GEM Electronics Review

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Charge to the reviewers.

UVa Rear tracker GEMs

  • Report by UVa on the CERN SRS electronics system with a budget and also includes a budget for using the INFN GEM electronics system.
  • Report by INFN on their GEM electronics system.
  • Report by UVa on SRS readout tests using prototype GEM modules.
  • Presentation on the Rear tracker GEMs to the Nov 2013 DOE review.
  • The Front-End Concentrator card for the RD51 Scalable Readout System, J. Toledo, H. Muller, R. Esteve, J.M. Monz´, A. Tarazona and S. Martoiu, JINST 6 C11028, 2011
  • Presentations given by Dr. Hans Muller, head of the RD51 electronics working group, on SRS systems.
    • Presentation given at the RD51 Collaboration Meeting, April 14, 2011: the currently available SRS system.
    • Presentation given at the RD51 Collaboration Meeting, April 16, 2012: the ATCA based SRS system

INFN Front Tracker GEMs

Reviewers reports