012 (url) [63]
  • Hadron Calorimeter for Hall A (HCAL-J): 11 July 2012 (url) [64]
  • Hadron Calorimeter: 13 October 2012 (url) [65]
  • Hadron Calorimeter for Hall A (HCAL-J): 26 September 2012 (url) [66]


  • SBS Hadron and Electron Calorimeters: 22 January 2010 (url) [67]


  • SBS Hadron Calorimeter Design Issues: 13 June 2009 (url) [68]


  • Scintillator Fiber Tracker and Hadron Calorimeter for Super-Bigbite Spectrometer: 17 November 2008 (url) [69]
  • Hadron Calorimeter (HCAL) for SBS: 5 September 2008 (url) [70]


  • Hadron Calorimeter for the SBS: pdf