G2p shifts

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Revision as of 14:59, 13 April 2012 by Slifer (Talk | contribs) (How Tos)

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This page is updated frequently. Please hit Reload at least once per shift.

(Halog) (tlog)(g2pwiki) (ShiftSchedule) (MCC) (bta) (LSummary) (RSummary)

How Tos

Useful Links


  • PLEASE make sure to acknowledge the DAQ popup messages for Start and End of every run.
  • The Coda configuration is: LHRS, RHRS
  • Hall A current : Open Monticello / Wall / Hall A GUI, and look at the 1H00 BCM.
  • For Hall A tools screen, on hacuser type "NewTools" which pops up EOSMenu. Select "HLAmain".
  • For Stripchart, click toolbox on bottom of desktop menu
  • Keep a stripchart running of the septa currents.
  • IHWP1 flips the beam helicity. IHWP2 is passive (actually a full wave plate) and will not flip the helicity. The epics var for IHWP2 is IGL1I00DIOFLRD :13056 means the passive wave-plate is in. 8960 is out..