G2p shifts

From Hall A Wiki
Revision as of 14:38, 13 April 2012 by Slifer (Talk | contribs) (How Tos)

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This page is updated frequently. Please hit Reload at least once per shift.

(Halog) (tlog)(g2pwiki) (ShiftSchedule) (MCC) (bta) (LSummary) (RSummary)

How Tos

There is no “regulator” on the septum magnets. You must set each one manually.
DO NOT USE "Septum Ramp Controls". 
Use Septum Right Controls for the right side 	
Use Septum Left Controls for the left side  
Use "~adaq/bin/GetSeptaCurrent <P0>"  to calculate the current for P0 in GeV.

The correct “tune” for the spectrometers is “g2p/Gep_1” which you’ll see on the regulator controls page (The button to the right of GeV/c after the P0 set box). This determines the quadrupole and dipole settings for the spectrometer proper. Make sure the regulator is ON during normal running.

Useful Links


  • PLEASE make sure to acknowledge the DAQ popup messages for Start and End of every run.
  • Log VDC efficiencies at least once per shift.
  • The Coda configuration is: LHRS, RHRS
  • Hall A current : Open Monticello / Wall / Hall A GUI, and look at the 1H00 BCM.
  • For Hall A tools screen, on hacuser type "NewTools" which pops up EOSMenu. Select "HLAmain".
  • For Stripchart, click toolbox on bottom of desktop menu
  • Keep a stripchart running of the septa currents.
  • Note: IHWP1 flips the beam helicity. IHWP2 is passive (actually a full wave plate) and will not flip the helicity. The status of both should be recorded. The epics var for IHWP2 is IGL1I00DIOFLRD :13056 means the passive wave-plate is in. 8960 is out..