Difference between revisions of "BigBite trigger and DAQ"

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* [[Starting CODA for shift workers]]
* [[Starting CODA for shift workers]]
* [[Timing shift GMn]]
* [[Timing shift GMn]]
* [https://jeffersonlab-my.sharepoint.com/:p:/g/personal/moffit_jlab_org/EaI2ChE_66dCmJo5u_OHuJgBkU3xpYPTm8jmQ_mRjsVu2A?email=camsonne%40jlab.org&e=4%3AhA6lB3 GEnII DAQ update]

Revision as of 08:56, 31 August 2022

This section's purpose is to compile and organize the documentation on the BigBite trigger and DAQ:

Trigger specific:

The source files should be utilized as follows:

  • download the source on your computer
  • in your web browser, open https://draw.io
  • The page will prompt you to create a new diagram or open an existing file: choose open the file and browse the source you want to read on your computer.
  • You can now edit the source and modify the diagrams.