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List of Figures

  1. Introduction: Location of Hall Safety Items
  2. Introduction: Location of Circuit Breakers
  3. Beamline: Hall A Beamline Overview
  4. Beamline: Hall A Beamline Overview
  5. Beamline: Hall A Beamline Overview
  6. Beamline: BPM Readout Electronics
  7. Beam Current Measurement: Schematic
  8. Spectrometers: Elevation View of Hall A HRS
  9. Spectrometers: Plan View of Hall A
  10. Spectrometers: Electron Arm Detectors
  11. Spectrometers: Hadron Arm Detectors
  12. Spectrometers: HRS Vacuum System
  13. Spectrometers: Magnet Controls Screen
  14. Spectrometers: NMR System Layout
  15. Spectrometers: NMR Gradient Compensation
  16. Spectrometers: Control Voltage Calibration for Electron Dipole
  17. Spectrometers: Control Voltage Calibration for Hadron Dipole
  18. Spectrometers: NMR Probe DAC Calibration
  19. Spectrometers: Collimator Box Schematic
  20. Spectrometers: Sieve Slit
  21. Detectors: VDC Geometry
  22. Detectors: VDC Geometry
  23. Detectors: Gas Flow Schematic
  24. Detectors: VDC Overview
  25. Detectors: S1 Mounting
  26. Detectors: HV Summary Screen
  27. Detectors: HV Screen for Single Card
  28. Detectors: Average Amplitudes of HA Trigger Counters
  29. Detectors: 2'' PMT Base
  30. Detectors: 2'' PMT Base
  31. Detectors: 5'' PMT Base
  32. Detectors: 5'' PMT Base
  33. Detectors: Pre-shower Counter HV
  34. Detectors: Shower Counter HV
  35. Detectors: Map of Pre-shower detector
  36. Detectors: Map of shower detector
  37. Detectors: Hadron Arm detector
  38. Detectors: FPP HV Termination Board
  39. Detectors: FPP Readout Board
  40. Detectors: FPP Readout Board
  41. Detectors: FPP Level Shifter Receiver Board
  42. Detectors: Hadron Arm Gas Panel
  43. Detectors: FPP Carbon Door GUI
  44. Controls: Schematic
  45. Controls: Hall A Main Control Screen
  46. Data Acquisition: Electron Arm Trigger
  47. Data Acquisition: Hadron Arm Trigger
  48. Data Acquisition: Coincidence Trigger
  49. Waterfall Target System
  50. Waterfall Target: Cutaway of Target Cell
  51. Waterfall Target: Three Foil Geometry
  52. Waterfall Target: Target Container
  53. Waterfall Target: Side View
  54. Waterfall Target: Hydraulic Schematic
  55. Waterfall Target: Schematic
  56. Waterfall Target: Slow Controls
  57. Waterfall Target: Signal Layout

Joe Mitchell 2000-02-29