Jefferson Lab HALL A Logbook for July 05 - All EXCEPT Automatic Entries
150248 07/31/05 23:39 H. Benaoum Regression slopes for Detectors vs. Slug
150247 07/31/05 22:55 H. Benaoum IHWP OUT start from 4006
150245 07/31/05 22:53 K Wang Ch HWP to out
150243 07/31/05 22:33 H. Benaoum Hall A General Tools
150242 07/31/05 22:14 Armstrong Lost many ROCs... aargh...
150239 07/31/05 20:51 P. Solvignon Target IOC is back
150238 07/31/05 20:49 P. Solvignon Target IOC reboot again and not coming back
150237 07/31/05 20:23 P. Solvignon Target screen
150236 07/31/05 20:21 H. Benaoum Septa Snapshot
150235 07/31/05 20:16 P. Solvignon Target IOC is back
150232 07/31/05 19:53 P. Solvignon All target controls are white
150231 07/31/05 19:45 H. Benaoum Septa Stripchart
150226 07/31/05 17:38 P. Solvignon Rise yellow limit of Htr_fore to clear yellow alarm
150225 07/31/05 17:25 H. Benaoum Nice & Steady Beam
150222 07/31/05 17:09 P. Solvignon Target IOC reboot
150219 07/31/05 16:00 S. Kowalski Shift Summary
150215 07/31/05 15:01 Kowalski Septa
150214 07/31/05 14:59 kowalski Hall-A Tools
150213 07/31/05 14:42 Sirish Compton Photon trigger
150212 07/31/05 14:29 Armstrong Run 3997 is pedestal, not production
150210 07/31/05 14:21 Sirish Compton DAQ
150208 07/31/05 14:05 Moffit Access Activity: In-Sync
150205 07/31/05 13:14 H. Benaoum Regressed asymmetries for Blumi versus Slug
150204 07/31/05 12:52 H. Benaoum Regressed Normalized Asymmetries for Detectors versus Slug
150201 07/31/05 12:07 Moffit WAC summary of SLUG 6
150200 07/31/05 11:48 Moffit WAC summary of SLUG 5
150199 07/31/05 11:29 Moffit Insertable halfwave plate to IN
150194 07/31/05 10:27 Moffit Lost ALL cavity monitor signals at end of run 3991
150191 07/31/05 09:31 Moffit WAC daily summary for July 30th
150188 07/31/05 08:46 Moffit spot++
150185 07/31/05 08:21 Moffit Lost Right Sync signals
150183 07/31/05 07:53 R. Snyder Owl Shift Summary
150178 07/31/05 06:23 whitbeck target screen
150177 07/31/05 06:21 whitbeck Hall A general tools
150175 07/31/05 05:46 R. Snyder Forgot to set Septa to +10% after Left Arm IOC reboot
150170 07/31/05 04:59 R. Snyder spot++ raster check
150169 07/31/05 04:58 R. Snyder Spect. ROC reboot
150167 07/31/05 04:15 R. Snyder Left Arm IOC rebooted
150165 07/31/05 04:02 kfuoti Target IOC & computer reboot
150163 07/31/05 03:03 H. Benaoum Regressed Blumi asymmetries vs. Slug number
150162 07/31/05 02:58 H. Benaoum Regressed Normalized Asymmetries for Detectors vs. Slug
150159 07/31/05 02:37 kfuoti Target: CHL drop
150158 07/31/05 02:11 R. Snyder IHWP flipped OUT before run 3985
150157 07/31/05 01:56 R. Snyder IHWP flipped to OUT
150152 07/31/05 00:47 R. Snyder No Compton tonight
150151 07/31/05 00:22 H. Benaoum Compton ROC1 problem
150150 07/31/05 00:11 H. Benaoum Swing Shift Summary
150146 07/30/05 23:43 P. Solvignon CHL flow at 17 for about 2 minutes
150143 07/30/05 22:32 H. Benaoum Hall A General tools
150142 07/30/05 22:31 P. Solvignon target screens
150141 07/30/05 22:12 P. Solvignon Target IOC reboot
150138 07/30/05 21:31 Moffit WAC summary for SLUG 4
150137 07/30/05 21:17 Moffit WAC summary for slug 3
150134 07/30/05 21:01 Moffit WAC summary for SLUG 2
150133 07/30/05 21:00 Moffit WAC summary for SLUG 2
150132 07/30/05 20:36 Moffit Plots for slug 1
150131 07/30/05 20:33 Moffit WAC Summary for SLUG 1
150130 07/30/05 20:18 Moffit Test of web-interface logbook entry
150127 07/30/05 19:31 H. Benaoum Left & Right Septa StripChart
150124 07/30/05 18:23 H. Benaoum run 3976 junk
150123 07/30/05 18:22 Wang IWHP in
150120 07/30/05 18:10 K wang HWP in
150117 07/30/05 17:47 P. Solvignon Target IOC reboot
150114 07/30/05 16:37 Moffit Easy ROCs troubleshooter
150113 07/30/05 16:18 Moffit Access: Power-cycled 192 switch
150112 07/30/05 16:15 S. Kowalski Shift Summary
150107 07/30/05 14:07 Armstrong Hall C can see energy dithering.
150105 07/30/05 13:41 Armstrong Septa reset procedure note
150104 07/30/05 13:35 Armstrong Septa ramping rate
150103 07/30/05 13:15 Armstrong ROC26 hung - reboot.
150102 07/30/05 13:10 Moffit TECHS: Septum/Sweeper IOC Crash
150101 07/30/05 11:50 whitbeck Hall A tools
150100 07/30/05 11:48 Adaq Target charts
150099 07/30/05 11:32 Armstrong Cavity Commissioning
150098 07/30/05 11:26 Shuhua Beam modulation
150097 07/30/05 11:10 Moffit Re: Empty histogram
150094 07/30/05 10:54 Shuhua Beam modulation
150091 07/30/05 09:35 Moffit WAC daily summary for July 29th
150090 07/30/05 09:19 Armstrong TECH: lost Left arm IOC
150085 07/30/05 08:01 paschke Owl Shift Summary
150083 07/30/05 07:55 paschke owl shift run summary
150078 07/30/05 05:56 paschke TECH: liquid level instability
150076 07/30/05 05:45 whitbeck Hall A target screen capture
150075 07/30/05 05:43 whitbeck hall A general tools capture
150072 07/30/05 04:42 lkaufman IHWP OUT
150071 07/30/05 04:36 JBarber CHL drop
150068 07/30/05 03:56 JBarber pressure spike
150067 07/30/05 03:43 JBarber CHL spike/dip
150064 07/30/05 03:12 JBarber IOC reboot
150063 07/30/05 03:07 paschke minor Compton glitch, working again
150058 07/30/05 01:12 whitbeck spot++
150052 07/30/05 00:43 jpchen HP heater power supply fixed with power cycle
150051 07/30/05 00:02 E.Chudakov Shift summary
150049 07/29/05 23:52 E.Chudakov Control access
150047 07/29/05 23:30 P. Solvignon Target power heater stopped working
150045 07/29/05 23:16 E.Chudakov Target problem
150043 07/29/05 22:51 P. Solvignon Target IOC reboot
150041 07/29/05 21:32 lkaufman energy modulation
150038 07/29/05 21:10 E.Chudakov Energy modulation is on
150035 07/29/05 20:06 R. Snyder Dx and Dy in Injector and Hall
150033 07/29/05 19:28 E.Chudakov Energy modulation
150031 07/29/05 19:14 E.Chudakov Tools, beam screens
150030 07/29/05 19:09 P. Solvignon Target screen
150029 07/29/05 18:38 P. Solvignon Target IOC reboot
150028 07/29/05 18:35 E.Chudakov Septa temperatures
150027 07/29/05 18:34 H. Benaoum Regressed Flumi Asymmetries for IN & OUT of halfwave plane
150024 07/29/05 18:27 E.Chudakov Target IOC reboot
150023 07/29/05 17:47 S. Kowalski Shift Summary
150021 07/29/05 17:30 H. Benaoum Regressed Blumi Normalized asymmetries for IN & OUT
150020 07/29/05 17:30 lkaufman IHWP switched to IN
150019 07/29/05 17:23 P. Solvignon Helium target in
150016 07/29/05 17:03 Musson cavity commissioning
150004 07/29/05 15:52 Reitz Target Screens
150003 07/29/05 15:52 grimm Hall A Tool screenshot
149996 07/29/05 15:30 R. Michaels spectr. end-run complaints silenced
149980 07/29/05 13:21 H. Benaoum Regressed IN & OUT Normalized asymmetries for Det1 & Det3
149979 07/29/05 13:20 grimm BCM screenshot, stable beam
149974 07/29/05 11:49 paschke lobeam cut replaced, again
149973 07/29/05 11:21 paschke Energy Dithering enabled, run 3942
149969 07/29/05 10:51 H. Benaoum Dithering Slopes for Detectors
149965 07/29/05 09:46 R. Michaels new Compton alarms
149962 07/29/05 08:44 Moffit WAC daily summary for July 28th
149958 07/29/05 08:03 Peter L Spot++ question
149957 07/29/05 08:02 Peter L OWL Summary
149956 07/29/05 07:53 Peter L Hall A Tools/Septum
149955 07/29/05 07:52 JBarber 2nd CHL drop
149952 07/29/05 07:32 Peter L spot++
149949 07/29/05 07:26 Peter L Scanner Calibration run 3933
149944 07/29/05 04:38 JBarber CHL dropoff
149939 07/29/05 03:23 lkaufman IHWP OUT before run 3932
149932 07/29/05 00:52 JBarber IOC reboot
149931 07/29/05 00:42 Averett Swing Shift Cryotarget Log
149927 07/28/05 23:58 Katich 3rd person swing summary
149926 07/28/05 23:55 S. Bailey Swing Shift Summary
149925 07/28/05 23:37 S. Bailey Checked Current on Moller Quads
149923 07/28/05 23:26 S. Bailey MCC update
149922 07/28/05 22:56 lkaufman Feedback monitor not updating
149921 07/28/05 22:52 S. Bailey MCC takes controlled access
149919 07/28/05 22:23 S. Bailey Moller quads tripped
149916 07/28/05 21:32 Sirish Compton Status
149915 07/28/05 21:11 R. Snyder Oversampling Run 3673 from Injector
149912 07/28/05 20:09 Katich run type mistake #3925
149910 07/28/05 19:24 S. Bailey Controlled Access
149908 07/28/05 19:11 Armstrong Production data-taking begun...
149903 07/28/05 17:38 S. Bailey Left and Right Septums
149902 07/28/05 17:37 S. Bailey Hall A General Tools
149899 07/28/05 17:11 Sirish Compton update
149898 07/28/05 17:04 H. Benaoum Compton : Signal over Background
149896 07/28/05 16:50 Sirish compton
149893 07/28/05 16:16 lkaufman spot++ for optics that give us phase advance
149892 07/28/05 16:12 paschke phase advance! (but less raster)
149885 07/28/05 16:04 S. Kowalski BTA screen shot
149883 07/28/05 16:00 S. Kowalski Shift Summary
149832 07/28/05 13:13 Kowalski Left Spectrometer Controls
149816 07/28/05 11:49 H. Benaoum Phase Advance
149813 07/28/05 11:31 lkaufman Run 3888 - probably ok
149807 07/28/05 11:27 Moffit WAC daily summary for July 27th.
149806 07/28/05 11:21 Armstrong info for Shift Workers
149800 07/28/05 11:09 H. Benaoum Compton Problem with Roc5
149799 07/28/05 11:08 Moffit re-prompted runs 3883-3888
149797 07/28/05 10:57 Armstrong more on phase advance..
149796 07/28/05 10:49 Armstrong Phase advance & optics status
149795 07/28/05 10:32 kuchina spot++ raster check
149790 07/28/05 10:25 Moffit Data without helicity is recoverable.
149787 07/28/05 09:09 H. Benaoum Detectors Regression Slopes Using Cavity Bpm Monitors
149783 07/28/05 07:57 Peter L Hall A Tools
149782 07/28/05 07:57 Peter L OWL Summary
149781 07/28/05 07:53 Peter L Hall A Tools
149780 07/28/05 07:51 Peter L MCC RF problem
149779 07/28/05 07:30 JBarber target status
149772 07/28/05 05:06 JBarber hi hi alarm, pressure spike
149771 07/28/05 04:50 lkaufman cavity monitor check - HAPPEX DAQ (run 3869), y position
149770 07/28/05 04:47 lkaufman cavity monitor check - HAPPEX DAQ (run 3869), x position
149769 07/28/05 04:41 JBarber IOC reboot
149768 07/28/05 04:40 lkaufman cavity monitor check - HAPPEX DAQ (run 3869), current
149765 07/28/05 04:13 lkaufman Run 3888 no good
149764 07/28/05 04:09 lkaufman helicity polarity wrong - ok now
149763 07/28/05 03:50 kfuoti Dithering plots
149756 07/28/05 02:10 JBarber target change
149755 07/28/05 02:09 Peter L Spot++
149747 07/28/05 01:34 lkaufman IHWP IN/flipper script needs to be updated
149744 07/28/05 00:18 G. Cates Swing shift summary
149741 07/28/05 00:06 Glesener Hall A Tools
149740 07/28/05 00:05 Glesener Hall A Tools
149738 07/27/05 23:58 Glesener spot++
149737 07/27/05 23:36 P. Solvignon Target screen (2)
149736 07/27/05 23:33 P. Solvignon target screen
149735 07/27/05 23:11 H. Benaoum Beam Polarization and Signal over Background
149732 07/27/05 22:45 Glesener spot++
149728 07/27/05 22:41 Glesener spot++
149722 07/27/05 22:33 Lindsay spot++
149716 07/27/05 21:09 Glesener late entry: spot++ as measured at 16:00
149714 07/27/05 20:13 Peter L Scanner Calibration
149706 07/27/05 19:34 Armstrong phase advance pictures
149705 07/27/05 19:26 Armstrong phase advance test
149701 07/27/05 18:50 H. Benaoum Detectors Regression Slopes
149699 07/27/05 18:45 R. Michaels new audible alarms
149698 07/27/05 18:41 R. Michaels how to print
149695 07/27/05 16:51 paschke first test of energy dithering
149684 07/27/05 16:01 Yunxiu Ye target status
149683 07/27/05 15:58 Kowalski Hall A Tools
149682 07/27/05 15:58 S. Kowalski Shift Summary
149677 07/27/05 14:29 R. Michaels S0 efficiency (looks good)
149676 07/27/05 14:18 Yunxiu Ye Target status
149673 07/27/05 13:33 Sirish compton
149669 07/27/05 12:38 Armstrong Lost Left Arm
149668 07/27/05 12:35 H. Benaoum Detectors Raw and Regressed data
149666 07/27/05 11:58 R. Michaels re: bedposts for cavity BPMs
149662 07/27/05 11:45 H. Benaoum Position Differences
149661 07/27/05 11:37 R. Michaels cavities with raster on
149659 07/27/05 11:07 R. Michaels cavity check run 2290
149657 07/27/05 11:02 kuchina spot++ raster check
149656 07/27/05 10:51 musson BPM cavities w/ raster on (5 uA)
149654 07/27/05 10:50 musson BPM cavities w/ raster on (5 uA)
149652 07/27/05 10:08 musson BPM Cavity Monitors, now with JPEG!
149651 07/27/05 10:06 musson BPM Cavity Monitors
149647 07/27/05 09:37 R. Michaels cavities saturating, Musson adjusts gain
149641 07/27/05 09:19 Moffit WAC daily summary for July 26th.
149634 07/27/05 08:00 R. Snyder Owl Shift Summary
149633 07/27/05 07:37 R. Snyder Hall A General Tools
149632 07/27/05 07:34 kfuoti target screens
149629 07/27/05 06:52 R. Snyder Beam back at 06:00
149626 07/27/05 05:54 R. Snyder Rf zone trip -- no beam
149623 07/27/05 04:21 R. Snyder Dithering slopes in x for run 3827 and run 3858
149618 07/27/05 02:57 R. Snyder Printer in counting house does not work
149615 07/27/05 01:42 kfuoti Profile Scan
149614 07/27/05 01:27 kfuoti Target: Reboot IOC
149610 07/27/05 01:04 kotis Compton Electron Detector thresholds set to 80 insted of 60
149606 07/27/05 00:37 R. Feuerbach Reset ROC26
149605 07/27/05 00:15 S. Bailey Hall A to beam permit
149604 07/27/05 00:12 S. Bailey power cycle VME crate
149601 07/27/05 00:02 Katich Swing Shift T.O.
149600 07/26/05 23:51 S. Bailey Swing Shift Summary
149599 07/26/05 23:32 Grimm Strange UPS pop up message
149598 07/26/05 23:29 S. Bailey Request for Controlled Access
149597 07/26/05 22:57 Grimm CODA crash, adaql1 rebooted itself
149595 07/26/05 22:38 S. Bailey MCC update
149590 07/26/05 22:27 Grimm Right septum heats up faster than expected, Raster size issue?
149580 07/26/05 22:17 Grimm Compton run 11561 stopped, ROC5 not responding, CODA reset
149577 07/26/05 21:57 Grimm Compton Polarimeter Monitor
149576 07/26/05 21:27 S. Bailey Hall A General Tools/Septa
149575 07/26/05 21:23 S. Bailey MCC Update
149573 07/26/05 21:17 S. Bailey MCC update
149570 07/26/05 21:13 S. Bailey spot++ raster check
149568 07/26/05 21:05 S. Bailey MCC update
149566 07/26/05 20:53 S. Bailey MCC update
149565 07/26/05 20:50 S. Bailey right septum update
149563 07/26/05 20:19 R. Feuerbach Run plan (modified)
149561 07/26/05 20:04 S. Kowalski Day shift summary
149560 07/26/05 19:56 R. Feuerbach Phase advance attempt
149554 07/26/05 19:23 S. Bailey MCC to install optics
149552 07/26/05 18:54 grimm Addentum: quenched at 7.691K
149551 07/26/05 18:41 grimm Addentum: beam trip was after right septum quench
149550 07/26/05 18:38 grimm quench of right septum at 7.7K
149547 07/26/05 17:35 R. Feuerbach spot++ raster check
149543 07/26/05 17:22 S. Bailey Beam Permit
149539 07/26/05 15:49 S. Kowalski BTA if it didn't post
149534 07/26/05 14:36 Glesener Target IOC
149531 07/26/05 13:41 Glesener Fan heat load jump
149527 07/26/05 13:33 Glesener Target change: helium
149525 07/26/05 13:13 Glesener more target status
149523 07/26/05 13:09 Glesener Target status
149522 07/26/05 13:07 Adaq Harp scan
149521 07/26/05 12:14 Glesener Opening JT valve
149518 07/26/05 11:55 Glesener Target fan speed tests
149513 07/26/05 09:55 R. Feuerbach Production run plan
149509 07/26/05 09:15 Moffit Also re-prompted 3827
149508 07/26/05 09:05 Glesener Moved target to empty
149507 07/26/05 08:43 Moffit WAC summary for July 25th
149503 07/26/05 07:57 lkaufman Owl Shift Summary
149502 07/26/05 07:44 Moffit re-Prompt'ing runs 3813-3826
149499 07/26/05 07:20 lkaufman MCC adjusting pathlength
149496 07/26/05 06:09 lkaufman MCC software problem fixed
149495 07/26/05 06:08 kfuoti Close JT valve a bit
149494 07/26/05 05:43 lkaufman Beam modulation off for now
149491 07/26/05 05:33 kfuoti target screens
149490 07/26/05 05:31 lkaufman Hall A Tools Screen
149487 07/26/05 04:32 lkaufman MCC update
149484 07/26/05 03:27 lkaufman MCC update
149481 07/26/05 02:28 lkaufman MCC update
149478 07/26/05 01:48 lkaufman MCC update
149477 07/26/05 01:09 Moffit Lack of phase advance..
149476 07/26/05 01:08 lkaufman Dithering for run 3827/phase advance
149474 07/26/05 00:56 lkaufman MCC update- pathlength changed
149473 07/26/05 00:45 lkaufman No beam/Compton tuning
149469 07/26/05 00:00 S. Bailey Swing Shift Summary
149467 07/25/05 23:43 D. Lhuillier Compton backgound
149466 07/25/05 23:39 grimm HV changes: Det3 and BLumi1
149463 07/25/05 23:20 grimm Erratum: beam current for run 3825 was 38uA
149462 07/25/05 23:15 S. Bailey Left and Right Septums
149461 07/25/05 23:15 grimm PAN Screenshot of Left/Right det Asym
149460 07/25/05 23:13 S. Bailey Hall A General Tools
149459 07/25/05 23:10 grimm PAN Detector/Lumi screen shots run
149458 07/25/05 22:56 H. Benaoum Target Stripchart
149457 07/25/05 22:56 H. Benaoum Target Stripchart
149456 07/25/05 22:54 S. Bailey Beam returns
149453 07/25/05 22:31 S. Bailey Injector Work, beam down
149452 07/25/05 22:22 grimm Strip chart right septum temperature
149448 07/25/05 21:24 grimm target HPH and CHL instabilities , beam off
149445 07/25/05 21:15 H. Benaoum Moved to 20cm LHe4
149443 07/25/05 21:08 grimm Raster size check with spot++
149441 07/25/05 20:59 S. Bailey Harp Scans
149439 07/25/05 20:04 Moffit Work order requested.
149437 07/25/05 19:03 Moffit HRS helicity signals unplugged
149436 07/25/05 18:53 H. Benaoum Moved to Empty Target
149432 07/25/05 17:02 S. Bailey Power Permit
149431 07/25/05 16:43 Holmstrom Hole losses from septum scan
149430 07/25/05 16:40 grimm Transient alarm on /adaql3/work1 disk array
149428 07/25/05 16:19 R. Michaels raster was on during sieve runs
149427 07/25/05 16:09 R. Michaels spot++ for new cavity monitors
149426 07/25/05 16:04 jpchen Day shift summary
149424 07/25/05 15:55 R. Michaels cavity monitors in spectr.DAQ mode
149423 07/25/05 15:52 grimm Hall A Tools + Right Septa screenshot
149422 07/25/05 15:49 R. Feuerbach Sieve holes from extendend and single foil runs
149421 07/25/05 15:34 jpchen Left detector HV changed from 1650 to1615V
149415 07/25/05 14:03 R. Michaels more on septum scan
149414 07/25/05 13:32 jpchen cryotarget status
149413 07/25/05 12:20 paschke dithering magnet moved in BSY: 1C05V -> 1C06V
149412 07/25/05 11:18 jpchen ion chamber screen for the time when right septum trip
149411 07/25/05 11:09 jpchen Hall A in controlled access.
149410 07/25/05 11:07 jpchen Right Septum up, I set=278.22A
149409 07/25/05 10:44 Glesener Closing JT valve
149408 07/25/05 10:09 jpchen data takenn for the last tow hours with left arm only. Right Septum is recovering
149407 07/25/05 10:07 jpchen beam off for injector work
149405 07/25/05 09:32 Glesener Changed target temp alarm setpoints
149399 07/25/05 08:11 Kelleher Owl Shift Summary
149397 07/25/05 08:02 Kelleher quench strip charts
149396 07/25/05 08:01 Kelleher Quenched Right Septum
149394 07/25/05 07:31 Kelleher Tools and Septum Strip Charts
149391 07/25/05 07:22 Kelleher missing histograms
149390 07/25/05 07:15 JBarber target status
149386 07/25/05 06:10 paschke spot++, again
149385 07/25/05 06:07 JBarber target change
149382 07/25/05 05:46 Kelleher switched HAPPEX DAQ
149381 07/25/05 05:09 lkaufman helicity-correlated systematics for different beam optics
149380 07/25/05 05:06 JBarber target change
149377 07/25/05 04:48 paschke spot++
149375 07/25/05 04:37 Moffit Scans at +10% septum current
149374 07/25/05 04:36 Moffit Scans at septum+20%
149373 07/25/05 04:35 Moffit Summary of HRS/Septum alignment scans.
149358 07/25/05 01:14 Moffit +10% septum, p0 +/- 2MeV
149353 07/25/05 00:41 Moffit Nominal septum, p0 +/0 2MeV
149346 07/25/05 00:06 Glesener Target status
149343 07/25/05 00:01 R. Snyder Swing Shift Summary
149339 07/24/05 23:33 R. Snyder Another VDC reboot
149338 07/24/05 23:18 R. Snyder VDC reboot
149337 07/24/05 23:16 Moffit Sieve patterns... +10% septum setting
149336 07/24/05 23:09 Moffit Sieve patterns... nominal septum
149335 07/24/05 22:37 Glesener Helium target in
149334 07/24/05 22:17 Moffit Run summary of septum scan with optics targets
149331 07/24/05 22:03 Glesener 24 cm optics target in
149326 07/24/05 21:40 Glesener Carbon target in.
149321 07/24/05 21:01 Glesener Optics target in
149315 07/24/05 20:34 R. Snyder HARP scan does not work
149314 07/24/05 20:26 Glesener to carbon target
149312 07/24/05 20:24 Adaq raster check
149310 07/24/05 19:52 Moffit Detector edge determination..
149309 07/24/05 19:09 R. Feuerbach Runplan for July 23
149308 07/24/05 18:13 Armstrong Target: new operating point
149307 07/24/05 18:08 paschke spot move on saturday afternoon
149306 07/24/05 17:55 Glesener Target density reduction
149305 07/24/05 17:45 R. Feuerbach Sieves are in
149304 07/24/05 17:25 Glesener Target temperature tests
149302 07/24/05 16:59 R. Michaels Was +20% septum going off det ?
149301 07/24/05 16:56 R. Michaels 3 MeV shift was OK
149299 07/24/05 16:00 Z. Meziani Status of shift
149297 07/24/05 15:12 H. Benaoum Beam Issue
149296 07/24/05 14:48 R. Michaels septum scan results
149295 07/24/05 13:51 R. Michaels drift in peak location
149294 07/24/05 13:48 H. Benaoum Target Stripchart
149292 07/24/05 13:36 H. Benaoum/j Target Status
149291 07/24/05 13:12 R. Michaels Y scan "sieve" analysis
149288 07/24/05 12:14 Z. Meziani Target and Beam status
149283 07/24/05 09:56 H. Benaoum Target Status
149279 07/24/05 08:06 Peter L OWL Summary
149276 07/24/05 08:04 kotis Q2 fixed
149275 07/24/05 07:51 Kotis Target moved to Empty position
149270 07/24/05 05:18 Peter L Hall A tools
149262 07/24/05 03:15 Peter L Left Magnet IOC Trip
149259 07/24/05 02:20 jpchen CHL crashed, helium target vented. Current status: waiting for CHL to recover.
149258 07/24/05 02:01 D. Lhuillier Compton hardware
149257 07/24/05 01:57 Moffit Focal plane distributions during septum current scan... cont'd...
149256 07/24/05 01:47 Peter L Target Vent Valve
149255 07/24/05 01:36 KOtis CHL problems cont'd
149252 07/24/05 01:04 KOtis Fan speed at 10%
149251 07/24/05 01:01 Kotis CHL fall and target vent
149249 07/24/05 00:21 D. Lhuillier Compton cable
149248 07/24/05 00:20 lkaufman Controlled access
149247 07/24/05 00:14 lkaufman Swing Shift Summary
149245 07/23/05 22:53 lkaufman Right Q2 Quenched
149243 07/23/05 22:25 R. Snyder Analysis for position scan runs 2232-2247
149240 07/23/05 22:06 R. Snyder Target screens
149239 07/23/05 22:04 lkaufman Hall A tools screenshot/septa screenshot
149238 07/23/05 22:03 R. Michaels I was hoping you wouldn't notice
149237 07/23/05 21:43 Moffit All online happexsp rootfiles disappeared...
149236 07/23/05 21:39 R. Michaels Some scan results with scalers
149234 07/23/05 21:16 lkaufman HV set to nominal for 35 uA
149233 07/23/05 21:09 lkaufman Current/fan speed scans
149232 07/23/05 21:08 R. Snyder Fan speed to 60 Hz
149229 07/23/05 20:58 R. Snyder Fan speed to 40Hz
149227 07/23/05 20:57 lkaufman HV at 30 uA for dets and blumis
149224 07/23/05 20:46 R. Michaels reminder of last year's septum scan
149220 07/23/05 20:31 R. Snyder Fan speed to 60 Hz
149215 07/23/05 20:14 lkaufman HV used for det and blumi at 4 uA
149213 07/23/05 20:09 R. Snyder Fan speed to 40 Hz
149208 07/23/05 19:48 Moffit Right arm Elastic peak position in FP with Septum Current
149207 07/23/05 19:47 R. Snyder spot++ (7x7 mm^2)
149202 07/23/05 19:18 lkaufman Septum current scan, counting mode
149199 07/23/05 19:05 lkaufman X scan of rates vs position
149198 07/23/05 19:04 R. Michaels Y scan, continued
149195 07/23/05 18:34 paschke Dithering control signals connected.
149188 07/23/05 18:01 paschke Target: Contintuing CHL flow instability
149183 07/23/05 17:01 Z.-Meziani Beam status
149180 07/23/05 16:48 Z. Meziani Shift Summary
149172 07/23/05 16:16 D. Whitbeck target screen
149171 07/23/05 16:14 D. Whitbeck Hall A Tools
149166 07/23/05 15:42 paschke sieve slit "too hot" to touch?
149161 07/23/05 13:13 H. Benaoum Target Status
149160 07/23/05 12:45 R. Michaels T/B ratios with Y cuts
149159 07/23/05 12:04 R. Michaels Y-target
149158 07/23/05 11:31 Z. Meziani Target status
149157 07/23/05 11:31 R. Michaels prelim. scan results (2 runs)
149156 07/23/05 11:02 R. Michaels Two runs from rate scan, then no beam
149154 07/23/05 10:21 R. Michaels XY at target
149150 07/23/05 09:53 H. Benaoum Moved to 20cm LHe4
149149 07/23/05 09:47 R. Michaels spot++
149146 07/23/05 09:12 Peter L OWL Summary
149145 07/23/05 08:34 Peter L Septum Heating vs Position
149144 07/23/05 08:20 H. Benaoum Compton... problem with roc 5
149142 07/23/05 08:11 Glesener Target screen shot
149140 07/23/05 07:32 Kotis Compton ROC5 boot problem
149139 07/23/05 07:25 Glesener CHL trouble summary
149134 07/23/05 07:08 Peter L Compton Problems
149133 07/23/05 07:07 Peter L Right Q2 Tripped Again
149127 07/23/05 06:37 Peter L Septum Heating vs Rastor Size
149126 07/23/05 06:22 Glesener CHL flow jump
149124 07/23/05 05:53 Glesener CHL flow drop/pressure hike
149122 07/23/05 05:26 Kotis Lrg Raster 14x13
149115 07/23/05 04:33 Glesener CHL flow drop--high target pressure
149113 07/23/05 04:11 Peter L Spot++ 5x5 12.5x11 settings
149110 07/23/05 03:27 Kotis Raster settings
149108 07/23/05 03:24 R. Feuerbach Modified run plan item
149107 07/23/05 03:17 Peter L Left HRS IOC reboot
149106 07/23/05 03:14 Peter L Right Q2 reset
149105 07/23/05 03:13 Peter L MCC to reboot IOC
149091 07/23/05 02:23 Peter L Septum vs Current Run Numbers
149089 07/23/05 01:51 Peter L Septum heating vs Current
149088 07/23/05 01:45 Glesener Another CHL flow change
149086 07/23/05 01:29 Glesener Opened JT valve
149085 07/23/05 01:16 Glesener CHL/ HPH trouble
149083 07/23/05 00:55 Glesener Target HPH trouble
149080 07/23/05 00:38 lkaufman Helicity-Correlated Beam measurements from OWL 7/22
149079 07/23/05 00:37 Peter L techs
149078 07/23/05 00:24 Z.-E. Mezian Q2 magnet quench
149076 07/23/05 00:14 Z.-E. Mezian Shift Summary
149073 07/22/05 23:46 Moffit JT valve 1.5 steps open..
149072 07/22/05 23:45 paschke To get phase advance: move a coil
149067 07/22/05 23:22 Z. Meziani X,Y scan
149066 07/22/05 23:00 D. Lhuillier Compton electron background
149063 07/22/05 21:30 D. Lhuillier Happy Compton
149061 07/22/05 21:21 paschke new beamline optics: very close
149060 07/22/05 21:11 Z.Meziani Spot++
149056 07/22/05 20:51 Z. Meziani Septum test
149054 07/22/05 20:42 Moffit High power heater drop again....
149050 07/22/05 20:05 folts tech/right Q2
149048 07/22/05 19:58 R. Feuerbach Plan for July 22, 2005
149047 07/22/05 19:58 Moffit Target: High power heater excursion, without beam
149046 07/22/05 19:56 Meziani Q2R fixed!
149043 07/22/05 16:41 R. Michaels alignment for run 2196
149041 07/22/05 16:20 P. Monaghan Day shift summary
149039 07/22/05 16:02 P.Monaghan Target charts snapshot
149037 07/22/05 15:45 C. Keith New target position for Lead/diamond
149036 07/22/05 15:41 C. Keith Target heater software
149035 07/22/05 15:31 D. Lhuillier Compton check list
149034 07/22/05 15:30 P. Monaghan Hall A Tools snapshot
149033 07/22/05 15:22 R. Michaels cavity signals / gate change
149032 07/22/05 15:09 D. Lhuillier compton work
149029 07/22/05 13:47 Moffit Lost comm with iocha1 and iocha22
149028 07/22/05 13:14 P. Monaghan Right Q2 magnet problems
149027 07/22/05 10:44 P. Monaghan Septum current test
149026 07/22/05 10:31 P. Monaghan TECH: right Q2 quench
149025 07/22/05 10:29 P. Monaghan Target moved
149019 07/22/05 08:56 P. Monaghan Target IOC reboot
149018 07/22/05 08:54 P. Monaghan FWD: Target changes from previous swing shift
149017 07/22/05 08:15 R. Snyder Owl Shift Summary
149013 07/22/05 08:01 H. Benaoum Beam Polarization & Signal over Bkg
149012 07/22/05 07:51 R. Snyder Sweeper turns off when Septum IOC is rebooted
149011 07/22/05 07:38 H. Benaoum Lumi & Det Widths
149008 07/22/05 05:59 R. Snyder Rt. septum trip
149006 07/22/05 04:43 R. Snyder Septa IOC reboot
148998 07/22/05 00:45 Peter L 7x7 rastor problem
148995 07/22/05 00:31 Peter L He current limit 35uA
148994 07/22/05 00:30 Peter L Swing Summary
148993 07/22/05 00:19 JBarber Target screen shots
148982 07/21/05 22:38 JBarber spot++ 7x7 BPMB(1.0,0)
148978 07/21/05 22:34 Peter L Pb Position Scan
148967 07/21/05 21:54 JBarber IOC reboot
148960 07/21/05 21:26 Peter L Pb Sweeper run
148958 07/21/05 21:18 Peter L Septum heating Pb run 2x2
148957 07/21/05 20:49 R. Feuerbach Runplan July 21 (2)
148950 07/21/05 19:59 Peter L Septum heating Pb test 5x5
148949 07/21/05 19:49 JBarber IOC reboot(again)
148948 07/21/05 19:25 JBarber IOC reboot CHL
148945 07/21/05 18:55 H. Benaoum Helium-4 Form Factor
148943 07/21/05 18:40 JBarber raster size
148942 07/21/05 18:38 R. Feuerbach Pb target position off?
148939 07/21/05 18:33 JBarber spot++ 3.5x3.5(beta)
148924 07/21/05 16:28 Yunxiu Ye Target status
148922 07/21/05 16:10 Z.-E. Mezian Shift Summary
148921 07/21/05 15:45 Meziani Left septum quench
148918 07/21/05 14:59 paschke new optics: phase advance not yet good
148917 07/21/05 14:57 Z. Meziani Phase advance mode.
148914 07/21/05 14:49 Meziani Spot ++
148911 07/21/05 14:37 Meziani Spot++ test
148907 07/21/05 13:23 Yunxiu Ye Beam compensation problem.
148906 07/21/05 13:11 Z. Meziani Beam status
148905 07/21/05 13:00 Z. Meziani New beam optics configuration
148904 07/21/05 12:22 Glesener HV change for blumi3, blumi4
148900 07/21/05 12:03 Moffit No Integrated Detector from last night
148898 07/21/05 11:53 Z. Meziani Septum heating
148896 07/21/05 11:44 Z. Meziani Target status update
148894 07/21/05 11:26 Z. Meziani Target misbehavior diagnosis
148888 07/21/05 09:59 Adaq Compton signals
148887 07/21/05 09:52 Z. Meziani Target status
148886 07/21/05 09:03 Armstrong Note on Septum Heating results
148885 07/21/05 08:59 Armstrong Note on Septum Heating results
148884 07/21/05 08:55 Z.-E. Mezian Status update
148883 07/21/05 08:04 Glesener Reduced target cell temperature setpoint.
148882 07/21/05 08:03 R. Snyder Owl Shift Summary
148880 07/21/05 07:58 R. Snyder Septum heating at 35 uA
148879 07/21/05 07:54 Glesener cryotarget IOC reboot
148877 07/21/05 07:40 Glesener Pressure alarm (red)
148876 07/21/05 07:23 Glesener Pressure at 35 uA
148875 07/21/05 06:34 Glesener Pressure ok for slow beam increase
148874 07/21/05 06:19 Glesener Pressure alarm again
148873 07/21/05 06:16 Glesener Beam back/pressure increase
148872 07/21/05 06:15 Glesener Alarms/ density change
148870 07/21/05 05:12 Glesener Raise target density
148867 07/21/05 04:25 R. Snyder Injector Charging Problems
148857 07/21/05 03:38 Glesener Fan speed back to 60 Hz.
148855 07/21/05 03:30 Glesener Fan speed 20 Hz/ high power heater
148851 07/21/05 02:52 Glesener Fan speed 40 Hz.
148849 07/21/05 02:49 Glesener Fan speed 50 Hz
148843 07/21/05 02:11 Glesener open JT valve
148842 07/21/05 01:59 R. Michaels sweeper on/off runs 2195, etc
148839 07/21/05 01:39 lkaufman hall C IA feedback working
148832 07/21/05 01:06 Glesener Helium target in
148830 07/21/05 01:02 R. Michaels spot++ for max settings, we stop now
148828 07/21/05 00:58 R. Michaels 11 x 12.5 set (raster)
148824 07/21/05 00:54 R. Michaels back to nominal momentum, spot++
148821 07/21/05 00:50 Kotis Fixed D1 momentum problem
148820 07/21/05 00:48 lkaufman run 3627 - testing feedback
148819 07/21/05 00:44 Kotis Left Arm D1 momentum problem
148817 07/21/05 00:34 R. Michaels Qsq Scanner VDC calibration results
148816 07/21/05 00:29 Peter L Hall A tools/septa
148815 07/21/05 00:27 lkaufman feedback/flipper parameters
148814 07/21/05 00:26 Peter L Swing Summary
148812 07/21/05 00:21 lkaufman Hall A IA slope measured, run 3726
148811 07/21/05 00:09 R. Michaels reset magnets to nominal
148807 07/21/05 00:06 R. Michaels PS=1 run 2191
148806 07/21/05 00:04 R. Michaels profile scanner checkout
148805 07/21/05 00:03 Moffit adaql1 keyboard and mouse trouble fixed
148799 07/20/05 23:55 averett Swing Shift cryo-target report
148797 07/20/05 23:51 lkaufman adaql1 keyboard not working
148789 07/20/05 23:40 R. Michaels Runs with -7% momentum
148785 07/20/05 23:10 R. Michaels large timing jumps for T7
148782 07/20/05 22:29 R. Michaels Result of S0 bias study
148779 07/20/05 22:13 R. Michaels confirmation of alignment
148777 07/20/05 21:51 D. Lhuillier Compton tune
148776 07/20/05 21:38 R. Michaels change to -7%, put in 24 cm optics
148774 07/20/05 21:35 R. Michaels S0 rates same for 2181 and 2182
148773 07/20/05 21:22 R. Michaels Runs 2181 and 2182 at -2%
148770 07/20/05 21:16 R. Michaels ratio of rates
148769 07/20/05 21:12 Peter L Left Dipole Problem
148767 07/20/05 20:57 paschke curmon in .db template
148766 07/20/05 20:41 paschke detector weight defaults in .db template
148765 07/20/05 20:38 R. Michaels Runs with new beam shot.
148759 07/20/05 20:10 R. Feuerbach Plan for tonight/tomorrow
148758 07/20/05 20:07 R. Michaels wrong run comments
148756 07/20/05 20:00 R. Michaels spectrometer runs
148754 07/20/05 19:51 averett HARP scan
148752 07/20/05 19:49 R. Michaels new T0
148751 07/20/05 19:47 atrig Trigger-Download
148748 07/20/05 19:31 paschke phase advance, plus weird raster pattern
148747 07/20/05 18:47 JBarber spot++ 7x7(alpha)
148737 07/20/05 17:53 Peter L Septum Temp Rise
148735 07/20/05 17:52 JBarber spot++ 7x7(alpha)
148732 07/20/05 17:13 averett target in lead position
148731 07/20/05 16:40 Armstrong Target: density reduced further
148730 07/20/05 16:33 Moffit Fan speed scan at 15% less target density
148728 07/20/05 16:15 Armstrong Shift Summary (day shift)
148725 07/20/05 16:04 Yunxiu Ye target status
148718 07/20/05 14:35 Apar S0 HV setpoints changed
148714 07/20/05 13:18 Armstrong Target:reduced density 15%
148711 07/20/05 12:30 D. Lhuillier Compton tune
148706 07/20/05 10:19 D. Armstrong Target: video camera fixed
148705 07/20/05 10:05 D. Armstrong Controlled Access
148702 07/20/05 09:32 D. Armstrong Target: Lead Target motion fixed
148701 07/20/05 09:15 D. Armstrong beam off for injector work
148700 07/20/05 09:11 D. Armstrong Septum dependence on position
148699 07/20/05 09:05 R. Snyder/D. Septa temp. dependence on beam position
148695 07/20/05 08:19 Glesener Target screen shots
148694 07/20/05 08:17 Glesener Compton monitoring
148689 07/20/05 06:56 R. Snyder MCC called- Ion chamber trip in Hall C
148686 07/20/05 05:20 R. Snyder Sweeper current scan to check Septa Temp.
148684 07/20/05 05:09 Shuhua Zhou Phase advance check
148680 07/20/05 04:09 Glesener Lumi rates/fan speeds
148679 07/20/05 03:56 R. Snyder Hall access to reset ROC26
148677 07/20/05 01:37 D. Lhuillier Beam Polarization
148676 07/20/05 01:02 Glesener Fan speed: 60
148674 07/20/05 00:42 Glesener Fan speed 40 Hz
148671 07/20/05 00:38 D. Lhuillier compton tune
148669 07/20/05 00:31 Peter L Swing Shift Summary
148667 07/20/05 00:12 Glesener Target switched to helium
148666 07/20/05 00:04 Peter L Profile Scan Beam
148664 07/19/05 23:50 JBarber Hall A Target screens
148663 07/19/05 23:47 JBarber Hall A tools screen
148654 07/19/05 22:01 D. Lhuillier Compton tune
148651 07/19/05 21:53 Peter L Septum heating
148637 07/19/05 20:17 JBarber spot++ 4.5x4.5(alpha)
148626 07/19/05 19:46 JBarber spot++ 2x2(gamma)
148623 07/19/05 19:39 JBarber spot++ 5x5(beta)
148605 07/19/05 18:08 Sirish Compton Background
148600 07/19/05 16:30 R. Michaels T8 rates in halog
148599 07/19/05 16:07 Z. Meziani Shift summary
148595 07/19/05 15:19 Moffit Sieve has been OUT, since yesterday's Restricted Access
148590 07/19/05 13:26 Armstrong Septum Heating: 2005 vs. 2005
148589 07/19/05 13:05 Moffit Started MySQL online DB for EPICS Variables.
148588 07/19/05 12:33 R. Feuerbach Use Pulser-trigger (70Hz) for spot++
148585 07/19/05 12:00 R. Snyder Position differences in injector
148582 07/19/05 10:24 Kelleher Target -- reduced CHL flow
148579 07/19/05 09:27 Kelleher Target to Empty Target Position -- target motion mask concern
148577 07/19/05 08:03 Holmstrom Owl Shift Summary
148576 07/19/05 08:02 folts tech
148574 07/19/05 07:50 KOtis He4 target for raster sizing
148573 07/19/05 07:27 Glesener Large Raster triping ion chamber at 7uA
148572 07/19/05 07:11 Holmstrom Turn off S0 left arm
148570 07/19/05 07:06 Glesener raster check
148568 07/19/05 07:03 Glesener raster check
148558 07/19/05 06:33 Glesener raster check
148553 07/19/05 06:19 Glesener Raster check
148549 07/19/05 06:09 Holmstrom Turn on Left Arm S0
148548 07/19/05 05:01 Holmstrom MCC called
148546 07/19/05 00:17 D. Lhuillier PMT linearity
148545 07/19/05 00:14 Moffit Detector Checkout with Carbon Target
148544 07/19/05 00:09 Peter L Swing Shift Summary
148543 07/19/05 00:02 Wilson taryget calm
148542 07/18/05 23:26 Peter L Hall A/septum screen shots
148541 07/18/05 23:23 lkaufman Position differences/Chao's injector matching
148535 07/18/05 22:36 Lhuillier compton background
148530 07/18/05 22:22 paschke quality of new pedestals
148526 07/18/05 22:07 Moffit Spectrometers set to helium elastic
148525 07/18/05 22:00 paschke new pedestals (rough)
148524 07/18/05 21:56 Wilson carbon target
148523 07/18/05 20:50 R. Feuerbach Rough Angle comparison of L and R-HRS
148522 07/18/05 20:05 Peter L Septum IOC Trip
148521 07/18/05 19:04 Moffit Integrated Left Detector signal appears..
148518 07/18/05 16:41 Wilson TO change target again to empty
148516 07/18/05 16:36 wilson TO Carbon target inserted
148512 07/18/05 16:16 Meziani/jpch day shift summary
148510 07/18/05 16:05 Armstrong Target: fan speed and CHL flow study
148509 07/18/05 15:29 Meziani Status
148506 07/18/05 14:23 jpchen target status
148486 07/18/05 09:33 Meziani Last hour log
148481 07/18/05 08:54 jpchen target moved from tantalum to carbon and then to 4He.
148474 07/18/05 08:05 Holmstrom Owl Shift Run Summary
148472 07/18/05 08:02 kfuoti Target movement and screenshot
148466 07/18/05 07:38 Holmstrom MCC called Beam still down
148463 07/18/05 06:58 Holmstrom MCC called no beam
148406 07/18/05 01:32 Holmstrom Holmstrom
148405 07/18/05 01:26 Holmstrom Inserted Sieve
148404 07/18/05 01:18 kotis right arm S2 PedSub
148402 07/18/05 01:02 Holmstrom Request Access
148399 07/18/05 00:56 Holmstrom Turn on VDCs
148397 07/18/05 00:48 Holmstrom Change detector HV
148396 07/18/05 00:41 Holmstrom Counting Mode Setup for Optics
148394 07/18/05 00:05 Moffit Current scan and raster scan in 3663
148393 07/18/05 00:02 Moffit Swing Shift Summary
148391 07/17/05 23:35 Moffit Still no left arm detector (integrated)
148390 07/17/05 23:31 Dick Wilson timing of target venting
148389 07/17/05 23:15 jpchen Helium target vented due to fan stop. Refilled. All is fine now
148386 07/17/05 23:05 Moffit Beam Permit.
148385 07/17/05 22:40 Moffit hall-C charge asymmetry
148384 07/17/05 22:27 Moffit Access activity..
148380 07/17/05 21:19 Wilson TO target trouble
148379 07/17/05 20:56 Moffit Target Vented, called for controlled access.
148378 07/17/05 20:18 Moffit Target trouble. Beam off.
148377 07/17/05 20:03 Moffit Ion Chambers during position scan. 7x7 raster, Isweep=111
148376 07/17/05 19:41 Moffit Ion chambers during raster and sweeper scan
148374 07/17/05 19:14 Moffit Ion chamber pic, during raster scan
148372 07/17/05 19:03 Moffit Finished Raster scan, no sweeper.
148369 07/17/05 18:02 Armstrong Target: back to 4He
148366 07/17/05 17:59 Moffit raster 4.5x5.0
148364 07/17/05 17:56 Moffit Raster, 4x3
148359 07/17/05 17:47 Moffit Current raster: 2x2
148357 07/17/05 17:39 Armstrong Target: move to BeO target
148356 07/17/05 17:31 Armstrong Septum Heating study results
148354 07/17/05 17:28 Moffit Snapshots during sweeper scan
148353 07/17/05 17:23 R. Michaels cav1 was upstream ...
148352 07/17/05 17:10 Moffit Beamline HV trip alarm
148351 07/17/05 16:58 Armstrong Target: IOC rebboot
148347 07/17/05 15:59 glesener cavity plots
148346 07/17/05 15:54 glesener Cavity studies
148345 07/17/05 15:42 Armstrong Target: JT valve opened
148344 07/17/05 15:39 Moffit Helicity signal latch changed in injector crate.
148343 07/17/05 15:24 K. Kumar shift summary
148340 07/17/05 14:09 Ibrahim Ion Chamber Stripcharts
148339 07/17/05 14:08 Ibrahim Septa Stripcharts
148338 07/17/05 13:43 Moffit Alarm Handler Masks, VDC Left and Rich
148337 07/17/05 13:35 R. Michaels no L-arm det / ramping curent
148336 07/17/05 13:33 Armstrong Target IOC reboot
148335 07/17/05 13:12 R. Michaels Final (rough) alignment check
148334 07/17/05 13:11 Armstrong Target cell parameters
148332 07/17/05 12:53 R. Michaels alignment, 2% high run 2103
148328 07/17/05 12:36 Armstrong Target: power vs. fan speed
148325 07/17/05 12:16 R. Michaels Detector alignment
148320 07/17/05 11:26 R. Michaels counting mode with Helium4
148312 07/17/05 10:39 Armstrong Move to 4He target
148310 07/17/05 10:16 ARmstrong 4He target status notes
148306 07/17/05 10:05 R. Michaels BTA repairs
148301 07/17/05 09:55 paschke helicity errors not fixed with integrate time!
148297 07/17/05 09:33 paschke BTA not working
148296 07/17/05 09:27 Armstrong move to Carbon target for current scan
148293 07/17/05 08:35 R. Snyder HARP scans
148288 07/17/05 07:58 Lhuillier compton background
148287 07/17/05 06:36 paschke Raster set points... for now...
148286 07/17/05 05:37 R. Snyder David L. is in to check Compton
148285 07/17/05 05:01 Apar Septa quench
148273 07/17/05 03:11 R. Snyder Changed HV on Det. 2 and Det. 4
148272 07/17/05 03:09 R.Snyder Run #3649 --phase advance check
148270 07/17/05 02:46 kfuoti Raster Size Check
148259 07/17/05 00:20 R. Snyder 2 zones of Rf are out
148258 07/17/05 00:06 lkaufman Swing shift summary
148256 07/16/05 23:04 Richard_Wils He target information
148255 07/16/05 22:59 yeyx Hall A Tools Screen
148254 07/16/05 21:38 Moffit Rough detector focal plane orientation
148253 07/16/05 21:10 lkaufman Jay's optics plan
148251 07/16/05 18:10 Moffit Printer queue fixed..
148249 07/16/05 16:18 Moffit Re: Hall-C BCM (pic included)
148248 07/16/05 16:17 Moffit Hall-C BCM signal at 1.5uA
148247 07/16/05 16:02 Moffit Forgot helicity signal trigger...
148246 07/16/05 15:59 Peter L septum strip charts
148243 07/16/05 15:47 Moffit Re: crosstalk run
148242 07/16/05 15:40 Moffit crosstalk run 3647
148240 07/16/05 14:49 Moffit Right Arm S0 checkout..
148239 07/16/05 11:40 R. Feuerbach shape in background studies
148238 07/16/05 10:10 Ibrahim Rigth Q3 is up
148237 07/16/05 09:57 folts tech
148229 07/16/05 07:42 R. Michaels background studies
148180 07/16/05 04:25 R. Michaels beam returns
148179 07/16/05 03:57 R. Michaels stop for Hall C tuning
148174 07/16/05 03:45 R. Michaels cavity checks
148163 07/16/05 03:23 R. Michaels helicity errors
148135 07/16/05 02:40 R. Michaels Qsq scans, also helicity errs
148129 07/16/05 01:58 R. Michaels reboot HAPPEX DAQ
148126 07/16/05 01:42 R. Michaels Profile scanner, part 2
148120 07/16/05 01:21 R. Michaels profile scanner checks
148105 07/16/05 00:07 Moffit Swing Shift Summary
148093 07/15/05 22:41 Moffit spot++
148090 07/15/05 22:32 Moffit Spot Check... no raster
148088 07/15/05 22:25 Moffit Status..
148087 07/15/05 21:43 Moffit HRS Momentum Settings, RQ3 down.
148086 07/15/05 20:38 Moffit CW beam.
148085 07/15/05 20:24 Moffit Beam Permit... pulsed beam
148083 07/15/05 19:59 J.Cahoon Empty Target In
148082 07/15/05 19:58 Adaq Right q3 Down
148081 07/15/05 18:19 glesener/sul Setting Lumi HV
148080 07/15/05 18:10 glesener Lumi checkout
148079 07/15/05 18:00 lkaufman Compton beam waist measurement
148078 07/15/05 16:21 Moffit Detector switches operational
148077 07/15/05 16:17 jroche day shift summary
148072 07/15/05 15:29 Peter L Scanners Operational
148069 07/15/05 15:25 JBarber scanner runs 3600-3607
148065 07/15/05 13:49 Jack VDC trips on the Left Arm
148058 07/15/05 13:23 jroche Left vdc ioc needed to be reset twice since 8am
148052 07/15/05 11:46 Peter L Scanner calibration run
148046 07/15/05 00:01 R. Snyder Swing Shift Summary
148045 07/14/05 21:51 R. Michaels started cosmics run, noted various problems
148039 07/14/05 20:19 Moffit HV Channels for S0, Scanner, and HAPPEX Detectors
148038 07/14/05 20:02 paschke modified dithering code for tonight
148037 07/14/05 19:22 paschke 2nd try: plans for swing/owl
148036 07/14/05 19:12 paschke How to measure the "phase advance"
148034 07/14/05 19:11 paschke plans for swing/owl
148028 07/14/05 17:55 Glenser & Su Lumis
148026 07/14/05 17:09 R. Michaels detector checks, better now
148025 07/14/05 16:56 R. Michaels archaeology of HV cabling
148023 07/14/05 16:25 paschke HAPPEX DAQ in Counting House
148021 07/14/05 16:16 atrig Trigger-Download
148013 07/14/05 15:31 Rich Holmes Helicity
148002 07/14/05 14:29 atrig Trigger-Download
148001 07/14/05 13:14 Moffit HAPPEX DAQ check
147998 07/14/05 08:20 Moffit Power outlage last night
147997 07/14/05 00:08 R. Michaels T0 adjusted
147995 07/13/05 23:56 atrig Trigger-Download
147990 07/13/05 23:15 R. Michaels detmap / detector checkout
147989 07/13/05 21:53 R. Michaels cavity update -- looks good
147986 07/13/05 20:05 JBarber 3596 &3597 profile scanner calibrations
147981 07/13/05 19:06 glesener Downstream cavity monitor tests
147956 07/13/05 10:13 lkaufman Cavity tests
147955 07/13/05 10:11 lkaufman Summary of upstream cavity tests
147954 07/13/05 09:47 paschke Some information about the survey
147952 07/13/05 09:41 R. Michaels cavity 2 checkout
147908 07/13/05 08:58 lkaufman Cavity tests
147902 07/13/05 08:50 lkaufman Cavity tests
147899 07/12/05 19:22 paschke summary of source work
147874 07/12/05 15:08 atrig Trigger-Download
147873 07/12/05 15:07 atrig Trigger-Download
147827 07/11/05 22:55 Moffit HAPPEX Crates Synchronization
147817 07/11/05 16:24 atrig Trigger-Download
147804 07/10/05 14:55 atrig Trigger-Download
147795 07/10/05 13:57 atrig Trigger-Download
147790 07/09/05 09:42 atrig Trigger-Download
147789 07/09/05 09:42 atrig Trigger-Download
147788 07/09/05 09:41 atrig Trigger-Download
147744 07/07/05 16:19 LeRose Septum Magnet Settings
147683 07/05/05 21:44 R. Michaels mult. files w/ same run#
147676 07/02/05 08:00 cusanno N16-Lambda missing energy spectrum - last update