Jefferson Lab HALL A Logbook for March 12 - Full Listing
368794 03/31/12 23:54 Yuxiang zhao [target]summary for the swing shift
368793 03/31/12 23:53 Chao Scaler plots for 3rd arm run 40600 with slow raster size 1.8cm
368792 03/31/12 23:46 Chao Sport++ for run 3556 with Slow Raster size 1.8cm (2)
368791 03/31/12 23:45 Chao Sport++ for run 3556 with Slow Raster size 1.8cm (1)
368790 03/31/12 23:44 a-onl Start_Run_22587,Run_type=Production,target_type=NH3 top,comment_text=momentum 1.441
368789 03/31/12 23:43 a-onl Start_Run_3556,Run_type=Production,target_type=NH3 top,comment_text=momentum 1.441
368788 03/31/12 23:42 adev Start_Run_40600,Run_type=Production,target_type=NH3 top,comment_text=p=1.441
368787 03/31/12 23:41 adev End_of_Run_40599
368786 03/31/12 23:36 adev Start_Run_40599,Run_type=DAQ Check,target_type=NH3 top,comment_text=p=1.441
368785 03/31/12 23:35 adev End_of_Run_40598
368784 03/31/12 23:33 adev Start_Run_40598,Run_type=DAQ Check,target_type=NH3 top,comment_text=p=1.441
368783 03/31/12 23:32 adev End_of_Run_40597
368782 03/31/12 23:32 adev Start_Run_40597,Run_type=Production,target_type=NH3 top,comment_text=p=1.441
368781 03/31/12 23:32 a-onl End_of_Run_3555
368780 03/31/12 23:31 a-onl End_of_Run_22586
368779 03/31/12 23:31 a-onl Start_Run_3555,Run_type=Production,target_type=NH3 top,comment_text=momentum 1.441
368778 03/31/12 23:31 a-onl Start_Run_22586,Run_type=Production,target_type=NH3 top,comment_text=momentum 1.441
368777 03/31/12 23:31 adev End_of_Run_40596
368776 03/31/12 23:29 adev Start_Run_40596,Run_type=Production,target_type=NH3 top,comment_text=p=1.441
368775 03/31/12 23:23 Chao Asked MCC to send 50nA CW beam
368774 03/31/12 23:23 adev End_of_Run_40595
368773 03/31/12 23:23 a-onl End_of_Run_3554
368772 03/31/12 23:22 a-onl End_of_Run_22585
368771 03/31/12 23:04 a-onl Start_Run_3554,Run_type=Production,target_type=NH3 top,comment_text=momentum 1.441
368770 03/31/12 23:04 a-onl Start_Run_22585,Run_type=Production,target_type=NH3 top,comment_text=momentum 1.441
368769 03/31/12 23:02 adev Start_Run_40595,Run_type=Production,target_type=NH3 top,comment_text=p=1.441
368768 03/31/12 22:47 johans Deadtime high, restart
368767 03/31/12 22:45 johans Deadtime too high, restarted
368766 03/31/12 22:44 Yuxiang zhao [target]dilution run summary
368765 03/31/12 22:36 adev End_of_Run_40594
368764 03/31/12 22:36 a-onl End_of_Run_22584
368763 03/31/12 22:35 a-onl End_of_Run_3553
368762 03/31/12 22:32 a-onl Start_Run_22584,Run_type=Dilution,target_type=empty,comment_text=momentum 1.441, dummy target
368761 03/31/12 22:32 a-onl Start_Run_3553,Run_type=Dilution,target_type=empty,comment_text=momentum 1.441, dummy target
368760 03/31/12 22:29 adev Start_Run_40594,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=p=1.441
368759 03/31/12 22:29 Chao Third arm rate at dummy target
368758 03/31/12 22:22 adev End_of_Run_40593
368757 03/31/12 22:21 a-onl End_of_Run_22583
368756 03/31/12 22:19 a-onl End_of_Run_3552
368755 03/31/12 22:16 a-onl Start_Run_22583,Run_type=Dilution,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=momentum 1.441
368754 03/31/12 22:15 adev Start_Run_40593,Run_type=Other,target_type=Carbon,comment_text=p=1.441
368753 03/31/12 22:14 a-onl Start_Run_22582,Run_type=Dilution,target_type=empty,comment_text=momentum 1.441
368752 03/31/12 22:14 a-onl End_of_Run_22582
368751 03/31/12 22:13 a-onl Start_Run_3552,Run_type=Dilution,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=momentum 1.441
368750 03/31/12 22:12 a-onl End_of_Run_3551
368749 03/31/12 22:12 a-onl Start_Run_3551,Run_type=Dilution,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=momentum 1.441
368748 03/31/12 22:11 Chao Third arm rate on carbon target
368747 03/31/12 22:06 a-onl End_of_Run_22581
368746 03/31/12 22:05 adev End_of_Run_40592
368745 03/31/12 22:05 a-onl End_of_Run_3550
368744 03/31/12 22:01 a-onl Start_Run_22581,Run_type=Dilution,target_type=empty,comment_text=momentum 1.441
368743 03/31/12 22:00 a-onl Start_Run_3550,Run_type=Dilution,target_type=empty,comment_text=momentum 1.441
368742 03/31/12 21:58 Chao Thrid arm rate at empty target
368741 03/31/12 21:58 adev Start_Run_40592,Run_type=Other,target_type=no target,comment_text=p=1.441
368740 03/31/12 21:47 adev End_of_Run_40591
368739 03/31/12 21:46 a-onl End_of_Run_3549
368738 03/31/12 21:43 Chao Charge asymmetry plots for run 3549
368737 03/31/12 21:42 Chao Charge asymmetry for run 3549
368736 03/31/12 21:27 Chao Move HRS setting to 1.441
368735 03/31/12 21:21 adev Start_Run_40591,Run_type=Production,target_type=NH3 top,comment_text=p=1.441
368734 03/31/12 21:19 a-onl Start_Run_3549,Run_type=Production,target_type=NH3 top,comment_text=momentum 1.441
368733 03/31/12 21:11 adev End_of_Run_40590
368732 03/31/12 21:11 a-onl End_of_Run_3548
368731 03/31/12 21:10 a-onl End_of_Run_22580
368730 03/31/12 20:59 happex_auto happex bcm && bpm && lumi
368729 03/31/12 20:54 Chao Spot++ for run 3548 (2)
368728 03/31/12 20:54 Chao spot++ for run 3548 (1)
368727 03/31/12 20:50 Chao Bleed through test
368726 03/31/12 20:41 a-onl Start_Run_22580,Run_type=Production,target_type=NH3 top,comment_text=momentum 1.550
368725 03/31/12 20:41 a-onl Start_Run_3548,Run_type=Production,target_type=NH3 top,comment_text=momentum 1.550
368724 03/31/12 20:39 adev Start_Run_40590,Run_type=Production,target_type=NH3 top,comment_text=p=1.55
368723 03/31/12 20:30 M. Yurov [target] Polarized Top Cup
368722 03/31/12 20:30 adev End_of_Run_40589
368721 03/31/12 20:26 D. Keller [Target] Polarization of Top Target
368720 03/31/12 20:07 mhuang db_run.dat info lost
359727 03/31/12 20:04 auto_snap Spectrometer Magnet Settings snapshot
359726 03/31/12 20:04 auto_snap MCC: Hall A Status snapshot
359725 03/31/12 20:04 auto_snap IHWP Stripchart snapshot
359724 03/31/12 20:04 auto_snap Hall A Tools snapshot
359723 03/31/12 20:04 auto_snap Hall A Status snapshot
359722 03/31/12 20:03 auto_snap Beam Position and Current snapshot
359721 03/31/12 20:03 auto_snap Beam Currents - detailed snapshot
368719 03/31/12 20:00 johans run numbers
368718 03/31/12 19:48 johans BPM and Raster
368717 03/31/12 19:47 D. Keller [Target] New Baseline
368716 03/31/12 19:43 johans Raster/BPM L
368715 03/31/12 19:43 A. Camsonne Could you specify run number ?
368714 03/31/12 18:58 jmaxwell [Target] Anneal Done
368713 03/31/12 18:06 adaq Replay error
368712 03/31/12 18:02 adev Start_Run_40589,Run_type=Cosmics,target_type=NH3 top,comment_text=p=1.55
368711 03/31/12 18:02 adev End_of_Run_40588
368710 03/31/12 18:00 jmaxwell [Target] Starting Anneal
368709 03/31/12 17:58 a-onl End_of_Run_3547
368708 03/31/12 17:58 a-onl End_of_Run_22579
368707 03/31/12 17:33 Kalyan Thirdarm rates with 70nA
368706 03/31/12 17:29 a-onl Start_Run_3547,Run_type=Production,target_type=NH3 bottom,comment_text=momentum 1.550
368705 03/31/12 17:29 johans 3546Coda crash
368704 03/31/12 17:21 a-onl Start_Run_22579,Run_type=Production,target_type=NH3 bottom,comment_text=momentum 1.550
368703 03/31/12 17:21 a-onl Start_Run_3546,Run_type=Production,target_type=NH3 bottom,comment_text=momentum 1.550
368702 03/31/12 17:19 adev Start_Run_40588,Run_type=Production,target_type=NH3 top,comment_text=p=1.55
368701 03/31/12 17:18 adev End_of_Run_40587
368700 03/31/12 17:18 a-onl End_of_Run_3545
368699 03/31/12 17:17 a-onl End_of_Run_22578
368698 03/31/12 16:51 johans No end of run 3544
368697 03/31/12 16:45 a-onl Start_Run_3545,Run_type=Production,target_type=NH3 bottom,comment_text=momentum 1.550
368696 03/31/12 16:45 a-onl Start_Run_22578,Run_type=Production,target_type=NH3 bottom,comment_text=momentum 1.550
368695 03/31/12 16:44 adev Start_Run_40587,Run_type=Production,target_type=NH3 top,comment_text=p=1.55
368694 03/31/12 16:42 a-onl End_of_Run_22577
368692 03/31/12 16:40 adev End_of_Run_40586
368691 03/31/12 16:38 adev Start_Run_40586,Run_type=DAQ Check,target_type=NH3 top,comment_text=p=1.55
368690 03/31/12 16:36 a-onl Start_Run_3544,Run_type=Production,target_type=NH3 bottom,comment_text=momentum 1.550
368689 03/31/12 16:35 a-onl Start_Run_22577,Run_type=Production,target_type=NH3 bottom,comment_text=momentum 1.550
368688 03/31/12 16:29 adev End_of_Run_40585
368687 03/31/12 16:29 adev Start_Run_40585,Run_type=DAQ Check,target_type=NH3 top,comment_text=pulser trigger ~5k
368686 03/31/12 16:28 adev End_of_Run_40584
368685 03/31/12 16:26 adev Start_Run_40584,Run_type=DAQ Check,target_type=NH3 top,comment_text=p=1.550
368684 03/31/12 16:16 a-onl End_of_Run_3543
368683 03/31/12 16:16 a-onl End_of_Run_22576
368682 03/31/12 16:11 T. Badman Day shift summary
368681 03/31/12 16:06 adev End_of_Run_40582
368680 03/31/12 16:06 adev Start_Run_40582,Run_type=DAQ Check,target_type=NH3 top,comment_text=p=1.550
368679 03/31/12 16:05 jmaxwell Slow Raster ADC Auto Post Request
368678 03/31/12 16:05 adev End_of_Run_40581
368677 03/31/12 16:04 adev Start_Run_40581,Run_type=DAQ Check,target_type=NH3 top,comment_text=p=1.550
359720 03/31/12 16:03 auto_snap Spectrometer Magnet Settings snapshot
359719 03/31/12 16:03 auto_snap MCC: Hall A Status snapshot
359718 03/31/12 16:03 auto_snap IHWP Stripchart snapshot
359717 03/31/12 16:03 auto_snap Hall A Tools snapshot
359716 03/31/12 16:03 auto_snap Hall A Status snapshot
359715 03/31/12 16:03 auto_snap Beam Position and Current snapshot
359714 03/31/12 16:03 auto_snap Beam Currents - detailed snapshot
368676 03/31/12 16:01 R. Michaels duplicate coda files
368675 03/31/12 16:00 adev End_of_Run_40580
368674 03/31/12 15:56 a-onl Start_Run_22576,Run_type=Production,target_type=NH3 top,comment_text=momentum 1.550
368673 03/31/12 15:56 a-onl Start_Run_3543,Run_type=Production,target_type=NH3 top,comment_text=momentum 1.550
368672 03/31/12 15:55 adev Start_Run_40580,Run_type=Production,target_type=NH3 top,comment_text=p=1.550
368671 03/31/12 15:46 a-onl End_of_Run_3542
368670 03/31/12 15:46 a-onl End_of_Run_22575
368669 03/31/12 15:44 a-onl Start_Run_22575,Run_type=Production,target_type=NH3 top,comment_text=momentum 1.550
368668 03/31/12 15:44 a-onl Start_Run_3542,Run_type=Production,target_type=NH3 top,comment_text=momentum 1.550
368667 03/31/12 15:41 a-onl End_of_Run_22574
368666 03/31/12 15:41 a-onl End_of_Run_3541
368665 03/31/12 15:41 adaq IHWP status is IN
368663 03/31/12 15:41 T. Badman HWP changed to IN
368662 03/31/12 15:41 adev End_of_Run_40579
368661 03/31/12 15:40 pzhu spot++ and spoth++ script update
368660 03/31/12 15:36 a-onl Start_Run_22574,Run_type=Production,target_type=NH3 top,comment_text=momentum 1.550
368659 03/31/12 15:36 a-onl Start_Run_3541,Run_type=Production,target_type=NH3 top,comment_text=momentum 1.550
368658 03/31/12 15:35 adev Start_Run_40579,Run_type=Production,target_type=NH3 top,comment_text=p=1.550
368657 03/31/12 15:28 adev End_of_Run_40578
368656 03/31/12 15:28 a-onl End_of_Run_22573
368655 03/31/12 14:55 pzhu spot++ for the newest run
368654 03/31/12 14:48 T. Badman spot++
368653 03/31/12 14:44 a-onl Start_Run_22573,Run_type=Production,target_type=NH3 top,comment_text=momentum 1.550
368652 03/31/12 14:44 a-onl Start_Run_3540,Run_type=Production,target_type=NH3 top,comment_text=momentum 1.550
368651 03/31/12 14:43 adev Start_Run_40578,Run_type=Production,target_type=NH3 top,comment_text=p=1.550
368650 03/31/12 14:42 a-onl End_of_Run_22572
368649 03/31/12 14:42 adev End_of_Run_40577
368648 03/31/12 14:23 T. Badman late- MCC finished tuning beam
368647 03/31/12 14:12 a-onl Start_Run_3539,Run_type=Production,target_type=NH3 top,comment_text=momentum 1.550
368646 03/31/12 14:12 a-onl Start_Run_22572,Run_type=Production,target_type=NH3 top,comment_text=momentum 1.550
368645 03/31/12 14:11 T. Badman Spot++ after tune
368644 03/31/12 14:11 adev Start_Run_40577,Run_type=Production,target_type=NH3 top,comment_text=p=1.550
368643 03/31/12 14:10 a-onl End_of_Run_3538
368642 03/31/12 14:10 a-onl End_of_Run_22571
368641 03/31/12 14:09 adev End_of_Run_40576
368640 03/31/12 14:04 a-onl Start_Run_22571,Run_type=Production,target_type=NH3 top,comment_text=momentum 1.550
368639 03/31/12 14:04 a-onl Start_Run_3538,Run_type=Production,target_type=NH3 top,comment_text=momentum 1.550
368638 03/31/12 14:03 adev Start_Run_40576,Run_type=Production,target_type=NH3 top,comment_text=p=1.550
368637 03/31/12 13:57 jmaxwell [Target] Moved to Bottom
368636 03/31/12 12:38 T. Badman harp scan
368635 03/31/12 12:29 jie Target moved from top to home for harp scan
368634 03/31/12 12:26 a-onl End_of_Run_22570
368633 03/31/12 12:26 a-onl End_of_Run_3537
368632 03/31/12 12:26 adev End_of_Run_40575
368631 03/31/12 12:10 T. Badman scaler rates
359713 03/31/12 12:03 auto_snap Spectrometer Magnet Settings snapshot
359712 03/31/12 12:03 auto_snap MCC: Hall A Status snapshot
359711 03/31/12 12:03 auto_snap IHWP Stripchart snapshot
359710 03/31/12 12:03 auto_snap Hall A Tools snapshot
359709 03/31/12 12:03 auto_snap Hall A Status snapshot
359708 03/31/12 12:03 auto_snap Beam Position and Current snapshot
359707 03/31/12 12:03 auto_snap Beam Currents - detailed snapshot
368630 03/31/12 11:59 a-onl Start_Run_22570,Run_type=Production,target_type=NH3 top,comment_text=momentum 1.550
368629 03/31/12 11:58 a-onl Start_Run_3537,Run_type=Production,target_type=NH3 top,comment_text=momentum 1.550
368628 03/31/12 11:58 adev Start_Run_40575,Run_type=Production,target_type=NH3 top,comment_text=p=1.550
368627 03/31/12 11:56 a-onl End_of_Run_22569
368625 03/31/12 11:55 adev End_of_Run_40574
368624 03/31/12 11:51 a-onl Start_Run_22569,Run_type=Production,target_type=NH3 top,comment_text=momentum 1.550
368623 03/31/12 11:51 a-onl Start_Run_3536,Run_type=Production,target_type=NH3 top,comment_text=momentum 1.550
368622 03/31/12 11:50 adev Start_Run_40574,Run_type=Production,target_type=NH3 top,comment_text=p=1.550
368621 03/31/12 11:48 a-onl End_of_Run_22568
368620 03/31/12 11:48 a-onl End_of_Run_3535
368619 03/31/12 11:47 adev End_of_Run_40573
368618 03/31/12 11:36 jmaxwell [Target] Take Advantage of Unstable Beam
368617 03/31/12 11:32 T. Badman slow raster ADC plot
368616 03/31/12 11:22 T. Badman Beam position moved
368615 03/31/12 11:19 a-onl Start_Run_22568,Run_type=Production,target_type=NH3 top,comment_text=momentum 1.550
368614 03/31/12 11:19 a-onl Start_Run_3535,Run_type=Production,target_type=NH3 top,comment_text=momentum 1.550
368613 03/31/12 11:18 adev Start_Run_40573,Run_type=Production,target_type=NH3 top,comment_text=p=1.550
368612 03/31/12 11:17 a-onl End_of_Run_3534
368611 03/31/12 11:17 adev End_of_Run_40572
368610 03/31/12 11:17 a-onl End_of_Run_22567
368609 03/31/12 10:48 a-onl Start_Run_3534,Run_type=Production,target_type=NH3 top,comment_text=momentum 1.550
368608 03/31/12 10:48 a-onl Start_Run_22567,Run_type=Production,target_type=NH3 top,comment_text=momentum 1.550
368607 03/31/12 10:46 adev Start_Run_40572,Run_type=Production,target_type=NH3 top,comment_text=p=1.550
368606 03/31/12 10:45 a-onl End_of_Run_3533
368605 03/31/12 10:45 a-onl End_of_Run_22566
368604 03/31/12 10:45 adev End_of_Run_40571
368603 03/31/12 10:39 T. Badman Unstable beam most of the day
368602 03/31/12 10:23 a-onl Start_Run_22565,Run_type=Production,target_type=NH3 top,comment_text=momentum 1.550
368601 03/31/12 10:23 a-onl Start_Run_3532,Run_type=Production,target_type=NH3 top,comment_text=momentum 1.550
368600 03/31/12 10:22 adev Start_Run_40570,Run_type=Production,target_type=NH3 top,comment_text=p=1.550
368599 03/31/12 10:16 a-onl Start_Run_3533,Run_type=Production,target_type=NH3 top,comment_text=momentum 1.550
368598 03/31/12 10:16 a-onl Start_Run_22566,Run_type=Production,target_type=NH3 top,comment_text=momentum 1.550
368597 03/31/12 10:14 adev Start_Run_40571,Run_type=Production,target_type=NH3 top,comment_text=p=1.550
368596 03/31/12 10:14 a-onl End_of_Run_3532
368595 03/31/12 10:14 a-onl End_of_Run_22565
368594 03/31/12 10:14 T. Badman HWP moved to OUT
368593 03/31/12 10:13 adev End_of_Run_40570
368592 03/31/12 10:13 adaq IHWP status is OUT
368590 03/31/12 10:10 a-onl End_of_Run_3531
368589 03/31/12 10:10 a-onl End_of_Run_22564
368588 03/31/12 10:10 adev End_of_Run_40569
368587 03/31/12 09:40 a-onl Start_Run_22564,Run_type=Production,target_type=NH3 top,comment_text=momentum 1.550
368586 03/31/12 09:40 a-onl Start_Run_3531,Run_type=Production,target_type=NH3 top,comment_text=momentum 1.550
368585 03/31/12 09:39 adev Start_Run_40569,Run_type=Production,target_type=NH3 top,comment_text=p=1.550
368584 03/31/12 09:36 jie target movement for dilution run
368583 03/31/12 09:33 T. Badman Dilution run summary
368582 03/31/12 09:32 a-onl End_of_Run_22563
368581 03/31/12 09:32 a-onl End_of_Run_3530
368580 03/31/12 09:32 adev End_of_Run_40568
368579 03/31/12 09:25 a-onl Start_Run_3530,Run_type=Production,target_type=empty,comment_text=momentum 1.550, dilution
368578 03/31/12 09:25 a-onl Start_Run_22563,Run_type=Production,target_type=empty,comment_text=momentum 1.550, dilution
368577 03/31/12 09:24 adev Start_Run_40568,Run_type=Production,target_type=no target,comment_text=p=1.550, dilution dummy
368576 03/31/12 09:22 a-onl End_of_Run_22562
368575 03/31/12 09:22 a-onl End_of_Run_3529
368574 03/31/12 09:22 adev End_of_Run_40567
368573 03/31/12 09:19 a-onl Start_Run_22562,Run_type=Production,target_type=empty,comment_text=momentum 1.550, dilution dummy run
368572 03/31/12 09:18 adev Start_Run_40567,Run_type=Production,target_type=no target,comment_text=p=1.550, dilution dummy run
368571 03/31/12 09:18 a-onl Start_Run_3529,Run_type=Production,target_type=empty,comment_text=momentum 1.550, dilution dummy cell
368570 03/31/12 09:14 T. Badman Runs 22561/3528/40566 are C12 dilution runs
368569 03/31/12 09:13 a-onl End_of_Run_22561
368568 03/31/12 09:12 a-onl End_of_Run_3528
368567 03/31/12 09:10 adev End_of_Run_40566
368566 03/31/12 09:08 a-onl Start_Run_22561,Run_type=Production,target_type=NH3 top,comment_text=momentum 1.550
368565 03/31/12 09:08 a-onl Start_Run_3528,Run_type=Production,target_type=NH3 top,comment_text=momentum 1.550
368564 03/31/12 09:07 adev Start_Run_40566,Run_type=Production,target_type=NH3 top,comment_text=p=1.550
368563 03/31/12 09:00 adev End_of_Run_40565
368562 03/31/12 09:00 a-onl End_of_Run_3527
368561 03/31/12 08:39 a-onl Start_Run_3527,Run_type=Production,target_type=NH3 top,comment_text=momentum 1.550
368560 03/31/12 08:38 adev Start_Run_40565,Run_type=Production,target_type=NH3 top,comment_text=p=1.550
368559 03/31/12 08:26 a-onl End_of_Run_3526
368558 03/31/12 08:26 a-onl End_of_Run_22560
368557 03/31/12 08:24 adev End_of_Run_40564
368556 03/31/12 08:16 T. Badman Hall A Tools
368555 03/31/12 08:12 pzhu owl shift summary
359706 03/31/12 08:03 auto_snap Spectrometer Magnet Settings snapshot
359705 03/31/12 08:02 auto_snap MCC: Hall A Status snapshot
359704 03/31/12 08:02 auto_snap IHWP Stripchart snapshot
359703 03/31/12 08:02 auto_snap Hall A Tools snapshot
359702 03/31/12 08:02 auto_snap Hall A Status snapshot
359701 03/31/12 08:02 auto_snap Beam Position and Current snapshot
359700 03/31/12 08:02 auto_snap Beam Currents - detailed snapshot
368554 03/31/12 07:38 a-onl Start_Run_22560,Run_type=Production,target_type=NH3 top,comment_text=momentum 1.667
368553 03/31/12 07:38 a-onl Start_Run_3526,Run_type=Production,target_type=NH3 top,comment_text=momentum 1.667
368552 03/31/12 07:36 a-onl End_of_Run_22559
368551 03/31/12 07:36 a-onl End_of_Run_3525
368550 03/31/12 07:35 pzhu run 22558,225559,22555,22554,22553,22552,22551 is production run
368549 03/31/12 06:58 a-onl Start_Run_3525,Run_type=Production,target_type=NH3 top,comment_text=momentum 1.667
368548 03/31/12 06:57 a-onl Start_Run_22559,Run_type=Spot++,target_type=NH3 top,comment_text=momentum 1.667
368547 03/31/12 06:56 a-onl End_of_Run_22558
368546 03/31/12 06:52 R. Michaels problem fix : no R-HRS ev140 scalers in data
368545 03/31/12 06:28 a-onl Start_Run_22558,Run_type=Spot++,target_type=NH3 top,comment_text=momentum 1.667
368544 03/31/12 06:15 a-onl Start_Run_22557,Run_type=Spot++,target_type=NH3 top,comment_text=momentum 1.667
368543 03/31/12 06:10 a-onl Start_Run_22556,Run_type=Spot++,target_type=NH3 top,comment_text=momentum 1.667
368542 03/31/12 06:10 a-onl End_of_Run_22556
368541 03/31/12 06:08 a-onl Start_Run_3524,Run_type=Production,target_type=NH3 top,comment_text=momentum 1.667
368540 03/31/12 06:07 adev Start_Run_40564,Run_type=Production,target_type=NH3 top,comment_text=p=1.667
368539 03/31/12 06:06 adaq IHWP status is IN
368538 03/31/12 06:06 adaq IHWP status is IN
368537 03/31/12 06:00 adev End_of_Run_40563
368536 03/31/12 05:59 a-onl End_of_Run_22555
368534 03/31/12 05:59 happex_auto happex bcm && bpm && lumi
368533 03/31/12 05:47 pzhu bleed-through measurement
368532 03/31/12 05:38 adev Start_Run_40563,Run_type=Production,target_type=NH3 top,comment_text=p=1.667
368531 03/31/12 05:29 a-onl Start_Run_22555,Run_type=Spot++,target_type=NH3 top,comment_text=momentum 1.667
368530 03/31/12 05:28 a-onl Start_Run_3523,Run_type=Production,target_type=NH3 top,comment_text=momentum 1.667
368529 03/31/12 05:22 a-onl End_of_Run_3522
368528 03/31/12 05:21 a-onl End_of_Run_22554
368527 03/31/12 04:52 a-onl Start_Run_22554,Run_type=Spot++,target_type=NH3 top,comment_text=momentum 1.667
368526 03/31/12 04:49 a-onl Start_Run_3522,Run_type=Production,target_type=NH3 top,comment_text=momentum 1.667
368525 03/31/12 04:48 a-onl Start_Run_3521,Run_type=Production,target_type=NH3 top,comment_text=momentum 1.667
368524 03/31/12 04:47 a-onl End_of_Run_3521
368523 03/31/12 04:47 a-onl End_of_Run_22553
368522 03/31/12 04:12 a-onl End_of_Run_22552
368521 03/31/12 04:11 a-onl End_of_Run_3520
359699 03/31/12 04:02 auto_snap Spectrometer Magnet Settings snapshot
359698 03/31/12 04:02 auto_snap MCC: Hall A Status snapshot
359697 03/31/12 04:02 auto_snap IHWP Stripchart snapshot
359696 03/31/12 04:02 auto_snap Hall A Tools snapshot
359695 03/31/12 04:02 auto_snap Hall A Status snapshot
359694 03/31/12 04:02 auto_snap Beam Position and Current snapshot
359693 03/31/12 04:02 auto_snap Beam Currents - detailed snapshot
368520 03/31/12 03:39 pzhu 22551 and 22552 is production run
368519 03/31/12 03:27 a-onl Start_Run_22552,Run_type=Spot++,target_type=NH3 top,comment_text=momentum 1.667
368518 03/31/12 03:26 a-onl Start_Run_3520,Run_type=Production,target_type=NH3 top,comment_text=momentum 1.667
368517 03/31/12 03:24 a-onl End_of_Run_3519
368516 03/31/12 03:23 a-onl End_of_Run_22551
368515 03/31/12 03:15 a-onl Start_Run_22551,Run_type=Spot++,target_type=NH3 top,comment_text=momentum 1.667
368514 03/31/12 03:15 a-onl Start_Run_3519,Run_type=Production,target_type=NH3 top,comment_text=momentum 1.667
368513 03/31/12 03:12 adev Start_Run_40562,Run_type=Production,target_type=NH3 top,comment_text=p=1.667
368512 03/31/12 03:11 a-onl End_of_Run_22550
368511 03/31/12 03:11 a-onl End_of_Run_3518
368510 03/31/12 03:09 pzhu spot++ check for 1.5V and 1.1V
368509 03/31/12 03:09 Kalyan Re: thirdarm rate
368508 03/31/12 02:54 a-onl Start_Run_22550,Run_type=Spot++,target_type=NH3 top,comment_text=raster on
368507 03/31/12 02:52 a-onl Start_Run_3518,Run_type=Spot++,target_type=NH3 top,comment_text=raster on
368506 03/31/12 02:51 a-onl End_of_Run_22549
368505 03/31/12 02:51 a-onl End_of_Run_3517
368504 03/31/12 02:47 a-onl Start_Run_22549,Run_type=Spot++,target_type=NH3 top,comment_text=raster on
368503 03/31/12 02:46 a-onl Start_Run_3517,Run_type=Spot++,target_type=NH3 top,comment_text=raster on
368502 03/31/12 02:44 Kalyan Third arm rate increase after Moller
368501 03/31/12 02:40 jmaxwell [Target] OVC Pressure Access
368500 03/31/12 02:33 A. Camsonne Gas for MRPC moved in the Hall
368499 03/31/12 02:24 R. Michaels [target] recovery of target, status
368498 03/31/12 02:20 jmaxwell [Target] Magnet Up
368497 03/31/12 02:05 adaq IHWP status is OUT
368495 03/31/12 01:54 jmaxwell Septa and Target Magnet Off, Locked
368494 03/31/12 01:45 jmaxwell [Target] EIP Reset
368493 03/31/12 01:34 R. Michaels controlled access to check target, P0 change
368492 03/31/12 01:27 Chao Septa is off
368491 03/31/12 01:23 a-onl Start_Run_22548,Run_type=Spot++,target_type=empty,comment_text=home target,raster off T8
368490 03/31/12 01:20 a-onl Start_Run_3516,Run_type=Spot++,target_type=empty,comment_text=home target,raster off T8
368489 03/31/12 01:15 a-onl End_of_Run_3516
368488 03/31/12 01:15 a-onl End_of_Run_22548
368487 03/31/12 01:08 R. Michaels [target] top tgt put in, uwaves on
368486 03/31/12 01:04 a-onl End_of_Run_22547
368485 03/31/12 01:04 a-onl End_of_Run_3515
368484 03/31/12 01:02 a-onl Start_Run_22547,Run_type=Dilution,target_type=empty,comment_text=home target,raster off
368483 03/31/12 01:01 a-onl Start_Run_3515,Run_type=Dilution,target_type=empty,comment_text=home target,raster off
368482 03/31/12 00:59 R. Michaels various target crises
368481 03/31/12 00:58 jmaxwell [Target] EIP Read Problems
368480 03/31/12 00:55 a-onl Start_Run_22546,Run_type=Dilution,target_type=empty,comment_text=dummy/cross target,raster off
368479 03/31/12 00:54 a-onl End_of_Run_22546
368478 03/31/12 00:54 a-onl End_of_Run_3514
368477 03/31/12 00:54 a-onl Start_Run_3514,Run_type=Dilution,target_type=empty,comment_text=dummy/cross target,raster off
368476 03/31/12 00:54 R. Michaels [target] at dummy target, then home
368475 03/31/12 00:42 a-onl End_of_Run_22545
368474 03/31/12 00:42 a-onl End_of_Run_3513
368473 03/31/12 00:41 a-onl Start_Run_22545,Run_type=Dilution,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=raster off
368472 03/31/12 00:39 a-onl Start_Run_3513,Run_type=Dilution,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=raster off
368471 03/31/12 00:37 a-onl Start_Run_22544,Run_type=Production,target_type=NH3 top,comment_text=P=1.792
368470 03/31/12 00:36 a-onl Start_Run_3512,Run_type=Production,target_type=NH3 top,comment_text=P=1.792
368469 03/31/12 00:36 a-onl End_of_Run_3512
368468 03/31/12 00:35 a-onl End_of_Run_22544
368467 03/31/12 00:32 R. Michaels [target] frequency 140 ?
368466 03/31/12 00:31 R. Michaels [target] move to C12
368465 03/31/12 00:27 adev End_of_Run_40561
368464 03/31/12 00:11 a-onl End_of_Run_22543
368463 03/31/12 00:11 a-onl End_of_Run_3511
368462 03/31/12 00:08 Ole Hansen Swing Shift Summary
359692 03/31/12 00:02 auto_snap Spectrometer Magnet Settings snapshot
359691 03/31/12 00:02 auto_snap MCC: Hall A Status snapshot
359690 03/31/12 00:02 auto_snap IHWP Stripchart snapshot
359689 03/31/12 00:01 auto_snap Hall A Tools snapshot
359688 03/31/12 00:01 auto_snap Hall A Status snapshot
359687 03/31/12 00:01 auto_snap Beam Position and Current snapshot
359686 03/31/12 00:01 auto_snap Beam Currents - detailed snapshot
368461 03/30/12 23:53 adev End_of_Run_40560
368460 03/30/12 23:43 a-onl Start_Run_22543,Run_type=Production,target_type=NH3 top,comment_text=P=1.792
368459 03/30/12 23:40 a-onl Start_Run_3511,Run_type=Production,target_type=NH3 top,comment_text=P=1.792
368458 03/30/12 23:38 a-onl End_of_Run_22542
368457 03/30/12 23:38 a-onl End_of_Run_3510
368456 03/30/12 23:31 Ole Hansen spot++ screen 3
368455 03/30/12 23:31 Ole Hansen spot++ during production
368454 03/30/12 23:27 adev Start_Run_40560,Run_type=DAQ Check,target_type=NH3 top,comment_text=p=1.792
368453 03/30/12 23:26 adev End_of_Run_40559
368452 03/30/12 23:26 adev Start_Run_40559,Run_type=DAQ Check,target_type=NH3 top,comment_text=p=1.792
368451 03/30/12 23:25 adev End_of_Run_40558
368450 03/30/12 23:12 a-onl Start_Run_22542,Run_type=Production,target_type=NH3 top,comment_text=P=1.792
368449 03/30/12 23:10 a-onl Start_Run_3510,Run_type=Production,target_type=NH3 top,comment_text=P=1.792
368448 03/30/12 23:06 adev Start_Run_40558,Run_type=DAQ Check,target_type=NH3 top,comment_text=p=1.792
368447 03/30/12 23:06 a-onl End_of_Run_22541
368446 03/30/12 23:06 a-onl End_of_Run_3509
368445 03/30/12 22:36 a-onl Start_Run_22541,Run_type=Production,target_type=NH3 top,comment_text=P=1.792
368444 03/30/12 22:34 a-onl Start_Run_3509,Run_type=Production,target_type=NH3 top,comment_text=P=1.792
368443 03/30/12 22:33 Jixie, Min, beam position dependence
368442 03/30/12 22:32 a-onl End_of_Run_3508
368441 03/30/12 22:32 a-onl End_of_Run_22540
368440 03/30/12 22:30 adev Start_Run_40556,Run_type=DAQ Check,target_type=NH3 top,comment_text=p=1.792
368439 03/30/12 22:18 adev End_of_Run_40555
368438 03/30/12 22:05 a-onl Start_Run_22540,Run_type=Production,target_type=NH3 top,comment_text=P=1.792
368437 03/30/12 22:03 Ole Hansen Hall A Tools
368436 03/30/12 22:03 a-onl Start_Run_3508,Run_type=Production,target_type=NH3 top,comment_text=P=1.792
368435 03/30/12 22:03 Ole Hansen Target polarization
368434 03/30/12 22:02 adev Start_Run_40555,Run_type=Production,target_type=NH3 top,comment_text=p=1.792
368433 03/30/12 21:57 Ole Hansen Start production
368432 03/30/12 21:55 Ole Hansen Target in position, polarizing ...
368431 03/30/12 21:52 Ole Hansen IHWP IN
368430 03/30/12 21:49 Ole Hansen Target looks well centered
368429 03/30/12 21:48 Ole Hansen spot_L run 3507
368428 03/30/12 21:47 a-onl Start_Run_22539,Run_type=Spot++,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=carbon hole, P=1.792
368427 03/30/12 21:46 adaq IHWP status is IN
368425 03/30/12 21:46 a-onl Start_Run_3507,Run_type=Spot++,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=carbon hole, P=1.792
368424 03/30/12 21:46 a-onl End_of_Run_22539
368423 03/30/12 21:46 a-onl End_of_Run_3507
368422 03/30/12 21:46 Ole Hansen spot_R for run 22358
368421 03/30/12 21:43 a-onl Start_Run_3506,Run_type=Spot++,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=carbon hole, P=1.792
368420 03/30/12 21:43 Jixie Spot_L 3506
368419 03/30/12 21:43 a-onl End_of_Run_3506
368418 03/30/12 21:43 a-onl End_of_Run_22538
368417 03/30/12 21:41 Ole Hansen Target centering
368416 03/30/12 21:36 a-onl End_of_Run_3505
368415 03/30/12 21:36 a-onl End_of_Run_22537
368414 03/30/12 20:35 Ole Hansen No usable beam yet
368413 03/30/12 20:06 Ole Hansen Target TE done
368412 03/30/12 20:04 adev End_of_Run_40554
368411 03/30/12 20:02 T. Badman TE results
359685 03/30/12 20:01 auto_snap Spectrometer Magnet Settings snapshot
359684 03/30/12 20:01 auto_snap MCC: Hall A Status snapshot
359683 03/30/12 20:01 auto_snap IHWP Stripchart snapshot
359682 03/30/12 20:01 auto_snap Hall A Tools snapshot
359681 03/30/12 20:01 auto_snap Hall A Status snapshot
359680 03/30/12 20:01 auto_snap Beam Position and Current snapshot
359679 03/30/12 20:01 auto_snap Beam Currents - detailed snapshot
368410 03/30/12 20:00 Chao Third arm HV update
368409 03/30/12 19:57 adev Start_Run_40554,Run_type=Cosmics,target_type=no target,comment_text=Cosmics
368408 03/30/12 19:42 adev End_of_Run_40553
368407 03/30/12 19:15 jmaxwell [Target] Access for RF Error
368406 03/30/12 19:14 adev Start_Run_40553,Run_type=Cosmics,target_type=no target,comment_text=Cosmics
368405 03/30/12 18:55 Ole Hansen Controlled access
368404 03/30/12 18:38 adev End_of_Run_40552
368403 03/30/12 18:34 Ole Hansen Target problems
368402 03/30/12 18:28 Sasha Moller measurement results
368401 03/30/12 18:20 R. Zielinski ROC 3 Error Message
368400 03/30/12 18:16 adev Start_Run_40552,Run_type=Cosmics,target_type=no target,comment_text=
368399 03/30/12 18:05 Ole Hansen Moller measurement done
368398 03/30/12 17:50 happex_auto happex bcm && bpm && lumi
368397 03/30/12 16:49 Sasha IHWP is OUT
368396 03/30/12 16:48 adaq IHWP status is OUT
368394 03/30/12 16:15 A. Camsonne HAPPEX DAQ and HARP run 3376
368393 03/30/12 16:01 kamyers Day shift summary
359678 03/30/12 16:01 auto_snap Spectrometer Magnet Settings snapshot
359677 03/30/12 16:01 auto_snap MCC: Hall A Status snapshot
359676 03/30/12 16:01 auto_snap IHWP Stripchart snapshot
359675 03/30/12 16:01 auto_snap Hall A Tools snapshot
359674 03/30/12 16:01 auto_snap Hall A Status snapshot
359673 03/30/12 16:01 auto_snap Beam Position and Current snapshot
359672 03/30/12 16:00 auto_snap Beam Currents - detailed snapshot
368392 03/30/12 15:52 A. Camsonne Spot_L 3376
368391 03/30/12 15:44 jmaxwell [Target] eLog Discrepancy
368390 03/30/12 15:41 Solvignon Target screenshot
368389 03/30/12 15:14 jmaxwell [Target] eLog Discrepancy
368388 03/30/12 13:58 kamyers Bleed-through measurement - 0.5%
368387 03/30/12 13:55 kamyers LHRS and septum back to 1.792 GeV setting
368386 03/30/12 13:51 solvignon Move target home for Moller measurement
368385 03/30/12 13:50 a-onl End_of_Run_3504
368384 03/30/12 13:45 a-onl Start_Run_3504,Run_type=Production,target_type=NH3 bottom,comment_text=P=2.228, target unpolarized
368383 03/30/12 13:44 solvignon Move target to bottom cell
368382 03/30/12 13:34 a-onl End_of_Run_3503
368381 03/30/12 13:30 a-onl Start_Run_3503,Run_type=Production,target_type=NH3 top,comment_text=P=2.228, target unpolarized
368380 03/30/12 13:27 jmaxwell [Target] Anneal Done
368379 03/30/12 13:27 Chao g2p softwares on adaq1
368378 03/30/12 13:21 kamyers LHRS to elastic 2.228 GeV setting
368377 03/30/12 12:01 kamyers Beam off for target anneal
368376 03/30/12 12:01 adev End_of_Run_40551
368375 03/30/12 12:01 a-onl End_of_Run_3502
359671 03/30/12 12:00 auto_snap Spectrometer Magnet Settings snapshot
359670 03/30/12 12:00 auto_snap MCC: Hall A Status snapshot
359669 03/30/12 12:00 auto_snap IHWP Stripchart snapshot
359668 03/30/12 12:00 auto_snap Hall A Tools snapshot
359667 03/30/12 12:00 auto_snap Hall A Status snapshot
359666 03/30/12 12:00 auto_snap Beam Position and Current snapshot
359665 03/30/12 12:00 auto_snap Beam Currents - detailed snapshot
368373 03/30/12 11:52 a-onl Start_Run_22536,Run_type=Production,target_type=NH3 top,comment_text=Production, P=1.792
368372 03/30/12 11:50 a-onl Start_Run_3502,Run_type=Production,target_type=NH3 top,comment_text=Production P=1.792
368371 03/30/12 11:50 adev Start_Run_40551,Run_type=Production,target_type=NH3 top,comment_text=slow raster on, fast raster on. p=1.792
368370 03/30/12 11:49 adev End_of_Run_40550
368369 03/30/12 11:48 a-onl End_of_Run_22535
368368 03/30/12 11:48 a-onl End_of_Run_3501
368367 03/30/12 11:13 a-onl Start_Run_22535,Run_type=Production,target_type=NH3 top,comment_text=Production, P=1.792
368366 03/30/12 11:11 a-onl Start_Run_3501,Run_type=Production,target_type=NH3 top,comment_text=Production P=1.792
368365 03/30/12 11:10 a-onl End_of_Run_3500
368364 03/30/12 11:10 a-onl End_of_Run_22534
368363 03/30/12 11:08 adev Start_Run_40550,Run_type=Production,target_type=NH3 top,comment_text=slow raster on, fast raster on. p=1.792
368362 03/30/12 11:08 a-onl Start_Run_22534,Run_type=Production,target_type=NH3 top,comment_text=Production, P=1.792
368361 03/30/12 11:08 a-onl Start_Run_3500,Run_type=Production,target_type=NH3 top,comment_text=Production P=1.792
368360 03/30/12 11:05 kamyers IHWP IN, passive HWP OUT
368359 03/30/12 11:04 adev End_of_Run_40549
368358 03/30/12 11:04 a-onl End_of_Run_3499
368357 03/30/12 11:04 a-onl End_of_Run_22533
368356 03/30/12 10:56 adev Start_Run_40549,Run_type=Production,target_type=NH3 top,comment_text=slow raster on, fast raster on. p=1.792
368355 03/30/12 10:56 a-onl Start_Run_22533,Run_type=Production,target_type=NH3 top,comment_text=Production, P=1.792
368354 03/30/12 10:55 a-onl Start_Run_3499,Run_type=Production,target_type=NH3 top,comment_text=Production P=1.792
368353 03/30/12 10:50 kamyers IHWP OUT, but passive IHWP changed to IN
368352 03/30/12 10:49 adev End_of_Run_40548
368351 03/30/12 10:48 a-onl End_of_Run_22532
368350 03/30/12 10:48 a-onl End_of_Run_3498
368349 03/30/12 10:39 adev Start_Run_40548,Run_type=Production,target_type=NH3 top,comment_text=slow raster on, fast raster on. p=1.792
368348 03/30/12 10:37 kamyers Back to 50 nA (about 15 minutes ago)
368347 03/30/12 10:36 a-onl Start_Run_22532,Run_type=Production,target_type=NH3 top,comment_text=Production, P=1.792
368346 03/30/12 10:36 a-onl Start_Run_3498,Run_type=Production,target_type=NH3 top,comment_text=Production P=1.792
368345 03/30/12 10:35 kamyers Beam positions slightly off nominal since 18:00 last night
368344 03/30/12 10:20 adev End_of_Run_40547
368343 03/30/12 10:20 a-onl End_of_Run_22531
368342 03/30/12 10:19 a-onl End_of_Run_3497
368341 03/30/12 10:03 kamyers Beam current 50 nA -> 65 nA
368340 03/30/12 09:58 yawei DAQs snapshot
368339 03/30/12 09:47 a-onl Start_Run_22531,Run_type=Production,target_type=NH3 top,comment_text=Production, P=1.792
368338 03/30/12 09:46 a-onl Start_Run_3497,Run_type=Production,target_type=NH3 top,comment_text=Production P=1.792
368337 03/30/12 09:46 adev Start_Run_40547,Run_type=Production,target_type=NH3 top,comment_text=slow raster on, fast raster on. p=1.792
368336 03/30/12 09:44 adev End_of_Run_40546
368335 03/30/12 09:44 a-onl End_of_Run_22530
368334 03/30/12 09:43 a-onl End_of_Run_3496
368333 03/30/12 09:42 a-onl Start_Run_22530,Run_type=Production,target_type=NH3 top,comment_text=Production, P=1.792
368332 03/30/12 09:42 adev Start_Run_40546,Run_type=Production,target_type=NH3 top,comment_text=slow raster on, fast raster on. p=1.792
368331 03/30/12 09:41 a-onl Start_Run_3496,Run_type=Production,target_type=NH3 top,comment_text=Production P=1.792
368330 03/30/12 09:39 adev End_of_Run_40545
368329 03/30/12 09:39 a-onl End_of_Run_22529
368328 03/30/12 09:38 a-onl End_of_Run_3495
368327 03/30/12 09:30 Solvignon Screenshot: Target control
368326 03/30/12 09:15 jmaxwell [Target] Main Flow Alarm Change
368325 03/30/12 09:08 a-onl Start_Run_22529,Run_type=Production,target_type=NH3 top,comment_text=Production, P=1.792
368324 03/30/12 09:07 adev Start_Run_40545,Run_type=Production,target_type=NH3 top,comment_text=slow raster on, fast raster on. p=1.793
368323 03/30/12 09:06 a-onl Start_Run_3495,Run_type=Production,target_type=NH3 top,comment_text=Production P=1.792
368322 03/30/12 08:59 kamyers FR to 2x2, Slow raster on
368321 03/30/12 08:59 kamyers 1.792 setting
368320 03/30/12 08:20 kamyers Septa for 1.792 setting
368319 03/30/12 08:16 R. Zielinski Owl Shift Summary
368318 03/30/12 08:14 a-onl End_of_Run_22528
368317 03/30/12 08:14 a-onl End_of_Run_3494
368316 03/30/12 08:05 a-onl Start_Run_22528,Run_type=Dilution,target_type=empty,comment_text=Dilution, Dummy tgt rasters off. P=1.927
368315 03/30/12 08:04 a-onl Start_Run_3494,Run_type=Dilution,target_type=empty,comment_text=Dilution Dummy Rasters off P=1.927
368314 03/30/12 08:02 M. Yurov [target] Moved target
368313 03/30/12 07:59 a-onl End_of_Run_22527
368312 03/30/12 07:59 a-onl End_of_Run_3493
368311 03/30/12 07:49 a-onl Start_Run_22527,Run_type=Dilution,target_type=empty,comment_text=Dilution, Empty tgt rasters off. P=1.927
368310 03/30/12 07:49 a-onl Start_Run_3493,Run_type=Dilution,target_type=empty,comment_text=Dilution Empty Rasters off P=1.927
368309 03/30/12 07:46 M. Yurov [target] Moved target
368308 03/30/12 07:45 M. Yurov [target] Typo in the log entry 368304
368307 03/30/12 07:42 a-onl End_of_Run_3492
368306 03/30/12 07:42 a-onl End_of_Run_22526
368305 03/30/12 07:40 M. Yurov [target] Moved target
368304 03/30/12 07:38 M. Yurov [target] Main flow alarm. Missing events in PDP
368303 03/30/12 07:33 a-onl Start_Run_22526,Run_type=Dilution,target_type=Carbon thick,comment_text=Dilution, C thick rasters off. P=1.927
368302 03/30/12 07:31 a-onl Start_Run_3492,Run_type=Dilution,target_type=Carbon thick,comment_text=Dilution C thick Rasters off P=1.927
368301 03/30/12 07:24 R. Zielinski Finished 1.927 GeV Production. Switching to dilution
368300 03/30/12 07:17 adev End_of_Run_40544
368299 03/30/12 07:17 a-onl End_of_Run_22525
368297 03/30/12 07:06 M. Yurov [target] PDP is missing events
368296 03/30/12 06:48 a-onl Start_Run_22525,Run_type=Production,target_type=NH3 bottom,comment_text=slow raster on, fast rasters on. P=1.927
368295 03/30/12 06:48 a-onl Start_Run_3491,Run_type=Production,target_type=NH3 bottom,comment_text=slow raster on, fast rasters on. P=1.927
368294 03/30/12 06:46 adev Start_Run_40544,Run_type=Production,target_type=NH3 bottom,comment_text=slow raster on, fast raster on. p=1.927
368293 03/30/12 06:45 adev End_of_Run_40543
368292 03/30/12 06:45 a-onl End_of_Run_22524
368291 03/30/12 06:45 a-onl End_of_Run_3490
368290 03/30/12 06:17 a-onl Start_Run_22524,Run_type=Production,target_type=NH3 bottom,comment_text=slow raster on, fast rasters on. P=1.927
368289 03/30/12 06:15 a-onl Start_Run_3490,Run_type=Production,target_type=NH3 bottom,comment_text=slow raster on, fast rasters on. P=1.927
368288 03/30/12 06:15 a-onl Start_Run_22523,Run_type=Production,target_type=NH3 bottom,comment_text=slow raster on, fast rasters on. P=1.927
368287 03/30/12 06:14 adev Start_Run_40543,Run_type=Production,target_type=NH3 bottom,comment_text=slow raster on, fast raster on. p=1.927
368286 03/30/12 06:14 adev End_of_Run_40542
368285 03/30/12 06:13 a-onl End_of_Run_22523
368284 03/30/12 06:13 a-onl End_of_Run_3489
368283 03/30/12 05:43 a-onl Start_Run_3489,Run_type=Production,target_type=NH3 bottom,comment_text=slow raster on, fast rasters on. P=1.927
368282 03/30/12 05:41 happex_auto happex bcm && bpm && lumi
368281 03/30/12 05:40 adev Start_Run_40542,Run_type=Production,target_type=NH3 bottom,comment_text=slow raster on, fast raster on. p=1.927
368280 03/30/12 05:40 adev End_of_Run_40541
368279 03/30/12 05:40 a-onl End_of_Run_3488
368278 03/30/12 05:39 a-onl End_of_Run_22522
368277 03/30/12 05:10 a-onl Start_Run_22522,Run_type=Production,target_type=NH3 bottom,comment_text=slow raster on, fast rasters on. P=1.927
368276 03/30/12 05:09 a-onl Start_Run_3488,Run_type=Production,target_type=NH3 bottom,comment_text=slow raster on, fast rasters on. P=1.927
368275 03/30/12 05:08 adev Start_Run_40541,Run_type=Production,target_type=NH3 bottom,comment_text=slow raster on, fast raster on. p=1.927
368274 03/30/12 04:59 R. Zielinski Hall C Changing HWP to OUT
368273 03/30/12 04:57 adev End_of_Run_40540
368272 03/30/12 04:57 a-onl End_of_Run_3487
368270 03/30/12 04:15 a-onl Start_Run_22521,Run_type=Production,target_type=NH3 bottom,comment_text=slow raster on, fast rasters on. P=1.927
368269 03/30/12 04:15 a-onl Start_Run_3487,Run_type=Production,target_type=NH3 bottom,comment_text=slow raster on, fast rasters on. P=1.927
368268 03/30/12 04:13 adev Start_Run_40540,Run_type=Production,target_type=NH3 bottom,comment_text=slow raster on, fast raster on. p=1.927
368267 03/30/12 04:12 adev End_of_Run_40539
368266 03/30/12 04:12 a-onl End_of_Run_22520
368265 03/30/12 04:12 a-onl End_of_Run_3486
359664 03/30/12 04:08 auto_snap Spectrometer Magnet Settings snapshot
359663 03/30/12 04:08 auto_snap MCC: Hall A Status snapshot
359662 03/30/12 04:07 auto_snap IHWP Stripchart snapshot
359661 03/30/12 04:07 auto_snap Hall A Tools snapshot
359660 03/30/12 04:07 auto_snap Hall A Status snapshot
359659 03/30/12 04:07 auto_snap Beam Position and Current snapshot
359658 03/30/12 04:07 auto_snap Beam Currents - detailed snapshot
368264 03/30/12 03:43 R. Zielinski Full Replays of all 2.072 GeV data
368263 03/30/12 03:42 a-onl Start_Run_22520,Run_type=Production,target_type=NH3 bottom,comment_text=slow raster on, fast rasters on. P=1.927
368262 03/30/12 03:41 a-onl Start_Run_3486,Run_type=Production,target_type=NH3 bottom,comment_text=slow raster on, fast rasters on. P=1.927
368261 03/30/12 03:38 adev Start_Run_40539,Run_type=Production,target_type=NH3 bottom,comment_text=slow raster on, fast raster on. p=1.927
368260 03/30/12 03:38 adev End_of_Run_40538
368259 03/30/12 03:37 a-onl End_of_Run_22519
368258 03/30/12 03:37 a-onl End_of_Run_3485
368257 03/30/12 03:09 a-onl Start_Run_22519,Run_type=Production,target_type=NH3 bottom,comment_text=slow raster on, fast rasters on. P=1.927
368256 03/30/12 03:08 a-onl Start_Run_3485,Run_type=Production,target_type=NH3 bottom,comment_text=slow raster on, fast rasters on. P=1.927
368255 03/30/12 03:06 adev Start_Run_40538,Run_type=Production,target_type=NH3 bottom,comment_text=slow raster on, fast raster on. p=1.927
368254 03/30/12 03:06 adev End_of_Run_40537
368253 03/30/12 03:05 a-onl End_of_Run_3484
368252 03/30/12 03:05 a-onl End_of_Run_22518
368251 03/30/12 02:37 a-onl Start_Run_3484,Run_type=Production,target_type=NH3 bottom,comment_text=slow raster on, fast rasters on. P=1.927
368250 03/30/12 02:36 a-onl Start_Run_22518,Run_type=Production,target_type=NH3 bottom,comment_text=slow raster on, fast rasters on. P=1.927
368249 03/30/12 02:36 adev Start_Run_40537,Run_type=Production,target_type=NH3 bottom,comment_text=slow raster on, fast raster on. p=1.927
368248 03/30/12 02:30 adev End_of_Run_40536
368247 03/30/12 02:30 a-onl End_of_Run_22517
368246 03/30/12 02:30 a-onl End_of_Run_3483
368245 03/30/12 02:06 a-onl Start_Run_22517,Run_type=Production,target_type=NH3 bottom,comment_text=slow raster on, fast rasters on. P=1.927
368244 03/30/12 02:05 a-onl Start_Run_3483,Run_type=Production,target_type=NH3 bottom,comment_text=slow raster on, fast rasters on. P=1.927
368243 03/30/12 02:04 adev Start_Run_40536,Run_type=Production,target_type=NH3 bottom,comment_text=slow raster on, fast raster on. p=1.927
368242 03/30/12 02:03 adev End_of_Run_40535
368241 03/30/12 02:03 a-onl End_of_Run_3482
368240 03/30/12 02:02 a-onl End_of_Run_22516
368239 03/30/12 01:32 a-onl Start_Run_22516,Run_type=Production,target_type=NH3 bottom,comment_text=slow raster on, fast rasters on. P=1.927
368238 03/30/12 01:32 a-onl Start_Run_3482,Run_type=Production,target_type=NH3 bottom,comment_text=slow raster on, fast rasters on. P=1.927
368237 03/30/12 01:27 adev Start_Run_40535,Run_type=Production,target_type=NH3 bottom,comment_text=slow raster on, fast raster on. p=1.927
368236 03/30/12 01:26 adev End_of_Run_40534
368235 03/30/12 01:24 a-onl End_of_Run_22515
368233 03/30/12 01:04 R. Zielinski Hall C changing Half-Wave Plate to IN
368232 03/30/12 01:02 R. Zielinski Killed Third Arm CODA
368231 03/30/12 01:01 adev Start_Run_40534,Run_type=Production,target_type=NH3 bottom,comment_text=slow raster on, fast raster on. p=1.927
368230 03/30/12 00:59 adev Start_Run_40533,Run_type=Production,target_type=NH3 bottom,comment_text=slow raster on, fast raster on. p=1.927
368229 03/30/12 00:59 adev End_of_Run_40533
368228 03/30/12 00:55 a-onl Start_Run_22515,Run_type=Production,target_type=NH3 bottom,comment_text=slow raster on, fast rasters on. P=1.927
368227 03/30/12 00:55 a-onl Start_Run_3481,Run_type=Production,target_type=NH3 bottom,comment_text=slow raster on, fast rasters on. P=1.927
368226 03/30/12 00:51 adaq IHWP status is IN
368224 03/30/12 00:49 adev End_of_Run_40532
368223 03/30/12 00:49 a-onl End_of_Run_3480
368222 03/30/12 00:49 a-onl End_of_Run_22514
368221 03/30/12 00:35 a-onl Start_Run_22514,Run_type=Production,target_type=NH3 bottom,comment_text=slow raster on, fast rasters on. P=1.927
368220 03/30/12 00:34 a-onl Start_Run_3480,Run_type=Production,target_type=NH3 bottom,comment_text=slow raster on, fast rasters on. P=1.927
368219 03/30/12 00:32 adev End_of_Run_40531
368218 03/30/12 00:30 a-onl End_of_Run_22513
368217 03/30/12 00:30 a-onl End_of_Run_3479
368216 03/30/12 00:21 R. Zielinski Hall A Tools
368215 03/30/12 00:02 T. Badman swing shift summary
368214 03/29/12 23:58 adev Start_Run_40531,Run_type=Production,target_type=NH3 bottom,comment_text=slow raster on, fast raster on. p=1.927
368213 03/29/12 23:55 a-onl Start_Run_22513,Run_type=Production,target_type=NH3 bottom,comment_text=slow raster on, fast rasters on. P=1.927
368212 03/29/12 23:54 a-onl Start_Run_3479,Run_type=Production,target_type=NH3 bottom,comment_text=slow raster on, fast rasters on. P=1.927
368211 03/29/12 23:54 adev End_of_Run_40530
368210 03/29/12 23:54 adev Start_Run_40530,Run_type=Cosmics,target_type=empty,comment_text=cosmics
368209 03/29/12 23:53 adev End_of_Run_40529
368208 03/29/12 23:46 Aniol target - top cup calibration constant
368207 03/29/12 23:39 Aniol target - tgt elog discrepancy
368206 03/29/12 23:21 Aniol target - top cup baseline
368205 03/29/12 23:11 adev Start_Run_40529,Run_type=Cosmics,target_type=empty,comment_text=cosmics
368204 03/29/12 23:11 Aniol target - move to top cup for TE
368203 03/29/12 22:53 a-onl End_of_Run_3478
368202 03/29/12 22:53 adev End_of_Run_40528
368201 03/29/12 22:53 a-onl End_of_Run_22512
368200 03/29/12 22:52 a-onl Start_Run_22512,Run_type=Production,target_type=NH3 bottom,comment_text=slow raster on, fast rasters on. P=1.927
368199 03/29/12 22:52 a-onl Start_Run_3478,Run_type=Production,target_type=NH3 bottom,comment_text=slow raster on, fast rasters on. P=1.927
368198 03/29/12 22:50 adev Start_Run_40528,Run_type=Production,target_type=NH3 bottom,comment_text=slow raster on, fas rasters on. p=1.927
368197 03/29/12 22:45 a-onl End_of_Run_3477
368196 03/29/12 22:45 adev End_of_Run_40527
368195 03/29/12 22:45 a-onl End_of_Run_22511
368194 03/29/12 22:40 siqbal R-arm run #22511, change in comments
368193 03/29/12 22:22 a-onl Start_Run_22511,Run_type=Production,target_type=empty,comment_text=Dilution dummy, slow raster off fast rasters on P=2.072
368192 03/29/12 22:17 a-onl Start_Run_3477,Run_type=Production,target_type=NH3 bottom,comment_text=slow raster on, fast rasters on. P=1.927
368191 03/29/12 22:16 adev Start_Run_40527,Run_type=Production,target_type=NH3 bottom,comment_text=slow raster on, fas rasters on. p=1.927
368190 03/29/12 22:14 a-onl End_of_Run_3476
368189 03/29/12 22:14 adev End_of_Run_40526
368188 03/29/12 21:48 siqbal run #s 3475 & 40525 junk
368187 03/29/12 21:47 a-onl Start_Run_3476,Run_type=Production,target_type=NH3 bottom,comment_text=slow raster on, fast rasters on. P=1.927
368186 03/29/12 21:46 adev Start_Run_40526,Run_type=Production,target_type=NH3 bottom,comment_text=slow raster on, fas rasters on. p=1.927
368185 03/29/12 21:43 a-onl End_of_Run_3475
368184 03/29/12 21:43 adev End_of_Run_40525
368183 03/29/12 21:36 a-onl Start_Run_3475,Run_type=Production,target_type=empty,comment_text=Dilution dummy, slow raster off, fast rasters on. P=2.072
368182 03/29/12 21:35 adev Start_Run_40525,Run_type=Production,target_type=empty,comment_text=Dilution dummy, slow raster off fast rasters on p=2.072
368181 03/29/12 21:28 Aniol target - bottom cell moved in
368180 03/29/12 21:27 T. Badman changing HRS momentum setting
368179 03/29/12 21:25 T. Badman Dilution Run Summary
368178 03/29/12 21:24 a-onl End_of_Run_3474
368177 03/29/12 21:24 a-onl End_of_Run_22510
368176 03/29/12 21:24 adev End_of_Run_40524
368175 03/29/12 21:15 a-onl Start_Run_22510,Run_type=Production,target_type=empty,comment_text=Dilution dummy, slow raster off fast rasters on P=2.072
368174 03/29/12 21:14 a-onl Start_Run_3474,Run_type=Production,target_type=empty,comment_text=Dilution dummy, slow raster off, fast rasters on. P=2.072
368173 03/29/12 21:13 adev Start_Run_40524,Run_type=Production,target_type=empty,comment_text=Dilution dummy, slow raster off fast rasters on p=2.072
368172 03/29/12 21:09 a-onl End_of_Run_22509
368171 03/29/12 21:09 adev End_of_Run_40523
368169 03/29/12 21:01 a-onl Start_Run_22509,Run_type=Production,target_type=Carbon thick,comment_text=Dilution, slow raster off fast rasters on P=2.072
368168 03/29/12 21:00 a-onl Start_Run_3473,Run_type=Production,target_type=Carbon thick,comment_text=Dilution, slow raster off, fast rasters on. P=2.072
368167 03/29/12 20:59 adev Start_Run_40523,Run_type=Production,target_type=Carbon,comment_text=Dilution, slow raster off fast rasters on p=2.072
368166 03/29/12 20:54 a-onl End_of_Run_3472
368165 03/29/12 20:54 adev End_of_Run_40522
368164 03/29/12 20:54 a-onl End_of_Run_22508
368163 03/29/12 20:47 a-onl Start_Run_22508,Run_type=Production,target_type=empty,comment_text=Dilution, slow raster off fast rasters on P=2.072
368162 03/29/12 20:46 a-onl Start_Run_3472,Run_type=Production,target_type=empty,comment_text=Dilution, slow raster off, fast rasters on. P=2.072
368161 03/29/12 20:45 adev Start_Run_40522,Run_type=Production,target_type=empty,comment_text=Dilution, slow raster off fast rasters on p=2.072
368160 03/29/12 20:42 siqbal L-arm run #3470, change in comments
368159 03/29/12 20:39 a-onl End_of_Run_3471
368158 03/29/12 20:39 a-onl End_of_Run_22507
368157 03/29/12 20:39 adev End_of_Run_40521
368156 03/29/12 20:29 a-onl Start_Run_22507,Run_type=Production,target_type=empty,comment_text=Dilution, slow raster on fast rasters on P=2.072
368155 03/29/12 20:29 a-onl Start_Run_3471,Run_type=Production,target_type=empty,comment_text=Dilution, slow raster on fast rasters on. P=2.072
368154 03/29/12 20:28 adev Start_Run_40521,Run_type=Production,target_type=empty,comment_text=Dilution, slow raster on fast rasters on p=2.072
368153 03/29/12 20:26 Aniol target-moved to HOME tgt
368152 03/29/12 20:23 a-onl End_of_Run_3470
368151 03/29/12 20:23 a-onl End_of_Run_22506
368150 03/29/12 20:23 adev End_of_Run_40520
368149 03/29/12 20:12 a-onl Start_Run_22506,Run_type=Production,target_type=empty,comment_text=Dilution dummy target, slow raster on fast rasters on P=2.072
368148 03/29/12 20:12 a-onl Start_Run_3470,Run_type=Production,target_type=Carbon thick,comment_text=Dilution, slow raster on fast rasters on. P=2.072
368147 03/29/12 20:11 adev Start_Run_40520,Run_type=Production,target_type=empty,comment_text=Dilution Dummy target, slow raster on fast rasters on p=2.072
368146 03/29/12 20:08 Aniol target - moved to cross hair dummy
359657 03/29/12 20:07 auto_snap Spectrometer Magnet Settings snapshot
359656 03/29/12 20:07 auto_snap MCC: Hall A Status snapshot
359655 03/29/12 20:07 auto_snap IHWP Stripchart snapshot
359654 03/29/12 20:07 auto_snap Hall A Tools snapshot
359653 03/29/12 20:07 auto_snap Hall A Status snapshot
359652 03/29/12 20:07 auto_snap Beam Position and Current snapshot
359651 03/29/12 20:07 auto_snap Beam Currents - detailed snapshot
368145 03/29/12 20:04 a-onl End_of_Run_3469
368144 03/29/12 20:04 a-onl End_of_Run_22505
368143 03/29/12 19:57 a-onl Start_Run_22505,Run_type=Production,target_type=Carbon thick,comment_text=Dilution, slow raster on fast raters on P=2.072
368142 03/29/12 19:56 a-onl Start_Run_3469,Run_type=Production,target_type=Carbon thick,comment_text=Dilution, slow raster on fast rasters on. P=2.072
368141 03/29/12 19:52 a-onl Start_Run_22504,Run_type=Production,target_type=Carbon thick,comment_text=Dilution, slow raster on fast raters on P=2.072
368140 03/29/12 19:52 a-onl Start_Run_3468,Run_type=Production,target_type=Carbon thick,comment_text=Dilution, slow raster on fast rasters on. P=2.072
368139 03/29/12 19:51 a-onl End_of_Run_3468
368137 03/29/12 19:46 Aniol target - moved to c12_40
368136 03/29/12 19:42 a-onl End_of_Run_3467
368135 03/29/12 19:42 a-onl End_of_Run_22503
368134 03/29/12 19:41 adev End_of_Run_40519
368133 03/29/12 19:12 a-onl Start_Run_22503,Run_type=Production,target_type=NH3 bottom,comment_text=slow raster on fast raters on P=2.072
368132 03/29/12 19:11 a-onl Start_Run_3467,Run_type=Production,target_type=NH3 bottom,comment_text=slow raster on fast rasters on. P=2.072
368131 03/29/12 19:10 adev Start_Run_40519,Run_type=Production,target_type=NH3 bottom,comment_text=Production
368130 03/29/12 19:09 a-onl End_of_Run_3466
368129 03/29/12 19:09 a-onl End_of_Run_22502
368128 03/29/12 19:09 adev End_of_Run_40518
368127 03/29/12 18:47 Chao End of run information for run 22501
368126 03/29/12 18:40 a-onl Start_Run_22502,Run_type=Production,target_type=NH3 bottom,comment_text=slow raster on fast raters on P=2.072
368125 03/29/12 18:39 a-onl Start_Run_3466,Run_type=Production,target_type=NH3 bottom,comment_text=slow raster on fast rasters on. P=2.072
368124 03/29/12 18:38 adev Start_Run_40518,Run_type=Production,target_type=NH3 bottom,comment_text=Production
368123 03/29/12 18:37 adev End_of_Run_40517
368122 03/29/12 18:37 a-onl End_of_Run_3465
368121 03/29/12 18:35 Jixie Right dipole ramping speed
368120 03/29/12 18:35 Chao Third arm HV update
368119 03/29/12 18:20 adev Start_Run_40517,Run_type=Production,target_type=NH3 bottom,comment_text=Production
368118 03/29/12 18:12 a-onl Start_Run_22501,Run_type=Production,target_type=NH3 bottom,comment_text=slow raster on fast raters on P=2.072
368117 03/29/12 18:11 a-onl Start_Run_3465,Run_type=Production,target_type=NH3 bottom,comment_text=slow raster on fast rasters on. P=2.072
368116 03/29/12 18:00 Aniol target - TE calibration
368115 03/29/12 17:31 slifer Automated Run Summaries
368114 03/29/12 17:24 aniol target moved to HOME
368113 03/29/12 17:23 Jixie Zhang Tools to calculate septum current
368112 03/29/12 17:22 adev End_of_Run_40516
368111 03/29/12 16:55 T. Badman Hall A General Tools
368110 03/29/12 16:51 adev Start_Run_40516,Run_type=Cosmics,target_type=no target,comment_text=
368109 03/29/12 16:50 adev End_of_Run_40515
368108 03/29/12 16:46 siqbal running TA cosmics
368107 03/29/12 16:43 T. Badman beam down for 1 hour
368106 03/29/12 16:43 adev Start_Run_40515,Run_type=Cosmics,target_type=no target,comment_text=
368105 03/29/12 16:09 T. Badman HWP changed
368104 03/29/12 16:05 adaq IHWP status is OUT
368102 03/29/12 15:59 yawei Day Shift Summary
368101 03/29/12 15:41 johans Beamtrip
368100 03/29/12 15:37 adev End_of_Run_40514
368099 03/29/12 15:37 a-onl End_of_Run_3464
368098 03/29/12 15:36 a-onl End_of_Run_22500
368097 03/29/12 15:36 pzhu left arm upstream bcm scaler abnormal
368096 03/29/12 15:29 adev Start_Run_40514,Run_type=Production,target_type=NH3 bottom,comment_text=Production
368095 03/29/12 15:15 a-onl Start_Run_22500,Run_type=Production,target_type=NH3 bottom,comment_text=slow raster on fast raters on P=2.072
368094 03/29/12 15:15 a-onl Start_Run_3464,Run_type=Production,target_type=NH3 bottom,comment_text=slow raster on fast rasters on. P=2.072
368093 03/29/12 15:11 adev End_of_Run_40513
368092 03/29/12 15:11 a-onl End_of_Run_3463
368091 03/29/12 15:10 a-onl End_of_Run_22499
368090 03/29/12 14:58 Kalyan Third arm high voltages
368089 03/29/12 14:48 a-onl Start_Run_22499,Run_type=Production,target_type=NH3 bottom,comment_text=slow raster on fast raters on P=2.072
368088 03/29/12 14:48 a-onl Start_Run_3463,Run_type=Production,target_type=NH3 bottom,comment_text=slow raster on fast rasters on. P=2.072
368087 03/29/12 14:46 adev Start_Run_40513,Run_type=Production,target_type=NH3 bottom,comment_text=Production
368086 03/29/12 14:44 a-onl End_of_Run_3462
368085 03/29/12 14:44 a-onl End_of_Run_22498
368084 03/29/12 14:43 adev End_of_Run_40512
368083 03/29/12 14:41 brads Rotatable HWP changes during day shift?
368082 03/29/12 14:22 jmaxwell [Target] New Baseline on Bottom
368081 03/29/12 14:21 a-onl Start_Run_3462,Run_type=Other,target_type=NH3 bottom,comment_text=slow raster on fast rasters on. P=2.072
368080 03/29/12 14:18 a-onl Start_Run_22498,Run_type=Other,target_type=NH3 bottom,comment_text=slow raster on fast raters on P=2.072
368079 03/29/12 14:17 adev Start_Run_40512,Run_type=Cosmics,target_type=NH3 bottom,comment_text=Production
368078 03/29/12 14:05 adev End_of_Run_40511
368077 03/29/12 14:04 adev Start_Run_40511,Run_type=DAQ Check,target_type=NH3 bottom,comment_text=Production
368076 03/29/12 13:39 a-onl End_of_Run_3461
368075 03/29/12 13:39 adev End_of_Run_40510
368074 03/29/12 13:38 a-onl End_of_Run_22497
368073 03/29/12 13:32 adev Start_Run_40510,Run_type=Production,target_type=NH3 bottom,comment_text=Production
368072 03/29/12 13:30 adev End_of_Run_40509
368071 03/29/12 13:26 johans No start entry 40509
368070 03/29/12 13:15 a-onl Start_Run_22497,Run_type=Production,target_type=NH3 bottom,comment_text=slow raster on fast raters on P=2.072
368069 03/29/12 13:13 a-onl Start_Run_3461,Run_type=Production,target_type=NH3 bottom,comment_text=slow raster on fast rasters on. P=2.072
368068 03/29/12 13:07 adev End_of_Run_40508
368067 03/29/12 13:07 a-onl End_of_Run_3460
368066 03/29/12 13:06 a-onl End_of_Run_22496
368065 03/29/12 12:38 a-onl Start_Run_3460,Run_type=Production,target_type=NH3 bottom,comment_text=slow raster on fast rasters on. P=2.072
368064 03/29/12 12:38 a-onl Start_Run_22496,Run_type=Production,target_type=NH3 bottom,comment_text=slow raster on fast raters on P=2.072
368063 03/29/12 12:35 adev Start_Run_40508,Run_type=Production,target_type=NH3 bottom,comment_text=
368062 03/29/12 12:12 adev End_of_Run_40507
368061 03/29/12 12:11 a-onl End_of_Run_3459
368060 03/29/12 12:11 a-onl End_of_Run_22495
359650 03/29/12 12:07 auto_snap Spectrometer Magnet Settings snapshot
359649 03/29/12 12:07 auto_snap MCC: Hall A Status snapshot
359648 03/29/12 12:07 auto_snap IHWP Stripchart snapshot
359647 03/29/12 12:07 auto_snap Hall A Tools snapshot
359646 03/29/12 12:07 auto_snap Hall A Status snapshot
359645 03/29/12 12:07 auto_snap Beam Position and Current snapshot
359644 03/29/12 12:06 auto_snap Beam Currents - detailed snapshot
368059 03/29/12 12:05 a-onl Start_Run_22495,Run_type=Production,target_type=NH3 bottom,comment_text=slow raster on fast raters on P=2.072
368058 03/29/12 12:05 a-onl Start_Run_3459,Run_type=Production,target_type=NH3 bottom,comment_text=slow raster on fast rasters on. P=2.072
368057 03/29/12 12:02 adev Start_Run_40507,Run_type=Production,target_type=NH3 bottom,comment_text=
368056 03/29/12 11:53 a-onl Start_Run_22494,Run_type=Production,target_type=NH3 bottom,comment_text=slow raster on fast raters on P=2.072
368055 03/29/12 11:52 pzhu half-wave plate variable not in raw data
368054 03/29/12 11:52 adev End_of_Run_40506
368053 03/29/12 11:52 a-onl End_of_Run_22494
368052 03/29/12 11:51 adev Start_Run_40506,Run_type=Production,target_type=NH3 bottom,comment_text=
368051 03/29/12 11:50 a-onl End_of_Run_3458
368050 03/29/12 11:49 a-onl End_of_Run_22493
368049 03/29/12 11:49 adev End_of_Run_40505
368048 03/29/12 11:31 Chao Charge Asymmetry check
368047 03/29/12 11:12 a-onl Start_Run_3458,Run_type=Production,target_type=NH3 bottom,comment_text=slow raster on fast rasters on. P=2.072
368046 03/29/12 11:11 a-onl Start_Run_22493,Run_type=Production,target_type=NH3 bottom,comment_text=slow raster on fast raters on P=2.072
368045 03/29/12 11:08 adev Start_Run_40505,Run_type=Production,target_type=NH3 bottom,comment_text=
368044 03/29/12 11:08 a-onl End_of_Run_3457
368043 03/29/12 11:07 a-onl End_of_Run_22492
368042 03/29/12 11:07 adev End_of_Run_40504
368041 03/29/12 10:47 yawei Hall A tools
368040 03/29/12 10:36 a-onl Start_Run_3457,Run_type=Production,target_type=NH3 bottom,comment_text=slow raster on fast rasters on. P=2.072
368039 03/29/12 10:35 a-onl Start_Run_22492,Run_type=Production,target_type=NH3 bottom,comment_text=slow raster on fast raters on P=2.072
368038 03/29/12 10:32 adev Start_Run_40504,Run_type=Production,target_type=NH3 bottom,comment_text=
368037 03/29/12 10:31 adev End_of_Run_40503
368036 03/29/12 10:30 a-onl End_of_Run_3456
368035 03/29/12 10:29 a-onl End_of_Run_22491
368034 03/29/12 10:22 adev Start_Run_40503,Run_type=Production,target_type=NH3 bottom,comment_text=
368033 03/29/12 10:21 adev End_of_Run_40502
368032 03/29/12 10:14 adaq Incorrect Run information and scalers
368031 03/29/12 10:04 yawei run# 3455 no start of run
368030 03/29/12 10:02 a-onl Start_Run_3456,Run_type=Production,target_type=NH3 bottom,comment_text=slow raster on fast rasters on. P=2.072
368029 03/29/12 10:01 a-onl Start_Run_22491,Run_type=Production,target_type=NH3 bottom,comment_text=slow raster on fast raters on P=2.072
368028 03/29/12 09:58 a-onl End_of_Run_3455
368026 03/29/12 09:53 a-onl Start_Run_22489,Run_type=Dilution,target_type=Carbon thick,comment_text=dilution C thick arget run- slow raster off fast raters on P=2.228
368025 03/29/12 09:50 a-onl Start_Run_22490,Run_type=Production,target_type=NH3 bottom,comment_text=slow raster on fastrasters on P=2.07
368024 03/29/12 09:50 happex_auto happex bcm && bpm && lumi
368022 03/29/12 09:47 a-onl End_of_Run_22489
368021 03/29/12 09:43 adev Start_Run_40502,Run_type=Production,target_type=NH3 bottom,comment_text=dE=-500mV E=-200mV
368020 03/29/12 09:43 a-onl End_of_Run_3454
368019 03/29/12 09:42 adev End_of_Run_40501
368018 03/29/12 09:40 a-onl End_of_Run_22488
368017 03/29/12 09:35 a-onl Start_Run_22488,Run_type=Dilution,target_type=Carbon thick,comment_text=dilution C thick arget run- slow raster off fast raters on P=2.228
368016 03/29/12 09:35 a-onl Start_Run_3454,Run_type=Dilution,target_type=Carbon thick,comment_text=Dilution C thick target slow raster off fast rasters on. P=2.228
368015 03/29/12 09:34 adev Start_Run_40501,Run_type=Production,target_type=NH3 bottom,comment_text=dE=-500mV E=-200mV
368014 03/29/12 09:30 yawei MCC starting to tune beam into Hall A
368013 03/29/12 08:00 M. Cummings Owl Shift Summary
368012 03/29/12 07:03 M. Yurov [target] Moved target back to NH3 Bottom Cup
368011 03/29/12 06:39 M. Cummings Changed septum settings
368010 03/29/12 06:38 Kalyan Re: End_of_Run_40499
368009 03/29/12 06:37 M. Cummings Changing LHRS and RHRS dipole to 2.072
368008 03/29/12 06:35 a-onl End_of_Run_22487
368007 03/29/12 06:35 a-onl End_of_Run_3453
368006 03/29/12 06:34 adev End_of_Run_40500
368005 03/29/12 06:32 a-onl Start_Run_3453,Run_type=Dilution,target_type=Carbon thick,comment_text=Dilution C thick target slow raster off fast rasters on. P=2.228
368004 03/29/12 06:32 a-onl Start_Run_22487,Run_type=Dilution,target_type=Carbon thick,comment_text=dilution C thick arget run- slow raster off fast raters on P=2.228
368003 03/29/12 06:30 adev Start_Run_40500,Run_type=Production,target_type=NH3 bottom,comment_text=dE=-500mV E=-200mV
368002 03/29/12 06:30 adev Start_Run_40499,Run_type=Production,target_type=NH3 bottom,comment_text=dE=-500mV E=-200mV
368001 03/29/12 06:29 adev End_of_Run_40499
368000 03/29/12 06:28 M. Yurov [target] Moved target
367999 03/29/12 06:26 a-onl End_of_Run_3452
367998 03/29/12 06:26 a-onl End_of_Run_22486
367997 03/29/12 06:21 a-onl Start_Run_22486,Run_type=Dilution,target_type=empty,comment_text=dilution Dummy target run- slow raster off fast raters on P=2.228
367996 03/29/12 06:21 a-onl Start_Run_3452,Run_type=Dilution,target_type=empty,comment_text=Dilution Dummy target slow raster off fast rasters on. P=2.228
367995 03/29/12 06:19 M. Yurov [target] Moved target
367994 03/29/12 06:15 a-onl End_of_Run_22485
367993 03/29/12 06:15 a-onl End_of_Run_3451
367992 03/29/12 06:15 adev End_of_Run_40498
367991 03/29/12 06:13 adev Start_Run_40498,Run_type=Production,target_type=NH3 bottom,comment_text=dE=-500mV E=-200mV
367990 03/29/12 06:12 adev Start_Run_40497,Run_type=Production,target_type=NH3 bottom,comment_text=dE=-500mV E=-200mV
367989 03/29/12 06:12 adev Start_Run_40497,Run_type=Production,target_type=NH3 bottom,comment_text=dE=-500mV E=-200mV
367988 03/29/12 06:12 adev End_of_Run_40497
367987 03/29/12 06:12 a-onl Start_Run_22485,Run_type=Dilution,target_type=empty,comment_text=dilution empty target run- slow raster off fast raters on P=2.228
367986 03/29/12 06:10 a-onl Start_Run_3451,Run_type=Dilution,target_type=empty,comment_text=Dilution Empty target slow raster off fast rasters on. P=2.228
367985 03/29/12 06:03 a-onl Start_Run_22484,Run_type=Dilution,target_type=empty,comment_text=dilution empty target run- slow and fast raters on P=2.228
367984 03/29/12 06:03 a-onl Start_Run_3450,Run_type=Dilution,target_type=empty,comment_text=Dilution Empty target slow and fast rasters on. P=2.228
367983 03/29/12 06:03 adev End_of_Run_40496
367982 03/29/12 06:02 a-onl End_of_Run_3450
367981 03/29/12 06:02 a-onl End_of_Run_22484
367980 03/29/12 06:01 adev Start_Run_40495,Run_type=Production,target_type=NH3 bottom,comment_text=dE=-500mV E=-200mV
367979 03/29/12 06:01 adev Start_Run_40495,Run_type=Production,target_type=NH3 bottom,comment_text=dE=-500mV E=-200mV
367978 03/29/12 06:01 adev Start_Run_40495,Run_type=Production,target_type=NH3 bottom,comment_text=dE=-500mV E=-200mV
367977 03/29/12 06:01 adev Start_Run_40495,Run_type=Production,target_type=NH3 bottom,comment_text=dE=-500mV E=-200mV
367976 03/29/12 05:59 adev End_of_Run_40495
367975 03/29/12 05:59 a-onl End_of_Run_22483
367974 03/29/12 05:59 a-onl End_of_Run_3449
367973 03/29/12 05:57 a-onl Start_Run_22483,Run_type=Dilution,target_type=empty,comment_text=dilution empty target run- slow and fast raters on P=2.228
367972 03/29/12 05:56 a-onl Start_Run_3449,Run_type=Dilution,target_type=empty,comment_text=Dilution Empty target slow and fast rasters on. P=2.228
367971 03/29/12 05:56 adev End_of_Run_40494
367970 03/29/12 05:55 M.Yurov [target] Moved target
367969 03/29/12 05:53 a-onl End_of_Run_22482
367968 03/29/12 05:52 a-onl End_of_Run_3448
367967 03/29/12 05:51 a-onl Start_Run_22482,Run_type=Dilution,target_type=empty,comment_text=dilution dummy target run- slow and fast raters on P=2.228
367966 03/29/12 05:50 happex_auto happex bcm && bpm && lumi
367965 03/29/12 05:50 a-onl Start_Run_3448,Run_type=Dilution,target_type=empty,comment_text=Dilution Dummy target slow and fast rasters on. P=2.228
367964 03/29/12 05:49 M. Yurov [target] Moved target
367963 03/29/12 05:47 adev End_of_Run_40493
367962 03/29/12 05:44 a-onl End_of_Run_22481
367961 03/29/12 05:44 a-onl End_of_Run_3447
367960 03/29/12 05:43 a-onl Start_Run_3447,Run_type=Dilution,target_type=Carbon thick,comment_text=Dilution slow and fast rasters on. P=2.228
367959 03/29/12 05:43 a-onl Start_Run_22481,Run_type=Dilution,target_type=Carbon thick,comment_text=dilution run- slow and fast raters on P=2.228
367958 03/29/12 05:40 adev End_of_Run_40492
367957 03/29/12 05:40 M. Yurov [target] Moved target
367956 03/29/12 05:32 M. Cummings Done with elastic setting - starting dilution runs
367955 03/29/12 05:32 a-onl End_of_Run_22480
367954 03/29/12 05:31 a-onl End_of_Run_3446
367953 03/29/12 05:28 happex_auto happex bcm && bpm && lumi
367952 03/29/12 05:25 happex_auto happex bcm && bpm && lumi
367951 03/29/12 05:07 adev End_of_Run_40491
367950 03/29/12 05:06 M. Cummings T2 rate high
367949 03/29/12 05:04 a-onl Start_Run_22480,Run_type=Production,target_type=NH3 bottom,comment_text=production P=2.228
367948 03/29/12 05:04 a-onl Start_Run_3446,Run_type=Production,target_type=NH3 bottom,comment_text=Production P-2.228
367947 03/29/12 04:59 a-onl End_of_Run_22479
367946 03/29/12 04:59 a-onl End_of_Run_3445
367945 03/29/12 04:26 a-onl Start_Run_22479,Run_type=Production,target_type=NH3 bottom,comment_text=production P=2.228
367944 03/29/12 04:26 a-onl Start_Run_3445,Run_type=Production,target_type=NH3 bottom,comment_text=Production P-2.228
367943 03/29/12 04:22 a-onl End_of_Run_3444
367942 03/29/12 04:22 a-onl End_of_Run_22478
367941 03/29/12 04:22 adev End_of_Run_40490
367940 03/29/12 04:17 M. Cummings Septum Strip Charts
367939 03/29/12 04:12 pzhu changed ped for roc6,slot 12
359643 03/29/12 04:06 auto_snap Spectrometer Magnet Settings snapshot
359642 03/29/12 04:06 auto_snap MCC: Hall A Status snapshot
359641 03/29/12 04:06 auto_snap IHWP Stripchart snapshot
359640 03/29/12 04:06 auto_snap Hall A Tools snapshot
359639 03/29/12 04:06 auto_snap Hall A Status snapshot
367938 03/29/12 04:06 M. Yurov [target] Nose level PID loop
359638 03/29/12 04:06 auto_snap Beam Position and Current snapshot
359637 03/29/12 04:06 auto_snap Beam Currents - detailed snapshot
367937 03/29/12 04:05 a-onl Start_Run_22478,Run_type=Production,target_type=NH3 bottom,comment_text=production P=2.228
367936 03/29/12 04:03 M. Cummings RHRS rate back to normal
367935 03/29/12 04:01 a-onl Start_Run_22477,Run_type=Production,target_type=NH3 bottom,comment_text=production P=2.228
367934 03/29/12 04:00 a-onl End_of_Run_22477
367933 03/29/12 04:00 a-onl Start_Run_3444,Run_type=Production,target_type=NH3 bottom,comment_text=Production P-2.228
367932 03/29/12 03:59 adev Start_Run_40490,Run_type=Production,target_type=NH3 bottom,comment_text=dE=-500mV E=-200mV
367931 03/29/12 03:53 pzhu one sieve slit is in before
367930 03/29/12 03:51 M. Cummings Back in beam permit, asked for 50 nA
367929 03/29/12 03:46 pzhu sieve slit is half in before
367928 03/29/12 03:44 M. Yurov [target]
367927 03/29/12 03:37 M. Yurov [target] Change target position.
367926 03/29/12 03:35 M. Yurov [target] Change target position.
367925 03/29/12 03:33 adev End_of_Run_40489
367924 03/29/12 03:33 A. Camsonne HRS angles
367923 03/29/12 03:27 M. Cummings Called for escorted access to check sieve slit
367922 03/29/12 03:26 pzhu center beam position
367921 03/29/12 03:26 a-onl End_of_Run_22476
367920 03/29/12 03:26 a-onl End_of_Run_3443
367919 03/29/12 03:25 a-onl Start_Run_22476,Run_type=Production,target_type=Carbon thick,comment_text=center beam position check
367918 03/29/12 03:25 a-onl Start_Run_3443,Run_type=Production,target_type=Carbon thick,comment_text=center beam position check
367917 03/29/12 03:20 M. Cummings Hall C changing HWP to OUT
367916 03/29/12 03:16 a-onl End_of_Run_3442
367915 03/29/12 03:16 a-onl End_of_Run_22475
367914 03/29/12 03:03 adev Start_Run_40489,Run_type=Production,target_type=NH3 bottom,comment_text=dE=-500mV E=-200mV
367913 03/29/12 03:01 M. Cummings RHRS deadtime - other RHRS component windows
367912 03/29/12 02:59 M. Cummings high deadtime on RHRS
367911 03/29/12 02:52 adev End_of_Run_40488
367910 03/29/12 02:45 a-onl Start_Run_22475,Run_type=Production,target_type=NH3 bottom,comment_text=production at low rate; P=2.228
367909 03/29/12 02:42 a-onl End_of_Run_22474
367908 03/29/12 02:33 a-onl Start_Run_22474,Run_type=Production,target_type=NH3 bottom,comment_text=production at low rate; P=2.228
367907 03/29/12 02:33 a-onl Start_Run_3442,Run_type=Production,target_type=NH3 bottom,comment_text=g2p production, P=2.228
367906 03/29/12 02:30 A. Camsonne Right HRS spot_R not working
367905 03/29/12 02:22 a-onl End_of_Run_22473
367904 03/29/12 02:21 a-onl End_of_Run_3441
367903 03/29/12 02:18 A. Camsonne BPM 1H05B saturated for previous runs
367902 03/29/12 02:16 a-onl Start_Run_22473,Run_type=Production,target_type=NH3 bottom,comment_text=production at low rate; P=2.228
367901 03/29/12 02:16 a-onl Start_Run_3441,Run_type=Production,target_type=NH3 bottom,comment_text=g2p production, P=2.228
367900 03/29/12 02:11 a-onl End_of_Run_3440
367899 03/29/12 02:11 a-onl End_of_Run_22472
367898 03/29/12 02:10 A. Camsonne BPM set to dual gain
367897 03/29/12 01:59 a-onl Start_Run_22472,Run_type=Production,target_type=NH3 bottom,comment_text=production at low rate; P=2.228
367896 03/29/12 01:57 a-onl Start_Run_3440,Run_type=Production,target_type=NH3 bottom,comment_text=g2p production, P=2.228
367895 03/29/12 01:56 adev Start_Run_40488,Run_type=Production,target_type=NH3 bottom,comment_text=dE=-500mV E=-200mV
367894 03/29/12 01:55 Chao dp plots check for HRS
367893 03/29/12 01:54 M. Cummings Called for 50nA - still working on low RHRS rates
367892 03/29/12 01:39 M. Cummings RHRS rate low
367891 03/29/12 01:39 a-onl End_of_Run_3439
367890 03/29/12 01:38 adev End_of_Run_40487
367889 03/29/12 01:38 a-onl Start_Run_3439,Run_type=Spot++,target_type=NH3 bottom,comment_text=spot check
367888 03/29/12 01:37 a-onl End_of_Run_22471
367887 03/29/12 01:36 a-onl Start_Run_22471,Run_type=Spot++,target_type=NH3 bottom,comment_text=spot check
367886 03/29/12 01:35 A. Camsonne BPM receivers settings auto-gain
367885 03/29/12 01:35 a-onl Start_Run_3438,Run_type=Spot++,target_type=NH3 bottom,comment_text=spot check
367884 03/29/12 01:34 a-onl End_of_Run_3438
367883 03/29/12 01:34 adev Start_Run_40487,Run_type=Production,target_type=NH3 bottom,comment_text=dE=-500mV E=-200mV
367882 03/29/12 01:33 M. Yurov [target] Polarization
367881 03/29/12 00:55 A. Camsonne Hall A tungsten calorimeter run 75 nA
367880 03/29/12 00:44 a-onl End_of_Run_22470
367879 03/29/12 00:44 a-onl End_of_Run_3437
367878 03/29/12 00:40 adev End_of_Run_40486
367877 03/29/12 00:25 adev Start_Run_40486,Run_type=Calibration,target_type=Carbon,comment_text=BCM calibration run - 75nA
367876 03/29/12 00:24 adev End_of_Run_40485
367875 03/29/12 00:21 a-onl Start_Run_3437,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thick,comment_text=BCM calibration run 75 nA
367874 03/29/12 00:21 a-onl Start_Run_22470,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thick,comment_text=BCM calibration run 75 nA
367873 03/29/12 00:20 mhuang Sieve is OUT!!!
367872 03/29/12 00:20 A. Camsonne BCM calibration tungsten calorimeter run 75 nA
367871 03/29/12 00:19 adev Start_Run_40485,Run_type=DAQ Check,target_type=Carbon,comment_text=BCM calibration run - 75nA
367870 03/29/12 00:17 M. Cummings Hall A Tools
367869 03/29/12 00:15 mhuang Sieve moved in
367868 03/29/12 00:14 M. Yurov [target] New Baseline
367867 03/29/12 00:12 M. Cummings Going back to beam permit
367866 03/28/12 23:55 Jixie, Min, optics summary of 2.5T, 90deg target field and 2.254 GeV beam, 40-32-16 right septum
367865 03/28/12 23:39 R. Zielinski Swing Shift Summary
367864 03/28/12 23:35 Jixie Escort acess to move sieve out
367863 03/28/12 23:35 a-onl End_of_Run_3436
367862 03/28/12 23:35 a-onl End_of_Run_22469
367861 03/28/12 23:35 Jixie Finished optics
367860 03/28/12 23:32 siqbal spot_L 3436 & spot_R 22469
367859 03/28/12 23:28 a-onl Start_Run_22469,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thick,comment_text=beam position (0,0), delta=1%, slow raster on
367858 03/28/12 23:27 a-onl Start_Run_3436,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thick,comment_text=beam position (0,0), delta=-1%, slow raster on
367857 03/28/12 23:25 Jixie Slow raster on, 1.4V
367856 03/28/12 23:23 a-onl End_of_Run_22468
367855 03/28/12 23:22 a-onl End_of_Run_3435
367854 03/28/12 23:15 a-onl Start_Run_22468,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thick,comment_text=beam position (0,0), delta=1%, fast raster on
367853 03/28/12 23:14 a-onl Start_Run_3435,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thick,comment_text=beam position (0,0), delta=-1%, fast raster on
367852 03/28/12 23:13 Jixie Turn on faster raster 2x2
367851 03/28/12 23:12 a-onl Start_Run_3434,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thick,comment_text=beam position (0,0), delta=-1%,
367850 03/28/12 23:11 Jixie Finish delta scan. Set both arms to H elastic (2.228)
367849 03/28/12 23:09 a-onl End_of_Run_3434
367848 03/28/12 23:05 siqbal liquid helium
367847 03/28/12 23:04 a-onl End_of_Run_3433
367846 03/28/12 23:03 a-onl End_of_Run_22467
367845 03/28/12 23:01 a-onl Start_Run_22467,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thick,comment_text=beam position (0,0), delta=1%
367844 03/28/12 23:00 a-onl End_of_Run_22466
367843 03/28/12 22:58 Jixie left delta to -1%
367842 03/28/12 22:56 a-onl Start_Run_3433,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thick,comment_text=beam position (0,0), delta=-1%
367841 03/28/12 22:56 Jixie Should be -3%, not 3%
367840 03/28/12 22:52 a-onl End_of_Run_3432
367839 03/28/12 22:52 Production runplan for tonight
367838 03/28/12 22:50 a-onl Start_Run_22466,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thick,comment_text=beam position (0,0), delta=1%
367837 03/28/12 22:48 A. Camsonne Spot L Run 3430
367836 03/28/12 22:48 a-onl End_of_Run_22465
367835 03/28/12 22:43 a-onl Start_Run_3432,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thick,comment_text=beam position (0,0), delta=-2%
367834 03/28/12 22:42 Jixie left delta =-2%
367833 03/28/12 22:41 a-onl Start_Run_22465,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thick,comment_text=beam position (0,0), delta=1%
367832 03/28/12 22:38 a-onl End_of_Run_22464
367831 03/28/12 22:38 a-onl End_of_Run_3431
367830 03/28/12 22:34 a-onl Start_Run_22464,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thick,comment_text=beam position (0,0), delta=1%
367829 03/28/12 22:30 a-onl End_of_Run_22463
367828 03/28/12 22:30 a-onl Start_Run_3431,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thick,comment_text=beam position (0,0), delta=-3%
367827 03/28/12 22:27 Jixie left delta = 3%
367826 03/28/12 22:24 a-onl End_of_Run_3430
367825 03/28/12 22:21 a-onl Start_Run_22463,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thick,comment_text=beam position (0,0), delta=1%
367824 03/28/12 22:18 a-onl End_of_Run_22462
367823 03/28/12 22:10 a-onl Start_Run_22462,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thick,comment_text=beam position (0,0), delta=1%
367822 03/28/12 22:10 a-onl Start_Run_3430,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thick,comment_text=beam position (0,0), cycle to -4%
367821 03/28/12 22:09 adaq LEFT -4% right 1%
367820 03/28/12 22:08 a-onl End_of_Run_3429
367819 03/28/12 22:08 a-onl End_of_Run_22461
367818 03/28/12 22:07 a-onl Start_Run_22461,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thick,comment_text=beam position (0,0), delta=1%
367817 03/28/12 21:54 a-onl Start_Run_3429,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thick,comment_text=beam position (0,0), cycle to -4%
367816 03/28/12 21:50 Jixie Cycle Left Q2,Q3, set to delta=4%
367815 03/28/12 21:49 a-onl Start_Run_3428,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thick,comment_text=beam position (0,0), cycle to -4%
367814 03/28/12 21:49 a-onl End_of_Run_3428
367813 03/28/12 21:37 a-onl End_of_Run_22460
367812 03/28/12 21:35 Chao End of Run information of run 3423
367811 03/28/12 21:33 a-onl End_of_Run_3427
367810 03/28/12 21:28 a-onl Start_Run_22460,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thick,comment_text=beam position (0,0), delta=3.5%
367809 03/28/12 21:27 a-onl Start_Run_3427,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thick,comment_text=beam position (0,0), delta=4%
367808 03/28/12 21:25 a-onl End_of_Run_3426
367807 03/28/12 21:25 a-onl End_of_Run_22459
367806 03/28/12 21:17 a-onl Start_Run_22459,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thick,comment_text=beam position (0,0), delta=3.5%
367805 03/28/12 21:17 a-onl Start_Run_3426,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thick,comment_text=beam position (0,0), delta=4%
367804 03/28/12 21:12 a-onl End_of_Run_3425
367803 03/28/12 21:06 a-onl Start_Run_3425,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thick,comment_text=beam position (0,0), delta=3%
367802 03/28/12 21:05 a-onl End_of_Run_3424
367801 03/28/12 20:58 a-onl Start_Run_3424,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thick,comment_text=beam position (0,0), delta=3%
367800 03/28/12 20:58 mhuang lhrs 3% snapshots
367799 03/28/12 20:53 a-onl End_of_Run_22458
367797 03/28/12 20:45 a-onl Start_Run_22458,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thick,comment_text=beam position (0,0), delta=2%
367796 03/28/12 20:45 a-onl Start_Run_3423,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thick,comment_text=beam position (0,0), delta=2%
367795 03/28/12 20:43 a-onl End_of_Run_3422
367794 03/28/12 20:43 a-onl End_of_Run_22457
367793 03/28/12 20:40 mhuang Lhrs 2%, rhrs 2% snapshots
367792 03/28/12 20:37 a-onl Start_Run_22457,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thick,comment_text=beam position (0,0), delta=2%
367791 03/28/12 20:37 a-onl Start_Run_3422,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thick,comment_text=beam position (0,0), delta=2%
367790 03/28/12 20:32 mhuang Start delta scan, left 1%, right 2%
367789 03/28/12 20:31 adev End_of_Run_40484
367788 03/28/12 20:31 a-onl End_of_Run_3421
367787 03/28/12 20:30 adev Start_Run_40484,Run_type=DAQ Check,target_type=Carbon,comment_text=DAQ test
367786 03/28/12 20:28 adev End_of_Run_40483
367785 03/28/12 20:28 adev Start_Run_40483,Run_type=DAQ Check,target_type=Carbon,comment_text=DAQ test
367784 03/28/12 20:25 a-onl Start_Run_3421,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thick,comment_text=beam position (0,0), delta=1%
367783 03/28/12 20:23 a-onl End_of_Run_3420
367782 03/28/12 20:17 a-onl Start_Run_3420,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thick,comment_text=beam position (0,0), delta=1%
367781 03/28/12 20:13 siqbal L arm coda crash
367780 03/28/12 20:11 a-onl End_of_Run_22456
367779 03/28/12 20:11 a-onl End_of_Run_3419
359636 03/28/12 20:06 auto_snap Spectrometer Magnet Settings snapshot
359635 03/28/12 20:06 auto_snap MCC: Hall A Status snapshot
359634 03/28/12 20:06 auto_snap IHWP Stripchart snapshot
359633 03/28/12 20:06 auto_snap Hall A Tools snapshot
359632 03/28/12 20:06 auto_snap Hall A Status snapshot
359631 03/28/12 20:06 auto_snap Beam Position and Current snapshot
359630 03/28/12 20:06 auto_snap Beam Currents - detailed snapshot
367778 03/28/12 20:04 a-onl Start_Run_22456,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thick,comment_text=beam position (0,0), delta=0%
367777 03/28/12 20:03 a-onl Start_Run_3419,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thick,comment_text=beam position (0,0), delta=0%
367776 03/28/12 20:02 a-onl End_of_Run_22455
367775 03/28/12 19:57 a-onl End_of_Run_3417
367774 03/28/12 19:57 siqbal L arm coda crash
367773 03/28/12 19:56 a-onl Start_Run_22455,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thick,comment_text=beam position (0,0), delta=0%
367772 03/28/12 19:56 a-onl Start_Run_3417,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thick,comment_text=beam position (0,0), delta=0%
367771 03/28/12 19:49 Jixie Move beam back to nominal (0,0)
367770 03/28/12 19:45 a-onl End_of_Run_3416
367769 03/28/12 19:45 a-onl End_of_Run_22454
367768 03/28/12 19:38 a-onl Start_Run_22454,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thick,comment_text=beam position (-4,0)
367767 03/28/12 19:38 a-onl Start_Run_3416,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thick,comment_text=beam position (-4,0)
367766 03/28/12 19:34 Jixie change beam position to (-4,0)
367765 03/28/12 19:32 a-onl End_of_Run_22453
367764 03/28/12 19:32 a-onl End_of_Run_3415
367763 03/28/12 19:25 a-onl Start_Run_22453,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thick,comment_text=beam position (-4,-4)
367762 03/28/12 19:25 a-onl Start_Run_3415,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thick,comment_text=beam position (-4,-4)
367761 03/28/12 19:21 Jixie Change beam position to (-4,-4)
367760 03/28/12 19:20 a-onl End_of_Run_3414
367759 03/28/12 19:20 a-onl End_of_Run_22452
367758 03/28/12 19:17 siqbal R-arm coda crash
367757 03/28/12 19:15 a-onl Start_Run_3414,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thick,comment_text=beam position (0,-4)
367756 03/28/12 19:13 a-onl Start_Run_22452,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thick,comment_text=beam position (0,-4)
367755 03/28/12 19:13 a-onl End_of_Run_3413
367754 03/28/12 19:07 Jixie Change beam position to (0,-4)
367753 03/28/12 19:05 a-onl Start_Run_22450,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thick,comment_text=beam position (0,-4)
367752 03/28/12 19:05 a-onl Start_Run_3413,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thick,comment_text=beam position (0,-4)
367751 03/28/12 18:59 a-onl End_of_Run_22449
367750 03/28/12 18:59 a-onl End_of_Run_3412
367749 03/28/12 18:53 a-onl Start_Run_22449,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thick,comment_text=beam position (0,4)
367748 03/28/12 18:52 a-onl Start_Run_3412,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thick,comment_text=beam position (0,4)
367747 03/28/12 18:51 Jixie Change beam position to (0,4)
367746 03/28/12 18:46 Jixie Hall C change HWP
367745 03/28/12 18:45 adev End_of_Run_40482
367744 03/28/12 18:45 a-onl End_of_Run_3411
367743 03/28/12 18:44 a-onl End_of_Run_22448
367742 03/28/12 18:43 adev Start_Run_40482,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon,comment_text=deadtime test dE=-300mV E1=-114mV E2=-114mV, prescale 1
367741 03/28/12 18:42 adev End_of_Run_40481
367740 03/28/12 18:40 adev Start_Run_40481,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon,comment_text=deadtime test dE=-300mV E1=-100mV E2=-100mV, prescale 2
367739 03/28/12 18:39 a-onl Start_Run_22448,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thick,comment_text=beam position (0,0)
367738 03/28/12 18:38 a-onl Start_Run_3411,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thick,comment_text=beam position (0,0)
367737 03/28/12 18:37 adev End_of_Run_40480
367736 03/28/12 18:35 a-onl End_of_Run_22447
367735 03/28/12 18:35 a-onl End_of_Run_3410
367734 03/28/12 18:34 adev Start_Run_40480,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon,comment_text=dE=-700mV E1=-250mV E2=-250mV
367733 03/28/12 18:31 A. Camsonne BCM receiver slope updated
367732 03/28/12 18:29 a-onl Start_Run_22447,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thick,comment_text=beam position (0,0)
367731 03/28/12 18:29 a-onl Start_Run_3410,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thick,comment_text=beam position (0,0)
367730 03/28/12 18:26 a-onl End_of_Run_3409
367729 03/28/12 18:26 a-onl End_of_Run_22446
367728 03/28/12 18:19 a-onl Start_Run_22446,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thick,comment_text=optics pointing
367727 03/28/12 18:19 a-onl Start_Run_3409,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thick,comment_text=optics pointing
367726 03/28/12 18:16 Jixie Ramp septum to 725.4(left) and 806.6(right)
367725 03/28/12 18:14 A. Camsonnne MRPC work
367724 03/28/12 18:14 Jixie beam is back, continue optics
367723 03/28/12 17:57 pzhu bpm receiver setting backup
367722 03/28/12 17:51 Jack(Techs) Septa
367721 03/28/12 17:13 a-onl End_of_Run_3408
367719 03/28/12 17:13 a-onl Start_Run_22445,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thick,comment_text=bpm pedestal
367718 03/28/12 17:12 a-onl Start_Run_3408,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thick,comment_text=bpm pedestal
367717 03/28/12 16:56 R. Zielinski Escorted access for Jack
367716 03/28/12 16:31 Jixie Ramp down septa to zero
367715 03/28/12 16:26 R. Zielinski Hall A Tools
367714 03/28/12 16:23 jmaxwell [Target] Ramping Down Magnet
367713 03/28/12 16:18 a-onl End_of_Run_3407
367712 03/28/12 16:18 a-onl End_of_Run_22444
367711 03/28/12 16:16 a-onl Start_Run_22444,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thick,comment_text=Right septum=810.0A, Left septum=725.4A
367710 03/28/12 16:15 a-onl Start_Run_3407,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thick,comment_text=Right septum=810.06A, Left=725.4A
367709 03/28/12 16:11 a-onl End_of_Run_3406
367708 03/28/12 16:11 a-onl End_of_Run_22443
367707 03/28/12 16:04 a-onl Start_Run_22443,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thick,comment_text=Right septum=810.0A, Left septum=725.4A
367706 03/28/12 16:04 a-onl Start_Run_3406,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thick,comment_text=Right septum=810.06A, Left=725.4A
367705 03/28/12 16:03 Ole Hansen Day Shift Summary
367704 03/28/12 16:02 Jixie Change right septum to 810A
367703 03/28/12 16:01 a-onl End_of_Run_3405
367702 03/28/12 16:01 a-onl End_of_Run_22442
367701 03/28/12 15:56 a-onl Start_Run_22442,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thick,comment_text=Right septum=802.6A, Left septum=725.4A
367700 03/28/12 15:56 a-onl Start_Run_3405,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thick,comment_text=Right septum=802.6A, Left=725.4A
367699 03/28/12 15:52 a-onl End_of_Run_3404
367698 03/28/12 15:52 a-onl End_of_Run_22441
367697 03/28/12 15:48 a-onl Start_Run_22441,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thick,comment_text=Right septum=802.6A, Left septum=725.4A
367696 03/28/12 15:48 a-onl Start_Run_3404,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thick,comment_text=Right septum=802.6A, Left=725.4A
367695 03/28/12 15:46 Jixie Change right septum to 802.6
367694 03/28/12 15:43 a-onl End_of_Run_3403
367693 03/28/12 15:43 a-onl End_of_Run_22440
367692 03/28/12 15:36 a-onl Start_Run_3403,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thick,comment_text=Right septum=790.5A, Left=725.4A
367691 03/28/12 15:36 a-onl Start_Run_22440,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thick,comment_text=Right septum=790.5A, Left septum=725.4A
367690 03/28/12 15:34 Jixie change right septum to 790.5A
367689 03/28/12 15:33 a-onl End_of_Run_22439
367688 03/28/12 15:33 a-onl End_of_Run_3402
367687 03/28/12 15:26 a-onl Start_Run_22439,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thick,comment_text=Right septum=806.6A, Left septum=798.5A
367686 03/28/12 15:25 a-onl Start_Run_3402,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thick,comment_text=Right septum=806.6A, Right=798.5A
367685 03/28/12 15:23 a-onl Start_Run_22438,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thick,comment_text=Right septum=806.6A, Left septum=725.4A
367684 03/28/12 15:23 a-onl End_of_Run_22438
367683 03/28/12 15:22 a-onl End_of_Run_3401
367682 03/28/12 15:22 a-onl Start_Run_3401,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thick,comment_text=Right septum=806.6A, Right=725.4A
367681 03/28/12 15:20 Sasha Rates for runs 3400 and 22437
367680 03/28/12 15:19 JIXIE change right septum to 798.5
367679 03/28/12 15:19 adev End_of_Run_40479
367678 03/28/12 15:18 adev Start_Run_40479,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon,comment_text=threshold scan dE=-450mV E1=-100mV E2=-100mV
367677 03/28/12 15:17 a-onl End_of_Run_22437
367676 03/28/12 15:17 a-onl End_of_Run_3400
367675 03/28/12 15:11 mhuang Right septum current 806.0->806.6
367674 03/28/12 15:11 adev End_of_Run_40478
367673 03/28/12 15:10 adev Start_Run_40478,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon,comment_text=threshold scan dE=-450mV E1=-100mV E2=-100mV, junk
367672 03/28/12 15:10 Jack(Techs) Correct channel for Left Septum power supply voltage output
367671 03/28/12 15:09 jmaxwell [Target] Low Nose Level Alarms Off for Low Helium Running
367670 03/28/12 15:07 a-onl Start_Run_22437,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thick,comment_text=Right septum=806.6A, Left septum=725.4A, LHe IN
367669 03/28/12 15:07 a-onl Start_Run_3400,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thick,comment_text=Right septum=806.6A, Right=725.4A LHe IN
367668 03/28/12 15:05 adev End_of_Run_40477
367667 03/28/12 15:04 a-onl End_of_Run_3399
367666 03/28/12 15:04 a-onl End_of_Run_22436
367665 03/28/12 15:02 adev Start_Run_40477,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon,comment_text=threshold scan dE=-400mV E1=-150mV E2=-150mV
367664 03/28/12 14:59 a-onl Start_Run_22436,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thick,comment_text=Right septum=806.6A, Left septum=725.4A, LHe IN
367663 03/28/12 14:59 adev End_of_Run_40476
367662 03/28/12 14:59 a-onl Start_Run_3399,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thick,comment_text=Right septum=806.6A, Right=725.4A LHe IN
367661 03/28/12 14:55 adev Start_Run_40476,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon,comment_text=threshold scan dE=-350mV E1=-350mV E2=-350mV
367660 03/28/12 14:54 adev End_of_Run_40475
367659 03/28/12 14:52 adev Start_Run_40475,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon,comment_text=threshold scan dE=-300mV E1=-300mV E2=-300mV
367658 03/28/12 14:50 adev End_of_Run_40474
367657 03/28/12 14:48 adev Start_Run_40474,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon,comment_text=threshold scan dE=-250mV E1=-250mV E2=-250mV
367656 03/28/12 14:47 adev End_of_Run_40473
367655 03/28/12 14:46 adev Start_Run_40473,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon,comment_text=threshold scan dE=-250mV E1=-250mV E2=-250mV
367654 03/28/12 14:45 adev End_of_Run_40472
367653 03/28/12 14:44 adev Start_Run_40472,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon,comment_text=threshold scan dE=-200mV E1=-200mV E2=-200mV
367652 03/28/12 14:42 Kalyan Re: EPICS channels for the Septa
367651 03/28/12 14:23 Ole Hansen No beam
367650 03/28/12 14:23 a-onl End_of_Run_3398
367649 03/28/12 14:23 a-onl End_of_Run_22435
367648 03/28/12 14:22 a-onl Start_Run_22435,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thick,comment_text=Right septum=806.6A, Left septum=725.4A, LHe IN
367647 03/28/12 14:21 a-onl Start_Run_3398,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thick,comment_text=Right septum=806.6A, Right=725.4A LHe IN
367646 03/28/12 14:21 Ole Hansen Commencing optics studies
367645 03/28/12 14:20 Jixie Optics start, tools window snapshot
367644 03/28/12 14:20 Ole Hansen Left septum reset
367643 03/28/12 14:16 Sasha IHWP is OUT
367642 03/28/12 14:15 Jixie Left septum is back
367641 03/28/12 14:10 pzhu slow raster size calibration
367640 03/28/12 14:09 Ole Hansen Still investigating septum issues (if any)
367639 03/28/12 14:08 adev End_of_Run_40471
367638 03/28/12 14:08 a-onl End_of_Run_3397
367637 03/28/12 14:08 a-onl End_of_Run_22434
367636 03/28/12 14:05 adev Start_Run_40471,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon,comment_text=HV test dE=-600mV E1=-400mV E2=-300mV
367635 03/28/12 14:03 brads glitch in MBIGBOX variable?
367634 03/28/12 14:00 Ole Hansen Installed ROOT & analyzer on adaq1
367633 03/28/12 13:58 adev End_of_Run_40470
367632 03/28/12 13:55 a-onl Start_Run_22434,Run_type=Other,target_type=Carbon thick,comment_text=slow raster calibration
367631 03/28/12 13:54 a-onl Start_Run_3397,Run_type=Other,target_type=Carbon thick,comment_text=slow raster calibration
367630 03/28/12 13:50 Jixie septum tripped
367629 03/28/12 13:44 Ole Hansen Left Septum trip
367628 03/28/12 13:44 pzhu center beam position
367627 03/28/12 13:44 adev Start_Run_40470,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon,comment_text=dE=-600mV E1=-400mV E2=-300mV
367626 03/28/12 13:38 adaq center beam position check
367625 03/28/12 13:37 Ole Hansen Asking for beam back, none yet
367624 03/28/12 13:36 Ole Hansen Preparing for optics
367623 03/28/12 13:36 Ole Hansen Target centering finished, starting optics
367622 03/28/12 13:32 jmaxwell [Target] Move to Carbon 40 mil, Closed Run Valve
367621 03/28/12 13:29 adev End_of_Run_40469
367620 03/28/12 13:29 a-onl End_of_Run_3396
367619 03/28/12 13:29 a-onl End_of_Run_22433
367618 03/28/12 13:29 adev Start_Run_40469,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon,comment_text=dE=-600mV E1=-400mV E2=-300mV
367617 03/28/12 13:27 a-onl Start_Run_22433,Run_type=Other,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=beam position check
367616 03/28/12 13:27 a-onl Start_Run_3396,Run_type=Other,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=beam position check
367615 03/28/12 13:23 a-onl End_of_Run_3395
367614 03/28/12 13:23 a-onl End_of_Run_22432
367613 03/28/12 13:22 a-onl Start_Run_22432,Run_type=Other,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=beam position check
367612 03/28/12 13:22 a-onl Start_Run_3395,Run_type=Other,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=beam position check
367611 03/28/12 13:18 a-onl End_of_Run_3394
367610 03/28/12 13:18 a-onl End_of_Run_22431
367609 03/28/12 13:18 a-onl Start_Run_22431,Run_type=Other,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=beam position check
367608 03/28/12 13:17 a-onl Start_Run_3394,Run_type=Other,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=beam position check
367607 03/28/12 13:16 Ole Hansen Beam is back
367606 03/28/12 12:58 pzhu fast raster calibration
367605 03/28/12 12:56 Ole Hansen No beam, possibly for long while
367604 03/28/12 12:37 a-onl End_of_Run_3393
367603 03/28/12 12:37 a-onl End_of_Run_22430
367602 03/28/12 12:35 a-onl Start_Run_22430,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=fast raster check 1uA CW
367601 03/28/12 12:35 a-onl Start_Run_3393,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=fast raster check 1uA CW
367600 03/28/12 12:32 a-onl End_of_Run_3392
367599 03/28/12 12:32 a-onl End_of_Run_22429
367598 03/28/12 12:27 a-onl Start_Run_22429,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=fast raster check 6*6, 1uA CW
367597 03/28/12 12:27 a-onl Start_Run_3392,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=fast raster check 6*6 1uA CW
367596 03/28/12 12:24 a-onl Start_Run_22428,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=fast raster check 4*4, 1uA CW
367595 03/28/12 12:24 a-onl Start_Run_3391,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=fast raster check 4*4 1uA CW
367594 03/28/12 12:24 a-onl End_of_Run_3391
367593 03/28/12 12:24 a-onl End_of_Run_22428
367592 03/28/12 12:17 a-onl End_of_Run_3390
367591 03/28/12 12:17 a-onl End_of_Run_22427
367590 03/28/12 12:16 a-onl Start_Run_22427,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=fast raster check
367589 03/28/12 12:16 a-onl Start_Run_3390,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=fast raster check
367588 03/28/12 12:10 a-onl Start_Run_22426,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=fast raster check
367587 03/28/12 12:10 a-onl End_of_Run_3389
367586 03/28/12 12:10 a-onl End_of_Run_22426
367585 03/28/12 12:09 a-onl Start_Run_3389,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=fast raster check
359629 03/28/12 12:06 auto_snap Spectrometer Magnet Settings snapshot
359628 03/28/12 12:06 auto_snap MCC: Hall A Status snapshot
359627 03/28/12 12:05 auto_snap IHWP Stripchart snapshot
359626 03/28/12 12:05 auto_snap Hall A Tools snapshot
359625 03/28/12 12:05 auto_snap Hall A Status snapshot
359624 03/28/12 12:05 auto_snap Beam Position and Current snapshot
359623 03/28/12 12:05 auto_snap Beam Currents - detailed snapshot
367584 03/28/12 11:44 pzhu harp scan
367583 03/28/12 11:33 a-onl End_of_Run_3388
367582 03/28/12 11:33 a-onl End_of_Run_22425
367581 03/28/12 11:32 a-onl Start_Run_22425,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=harp scan 0 -5 ,100nA
367580 03/28/12 11:32 a-onl Start_Run_3388,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=harp scan 0 -5 ,100nA
367579 03/28/12 11:29 a-onl Start_Run_22424,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=harp scan 0 -5 ,50nA
367578 03/28/12 11:29 a-onl Start_Run_3387,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=harp scan 0 -5 ,50nA
367577 03/28/12 11:29 a-onl End_of_Run_3387
367576 03/28/12 11:29 a-onl End_of_Run_22424
367575 03/28/12 11:21 a-onl Start_Run_22423,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=harp scan 0 -5 ,5uA
367574 03/28/12 11:21 a-onl Start_Run_3386,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=harp scan 0 -5 ,5uA
367573 03/28/12 11:21 a-onl End_of_Run_22423
367571 03/28/12 11:14 adev End_of_Run_40468
367570 03/28/12 11:13 adev Start_Run_40468,Run_type=Commission,target_type=Carbon,comment_text=Commission dE=-600mV E1=-400mV E2=-300mV
367569 03/28/12 10:51 a-onl End_of_Run_3385
367568 03/28/12 10:51 a-onl End_of_Run_22422
367567 03/28/12 10:50 a-onl Start_Run_22422,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=harp scan 5 0,100nA
367566 03/28/12 10:49 a-onl Start_Run_3385,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=harp scan 5 0,100nA
367565 03/28/12 10:47 a-onl Start_Run_22421,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=harp scan 5 0,50nA
367564 03/28/12 10:47 a-onl End_of_Run_22421
367563 03/28/12 10:47 a-onl End_of_Run_3384
367562 03/28/12 10:47 a-onl Start_Run_3384,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=harp scan 5 0,50nA
367561 03/28/12 10:44 a-onl Start_Run_22420,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=harp scan 5 0,5uA
367560 03/28/12 10:43 a-onl Start_Run_3383,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=harp scan 5 0,5uA
367559 03/28/12 10:43 a-onl End_of_Run_22420
367558 03/28/12 10:43 a-onl End_of_Run_3383
367557 03/28/12 10:41 adev Start_Run_40467,Run_type=Commission,target_type=Carbon,comment_text=Commission dE=-600mV E1=-400mV E2=-300mV
367556 03/28/12 10:41 adev End_of_Run_40467
367555 03/28/12 10:38 a-onl Start_Run_22419,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=harp scan 0 5,5uA
367554 03/28/12 10:38 a-onl Start_Run_3382,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=harp scan 0 5,5uA
367553 03/28/12 10:37 a-onl End_of_Run_22419
367552 03/28/12 10:37 a-onl End_of_Run_3382
367551 03/28/12 10:29 a-onl End_of_Run_3381
367550 03/28/12 10:28 a-onl End_of_Run_22418
367549 03/28/12 10:28 a-onl Start_Run_22418,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=harp scan 0 5,100nA
367548 03/28/12 10:27 a-onl Start_Run_3381,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=harp scan 0 5,100nA
367547 03/28/12 10:25 a-onl Start_Run_22417,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=harp scan 0 5,50nA
367546 03/28/12 10:24 a-onl End_of_Run_22417
367545 03/28/12 10:24 a-onl End_of_Run_3380
367544 03/28/12 10:17 adev Start_Run_40466,Run_type=Commission,target_type=Carbon,comment_text=Commission dE=-600mV E1=-300mV E2=-300mV
367543 03/28/12 09:56 adev End_of_Run_40465
367542 03/28/12 09:55 adev Start_Run_40465,Run_type=Cosmics,target_type=empty,comment_text=daq check dE=-60mV E1=-60mV E2=-60mV
367541 03/28/12 09:09 Ole Hansen Tune beam
367540 03/28/12 08:46 Ole Hansen No beam for ca 30 minutes
367539 03/28/12 08:45 Ole Hansen Hall C change IHWP to IN around 8:35
367538 03/28/12 08:43 Ole Hansen Beam is back
367537 03/28/12 08:34 pzhu no beam in one hour
367536 03/28/12 08:28 mhuang Right septum current scan with harp scan
367535 03/28/12 08:25 Ole Hansen No beam
367534 03/28/12 08:24 Ole Hansen Day shift plan
367533 03/28/12 08:17 a-onl End_of_Run_3379
367532 03/28/12 08:17 a-onl End_of_Run_22416
367531 03/28/12 08:16 a-onl Start_Run_22416,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=harp scan -5 5,5uA
367530 03/28/12 08:16 a-onl Start_Run_3379,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=harp scan -5 5,5uA
367529 03/28/12 08:10 D. Keller [Target] Moved C12-40
367528 03/28/12 08:06 mhuang Owl shift summary
367527 03/28/12 07:58 a-onl End_of_Run_3378
367526 03/28/12 07:58 a-onl End_of_Run_22415
367525 03/28/12 07:57 a-onl Start_Run_22415,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=harp scan 0 0,50nA
367524 03/28/12 07:57 a-onl Start_Run_3378,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=harp scan 0 0,50nA
367523 03/28/12 07:54 pzhu harp scan
367522 03/28/12 07:53 pzhu beam spot in 50nA
367521 03/28/12 07:50 a-onl End_of_Run_3377
367520 03/28/12 07:50 a-onl Start_Run_22414,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=harp scan 0 0,50nA
367519 03/28/12 07:50 a-onl End_of_Run_22414
367518 03/28/12 07:49 a-onl Start_Run_3377,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=harp scan 0 0,50nA
367517 03/28/12 07:48 a-onl Start_Run_22413,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=harp scan 0 0,50nA
367516 03/28/12 07:47 a-onl Start_Run_3376,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=harp scan 0 0,50nA
367515 03/28/12 07:47 a-onl End_of_Run_3376
367514 03/28/12 07:47 a-onl End_of_Run_22413
367513 03/28/12 07:41 a-onl Start_Run_22412,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=harp scan 0 0,5uA
367512 03/28/12 07:41 a-onl Start_Run_3375,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=harp scan 0 0,5uA
367511 03/28/12 07:40 a-onl End_of_Run_22412
367510 03/28/12 07:40 a-onl End_of_Run_3375
367509 03/28/12 07:27 pzhu bpm in high current
367508 03/28/12 07:25 a-onl End_of_Run_3374
367507 03/28/12 07:24 a-onl End_of_Run_22411
367506 03/28/12 07:23 a-onl Start_Run_22411,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=bpm check
367505 03/28/12 07:23 a-onl Start_Run_3374,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=bpm check
367504 03/28/12 07:22 pzhu raster shape in bpm
367503 03/28/12 07:20 a-onl Start_Run_22410,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=bpm check
367502 03/28/12 07:20 a-onl End_of_Run_3373
367501 03/28/12 07:20 a-onl End_of_Run_22410
367500 03/28/12 07:19 pzhu raster shape in bpm
367499 03/28/12 07:19 a-onl Start_Run_3373,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=bpm check
367498 03/28/12 07:17 a-onl End_of_Run_3372
367497 03/28/12 07:17 a-onl End_of_Run_22409
367496 03/28/12 07:16 a-onl Start_Run_22409,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=bpm check
367495 03/28/12 07:16 a-onl Start_Run_3372,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=bpm check
367494 03/28/12 07:13 a-onl End_of_Run_3371
367493 03/28/12 07:13 a-onl End_of_Run_22408
367492 03/28/12 07:12 pzhu raster shape in BPM
367491 03/28/12 07:12 a-onl Start_Run_22408,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=bpm check
367490 03/28/12 07:12 a-onl Start_Run_3371,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=bpm check
367489 03/28/12 07:09 pzhu raster shape in bpm
367488 03/28/12 07:07 a-onl End_of_Run_3370
367487 03/28/12 07:07 a-onl End_of_Run_22407
367486 03/28/12 07:06 a-onl Start_Run_22407,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=bpm check
367485 03/28/12 07:06 a-onl Start_Run_3370,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=bpm check
367484 03/28/12 07:04 a-onl End_of_Run_22406
367482 03/28/12 07:03 pzhu raster shape in BPM
367481 03/28/12 07:02 a-onl Start_Run_22406,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=bpm check
367480 03/28/12 07:02 a-onl Start_Run_3369,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=bpm check
367479 03/28/12 07:01 a-onl Start_Run_22405,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=bpm check
367478 03/28/12 07:00 a-onl Start_Run_3368,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=bpm check
367477 03/28/12 07:00 a-onl End_of_Run_22405
367476 03/28/12 07:00 a-onl End_of_Run_3368
367475 03/28/12 06:58 a-onl End_of_Run_3367
367474 03/28/12 06:58 a-onl End_of_Run_22404
367473 03/28/12 06:56 pzhu raster shape in bpm
367472 03/28/12 06:55 a-onl Start_Run_22404,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=bpm check
367471 03/28/12 06:55 a-onl Start_Run_3367,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=bpm check
367470 03/28/12 06:53 pzhu raster shape in BPM
367469 03/28/12 06:52 a-onl End_of_Run_3366
367468 03/28/12 06:52 a-onl End_of_Run_22403
367467 03/28/12 06:51 a-onl Start_Run_22403,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=bpm check
367466 03/28/12 06:50 a-onl Start_Run_3366,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=bpm check
367465 03/28/12 06:49 pzhu raster shape in BPM
367464 03/28/12 06:48 a-onl End_of_Run_3365
367463 03/28/12 06:48 a-onl End_of_Run_22402
367462 03/28/12 06:47 a-onl Start_Run_22402,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=bpm check
367461 03/28/12 06:46 a-onl Start_Run_3365,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=bpm check
367460 03/28/12 06:43 a-onl End_of_Run_22401
367458 03/28/12 06:43 pzhu raster shape in BPM
367457 03/28/12 06:39 a-onl Start_Run_22401,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=bpm check
367456 03/28/12 06:39 a-onl Start_Run_3364,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=bpm check
367455 03/28/12 06:38 a-onl End_of_Run_22400
367454 03/28/12 06:37 a-onl End_of_Run_3363
367453 03/28/12 06:37 pzhu slow raster shape in bpm
367452 03/28/12 06:34 a-onl Start_Run_22400,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=bpm check
367451 03/28/12 06:32 a-onl End_of_Run_3362
367449 03/28/12 06:30 a-onl Start_Run_22399,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=bpm check
367448 03/28/12 06:30 pzhu Re:mismatched for hac_bcm_average and IBC1H00MAGA
367447 03/28/12 06:30 a-onl Start_Run_3362,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=bpm check
367446 03/28/12 06:27 pzhu raster shape in bpm for low current pulser beam
367445 03/28/12 06:24 a-onl End_of_Run_3361
367443 03/28/12 06:20 a-onl Start_Run_22398,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=bpm check
367442 03/28/12 06:20 a-onl Start_Run_3361,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=bpm check
367441 03/28/12 06:19 a-onl Start_Run_3360,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=bpm check
367440 03/28/12 06:18 a-onl End_of_Run_3360
367439 03/28/12 06:14 a-onl End_of_Run_3359
367439 03/28/12 06:14 a-onl End_of_Run_22397
367438 03/28/12 06:14 pzhu mismatched for hac_bcm_average and IBC1H00MAGA
367437 03/28/12 06:10 a-onl Start_Run_22397,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=bpm check
367436 03/28/12 06:10 a-onl Start_Run_3359,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=bpm check
367435 03/28/12 06:02 a-onl End_of_Run_22396
367434 03/28/12 05:38 a-onl Start_Run_3358,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=bpm check
367433 03/28/12 05:32 a-onl Start_Run_3357,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=bpm check
367432 03/28/12 05:31 a-onl End_of_Run_3357
367431 03/28/12 05:30 a-onl End_of_Run_3356
367430 03/28/12 05:30 a-onl Start_Run_3356,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=bpm check
367429 03/28/12 05:27 a-onl Start_Run_3355,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=bpm check
367428 03/28/12 05:27 a-onl End_of_Run_3355
367427 03/28/12 05:02 a-onl End_of_Run_3353
367426 03/28/12 05:02 a-onl Start_Run_3353,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=bpm check
367425 03/28/12 05:01 a-onl Start_Run_3352,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=bpm check
367424 03/28/12 05:00 a-onl End_of_Run_3352
367423 03/28/12 04:57 a-onl Start_Run_3351,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=bpm check
367422 03/28/12 04:57 a-onl End_of_Run_3351
367421 03/28/12 04:55 a-onl Start_Run_3350,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=bpm check
367420 03/28/12 04:54 a-onl End_of_Run_3350
367419 03/28/12 04:52 a-onl Start_Run_3349,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=bpm check
367418 03/28/12 04:52 a-onl End_of_Run_3349
367417 03/28/12 04:51 a-onl End_of_Run_3348
367416 03/28/12 04:50 a-onl Start_Run_3348,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=bpm check
367415 03/28/12 04:50 a-onl Start_Run_3347,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=bpm check
367414 03/28/12 04:49 a-onl End_of_Run_3347
367413 03/28/12 04:48 a-onl End_of_Run_3346
367412 03/28/12 04:47 a-onl Start_Run_3346,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=bpm check
367411 03/28/12 04:45 a-onl End_of_Run_3345
367410 03/28/12 04:42 a-onl Start_Run_3345,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=bpm check
367409 03/28/12 04:38 D. Keller Hall C halfwave plate
359622 03/28/12 04:05 auto_snap Spectrometer Magnet Settings snapshot
359621 03/28/12 04:05 auto_snap MCC: Hall A Status snapshot
359620 03/28/12 04:05 auto_snap IHWP Stripchart snapshot
359619 03/28/12 04:05 auto_snap Hall A Tools snapshot
359618 03/28/12 04:05 auto_snap Hall A Status snapshot
359617 03/28/12 04:05 auto_snap Beam Position and Current snapshot
359616 03/28/12 04:05 auto_snap Beam Currents - detailed snapshot
367408 03/28/12 04:04 a-onl Start_Run_22396,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=bpm check
367407 03/28/12 04:04 a-onl Start_Run_3344,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=bpm check
367406 03/28/12 04:03 a-onl End_of_Run_3343
367405 03/28/12 04:01 mhuang Escorted access into Hall
367404 03/28/12 03:54 a-onl Start_Run_3343,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=bpm check
367403 03/28/12 03:51 a-onl End_of_Run_3342
367402 03/28/12 03:43 a-onl Start_Run_3342,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=bpm check
367401 03/28/12 03:40 a-onl Start_Run_3341,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=bpm check
367400 03/28/12 03:40 a-onl End_of_Run_3341
367399 03/28/12 03:35 a-onl End_of_Run_3340
367397 03/28/12 03:23 a-onl Start_Run_22395,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=bpm check
367396 03/28/12 03:23 a-onl Start_Run_3340,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=bpm check
367395 03/28/12 03:19 a-onl End_of_Run_3339
367394 03/28/12 03:19 a-onl End_of_Run_22394
367393 03/28/12 03:12 a-onl Start_Run_22394,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=bpm check
367392 03/28/12 03:11 a-onl Start_Run_3339,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=bpm check
367391 03/28/12 02:34 Jechiel Scalers
367390 03/28/12 02:33 pzhu reset TS0 crate
367389 03/28/12 02:17 Jechiel R-HRS scalers
367388 03/28/12 02:11 mhuang Hall C change IHWP to be OUT around 0:06
367387 03/28/12 02:11 a-onl End_of_Run_22393
367386 03/28/12 02:07 a-onl Start_Run_22393,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=cosmic run-test xscaler window
367385 03/28/12 02:05 a-onl End_of_Run_22392
367384 03/28/12 01:45 mhuang MCC still trying to tune beam into FZ magnet
367383 03/28/12 01:36 a-onl Start_Run_22392,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=cosmic run-test xscaler window
367382 03/28/12 00:08 M. Cummings Swing Shift Summary
367381 03/28/12 00:00 Aniol target - buffer level fluctuates
367380 03/27/12 23:33 M. Cummings Left and Right septum strip charts
367379 03/27/12 23:10 M. Cummings Hall to controlled access so MCC can check out power supply for FZ magnet
367378 03/27/12 23:05 A. Camsonne Added raw ADCs from BPM 1H05A and 1H05B receiver in fastEpicsLogger
367377 03/27/12 23:00 Kalyan Re: EPICS channels for the Septa
367376 03/27/12 22:54 M. Cummings MCC still having FSD problems, fz magnet is down
367375 03/27/12 21:58 slifer runplan update
367374 03/27/12 21:52 M. Cummings Beam tuning troubles
367373 03/27/12 21:20 M. Cummings MCC tuning beam into hall
367372 03/27/12 21:15 Jack(Techs) EPICS channels for the Septa
367371 03/27/12 21:13 M. Cummings Septum ramped up
367370 03/27/12 21:02 J Mulholland Level probe may stick
367369 03/27/12 20:50 A. Camsonne MRPC DAQ installed
367368 03/27/12 20:49 Aniol target - buffer level?
367367 03/27/12 20:45 Jack(Techs) Revised Septa current limit
367366 03/27/12 20:39 Kalyan Right septum limit and tonights optics plan
367365 03/27/12 20:37 Aniol target - buffer dewar levels
367364 03/27/12 20:23 M. Cummings Ramping up Left and Right dipoles to 2.251
359615 03/27/12 20:05 auto_snap Spectrometer Magnet Settings snapshot
359614 03/27/12 20:05 auto_snap MCC: Hall A Status snapshot
359613 03/27/12 20:05 auto_snap IHWP Stripchart snapshot
359612 03/27/12 20:05 auto_snap Hall A Tools snapshot
359611 03/27/12 20:05 auto_snap Hall A Status snapshot
359610 03/27/12 20:05 auto_snap Beam Position and Current snapshot
359609 03/27/12 20:04 auto_snap Beam Currents - detailed snapshot
367363 03/27/12 20:00 M. Cummings Called for Sweep
367362 03/27/12 19:56 mhuang Sieve is IN now
367361 03/27/12 19:45 Jack(Techs) Septum magnets
367360 03/27/12 18:34 Kalyan Problem running thirdarm daq on adaql2
367359 03/27/12 18:23 adev End_of_Run_40464
367358 03/27/12 18:21 adev Start_Run_40464,Run_type=Cosmics,target_type=empty,comment_text=cosmics run dE=-60mV E1=-60mV E2=-60mV
367357 03/27/12 17:44 adev End_of_Run_40463
367356 03/27/12 17:43 adev Start_Run_40463,Run_type=Cosmics,target_type=empty,comment_text=cosmics run dE=-60mV E1=-60mV E2=-60mV
367355 03/27/12 17:29 adev End_of_Run_40462
367354 03/27/12 15:54 Kalyan Status Update
367353 03/27/12 15:32 a-onl End_of_Run_3331
367352 03/27/12 15:27 a-onl Start_Run_3331,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=cosmics test
367351 03/27/12 15:24 a-onl End_of_Run_22391
367350 03/27/12 15:22 a-onl End_of_Run_3329
367349 03/27/12 15:09 Fansler Checklist
367348 03/27/12 15:02 a-onl Start_Run_3329,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=cosmics test
367347 03/27/12 15:00 a-onl End_of_Run_3328
367346 03/27/12 14:58 a-onl Start_Run_3328,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=cosmics test
367345 03/27/12 14:57 a-onl Start_Run_3327,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=cosmics test
367344 03/27/12 14:56 a-onl End_of_Run_3327
367343 03/27/12 14:54 a-onl End_of_Run_3326
367342 03/27/12 14:53 a-onl Start_Run_3326,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=cosmics test
367341 03/27/12 14:52 a-onl Start_Run_3325,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=cosmics test
367340 03/27/12 14:52 a-onl End_of_Run_3325
367339 03/27/12 14:43 a-onl End_of_Run_3324
367338 03/27/12 13:58 adev Start_Run_40462,Run_type=Cosmics,target_type=empty,comment_text=cosmics run dE=-60mV E1=-60mV E2=-60mV
367337 03/27/12 13:54 adev End_of_Run_40461
367336 03/27/12 13:36 adev Start_Run_40461,Run_type=Cosmics,target_type=empty,comment_text=cosmics run dE=-60mV E1=-60mV E2=-60mV
367335 03/27/12 13:28 a-onl Start_Run_22391,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=cosmic run
367334 03/27/12 13:27 a-onl Start_Run_22390,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=cosmic run
367333 03/27/12 13:27 a-onl End_of_Run_22390
367332 03/27/12 13:20 adev End_of_Run_40460
367331 03/27/12 13:20 adev Start_Run_40460,Run_type=Cosmics,target_type=empty,comment_text=cosmics run dE=-60mV E1=-60mV E2=-60mV
359608 03/27/12 12:04 auto_snap Spectrometer Magnet Settings snapshot
359607 03/27/12 12:04 auto_snap MCC: Hall A Status snapshot
359606 03/27/12 12:04 auto_snap IHWP Stripchart snapshot
359605 03/27/12 12:04 auto_snap Hall A Tools snapshot
359604 03/27/12 12:04 auto_snap Hall A Status snapshot
359603 03/27/12 12:04 auto_snap Beam Position and Current snapshot
359602 03/27/12 12:04 auto_snap Beam Currents - detailed snapshot
367330 03/27/12 11:55 adev End_of_Run_40459
367329 03/27/12 11:46 Kalyan Possibility to lock-up during swing shift - Please check you subsytems
359601 03/27/12 04:04 auto_snap Spectrometer Magnet Settings snapshot
359600 03/27/12 04:04 auto_snap MCC: Hall A Status snapshot
359599 03/27/12 04:04 auto_snap IHWP Stripchart snapshot
359598 03/27/12 04:04 auto_snap Hall A Tools snapshot
359597 03/27/12 04:04 auto_snap Hall A Status snapshot
359596 03/27/12 04:04 auto_snap Beam Position and Current snapshot
359595 03/27/12 04:04 auto_snap Beam Currents - detailed snapshot
367328 03/26/12 20:50 a-onl Start_Run_3324,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=cosmics test
367327 03/26/12 20:50 a-onl Start_Run_3323,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=cosmics test
367326 03/26/12 20:49 a-onl End_of_Run_3323
359594 03/26/12 20:04 auto_snap Spectrometer Magnet Settings snapshot
359593 03/26/12 20:04 auto_snap MCC: Hall A Status snapshot
359592 03/26/12 20:04 auto_snap IHWP Stripchart snapshot
359591 03/26/12 20:03 auto_snap Hall A Tools snapshot
359590 03/26/12 20:03 auto_snap Hall A Status snapshot
359589 03/26/12 20:03 auto_snap Beam Position and Current snapshot
359588 03/26/12 20:03 auto_snap Beam Currents - detailed snapshot
367325 03/26/12 19:22 adev Start_Run_40459,Run_type=Cosmics,target_type=empty,comment_text=cosmics run dE=-60mV E1=-60mV E2=-60mV
367324 03/26/12 18:56 adev End_of_Run_40458
367323 03/26/12 18:55 adev Start_Run_40458,Run_type=Cosmics,target_type=empty,comment_text=pedestal run dE=-60mV E1=-60mV E2=-60mV
367322 03/26/12 18:44 adev End_of_Run_40457
367321 03/26/12 18:43 adev Start_Run_40457,Run_type=Cosmics,target_type=empty,comment_text=DAQ test dE=-60mV E1=-60mV E2=-60mV
367320 03/26/12 18:31 adev End_of_Run_40456
367319 03/26/12 18:31 adev Start_Run_40456,Run_type=Cosmics,target_type=empty,comment_text=DAQ test dE=-60mV E1=-60mV E2=-60mV
367318 03/26/12 18:24 adev End_of_Run_40455
367317 03/26/12 18:23 adev Start_Run_40455,Run_type=Cosmics,target_type=empty,comment_text=DAQ test dE=-60mV E1=-60mV E2=-60mV
367316 03/26/12 18:20 adev End_of_Run_40454
367315 03/26/12 18:19 adev Start_Run_40454,Run_type=Cosmics,target_type=empty,comment_text=DAQ test dE=-60mV E1=-60mV E2=-60mV
367314 03/26/12 18:13 adev End_of_Run_40453
367313 03/26/12 18:13 adev Start_Run_40453,Run_type=Cosmics,target_type=empty,comment_text=pedestal run dE=-60mV E1=-60mV E2=-60mV
367312 03/26/12 18:09 adev End_of_Run_40452
367311 03/26/12 18:08 adev Start_Run_40452,Run_type=Cosmics,target_type=empty,comment_text=pedestal run dE=-60mV E1=-60mV E2=-60mV
367310 03/26/12 18:03 adev End_of_Run_40451
367309 03/26/12 18:03 adev Start_Run_40451,Run_type=Cosmics,target_type=empty,comment_text=pedestal run dE=-60mV E1=-60mV E2=-60mV
367308 03/26/12 17:50 adev End_of_Run_40450
367307 03/26/12 17:50 adev Start_Run_40450,Run_type=Cosmics,target_type=empty,comment_text=pedestal run dE=-60mV E1=-60mV E2=-60mV
367306 03/26/12 16:42 a-onl End_of_Run_3322
367305 03/26/12 14:41 slifer Runplan for 2.2 GeV
367304 03/26/12 12:52 adev End_of_Run_40449
359587 03/26/12 12:03 auto_snap Spectrometer Magnet Settings snapshot
359586 03/26/12 12:03 auto_snap MCC: Hall A Status snapshot
359585 03/26/12 12:03 auto_snap IHWP Stripchart snapshot
359584 03/26/12 12:03 auto_snap Hall A Tools snapshot
359583 03/26/12 12:03 auto_snap Hall A Status snapshot
359582 03/26/12 12:03 auto_snap Beam Position and Current snapshot
359581 03/26/12 12:03 auto_snap Beam Currents - detailed snapshot
367303 03/26/12 09:53 Kalyan Shifts Update: shifts canceled through Tue OWL, Tue DAY is on stand-by
367302 03/26/12 09:36 a-onl End_of_Run_22389
367301 03/26/12 09:36 a-onl Start_Run_22389,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=bpm pedestal run
367300 03/26/12 09:34 a-onl End_of_Run_3321
367299 03/26/12 09:33 a-onl Start_Run_3321,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=bpm pedestal run
367298 03/26/12 09:32 a-onl Start_Run_3320,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=cosmic run
367297 03/26/12 09:32 a-onl End_of_Run_3320
367296 03/26/12 09:14 pzhu happex ADC gain changed
367295 03/26/12 09:04 R. Michaels to-do list for Hall A to come back
359580 03/26/12 04:03 auto_snap Spectrometer Magnet Settings snapshot
359579 03/26/12 04:03 auto_snap MCC: Hall A Status snapshot
359578 03/26/12 04:03 auto_snap IHWP Stripchart snapshot
359577 03/26/12 04:03 auto_snap Hall A Tools snapshot
359576 03/26/12 04:03 auto_snap Hall A Status snapshot
359575 03/26/12 04:03 auto_snap Beam Position and Current snapshot
359574 03/26/12 04:02 auto_snap Beam Currents - detailed snapshot
359573 03/25/12 20:02 auto_snap Spectrometer Magnet Settings snapshot
359572 03/25/12 20:02 auto_snap MCC: Hall A Status snapshot
359571 03/25/12 20:02 auto_snap IHWP Stripchart snapshot
359570 03/25/12 20:02 auto_snap Hall A Tools snapshot
359569 03/25/12 20:02 auto_snap Hall A Status snapshot
359568 03/25/12 20:02 auto_snap Beam Position and Current snapshot
359567 03/25/12 20:02 auto_snap Beam Currents - detailed snapshot
367294 03/25/12 18:03 adev Start_Run_40449,Run_type=Cosmics,target_type=empty,comment_text=Cosmics test dE=-60mV E1=-60mV E2=-60mV
359566 03/25/12 12:02 auto_snap Spectrometer Magnet Settings snapshot
359565 03/25/12 12:02 auto_snap MCC: Hall A Status snapshot
359564 03/25/12 12:02 auto_snap IHWP Stripchart snapshot
359563 03/25/12 12:02 auto_snap Hall A Tools snapshot
359562 03/25/12 12:02 auto_snap Hall A Status snapshot
359561 03/25/12 12:02 auto_snap Beam Position and Current snapshot
359560 03/25/12 12:02 auto_snap Beam Currents - detailed snapshot
359559 03/25/12 04:02 auto_snap Spectrometer Magnet Settings snapshot
359558 03/25/12 04:02 auto_snap MCC: Hall A Status snapshot
359557 03/25/12 04:02 auto_snap IHWP Stripchart snapshot
359556 03/25/12 04:01 auto_snap Hall A Tools snapshot
359555 03/25/12 04:01 auto_snap Hall A Status snapshot
359554 03/25/12 04:01 auto_snap Beam Position and Current snapshot
359553 03/25/12 04:01 auto_snap Beam Currents - detailed snapshot
367293 03/24/12 23:55 pzhu second happex timing board installed in both arm's happex
359552 03/24/12 20:01 auto_snap Spectrometer Magnet Settings snapshot
359551 03/24/12 20:01 auto_snap MCC: Hall A Status snapshot
359550 03/24/12 20:01 auto_snap IHWP Stripchart snapshot
359549 03/24/12 20:01 auto_snap Hall A Tools snapshot
359548 03/24/12 20:01 auto_snap Hall A Status snapshot
359547 03/24/12 20:01 auto_snap Beam Position and Current snapshot
359546 03/24/12 20:01 auto_snap Beam Currents - detailed snapshot
359545 03/24/12 12:01 auto_snap Spectrometer Magnet Settings snapshot
359544 03/24/12 12:01 auto_snap MCC: Hall A Status snapshot
359543 03/24/12 12:01 auto_snap IHWP Stripchart snapshot
359542 03/24/12 12:01 auto_snap Hall A Tools snapshot
359541 03/24/12 12:01 auto_snap Hall A Status snapshot
359540 03/24/12 12:01 auto_snap Beam Position and Current snapshot
359539 03/24/12 12:00 auto_snap Beam Currents - detailed snapshot
359538 03/24/12 04:00 auto_snap Spectrometer Magnet Settings snapshot
359537 03/24/12 04:00 auto_snap MCC: Hall A Status snapshot
359536 03/24/12 04:00 auto_snap IHWP Stripchart snapshot
359535 03/24/12 04:00 auto_snap Hall A Tools snapshot
359534 03/24/12 04:00 auto_snap Hall A Status snapshot
359533 03/24/12 04:00 auto_snap Beam Position and Current snapshot
359532 03/24/12 04:00 auto_snap Beam Currents - detailed snapshot
359531 03/23/12 20:00 auto_snap Spectrometer Magnet Settings snapshot
359530 03/23/12 20:00 auto_snap MCC: Hall A Status snapshot
359529 03/23/12 20:00 auto_snap IHWP Stripchart snapshot
359528 03/23/12 20:00 auto_snap Hall A Tools snapshot
359527 03/23/12 20:00 auto_snap Hall A Status snapshot
359526 03/23/12 20:00 auto_snap Beam Position and Current snapshot
359525 03/23/12 20:00 auto_snap Beam Currents - detailed snapshot
367292 03/23/12 19:27 adev End_of_Run_40448
367291 03/23/12 15:59 brads IHWP status change alarm hander available
367290 03/23/12 14:07 Chao Add one DISC to 3rd arm
367289 03/23/12 14:01 a-onl Start_Run_22387,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=cosmic run
367288 03/23/12 14:00 a-onl Start_Run_3319,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=cosmic run
367287 03/23/12 13:51 adev Start_Run_40448,Run_type=Cosmics,target_type=empty,comment_text=Cosmics test dE=-60mV E1=-60mV E2=-60mV
367286 03/23/12 12:09 A. Camsonne Those are BCM cables
359524 03/23/12 12:00 auto_snap Spectrometer Magnet Settings snapshot
359523 03/23/12 12:00 auto_snap MCC: Hall A Status snapshot
359522 03/23/12 12:00 auto_snap IHWP Stripchart snapshot
359521 03/23/12 11:59 auto_snap Hall A Tools snapshot
359520 03/23/12 11:59 auto_snap Hall A Status snapshot
359519 03/23/12 11:59 auto_snap Beam Position and Current snapshot
359518 03/23/12 11:59 auto_snap Beam Currents - detailed snapshot
367285 03/22/12 19:46 Kalyan g2p/gep status update and shift schedule
367284 03/22/12 18:59 a-onl Start_Run_3318,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=daq test LHRSnoBob
367283 03/22/12 18:59 a-onl End_of_Run_3318
367282 03/22/12 18:41 R. Zielinski CODA Configurations bypassing @bobfile
367281 03/22/12 18:35 a-onl Start_Run_22386,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=DB check RHRSnoBob
367280 03/22/12 18:34 a-onl End_of_Run_22386
367279 03/22/12 18:33 a-onl Start_Run_22385,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=DB check RHRSnoBob
367278 03/22/12 18:33 a-onl End_of_Run_22385
367277 03/22/12 18:31 a-onl End_of_Run_22383
367276 03/22/12 18:23 a-onl End_of_Run_22383
367275 03/22/12 18:21 a-onl End_of_Run_3317
367274 03/22/12 18:20 a-onl Start_Run_22383,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=cosmic run
367273 03/22/12 18:19 a-onl Start_Run_22382,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=cosmic run
367272 03/22/12 18:18 a-onl End_of_Run_22382
367271 03/22/12 18:17 a-onl Start_Run_3317,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=daq test LHRSnoBob
367270 03/22/12 18:13 a-onl End_of_Run_3316
367269 03/22/12 18:13 a-onl Start_Run_3316,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=daq test LHRSnoBob
367268 03/22/12 17:58 pzhu calibrated bpm
367267 03/22/12 17:56 adev End_of_Run_40447
367266 03/22/12 17:49 a-onl End_of_Run_22381
367265 03/22/12 12:49 adev Start_Run_40447,Run_type=Cosmics,target_type=empty,comment_text=Cosmics test dE=-60mV E=-60mV
367264 03/22/12 12:48 adev End_of_Run_40446
367263 03/22/12 12:47 adev Start_Run_40446,Run_type=Cosmics,target_type=empty,comment_text=Cosmics test dE=-60mV E=-60mV
367262 03/22/12 12:44 brads Cable run off the split to John's box
367261 03/22/12 12:31 A. Camsonne Those are BCM cables
367259 03/22/12 12:00 brads Uneeded BPM split upstream of Musson box?
367258 03/22/12 10:12 a-onl Start_Run_22381,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=cosmic run
367257 03/22/12 09:39 Kalyan g2p/gep Shift Update: Thurs. SWING and Fri. OWL are canceled, Fri DAY is on standby
367256 03/22/12 09:27 a-onl End_of_Run_22380
367255 03/22/12 00:06 pzhu changed the ADC pedestal for BPM ADC
367254 03/21/12 23:41 pzhu connected bpm to 400ns ADC in left arm
367253 03/21/12 23:23 a-onl Start_Run_3315,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=bpm check
367252 03/21/12 23:23 a-onl End_of_Run_3315
367251 03/21/12 23:04 a-onl Start_Run_3314,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=bpm check
367250 03/21/12 23:03 a-onl End_of_Run_3314
367249 03/21/12 23:01 a-onl Start_Run_3313,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=bpm check
367248 03/21/12 23:01 a-onl End_of_Run_3313
367247 03/21/12 22:41 a-onl Start_Run_3312,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=bpm check
367246 03/21/12 22:41 a-onl End_of_Run_3312
367245 03/21/12 22:29 a-onl Start_Run_3311,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=bpm check
367244 03/21/12 22:29 a-onl End_of_Run_3311
367243 03/21/12 22:20 a-onl Start_Run_3310,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=bpm check
367242 03/21/12 22:20 a-onl End_of_Run_3310
367241 03/21/12 22:11 a-onl End_of_Run_3309
367240 03/21/12 22:11 a-onl Start_Run_3309,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=bpm check
367239 03/21/12 19:10 Jack(Techs) BigBox "One Transistor Fault"
367238 03/21/12 17:00 R. Michaels re: duplicate CODA files
367237 03/21/12 14:12 M. Cummings Timing of T2
367236 03/21/12 11:41 Jixie Zhang Survey results are available in g2p wiki
367235 03/21/12 11:14 a-onl Start_Run_22380,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=cosmic run
367234 03/21/12 11:13 a-onl End_of_Run_22379
367233 03/21/12 10:44 brads g2p/gep shift update: Shifts are canceled through Thursday DAY, Thursday SWING+ on standby
367232 03/21/12 01:35 mhuang Preliminary optics dp calibration result of LHRS
367231 03/20/12 19:06 R. Zielinski Added 1881M added to LHRS in ROC 4
367230 03/20/12 19:05 R. Zielinski Added 1881M added to LHRS in ROC 4
367229 03/20/12 19:03 a-onl Start_Run_3308,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=cosmic run gate size check
367228 03/20/12 19:02 a-onl End_of_Run_3308
367227 03/20/12 18:56 a-onl End_of_Run_3307
367226 03/20/12 18:53 a-onl Start_Run_3307,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=cosmic run gate size check
367225 03/20/12 18:43 adev End_of_Run_40445
367224 03/20/12 18:42 adev Start_Run_40445,Run_type=Cosmics,target_type=empty,comment_text=BCM test
367223 03/20/12 18:41 a-onl End_of_Run_22378
367222 03/20/12 18:39 a-onl Start_Run_22378,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=cosmic run, gate size check
367221 03/20/12 18:35 R. Zielinski 1881 ADC added to ROC 6 in RHRS
367220 03/20/12 18:33 a-onl End_of_Run_22377
367219 03/20/12 18:33 a-onl Start_Run_22377,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=cosmic run, gate size check
367218 03/20/12 18:16 a-onl Start_Run_22376,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=cosmic run, gate size check
367217 03/20/12 18:06 Chao Left arm fast clock problem is fixed
367216 03/20/12 17:48 a-onl End_of_Run_3306
367215 03/20/12 17:47 a-onl Start_Run_3306,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=fast clock test
367214 03/20/12 17:20 a-onl End_of_Run_3305
367213 03/20/12 17:19 a-onl Start_Run_3305,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=fast clock test
367212 03/20/12 17:11 a-onl End_of_Run_3304
367211 03/20/12 17:09 a-onl Start_Run_3304,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=fast clock test
367210 03/20/12 16:15 pzhu bpm noise for different gain
367209 03/20/12 16:09 a-onl End_of_Run_3303
367208 03/20/12 16:09 a-onl Start_Run_3303,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=gain off,filter 8,div 1,reduced gain
367207 03/20/12 16:07 a-onl End_of_Run_3302
367206 03/20/12 16:06 a-onl Start_Run_3302,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=gain off,filter 8,div 1,reduced gain
367205 03/20/12 16:02 a-onl Start_Run_3301,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=gain off,filter 8,div 1
367204 03/20/12 16:02 a-onl End_of_Run_3301
367203 03/20/12 16:01 a-onl End_of_Run_3300
367202 03/20/12 16:01 a-onl Start_Run_3300,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=gain off,filter 8,div 1
367201 03/20/12 15:42 a-onl End_of_Run_3299
367200 03/20/12 15:41 a-onl Start_Run_3299,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=gain off,full BW
367199 03/20/12 15:39 a-onl End_of_Run_3298
367198 03/20/12 15:38 a-onl Start_Run_3298,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=gain off
367197 03/20/12 15:37 a-onl End_of_Run_3297
367196 03/20/12 15:36 a-onl Start_Run_3297,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=cosmic
367195 03/20/12 15:36 a-onl Start_Run_3296,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=cosmic
367194 03/20/12 15:35 a-onl End_of_Run_3296
367193 03/20/12 15:03 adev End_of_Run_40444
367192 03/20/12 14:53 brads g2p/gep Tuesday SWING, Wed OWL, Wed DAY cancelled; Wed SWING+ on standby (Brief status update)
367191 03/20/12 14:30 T. Badman left arm fastclock count in ring
367190 03/20/12 14:19 adev Start_Run_40444,Run_type=Cosmics,target_type=empty,comment_text=threshold scan dE=-175mV E=-175mV
367189 03/20/12 13:28 adev End_of_Run_40443
367188 03/20/12 12:59 adev Start_Run_40443,Run_type=Cosmics,target_type=empty,comment_text=threshold scan dE=-150mV E=-150mV
367187 03/20/12 12:15 adev End_of_Run_40442
367186 03/20/12 11:56 adev Start_Run_40442,Run_type=Cosmics,target_type=empty,comment_text=threshold scan dE=-125mV E=-125mV
367185 03/20/12 11:17 adev End_of_Run_40441
367184 03/20/12 11:06 adev Start_Run_40441,Run_type=Cosmics,target_type=empty,comment_text=threshold scan dE=-100mV E=-100mV
367183 03/20/12 11:05 adev End_of_Run_40440
367182 03/20/12 10:59 adev Start_Run_40440,Run_type=Cosmics,target_type=empty,comment_text=threshold scan dE=-75mV E=-75mV
367181 03/20/12 10:58 adev End_of_Run_40439
367180 03/20/12 10:55 adev Start_Run_40439,Run_type=Cosmics,target_type=empty,comment_text=threshold scan dE=-50mV E=-50mV
367179 03/20/12 10:54 adev End_of_Run_40438
367178 03/20/12 10:52 adev Start_Run_40438,Run_type=Cosmics,target_type=empty,comment_text=threshold scan dE=-40mV E=-40mV
367177 03/20/12 10:34 Chao Adjust 3rd arm HV with cosmic ray test
367176 03/20/12 10:33 Kalyan Connected dry air flow to thirdarm dE plane PMTs
367175 03/20/12 08:54 Andrew(techs LCW Water
367174 03/20/12 00:05 adev End_of_Run_40437
367173 03/19/12 14:01 brads gep/g2p update -- shifts canceled through Tuesday OWL; Tuesday DAY on standby
367172 03/19/12 10:08 adev Start_Run_40437,Run_type=Cosmics,target_type=empty,comment_text=cosmics HV alignment test
367171 03/19/12 10:08 adev End_of_Run_40436
367170 03/19/12 08:44 brads Hall Access -- keep it to a minimum please
359517 03/19/12 08:06 auto_snap Spectrometer Magnet Settings snapshot
359516 03/19/12 08:06 auto_snap MCC: Hall A Status snapshot
359515 03/19/12 08:06 auto_snap IHWP Stripchart snapshot
359514 03/19/12 08:06 auto_snap Hall A Tools snapshot
359513 03/19/12 08:06 auto_snap Hall A Status snapshot
359512 03/19/12 08:05 auto_snap Beam Position and Current snapshot
359511 03/19/12 08:05 auto_snap Beam Currents - detailed snapshot
359510 03/19/12 04:05 auto_snap Spectrometer Magnet Settings snapshot
359509 03/19/12 04:05 auto_snap MCC: Hall A Status snapshot
359508 03/19/12 04:05 auto_snap IHWP Stripchart snapshot
359507 03/19/12 04:05 auto_snap Hall A Tools snapshot
359506 03/19/12 04:05 auto_snap Hall A Status snapshot
359505 03/19/12 04:05 auto_snap Beam Position and Current snapshot
359504 03/19/12 04:05 auto_snap Beam Currents - detailed snapshot
359503 03/19/12 00:05 auto_snap Spectrometer Magnet Settings snapshot
359502 03/19/12 00:05 auto_snap MCC: Hall A Status snapshot
359501 03/19/12 00:05 auto_snap IHWP Stripchart snapshot
359500 03/19/12 00:05 auto_snap Hall A Tools snapshot
359499 03/19/12 00:05 auto_snap Hall A Status snapshot
359498 03/19/12 00:05 auto_snap Beam Position and Current snapshot
359497 03/19/12 00:05 auto_snap Beam Currents - detailed snapshot
367169 03/18/12 23:40 adev Start_Run_40436,Run_type=Cosmics,target_type=empty,comment_text=cosmics HV alignment test 4
367168 03/18/12 23:17 adev End_of_Run_40435
367167 03/18/12 20:39 slifer run summary
359496 03/18/12 20:05 auto_snap Spectrometer Magnet Settings snapshot
359495 03/18/12 20:05 auto_snap MCC: Hall A Status snapshot
359494 03/18/12 20:04 auto_snap IHWP Stripchart snapshot
359493 03/18/12 20:04 auto_snap Hall A Tools snapshot
359492 03/18/12 20:04 auto_snap Hall A Status snapshot
359491 03/18/12 20:04 auto_snap Beam Position and Current snapshot
359490 03/18/12 20:04 auto_snap Beam Currents - detailed snapshot
367166 03/18/12 18:11 Jack(Techs) Right Q3 current limit is now 1550 amps
367165 03/18/12 18:08 a-onl Start_Run_22373,Run_type=Production,target_type=NH3 top,comment_text=50nA
359489 03/18/12 16:04 auto_snap Spectrometer Magnet Settings snapshot
359488 03/18/12 16:04 auto_snap MCC: Hall A Status snapshot
359487 03/18/12 16:04 auto_snap IHWP Stripchart snapshot
359486 03/18/12 16:04 auto_snap Hall A Tools snapshot
359485 03/18/12 16:04 auto_snap Hall A Status snapshot
359484 03/18/12 16:04 auto_snap Beam Position and Current snapshot
359483 03/18/12 16:04 auto_snap Beam Currents - detailed snapshot
367164 03/18/12 14:25 adev Start_Run_40435,Run_type=Cosmics,target_type=empty,comment_text=cosmics HV alignment test
367163 03/18/12 14:01 adev End_of_Run_40434
359482 03/18/12 12:04 auto_snap Spectrometer Magnet Settings snapshot
359481 03/18/12 12:04 auto_snap MCC: Hall A Status snapshot
359480 03/18/12 12:04 auto_snap IHWP Stripchart snapshot
359479 03/18/12 12:04 auto_snap Hall A Tools snapshot
359478 03/18/12 12:04 auto_snap Hall A Status snapshot
359477 03/18/12 12:04 auto_snap Beam Position and Current snapshot
359476 03/18/12 12:03 auto_snap Beam Currents - detailed snapshot
359475 03/18/12 08:03 auto_snap Spectrometer Magnet Settings snapshot
359474 03/18/12 08:03 auto_snap MCC: Hall A Status snapshot
359473 03/18/12 08:03 auto_snap IHWP Stripchart snapshot
359472 03/18/12 08:03 auto_snap Hall A Tools snapshot
359471 03/18/12 08:03 auto_snap Hall A Status snapshot
359470 03/18/12 08:03 auto_snap Beam Position and Current snapshot
359469 03/18/12 08:03 auto_snap Beam Currents - detailed snapshot
367162 03/18/12 07:09 pzhu Re:more duplicate CODA files
359468 03/18/12 04:03 auto_snap Spectrometer Magnet Settings snapshot
359467 03/18/12 04:03 auto_snap MCC: Hall A Status snapshot
359466 03/18/12 04:03 auto_snap IHWP Stripchart snapshot
359465 03/18/12 04:03 auto_snap Hall A Tools snapshot
359464 03/18/12 04:03 auto_snap Hall A Status snapshot
359463 03/18/12 04:03 auto_snap Beam Position and Current snapshot
359462 03/18/12 04:03 auto_snap Beam Currents - detailed snapshot
367161 03/18/12 00:58 adev Start_Run_40434,Run_type=Cosmics,target_type=empty,comment_text=cosmics HV alignment test 2
359461 03/18/12 00:03 auto_snap Spectrometer Magnet Settings snapshot
359460 03/18/12 00:03 auto_snap MCC: Hall A Status snapshot
359459 03/18/12 00:02 auto_snap IHWP Stripchart snapshot
359458 03/18/12 00:02 auto_snap Hall A Tools snapshot
359457 03/18/12 00:02 auto_snap Hall A Status snapshot
359456 03/18/12 00:02 auto_snap Beam Position and Current snapshot
359455 03/18/12 00:02 auto_snap Beam Currents - detailed snapshot
367160 03/17/12 23:16 adev End_of_Run_40433
367159 03/17/12 22:49 Jack VDCs high voltage set to zero
367158 03/17/12 22:20 Jack(Techs) More puzzle pieces
367157 03/17/12 21:34 slifer elastic g2p production runs
367156 03/17/12 21:33 slifer elastic g2p production runs
359454 03/17/12 20:02 auto_snap Spectrometer Magnet Settings snapshot
359453 03/17/12 20:02 auto_snap MCC: Hall A Status snapshot
359452 03/17/12 20:02 auto_snap IHWP Stripchart snapshot
359451 03/17/12 20:02 auto_snap Hall A Tools snapshot
359450 03/17/12 20:02 auto_snap Hall A Status snapshot
359449 03/17/12 20:02 auto_snap Beam Position and Current snapshot
359448 03/17/12 20:02 auto_snap Beam Currents - detailed snapshot
367155 03/17/12 16:31 adev Start_Run_40433,Run_type=Cosmics,target_type=empty,comment_text=cosmics HV alignment test
367154 03/17/12 16:17 Kalyan Shifts cancelled for this weekend
359447 03/17/12 16:02 auto_snap Spectrometer Magnet Settings snapshot
359446 03/17/12 16:02 auto_snap MCC: Hall A Status snapshot
359445 03/17/12 16:02 auto_snap IHWP Stripchart snapshot
359444 03/17/12 16:02 auto_snap Hall A Tools snapshot
359443 03/17/12 16:02 auto_snap Hall A Status snapshot
359442 03/17/12 16:02 auto_snap Beam Position and Current snapshot
359441 03/17/12 16:01 auto_snap Beam Currents - detailed snapshot
367153 03/17/12 15:28 Jack (Techs) Magnets ramped down
367152 03/17/12 15:09 adev End_of_Run_40432
367151 03/17/12 15:08 adev Start_Run_40432,Run_type=Cosmics,target_type=empty,comment_text=cosmics dead time test, prescale 2, 8kHz, unbuffered mode
367150 03/17/12 15:07 adev End_of_Run_40431
367149 03/17/12 15:06 adev Start_Run_40431,Run_type=Cosmics,target_type=empty,comment_text=cosmics dead time test, prescale 1, 8kHz, unbuffered mode
367148 03/17/12 15:05 adev End_of_Run_40430
367147 03/17/12 15:04 adev Start_Run_40430,Run_type=Cosmics,target_type=empty,comment_text=cosmics dead time test, prescale 2, 8kHz, buffered mode
367146 03/17/12 15:04 adev End_of_Run_40429
367145 03/17/12 15:03 adev Start_Run_40429,Run_type=Cosmics,target_type=empty,comment_text=cosmics dead time test, prescale 1, 8kHz, buffered mode
367144 03/17/12 15:02 adev End_of_Run_40428
367143 03/17/12 15:02 adev Start_Run_40428,Run_type=Cosmics,target_type=empty,comment_text=cosmics dead time test, prescale 1, 8kHz, buffered mode
367142 03/17/12 14:47 Yuncheng Stop Blowers and Open Valves
367141 03/17/12 14:25 R. Michaels more duplicate CODA files
367140 03/17/12 13:44 yawei Day shift summary
367139 03/17/12 13:21 adev End_of_Run_40427
367138 03/17/12 13:21 Folts VESDA/tech
367137 03/17/12 13:09 Higinbotham All The Pieces of the Puzzle
367136 03/17/12 12:32 Jack(Techs) Right Septum
367135 03/17/12 12:15 adev Start_Run_40427,Run_type=Cosmics,target_type=empty,comment_text=cosmics run 2
367134 03/17/12 12:06 adev End_of_Run_40426
367133 03/17/12 12:06 adev Start_Run_40426,Run_type=Cosmics,target_type=empty,comment_text=pulser trigger
367132 03/17/12 12:04 adev End_of_Run_40425
367131 03/17/12 12:03 adev Start_Run_40425,Run_type=Cosmics,target_type=empty,comment_text=Cosmics dE=-11mV E=-11mV all_logic=OR
359440 03/17/12 12:01 auto_snap Spectrometer Magnet Settings snapshot
359439 03/17/12 12:01 auto_snap MCC: Hall A Status snapshot
367130 03/17/12 12:01 adev End_of_Run_40424
359438 03/17/12 12:01 auto_snap IHWP Stripchart snapshot
359437 03/17/12 12:01 auto_snap Hall A Tools snapshot
359436 03/17/12 12:01 auto_snap Hall A Status snapshot
359435 03/17/12 12:01 auto_snap Beam Position and Current snapshot
359434 03/17/12 12:01 auto_snap Beam Currents - detailed snapshot
367129 03/17/12 11:58 adev Start_Run_40424,Run_type=Cosmics,target_type=empty,comment_text=Cosmics dE=-11mV E=-11mV all_logic=OR
367128 03/17/12 11:57 adev End_of_Run_40423
367127 03/17/12 11:55 adev Start_Run_40423,Run_type=Cosmics,target_type=empty,comment_text=Cosmics dE=-10mV E=-10mV all_logic=OR
367126 03/17/12 11:55 adev End_of_Run_40422
367125 03/17/12 11:54 adev Start_Run_40422,Run_type=Cosmics,target_type=empty,comment_text=Cosmics dE=-10mV E=-10mV all_logic=OR
367124 03/17/12 11:47 adev End_of_Run_40421
367123 03/17/12 11:32 jmaxwell [Target] Level Alarm
367122 03/17/12 11:19 Kalyan Update
367121 03/17/12 11:03 yawei Hall C changing half wave plate from out->in
367120 03/17/12 10:57 yawei Hall is in restricted access
367119 03/17/12 10:51 Yuncheng Target magnet ramping down
367118 03/17/12 10:47 jmaxwell [Target] Magnet Ramped Down, Leads Locked
367117 03/17/12 10:36 adev Start_Run_40421,Run_type=Cosmics,target_type=empty,comment_text=Cosmics
367116 03/17/12 10:32 mhuang No gap
367115 03/17/12 10:06 yawei ramp down the target magnet
367114 03/17/12 10:03 Yuncheng Target Alarm, Nose level, Magnet ramping down
367113 03/17/12 09:38 Kalyan Both septa magnets are down
367112 03/17/12 09:26 yuxiang zhao junk run for L:3295 R:22375
367111 03/17/12 09:25 mhuang Gap in the middle
367110 03/17/12 09:25 yawei fire alarm and septa trip
367109 03/17/12 09:20 a-onl Start_Run_22375,Run_type=Production,target_type=NH3 top,comment_text=50nA [prescale 2 set to 1]
367108 03/17/12 09:16 yawei right septa tripped
367107 03/17/12 09:16 a-onl Start_Run_3295,Run_type=Production,target_type=NH3 top,comment_text=50nA CW [Prescale 4 set to 1]
367106 03/17/12 09:15 adev End_of_Run_40420
367105 03/17/12 09:15 a-onl End_of_Run_3295
367104 03/17/12 09:15 a-onl End_of_Run_22375
367103 03/17/12 09:14 adev Start_Run_40420,Run_type=DAQ Check,target_type=NH3 top,comment_text=dead time test, puslser trigger(prescle T8=20)
367102 03/17/12 09:13 a-onl End_of_Run_3294
367101 03/17/12 09:13 a-onl End_of_Run_22374
367100 03/17/12 09:12 adev End_of_Run_40419
367099 03/17/12 09:12 adev Start_Run_40419,Run_type=DAQ Check,target_type=NH3 top,comment_text=dead time test, configuration = ThirdArm
367098 03/17/12 09:10 adev End_of_Run_40418
367097 03/17/12 09:10 adev Start_Run_40418,Run_type=DAQ Check,target_type=NH3 top,comment_text=dead time test
367096 03/17/12 09:06 adev End_of_Run_40417
367095 03/17/12 08:45 yuxiang zhao screen shot after setting prescale 4 on LHRS & prescale 2 on RHRS
367094 03/17/12 08:40 a-onl Start_Run_22374,Run_type=Production,target_type=NH3 top,comment_text=50nA [prescale 2 set to 1]
367093 03/17/12 08:40 yuxiang zhao prescale setting
367092 03/17/12 08:39 a-onl Start_Run_3294,Run_type=Production,target_type=NH3 top,comment_text=50nA CW [Prescale 4 set to 1]
367091 03/17/12 08:37 a-onl End_of_Run_3293
367090 03/17/12 08:37 a-onl End_of_Run_22373
367089 03/17/12 08:18 yuxiang zhao LHRS run number 3292 pr1 RHRS run number 22372 preshower1
367088 03/17/12 08:06 mhuang Owl shift summary
367087 03/17/12 08:01 a-onl Start_Run_3293,Run_type=Production,target_type=NH3 top,comment_text=50nA CW
359433 03/17/12 08:01 auto_snap Spectrometer Magnet Settings snapshot
359432 03/17/12 08:01 auto_snap MCC: Hall A Status snapshot
359431 03/17/12 08:01 auto_snap IHWP Stripchart snapshot
359430 03/17/12 08:01 auto_snap Hall A Tools snapshot
359429 03/17/12 08:01 auto_snap Hall A Status snapshot
359428 03/17/12 08:01 auto_snap Beam Position and Current snapshot
359427 03/17/12 08:01 auto_snap Beam Currents - detailed snapshot
367086 03/17/12 08:01 adev Start_Run_40417,Run_type=Production,target_type=NH3 top,comment_text=production
367085 03/17/12 08:00 a-onl End_of_Run_22372
367084 03/17/12 07:59 a-onl End_of_Run_3292
367083 03/17/12 07:58 adev End_of_Run_40416
367082 03/17/12 07:31 a-onl Start_Run_22372,Run_type=Production,target_type=NH3 top,comment_text=50nA
367081 03/17/12 07:29 a-onl End_of_Run_22371
367080 03/17/12 07:29 adev Start_Run_40416,Run_type=Production,target_type=NH3 top,comment_text=production
367079 03/17/12 07:27 a-onl Start_Run_3292,Run_type=Production,target_type=NH3 top,comment_text=50nA CW
367078 03/17/12 07:25 a-onl End_of_Run_3291
367077 03/17/12 07:17 adev End_of_Run_40415
367076 03/17/12 07:16 hkkang s shot 22371
367075 03/17/12 07:14 mhuang Hall C changing IHWP to be OUT
367074 03/17/12 07:13 hkkang s shot 3291
367073 03/17/12 07:01 a-onl Start_Run_22371,Run_type=Production,target_type=NH3 top,comment_text=50nA
367072 03/17/12 06:59 a-onl End_of_Run_22370
367071 03/17/12 06:58 mhuang beam charge asymmetry check-TA
367070 03/17/12 06:55 a-onl Start_Run_3291,Run_type=Production,target_type=NH3 top,comment_text=50nA CW
367069 03/17/12 06:54 a-onl End_of_Run_3290
367068 03/17/12 06:52 mhuang beam charge asymmetry check
367067 03/17/12 06:49 hkkang snap for 22370RHRS
367066 03/17/12 06:47 adev Start_Run_40415,Run_type=Production,target_type=NH3 top,comment_text=production
367065 03/17/12 06:45 adev End_of_Run_40414
367064 03/17/12 06:41 hkkang snap of run3290
367063 03/17/12 06:33 a-onl Start_Run_22370,Run_type=Production,target_type=NH3 top,comment_text=50nA
367062 03/17/12 06:25 a-onl Start_Run_3290,Run_type=Production,target_type=NH3 top,comment_text=50nA CW
367061 03/17/12 06:19 a-onl Start_Run_22368,Run_type=Production,target_type=NH3 top,comment_text=50nA
367060 03/17/12 06:19 a-onl End_of_Run_22368
367059 03/17/12 06:16 a-onl Start_Run_3289,Run_type=Production,target_type=NH3 top,comment_text=50nA CW
367058 03/17/12 06:15 adev Start_Run_40414,Run_type=Production,target_type=NH3 top,comment_text=production
367057 03/17/12 06:14 a-onl End_of_Run_3288
367056 03/17/12 06:14 a-onl End_of_Run_22367
367055 03/17/12 06:14 adev End_of_Run_40413
367054 03/17/12 06:13 D. Keller [Target] polarization
367053 03/17/12 05:44 a-onl Start_Run_3288,Run_type=Production,target_type=NH3 top,comment_text=50nA CW
367052 03/17/12 05:38 a-onl Start_Run_22367,Run_type=Production,target_type=NH3 top,comment_text=50nA
367051 03/17/12 05:38 a-onl Start_Run_3286,Run_type=Production,target_type=NH3 top,comment_text=50nA CW
367050 03/17/12 05:36 adev Start_Run_40413,Run_type=Production,target_type=NH3 top,comment_text=production
367049 03/17/12 05:33 a-onl End_of_Run_22366
367048 03/17/12 05:33 a-onl End_of_Run_3285
367047 03/17/12 05:32 adev End_of_Run_40412
367046 03/17/12 05:26 hkkang snap shot (run3285,22366)
367045 03/17/12 05:19 mhuang Bleed through result
367044 03/17/12 05:11 a-onl Start_Run_22366,Run_type=Production,target_type=NH3 top,comment_text=50nA
367043 03/17/12 05:11 a-onl Start_Run_3285,Run_type=Production,target_type=NH3 top,comment_text=50nA CW
367042 03/17/12 05:09 mhuang Bleed through measurement-II
367041 03/17/12 05:09 adev Start_Run_40412,Run_type=Production,target_type=NH3 top,comment_text=production
367040 03/17/12 04:59 a-onl End_of_Run_22365
367038 03/17/12 04:59 adev End_of_Run_40411
367037 03/17/12 04:48 hkkang snan shot 3284-22365
367036 03/17/12 04:34 a-onl Start_Run_3284,Run_type=Production,target_type=NH3 top,comment_text=50nA CW
367035 03/17/12 04:33 a-onl Start_Run_22365,Run_type=Production,target_type=NH3 top,comment_text=50nA
367034 03/17/12 04:32 adev Start_Run_40411,Run_type=Production,target_type=NH3 top,comment_text=production
367033 03/17/12 04:30 adev End_of_Run_40410
367032 03/17/12 04:30 a-onl End_of_Run_22364
367031 03/17/12 04:30 a-onl End_of_Run_3283
367030 03/17/12 04:30 hkkang snap shot for production run
367029 03/17/12 04:15 pzhu lumi detector after changing ADC gain
367028 03/17/12 04:02 adev Start_Run_40410,Run_type=Production,target_type=NH3 top,comment_text=production
367027 03/17/12 04:01 a-onl Start_Run_22364,Run_type=Production,target_type=NH3 top,comment_text=50nA
367026 03/17/12 04:01 a-onl Start_Run_3283,Run_type=Production,target_type=NH3 top,comment_text=50nA CW
359426 03/17/12 04:01 auto_snap Spectrometer Magnet Settings snapshot
359425 03/17/12 04:01 auto_snap MCC: Hall A Status snapshot
359424 03/17/12 04:00 auto_snap IHWP Stripchart snapshot
359423 03/17/12 04:00 auto_snap Hall A Tools snapshot
359422 03/17/12 04:00 auto_snap Hall A Status snapshot
359421 03/17/12 04:00 auto_snap Beam Position and Current snapshot
359420 03/17/12 04:00 auto_snap Beam Currents - detailed snapshot
367025 03/17/12 03:59 adev End_of_Run_40409
0 03/17/12 03:59 no_name End_of_Run_3282
367022 03/17/12 03:50 adev Start_Run_40409,Run_type=Production,target_type=NH3 top,comment_text=production
367021 03/17/12 03:50 adev End_of_Run_40408
367020 03/17/12 03:50 pzhu scaler rate
367019 03/17/12 03:48 mhuang Bleed through measurement
367018 03/17/12 03:45 pzhu slow raster check after first production
367017 03/17/12 03:42 adev Start_Run_40408,Run_type=Production,target_type=NH3 top,comment_text=production
367016 03/17/12 03:42 adev End_of_Run_40407
367015 03/17/12 03:38 a-onl Start_Run_3282,Run_type=Production,target_type=NH3 top,comment_text=50nA CW
367014 03/17/12 03:38 a-onl Start_Run_22363,Run_type=Production,target_type=NH3 top,comment_text=50nA
367013 03/17/12 03:37 adev Start_Run_40407,Run_type=Production,target_type=NH3 top,comment_text=production
367012 03/17/12 03:37 a-onl Start_Run_3281,Run_type=Production,target_type=NH3 top,comment_text=50nA CW
367011 03/17/12 03:37 a-onl Start_Run_22362,Run_type=Production,target_type=NH3 top,comment_text=50nA,check for rate and bpm
367010 03/17/12 03:36 adev End_of_Run_40406
367009 03/17/12 03:36 a-onl Start_Run_3280,Run_type=Production,target_type=NH3 top,comment_text=checking rate
367008 03/17/12 03:36 a-onl End_of_Run_3281
367007 03/17/12 03:36 a-onl End_of_Run_22362
367006 03/17/12 03:35 a-onl Start_Run_3279,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=junk
367005 03/17/12 03:34 a-onl End_of_Run_22361
367004 03/17/12 03:34 a-onl Start_Run_22361,Run_type=Production,target_type=NH3 top,comment_text=50nA,check for rate and bpm
367003 03/17/12 03:34 a-onl End_of_Run_3280
367002 03/17/12 03:34 adev Start_Run_40406,Run_type=Production,target_type=NH3 top,comment_text=production
367001 03/17/12 03:33 a-onl Start_Run_3278,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=junk
367000 03/17/12 03:33 a-onl End_of_Run_3279
366999 03/17/12 03:31 a-onl End_of_Run_3278
366998 03/17/12 03:11 mhuang Hall C changing IHWP to be IN
366997 03/17/12 03:02 adaq raster size calibration
366996 03/17/12 03:02 a-onl End_of_Run_3277
366995 03/17/12 03:02 a-onl End_of_Run_22360
366994 03/17/12 02:59 pzhu center beam position double check
366993 03/17/12 02:56 mhuang Hall A Tools
366992 03/17/12 02:54 A. Camsonne EPICS position change with current
366991 03/17/12 02:49 a-onl Start_Run_22360,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=fast raster calibration
366990 03/17/12 02:49 a-onl Start_Run_3277,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=fast raster calibration
366989 03/17/12 02:47 a-onl End_of_Run_22359
366988 03/17/12 02:47 a-onl End_of_Run_3276
366987 03/17/12 02:45 a-onl Start_Run_22359,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=slow raster nonlinearity check,100nA CW,X 30Hz sin,Y off
366986 03/17/12 02:45 a-onl Start_Run_3276,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=slow raster nonlinearity check,100nA CW,X 30Hz sin,Y off
366985 03/17/12 02:42 a-onl End_of_Run_22358
366984 03/17/12 02:42 a-onl End_of_Run_3275
366982 03/17/12 02:41 a-onl Start_Run_3274,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=slow raster nonlinearity check,100nA CW
366981 03/17/12 02:40 a-onl Start_Run_22358,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=slow raster nonlinearity check,100nA CW
366980 03/17/12 02:39 a-onl End_of_Run_3274
366979 03/17/12 02:37 a-onl End_of_Run_3273
366977 03/17/12 02:33 adev End_of_Run_40405
366976 03/17/12 02:31 adev Start_Run_40405,Run_type=DAQ Check,target_type=Carbon,comment_text=DAQ check and test of end-of-run scripts
366975 03/17/12 02:27 a-onl Start_Run_3273,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=slow raster calibration,100nA CW
366974 03/17/12 02:26 a-onl Start_Run_22357,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=slow raster calibration,100nA CW
366973 03/17/12 02:25 a-onl Start_Run_22356,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=slow raster calibration,100nA CW
366972 03/17/12 02:25 a-onl Start_Run_3272,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=slow raster calibration,100nA CW
366971 03/17/12 02:24 a-onl End_of_Run_3272
366970 03/17/12 02:23 a-onl End_of_Run_22356
366969 03/17/12 02:20 adev End_of_Run_40404
366968 03/17/12 02:20 adev Start_Run_40404,Run_type=DAQ Check,target_type=Carbon,comment_text=DAQ check and dead time test
366967 03/17/12 02:16 adev End_of_Run_40403
366966 03/17/12 02:15 adev Start_Run_40403,Run_type=DAQ Check,target_type=Carbon,comment_text=DAQ check
366965 03/17/12 02:14 a-onl End_of_Run_22355
366964 03/17/12 02:14 a-onl End_of_Run_3271
366963 03/17/12 02:11 M. Cummings Run number for dilution runs
366962 03/17/12 02:08 a-onl Start_Run_22355,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=dilution run, fast raster and slow raster , empty tgt
366961 03/17/12 02:08 a-onl Start_Run_3271,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=dilution run, fast raster and slow raster , empty tgt
366960 03/17/12 02:03 adev End_of_Run_40401
366959 03/17/12 02:01 a-onl End_of_Run_22354
366958 03/17/12 02:01 a-onl End_of_Run_3270
366957 03/17/12 01:59 pzhu lumi hv is too small
366956 03/17/12 01:58 a-onl Start_Run_22354,Run_type=Other,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=dilution run, fast raster and slow raster off , Carbon tgt
366955 03/17/12 01:58 a-onl Start_Run_3270,Run_type=Other,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=dilution run, fast raster and slow raster off, Carbon tgt
366954 03/17/12 01:54 adev End_of_Run_40400
366953 03/17/12 01:53 a-onl End_of_Run_22353
366952 03/17/12 01:53 a-onl End_of_Run_3269
366951 03/17/12 01:49 M. Cummings Run numbers for Current Scan/Rate Study
366950 03/17/12 01:47 a-onl Start_Run_22353,Run_type=Other,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=dilution run, fast raster and slow raster , Carbon tgt
366949 03/17/12 01:47 a-onl Start_Run_3269,Run_type=Other,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=dilution run, fast raster and slow raster , Carbon tgt
366948 03/17/12 01:45 adev End_of_Run_40399
366947 03/17/12 01:40 a-onl End_of_Run_3268
366946 03/17/12 01:40 a-onl End_of_Run_22352
366945 03/17/12 01:36 a-onl Start_Run_22352,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=dilution run, fast raster and slow raster , dummy tgt
366944 03/17/12 01:36 a-onl Start_Run_3268,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=dilution run, fast raster and slow raster , dummy tgt
366943 03/17/12 01:33 a-onl Start_Run_22351,Run_type=Other,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=beam position check
366942 03/17/12 01:31 a-onl Start_Run_3267,Run_type=Other,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=beam position check
366941 03/17/12 01:26 adev Start_Run_40398,Run_type=DAQ Check,target_type=Carbon,comment_text=DAQ check
366940 03/17/12 01:25 a-onl End_of_Run_3267
366939 03/17/12 01:25 a-onl End_of_Run_22351
366938 03/17/12 01:11 adev Start_Run_40397,Run_type=DAQ Check,target_type=Carbon,comment_text=DAQ check
366937 03/17/12 01:09 adev Start_Run_40396,Run_type=DAQ Check,target_type=Carbon,comment_text=DAQ check
366936 03/17/12 01:05 adev Start_Run_40394,Run_type=DAQ Check,target_type=Carbon,comment_text=DAQ check
366935 03/17/12 00:46 adev End_of_Run_40393
366934 03/17/12 00:45 a-onl End_of_Run_22350
366933 03/17/12 00:45 a-onl End_of_Run_3266
366932 03/17/12 00:43 a-onl Start_Run_22350,Run_type=Other,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=dilution fast raster & slow raster 50nA
366931 03/17/12 00:42 a-onl Start_Run_3266,Run_type=Other,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=dilution fast raster & slow raster 50 nA
366930 03/17/12 00:35 a-onl End_of_Run_22349
366929 03/17/12 00:34 a-onl End_of_Run_3265
366928 03/17/12 00:32 a-onl Start_Run_22349,Run_type=Other,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=dilution fast raster 50nA
366927 03/17/12 00:31 a-onl Start_Run_3265,Run_type=Other,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=dilution fast raster 50 nA
366926 03/17/12 00:28 adev Start_Run_40392,Run_type=Other,target_type=Carbon,comment_text=dilution fast raster 50nA
366925 03/17/12 00:23 a-onl End_of_Run_22348
366924 03/17/12 00:22 a-onl End_of_Run_3264
366923 03/17/12 00:22 a-onl Start_Run_22348,Run_type=Other,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=current scan 100nA
366922 03/17/12 00:21 a-onl Start_Run_3264,Run_type=Other,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=current scan 100nA
366921 03/17/12 00:21 a-onl Start_Run_22347,Run_type=Other,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=current scan 100nA
366920 03/17/12 00:20 adev Start_Run_40391,Run_type=DAQ Check,target_type=Carbon,comment_text=daq check
366919 03/17/12 00:19 adev Start_Run_40390,Run_type=DAQ Check,target_type=Carbon,comment_text=daq check
366918 03/17/12 00:18 a-onl Start_Run_3263,Run_type=Other,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=current scan 100nA
366917 03/17/12 00:16 a-onl End_of_Run_3263
366916 03/17/12 00:16 a-onl End_of_Run_22347
366915 03/17/12 00:12 M. Cummings scaler rates for 100nA
366914 03/17/12 00:10 a-onl Start_Run_22346,Run_type=Other,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=current scan 75nA
366913 03/17/12 00:08 a-onl Start_Run_3262,Run_type=Other,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=current scan 75nA
366912 03/17/12 00:07 a-onl End_of_Run_3262
366911 03/17/12 00:07 a-onl End_of_Run_22346
366910 03/17/12 00:05 Ole Hansen Swing Shift Sumamry
366909 03/17/12 00:02 a-onl Start_Run_22345,Run_type=Other,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=current scan 75nA
359419 03/17/12 00:00 auto_snap Spectrometer Magnet Settings snapshot
359418 03/17/12 00:00 auto_snap MCC: Hall A Status snapshot
359417 03/17/12 00:00 auto_snap IHWP Stripchart snapshot
366908 03/17/12 00:00 a-onl End_of_Run_3261
359416 03/17/12 00:00 auto_snap Hall A Tools snapshot
359415 03/17/12 00:00 auto_snap Hall A Status snapshot
359414 03/17/12 00:00 auto_snap Beam Position and Current snapshot
366907 03/17/12 00:00 a-onl End_of_Run_22345
359413 03/17/12 00:00 auto_snap Beam Currents - detailed snapshot
366906 03/17/12 00:00 adev Start_Run_40389,Run_type=DAQ Check,target_type=Carbon,comment_text=daq check
366905 03/16/12 23:58 a-onl Start_Run_3261,Run_type=Other,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=current scan 75nA
366904 03/16/12 23:54 M. Cummings scaler rates for 75 nA
366903 03/16/12 23:52 A. Camsonne HARP scans from BPM calibration
366902 03/16/12 23:49 a-onl End_of_Run_22344
366901 03/16/12 23:49 a-onl End_of_Run_3260
366900 03/16/12 23:43 a-onl Start_Run_22344,Run_type=Other,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=current scan 50nA
366899 03/16/12 23:42 a-onl Start_Run_3260,Run_type=Other,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=current scan 50nA
366898 03/16/12 23:37 a-onl End_of_Run_22343
366897 03/16/12 23:37 a-onl End_of_Run_3259
366896 03/16/12 23:35 a-onl Start_Run_22343,Run_type=Other,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=current scan 50nA
366895 03/16/12 23:34 a-onl Start_Run_3259,Run_type=Other,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=current scan 50nA
366894 03/16/12 23:33 M. Cummings scaler rates for 50 nA
366893 03/16/12 23:29 a-onl End_of_Run_3258
366892 03/16/12 23:29 a-onl End_of_Run_22342
366891 03/16/12 23:27 a-onl Start_Run_22342,Run_type=Other,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=current scan 25nA
366890 03/16/12 23:26 a-onl Start_Run_3258,Run_type=Other,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=current scan 25nA
366889 03/16/12 23:22 a-onl End_of_Run_22341
366888 03/16/12 23:22 a-onl End_of_Run_3257
366887 03/16/12 23:19 a-onl Start_Run_22341,Run_type=Other,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=current scan 25nA
366886 03/16/12 23:18 a-onl Start_Run_3257,Run_type=Other,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=current scan 25nA
366885 03/16/12 23:16 M. Cummings scaler rates for 25nA
366884 03/16/12 23:13 a-onl End_of_Run_22340
366883 03/16/12 23:13 a-onl End_of_Run_3256
366882 03/16/12 23:07 a-onl Start_Run_22340,Run_type=Other,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=current scan 15nA
366881 03/16/12 23:07 Ole Hansen Hall C changes IHWP
366880 03/16/12 23:07 a-onl Start_Run_3256,Run_type=Other,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=current scan 15nA
366879 03/16/12 23:03 a-onl End_of_Run_22339
366878 03/16/12 23:02 a-onl End_of_Run_3255
366877 03/16/12 22:57 M. Cummings scaler rates for 15nA
366876 03/16/12 22:55 a-onl Start_Run_22339,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=current scan 15nA
366875 03/16/12 22:54 a-onl Start_Run_3255,Run_type=Other,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=current scan 15nA
366874 03/16/12 22:47 R. Zielinski Beginning DAQ Current/Deadtime Scan
366873 03/16/12 22:44 Ole Hansen Begin dilutions runs
366872 03/16/12 22:39 a-onl End_of_Run_3254
366871 03/16/12 22:39 a-onl End_of_Run_22338
366870 03/16/12 22:38 Ole Hansen BPM & BCM calibrations done
366869 03/16/12 22:38 kamyers [Target] Target moved to Carbon
366868 03/16/12 22:25 A. Camsonne BCM calibration tungsten calorimeter run started
366867 03/16/12 22:15 a-onl Start_Run_22338,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=BCM tungsten calorimeter run 50 nA
366866 03/16/12 22:15 a-onl Start_Run_3254,Run_type=Other,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=BCM tungsten calorimeter run 50 nA
366865 03/16/12 22:13 adev Start_Run_40388,Run_type=Calibration,target_type=empty,comment_text=BCM tungsten calorimeter run
366864 03/16/12 22:13 pzhu bpm information in different filter,different div
366863 03/16/12 22:10 a-onl Start_Run_22337,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=BPM calibration 1H05A (0.37,3.67) 1H05B (-0.467,3.11) 50 na cw beam Div 1 Filter K 8
366862 03/16/12 22:10 a-onl Start_Run_3253,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=BPM calibration 1H05A (0.301,3.46) 1H05B (-0.5,3.18) 50 an cw beam Div 1 Filter K 8
366861 03/16/12 22:10 adev End_of_Run_40387
366860 03/16/12 22:09 a-onl End_of_Run_3253
366859 03/16/12 22:09 a-onl End_of_Run_22337
366858 03/16/12 22:09 adev Start_Run_40387,Run_type=Cosmics,target_type=empty,comment_text=cosmics
366857 03/16/12 22:01 a-onl Start_Run_22336,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=BPM calibration 1H05A (0.37,3.67) 1H05B (-0.467,3.11) 50 na cw beam Div 1 Filter K 8
366856 03/16/12 22:01 a-onl End_of_Run_3252
366855 03/16/12 22:01 a-onl End_of_Run_22336
366854 03/16/12 22:01 a-onl Start_Run_3252,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=BPM calibration 1H05A (0.301,3.46) 1H05B (-0.5,3.18) 50 an cw beam Div 1 Filter K 8
366853 03/16/12 21:59 Kalyan HV change on Lumi 1 and 2
366852 03/16/12 21:57 a-onl Start_Run_22335,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=BPM calibration 1H05A (0.37,3.67) 1H05B (-0.467,3.11) 50 na cw beam Div 1 Filter K 8
366851 03/16/12 21:56 a-onl Start_Run_3250,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=BPM calibration 1H05A (0.301,3.46) 1H05B (-0.5,3.18) 50 an cw beam Div 1 Filter K 8
366850 03/16/12 21:56 a-onl End_of_Run_3250
366848 03/16/12 21:53 a-onl End_of_Run_3249
366847 03/16/12 21:53 a-onl End_of_Run_22334
366846 03/16/12 21:52 a-onl Start_Run_22334,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=BPM calibration 1H05A (0.37,3.67) 1H05B (-0.467,3.11) 100 an cw beam Div 1 Filter K 8
366845 03/16/12 21:51 a-onl Start_Run_3249,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=BPM calibration 1H05A (0.301,3.46) 1H05B (-0.5,3.18) 100 an cw beam Div 1 Filter K 8
366844 03/16/12 21:49 a-onl Start_Run_22333,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=BPM calibration 1H05A (0.37,3.67) 1H05B (-0.467,3.11) 100 an cw beam Div 1 Filter K 8
366843 03/16/12 21:49 a-onl Start_Run_3248,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=BPM calibration 1H05A (0.301,3.46) 1H05B (-0.5,3.18) 100 an cw beam Div 1 Filter K 8
366842 03/16/12 21:49 a-onl End_of_Run_3248
366842 03/16/12 21:49 a-onl End_of_Run_22333
366841 03/16/12 21:46 a-onl Start_Run_22332,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=BPM calibration 1H05A (0.37,3.67) 1H05B (-0.467,3.11) 2 microamp pulse beam Div 1 Filter K 8
366840 03/16/12 21:46 a-onl Start_Run_3247,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=BPM calibration 1H05A (0.301,3.46) 1H05B (-0.5,3.18) 2 microamp pulse beam Div 1 Filter K 8
366839 03/16/12 21:44 a-onl End_of_Run_22332
366838 03/16/12 21:44 a-onl End_of_Run_3247
366837 03/16/12 21:43 a-onl Start_Run_22331,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=BPM calibration 1H05A (0.37,3.67) 1H05B (-0.467,3.11) 2 microamp pulse beam Div 1 Filter K 8
366836 03/16/12 21:42 a-onl Start_Run_3246,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=BPM calibration 1H05A (0.301,3.46) 1H05B (-0.5,3.18) 2 microamp pulse beam Div 1 Filter K 8
366835 03/16/12 21:42 a-onl End_of_Run_3246
366834 03/16/12 21:42 a-onl End_of_Run_22331
366833 03/16/12 21:33 a-onl Start_Run_22330,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=BPM calibration 1H05A (1.916,3.67) 1H05B (1.19,3.11) 100 nanoamp cw beam Div 1 Filter K 8
366832 03/16/12 21:31 a-onl Start_Run_3245,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=BPM calibration 1H05A (1.91,3.67) 1H05B (1.18,3.18) 100 na cw beam Div 1 Filter K 8
366831 03/16/12 21:30 a-onl Start_Run_22329,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=BPM calibration 1H05A (1.916,3.67) 1H05B (1.19,3.11) 100 nanoamp cw beam Div 4 Filter K 8
366830 03/16/12 21:27 a-onl End_of_Run_22330
366829 03/16/12 21:27 a-onl End_of_Run_3245
366828 03/16/12 21:25 a-onl Start_Run_3244,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=BPM calibration 1H05A (1.91,3.67) 1H05B (1.18,3.18) 3 microa pulse beam Div 1 Filter K 8
366827 03/16/12 21:24 a-onl Start_Run_22328,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=BPM calibration 1H05A (1.916,3.67) 1H05B (1.19,3.11) 3 microamp pulse beam Div 4 Filter K 8
366826 03/16/12 21:20 a-onl End_of_Run_22329
366825 03/16/12 21:20 a-onl End_of_Run_3244
366824 03/16/12 21:18 A. Camsonne BCM receiver setting 100 nA
366823 03/16/12 21:17 a-onl Start_Run_3243,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=BPM calibration 1H05A (1.91,3.67) 1H05B (1.18,3.18) 3 microa pulse beam Div 1 Filter K 8
366822 03/16/12 21:13 a-onl End_of_Run_22328
366821 03/16/12 21:13 a-onl End_of_Run_3243
366820 03/16/12 21:10 A. Camsonne HARP scan new position
366819 03/16/12 20:55 a-onl End_of_Run_3242
366817 03/16/12 20:54 a-onl Start_Run_22327,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=BPM calibration 1H05A (1.36,2.48) 1H05B (1.146,1.014) 3 microamp pulse beam Div 1Filter K 8
366816 03/16/12 20:52 A. Camsonne HARP scan for position check
366815 03/16/12 20:50 a-onl End_of_Run_22326
366814 03/16/12 20:50 a-onl End_of_Run_3241
366813 03/16/12 20:46 a-onl Start_Run_22326,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=BPM calibration 1H05A (1.36,2.48) 1H05B (1.146,1.014) 50 nanoamp cw beam Div 1Filter K 8
366812 03/16/12 20:45 a-onl Start_Run_3241,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=BPM calibration 1H05A (1.43,2.524) 1H05B (-0.6,1.31) 50 na cw beam Div 1 Filter K 8
366811 03/16/12 20:44 pzhu 25nA bpm
366810 03/16/12 20:43 a-onl End_of_Run_3240
366809 03/16/12 20:43 a-onl End_of_Run_22325
366808 03/16/12 20:41 a-onl Start_Run_22325,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=BPM calibration 1H05A (1.36,2.48) 1H05B (1.146,1.014) 25 nanoamp cw beam Div 1Filter K 8
366807 03/16/12 20:40 a-onl Start_Run_3240,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=BPM calibration 1H05A (1.43,2.524) 1H05B (-0.6,1.31) 25 na cw beam Div 1 Filter K 8
366806 03/16/12 20:37 a-onl End_of_Run_22324
366805 03/16/12 20:37 a-onl End_of_Run_3239
366804 03/16/12 20:33 a-onl Start_Run_22324,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=BPM calibration 1H05A (1.36,2.48) 1H05B (1.146,1.014) 25 nanoamp cw beam Div 1
366803 03/16/12 20:32 a-onl Start_Run_3239,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=BPM calibration 1H05A (1.43,2.524) 1H05B (-0.6,1.31) 25 na cw beam Div 1
366802 03/16/12 20:27 a-onl End_of_Run_3238
366801 03/16/12 20:27 a-onl End_of_Run_22323
366800 03/16/12 20:26 a-onl Start_Run_22323,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=BPM calibration 1H05A (1.36,2.48) 1H05B (1.146,1.014) 50 nanoamp cw beam Div 1
366799 03/16/12 20:26 a-onl Start_Run_3238,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=BPM calibration 1H05A (1.43,2.524) 1H05B (-0.6,1.31) 50 na cw beam Div 1
366798 03/16/12 20:25 A. Camsonne Run 50 nA - Mag Filter 8 and div to 1
366797 03/16/12 20:23 a-onl Start_Run_22322,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=BPM calibration 1H05A (1.47,2.48) 1H05B (1.146,1.014) 50 nanoamp cw beam Div 2
366796 03/16/12 20:22 a-onl Start_Run_3237,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=BPM calibration 1H05A (1.43,2.524) 1H05B (-0.6,1.31) 50 na cw beam Div 2
366795 03/16/12 20:22 a-onl End_of_Run_22322
366794 03/16/12 20:22 a-onl End_of_Run_3237
366793 03/16/12 20:21 a-onl End_of_Run_22321
366792 03/16/12 20:21 a-onl End_of_Run_3236
366791 03/16/12 20:20 a-onl Start_Run_22321,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=BPM calibration 1H05A (1.47,2.48) 1H05B (1.146,1.014) 50 nanoamp cw beam Div 2
366790 03/16/12 20:19 a-onl Start_Run_3236,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=BPM calibration 1H05A (1.43,2.524) 1H05B (-0.6,1.31) 50 na cw beam Div 2
366789 03/16/12 20:17 a-onl End_of_Run_22320
366787 03/16/12 20:17 a-onl Start_Run_3235,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=BPM calibration 1H05A (1.85,1.724) 1H05B (-0.6,1.31) 100 na cw beam Div 2
366786 03/16/12 20:16 a-onl Start_Run_22320,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=BPM calibration 1H05A (2.055,1.48) 1H05B (1.146,1.014) 100 nanoamp cw beam Div 2
366785 03/16/12 20:12 A. Camsonne Going to 100 nA CW
366784 03/16/12 20:12 a-onl End_of_Run_3234
366783 03/16/12 20:12 a-onl End_of_Run_22319
366782 03/16/12 20:12 a-onl Start_Run_22319,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=BPM calibration 1H05A (2.055,1.48) 1H05B (1.146,1.014) 3 microamp pulse beam Div 2
366781 03/16/12 20:11 a-onl Start_Run_3234,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=BPM calibration 1H05A (2.05,1.324) 1H05B (1.131,1.048) 3 microamp pulse beam Div 2
366780 03/16/12 20:11 A. Camsonnne HARP scan
366779 03/16/12 20:03 A. Camsonne Beam is back
359412 03/16/12 20:00 auto_snap Spectrometer Magnet Settings snapshot
359411 03/16/12 20:00 auto_snap MCC: Hall A Status snapshot
359410 03/16/12 20:00 auto_snap IHWP Stripchart snapshot
359409 03/16/12 20:00 auto_snap Hall A Tools snapshot
359408 03/16/12 19:59 auto_snap Hall A Status snapshot
359407 03/16/12 19:59 auto_snap Beam Position and Current snapshot
359406 03/16/12 19:59 auto_snap Beam Currents - detailed snapshot
366778 03/16/12 19:15 M. Cummings RHRS acceptance
366777 03/16/12 19:15 A. Camsonne Beam down
366776 03/16/12 19:08 pzhu bpm information in different current
366775 03/16/12 19:04 a-onl Start_Run_22318,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=BPM calibration 1H05A (2.055,1.48) 1H05B (1.146,1.014) 3 microamp pulse beam Div 2
366774 03/16/12 19:04 a-onl End_of_Run_22318
366773 03/16/12 19:04 a-onl End_of_Run_3233
366772 03/16/12 19:03 a-onl Start_Run_3233,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=BPM calibration 1H05A (2.05,1.524) 1H05B (1.131,1.048) 3 microamp pulse beam Div 2
366771 03/16/12 19:02 A. Camsonne HARP scan 1H05A(2,1.48)
366770 03/16/12 18:55 A. Camsonne HARP scan
366769 03/16/12 18:50 a-onl End_of_Run_3232
366768 03/16/12 18:50 a-onl End_of_Run_22317
366767 03/16/12 18:43 a-onl Start_Run_22317,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=BPM calibration 1H05A (0.471,2.270) 1H05B (-1.045,1.133) 50 nanoamp Div 1
366766 03/16/12 18:43 a-onl Start_Run_3232,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=BPM calibration 1H05A (0.471,2.270) 1H05B (-1.045,1.133) 50 nanoamp Div 1
366765 03/16/12 18:38 a-onl End_of_Run_3231
366764 03/16/12 18:38 a-onl End_of_Run_22316
366763 03/16/12 18:26 A. Camsonne Next run with with Mag Div 1 on BPM
366762 03/16/12 18:25 a-onl Start_Run_22316,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=BPM calibration 1H05A (0.471,2.270) 1H05B (-1.045,1.133) 25 nanoamp Div 1
366761 03/16/12 18:24 a-onl Start_Run_3231,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=BPM calibration 1H05A (0.471,2.270) 1H05B (-1.045,1.133) 25 nanoamp Div 1
366760 03/16/12 18:22 a-onl End_of_Run_22315
366758 03/16/12 18:22 a-onl Start_Run_22315,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=BPM calibration 1H05A (0.471,2.270) 1H05B (-1.045,1.133) 25 nanoamp
366757 03/16/12 18:21 a-onl Start_Run_3230,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=BPM calibration 1H05A (0.471,2.270) 1H05B (-1.045,1.133) 25 nanoamp
366756 03/16/12 18:21 A. Camsonne BPM receiver settings for 50 nA or more
366755 03/16/12 18:18 a-onl End_of_Run_3229
366754 03/16/12 18:18 a-onl End_of_Run_22314
366753 03/16/12 18:13 a-onl Start_Run_22314,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=BPM calibration 1H05A (0.471,2.270) 1H05B (-1.045,1.133) 50 nanoamp
366752 03/16/12 18:13 a-onl Start_Run_3229,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=BPM calibration 1H05A (0.471,2.270) 1H05B (-1.045,1.133) 50 nanoamp
366751 03/16/12 18:12 A. Camsonne HARP scan initial position
366750 03/16/12 18:10 a-onl End_of_Run_22313
366749 03/16/12 18:10 a-onl End_of_Run_3228
366748 03/16/12 18:07 a-onl Start_Run_22313,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=BPM calibration 1H05A (0.471,2.270) 1H05B (-1.045,1.133)
366747 03/16/12 18:07 a-onl Start_Run_3228,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=BPM calibration 1H05A (0.471,2.270) 1H05B (-1.045,1.133)
366745 03/16/12 18:05 a-onl End_of_Run_22311
366744 03/16/12 18:02 a-onl Start_Run_3227,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=BPM calibration 1H05A (0.471,2.270) 1H05B (-1.045,1.133)
366743 03/16/12 17:59 a-onl Start_Run_22311,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=BPM calibration 1H05A (0.471,2.270) 1H05B (-1.045,1.133)
366742 03/16/12 17:58 a-onl Start_Run_3226,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=BPM calibration 1H05A (0.471,2.270) 1H05B (-1.045,1.133)
366741 03/16/12 17:47 kamyers [Target] target moved out of beam
366740 03/16/12 17:43 Ole Hansen RHRS rate problem apparently fixed
366739 03/16/12 17:38 a-onl End_of_Run_3225
366738 03/16/12 17:38 a-onl End_of_Run_22310
366737 03/16/12 17:37 a-onl Start_Run_22310,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=no sieve with carbon
366736 03/16/12 17:36 a-onl Start_Run_3225,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=no sieve with carbon
366735 03/16/12 17:34 Ole Hansen Beam positions adjusted
366734 03/16/12 17:20 a-onl End_of_Run_22309
366733 03/16/12 17:20 a-onl End_of_Run_3224
366732 03/16/12 17:20 a-onl Start_Run_22309,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=no sieve with carbon
366731 03/16/12 17:19 a-onl Start_Run_3224,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=no sieve with carbon
366730 03/16/12 17:19 M. Cummings Signal from patch panel Betty C8 on RHRS
366729 03/16/12 17:07 mhuang runnumber of the first entry
366728 03/16/12 17:04 M. Cummings Sieve slits are OUT
366727 03/16/12 16:51 mhuang acceptance plots of sieve IN run
366726 03/16/12 16:40 Ole Hansen Controlled access
366725 03/16/12 16:36 a-onl End_of_Run_3223
366724 03/16/12 16:36 a-onl End_of_Run_22308
366723 03/16/12 16:31 a-onl Start_Run_22308,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=sieve with carbon
366722 03/16/12 16:31 a-onl Start_Run_3223,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=sieve with carbon
366721 03/16/12 16:30 Ole Hansen Choppy beam, brief run taken
366720 03/16/12 16:23 adev End_of_Run_40386
366719 03/16/12 16:22 a-onl End_of_Run_22307
366718 03/16/12 16:21 a-onl End_of_Run_3222
366717 03/16/12 16:19 a-onl Start_Run_22307,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=sieve with carbon
366716 03/16/12 16:18 a-onl Start_Run_3222,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=sieve with carbon
366715 03/16/12 16:12 Ole Hansen Beam imminent
359405 03/16/12 15:59 auto_snap Spectrometer Magnet Settings snapshot
359404 03/16/12 15:59 auto_snap MCC: Hall A Status snapshot
359403 03/16/12 15:59 auto_snap IHWP Stripchart snapshot
366714 03/16/12 15:59 gilman day shift summary
359402 03/16/12 15:59 auto_snap Hall A Tools snapshot
359401 03/16/12 15:59 auto_snap Hall A Status snapshot
359400 03/16/12 15:59 auto_snap Beam Position and Current snapshot
359399 03/16/12 15:59 auto_snap Beam Currents - detailed snapshot
366713 03/16/12 15:54 a-onl Start_Run_22306,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=
366712 03/16/12 15:54 jmaxwell [Target] New Target Position Offset Method
366711 03/16/12 15:54 a-onl Start_Run_3221,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=
366710 03/16/12 15:54 a-onl End_of_Run_3221
366709 03/16/12 15:53 a-onl End_of_Run_22306
366708 03/16/12 15:53 a-onl Start_Run_22305,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=
366707 03/16/12 15:53 a-onl Start_Run_3220,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=
366706 03/16/12 15:49 a-onl End_of_Run_3220
366705 03/16/12 15:49 a-onl End_of_Run_22305
366704 03/16/12 15:32 jmaxwell [Target] EPICS Reporting Fix
366703 03/16/12 15:27 Fansler LD1 Cryo/ Late Entry
366702 03/16/12 15:18 M. Cummings labeling of plots
366701 03/16/12 15:13 M. Cummings Spot++ Plots for runs 3216/22296
366700 03/16/12 15:08 adev End_of_Run_40384
366699 03/16/12 14:56 jmaxwell [Target] Moved Target to Carbon, New TE
366698 03/16/12 14:46 jmaxwell [Target] New Target Position Offset
366697 03/16/12 14:23 M. Cummings Sieve Slits are IN
366696 03/16/12 13:57 a-onl End_of_Run_3219
366695 03/16/12 13:57 a-onl End_of_Run_22304
366694 03/16/12 13:49 a-onl Start_Run_22304,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=cosmics
366693 03/16/12 13:49 a-onl Start_Run_3219,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=cosmics
366692 03/16/12 13:45 yawei Hall C changing half wave plate from out->in
366691 03/16/12 13:43 Chao Scaler ring buffer channel mapping problem
366690 03/16/12 13:13 A. Camsonne Check Right HRS magnet settings
366689 03/16/12 13:08 gilman GenTools for shift checklist
366688 03/16/12 13:03 mhuang RHRS acceptance oddity
366687 03/16/12 12:53 V. Sulkosky Checked Sieve-Slits to Be OUT
366686 03/16/12 12:32 M. Cummings/ RHRS T1/deadtime problems
366685 03/16/12 12:11 brads LHRS dipole field tripped
366684 03/16/12 12:06 gilman chicane magnet
366683 03/16/12 12:03 jmaxwell [Target] New Baselines Taken
359398 03/16/12 12:02 auto_snap Spectrometer Magnet Settings snapshot
359397 03/16/12 12:02 auto_snap Hall A Tools snapshot
359396 03/16/12 12:02 auto_snap Hall A Status snapshot
359395 03/16/12 12:02 auto_snap Beam Position and Current snapshot
359394 03/16/12 12:02 auto_snap Beam Currents - detailed snapshot
366682 03/16/12 11:57 jmaxwell [Target] Entry Finished
366681 03/16/12 11:44 adev Start_Run_40384,Run_type=Cosmics,target_type=empty,comment_text=cosmics
366680 03/16/12 11:28 brads GEp/G2p status update and Run Plan sketch -- Friday
366679 03/16/12 11:23 jmaxwell [Target] Opportunistic Entry For NMR Tune, uWave Mixer
366678 03/16/12 11:22 a-onl Start_Run_22301,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=tungsten calorimeter run
366677 03/16/12 11:22 a-onl Start_Run_22300,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=tungsten calorimeter run
366676 03/16/12 11:22 a-onl Start_Run_22302,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=tungsten calorimeter run
366675 03/16/12 11:22 a-onl Start_Run_22303,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=tungsten calorimeter run
366674 03/16/12 11:19 a-onl End_of_Run_22300
366672 03/16/12 11:19 a-onl End_of_Run_22302
366671 03/16/12 11:19 a-onl End_of_Run_22303
366670 03/16/12 11:05 jmaxwell [Target] TE Cup Position
366669 03/16/12 11:00 a-onl Start_Run_22298,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=tungsten calorimeter run
366668 03/16/12 11:00 a-onl Start_Run_22299,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=tungsten calorimeter run
366667 03/16/12 10:59 a-onl End_of_Run_22299
366666 03/16/12 10:59 a-onl End_of_Run_22298
366665 03/16/12 10:56 brads Accelerator down for ~4 hours
366664 03/16/12 10:42 Chao Mapping in db_hel.dat
366663 03/16/12 09:35 D. Keller [Target] TEs and first g2p polarization
366662 03/16/12 09:26 gilman controlled access
366661 03/16/12 09:08 a-onl End_of_Run_3218
366659 03/16/12 09:08 a-onl End_of_Run_22297
366658 03/16/12 08:44 brads Trigger rate anomolies
366657 03/16/12 08:40 a-onl Start_Run_22297,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=tungsten calorimeter run
366656 03/16/12 08:39 a-onl Start_Run_3218,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=tungsten calorimeter run
366655 03/16/12 08:38 adev Start_Run_40383,Run_type=Calibration,target_type=empty,comment_text=tungsten calorimeter run
366654 03/16/12 08:36 a-onl End_of_Run_3217
366653 03/16/12 08:00 pzhu lumi detector
366652 03/16/12 07:56 R. Zielinski Owl Shift Summary
366651 03/16/12 06:53 pzhu slow raster size calibration
366650 03/16/12 06:29 pzhu center beam position check for g2p production run
366649 03/16/12 06:28 R. Zielinski RHRS Scaler/Rate oddity
366648 03/16/12 06:17 a-onl Start_Run_3217,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=beam position check, target position 4002622,1.1V SR,beam posA(1,2),100nA
366647 03/16/12 06:02 a-onl End_of_Run_3216
366646 03/16/12 06:02 a-onl End_of_Run_22296
366645 03/16/12 05:58 a-onl Start_Run_22296,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=beam position check, target position 4002622,1.1V SR,beam posA(1,2)
366644 03/16/12 05:58 a-onl Start_Run_3216,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=beam position check, target position 4002622,1.1V SR,beam posA(1,2)
366643 03/16/12 05:56 a-onl End_of_Run_3215
366642 03/16/12 05:55 a-onl End_of_Run_22295
366641 03/16/12 05:45 a-onl Start_Run_22295,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=beam position check, target position 3952940,1.1V SR,beam posA(1,2)
366640 03/16/12 05:45 a-onl Start_Run_3215,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=beam position check, target position 3952940,1.1V SR,beam posA(1,2)
366639 03/16/12 05:32 a-onl End_of_Run_3214
366638 03/16/12 05:32 a-onl End_of_Run_22294
366637 03/16/12 05:26 a-onl Start_Run_22294,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=beam position check, target position 4016837,1.1V SR,beam posA(1,2)
366636 03/16/12 05:26 a-onl Start_Run_3214,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=beam position check, target position 4016837,1.1V SR,beam posA(1,2)
366635 03/16/12 05:22 a-onl End_of_Run_22293
366634 03/16/12 05:13 a-onl End_of_Run_3213
366633 03/16/12 05:11 a-onl Start_Run_22293,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=beam position check, target position 4091425,1.3V SR,beam posA(1,2)
366632 03/16/12 05:11 a-onl Start_Run_3213,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=beam position check, target position 4091425,1.3V SR,beam posA(1,2)
366631 03/16/12 05:09 a-onl End_of_Run_22292
366630 03/16/12 05:06 R. Zielinski Pengjia trying to center beam on target
366629 03/16/12 05:02 a-onl End_of_Run_3212
366628 03/16/12 04:57 a-onl Start_Run_22292,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=beam position check, target position 3942550,1.3V SR,beam posA(1,2)
366627 03/16/12 04:57 a-onl Start_Run_3212,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=beam position check, target position 3942550,1.3V SR,beam posA(1,2)
366626 03/16/12 04:55 a-onl End_of_Run_22291
366625 03/16/12 04:46 R. Zielinski Hall C changing Half-Wave Plate IHWP to OUT
366624 03/16/12 04:42 a-onl End_of_Run_3211
366623 03/16/12 04:42 a-onl Start_Run_22291,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=beam position check, target position 3942550,1.3V SR,beam pos(2,4)
366622 03/16/12 04:42 a-onl Start_Run_3211,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=beam position check, target position 3942550,1.3V SR,beam pos(2,4)
366621 03/16/12 04:40 a-onl End_of_Run_22290
366619 03/16/12 04:32 a-onl Start_Run_3210,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=beam position check, target position 3942550,1.3V SR
366618 03/16/12 04:30 a-onl End_of_Run_3209
366617 03/16/12 04:27 a-onl Start_Run_22290,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=beam position check, target position 3942550,1.3V SR ()
366616 03/16/12 04:26 a-onl Start_Run_3209,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=beam position check, target position 3942550,1.3V SR
366615 03/16/12 04:23 pzhu changed the septum to 718.1A
366614 03/16/12 04:14 a-onl End_of_Run_22289
366613 03/16/12 04:11 a-onl Start_Run_22289,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=beam position check, target position 3942550
366612 03/16/12 04:11 a-onl Start_Run_3208,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=beam position check, target position 3942550
366611 03/16/12 04:11 a-onl End_of_Run_3208
366610 03/16/12 04:08 R. Zielinski MCC sending beam now
366609 03/16/12 04:07 R. Zielinski VDC's ramped back up
366608 03/16/12 04:07 a-onl End_of_Run_22288
366607 03/16/12 04:07 a-onl End_of_Run_3207
366606 03/16/12 04:06 hkkang scaler info 22288(R) 3207(L)
366605 03/16/12 04:05 a-onl Start_Run_22288,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=beam position check
366604 03/16/12 04:04 a-onl Start_Run_22287,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=DAQ test T1=(S1||S2) ps1=1
366603 03/16/12 04:04 a-onl Start_Run_3207,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=beam position check
366602 03/16/12 04:04 a-onl Start_Run_3206,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=DAQ test
366601 03/16/12 04:02 a-onl End_of_Run_22287
366600 03/16/12 04:02 a-onl End_of_Run_3206
359393 03/16/12 04:01 auto_snap Spectrometer Magnet Settings snapshot
359392 03/16/12 04:01 auto_snap Hall A Tools snapshot
359391 03/16/12 04:01 auto_snap Hall A Status snapshot
359390 03/16/12 04:01 auto_snap Beam Position and Current snapshot
359389 03/16/12 04:01 auto_snap Beam Currents - detailed snapshot
366599 03/16/12 03:35 R. Zielinski Ramping down VDCs as precaution for 1ua beam
366598 03/16/12 02:34 R. Zielinski Still waiting on MCC to tune beam
366597 03/15/12 23:58 yawei swing shift summary
366596 03/15/12 23:34 yawei Hall C changed the half wave plate
366595 03/15/12 22:52 yawei MCC informing beam off for 20mins
366594 03/15/12 22:35 friedman 90 degrees asymmetry uncertainty
366593 03/15/12 22:07 yawei MCC starting to tune beam!
366592 03/15/12 21:16 yawei Hall A tools
366591 03/15/12 20:48 pzhu BCM calibration for third arm by using one point
366590 03/15/12 20:25 yuxiang [target]
359388 03/15/12 20:01 auto_snap Spectrometer Magnet Settings snapshot
359387 03/15/12 20:01 auto_snap Hall A Tools snapshot
359386 03/15/12 20:01 auto_snap Hall A Status snapshot
359385 03/15/12 20:01 auto_snap Beam Position and Current snapshot
359384 03/15/12 20:01 auto_snap Beam Currents - detailed snapshot
366589 03/15/12 19:21 V. Sulkosky/ Cosmics Runs During Today's Access
366588 03/15/12 19:17 T. Badman [Target] magnet ramped to 2.5T
366587 03/15/12 19:07 yuxiang zhao [target]ramp up target magnet at 7pm
366586 03/15/12 19:04 brads Requested that we go to Power Permit -- we're ready for beam
366585 03/15/12 19:03 jmaxwell [Target] Buffer Dewar Valve Work Finished
366584 03/15/12 18:59 V. Sulkosky/ RHRS Deadtime and DAQ Changes
366583 03/15/12 18:57 yawei Septa fields on
366582 03/15/12 18:35 brads GEp/G2p status update -- Thursday
366581 03/15/12 18:16 pzhu sieve is out
366580 03/15/12 18:00 yawei LHRS VDC HV trip
366579 03/15/12 17:48 pzhu BCM calibration for left and right arm by using one point
366578 03/15/12 17:21 Folts fence /tech
366577 03/15/12 16:44 yawei bring back LHRS Q2
366576 03/15/12 16:25 yawei LHRS Q2 trip
366575 03/15/12 16:07 Fansler Cryo
366574 03/15/12 15:59 gilman day shift summary
366573 03/15/12 15:50 T. Badman start/end of run epics reporting updated
366572 03/15/12 15:34 a-onl Start_Run_22284,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=DAQ test T1=(S1||S2) ps1=2
366571 03/15/12 15:24 a-onl End_of_Run_22286
366570 03/15/12 15:20 a-onl Start_Run_22286,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=DAQ test T1=(S1||S2) ps1=1
366569 03/15/12 15:18 a-onl End_of_Run_22285
366568 03/15/12 15:16 a-onl Start_Run_22285,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=DAQ test T1=(S1||S2) ps1=1
366567 03/15/12 15:14 a-onl End_of_Run_22284
366566 03/15/12 15:05 a-onl End_of_Run_22283
366565 03/15/12 15:05 a-onl Start_Run_22283,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=DAQ test T1=(S1||S2)
366564 03/15/12 15:01 a-onl End_of_Run_22282
366563 03/15/12 14:51 a-onl Start_Run_22282,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=DAQ test T1 and T2
366562 03/15/12 14:50 a-onl End_of_Run_22281
366561 03/15/12 14:37 a-onl Start_Run_22281,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=DAQ test T1
366560 03/15/12 14:36 a-onl End_of_Run_22280
366559 03/15/12 14:36 a-onl Start_Run_22280,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=DAQ test T1
366558 03/15/12 14:23 jmaxwell [Target] Mixer Replaced with Dump
366557 03/15/12 14:07 gilman Q1's trip
366556 03/15/12 13:59 kamyers [Target] magnet level ok
366555 03/15/12 13:48 kamyers [Target] magnet level starting to come down
366554 03/15/12 13:43 Fansler Hall A Q1's
359383 03/15/12 12:00 auto_snap Spectrometer Magnet Settings snapshot
359382 03/15/12 12:00 auto_snap Hall A Tools snapshot
359381 03/15/12 12:00 auto_snap Hall A Status snapshot
359380 03/15/12 12:00 auto_snap Beam Position and Current snapshot
359379 03/15/12 12:00 auto_snap Beam Currents - detailed snapshot
366553 03/15/12 11:41 jmaxwell [Target] uWave Mixer & Valve Actuator Removed
366552 03/15/12 11:17 brads Hot Spot on HA Septum Magnet exit line
366551 03/15/12 11:07 kamyers [Target] Buffer dewer level
366550 03/15/12 10:58 gilman GenTools for shift checklist
366549 03/15/12 10:49 brads Hall Survey from this morning and yesterday
366548 03/15/12 10:27 brads Target group will be replacing encoder on Dewar valve
366547 03/15/12 10:20 folts gate access
359378 03/15/12 09:39 auto_snap Spectrometer Magnet Settings snapshot
359377 03/15/12 09:39 auto_snap Hall A Tools snapshot
359376 03/15/12 09:39 auto_snap Hall A Status snapshot
359375 03/15/12 09:39 auto_snap Beam Position and Current snapshot
359374 03/15/12 09:39 auto_snap Beam Currents - detailed snapshot
366546 03/15/12 09:10 brads Hall moving to controlled access
366545 03/15/12 09:01 kamyers [Target] Magnet ramped to zero
366544 03/15/12 08:43 gilman ramping septa magnets down
366543 03/15/12 08:05 M. Cummings Owl Shift Summary
366542 03/15/12 07:18 M. Cummings Hall C changed IHWP to IN
366541 03/15/12 04:03 M. Cummings Hall C moved IHWP2 (passive) to IN
366540 03/15/12 03:31 D. Keller [Target] supply valve
366539 03/15/12 02:19 M. Cummings MCC still tuning beam
366538 03/15/12 01:52 D. Keller [Target] New Baseline
366537 03/15/12 01:06 M. Cummings Hall C changed IHWP to OUT - alarm worked
366536 03/15/12 00:31 M. Cummings MCC sending tune beam
366535 03/15/12 00:30 a-onl Start_Run_3205,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=DAQ test
366534 03/15/12 00:30 a-onl Start_Run_22279,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=DAQ test
366533 03/15/12 00:30 a-onl End_of_Run_3205
366532 03/15/12 00:30 a-onl End_of_Run_22279
366531 03/15/12 00:19 M. Cummings Hall A Tools
366530 03/15/12 00:19 a-onl Start_Run_22278,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=DAQ test
366529 03/15/12 00:18 a-onl Start_Run_3204,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=DAQ test
366528 03/15/12 00:14 a-onl End_of_Run_22278
366527 03/15/12 00:14 a-onl End_of_Run_3204
366526 03/15/12 00:13 gilman no beam - MCC reports FSD/software issues
366525 03/15/12 00:10 a-onl End_of_Run_22277
366524 03/15/12 00:10 a-onl End_of_Run_3203
366523 03/15/12 00:08 a-onl End_of_Run_3202
366522 03/15/12 00:08 a-onl End_of_Run_22276
366521 03/15/12 00:00 gilman swing shift summary
366520 03/14/12 23:17 gilman controlled access
366519 03/14/12 23:03 jmaxwell [Target] Buffer Transfer Valve Controlled Access
366518 03/14/12 22:29 gilman gen tools for shift checklist
366517 03/14/12 21:56 T. Badman [Target] TE result correction
366516 03/14/12 21:50 T. Badman [Target] TE results
366515 03/14/12 21:34 Folts VESDA alarm/tech
366514 03/14/12 21:09 Chao 3rd arm helicity signal is back
366513 03/14/12 21:01 adev End_of_Run_40382
366512 03/14/12 21:00 adev Start_Run_40382,Run_type=DAQ Check,target_type=empty,comment_text=pulser trigger 250Hz
366511 03/14/12 20:59 adev End_of_Run_40381
366510 03/14/12 20:58 adev Start_Run_40381,Run_type=DAQ Check,target_type=empty,comment_text=pulser trigger 1kHz
366509 03/14/12 20:57 adev End_of_Run_40380
366508 03/14/12 20:57 adev Start_Run_40380,Run_type=DAQ Check,target_type=empty,comment_text=pulser trigger 1kHz
366507 03/14/12 20:37 A. Camsonne Error in BCM calibration constant for lastr night runs
366506 03/14/12 20:36 gilman controlled access requested
366505 03/14/12 20:25 T. Badman [Target] magnet dewar valve completely open
366504 03/14/12 20:01 a-onl End_of_Run_3201
366503 03/14/12 20:01 a-onl End_of_Run_22275
366502 03/14/12 19:29 a-onl Start_Run_22275,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=DAQ test
366500 03/14/12 18:52 Chao 3rd arm Helicity signal do not work
366499 03/14/12 18:34 brads Updates to alarm handler -- new HALFWAVE-PLATE_1
366498 03/14/12 18:24 gilman septa tripped
366497 03/14/12 18:15 gilman iochla crashed again
366496 03/14/12 18:10 gilman septa tripped during tuning
366495 03/14/12 17:55 yawei target->home
366494 03/14/12 17:37 adev End_of_Run_40379
366493 03/14/12 17:36 adev Start_Run_40379,Run_type=DAQ Check,target_type=empty,comment_text=pulser trigger 1kHz
366492 03/14/12 17:35 brads Updated firefox profiles on adaq cluster
366491 03/14/12 16:55 gilman mcc needs controlled access
366490 03/14/12 16:36 yawei target magnet ramped up to 2.51T.
366489 03/14/12 16:12 Jixie Zhang Sieve is out
366488 03/14/12 16:10 A. Camsonne BCM receiver slope updated
366487 03/14/12 16:06 Punjabi shift summary
366486 03/14/12 16:02 a-onl Start_Run_22274,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=database test
366485 03/14/12 16:01 a-onl End_of_Run_22274
366484 03/14/12 15:52 a-onl Start_Run_22273,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=database test
366483 03/14/12 15:52 a-onl Start_Run_3200,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=database test
366482 03/14/12 15:51 a-onl End_of_Run_22273
366481 03/14/12 15:51 a-onl End_of_Run_3200
366480 03/14/12 15:40 Jixie Set both HRS to 2.228, septa are already ramped up
366479 03/14/12 13:40 Fansler Checklist
366478 03/14/12 12:54 marble Hall A Venting and Pumpdown Of Beam line between Experiment Runs
366477 03/14/12 12:00 brads G2p/GEp Status update -- Wednesday
366476 03/14/12 11:40 R. Michaels auto ABU to use IBC1H00BCMAVG
366474 03/14/12 09:58 mhuang/chao Straight through optics summary
366473 03/14/12 09:55 Ole Hansen Optics done, asking for access
366472 03/14/12 09:53 a-onl End_of_Run_22272
366471 03/14/12 09:53 a-onl End_of_Run_3199
366470 03/14/12 09:47 a-onl Start_Run_3199,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=pointing, dp=0%, LHe in
366469 03/14/12 09:47 Ole Hansen Hall A Tools snapshot
366468 03/14/12 09:45 a-onl Start_Run_22272,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=pointing, dp= 0%, LHe in
366467 03/14/12 09:45 a-onl End_of_Run_3198
366466 03/14/12 09:43 a-onl End_of_Run_22271
366465 03/14/12 09:43 Chao Scaler screenshot for pointing study
366464 03/14/12 09:37 Ole Hansen BEam stripchart
366463 03/14/12 09:33 a-onl Start_Run_22271,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=pointing, dp= 0%, LHe in
366462 03/14/12 09:33 a-onl Start_Run_3198,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=pointing, dp=0%, LHe in
366461 03/14/12 09:31 Ole Hansen Current stripchart
366460 03/14/12 09:31 Ole Hansen Run 3197 is junk
366459 03/14/12 09:31 a-onl Start_Run_22270,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=pointing, dp= 0%, LHe in
366458 03/14/12 09:31 a-onl Start_Run_3197,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=pointing, dp=0%, LHe in
366457 03/14/12 09:30 a-onl End_of_Run_3197
366456 03/14/12 09:30 a-onl End_of_Run_22270
366455 03/14/12 09:29 Ole Hansen Doing pointing runs now
366454 03/14/12 09:28 a-onl End_of_Run_3196
366453 03/14/12 09:28 a-onl End_of_Run_22269
366452 03/14/12 09:25 a-onl Start_Run_3196,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=faster raster on, dp=0%, filling LHe
366451 03/14/12 09:24 Ole Hansen Magnet current stripcharts
366450 03/14/12 09:23 yuxiang zhao [target] fill the LHe into the nose at 9:200
366449 03/14/12 09:23 a-onl End_of_Run_3195
366448 03/14/12 09:23 Ole Hansen hacsbc2 time is off
366447 03/14/12 09:22 a-onl Start_Run_22269,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=faster raster on, dp= 0%, filling LHe
366446 03/14/12 09:19 a-onl End_of_Run_22268
366445 03/14/12 09:18 Ole Hansen Hall C HWP change
366444 03/14/12 09:17 Ole Hansen spot_L 3rd screen
366443 03/14/12 09:17 Ole Hansen spot_L
366442 03/14/12 09:14 Ole Hansen Septa curret snapshots
366441 03/14/12 09:14 a-onl Start_Run_22268,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=faster raster on, dp= 0%
366440 03/14/12 09:14 Ole Hansen Hall A tools snapshot
366439 03/14/12 09:13 a-onl Start_Run_3195,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=faster raster on, dp=0%
366438 03/14/12 09:13 Ole Hansen Fast raster on
366437 03/14/12 09:08 Ole Hansen LHRS to 0%
366436 03/14/12 09:04 a-onl End_of_Run_3194
366435 03/14/12 09:04 Ole Hansen Run plan
366434 03/14/12 08:59 Ole Hansen Septa stripchart
366433 03/14/12 08:59 mhuang scaler screen 3194 4%
366432 03/14/12 08:57 a-onl Start_Run_3194,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=no LHe, dp=4%
366431 03/14/12 08:55 Ole Hansen Left septum trip
366430 03/14/12 08:55 a-onl End_of_Run_3193
366429 03/14/12 08:50 a-onl Start_Run_3193,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=no LHe, dp=4%
366428 03/14/12 08:48 a-onl End_of_Run_3192
366427 03/14/12 08:41 a-onl Start_Run_3192,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=no LHe, dp=4%
366426 03/14/12 08:41 Ole Hansen Septa current snapshots
366425 03/14/12 08:40 Ole Hansen Hall A tools snapshot
366424 03/14/12 08:36 Ole Hansen LHRS to +4%
366423 03/14/12 08:36 Chao run 22266 dp is 3.5%
366422 03/14/12 08:36 a-onl End_of_Run_3191
366421 03/14/12 08:34 Chao Scaler snapshot LHRS delta 3%
366420 03/14/12 08:30 Ole Hansen Cycle RHRS quads
366419 03/14/12 08:28 Ole Hansen RHRS septum to 725.4A
366418 03/14/12 08:28 a-onl Start_Run_3191,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=no LHe, dp=3%
366417 03/14/12 08:28 Ole Hansen RHRS to 0%
366416 03/14/12 08:27 a-onl End_of_Run_3190
366415 03/14/12 08:25 a-onl End_of_Run_22267
366413 03/14/12 08:24 Ole Hansen Hall A Tools snapshot
366412 03/14/12 08:23 Ole Hansen Septa history
366411 03/14/12 08:23 Ole Hansen Septum screen snapshots +3%
366410 03/14/12 08:20 a-onl Start_Run_3190,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=no LHe, dp=3%
366409 03/14/12 08:19 Ole Hansen Run 3189 is junk
366408 03/14/12 08:18 a-onl End_of_Run_3189
366407 03/14/12 08:16 mhuang scaler snapshot 3% 3189
366406 03/14/12 08:15 a-onl Start_Run_3189,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=no LHe, dp=3%
366405 03/14/12 08:12 Ole Hansen Left HRS to +3%
366404 03/14/12 08:10 a-onl Start_Run_22267,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=no LHe, dp=3.5%
366403 03/14/12 08:10 gilman shift summary
366402 03/14/12 08:09 a-onl End_of_Run_3188
366401 03/14/12 08:08 a-onl End_of_Run_22266
366400 03/14/12 08:07 mhuang scaler snapshot 3188 2%|22266 3.5%
366399 03/14/12 08:02 a-onl Start_Run_22266,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=no LHe, dp=2%
366398 03/14/12 08:02 a-onl Start_Run_3188,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=no LHe, dp=2%
366397 03/14/12 08:02 adev End_of_Run_40378
366396 03/14/12 08:00 a-onl End_of_Run_3187
366395 03/14/12 07:59 gilman spot++
366394 03/14/12 07:52 gilman left arm to 2%.
366393 03/14/12 07:52 a-onl Start_Run_3187,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=no LHe, dp=2%
366392 03/14/12 07:47 a-onl End_of_Run_3186
366391 03/14/12 07:38 a-onl Start_Run_3186,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=no LHe, dp=0%
366390 03/14/12 07:36 a-onl End_of_Run_3185
366389 03/14/12 07:36 a-onl End_of_Run_22265
366388 03/14/12 07:30 Chao Scaler snapshot for left arm delta 0%
366387 03/14/12 07:29 gilman right arm not quite settled
366386 03/14/12 07:28 a-onl Start_Run_3185,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=no LHe, dp=0%
366385 03/14/12 07:27 gilman left arm to 0%
366384 03/14/12 07:25 a-onl Start_Run_22265,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=no LHe, dp=2%
366383 03/14/12 07:24 a-onl End_of_Run_22264
366382 03/14/12 07:23 hkkang RHRS scaler
366381 03/14/12 07:21 a-onl End_of_Run_3184
366380 03/14/12 07:18 a-onl Start_Run_22264,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=no LHe, dp=2%
366379 03/14/12 07:17 gilman right arm to 2%
366378 03/14/12 07:11 a-onl Start_Run_3184,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=no LHe, dp=-2%
366377 03/14/12 07:09 a-onl End_of_Run_3183
366376 03/14/12 07:03 mhuang scaler snapshot,3183,-2%
366375 03/14/12 06:57 a-onl Start_Run_3183,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=no LHe, dp=-2%
366374 03/14/12 06:57 adev Start_Run_40378,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon,comment_text=dE=-250mV E=-150mV
366373 03/14/12 06:56 adev End_of_Run_40377
366372 03/14/12 06:56 gilman hrs-left to -2%
366371 03/14/12 06:51 a-onl End_of_Run_3182
366370 03/14/12 06:50 mhuang scaler snapshot, left dp=-3%,3182
366369 03/14/12 06:44 adev Start_Run_40377,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon,comment_text=dE=-250mV E=-150mV
366368 03/14/12 06:41 a-onl End_of_Run_22263
366367 03/14/12 06:36 a-onl Start_Run_22263,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=no LHe, dp=0%
366366 03/14/12 06:34 a-onl End_of_Run_22262
366365 03/14/12 06:33 a-onl Start_Run_3182,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=no LHe, dp=-3%
366364 03/14/12 06:32 mhuang Because left septum tripped
366363 03/14/12 06:31 a-onl End_of_Run_3181
366362 03/14/12 06:30 jixie left septum tripped! please watch a strip chart!
366361 03/14/12 06:29 a-onl Start_Run_22262,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=no LHe, dp=0%
366360 03/14/12 06:28 gilman right arm at 0%
366359 03/14/12 06:19 adaq beam check for carbon optics
366358 03/14/12 06:18 a-onl Start_Run_3181,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=no LHe, dp=-3%
366357 03/14/12 06:17 gilman hrs-left septum had tripped
366356 03/14/12 06:14 a-onl End_of_Run_3180
366355 03/14/12 06:12 a-onl Start_Run_3180,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=no LHe, dp=-3%
366354 03/14/12 06:10 a-onl End_of_Run_3179
366353 03/14/12 06:04 mhuang LHRS rates an order lower than RHRS?
366352 03/14/12 06:00 a-onl End_of_Run_22261
366351 03/14/12 05:55 a-onl Start_Run_22261,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=no LHe, dp=-2%
366350 03/14/12 05:54 mhuang RHRS shows similar pattern
366349 03/14/12 05:53 a-onl End_of_Run_22260
366348 03/14/12 05:49 gilman left arm to -3%
366347 03/14/12 05:49 a-onl Start_Run_22260,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=no LHe, dp=-2%
366346 03/14/12 05:48 mhuang large negative Vz<-->large momentum events
366345 03/14/12 05:47 gilman right arm set to -2%
366344 03/14/12 05:39 gilman left arm changed to -3%
366343 03/14/12 05:38 Chao Scaler snapshot for left arm delta -3%
366342 03/14/12 05:37 a-onl Start_Run_3179,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=no LHe, dp=-3%
366341 03/14/12 05:35 Jixie It looks like cosmic rates. The beam might be tripped when taking snapshot.
366340 03/14/12 05:32 a-onl End_of_Run_3178
366339 03/14/12 05:17 a-onl End_of_Run_22259
366338 03/14/12 05:14 a-onl Start_Run_3178,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=no LHe, dp=-4%
366337 03/14/12 05:12 a-onl End_of_Run_3177
366336 03/14/12 05:10 a-onl Start_Run_22259,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=no LHe, dp=-3.5%
366335 03/14/12 05:08 a-onl End_of_Run_22258
366334 03/14/12 05:07 pzhu harp scan done
366333 03/14/12 05:02 a-onl Start_Run_22258,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=no LHe, dp=-3.5%
366332 03/14/12 05:02 a-onl Start_Run_3177,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=no LHe, dp=-4%
366331 03/14/12 04:59 a-onl End_of_Run_3176
366330 03/14/12 04:59 a-onl End_of_Run_22257
366329 03/14/12 04:57 a-onl Start_Run_22257,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=position check
366328 03/14/12 04:57 a-onl Start_Run_3176,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=position check
366327 03/14/12 04:56 pzhu rate:position 0 0
366326 03/14/12 04:55 a-onl End_of_Run_3175
366325 03/14/12 04:55 a-onl End_of_Run_22256
366324 03/14/12 04:54 Chao left delta to -4% right delta to -3.5%
366323 03/14/12 04:49 a-onl Start_Run_3175,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=bpm calibration(-4,0)
366322 03/14/12 04:48 a-onl Start_Run_22256,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=bpm calibtation(-4,0)
366321 03/14/12 04:48 pzhu rate position -4+0
366320 03/14/12 04:46 adev End_of_Run_40376
366319 03/14/12 04:44 a-onl End_of_Run_3174
366318 03/14/12 04:44 a-onl End_of_Run_22255
366317 03/14/12 04:37 pzhu rate,+0+4
366316 03/14/12 04:37 a-onl Start_Run_22255,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=bpm calibtation(0,+4),dp=-3.5%
366315 03/14/12 04:37 a-onl Start_Run_3174,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=bpm calibration(0,+4),optics dp=-4%
366314 03/14/12 04:30 mhuang LHRS p0 moving back to -4% 2.341Gev
366313 03/14/12 04:28 Markowitz target nose emptied
366312 03/14/12 04:20 a-onl End_of_Run_22254
366311 03/14/12 04:20 a-onl End_of_Run_3173
366310 03/14/12 04:19 hkkang scaler screenshot
366309 03/14/12 04:18 Min/Chao LHRS 0% sieve pattern
366308 03/14/12 04:16 gilman Hall C changing have wave plate
366307 03/14/12 04:07 mhuang LHRS same setting run from first day optics
366306 03/14/12 04:07 adev Start_Run_40376,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon,comment_text=dE=-250mV E=-150mV
366305 03/14/12 04:06 a-onl Start_Run_3173,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=bpm calibration(+4,0),optics dp=0
366304 03/14/12 04:06 a-onl Start_Run_22254,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=bpm calibtation(+4,0),dp same as last run
366303 03/14/12 04:05 pzhu +4+0 rate, dp=0
366301 03/14/12 04:04 a-onl Start_Run_3172,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=bpm calibration(+4,0)
366300 03/14/12 04:04 a-onl Start_Run_22253,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=bpm calibtation(+4,0)
366299 03/14/12 04:03 a-onl End_of_Run_3172
366298 03/14/12 04:03 a-onl End_of_Run_22253
366297 03/14/12 03:53 mhuang LHRS weird large momentum events
366296 03/14/12 03:50 a-onl End_of_Run_3171
366294 03/14/12 03:49 a-onl Start_Run_22252,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=beam position check
366293 03/14/12 03:48 a-onl Start_Run_3171,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=beam position check
366292 03/14/12 03:48 a-onl Start_Run_22251,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=junk
366291 03/14/12 03:48 a-onl Start_Run_3170,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=junk
366290 03/14/12 03:46 a-onl End_of_Run_3170
366289 03/14/12 03:46 a-onl End_of_Run_22251
366288 03/14/12 03:43 a-onl End_of_Run_3169
366287 03/14/12 03:43 a-onl End_of_Run_22250
366286 03/14/12 03:26 adev End_of_Run_40375
366285 03/14/12 03:25 adev Start_Run_40375,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon,comment_text=dE=-50mV E=-50mV
366284 03/14/12 03:22 a-onl Start_Run_3169,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=BPM calibration(00),optics delta scan -4% with LHe
366283 03/14/12 03:22 a-onl Start_Run_22250,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=BPM calibration(00),optics delta scan -3.5% with LHe
366282 03/14/12 03:16 Markowitz Moving target to 12C
366281 03/14/12 03:06 jmaxwell [Target] Buffer Dewar Valve Error Access
366280 03/14/12 02:27 A. Camsonne HARP scan 1H05A 5 uA looks good
366279 03/14/12 02:17 Markowitz [Target] Dewar buffer valve stuck open
366278 03/14/12 01:51 T. Badman modified end of run
366277 03/14/12 01:35 mhuang HRS p0 and septa currents change
366276 03/14/12 01:23 gilman shut valve
366275 03/14/12 01:19 a-onl Start_Run_3168,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=end of run debugging
366274 03/14/12 01:19 a-onl End_of_Run_3168
366273 03/14/12 00:46 a-onl End_of_Run_3167
366272 03/14/12 00:46 a-onl End_of_Run_3167
366271 03/14/12 00:44 friedman gep optics
366270 03/14/12 00:43 a-onl End_of_Run_3167
366269 03/14/12 00:42 a-onl End_of_Run_3167
366268 03/14/12 00:39 a-onl End_of_Run_3167
366267 03/14/12 00:38 a-onl End_of_Run_3167
366266 03/14/12 00:24 A. Camsonne rebooted iochacp2
366265 03/14/12 00:21 a-onl End_of_Run_3167
366264 03/14/12 00:21 a-onl End_of_Run_3167
366263 03/14/12 00:10 a-onl End_of_Run_3167
366262 03/14/12 00:00 kamyers swing shift summary
366261 03/13/12 23:57 kamyers Alexandre and Brad on the way in to address issue
366260 03/13/12 23:52 brads Compton electron detector should have been permanently masked?
366259 03/13/12 23:15 kamyers Compton electron detector FSD issue, appears to be IOC problem
366257 03/13/12 22:47 kamyers MCC sending tune beam
366256 03/13/12 22:44 kamyers IHWP is OUT
366255 03/13/12 22:20 A. Camsonne BCM receiver slope updated
366254 03/13/12 22:17 kamyers Problem with power supply card, will not be fixed tonight
366253 03/13/12 22:09 kamyers/kell [Target] target field on Wall reading 1.3 Tesla, but power supply is off
366252 03/13/12 21:54 A. Camsonne Scaler BCM rough calibration right arm
366251 03/13/12 21:53 A. Camsonne Scaler BCM rough calibration right arm
366250 03/13/12 21:19 kamyers septa to 725.4
366249 03/13/12 21:09 kamyers Momentum at 2.251 GeV
366248 03/13/12 20:46 kamyers problem degaussing the FZ magnets, expert on the way in
366247 03/13/12 20:41 kamyers (techs) LN2 level drop and recovery for left Q2
366246 03/13/12 20:19 kamyers Going to beam permit, but may be a while for beam
366245 03/13/12 19:46 jmaxwell [Target] New Shielding for Bunker
366244 03/13/12 19:27 R. Zielinski mysql Run Database for gep/g2p
366243 03/13/12 19:25 mhuang Sieve IN
366242 03/13/12 19:25 Kalyan/Chao Third arm HV moved to hatsv5 slot1
366241 03/13/12 19:02 pzhu attenuator for slow raster ADC changed
366240 03/13/12 18:57 adev End_of_Run_40374
366239 03/13/12 18:57 adev Start_Run_40374,Run_type=Calibration,target_type=empty,comment_text=DAQ test
366238 03/13/12 18:51 adev End_of_Run_40373
366237 03/13/12 18:51 adev Start_Run_40373,Run_type=Calibration,target_type=empty,comment_text=DAQ test
366236 03/13/12 18:46 M. Cummings Shift worker instructions for RHRS deadtime issues
366235 03/13/12 18:46 kamyers Hall is now in Controlled Access
366234 03/13/12 18:29 pzhu BPM ADC saturated for yesterday run 3152
366233 03/13/12 18:06 kamyers Hall A General Tools
366232 03/13/12 17:59 Kalyan Beamline HV crate replaced
366231 03/13/12 17:46 kamyers Going to Controlled Access
366230 03/13/12 16:43 S. Sirca Cryo levels in HRSL and HRSR
366229 03/13/12 16:24 Fansler RD1
366228 03/13/12 16:11 Fansler Checklist
366227 03/13/12 16:09 gilman day shift
366226 03/13/12 16:01 jmaxwell [Target] Polarization Loss Due to Magnet Current Ramp Down
366225 03/13/12 15:48 adev End_of_Run_40372
366224 03/13/12 15:47 adev Start_Run_40372,Run_type=Calibration,target_type=empty,comment_text=DAQ test
366223 03/13/12 15:44 adev End_of_Run_40371
366222 03/13/12 15:44 adev Start_Run_40371,Run_type=Calibration,target_type=empty,comment_text=DAQ test
366221 03/13/12 15:40 Kalyan Turning off HV GUI to add a test crate
366220 03/13/12 15:33 adev End_of_Run_40370
366219 03/13/12 15:33 adev Start_Run_40370,Run_type=Calibration,target_type=empty,comment_text=DAQ test
366218 03/13/12 14:43 a-onl End_of_Run_22249
366217 03/13/12 13:48 a-onl Start_Run_22248,Run_type=Production,target_type=empty,comment_text=DAQ Check
366216 03/13/12 13:46 a-onl End_of_Run_22248
366215 03/13/12 13:39 a-onl Start_Run_3167,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=DAQ Check
366214 03/13/12 13:39 a-onl End_of_Run_3167
366213 03/13/12 12:31 brads re: changed attenuate for BPM and raster
366212 03/13/12 11:35 pzhu changed attenuate for BPM and raster,connected helicity to ADC
366211 03/13/12 10:53 marble Hall A Venting and Pumpdown Of Beam line between Experiment Runs
366210 03/13/12 10:50 marble Hall A Venting and Pumpdown Of Beam line between Experiment Runs
366209 03/13/12 10:50 a-onl Start_Run_22247,Run_type=Production,target_type=empty,comment_text=bpm check
366208 03/13/12 10:49 a-onl End_of_Run_22247
366207 03/13/12 10:40 a-onl End_of_Run_22246
366206 03/13/12 10:39 a-onl Start_Run_22246,Run_type=Production,target_type=empty,comment_text=bpm check
366205 03/13/12 09:41 a-onl End_of_Run_3166
366204 03/13/12 09:40 a-onl Start_Run_3166,Run_type=Production,target_type=empty,comment_text=bpm check
366203 03/13/12 09:15 a-onl End_of_Run_3165
366202 03/13/12 09:14 a-onl Start_Run_3165,Run_type=Production,target_type=empty,comment_text=bpm check
366201 03/13/12 09:10 a-onl Start_Run_3164,Run_type=Production,target_type=empty,comment_text=bpm check
366200 03/13/12 08:51 jmaxwell [Target] Buffer Dewar Valve Closed
366199 03/13/12 08:35 jmaxwell [Target] Magnet Ramped Down, Leads Locked
366198 03/13/12 08:09 M. Cummings Owl Shift Summary
366197 03/13/12 07:57 a-onl End_of_Run_3163
366196 03/13/12 07:57 a-onl Start_Run_3163,Run_type=Production,target_type=empty,comment_text=bpm check
366195 03/13/12 07:53 a-onl End_of_Run_3162
366194 03/13/12 07:51 a-onl Start_Run_3162,Run_type=Production,target_type=empty,comment_text=bpm check
366193 03/13/12 07:50 a-onl Start_Run_3161,Run_type=Production,target_type=empty,comment_text=bpm check
366192 03/13/12 07:50 a-onl End_of_Run_3161
366191 03/13/12 07:43 a-onl End_of_Run_3160
366190 03/13/12 07:42 a-onl Start_Run_3160,Run_type=Production,target_type=empty,comment_text=bpm check
366189 03/13/12 07:36 a-onl Start_Run_3159,Run_type=Production,target_type=empty,comment_text=bpm check
366188 03/13/12 07:36 a-onl End_of_Run_3159
366187 03/13/12 07:23 adaq ramping down target magnet
366186 03/13/12 07:22 M. Cummings [Target] magnet is ramping down.
366185 03/13/12 07:18 a-onl Start_Run_3158,Run_type=Production,target_type=empty,comment_text=bpm check
366184 03/13/12 07:17 a-onl End_of_Run_3158
366183 03/13/12 07:11 a-onl Start_Run_22245,Run_type=Production,target_type=empty,comment_text=bpm check
366182 03/13/12 07:10 a-onl End_of_Run_22245
366181 03/13/12 07:10 a-onl Start_Run_22244,Run_type=Production,target_type=empty,comment_text=bpm check
366180 03/13/12 07:09 a-onl End_of_Run_22244
366179 03/13/12 07:05 A. Camsonne BCM calibration using one calorimeter point
366178 03/13/12 07:01 M. Cummings [Target] Buffer dewar level still low
366177 03/13/12 06:59 M. Cummings Called for restricted access
366176 03/13/12 06:49 pzhu no beam from 6:20
366175 03/13/12 06:28 M. Cummings Beam down - problems at the injector
366174 03/13/12 06:25 pzhu beam position change
366173 03/13/12 06:18 adaq moved to 12C target
366172 03/13/12 06:13 a-onl End_of_Run_3157
366171 03/13/12 06:09 adaq target buffer dewar alarm level
366170 03/13/12 06:04 a-onl Start_Run_3157,Run_type=Production,target_type=empty,comment_text=position in target check
366169 03/13/12 06:02 a-onl Start_Run_3156,Run_type=Production,target_type=empty,comment_text=position in target check
366168 03/13/12 06:02 a-onl End_of_Run_3156
366167 03/13/12 05:58 a-onl End_of_Run_3155
366166 03/13/12 05:58 a-onl Start_Run_3155,Run_type=Production,target_type=NH3 bottom,comment_text=position in target check
366165 03/13/12 05:57 a-onl End_of_Run_3154
366164 03/13/12 05:57 a-onl End_of_Run_22243
366163 03/13/12 05:50 a-onl Start_Run_22243,Run_type=Production,target_type=empty,comment_text=position in target check
366162 03/13/12 05:49 a-onl Start_Run_3154,Run_type=Production,target_type=NH3 bottom,comment_text=position in target check
366161 03/13/12 05:48 a-onl End_of_Run_3153
366160 03/13/12 05:48 adaq target moved to empty
366159 03/13/12 05:38 M. Cummings Bleedthrough test
366158 03/13/12 05:30 a-onl End_of_Run_22242
366157 03/13/12 05:28 a-onl Start_Run_22242,Run_type=Production,target_type=NH3 bottom,comment_text=p0=2.05
366156 03/13/12 05:28 a-onl Start_Run_3153,Run_type=Production,target_type=NH3 bottom,comment_text=p0=2.050
366155 03/13/12 05:23 M. Cummings Bleedthrough Test
366154 03/13/12 05:22 A. Camsonne Plots tungsten calorimeter
366153 03/13/12 05:21 a-onl End_of_Run_22241
366153 03/13/12 05:21 a-onl End_of_Run_3152
366152 03/13/12 05:06 a-onl Start_Run_22241,Run_type=Production,target_type=NH3 bottom,comment_text=p0=2.05
366151 03/13/12 05:05 a-onl Start_Run_3152,Run_type=Production,target_type=NH3 bottom,comment_text=p0=2.050
366150 03/13/12 05:01 a-onl Start_Run_22240,Run_type=Production,target_type=NH3 bottom,comment_text=p0=2.05,fast raster off
366149 03/13/12 05:00 a-onl End_of_Run_22240
366148 03/13/12 05:00 a-onl End_of_Run_3151
366147 03/13/12 05:00 a-onl Start_Run_3151,Run_type=Production,target_type=NH3 bottom,comment_text=p0=2.050fast raster off
366146 03/13/12 04:58 a-onl Start_Run_22239,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=
366145 03/13/12 04:57 a-onl Start_Run_3150,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=p0=2.05
366144 03/13/12 04:57 a-onl End_of_Run_3150
366143 03/13/12 04:57 adev End_of_Run_40369
366142 03/13/12 04:57 a-onl End_of_Run_22239
366141 03/13/12 04:57 adev Start_Run_40369,Run_type=Calibration,target_type=empty,comment_text=po0=2.05
366140 03/13/12 04:55 M. Cummings starting inelastic data
366139 03/13/12 04:53 adev End_of_Run_40368
366138 03/13/12 04:53 a-onl End_of_Run_3149
366137 03/13/12 04:53 a-onl End_of_Run_22238
366136 03/13/12 04:50 pzhu hrs rate
366135 03/13/12 04:43 M. Cummings BCM tests done, waiting for target to finish polarizing
366134 03/13/12 04:07 a-onl Start_Run_22238,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=tungstun calibration 25nA
366133 03/13/12 04:07 adev Start_Run_40368,Run_type=Calibration,target_type=empty,comment_text=tungstun calibration 25nA
366132 03/13/12 04:07 a-onl Start_Run_3149,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=tungstun calibration 25nA
366131 03/13/12 04:04 jmaxwell [Target] Polarizing Bottom Cup Positively
366130 03/13/12 04:02 a-onl Start_Run_3148,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=test script
366129 03/13/12 04:02 a-onl End_of_Run_3148
366128 03/13/12 03:51 carlin Target work during access
366127 03/13/12 03:50 a-onl Start_Run_3147,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=test script
366126 03/13/12 03:50 a-onl End_of_Run_3147
366125 03/13/12 03:46 M. Cummings IHWP change at 2:55 [late entry]
366124 03/13/12 03:39 M. Cummings Sieve slit is OUT
366123 03/13/12 03:31 Chao Charge Asymmetry for run 3137
366122 03/13/12 03:18 M. Cummings Controlled access for sieve slit change
366121 03/13/12 03:16 a-onl End_of_Run_3146
366120 03/13/12 03:16 a-onl End_of_Run_22237
366119 03/13/12 03:16 pzhu raster calibration
366118 03/13/12 03:12 a-onl Start_Run_3146,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=slow raster calibraion
366117 03/13/12 03:12 a-onl Start_Run_22237,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=slow raster calibration
366116 03/13/12 03:11 M. Cummings Septum current changed
366115 03/13/12 03:10 a-onl Start_Run_3145,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=slow raster calibraion
366114 03/13/12 03:10 a-onl Start_Run_22236,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=slow raster calibration
366113 03/13/12 03:10 a-onl End_of_Run_22236
366112 03/13/12 03:10 a-onl End_of_Run_3145
366111 03/13/12 03:10 jmaxwell [Target] Target Epics Reporting Fixed
366110 03/13/12 03:09 mhuang/jixie Large negative VertexZ events
366109 03/13/12 03:08 a-onl End_of_Run_3144
366107 03/13/12 03:06 a-onl Start_Run_22235,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=fast raster calibration 7x7
366106 03/13/12 03:06 a-onl Start_Run_3144,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=fast raster calibration 7x7
366105 03/13/12 03:05 M. Cummings L&R HRS dipole settings changed to 2.050
366104 03/13/12 03:03 a-onl End_of_Run_22234
366103 03/13/12 03:03 a-onl End_of_Run_3143
366102 03/13/12 03:03 a-onl Start_Run_22234,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=fast raster calibration 5x5
366100 03/13/12 03:00 a-onl Start_Run_3142,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=fast raster calibration 3x3
366099 03/13/12 03:00 a-onl End_of_Run_3142
366097 03/13/12 03:00 a-onl Start_Run_22233,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=fast raster calibration 3x3
366096 03/13/12 02:59 jmaxwell [Target] Target Motion Problems
366095 03/13/12 02:57 a-onl Start_Run_3141,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=fast raster calibration1x1
366094 03/13/12 02:57 a-onl Start_Run_22232,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=fast raster calibration 1x1
366093 03/13/12 02:57 a-onl End_of_Run_3141
366092 03/13/12 02:57 a-onl End_of_Run_22232
366091 03/13/12 02:45 a-onl Start_Run_22231,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=BPM calibration,100nA CW,+4+6 -junk
366090 03/13/12 02:44 a-onl End_of_Run_22231
366089 03/13/12 02:42 M. Cummings RHRS Deadtime
366088 03/13/12 02:42 a-onl End_of_Run_3140
366087 03/13/12 02:41 a-onl End_of_Run_22230
366086 03/13/12 02:36 pzhu harp scan record
366085 03/13/12 02:34 a-onl Start_Run_3140,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=BPM calibration,100nA CW,+4+6
366084 03/13/12 02:34 a-onl Start_Run_22230,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=BPM calibration,100nA CW,+4+6
366083 03/13/12 02:30 a-onl Start_Run_22229,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=BPM calibration,100nA CW,+4+6
366082 03/13/12 02:29 a-onl End_of_Run_22229
366081 03/13/12 02:28 a-onl Start_Run_22228,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=BPM calibration,100nA CW,+4+6
366080 03/13/12 02:28 a-onl End_of_Run_22228
366079 03/13/12 02:24 Jixie scaler rates for 22227|3139
366078 03/13/12 02:22 a-onl End_of_Run_3139
366077 03/13/12 02:22 a-onl End_of_Run_22227
366076 03/13/12 02:16 a-onl Start_Run_3139,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=BPM calibration,100nA CW,+4-2
366073 03/13/12 02:08 a-onl End_of_Run_3138
366072 03/13/12 02:06 jmaxwell [Target] Target Magnet Current Loss Again
366071 03/13/12 01:52 a-onl Start_Run_22226,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=BPM calibration,100nA CW,-4-2
366069 03/13/12 01:40 jmaxwell [Target] Followup to Computer Unresponsive
366068 03/13/12 01:36 a-onl End_of_Run_22225
366067 03/13/12 01:34 a-onl End_of_Run_3137
366066 03/13/12 01:27 M. Cummings Hall A General Tools
366065 03/13/12 01:26 M. Cummings Spot++ for run 3136
366064 03/13/12 01:25 a-onl Start_Run_3137,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=BPM calibration,100nA CW,-4+6
366063 03/13/12 01:25 a-onl Start_Run_22225,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=BPM calibration,100nA CW,-4+6
366062 03/13/12 01:03 a-onl End_of_Run_3136
366060 03/13/12 00:58 jmaxwell [Target] NMR Computer Unresponsive
366059 03/13/12 00:54 a-onl Start_Run_22224,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=BPM calibration,100nA CW,center
366058 03/13/12 00:54 a-onl Start_Run_3136,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=BPM calibration,100nA CW,center
366057 03/13/12 00:47 pengjia Asked for 100na cw beam
366056 03/13/12 00:43 Jixie, Pengj Harp scan start, faster raster off
366055 03/13/12 00:41 Jixie Right dipole is ready for 2.251 GeV
366054 03/13/12 00:35 Chao 7% inefficiency is normal
366053 03/13/12 00:28 Jixie Changed RHRS to delta=0% (2.251), keep LHRS unchanged
366052 03/13/12 00:27 gilman Swing shift summary
366051 03/13/12 00:27 Sasha Moller polarimeter problems
366050 03/13/12 00:27 Chao Thirdarm HV is also tripped
366049 03/12/12 23:49 romanip High Voltage GUI trips
366048 03/12/12 23:44 Pengjia Re:helicity inefficiency?
366047 03/12/12 23:03 Jixie Faster raster off
366046 03/12/12 22:07 jixie HallC changed HWP out
366045 03/12/12 21:56 brads GEp/G2p status update -- Monday
366044 03/12/12 21:55 adev End_of_Run_40367
366043 03/12/12 21:37 Jixie, Sasha Prepared to take moller data
366042 03/12/12 21:27 a-onl End_of_Run_3135
366041 03/12/12 21:27 a-onl End_of_Run_22223
366040 03/12/12 21:24 kamyers [Target] Target nose full
366039 03/12/12 21:23 A. Camsonne BCM receiver 800 nA
366038 03/12/12 21:17 A. Camsonne BCM receiver 400 nA
366037 03/12/12 21:11 A. Camsonne BCM receiver 150 nA
366036 03/12/12 21:07 A. Camsonne BCM receiver 100 nA
366035 03/12/12 21:03 A. Camsonne BCM receiver 75 nA
366034 03/12/12 21:01 brads Run plan for Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday
366033 03/12/12 21:00 A. Camsonne BCM reading 50 nA
366032 03/12/12 20:56 A. Camsonne BCM readout 25 nA
366031 03/12/12 20:56 mhuang Gep optics summary (better format)
366030 03/12/12 20:55 mhuang Gep optics summary
366029 03/12/12 20:55 a-onl Start_Run_3135,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=BCM calibration run current ramp from 0 to 300 nA steps of 25 nA
366028 03/12/12 20:55 friedman helicity inefficiency?
366027 03/12/12 20:54 adev Start_Run_40367,Run_type=Calibration,target_type=empty,comment_text=BCM calibration run current ramp from 0 to 300 nA steps of 25 nA
366026 03/12/12 20:52 a-onl Start_Run_22223,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=BCM calibration run current ramp from 0 to 300 nA steps of 25 nA
366025 03/12/12 20:52 adev End_of_Run_40366
366024 03/12/12 20:52 adev Start_Run_40366,Run_type=Calibration,target_type=empty,comment_text=BCM calibration run current ramp from 0 to 300 nA steps of 25 nA
366023 03/12/12 20:49 a-onl End_of_Run_3134
366022 03/12/12 20:49 a-onl End_of_Run_22222
366021 03/12/12 20:48 S. Sirca Raw rates during empty cell runs
366020 03/12/12 20:24 mhuang RHRS has higher rate than LHRS (GEP optics runs)
366019 03/12/12 20:24 kamyers [Target] Target moved to home/parked position
366018 03/12/12 20:23 a-onl Start_Run_3134,Run_type=Optics,target_type=empty,comment_text=Gep optics, p0=2.228GeV, sieve IN
366017 03/12/12 20:23 a-onl Start_Run_22222,Run_type=Optics,target_type=empty,comment_text=Gep optics, p0=2.228,sieve IN
366016 03/12/12 20:20 kamyers Scaler rates for bleedthrough measurement
366015 03/12/12 20:19 gilman pedestal bounce
366014 03/12/12 20:14 gilman bleedthrough measurement with bcm
366013 03/12/12 20:07 a-onl End_of_Run_3133
366012 03/12/12 20:07 a-onl End_of_Run_22221
366011 03/12/12 19:58 mhuang scaler screen snapshot
366010 03/12/12 19:47 a-onl Start_Run_3133,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=Gep optics, p0=2.228GeV, sieve IN
366009 03/12/12 19:47 a-onl Start_Run_22221,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=Gep optics, p0=2.228,sieve IN
366008 03/12/12 19:45 a-onl End_of_Run_22220
366007 03/12/12 19:45 a-onl End_of_Run_3132
366006 03/12/12 19:35 S. Sirca Snapshot of raw rates during optics runs
366005 03/12/12 19:32 gilman spot check during optics run
366004 03/12/12 19:23 a-onl Start_Run_3132,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=Gep optics, p0=2.228GeV, sieve IN
366003 03/12/12 19:23 a-onl Start_Run_22220,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=Gep optics, p0=2.228,sieve IN
366002 03/12/12 19:21 a-onl End_of_Run_22219
366001 03/12/12 19:21 a-onl End_of_Run_3131
366000 03/12/12 19:20 a-onl Start_Run_3131,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=Gep optics, p0=2.228GeV, sieve IN
365999 03/12/12 19:19 a-onl Start_Run_22219,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=Gep optics, p0=2.228,sieve IN
365998 03/12/12 19:18 kamyers [Target] Target moved to C12-40
365997 03/12/12 18:57 A. Camsonne Signal seen on HARP 1H05A
365996 03/12/12 18:40 jmaxwell [Target] Moved to Home, Empty Nose
365995 03/12/12 18:21 A. Camsonne turned slow and fast raster off - asked for 8 uA tuned beam
365994 03/12/12 18:18 jmaxwell [Target] TEs Complete Bottom Result
365993 03/12/12 18:16 jmaxwell [Target] TEs Complete
365992 03/12/12 17:07 pzhu changed roc library in right arm happex
365991 03/12/12 16:52 Higinbotham Using HRS for a Bleed-through Measurement
365990 03/12/12 16:38 gilman gen tools for shift checklist
365989 03/12/12 15:57 R. Zielinski Day Shift Summary
365988 03/12/12 15:48 a-onl Start_Run_22218,Run_type=Other,target_type=NH3 top,comment_text=test run
365987 03/12/12 15:47 a-onl End_of_Run_22218
365986 03/12/12 15:23 brads Moller is approved -- will start around 5pm
365985 03/12/12 14:37 A. Camsonne Harp preamplifier swapped
365984 03/12/12 13:48 R. Zielinski Sieve Slits IN
365983 03/12/12 13:45 brads Initial plan for when beam returns -- Monday
365982 03/12/12 12:34 duve [target] Turned off microwaves, starting TE
365981 03/12/12 12:28 duve [target] Turned off microwaves, starting TE
365980 03/12/12 12:25 R. Zielinski Requested Controlled Access
365979 03/12/12 12:07 R. Zielinski Beam down for Spot Move
365978 03/12/12 12:00 adev End_of_Run_40365
365977 03/12/12 12:00 a-onl End_of_Run_3130
365976 03/12/12 12:00 a-onl End_of_Run_22217
365975 03/12/12 11:48 a-onl Start_Run_22216,Run_type=Production,target_type=NH3 top,comment_text=GEP Production IHWP in
365974 03/12/12 11:48 a-onl Start_Run_3129,Run_type=Production,target_type=NH3 top,comment_text=gep production, IHWP in
365973 03/12/12 11:48 Ole Hansen Good move
365972 03/12/12 11:47 a-onl Start_Run_22217,Run_type=Production,target_type=NH3 top,comment_text=GEP Production IHWP in
365971 03/12/12 11:46 a-onl Start_Run_3130,Run_type=Production,target_type=NH3 top,comment_text=gep production, IHWP in
365970 03/12/12 11:45 adev Start_Run_40365,Run_type=Production,target_type=NH3 top,comment_text=IHWP = in dE=-50mV E=-50mV
365969 03/12/12 11:43 a-onl End_of_Run_22216
365968 03/12/12 11:43 a-onl End_of_Run_3129
365967 03/12/12 11:43 adev End_of_Run_40364
365966 03/12/12 11:29 adev Start_Run_40364,Run_type=Production,target_type=NH3 top,comment_text=IHWP = in dE=-50mV E=-50mV
365965 03/12/12 11:29 R. Zielinski Hall C changing Half-Wave Plate
365964 03/12/12 11:27 a-onl End_of_Run_3128
365961 03/12/12 11:03 a-onl Start_Run_22215,Run_type=Production,target_type=NH3 top,comment_text=GEP Production IHWP in
365960 03/12/12 11:02 a-onl Start_Run_3128,Run_type=Production,target_type=NH3 top,comment_text=gep production, IHWP in
365959 03/12/12 11:01 adev Start_Run_40363,Run_type=Production,target_type=NH3 top,comment_text=IHWP = in dE=-50mV E=-50mV
365958 03/12/12 11:00 a-onl End_of_Run_3127
365956 03/12/12 11:00 a-onl End_of_Run_22214
365955 03/12/12 10:24 a-onl Start_Run_3127,Run_type=Production,target_type=NH3 top,comment_text=gep production, IHWP in
365954 03/12/12 10:23 a-onl Start_Run_22214,Run_type=Production,target_type=NH3 top,comment_text=GEP Production IHWP in
365953 03/12/12 10:22 adev Start_Run_40362,Run_type=Production,target_type=NH3 top,comment_text=IHWP = in dE=-50mV E=-50mV
365952 03/12/12 10:09 R. Zielinski Follow Up for Pengjia
365951 03/12/12 09:32 Kalyan Re: sync roc3 and roc5
365950 03/12/12 09:32 R. Zielinski Update on syncROC for 3112
365949 03/12/12 09:32 R. Michaels auto ABU probably meaningless, do it by hand
365948 03/12/12 09:16 yawei stop runs since no beam for next 30 min
365947 03/12/12 09:13 a-onl End_of_Run_3126
365946 03/12/12 09:13 adev End_of_Run_40361
365945 03/12/12 09:13 a-onl End_of_Run_22213
365944 03/12/12 09:12 R. Michaels adjust def'n of beam on for auto ABU
365943 03/12/12 09:06 Kalyan Target encoder position in start of run
365942 03/12/12 09:00 a-onl Start_Run_22213,Run_type=Production,target_type=NH3 top,comment_text=GEP Production IHWP in
365941 03/12/12 08:48 a-onl Start_Run_3126,Run_type=Production,target_type=NH3 top,comment_text=gep production, IHWP in
365940 03/12/12 08:48 a-onl Start_Run_22212,Run_type=Production,target_type=NH3 top,comment_text=GEP Production IHWP in
365939 03/12/12 08:47 adev Start_Run_40361,Run_type=Production,target_type=NH3 top,comment_text=IHWP = in dE=-50mV E=-50mV
365938 03/12/12 08:46 adev End_of_Run_40360
365937 03/12/12 08:46 a-onl End_of_Run_3125
365936 03/12/12 08:45 a-onl End_of_Run_22211
365935 03/12/12 08:32 R. Zielinski SPOT ++ for LHRS
365934 03/12/12 08:13 R. Zielinski Hall A General Tools Screen
365933 03/12/12 08:08 adev Start_Run_40360,Run_type=Production,target_type=NH3 top,comment_text=IHWP = in dE=-50mV E=-50mV
365932 03/12/12 08:08 pzhu moved Rootfiles directory link from /adaql10/work1 to /fs/work1
365931 03/12/12 08:08 adev End_of_Run_40359
365930 03/12/12 08:08 a-onl Start_Run_22211,Run_type=Production,target_type=NH3 top,comment_text=GEP Production IHWP in
365929 03/12/12 08:07 friedman owl shift summary
365928 03/12/12 08:05 a-onl End_of_Run_3124
365927 03/12/12 08:05 a-onl End_of_Run_22210
365926 03/12/12 07:27 adev Start_Run_40359,Run_type=Production,target_type=NH3 top,comment_text=IHWP = in dE=-50mV E=-50mV
365925 03/12/12 07:26 a-onl Start_Run_3124,Run_type=Production,target_type=NH3 top,comment_text=gep production, IHWP in
365924 03/12/12 07:26 a-onl Start_Run_22210,Run_type=Production,target_type=NH3 top,comment_text=GEP Production IHWP in
365923 03/12/12 07:25 adev End_of_Run_40358
365922 03/12/12 07:24 a-onl End_of_Run_3123
365921 03/12/12 07:24 a-onl End_of_Run_22209
365920 03/12/12 06:52 a-onl Start_Run_22209,Run_type=Production,target_type=NH3 top,comment_text=GEP Production IHWP in
365919 03/12/12 06:43 pzhu right arm happex disconnect problem
365918 03/12/12 06:39 a-onl Start_Run_3123,Run_type=Production,target_type=NH3 top,comment_text=gep production, IHWP in
365917 03/12/12 06:38 adev Start_Run_40358,Run_type=Production,target_type=NH3 top,comment_text=IHWP = in dE=-50mV E=-50mV
365916 03/12/12 06:37 a-onl Start_Run_22208,Run_type=Production,target_type=NH3 top,comment_text=GEP Production IHWP in
365915 03/12/12 06:37 a-onl End_of_Run_3122
365914 03/12/12 06:21 friedman Wrong IHWP entry for runs 3112-3118, 22199-22204 and 40339-40356
365913 03/12/12 05:51 a-onl Start_Run_22207,Run_type=Production,target_type=NH3 top,comment_text=GEP Production IHWP in
365912 03/12/12 05:50 adev End_of_Run_40357
365911 03/12/12 05:50 a-onl Start_Run_3122,Run_type=Production,target_type=NH3 top,comment_text=gep production, IHWP in
365910 03/12/12 05:46 adaq target screens
365909 03/12/12 05:43 a-onl End_of_Run_3121
365908 03/12/12 05:43 a-onl End_of_Run_22206
365907 03/12/12 05:31 a-onl Start_Run_3121,Run_type=Production,target_type=NH3 top,comment_text=gep production, IHWP in
365906 03/12/12 05:31 a-onl Start_Run_22206,Run_type=Production,target_type=NH3 top,comment_text=GEP Production IHWP in
365905 03/12/12 05:26 a-onl End_of_Run_22205
365904 03/12/12 05:26 a-onl End_of_Run_3119
365903 03/12/12 05:23 adev Start_Run_40357,Run_type=Production,target_type=NH3 top,comment_text=IHWP = in dE=-50mV E=-50mV
365902 03/12/12 05:18 friedman IWHP is now IN
365901 03/12/12 05:18 a-onl Start_Run_22205,Run_type=Production,target_type=NH3 top,comment_text=GEP Production IHWP in
365900 03/12/12 05:18 a-onl Start_Run_3119,Run_type=Production,target_type=NH3 top,comment_text=gep production, IHWP in
365899 03/12/12 05:14 adev End_of_Run_40356
365898 03/12/12 05:14 a-onl End_of_Run_22204
365897 03/12/12 05:14 a-onl End_of_Run_3118
365896 03/12/12 04:44 a-onl Start_Run_3118,Run_type=Production,target_type=NH3 top,comment_text=gep production, IHWP in
365895 03/12/12 04:44 adev Start_Run_40356,Run_type=Production,target_type=NH3 top,comment_text=IHWP = in dE=-50mV E=-50mV
365894 03/12/12 04:44 a-onl Start_Run_22204,Run_type=Production,target_type=NH3 top,comment_text=GEP Production IHWP in
365893 03/12/12 04:44 adev End_of_Run_40355
365892 03/12/12 04:41 a-onl End_of_Run_3117
365891 03/12/12 04:41 a-onl End_of_Run_22203
365890 03/12/12 04:33 adev Start_Run_40355,Run_type=Production,target_type=NH3 top,comment_text=IHWP = in dE=-50mV E=-50mV
365889 03/12/12 04:30 adev End_of_Run_40354
365888 03/12/12 04:29 adev Start_Run_40354,Run_type=DAQ Check,target_type=empty,comment_text=DAQ test
365887 03/12/12 04:28 adev End_of_Run_40353
365886 03/12/12 04:28 adev Start_Run_40353,Run_type=DAQ Check,target_type=empty,comment_text=DAQ test
365885 03/12/12 04:22 adev End_of_Run_40352
365884 03/12/12 04:21 adev Start_Run_40352,Run_type=DAQ Check,target_type=empty,comment_text=DAQ test
365883 03/12/12 04:20 adev End_of_Run_40351
365882 03/12/12 04:20 adev Start_Run_40351,Run_type=DAQ Check,target_type=empty,comment_text=DAQ test
365881 03/12/12 04:14 adev Start_Run_40349,Run_type=DAQ Check,target_type=empty,comment_text=DAQ test
365880 03/12/12 04:13 adev End_of_Run_40348
365879 03/12/12 04:12 adev Start_Run_40348,Run_type=DAQ Check,target_type=empty,comment_text=DAQ test
365878 03/12/12 04:09 a-onl Start_Run_22203,Run_type=Production,target_type=NH3 top,comment_text=GEP Production IHWP in
365876 03/12/12 04:08 a-onl End_of_Run_3116
365875 03/12/12 04:08 a-onl End_of_Run_22202
365874 03/12/12 03:56 adev End_of_Run_40347
365873 03/12/12 03:56 adev Start_Run_40347,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=DAQ test
365872 03/12/12 03:39 pzhu L_arm s2 compact plot
365871 03/12/12 03:38 a-onl Start_Run_3116,Run_type=Production,target_type=NH3 top,comment_text=gep production, IHWP in
365870 03/12/12 03:38 a-onl Start_Run_22202,Run_type=Production,target_type=NH3 top,comment_text=GEP Production IHWP in
365869 03/12/12 03:36 a-onl End_of_Run_3115
365868 03/12/12 03:36 a-onl End_of_Run_22201
365867 03/12/12 03:22 pzhu reduced slow raster size from 1.5V to 1.45V
365866 03/12/12 03:20 adev Start_Run_40346,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=DAQ test
365865 03/12/12 03:20 adev End_of_Run_40346
365864 03/12/12 03:17 adev Start_Run_40345,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=DAQ test
365863 03/12/12 03:17 adev End_of_Run_40344
365862 03/12/12 03:16 adev Start_Run_40344,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=DAQ test
365861 03/12/12 03:16 adev End_of_Run_40343
365860 03/12/12 03:15 adev Start_Run_40343,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=DAQ test
365859 03/12/12 03:12 friedman bleedthrough is zero
365858 03/12/12 03:07 a-onl Start_Run_22201,Run_type=Production,target_type=NH3 top,comment_text=GEP Production IHWP in
365857 03/12/12 03:07 a-onl Start_Run_3115,Run_type=Production,target_type=NH3 top,comment_text=gep production, IHWP in
365856 03/12/12 03:04 adev Start_Run_40341,Run_type=Production,target_type=empty,comment_text=Target = NH3 top dE=-50mV E=-50mV IHWP in
365855 03/12/12 03:04 adev End_of_Run_40341
365854 03/12/12 03:03 a-onl End_of_Run_22200
365853 03/12/12 03:03 a-onl End_of_Run_3114
365852 03/12/12 02:52 a-onl Start_Run_3114,Run_type=Production,target_type=NH3 top,comment_text=gep production, IHWP in
365851 03/12/12 02:51 a-onl Start_Run_22200,Run_type=Production,target_type=NH3 top,comment_text=GEP Production IHWP in
365850 03/12/12 02:47 adev End_of_Run_40340
365849 03/12/12 02:46 a-onl End_of_Run_22199
365847 03/12/12 02:21 Chao Roughly estimation of the statistical uncertainty of charge asymmetry of run 22194
365846 03/12/12 02:00 pzhu sync roc3 and roc5
365845 03/12/12 01:58 pzhu slow raster ADC saturated
365844 03/12/12 01:49 a-onl Start_Run_22199,Run_type=Production,target_type=NH3 top,comment_text=GEP Production IHWP in
365843 03/12/12 01:49 a-onl Start_Run_3113,Run_type=Production,target_type=NH3 top,comment_text=gep production, IHWP in
365842 03/12/12 01:48 adev Start_Run_40340,Run_type=Production,target_type=empty,comment_text=Target = NH3 top dE=-50mV E=-50mV IHWP in
365841 03/12/12 01:48 adev Start_Run_40339,Run_type=Production,target_type=empty,comment_text=Target = NH3 top dE=-50mV E=-50mV IHWP in
365840 03/12/12 01:48 adev End_of_Run_40339
365839 03/12/12 01:47 a-onl End_of_Run_3112
365838 03/12/12 01:45 adaq target screen grab
365837 03/12/12 01:19 a-onl Start_Run_22198,Run_type=Production,target_type=NH3 top,comment_text=GEP Production IHWP in
365836 03/12/12 01:18 a-onl Start_Run_3112,Run_type=Production,target_type=NH3 top,comment_text=gep production, IHWP in
365835 03/12/12 01:10 friedman IHWP changed - now OUT
365834 03/12/12 01:10 adev Start_Run_40338,Run_type=Production,target_type=empty,comment_text=Target = NH3 top dE=-50mV E=-50mV IHWP in
365832 03/12/12 01:09 adev End_of_Run_40338
365831 03/12/12 01:09 a-onl End_of_Run_22197
365830 03/12/12 01:09 a-onl End_of_Run_3111
365829 03/12/12 00:53 jmaxwell [Target] New Baseline on Top, Basefile Bug, Plan for Night
365828 03/12/12 00:50 friedman hall a tools
365827 03/12/12 00:44 a-onl Start_Run_22197,Run_type=Production,target_type=NH3 top,comment_text=GEP Production IHWP in
365826 03/12/12 00:44 a-onl Start_Run_3111,Run_type=Production,target_type=NH3 top,comment_text=gep production, IHWP in
365825 03/12/12 00:44 friedman beam back on
365824 03/12/12 00:34 friedman beam stopped
365823 03/12/12 00:32 adev End_of_Run_40337
365822 03/12/12 00:32 a-onl End_of_Run_3110
365821 03/12/12 00:32 a-onl End_of_Run_22196
365820 03/12/12 00:27 friedman spot++
365819 03/12/12 00:14 a-onl Start_Run_22196,Run_type=Production,target_type=NH3 top,comment_text=GEP Production IHWP in
365818 03/12/12 00:14 a-onl Start_Run_3110,Run_type=Production,target_type=NH3 top,comment_text=gep production, IHWP in
365817 03/12/12 00:12 adev Start_Run_40336,Run_type=Production,target_type=empty,comment_text=Target = NH3 top dE=-50mV E=-50mV IHWP in
365816 03/12/12 00:12 adev End_of_Run_40336
365815 03/12/12 00:12 a-onl End_of_Run_22195
365814 03/12/12 00:12 a-onl End_of_Run_3109
365813 03/12/12 00:08 slifer Expected Yields
365812 03/12/12 00:07 A. Camsonne BCM calibration and pedestal
365811 03/12/12 00:05 S. Sirca Swing shift SUMMARY
365810 03/11/12 23:53 Chao Charge Asymmetry for run 22193
365809 03/11/12 23:34 a-onl Start_Run_22195,Run_type=Production,target_type=NH3 top,comment_text=GEP Production IHWP in
365808 03/11/12 23:33 a-onl Start_Run_3109,Run_type=Production,target_type=NH3 top,comment_text=gep production, IHWP in
365807 03/11/12 23:32 a-onl End_of_Run_22194
365805 03/11/12 23:05 S. Sirca How to figure out what current we are getting
365804 03/11/12 23:01 adev Start_Run_40335,Run_type=Production,target_type=empty,comment_text=Target = NH3 top dE=-50mV E=-50mV IHWP in
365803 03/11/12 23:00 a-onl Start_Run_22194,Run_type=Production,target_type=NH3 top,comment_text=GEP Production IHWP in
365802 03/11/12 23:00 a-onl Start_Run_3108,Run_type=Production,target_type=NH3 top,comment_text=gep production, IHWP in
365801 03/11/12 22:58 adev End_of_Run_40334
365800 03/11/12 22:58 a-onl End_of_Run_22193
365799 03/11/12 22:57 a-onl End_of_Run_3107
365798 03/11/12 22:26 a-onl Start_Run_22193,Run_type=Production,target_type=NH3 top,comment_text=GEP Production IHWP in
365797 03/11/12 22:26 a-onl Start_Run_3107,Run_type=Production,target_type=NH3 top,comment_text=gep production, IHWP in
365796 03/11/12 22:22 a-onl End_of_Run_22192
365795 03/11/12 22:22 a-onl End_of_Run_3106
365794 03/11/12 22:12 jie cold restart for third arm
365793 03/11/12 22:05 adev Start_Run_40333,Run_type=Production,target_type=empty,comment_text=Target = NH3 top dE=-50mV E=-50mV
365792 03/11/12 21:57 adev End_of_Run_40332
365791 03/11/12 21:53 slifer shift checklist
365790 03/11/12 21:50 a-onl Start_Run_22192,Run_type=Production,target_type=NH3 top,comment_text=GEP Production IHWP in
365789 03/11/12 21:50 a-onl Start_Run_3106,Run_type=Production,target_type=NH3 top,comment_text=gep production, IHWP in
365788 03/11/12 21:48 a-onl End_of_Run_22191
365787 03/11/12 21:48 a-onl End_of_Run_3105
365786 03/11/12 21:17 adev End_of_Run_40330
365785 03/11/12 21:14 a-onl Start_Run_22191,Run_type=Production,target_type=NH3 top,comment_text=GEP Production IHWP in
365784 03/11/12 21:13 a-onl Start_Run_3105,Run_type=Production,target_type=NH3 top,comment_text=gep production, IHWP in
365783 03/11/12 21:12 R. Zielinski Passive Half-Wave Plate added to start of run HALOG post
365782 03/11/12 21:10 a-onl End_of_Run_22190
365781 03/11/12 21:10 a-onl End_of_Run_3104
365780 03/11/12 20:48 adev End_of_Run_40329
365779 03/11/12 20:43 jie start of run #. epics not exit for third arm
365778 03/11/12 20:38 a-onl Start_Run_22190,Run_type=Production,target_type=NH3 top,comment_text=GEP Production IHWP OUT
365777 03/11/12 20:38 a-onl Start_Run_3104,Run_type=Production,target_type=NH3 top,comment_text=gep production, IHWP OUT
365776 03/11/12 20:37 S. Sirca Laser Controls in GEN_E_TOOLS screen accessible to Hall A?
365775 03/11/12 20:35 a-onl End_of_Run_3103
365774 03/11/12 20:35 a-onl End_of_Run_22189
365773 03/11/12 20:11 adev End_of_Run_40328
365772 03/11/12 20:08 a-onl Start_Run_22189,Run_type=Production,target_type=NH3 top,comment_text=GEP Production IHWP OUT
365771 03/11/12 20:08 a-onl Start_Run_3103,Run_type=Production,target_type=NH3 top,comment_text=gep production, IHWP OUT
365770 03/11/12 20:05 moser Hall Bleed Through Measurement
365769 03/11/12 20:05 a-onl End_of_Run_3102
365768 03/11/12 20:04 a-onl End_of_Run_22188
365767 03/11/12 19:56 pzhu normal roc26 process
365766 03/11/12 19:38 adev End_of_Run_40327
365765 03/11/12 19:37 a-onl Start_Run_22188,Run_type=Production,target_type=NH3 top,comment_text=GEP Production IHWP OUT
365764 03/11/12 19:36 a-onl Start_Run_3102,Run_type=Production,target_type=NH3 top,comment_text=gep production, IHWP OUT
365763 03/11/12 19:35 a-onl End_of_Run_22187
365761 03/11/12 19:21 jmaxwell [Target] Epics
365760 03/11/12 19:13 slifer Target Vars not updating
365759 03/11/12 19:06 adev End_of_Run_40326
365758 03/11/12 19:03 a-onl Start_Run_3101,Run_type=Production,target_type=NH3 top,comment_text=gep production, IHWP OUT
365757 03/11/12 19:01 a-onl End_of_Run_3100
365756 03/11/12 18:53 jie correction: 22186 is junk run ( not 21186)
365755 03/11/12 18:51 a-onl Start_Run_22187,Run_type=Production,target_type=NH3 top,comment_text=GEP Production IHWP OUT
365754 03/11/12 18:50 Jie 21186 is junk run
365753 03/11/12 18:47 pzhu disconnected roc26
365752 03/11/12 18:26 a-onl Start_Run_22186,Run_type=Production,target_type=NH3 top,comment_text=GEP Production IHWP OUT
365751 03/11/12 18:26 adev End_of_Run_40325
365750 03/11/12 18:26 a-onl Start_Run_3100,Run_type=Production,target_type=NH3 top,comment_text=gep production, IHWP OUT
365749 03/11/12 18:24 a-onl End_of_Run_22185
365748 03/11/12 18:24 a-onl End_of_Run_3099
365747 03/11/12 18:21 S. Sirca IHWP nomenclature
365746 03/11/12 17:53 jie 3096~3098 are junk runs
365745 03/11/12 17:52 jie cold restarts for LHRS
365744 03/11/12 17:50 a-onl Start_Run_3099,Run_type=Production,target_type=NH3 top,comment_text=gep production, IHWP OUT
365743 03/11/12 17:42 a-onl End_of_Run_3097
365742 03/11/12 17:40 a-onl Start_Run_3097,Run_type=Production,target_type=NH3 top,comment_text=gep production, IHWP OUT
365741 03/11/12 17:38 a-onl Start_Run_22185,Run_type=Production,target_type=NH3 top,comment_text=GEP Production IHWP OUT
365740 03/11/12 17:37 a-onl Start_Run_3096,Run_type=Production,target_type=NH3 top,comment_text=gep production, IHWP OUT
365739 03/11/12 17:35 adev End_of_Run_40324
365738 03/11/12 17:34 a-onl End_of_Run_3095
365737 03/11/12 17:34 a-onl End_of_Run_22184
365736 03/11/12 17:10 S. Sirca Persistent wrong labeling of IHWP status
365735 03/11/12 17:05 a-onl Start_Run_22184,Run_type=Production,target_type=NH3 top,comment_text=GEP Production IHWP OUT
365734 03/11/12 17:04 a-onl Start_Run_3095,Run_type=Production,target_type=NH3 top,comment_text=gep production, IHWP OUT
365733 03/11/12 17:02 adev End_of_Run_40323
365732 03/11/12 16:59 a-onl End_of_Run_3094
365731 03/11/12 16:59 a-onl End_of_Run_22183
365730 03/11/12 16:55 brads GEp/G2p status update -- Sunday
365729 03/11/12 16:38 adev Start_Run_40323,Run_type=Production,target_type=empty,comment_text=Target = NH3 top dE=-50mV E=-50mV
365728 03/11/12 16:37 adev End_of_Run_40322
365727 03/11/12 16:36 S. Sirca Hall A Tools
365726 03/11/12 16:32 a-onl Start_Run_22183,Run_type=Production,target_type=NH3 top,comment_text=GEP Production IHWP OUT
365725 03/11/12 16:32 a-onl Start_Run_3094,Run_type=Production,target_type=NH3 top,comment_text=gep production, IHWP OUT
365724 03/11/12 16:30 a-onl End_of_Run_3093
365724 03/11/12 16:30 a-onl End_of_Run_22182
365723 03/11/12 16:30 S. Sirca Spot++ for run 3093
365722 03/11/12 16:05 M. Cummings Day Shift Summary
365721 03/11/12 16:01 a-onl Start_Run_22182,Run_type=Production,target_type=NH3 top,comment_text=GEP Production IHWP OUT
365720 03/11/12 16:00 a-onl Start_Run_3093,Run_type=Production,target_type=NH3 top,comment_text=gep production, IHWP OUT
365719 03/11/12 15:59 adev Start_Run_40322,Run_type=Production,target_type=empty,comment_text=Target = NH3 top dE=-50mV E=-50mV
365718 03/11/12 15:58 a-onl End_of_Run_3092
365717 03/11/12 15:58 adev End_of_Run_40321
365716 03/11/12 15:58 a-onl End_of_Run_22181
365715 03/11/12 15:47 R. Michaels byte mismathed data files
365714 03/11/12 15:36 adev Start_Run_40321,Run_type=Production,target_type=empty,comment_text=Target = NH3 top dE=-50mV E=-50mV
365713 03/11/12 15:27 a-onl Start_Run_22181,Run_type=Production,target_type=NH3 top,comment_text=GEP Production IHWP OUT
365712 03/11/12 15:27 a-onl Start_Run_3092,Run_type=Production,target_type=NH3 top,comment_text=gep production, IHWP OUT
365711 03/11/12 15:24 adev End_of_Run_40320
365710 03/11/12 15:24 a-onl End_of_Run_3091
365709 03/11/12 15:24 a-onl End_of_Run_22180
365708 03/11/12 15:12 josemans Scalers for LHRS & RHRS
365707 03/11/12 14:53 a-onl Start_Run_22180,Run_type=Production,target_type=NH3 top,comment_text=GEP Production IHWP OUT
365706 03/11/12 14:53 a-onl Start_Run_3091,Run_type=Production,target_type=NH3 top,comment_text=gep production, IHWP OUT
365705 03/11/12 14:52 adev Start_Run_40320,Run_type=Production,target_type=empty,comment_text=Target = NH3 top dE=-50mV E=-50mV
365704 03/11/12 14:51 a-onl End_of_Run_3090
365703 03/11/12 14:50 a-onl End_of_Run_22179
365702 03/11/12 14:19 a-onl Start_Run_22179,Run_type=Production,target_type=NH3 top,comment_text=GEP Production IHWP OUT
365701 03/11/12 14:19 a-onl Start_Run_3090,Run_type=Production,target_type=NH3 top,comment_text=gep production, IHWP OUT
365700 03/11/12 14:13 adev End_of_Run_40319
365699 03/11/12 14:12 a-onl End_of_Run_3089
365697 03/11/12 13:50 josemans LHRS - #3089
365696 03/11/12 13:48 josemans RHRS - #22178
365695 03/11/12 13:46 A. Camsonne ibcm1 is Hall C current
365694 03/11/12 13:40 a-onl Start_Run_3089,Run_type=Production,target_type=NH3 bottom,comment_text=gep production, IHWP OUT
365693 03/11/12 13:39 a-onl Start_Run_22178,Run_type=Production,target_type=NH3 bottom,comment_text=GEP Production IHWP OUT
365692 03/11/12 13:37 adev Start_Run_40319,Run_type=Production,target_type=empty,comment_text=Target = NH3 top dE=-50mV E=-50mV
365691 03/11/12 13:35 adev End_of_Run_40318
365690 03/11/12 13:35 a-onl End_of_Run_3088
365689 03/11/12 13:34 a-onl End_of_Run_22177
365688 03/11/12 13:28 M. Cummings BCM A voltage/current dropped to zero
365687 03/11/12 13:13 M. Cummings Should also include 3088
365686 03/11/12 13:11 Chao Update the 3rd arm start-of-run and end-of-run scripts
365685 03/11/12 13:09 M. Cummings Correction: Target type is NH3 Top
365684 03/11/12 13:07 a-onl Start_Run_3088,Run_type=Production,target_type=NH3 bottom,comment_text=gep production, IHWP OUT
365683 03/11/12 13:06 a-onl End_of_Run_3087
365682 03/11/12 13:05 brads re: Bleedthrough test
365681 03/11/12 13:02 adev Start_Run_40318,Run_type=Production,target_type=empty,comment_text=Target = NH3 top dE=-50mV E=-50mV
365680 03/11/12 13:01 A. Camsonne Rough BCM calibration can have offset
365679 03/11/12 13:00 a-onl Start_Run_22177,Run_type=Production,target_type=NH3 bottom,comment_text=GEP Production IHWP OUT
365678 03/11/12 12:58 adev End_of_Run_40317
365677 03/11/12 12:57 adev Start_Run_40317,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=DAQ test
365676 03/11/12 12:54 josemans Happex Rebooted 22175
365675 03/11/12 12:40 adev End_of_Run_40316
365674 03/11/12 12:40 adev Start_Run_40316,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=DAQ test
365673 03/11/12 12:36 adev Start_Run_40315,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=DAQ test
365672 03/11/12 12:36 a-onl Start_Run_22175,Run_type=Production,target_type=NH3 bottom,comment_text=GEP Production IHWP OUT
365671 03/11/12 12:36 a-onl Start_Run_3087,Run_type=Production,target_type=NH3 bottom,comment_text=gep production, IHWP OUT
365670 03/11/12 12:35 M. Cummings spot++ for run 3086
365669 03/11/12 12:32 M. Cummings Bleedthrough test
365668 03/11/12 12:30 adev Start_Run_40314,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=DAQ test
365667 03/11/12 12:27 adev End_of_Run_40313
365666 03/11/12 12:24 duve [Target] Target Magnet Current spontaneity
365665 03/11/12 12:21 adev Start_Run_40312,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=DAQ test
365664 03/11/12 12:11 a-onl Start_Run_3086,Run_type=Production,target_type=NH3 bottom,comment_text=gep production, IHWP OUT
365663 03/11/12 12:10 a-onl End_of_Run_3086
365662 03/11/12 12:10 adev End_of_Run_40311
365660 03/11/12 11:41 M. Cummings Beam is back
365659 03/11/12 11:40 a-onl Start_Run_22174,Run_type=Production,target_type=NH3 bottom,comment_text=GEP Production IHWP OUT
365658 03/11/12 11:40 adev Start_Run_40311,Run_type=Production,target_type=empty,comment_text=NH3 bottom, IHWP OUT
365657 03/11/12 11:31 M. Cummings Beam Stopped - A2 interception high
365656 03/11/12 11:29 a-onl End_of_Run_22173
365655 03/11/12 11:29 a-onl End_of_Run_3085
365654 03/11/12 11:22 M. Cummings Beam is back
365653 03/11/12 11:17 a-onl Start_Run_22173,Run_type=Production,target_type=NH3 bottom,comment_text=GEP Production IHWP OUT
365652 03/11/12 11:16 a-onl Start_Run_3085,Run_type=Production,target_type=NH3 bottom,comment_text=gep production, IHWP OUT
365651 03/11/12 11:06 jmaxwell [Target] Polarizing Top Negatively
365650 03/11/12 10:26 jmaxwell [Target] Anneal Complete
365649 03/11/12 09:00 jmaxwell [Target] Controlled Access for First Anneal
365648 03/11/12 08:51 friedman owl shift summary
365647 03/11/12 08:43 M. Cummings Stop beam for target anneal
365646 03/11/12 08:43 a-onl End_of_Run_3084
365645 03/11/12 08:42 a-onl End_of_Run_22172
365644 03/11/12 08:42 adev End_of_Run_40310
365643 03/11/12 08:41 M. Cummings Hall A Tools
365642 03/11/12 08:34 T. Badman wrong prescales for third arm!
365641 03/11/12 08:32 adev Start_Run_40310,Run_type=Production,target_type=empty,comment_text=NH3 bottom, IHWP OUT
365640 03/11/12 08:31 adev End_of_Run_40309
365639 03/11/12 08:15 a-onl Start_Run_22172,Run_type=Production,target_type=NH3 bottom,comment_text=GEP Production IHWP OUT
365638 03/11/12 08:15 a-onl Start_Run_3084,Run_type=Production,target_type=NH3 bottom,comment_text=gep production, IHWP OUT
365637 03/11/12 08:12 a-onl End_of_Run_3083
365636 03/11/12 08:12 a-onl End_of_Run_22171
365635 03/11/12 07:53 a-onl Start_Run_22171,Run_type=Production,target_type=NH3 bottom,comment_text=GEP Production IHWP OUT
365634 03/11/12 07:52 a-onl Start_Run_3083,Run_type=Production,target_type=NH3 bottom,comment_text=gep production, IHWP OUT
365633 03/11/12 07:51 a-onl End_of_Run_22170
365631 03/11/12 07:45 T. Badman slow raster run 3082
365630 03/11/12 07:39 a-onl Start_Run_22170,Run_type=Production,target_type=NH3 bottom,comment_text=GEP Production IHWP OUT
365629 03/11/12 07:36 T. Badman ROC26 disconnect again
365628 03/11/12 07:32 T. Badman ROC26 error, rebooted on RHRS run 22168
365627 03/11/12 07:30 a-onl Start_Run_22169,Run_type=Production,target_type=NH3 bottom,comment_text=GEP Production IHWP OUT
365626 03/11/12 07:26 a-onl End_of_Run_22168
365625 03/11/12 07:23 a-onl Start_Run_22168,Run_type=Production,target_type=NH3 bottom,comment_text=GEP Production IHWP OUT
365624 03/11/12 07:22 a-onl Start_Run_3082,Run_type=Production,target_type=NH3 bottom,comment_text=gep production, IHWP OUT
365623 03/11/12 07:22 adev Start_Run_40309,Run_type=Production,target_type=empty,comment_text=NH3 bottom, IHWP OUT
365622 03/11/12 07:21 adev End_of_Run_40308
365621 03/11/12 07:21 a-onl End_of_Run_22167
365619 03/11/12 06:58 friedman Can't read beam position
365618 03/11/12 06:52 adev Start_Run_40308,Run_type=Production,target_type=empty,comment_text=NH3 bottom, IHWP IN
365617 03/11/12 06:49 a-onl Start_Run_22167,Run_type=Production,target_type=NH3 bottom,comment_text=GEP Production IHWP OUT
365616 03/11/12 06:49 a-onl Start_Run_3081,Run_type=Production,target_type=NH3 bottom,comment_text=gep production, IHWP OUT
365615 03/11/12 06:48 friedman IHWP changed - now OUT
365614 03/11/12 06:48 adev End_of_Run_40307
365613 03/11/12 06:43 a-onl End_of_Run_3080
365612 03/11/12 06:42 T. Badman ROC26 disconnected
365611 03/11/12 06:39 Higinbotham 100 nA
365610 03/11/12 06:24 friedman spot++
365609 03/11/12 06:18 a-onl Start_Run_22166,Run_type=Production,target_type=NH3 bottom,comment_text=GEP Production IHWP IN
365608 03/11/12 06:18 a-onl Start_Run_3080,Run_type=Production,target_type=NH3 bottom,comment_text=gep production, IHWP IN
365607 03/11/12 06:16 a-onl End_of_Run_22165
365606 03/11/12 06:16 a-onl End_of_Run_3079
365605 03/11/12 06:15 a-onl Start_Run_22165,Run_type=Production,target_type=NH3 bottom,comment_text=GEP Production IHWP IN
365604 03/11/12 06:15 a-onl Start_Run_3079,Run_type=Production,target_type=NH3 bottom,comment_text=gep production, IHWP IN
365603 03/11/12 06:13 a-onl End_of_Run_3078
365602 03/11/12 06:13 a-onl End_of_Run_22164
365601 03/11/12 06:12 a-onl Start_Run_22164,Run_type=Production,target_type=NH3 bottom,comment_text=GEP Production IHWP IN
365600 03/11/12 06:11 a-onl Start_Run_3078,Run_type=Production,target_type=NH3 bottom,comment_text=gep production, IHWP IN
365599 03/11/12 06:08 friedman decrease beam current
365598 03/11/12 06:07 a-onl End_of_Run_22163
365596 03/11/12 06:03 T. Badman beam back on
365595 03/11/12 06:02 a-onl Start_Run_22163,Run_type=Production,target_type=NH3 bottom,comment_text=GEP Production IHWP IN
365594 03/11/12 06:01 a-onl Start_Run_3077,Run_type=Production,target_type=NH3 bottom,comment_text=gep production, IHWP IN
365593 03/11/12 05:41 friedman beam stop
365592 03/11/12 05:39 a-onl End_of_Run_22162
365591 03/11/12 05:39 a-onl End_of_Run_3076
365590 03/11/12 05:30 slifer Pt
365589 03/11/12 05:21 a-onl Start_Run_22162,Run_type=Production,target_type=NH3 bottom,comment_text=GEP Production IHWP IN
365588 03/11/12 05:21 a-onl Start_Run_3076,Run_type=Production,target_type=NH3 bottom,comment_text=gep production, IHWP IN
365587 03/11/12 05:18 a-onl End_of_Run_3075
365586 03/11/12 05:18 a-onl End_of_Run_22161
365585 03/11/12 05:01 friedman polarization constantly drops
365584 03/11/12 04:44 friedman dp vs ph by paddles
365583 03/11/12 04:43 a-onl Start_Run_22161,Run_type=Production,target_type=NH3 bottom,comment_text=GEP Production IHWP IN
365582 03/11/12 04:43 a-onl Start_Run_3075,Run_type=Production,target_type=NH3 bottom,comment_text=gep production, IHWP IN
365581 03/11/12 04:40 a-onl End_of_Run_22160
365580 03/11/12 04:40 a-onl End_of_Run_3074
365579 03/11/12 04:02 T. Badman restarted third arm coda
365578 03/11/12 04:00 adev Start_Run_40306,Run_type=Production,target_type=empty,comment_text=NH3 bottom, IHWP OUT
365577 03/11/12 03:59 adev End_of_Run_40305
365576 03/11/12 03:58 a-onl Start_Run_3074,Run_type=Production,target_type=NH3 bottom,comment_text=gep production, IHWP IN
365575 03/11/12 03:58 a-onl Start_Run_22160,Run_type=Production,target_type=NH3 bottom,comment_text=GEP Production IHWP IN
365574 03/11/12 03:57 adev Start_Run_40304,Run_type=Production,target_type=empty,comment_text=NH3 bottom, IHWP OUT
365573 03/11/12 03:56 adev End_of_Run_40304
365572 03/11/12 03:56 a-onl End_of_Run_22159
365571 03/11/12 03:55 T. Badman Slow raster pattern
365570 03/11/12 03:37 friedman bleedthrough
365569 03/11/12 03:23 pzhu happex ADC gain for BCM changed
365568 03/11/12 03:19 T. Badman Coda crashed run 22158
365567 03/11/12 03:16 a-onl Start_Run_22159,Run_type=Production,target_type=NH3 bottom,comment_text=GEP Production IHWP IN
365566 03/11/12 03:14 a-onl Start_Run_3073,Run_type=Production,target_type=NH3 bottom,comment_text=gep production, IHWP IN
365565 03/11/12 03:08 a-onl End_of_Run_22157
365563 03/11/12 03:04 friedman IHWP changed in middle of runs
365562 03/11/12 03:02 a-onl Start_Run_3072,Run_type=Production,target_type=NH3 bottom,comment_text=gep production, IHWP IN
365561 03/11/12 03:02 friedman IHWP changed
365560 03/11/12 03:02 a-onl Start_Run_22157,Run_type=Production,target_type=NH3 bottom,comment_text=GEP Production IHWP IN
365559 03/11/12 03:00 adev Start_Run_40303,Run_type=Production,target_type=empty,comment_text=NH3 bottom, IHWP OUT
365558 03/11/12 03:00 adev Start_Run_40303,Run_type=Production,target_type=empty,comment_text=NH3 bottom, IHWP OUT
365557 03/11/12 03:00 adev End_of_Run_40303
365556 03/11/12 03:00 a-onl End_of_Run_3071
365556 03/11/12 03:00 a-onl End_of_Run_22156
365555 03/11/12 01:56 T. Badman Third arm start of run
365554 03/11/12 01:51 adev End_of_Run_40302
365553 03/11/12 01:38 adev Start_Run_40301,Run_type=Production,target_type=empty,comment_text=NH3 bottom, IHWP OUT
365552 03/11/12 01:35 a-onl Start_Run_22156,Run_type=Production,target_type=NH3 bottom,comment_text=GEP Production IHWP OUT
365551 03/11/12 01:35 a-onl Start_Run_3071,Run_type=Production,target_type=NH3 bottom,comment_text=gep production, IHWP OUT
365550 03/11/12 01:33 friedman beam back on
365549 03/11/12 01:30 jmaxwell [Target] Polarizing Negative on Bottom Target
365548 03/11/12 01:22 Kalyan Re: Alarm handler white alarm for two mystery HVs... Problem?
365547 03/11/12 01:10 brads (techs) LN2 level on left arm is flakey
365546 03/11/12 01:03 friedman beam stop
365545 03/11/12 00:51 M. Yurov [target] Change the target
365543 03/11/12 00:43 adev End_of_Run_40300
365542 03/11/12 00:42 a-onl End_of_Run_22155
365540 03/11/12 00:41 friedman third arm coda restarted
365539 03/11/12 00:41 adev Start_Run_40300,Run_type=Production,target_type=empty,comment_text=NH3 top, IHWP OUT
365538 03/11/12 00:31 adev Start_Run_40299,Run_type=Production,target_type=empty,comment_text=NH3 top, IHWP OUT
365537 03/11/12 00:31 adev Start_Run_40298,Run_type=Production,target_type=empty,comment_text=NH3 top, IHWP OUT
365536 03/11/12 00:31 adev End_of_Run_40298
365535 03/11/12 00:22 friedman spot++
365534 03/11/12 00:14 a-onl Start_Run_22155,Run_type=Production,target_type=NH3 top,comment_text=GEP Production IHWP OUT
365533 03/11/12 00:14 a-onl Start_Run_3070,Run_type=Production,target_type=NH3 top,comment_text=gep production, IHWP OUT
365532 03/11/12 00:12 a-onl End_of_Run_22154
365531 03/11/12 00:12 a-onl End_of_Run_3069
365530 03/11/12 00:10 kamyers Swing shift summary
365529 03/11/12 00:06 Chao Charge asymmetry of run 3065
365528 03/10/12 23:48 Kalyan Please run Third Arm DAQ tonight
365527 03/10/12 23:38 a-onl Start_Run_22154,Run_type=Production,target_type=NH3 top,comment_text=GEP Production IHWP OUT
365526 03/10/12 23:38 a-onl Start_Run_3069,Run_type=Production,target_type=NH3 top,comment_text=gep production, IHWP OUT
365525 03/10/12 23:37 adev Start_Run_40297,Run_type=Production,target_type=empty,comment_text=NH3 top, IHWP OUT
365524 03/10/12 23:34 a-onl End_of_Run_22153
365523 03/10/12 23:33 a-onl End_of_Run_3068
365522 03/10/12 23:05 a-onl Start_Run_22153,Run_type=Production,target_type=NH3 top,comment_text=GEP Production IHWP OUT
365521 03/10/12 23:05 a-onl Start_Run_3068,Run_type=Production,target_type=NH3 top,comment_text=gep production, IHWP OUT
365520 03/10/12 23:03 a-onl End_of_Run_22152
365519 03/10/12 23:02 a-onl End_of_Run_3067
365518 03/10/12 22:56 brads Alarm handler white alarm for two mystery HVs... Problem?
365517 03/10/12 22:34 a-onl Start_Run_22152,Run_type=Production,target_type=NH3 top,comment_text=GEP Production IHWP OUT
365516 03/10/12 22:33 a-onl Start_Run_3067,Run_type=Production,target_type=NH3 top,comment_text=gep production, IHWP OUT
365515 03/10/12 22:32 a-onl End_of_Run_22151
365514 03/10/12 22:31 a-onl End_of_Run_3066
365513 03/10/12 22:20 a-onl Start_Run_22151,Run_type=Production,target_type=NH3 top,comment_text=GEP Production IHWP OUT
365512 03/10/12 22:01 brads GEp/G2p status update
365511 03/10/12 21:58 a-onl Start_Run_22150,Run_type=Production,target_type=NH3 top,comment_text=GEP Production IHWP OUT
365510 03/10/12 21:58 a-onl Start_Run_3066,Run_type=Production,target_type=NH3 top,comment_text=gep production, IHWP OUT
365509 03/10/12 21:54 D. Keller [Target] Target Magnet Current spontaneity
365508 03/10/12 21:49 a-onl End_of_Run_22149
365507 03/10/12 21:49 a-onl End_of_Run_3065
365506 03/10/12 21:46 a-onl Start_Run_22149,Run_type=Production,target_type=NH3 top,comment_text=GEP Production IHWP OUT
365505 03/10/12 21:46 a-onl Start_Run_3065,Run_type=Production,target_type=NH3 top,comment_text=gep production, IHWP OUT
365504 03/10/12 21:45 kamyers IHWP is now OUT
365503 03/10/12 21:43 a-onl End_of_Run_22148
365502 03/10/12 21:43 a-onl End_of_Run_3064
365501 03/10/12 21:32 kamyers No start run screen/entry for 22148
365500 03/10/12 21:21 D. Keller [Target] Target Magnet Current spontaneity
365499 03/10/12 21:20 kamyers Hall A orbit lock now on
365498 03/10/12 21:14 a-onl Start_Run_3064,Run_type=Production,target_type=NH3 top,comment_text=gep production, IHWP IN
365497 03/10/12 21:06 a-onl End_of_Run_3063
365496 03/10/12 21:06 a-onl End_of_Run_22147
365495 03/10/12 21:00 a-onl Start_Run_22147,Run_type=Production,target_type=NH3 top,comment_text=GEP Production HWP IN
365494 03/10/12 20:59 a-onl Start_Run_3063,Run_type=Production,target_type=NH3 top,comment_text=gep production, IHWP IN
365493 03/10/12 20:57 a-onl End_of_Run_3062
365492 03/10/12 20:57 a-onl End_of_Run_22146
365491 03/10/12 20:45 mhuang update DB 20120306/db_L.vdc.dat
365490 03/10/12 20:29 a-onl Start_Run_22146,Run_type=Production,target_type=NH3 top,comment_text=GEP Production HWP IN
365489 03/10/12 20:29 a-onl Start_Run_3062,Run_type=Production,target_type=NH3 top,comment_text=gep production, IHWP IN
365488 03/10/12 20:27 a-onl End_of_Run_3061
365487 03/10/12 20:27 a-onl End_of_Run_22145
365486 03/10/12 20:24 pzhu right arm happex disconnect sometimes
365485 03/10/12 20:23 mhuang a closer look at CH2 runs
365484 03/10/12 20:22 kamyers Hall A general tools screen
365483 03/10/12 20:20 kamyers large bleedthrough for the following "production" runs
365482 03/10/12 19:58 a-onl Start_Run_3061,Run_type=Production,target_type=NH3 top,comment_text=gep production, IHWP IN
365481 03/10/12 19:56 kamyers slit position should be 14
365480 03/10/12 19:56 a-onl Start_Run_22145,Run_type=Production,target_type=NH3 top,comment_text=GEP Production HWP IN
365479 03/10/12 19:54 jmaxwell [Target] Slow Raster still looks good
365478 03/10/12 19:52 kamyers Bleedthrough significantly reduced
365477 03/10/12 19:48 jie there is significant hall c bleedthrough
365476 03/10/12 19:47 a-onl End_of_Run_22144
365475 03/10/12 19:47 a-onl End_of_Run_3060
365474 03/10/12 19:38 a-onl Start_Run_22144,Run_type=Production,target_type=NH3 top,comment_text=GEP Production HWP IN
365473 03/10/12 19:36 a-onl Start_Run_3060,Run_type=Production,target_type=NH3 top,comment_text=gep production, IHWP IN
365472 03/10/12 19:34 a-onl End_of_Run_3059
365471 03/10/12 19:33 a-onl Start_Run_22143,Run_type=Production,target_type=NH3 top,comment_text=Junk, DAQ test
365470 03/10/12 19:33 a-onl End_of_Run_22143
365469 03/10/12 19:28 a-onl Start_Run_22141,Run_type=Production,target_type=NH3 top,comment_text=Junk, DAQ test
365468 03/10/12 19:27 a-onl End_of_Run_22141
365467 03/10/12 19:24 a-onl End_of_Run_22140
365466 03/10/12 19:24 a-onl Start_Run_22140,Run_type=Production,target_type=NH3 top,comment_text=Junk, DAQ test
365465 03/10/12 19:24 mhuang fp_x plots for refercence to dp plots
365464 03/10/12 19:04 a-onl Start_Run_22139,Run_type=Production,target_type=NH3 top,comment_text=GEP production, IHWP IN
365463 03/10/12 19:03 a-onl Start_Run_3059,Run_type=Production,target_type=NH3 top,comment_text=gep production, IHWP IN
365462 03/10/12 18:58 jmaxwell [Target] Magnetic Field Moved Again
365461 03/10/12 18:58 a-onl Start_Run_22138,Run_type=Production,target_type=NH3 top,comment_text=TEST
365460 03/10/12 18:57 a-onl End_of_Run_22138
365459 03/10/12 18:53 jmaxwell [Target] Slow Raster Plot
365458 03/10/12 18:53 a-onl End_of_Run_22137
365457 03/10/12 18:53 a-onl End_of_Run_3058
365456 03/10/12 18:49 kamyers bcm readings with 100 nA
365455 03/10/12 18:47 kamyers run 3058 production, IHWP is IN
365454 03/10/12 18:46 kamyers this run junk (3057)
365453 03/10/12 18:38 a-onl Start_Run_3057,Run_type=Production,target_type=NH3 top,comment_text=gep production
365452 03/10/12 18:38 a-onl Start_Run_3058,Run_type=Spot++,target_type=NH3 top,comment_text=gep production
365451 03/10/12 18:38 a-onl Start_Run_22137,Run_type=Production,target_type=NH3 top,comment_text=gep production, IHWP IN
365450 03/10/12 18:35 a-onl End_of_Run_3057
365449 03/10/12 18:35 kamyers spot L plots run 3056
365448 03/10/12 18:32 kamyers small amount of leakage beam
365447 03/10/12 18:27 a-onl End_of_Run_3056
365446 03/10/12 18:23 a-onl Start_Run_22136,Run_type=Spot++,target_type=NH3 top,comment_text=gep production
365445 03/10/12 18:22 a-onl Start_Run_3056,Run_type=Spot++,target_type=NH3 top,comment_text=gep production
365444 03/10/12 18:20 a-onl End_of_Run_3055
365443 03/10/12 18:18 a-onl End_of_Run_22135
365442 03/10/12 18:16 a-onl Start_Run_3055,Run_type=Spot++,target_type=NH3 top,comment_text=gep production
365441 03/10/12 18:16 a-onl Start_Run_22135,Run_type=Spot++,target_type=NH3 top,comment_text=gep production
365440 03/10/12 18:10 jmaxwell [Target] Run Valve Back on PID
365439 03/10/12 17:59 kamyers fast raster is set to 2x2, slow raster is on at 1.5V
365437 03/10/12 17:55 kamyers IHWP is IN
365436 03/10/12 17:54 jmaxwell Slow Raster On
365434 03/10/12 17:46 jmaxwell [Target] TE Measurements
365433 03/10/12 17:41 jmaxwell [Target] Polariing Top, Positive
365431 03/10/12 17:17 a-onl End_of_Run_3054
365430 03/10/12 16:54 M. Cummings adjusted HV settings
365429 03/10/12 16:51 kamyers septum currents at 718.1 A
365428 03/10/12 16:32 a-onl Start_Run_3054,Run_type=Optics,target_type=empty,comment_text=Cosmic Check
365427 03/10/12 16:32 a-onl Start_Run_22134,Run_type=Optics,target_type=empty,comment_text=Cosmic Check
365426 03/10/12 16:31 a-onl End_of_Run_22134
365425 03/10/12 16:30 kamyers momentum set to 2.228 GeV in both arms
365424 03/10/12 16:26 Chao Sieve OUT
365423 03/10/12 16:18 R. Zielinski Enabled EDTM on both arms
365422 03/10/12 16:09 Chao set HRS momentum to 2.228GeV
365421 03/10/12 16:06 Chao Day Shift Summary
365420 03/10/12 15:55 Chao Hall A General Tools
365419 03/10/12 14:43 A. Camsonne Rough BCM calibration
365418 03/10/12 14:39 Chao IHWP Change
365417 03/10/12 14:35 Chao/Yunchen Comment for run 40296
365416 03/10/12 14:27 A. Camsonne Runs 3053 and 22133 BCM pedestal run
365415 03/10/12 14:21 adev End_of_Run_40296
365414 03/10/12 14:20 a-onl End_of_Run_3053
365413 03/10/12 14:20 a-onl End_of_Run_22133
365412 03/10/12 14:08 A. Camsonne Requested beam off for TE measurement
365411 03/10/12 14:05 a-onl Start_Run_22133,Run_type=Optics,target_type=empty,comment_text=BCM Calibration - Hall A slit closed - BCM receiver pedestal
365410 03/10/12 14:05 a-onl Start_Run_3053,Run_type=Optics,target_type=empty,comment_text=BCM Calibration - Hall A slit closed - BCM receiver pedestal
365409 03/10/12 14:04 adev Start_Run_40296,Run_type=Cosmics,target_type=empty,comment_text=dE=-50mV E=-50mV
365408 03/10/12 14:02 a-onl Start_Run_22132,Run_type=Optics,target_type=empty,comment_text=test DAQ right
365407 03/10/12 14:01 a-onl End_of_Run_22132
365406 03/10/12 14:00 A. Camsonne BCM reading Hall A slit closed
365405 03/10/12 13:57 jmaxwell [Target] Move to Top for TE
365404 03/10/12 13:56 Chao vertex z distribution for left arm run 3041
365403 03/10/12 13:55 a-onl End_of_Run_3052
365402 03/10/12 13:55 a-onl End_of_Run_22131
365401 03/10/12 13:53 A. Camsonne BCM screen withh 100 nA
365400 03/10/12 13:49 mhuang Gep dp spectrum plot RHRS #22120
365399 03/10/12 13:47 Chao Sieve pattern for right arm run 22120
365398 03/10/12 13:42 a-onl Start_Run_22131,Run_type=Optics,target_type=empty,comment_text=no Target, no raster, BCM Calibration
365397 03/10/12 13:42 a-onl Start_Run_3052,Run_type=Optics,target_type=empty,comment_text=BCM Calibration
365396 03/10/12 13:35 A. Camsonne BCM receiver gain increased for low current running
365395 03/10/12 13:04 A. Camsonne Old BCM receiver gains settings
365394 03/10/12 12:52 Jack(Techs) Right Dipole behaving normally
365393 03/10/12 12:43 jpierce [target] Moved target out
365392 03/10/12 12:24 jmaxwell [Target] Moved to Top
365391 03/10/12 12:17 jmaxwell [Target] Taking Baselines
365390 03/10/12 12:11 jmaxwell [Target] Nose PID loop back on
365389 03/10/12 12:07 jmaxwell [Target] Moved to Bottom
365388 03/10/12 11:55 jmaxwell [Target] Moved to Top, Filling Nose
365387 03/10/12 10:52 Jack(Techs) Right Dipole ramping down
365386 03/10/12 09:28 Jixie Controlled access
365385 03/10/12 09:05 Jixie MCC took beam away
365384 03/10/12 09:05 Jixie Moved beam to (0,-4), Not settled
365383 03/10/12 08:42 Yuncheng Run 3050, Beam Position (0,4)
365382 03/10/12 08:39 Yuncheng Run 22129, Target, Beam Position (0,4)
365381 03/10/12 08:34 a-onl End_of_Run_22130
365380 03/10/12 08:34 a-onl End_of_Run_3051
365379 03/10/12 08:34 Yuncheng Run 22129 FP, Beam Position (0,4)
365378 03/10/12 08:31 Yuncheng Run 3050, beam Position (0,4)
365377 03/10/12 08:26 Yuncheng Run 3051, beam position (0,4)
365376 03/10/12 08:24 a-onl Start_Run_22130,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=no LHe, no raster, delta = +1% beam position scan (0,4)
365375 03/10/12 08:23 a-onl Start_Run_3051,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=no LHe, no rasters, delta = 0 beam position scan (0, 4)
365374 03/10/12 08:23 Jixie Beam is back
365373 03/10/12 08:15 Jixie Beam is not available
365372 03/10/12 08:12 a-onl End_of_Run_22129
365371 03/10/12 08:12 a-onl End_of_Run_3050
365370 03/10/12 08:10 yuncheng replay 3050
365369 03/10/12 08:03 Jixie Move beam to (0,4)
365368 03/10/12 08:01 pzhu owl shift summary
365367 03/10/12 08:01 Jixie Hall C changed HWP
365366 03/10/12 08:00 efuchey Scalers runs 3050/22129
365365 03/10/12 07:59 a-onl Start_Run_22129,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=no LHe, no raster, delta = +1% beam position scan (0,4)
365364 03/10/12 07:58 a-onl Start_Run_3050,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=no LHe, no rasters, delta = 0 beam position scan (0, 4)
365363 03/10/12 07:52 a-onl End_of_Run_22128
365361 03/10/12 07:44 a-onl Start_Run_22128,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=no LHe, no raster, delta = +1% beam position scan (4,4)
365360 03/10/12 07:44 a-onl Start_Run_3049,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=no LHe, no rasters, delta = 0 beam position scan (4, 4)
365359 03/10/12 07:42 a-onl End_of_Run_3048
365357 03/10/12 07:38 efuchey Scalers runs 3046/22125
365356 03/10/12 07:37 a-onl Start_Run_22127,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=no LHe, no raster, delta = +1% beam position scan (4,4)
365355 03/10/12 07:37 a-onl Start_Run_22126,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=no LHe, no raster, delta = +1% beam position scan (-4,4)
365354 03/10/12 07:36 Jixie Moved beam to (4,4)
365353 03/10/12 07:36 a-onl Start_Run_3048,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=no LHe, no rasters, delta = 0 beam position scan (4, 4)
365352 03/10/12 07:35 a-onl Start_Run_3047,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=no LHe, no rasters, delta = 0 beam position scan (-4, 4)
365351 03/10/12 07:34 a-onl End_of_Run_3047
365350 03/10/12 07:34 a-onl End_of_Run_22126
365349 03/10/12 07:27 a-onl End_of_Run_22125
365348 03/10/12 07:27 a-onl End_of_Run_3046
365347 03/10/12 07:24 a-onl Start_Run_22125,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=no LHe, no raster, delta = +1% beam position scan (-4,4)
365346 03/10/12 07:24 a-onl Start_Run_3046,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=no LHe, no rasters, delta = 0 beam position scan (-4, 4)
365345 03/10/12 07:18 a-onl End_of_Run_22124
365344 03/10/12 07:18 a-onl End_of_Run_3045
365343 03/10/12 07:13 Jixie Moved beam to (-4,0)
365342 03/10/12 07:12 a-onl Start_Run_22124,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=no LHe, no raster, delta = +1% beam position scan (-4,0)
365341 03/10/12 07:11 a-onl Start_Run_3045,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=no LHe, no rasters, delta = 0 beam position scan (-4, 0)
365340 03/10/12 07:05 a-onl End_of_Run_3044
365339 03/10/12 07:05 a-onl End_of_Run_22123
365338 03/10/12 07:02 Jixie Hall C changed HWP
365337 03/10/12 06:54 a-onl Start_Run_22123,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=no LHe, no raster, delta = +1% beam position scan (+4,0)
365336 03/10/12 06:53 a-onl Start_Run_3044,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=no LHe, no rasters, delta = 0 beam position scan (+4, 0)
365335 03/10/12 06:52 a-onl End_of_Run_3043
365334 03/10/12 06:52 a-onl End_of_Run_22122
365333 03/10/12 06:46 Jixie Move beam to (4,0)
365332 03/10/12 06:43 efuchey scalers for runs 3043/22122
365331 03/10/12 06:42 a-onl Start_Run_22122,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=no LHe, no raster, delta = +1% beam position scan (+4,0)
365330 03/10/12 06:42 a-onl Start_Run_3043,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=no LHe, no rasters, delta = 0 beam position scan (+4, 0)
365329 03/10/12 06:29 a-onl End_of_Run_3042
365328 03/10/12 06:29 a-onl End_of_Run_22121
365327 03/10/12 06:21 a-onl Start_Run_22121,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=no LHe, no raster, delta = +1% beam position scan (0,0)
365326 03/10/12 06:20 a-onl Start_Run_3042,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=no LHe, no rasters, delta = 0 beam position scan (0,0)
365325 03/10/12 06:16 a-onl End_of_Run_22120
365324 03/10/12 06:16 a-onl End_of_Run_3041
365323 03/10/12 06:14 Jixie Beam is at (0,0)
365322 03/10/12 06:12 efuchey scalers runs 3041/22120
365321 03/10/12 06:12 a-onl Start_Run_22120,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=no LHe, no raster, delta = +1% beam position scan (0,0)
365320 03/10/12 06:11 a-onl Start_Run_3041,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=no LHe, no rasters, delta = 0 beam position scan (0,0)
365319 03/10/12 06:09 Jixie optics restarted! Move beam to (0,0)
365318 03/10/12 06:02 Jixie Hall C change HWP
365317 03/10/12 06:02 Jixie Wrong momentum control for both arm from Swing shift
365316 03/10/12 05:51 a-onl End_of_Run_3040
365315 03/10/12 05:51 a-onl End_of_Run_22119
365314 03/10/12 05:47 a-onl Start_Run_3040,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=no LHe, no rasters, delta = 0 beam position scan (-4,0)
365313 03/10/12 05:47 efuchey Scalers runs 3040/22119
365312 03/10/12 05:46 a-onl Start_Run_22119,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=no LHe, no raster, delta = +1% beam position scan (-4,0)
365311 03/10/12 05:45 a-onl End_of_Run_3039
365310 03/10/12 05:42 a-onl Start_Run_22118,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=no LHe, no raster, delta = +1% beam position scan (-4,0)
365309 03/10/12 05:40 a-onl End_of_Run_22117
365308 03/10/12 05:39 a-onl Start_Run_3039,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=no LHe, no rasters, delta = 0 beam position scan (-4,0)
365307 03/10/12 05:35 a-onl Start_Run_22117,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=no LHe, no raster, delta = +1% beam position scan (-4,0)
365306 03/10/12 05:35 a-onl Start_Run_3038,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=no LHe, no rasters, delta = 0 beam position scan (-4,0)
365305 03/10/12 05:30 a-onl End_of_Run_22116
365304 03/10/12 05:25 a-onl Start_Run_22116,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=no LHe, no raster, delta = +1% beam position scan (-4,0)
365303 03/10/12 05:25 a-onl Start_Run_3036,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=no LHe, no rasters, delta = 0 beam position scan (-4,0)
365302 03/10/12 05:22 a-onl End_of_Run_3035
365301 03/10/12 05:22 a-onl End_of_Run_22115
365300 03/10/12 05:19 efuchey scalers, run 3035/22115
365299 03/10/12 05:18 efuchey scalers run 3035/22115
365298 03/10/12 05:17 a-onl Start_Run_22115,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=no LHe, no raster, delta = +1% beam position scan (-4,0)
365297 03/10/12 05:17 a-onl Start_Run_3035,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=no LHe, no rasters, delta = 0 beam position scan (-4,0)
365296 03/10/12 05:09 a-onl End_of_Run_3034
365295 03/10/12 05:09 a-onl End_of_Run_22114
365294 03/10/12 05:02 a-onl Start_Run_22114,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=no LHe, no raster, delta = +1% beam position scan (-4,-4)
365293 03/10/12 05:01 a-onl Start_Run_3034,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=no LHe, no rasters, delta = 0 beam position scan (-4,-4)
365292 03/10/12 05:00 a-onl End_of_Run_3033
365291 03/10/12 05:00 a-onl End_of_Run_22113
365290 03/10/12 04:58 jixie Hall C changed HWP
365289 03/10/12 04:55 efuchey scalers runs 3033/22113
365288 03/10/12 04:53 M. Yurov [taget] magnet warm return flow
365287 03/10/12 04:53 a-onl Start_Run_22113,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=no LHe, no raster, delta = +1% beam position scan (-4,-4)
365286 03/10/12 04:53 a-onl Start_Run_3033,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=no LHe, no rasters, delta = 0 beam position scan (-4,-4)
365285 03/10/12 04:51 Jixie Asked MCC to move beam to (-4,-4)
365284 03/10/12 04:39 a-onl End_of_Run_3032
365283 03/10/12 04:39 a-onl End_of_Run_22112
365282 03/10/12 04:39 a-onl Start_Run_22112,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=no LHe, no raster, delta = +1% beam position scan (0,-6)
365281 03/10/12 04:37 a-onl End_of_Run_22111
365280 03/10/12 04:33 a-onl Start_Run_3032,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=no LHe, no rasters, delta = 0 beam position scan (0,-6)
365279 03/10/12 04:32 a-onl Start_Run_22111,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=no LHe, no raster, delta = +1% beam position scan (0,-6)
365278 03/10/12 04:30 a-onl End_of_Run_3031
365277 03/10/12 04:29 efuchey roc 26 crashed
365276 03/10/12 04:26 efuchey scalers run 3031/22110
365275 03/10/12 04:23 Jixie (0,-6) is too low, moved beam to (0.-4)
365274 03/10/12 04:22 a-onl Start_Run_22110,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=no LHe, no raster, delta = +1% beam position scan (0,-6)
365273 03/10/12 04:22 a-onl Start_Run_3031,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=no LHe, no rasters, delta = 0 beam position scan (0,-6)
365272 03/10/12 04:21 a-onl End_of_Run_22109
365271 03/10/12 04:21 a-onl End_of_Run_3030
365270 03/10/12 04:17 a-onl Start_Run_22109,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=no LHe, no raster, delta = +1% beam position scan (0,-6)
365269 03/10/12 04:17 a-onl Start_Run_3030,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=no LHe, no rasters, delta = 0 beam position scan (0,-6)
365268 03/10/12 04:12 Jixie Move beam to (0,-12)
365267 03/10/12 04:09 a-onl End_of_Run_3029
365266 03/10/12 04:09 a-onl End_of_Run_22108
365265 03/10/12 04:02 a-onl Start_Run_3029,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=no LHe, no rasters, delta = 0 beam position scan (0,6)
365264 03/10/12 04:02 a-onl Start_Run_22108,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=no LHe, no raster, delta = +1% beam position scan (0,6)
365263 03/10/12 04:00 a-onl End_of_Run_3028
365262 03/10/12 04:00 a-onl End_of_Run_22107
365261 03/10/12 03:54 efuchey scalers: beam pos scan (0,6)
365260 03/10/12 03:54 Jixie Hall C change HWP
365259 03/10/12 03:52 Jixie Beam finally reached (0,6)
365258 03/10/12 03:52 a-onl Start_Run_22107,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=no LHe, no raster, delta = +1% beam position scan (0,6)
365257 03/10/12 03:52 a-onl Start_Run_3028,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=no LHe, no rasters, delta = 0 beam position scan (0,6)
365256 03/10/12 03:36 pzhu slow raster size for new configuration
365255 03/10/12 03:32 Jixie Finished (0,0) data taking, move beam to (0,6)
365254 03/10/12 03:23 a-onl End_of_Run_3027
365253 03/10/12 03:23 a-onl End_of_Run_22106
365252 03/10/12 03:19 Jixie Start optics beam position scan
365251 03/10/12 03:18 a-onl Start_Run_22106,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=no LHe, no raster, delta = +1% beam position scan (0,0)
365250 03/10/12 03:18 a-onl Start_Run_3027,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=no LHe, no rasters, delta = 0 beam position scan (0,0)
365249 03/10/12 03:16 a-onl End_of_Run_3026
365248 03/10/12 03:15 a-onl End_of_Run_22105
365247 03/10/12 03:09 a-onl Start_Run_22105,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=no LHe, no raster, delta = +1%
365246 03/10/12 03:09 a-onl Start_Run_3026,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=no LHe, no rasters, delta = 0
365245 03/10/12 03:08 Jixie Turn off the slow raster
365244 03/10/12 03:07 efuchey spot L and R for runs 3025/22104
365243 03/10/12 03:07 a-onl End_of_Run_3025
365242 03/10/12 03:07 a-onl End_of_Run_22104
365241 03/10/12 03:05 Jixie Slow raster on
365240 03/10/12 03:04 a-onl Start_Run_22104,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=no LHe, no raster, delta = +1%
365239 03/10/12 03:04 Jixie changed beam position
365238 03/10/12 03:04 a-onl Start_Run_3025,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=no LHe, no rasters, delta = 0
365237 03/10/12 03:01 a-onl End_of_Run_3024
365236 03/10/12 03:01 a-onl End_of_Run_22103
365235 03/10/12 02:57 a-onl Start_Run_22103,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=no LHe, no raster, delta = +1%
365234 03/10/12 02:57 a-onl Start_Run_3024,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=no LHe, no rasters, delta = 0
365233 03/10/12 02:54 Jixie Slow raster off
365232 03/10/12 02:54 Jixie Hall C change HWP
365231 03/10/12 02:53 a-onl End_of_Run_3023
365229 03/10/12 02:51 efuchey run 22100 right arm
365228 03/10/12 02:45 a-onl Start_Run_3023,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=no LHe, slow raster 1.5 V, delta = 0 beam position moved
365227 03/10/12 02:45 a-onl Start_Run_22102,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=no LHe, slow raster 1.5 V, delta = +1% beam position moved
365226 03/10/12 02:43 efuchey run 3021 replay
365225 03/10/12 02:41 a-onl End_of_Run_3022
365224 03/10/12 02:41 a-onl End_of_Run_22101
365223 03/10/12 02:39 pzhu slow raster shot
365222 03/10/12 02:39 Jixie Slow raser on, change BPMB x from -1.7 to -1.0
365221 03/10/12 02:35 efuchey spot L and R w/ slow raster
365220 03/10/12 02:34 a-onl Start_Run_22101,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=no LHe, slow raster 1.5 V, delta = +1% beam position moved
365219 03/10/12 02:34 a-onl Start_Run_3022,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=no LHe, slow raster 1.5 V, delta = 0 beam position moved
365218 03/10/12 02:33 M. Yurov [target] Magnet current has decreased
365217 03/10/12 02:28 a-onl End_of_Run_3021
365216 03/10/12 02:27 a-onl End_of_Run_22100
365215 03/10/12 02:26 Jixie Tools window
365214 03/10/12 02:24 efuchey scalers
365213 03/10/12 02:22 M.Yurov [target] Top/Bottom temp. camera is off
365212 03/10/12 02:22 a-onl Start_Run_22100,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=no LHe, slow raster 1.5 V, delta = +1%
365211 03/10/12 02:21 a-onl Start_Run_3021,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=no LHe, slow raster 1.5 V, delta = 0
365210 03/10/12 02:17 a-onl End_of_Run_22099
365209 03/10/12 02:17 a-onl End_of_Run_3020
365208 03/10/12 02:16 efuchey scalers for delta_L 0, delta_R +1
365207 03/10/12 02:13 efuchey spot L 3019
365206 03/10/12 02:11 a-onl Start_Run_22099,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=no liquid helium, no rasters, delta = +1%
365205 03/10/12 02:11 a-onl Start_Run_3020,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=no LHe, no rasters, delta = 0
365204 03/10/12 02:09 a-onl End_of_Run_3019
365203 03/10/12 02:09 a-onl End_of_Run_22098
365202 03/10/12 02:03 jmaxwell [Target] No Helium Running
365201 03/10/12 02:01 a-onl Start_Run_22098,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=no liquid helium, no rasters
365200 03/10/12 02:01 a-onl Start_Run_3019,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=
365199 03/10/12 01:37 pzhu start optics data
365198 03/10/12 01:37 M. Yurov [target] Runing with low helium
365197 03/10/12 01:34 a-onl End_of_Run_3018
365196 03/10/12 01:34 a-onl End_of_Run_22097
365195 03/10/12 01:33 a-onl Start_Run_22097,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=with helium
365194 03/10/12 01:33 a-onl Start_Run_3018,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=with helium
365193 03/10/12 01:26 M. [target] Moved target
365192 03/10/12 01:08 adaq no signal for 1H05A harp
365191 03/10/12 01:03 M. Yurov [target] Magnet current has decreased (same as Entry number 365126/365189)
365190 03/10/12 00:55 M Yurov [target] Started to drain helium from the nose
365189 03/10/12 00:51 M. Yurov [target] Magnet current has decreased (same as Entry number 365126)
365188 03/10/12 00:40 Kalyan Re: fast raster calibration failed
365187 03/10/12 00:37 a-onl End_of_Run_22096
365186 03/10/12 00:37 a-onl End_of_Run_3017
365185 03/10/12 00:31 a-onl Start_Run_22096,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=BPM calibration,A(0,2)B(-1.7,0)
365184 03/10/12 00:30 a-onl Start_Run_3017,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=bpm calibration,A(0,2)B(-1.7,0)
365183 03/10/12 00:29 a-onl Start_Run_22095,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=BPM calibration,A(0,2)B(-1.7,0)
365182 03/10/12 00:27 a-onl End_of_Run_3016
365181 03/10/12 00:27 a-onl End_of_Run_22095
365180 03/10/12 00:27 a-onl Start_Run_3016,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=bpm calibration,A(0,2)B(-1.7,0)
365179 03/10/12 00:26 pzhu 100nA CW1H04A harpscan
365178 03/10/12 00:23 a-onl End_of_Run_22094
365177 03/10/12 00:23 a-onl End_of_Run_3015
365176 03/10/12 00:22 a-onl Start_Run_22094,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=BPM calibration
365175 03/10/12 00:22 a-onl Start_Run_3015,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=bpm calibration,A(0,2)B(-1.7,0)
365174 03/10/12 00:13 jmaxwell [Target] Slow Raster Size Calibration
365173 03/10/12 00:01 a-onl End_of_Run_3014
365172 03/09/12 23:58 kamyers Swing shift summary
365171 03/09/12 23:49 jpierce Magnet Fill
365170 03/09/12 23:49 J. Shields [Target] moved target home
365169 03/09/12 23:46 pzhu fast raster calibration failed
365168 03/09/12 23:41 kamyers changes to right Q1 and right septum
365167 03/09/12 23:40 a-onl Start_Run_3014,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=fast raster calibration,8x8,slow raster off,beam position to A(3.9,2.2),B(2.4,0)
365166 03/09/12 23:29 a-onl End_of_Run_3013
365165 03/09/12 23:29 a-onl Start_Run_3013,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=fast raster calibration,7x7,slow raster off
365164 03/09/12 23:27 kamyers fast raster to 7x7
365163 03/09/12 23:25 pzhu slow raster size calibration
365162 03/09/12 23:23 a-onl End_of_Run_3012
365161 03/09/12 23:22 a-onl Start_Run_3012,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=fast raster calibration,7x7,slow raster off
365160 03/09/12 23:15 a-onl End_of_Run_3011
365159 03/09/12 23:13 a-onl Start_Run_3011,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=fast raster calibration,10x10,slow raster off
365158 03/09/12 23:12 Kalyan New beam positions for 5T field, 6deg target rotation
365157 03/09/12 23:10 kamyers slow raster off, fast raster set to 10x10 mm2
365156 03/09/12 23:05 kamyers final beam positions for the 5T setting
365155 03/09/12 23:03 pzhu new beam center check:A(-0.1,2.0),B(-1.6,0)
365154 03/09/12 23:02 a-onl End_of_Run_3010
365153 03/09/12 23:01 kamyers beam positions for run 3009
365152 03/09/12 22:58 a-onl Start_Run_3010,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=beam posision check,100nA CW,target position 4091425,beam position A(-0.01,2.),B(-1.6,-0.2),raster size 1.1V
365151 03/09/12 22:55 a-onl Start_Run_3009,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=junk
365150 03/09/12 22:54 a-onl End_of_Run_3009
365149 03/09/12 22:53 kamyers beam positions for runb 3008
365148 03/09/12 22:51 a-onl Start_Run_3008,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=beam posision check,100nA CW,target position 4091425,beam position A(-0.01,4.2),B(-1.6,2),raster size 1.1V
365147 03/09/12 22:50 a-onl End_of_Run_3008
365146 03/09/12 22:42 a-onl End_of_Run_3006
365145 03/09/12 22:39 a-onl Start_Run_3006,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=beam posision check,50nA CW,target position 4091425,beam position A(-0.01,3),B(-1.6,0.6),raster size 1.1V
365144 03/09/12 22:30 J. Shields [Target] moved target to C12 hole
365143 03/09/12 22:25 kamyers beam positions for run 3005
365142 03/09/12 22:21 a-onl Start_Run_3005,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=beam posision check,100nA CW,target position 3942550,beam position A(-0.01,3),B(-1.6,0.6)
365141 03/09/12 22:20 a-onl End_of_Run_3005
365140 03/09/12 22:14 kamyers beam positions for run 3004
365139 03/09/12 22:09 a-onl End_of_Run_3004
365138 03/09/12 22:08 a-onl Start_Run_3004,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=beam posision check,100nA CW,target position 3942550,beam position A(-0.7,3),B(-2.4,0.6)
365137 03/09/12 21:59 kamyers beam positions for this run
365136 03/09/12 21:52 a-onl End_of_Run_3003
365135 03/09/12 21:51 a-onl Start_Run_3003,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=beam posision check,100nA CW,target position 3942550
365134 03/09/12 21:50 a-onl Start_Run_3002,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=bpm pedestal run
365133 03/09/12 21:47 a-onl End_of_Run_3002
365132 03/09/12 21:42 J. Shields [Target] Moved target halfway between small holes
365131 03/09/12 21:13 kamyers fast raster off, slow raster on
365130 03/09/12 21:10 J. Shields [Target] moved target to C12-40
365129 03/09/12 20:54 D. Keller [Target] sys normal
365128 03/09/12 20:31 J. Shields [Target] Noticed that the warm return flow (FL91115) suddenly went off scale high (> 200) just before the magnet acted up
365127 03/09/12 20:25 Tech on call Right dipole power supply
03/09/12 03/09/12 20:25 J. Shields [Target] Magnet seems to have decreased current autonomously by 0.5 A. We manually drove it back to 121.825 A.
365125 03/09/12 20:19 kamyers right arm to 2.22799 GeV for tonight
365124 03/09/12 19:59 J. Shields [Target] Nose level reached 50%, self-recovered
365123 03/09/12 19:50 kamyers MCC going to start tuning
365122 03/09/12 19:47 D. Keller [Target] Target Magnet Ramped to 5T
365121 03/09/12 19:39 A. Camsonne Right arm dipole power supply stuck
365120 03/09/12 19:17 kamyers Left and Right quads cycled, LHRS set to 2.251 GeV, RHRS dipole current limited
365119 03/09/12 18:25 kamyers Septum ramped to 725.4 A
365118 03/09/12 18:15 Jack(Techs) UPS on Left Arm replaced
365117 03/09/12 18:09 mhuang/chao Sieve IN
365116 03/09/12 18:03 kamyers Sweep of Hall finished
365115 03/09/12 17:49 M. Cummings T2 rate problem
365114 03/09/12 17:34 pzhu bpm pedestal run
365113 03/09/12 17:34 a-onl Start_Run_3001,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=bpm pedestal run
365112 03/09/12 17:34 a-onl Start_Run_22093,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=BPM pedestal run
365111 03/09/12 17:34 a-onl End_of_Run_3001
365110 03/09/12 17:34 a-onl End_of_Run_22093
365109 03/09/12 17:32 Jack(Techs) Right Q3 current limit is now 1400 amps
365108 03/09/12 17:31 a-onl Start_Run_22093,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=BPM pedestal run
365107 03/09/12 17:31 a-onl Start_Run_3001,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=bpm pedestal run
365106 03/09/12 17:30 a-onl End_of_Run_22092
365105 03/09/12 17:29 pzhu bpm pedestal run
365104 03/09/12 17:23 a-onl Start_Run_22092,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=BPM pedestal run
365103 03/09/12 17:06 kamyers Work in hall completed, going to start sweep
365102 03/09/12 16:26 a-onl End_of_Run_22090
365101 03/09/12 16:22 a-onl Start_Run_22089,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=BPM pedestal run
365100 03/09/12 16:22 a-onl End_of_Run_22089
365099 03/09/12 16:21 a-onl End_of_Run_22088
365098 03/09/12 16:19 a-onl Start_Run_22088,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=BPM pedestal run
365097 03/09/12 16:17 a-onl End_of_Run_22087
365096 03/09/12 16:11 a-onl Start_Run_22087,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=cosmic run
365095 03/09/12 16:08 a-onl Start_Run_22086,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=bpm pedestal run
365094 03/09/12 16:07 a-onl End_of_Run_22085
365093 03/09/12 16:05 a-onl Start_Run_22085,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=bpm pedestal run
365092 03/09/12 16:02 Jie day shift summary
365091 03/09/12 15:58 Fansler Checklist
365090 03/09/12 15:55 a-onl Start_Run_22084,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=bpm pedestal
365089 03/09/12 15:51 D. Keller [Target] Target Magnet Ramped Down
365088 03/09/12 15:49 a-onl End_of_Run_3000
365087 03/09/12 15:43 a-onl Start_Run_22082,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=bpm pedestal run
365086 03/09/12 15:39 a-onl End_of_Run_2999
365085 03/09/12 15:36 pzhu BPM receiver setting backup
365084 03/09/12 15:32 adev Start_Run_40295,Run_type=Cosmics,target_type=empty,comment_text=dE=-50mV E=-50mV
365083 03/09/12 14:40 jmaxwell [Target] Magnet Ramped to 5T
365082 03/09/12 13:41 a-onl Start_Run_22080,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=cosmic run
365081 03/09/12 13:38 jmaxwell [Target] Magnet Ramped up to 5T, Now Ramping Down
365080 03/09/12 12:27 a-onl End_of_Run_22079
365079 03/09/12 12:22 a-onl Start_Run_22079,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=cosmic run
365078 03/09/12 12:18 a-onl End_of_Run_22078
365077 03/09/12 11:33 a-onl Start_Run_22078,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=cosmic run
365076 03/09/12 11:24 brads Beamline <-> Target flange alignment snapshots
365075 03/09/12 11:13 a-onl End_of_Run_22077
365074 03/09/12 11:09 a-onl Start_Run_22077,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=cosmic run
365073 03/09/12 11:08 a-onl End_of_Run_22076
365072 03/09/12 11:06 a-onl Start_Run_22076,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=cosmic run
365071 03/09/12 11:04 a-onl End_of_Run_22075
365070 03/09/12 10:53 Zhihong Ye Chicane Move completed
365069 03/09/12 10:36 a-onl Start_Run_22075,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=cosmic run
365068 03/09/12 10:24 a-onl End_of_Run_22074
365067 03/09/12 10:03 a-onl Start_Run_22074,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=cosmic run
365066 03/09/12 09:38 Zhihong Ye G2p Status Update
365065 03/09/12 09:26 a-onl Start_Run_22072,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=cosmic run
365064 03/09/12 09:22 a-onl End_of_Run_2998
365063 03/09/12 09:14 M. Cummings/ T2 rate problem
365062 03/09/12 08:30 a-onl Start_Run_22071,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=cosmic run, T2 test
365061 03/09/12 08:28 a-onl End_of_Run_22070
365060 03/09/12 08:27 a-onl Start_Run_22070,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=cosmic run, T2 test
365059 03/09/12 08:18 X. Zheng Restricted Access
365058 03/09/12 08:07 Chao Owl Shift Summary
365057 03/09/12 07:26 Chao Ramped the septa off
365056 03/09/12 07:20 Chao Hall A General Tools
365055 03/09/12 07:12 Chao Beam is down, asked for a full survey of the hall
365054 03/09/12 07:10 a-onl End_of_Run_22069
365053 03/09/12 07:10 a-onl End_of_Run_2997
365052 03/09/12 07:08 a-onl Start_Run_22069,Run_type=Optics,target_type=NH3 bottom,comment_text=C12(40mil) Dilution Study, Sieve Out, 2x2 Fastraster, 1.4V Slow Raster
365051 03/09/12 07:08 a-onl Start_Run_2997,Run_type=Optics,target_type=NH3 bottom,comment_text=C12(40mil) Dilution Study, 2x2 FastRaster, Sieve OUT, 1.4V SlowRaster
365050 03/09/12 07:06 R. Zielinski [ Target ] Moved to bottom NH3
365049 03/09/12 07:05 a-onl End_of_Run_22068
365048 03/09/12 07:03 a-onl End_of_Run_2996
365046 03/09/12 07:01 a-onl Start_Run_22068,Run_type=Optics,target_type=empty,comment_text=C12(40mil) Dilution Study, Sieve Out, 2x2 Fastraster, 1.4V Slow Raster, Cross Hair
365045 03/09/12 07:01 a-onl Start_Run_2996,Run_type=Optics,target_type=empty,comment_text=C12(40mil) Dilution Study, 2x2 FastRaster, Sieve OUT, 1.4V SlowRaster, Cross Hair
365044 03/09/12 06:58 R. Zielinski [ Target ] Moved to Cross-Hair target
365043 03/09/12 06:49 a-onl Start_Run_2995,Run_type=Optics,target_type=NH3 top,comment_text=C12(40mil) Dilution Study, 2x2 FastRaster, Sieve OUT, 1.4V SlowRaster, JUNK
365042 03/09/12 06:48 adev End_of_Run_40294
365041 03/09/12 06:48 a-onl End_of_Run_2995
365040 03/09/12 06:45 a-onl End_of_Run_2994
365039 03/09/12 06:44 R. Zielinski LHRS Dilution Study Run 2994 Scaler
365038 03/09/12 06:43 a-onl Start_Run_2994,Run_type=Optics,target_type=NH3 top,comment_text=C12(40mil) Dilution Study, 2x2 FastRaster, Sieve OUT, 1.4V SlowRaster, SPOT ++
365037 03/09/12 06:42 adev Start_Run_40294,Run_type=Commission,target_type=Carbon,comment_text=dE=-520mV E=-300mV target = TOP NH3
365036 03/09/12 06:41 a-onl End_of_Run_2993
365035 03/09/12 06:39 a-onl Start_Run_2993,Run_type=Optics,target_type=NH3 top,comment_text=C12(40mil) Dilution Study, 2x2 FastRaster, Sieve OUT, 1.4V SlowRaster, SPOT ++
365034 03/09/12 06:38 Chao Set both arms to P0=2.228GeV
365033 03/09/12 06:37 a-onl Start_Run_2992,Run_type=Optics,target_type=NH3 top,comment_text=C12(40mil) Acceptance Study, 2x2 FastRaster, Sieve OUT, 1.4V SlowRaster, SPOT ++
365032 03/09/12 06:37 a-onl End_of_Run_2992
365031 03/09/12 06:32 Chao change IHWP
365030 03/09/12 06:32 R. Zielinski [ Target ]Moved target to TOP NH3
365029 03/09/12 06:26 a-onl End_of_Run_22067
365028 03/09/12 06:25 a-onl End_of_Run_2991
365027 03/09/12 06:24 a-onl Start_Run_22067,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=C12(40mil) Acceptance Study, Sieve Out, 2x2 Fastraster, 1.4V Slow Raster
365026 03/09/12 06:23 Chao Spot++ plots for run 2990
365025 03/09/12 06:23 a-onl Start_Run_2991,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=C12(40mil) Acceptance Study, 2x2 FastRaster, Sieve OUT, 1.4V SlowRaster
365024 03/09/12 06:22 a-onl End_of_Run_22066
365023 03/09/12 06:21 a-onl End_of_Run_2990
365022 03/09/12 06:21 Chao turned slow raster on
365021 03/09/12 06:19 a-onl Start_Run_22066,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=C12(40mil) Acceptance Study, Sieve Out, 2x2 Fastraster, 1.4V Slow Raster
365020 03/09/12 06:19 a-onl Start_Run_2990,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=C12(40mil) Acceptance Study, 2x2 FastRaster, Sieve OUT, 1.4V SlowRaster
365019 03/09/12 06:08 a-onl End_of_Run_22065
365018 03/09/12 06:08 a-onl End_of_Run_2989
365017 03/09/12 06:05 Chao Spot++ plots for run 2989
365016 03/09/12 06:02 a-onl Start_Run_22065,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=C12(40mil) Acceptance Study, Sieve Out, 2x2 Fastraster
365015 03/09/12 06:02 a-onl Start_Run_2989,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=C12(40mil) Acceptance Study, 2x2 FastRaster, Sieve OUT
365014 03/09/12 06:01 a-onl End_of_Run_22064
365013 03/09/12 06:01 a-onl End_of_Run_2988
365012 03/09/12 05:56 a-onl Start_Run_22064,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=C12(40mil) Acceptance Study, Sieve Out, 2x2 Fastraster
365011 03/09/12 05:56 a-onl Start_Run_2988,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=C12(40mil) Acceptance Study, 2x2 FastRaster, Sieve OUT
365010 03/09/12 05:39 a-onl End_of_Run_22063
365009 03/09/12 05:39 a-onl End_of_Run_2987
365008 03/09/12 05:38 a-onl Start_Run_22063,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=C12(40mil) Acceptance Study, Sieve Out, 2x2 Fastraster
365007 03/09/12 05:37 a-onl Start_Run_2987,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=C12(40mil) Acceptance Study, 2x2 FastRaster, Sieve OUT
365006 03/09/12 05:24 Chao called MCC to turn on fast raster
365005 03/09/12 05:01 a-onl End_of_Run_2986
365004 03/09/12 05:01 a-onl End_of_Run_22062
365003 03/09/12 04:56 a-onl Start_Run_22062,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=C12(40mil) Acceptance Study, Sieve Out, No raster
365002 03/09/12 04:56 a-onl Start_Run_2986,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=C12(40mil) Acceptance Study, No Raster, Sieve OUT
365001 03/09/12 04:55 a-onl End_of_Run_22061
365000 03/09/12 04:55 a-onl End_of_Run_2985
364999 03/09/12 04:49 a-onl Start_Run_22061,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=C12(40mil) Acceptance Study, Sieve Out, No raster
364998 03/09/12 04:49 a-onl Start_Run_2985,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=C12(40mil) Acceptance Study, No Raster, Sieve OUT
364997 03/09/12 04:48 adev Start_Run_40293,Run_type=Commission,target_type=Carbon,comment_text=dE=-520mV E=-300mV
364996 03/09/12 04:48 a-onl End_of_Run_22060
364995 03/09/12 04:47 a-onl End_of_Run_2984
364994 03/09/12 04:42 a-onl Start_Run_22060,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=C12(40mil) Acceptance Study, Sieve Out, No raster
364993 03/09/12 04:42 a-onl Start_Run_2984,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=C12(40mil) Acceptance Study, No Raster, Sieve OUT
364992 03/09/12 04:41 Chao Correction: It should be moved sieve OUT here
364991 03/09/12 04:36 Chao moved sieve in
364990 03/09/12 04:17 R. Zielinski [ Target ] Refilling nose with helium
364989 03/09/12 04:16 Chao asked MCC for an escorted access
364988 03/09/12 04:13 a-onl End_of_Run_2983
364987 03/09/12 04:09 a-onl Start_Run_2983,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=C12(40mil) no LHe, 4%, Sieve IN
364986 03/09/12 04:09 R. Zielinski LHRS 4% Run 2982 Plots
364985 03/09/12 04:08 a-onl End_of_Run_2982
364984 03/09/12 04:07 Chao set left delta to 4%
364983 03/09/12 04:06 Chao finished delta scan on right arm
364982 03/09/12 04:05 a-onl Start_Run_2982,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=C12(40mil) no LHe, 4%, Sieve IN
364981 03/09/12 04:05 R. Zielinski LHRS 4% Scaler 2982
364980 03/09/12 04:03 a-onl End_of_Run_22059
364979 03/09/12 04:01 adev End_of_Run_40292
364978 03/09/12 03:59 Chao set left delta to 3% right delta to 3.5%
364977 03/09/12 03:59 a-onl End_of_Run_2981
364976 03/09/12 03:59 a-onl Start_Run_22059,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=C12(40mil) no LHe, Sieve IN, 3.5%
364975 03/09/12 03:59 R. Zielinski RHRS 3.5% Run 22058 Plots
364974 03/09/12 03:57 a-onl End_of_Run_22058
364973 03/09/12 03:56 adev Start_Run_40292,Run_type=Other,target_type=Carbon,comment_text=dead time test dE=-100mV E=-179mV
364972 03/09/12 03:55 a-onl Start_Run_2981,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=C12(40mil) no LHe, 3%, Sieve IN
364971 03/09/12 03:55 R. Zielinski RHRS 3.5% Scaler 22058
364970 03/09/12 03:54 R. Zielinski LHRS 3% 2981 Plots
364968 03/09/12 03:54 a-onl Start_Run_22058,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=C12(40mil) no LHe, Sieve IN, 3.5%
364967 03/09/12 03:52 a-onl End_of_Run_2980
364966 03/09/12 03:49 adev End_of_Run_40291
364965 03/09/12 03:49 R. Zielinski LHRS 3% Scalers 2980
364963 03/09/12 03:49 a-onl Start_Run_2980,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=C12(40mil) no LHe, 3%, Sieve IN
364962 03/09/12 03:47 adev Start_Run_40291,Run_type=Other,target_type=Carbon,comment_text=dead time test dE=-100mV E=-160mV
364961 03/09/12 03:46 adev End_of_Run_40290
364960 03/09/12 03:44 a-onl End_of_Run_2979
364959 03/09/12 03:44 adev Start_Run_40290,Run_type=Other,target_type=Carbon,comment_text=dead time test dE=-100mV E=-157mV
364958 03/09/12 03:41 adev End_of_Run_40289
364957 03/09/12 03:40 R. Zielinski LHRS 2% Run 2978 Plots
364956 03/09/12 03:40 a-onl Start_Run_2979,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=C12(40mil) no LHe, 2%, Sieve IN
364955 03/09/12 03:39 adev Start_Run_40289,Run_type=Other,target_type=Carbon,comment_text=dead time test dE=-100mV E=-176mV
364954 03/09/12 03:39 a-onl End_of_Run_2978
364953 03/09/12 03:37 R. Zielinski LHRS Scaler 2% 2978
364952 03/09/12 03:35 a-onl Start_Run_2978,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=C12(40mil) no LHe, 2%, Sieve IN
364951 03/09/12 03:34 Chao Set left delta to 2%
364950 03/09/12 03:30 a-onl End_of_Run_22057
364949 03/09/12 03:29 a-onl End_of_Run_2977
364948 03/09/12 03:26 Chao IHWP change
364947 03/09/12 03:25 R. Zielinski Both DAQs not getting any rate so I rebooted them
364946 03/09/12 03:25 a-onl Start_Run_22057,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=C12(40mil) no LHe, Sieve IN, 2%
364945 03/09/12 03:25 a-onl Start_Run_2977,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=C12(40mil) no LHe, 1%, Sieve IN
364944 03/09/12 03:22 R. Zielinski RHRS 2% 22056 Plots
364943 03/09/12 03:21 a-onl End_of_Run_2976
364942 03/09/12 03:21 a-onl End_of_Run_22056
364941 03/09/12 03:20 a-onl Start_Run_2976,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=C12(40mil) no LHe, 1%, Sieve IN
364940 03/09/12 03:19 Chao set right delta to 2%
364939 03/09/12 03:19 a-onl End_of_Run_2975
364938 03/09/12 03:18 a-onl Start_Run_2975,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=C12(40mil) no LHe, 1%, Sieve IN
364937 03/09/12 03:16 R. Zielinski LHRS 1% Run 2974 Plots
364936 03/09/12 03:16 a-onl Start_Run_22056,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=C12(40mil) no LHe, Sieve IN, 2%
364935 03/09/12 03:16 a-onl End_of_Run_2974
364934 03/09/12 03:12 a-onl Start_Run_2974,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=C12(40mil) no LHe, 1%, Sieve IN
364933 03/09/12 03:12 Chao set left delta to 1%
364932 03/09/12 03:11 R. Zielinski LHRS 1% Scaler 2974
364931 03/09/12 03:06 a-onl End_of_Run_2973
364930 03/09/12 03:01 a-onl Start_Run_2973,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=C12(40mil) no LHe, -1%, Sieve IN
364929 03/09/12 03:01 R. Zielinski LHRS -1% Run 2973 Scalers
364928 03/09/12 03:00 R. Zielinski LHRS -1% Run 2972 Plots
364927 03/09/12 02:59 a-onl End_of_Run_2972
364926 03/09/12 02:55 Chao set left delta to -1%
364925 03/09/12 02:54 a-onl Start_Run_2972,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=C12(40mil) no LHe, -1%, Sieve IN
364924 03/09/12 02:47 a-onl End_of_Run_22055
364923 03/09/12 02:47 a-onl End_of_Run_2971
364922 03/09/12 02:44 R. Zielinski LHRS -2% 2970 Plots
364921 03/09/12 02:42 a-onl Start_Run_22055,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=C12(40mil) no LHe, Sieve IN, -1%
364920 03/09/12 02:42 a-onl Start_Run_2971,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=C12(40mil) no LHe, -2%, Sieve IN
364919 03/09/12 02:40 a-onl End_of_Run_2970
364918 03/09/12 02:39 a-onl End_of_Run_22054
364917 03/09/12 02:39 Chao set right delta to -1%
364916 03/09/12 02:39 R. Zielinski RHRS -1% 22054 Plots
364915 03/09/12 02:34 a-onl Start_Run_2970,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=C12(40mil) no LHe, -2%, Sieve IN
364914 03/09/12 02:34 R. Zielinski RHRS 22054, LHRS 2970 Scaler
364913 03/09/12 02:34 Chao set left delta to -2%
364912 03/09/12 02:34 a-onl Start_Run_22054,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=C12(40mil) no LHe, Sieve IN, -1%
364911 03/09/12 02:28 a-onl End_of_Run_2969
364910 03/09/12 02:24 Chao IHWP Change
364909 03/09/12 02:22 R. Zielinski LHRS -3% 2968 Plots
364908 03/09/12 02:21 a-onl Start_Run_2969,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=C12(40mil) no LHe, -3%, Sieve IN
364907 03/09/12 02:20 a-onl End_of_Run_2968
364906 03/09/12 02:19 R.Zielinski LHRS Scaler-3% 2968
364905 03/09/12 02:13 a-onl Start_Run_2968,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=C12(40mil) no LHe, -3%, Sieve IN
364904 03/09/12 02:13 Chao set left delta to -3%
364903 03/09/12 02:10 R. Zielinski LHRS -4% 2966 Plots
364902 03/09/12 02:07 a-onl End_of_Run_2967
364901 03/09/12 02:06 a-onl End_of_Run_22053
364900 03/09/12 02:03 jmaxwell [Target] Target Position Test Results
364899 03/09/12 02:01 R. Zielinski RHRS -3.5% 22052 Plots
364898 03/09/12 01:59 a-onl Start_Run_2967,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=C12(40mil) no LHe, -4%, Sieve IN
364897 03/09/12 01:58 a-onl End_of_Run_2966
364896 03/09/12 01:58 a-onl Start_Run_22053,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=C12(40mil) no LHe, Sieve IN, -3.5%
364895 03/09/12 01:56 a-onl End_of_Run_22052
364894 03/09/12 01:51 R. Zielinski LHRS Scaler 2966 -4%
364893 03/09/12 01:49 a-onl Start_Run_2966,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=C12(40mil) no LHe, -4%, Sieve IN
364892 03/09/12 01:48 Chao set left delta to -4%
364891 03/09/12 01:48 a-onl Start_Run_2965,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=C12(40mil) no LHe, -4%, Sieve IN
364890 03/09/12 01:48 a-onl End_of_Run_2965
364889 03/09/12 01:48 a-onl Start_Run_22052,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=C12(40mil) no LHe, Sieve IN, -3.5%
364888 03/09/12 01:43 a-onl End_of_Run_22051
364887 03/09/12 01:39 Chao move on to optics data taking
364886 03/09/12 01:39 R. Zielinski RHRS 22051 Scaler (-3.5%)
364885 03/09/12 01:36 a-onl Start_Run_22051,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=C12(40mil) no LHe, Sieve IN, -3.5%
364884 03/09/12 01:36 jmaxwell [Target] Moved to Carbon 40 mil
364883 03/09/12 01:35 Chao Turned slow raster off
364882 03/09/12 01:30 a-onl End_of_Run_2964
364881 03/09/12 01:28 a-onl Start_Run_2964,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=C12(40mil) no LHe, fast raster off slow raster (1.5V )on, Sieve IN, target alinment test, delta=0%
364880 03/09/12 01:25 a-onl End_of_Run_2963
364879 03/09/12 01:24 a-onl Start_Run_2963,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=C12(40mil) no LHe, fast raster off slow raster (1.5V )on, Sieve IN, target alinment test, delta=0%
364878 03/09/12 01:22 a-onl End_of_Run_2962
364877 03/09/12 01:22 a-onl Start_Run_2962,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=C12(40mil) no LHe, fast raster off slow raster (1.5V )on, Sieve IN, target alinment test, delta=0%
364876 03/09/12 01:20 a-onl End_of_Run_2961
364875 03/09/12 01:19 a-onl Start_Run_2961,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=C12(40mil) no LHe, fast raster off slow raster (1.5V )on, Sieve IN, target alinment test, delta=0%
364874 03/09/12 01:18 a-onl End_of_Run_2960
364873 03/09/12 01:17 a-onl Start_Run_2960,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=C12(40mil) no LHe, fast raster off slow raster (1.5V )on, Sieve IN, target alinment test, delta=0%
364872 03/09/12 01:16 a-onl End_of_Run_2959
364871 03/09/12 01:15 a-onl Start_Run_2959,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=C12(40mil) no LHe, fast raster off slow raster (1.5V )on, Sieve IN, target alinment test, delta=0%
364870 03/09/12 00:59 mhuang Sieve patterns as vertical beam position change
364869 03/09/12 00:48 Chao Hall A General Tools
364868 03/09/12 00:32 mhuang Update of dp plot #2921
364867 03/09/12 00:28 mhuang tg_th and dp plots: target OFF vs. target field ON
364866 03/09/12 00:22 jpchen/Jixie Swing shift summary
364865 03/09/12 00:22 jpchen IHWP change
364864 03/09/12 00:06 a-onl End_of_Run_2958
364863 03/09/12 00:01 jpchen Target moved to no target for beam tuning
364862 03/09/12 00:01 jmaxwell [Target] Move to Home
364861 03/08/12 23:59 a-onl Start_Run_2958,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=C12(40mil) no LHe, fast raster off slow raster (1.5V )on, Sieve IN, target alinment test, delta=0%
364860 03/08/12 23:57 a-onl End_of_Run_2957
364859 03/08/12 23:54 a-onl Start_Run_2957,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=C12(40mil) no LHe, fast raster off slow raster (1.5V )on, Sieve IN, target alinment test, delta=0%
364858 03/08/12 23:52 a-onl End_of_Run_2956
364857 03/08/12 23:49 a-onl Start_Run_2956,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=C12(40mil) no LHe, fast raster off slow raster (1.5V )on, Sieve IN, target alinment test, delta=0%
364856 03/08/12 23:47 pzhu changed slow raster size from 1.4V to 1.5V
364855 03/08/12 23:47 a-onl End_of_Run_2955
364854 03/08/12 23:42 a-onl Start_Run_2955,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=C12(40mil) no LHe, fast raster off slow raster (1.4V )on, Sieve IN, target alinment test
364853 03/08/12 23:41 a-onl End_of_Run_2954
364852 03/08/12 23:40 Jixie, JP, J change left delta to 0% for target position test
364851 03/08/12 23:37 a-onl Start_Run_2954,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=C12(40mil) no LHe, fast raster off slow raster (1.4V )on, Sieve IN, target alinment test
364850 03/08/12 23:34 jmaxwell [Target] Position Check, Slow Raster 1.4V
364849 03/08/12 23:33 Jixie, JP, J Start taking data, right dipole not ready yet
364848 03/08/12 23:27 Jixie, JP Set left delta to -4% and right hrs delta to -3.5%
364847 03/08/12 23:24 jpchen A short summary
364846 03/08/12 23:08 Jixie,JP Start delta scan. Set delta to 1%,
364845 03/08/12 23:04 yuxiang zhao slow raster on, after beam 1mm(mcc unit) up,run 2953
364844 03/08/12 22:59 J. Shields [Target] optical 12386 linear 3054
364843 03/08/12 22:59 JP, Jixie Correct: Slow Raster is 500mv, BPM position are
364842 03/08/12 22:58 a-onl Start_Run_22050,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=C12(40mil) no LHe, fast raster 2x2 slow raster on(500mv keep changing), Sieve IN,Aceeptance study I
364841 03/08/12 22:57 a-onl End_of_Run_22050
364840 03/08/12 22:57 a-onl End_of_Run_2953
364839 03/08/12 22:57 yuxiang zhao R-run 22049 can not be used
364838 03/08/12 22:55 JP, Jixie Correct: Slow Raster is 500mv, BPM position are
364837 03/08/12 22:49 a-onl Start_Run_22049,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=C12(40mil) no LHe, fast raster 2x2 slow raster on(500mv keep changing), Sieve IN,Aceeptance study I
364836 03/08/12 22:49 a-onl Start_Run_2953,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=C12(40mil) no LHe, fast raster 2x2 slow raster (500mv keep changing)on, Sieve IN, acceptance study 1
364835 03/08/12 22:47 a-onl End_of_Run_22048
364834 03/08/12 22:47 a-onl End_of_Run_2952
364833 03/08/12 22:46 Jixie,JP Moved beam 1 mm up (MCC unit)
364832 03/08/12 22:40 yuxiang zhao slow raster keep changing run 2951
364831 03/08/12 22:39 yuxiang zhao run 2951 slow raster(500mv )on keep changing
364830 03/08/12 22:39 a-onl Start_Run_22048,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=C12(40mil) no LHe, fast raster 2x2 slow raster on(500mv keep changing), Sieve IN,Aceeptance study I
364829 03/08/12 22:39 a-onl Start_Run_2952,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=C12(40mil) no LHe, fast raster 2x2 slow raster (500mv keep changing)on, Sieve IN, acceptance study 1
364828 03/08/12 22:37 a-onl End_of_Run_2951
364827 03/08/12 22:37 a-onl End_of_Run_22047
364826 03/08/12 22:27 a-onl Start_Run_2951,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=C12(40mil) no LHe, fast raster 2x2 slow raster (500mv keep changing)on, Sieve IN, acceptance study 1
364825 03/08/12 22:27 a-onl Start_Run_22047,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=C12(40mil) no LHe, fast raster 2x2 slow raster on(500mv keep changing), Sieve IN,Aceeptance study I
364824 03/08/12 22:24 Jixie, JP Turned slow raster on, 500mv
364823 03/08/12 22:23 a-onl End_of_Run_22046
364822 03/08/12 22:23 a-onl End_of_Run_2950
364821 03/08/12 22:18 yuxiang acceptance study I faster raster on run 2950
364820 03/08/12 22:16 yuxiang zhao acceptance study I run 2949
364819 03/08/12 22:15 a-onl Start_Run_22046,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=C12(40mil) no LHe, fast raster 2x2 slow rasters OFF, Sieve IN,Aceeptance study I
364818 03/08/12 22:15 a-onl Start_Run_2950,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=C12(40mil) no LHe, fast raster 2x2 slow rasters OFF, Sieve IN, acceptance study 1
364817 03/08/12 22:14 a-onl End_of_Run_2949
364816 03/08/12 22:14 a-onl End_of_Run_22045
364815 03/08/12 22:12 yuxiang zhao run 2949 acceptance study 1 faster raster on
364814 03/08/12 22:06 JP, Jixie Started optics acceptance calibration
364813 03/08/12 22:06 a-onl Start_Run_2949,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=C12(40mil) no LHe, fast raster 2x2 slow rasters OFF, Sieve IN, acceptance study 1
364812 03/08/12 22:05 a-onl Start_Run_22045,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=C12(40mil) no LHe, fast raster 2x2 slow rasters OFF, Sieve IN,Aceeptance study I
364811 03/08/12 22:02 a-onl Start_Run_22044,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=C12(40mil) no LHe, fast & slow rasters OFF, Sieve IN,
364810 03/08/12 22:02 a-onl Start_Run_2948,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=C12(40mil) no LHe, fast & slow rasters OFF, Sieve IN, position(+6,0)
364809 03/08/12 22:01 a-onl End_of_Run_2948
364808 03/08/12 22:01 a-onl End_of_Run_22044
364807 03/08/12 21:46 a-onl End_of_Run_22043
364806 03/08/12 21:46 a-onl End_of_Run_2947
364805 03/08/12 21:44 yuxiang zhao L-run 2947 R-run 22043
364804 03/08/12 21:42 yuxiang zhao replay R-run 22042
364803 03/08/12 21:41 yuxiang zhao replay for Lrun2946
364802 03/08/12 21:36 a-onl Start_Run_22043,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=C12(40mil) no LHe, fast & slow rasters OFF, Sieve IN, position (+6,0)
364801 03/08/12 21:36 a-onl Start_Run_2947,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=C12(40mil) no LHe, fast & slow rasters OFF, Sieve IN, position(+6,0)
364800 03/08/12 21:35 Jixie Moved beam to (6,0)
364799 03/08/12 21:34 a-onl End_of_Run_2946
364798 03/08/12 21:34 a-onl End_of_Run_22042
364797 03/08/12 21:30 Jixie Title is wrong. it is (0,-4)
364796 03/08/12 21:25 yuxiang zhao Lrun 2946 Rrun 22042
364795 03/08/12 21:24 a-onl Start_Run_22042,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=C12(40mil) no LHe, fast & slow rasters OFF, Sieve IN, position (+6,0)
364794 03/08/12 21:24 a-onl Start_Run_2946,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=C12(40mil) no LHe, fast & slow rasters OFF, Sieve IN, position(+6,0)
364793 03/08/12 21:20 a-onl End_of_Run_2945
364792 03/08/12 21:20 a-onl End_of_Run_22041
364791 03/08/12 21:14 yuxiang zhao replay for L-run 2944
364790 03/08/12 21:13 yuxiang zhao replay for R-run 22040
364789 03/08/12 21:11 jpchen IHWP change
364788 03/08/12 21:09 a-onl Start_Run_22041,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=C12(40mil) no LHe, fast & slow rasters OFF, Sieve IN, position
364787 03/08/12 21:09 a-onl Start_Run_2945,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=C12(40mil) no LHe, fast & slow rasters OFF, Sieve IN, pointing
364786 03/08/12 21:07 a-onl End_of_Run_2944
364785 03/08/12 21:07 a-onl End_of_Run_22040
364784 03/08/12 20:56 yuxiang zhao Lrun2944 R-run 22040
364783 03/08/12 20:56 a-onl Start_Run_22040,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=C12(40mil) no LHe, fast & slow rasters OFF, Sieve IN, position
364782 03/08/12 20:56 a-onl Start_Run_2944,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=C12(40mil) no LHe, fast & slow rasters OFF, Sieve IN, pointing
364781 03/08/12 20:55 JP, Jixie Move beam to (-6,0)
364780 03/08/12 20:50 a-onl End_of_Run_22039
364779 03/08/12 20:50 a-onl End_of_Run_2943
364778 03/08/12 20:48 yuxiang zhao replay R-run22038
364777 03/08/12 20:47 yuxiang zhao replay L-run 2942
364776 03/08/12 20:42 a-onl Start_Run_22039,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=C12(40mil) no LHe, fast & slow rasters OFF, Sieve IN, position
364775 03/08/12 20:42 a-onl Start_Run_2943,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=C12(40mil) no LHe, fast & slow rasters OFF, Sieve IN, pointing
364774 03/08/12 20:42 J. Shields [Target] Left rate increased to 1.4 kHz. Appears to be an expected result of beam movement.
364773 03/08/12 20:41 a-onl End_of_Run_2942
364772 03/08/12 20:41 a-onl End_of_Run_22038
364771 03/08/12 20:39 Jixie, JP Change beam to (-4,-4)
364770 03/08/12 20:35 yuxiang L-run 2942 R-run 22038
364769 03/08/12 20:32 a-onl Start_Run_22038,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=C12(40mil) no LHe, fast & slow rasters OFF, Sieve IN, position
364768 03/08/12 20:31 a-onl Start_Run_2942,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=C12(40mil) no LHe, fast & slow rasters OFF, Sieve IN, pointing
364767 03/08/12 20:30 a-onl End_of_Run_2941
364766 03/08/12 20:30 a-onl End_of_Run_22037
364765 03/08/12 20:29 a-onl Start_Run_22037,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=C12(40mil) no LHe, fast & slow rasters OFF, Sieve IN, position
364764 03/08/12 20:29 a-onl Start_Run_2941,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=C12(40mil) no LHe, fast & slow rasters OFF, Sieve IN, pointing
364763 03/08/12 20:15 a-onl End_of_Run_2940
364762 03/08/12 20:15 a-onl End_of_Run_22036
364761 03/08/12 20:14 yuxiang zhao replay R-run 22035
364760 03/08/12 20:13 yuxiang zhao replay L-run 2939
364758 03/08/12 20:10 pzhu slow raster function generator update
364757 03/08/12 20:08 a-onl Start_Run_22036,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=C12(40mil) no LHe, fast & slow rasters OFF, Sieve IN, position
364756 03/08/12 20:08 a-onl Start_Run_2940,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=C12(40mil) no LHe, fast & slow rasters OFF, Sieve IN, pointing
364755 03/08/12 20:07 a-onl End_of_Run_2939
364754 03/08/12 20:07 a-onl End_of_Run_22035
364753 03/08/12 20:02 Jixie, JP Move beam to (0,-6)
364751 03/08/12 20:01 a-onl Start_Run_22035,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=C12(40mil) no LHe, fast & slow rasters OFF, Sieve IN, position
364750 03/08/12 20:00 a-onl Start_Run_2939,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=C12(40mil) no LHe, fast & slow rasters OFF, Sieve IN, pointing
364749 03/08/12 19:49 a-onl End_of_Run_2938
364748 03/08/12 19:49 a-onl End_of_Run_22034
364747 03/08/12 19:47 yuxiang zhao replay for L-run 2938
364746 03/08/12 19:44 yuxiang zhao replay for R-run 22033
364745 03/08/12 19:39 a-onl Start_Run_22034,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=C12(40mil) no LHe, fast & slow rasters OFF, Sieve IN, position
364744 03/08/12 19:39 a-onl Start_Run_2938,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=C12(40mil) no LHe, fast & slow rasters OFF, Sieve IN, pointing
364743 03/08/12 19:38 a-onl End_of_Run_2937
364742 03/08/12 19:38 a-onl End_of_Run_22033
364741 03/08/12 19:37 yuxiang zhao replay for R-run 22032
364740 03/08/12 19:36 yuxiang zhao replay for L-run 2936
364739 03/08/12 19:33 yuxiang zhao L-run 2937 R-run 22033
364738 03/08/12 19:25 a-onl Start_Run_22033,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=C12(40mil) no LHe, fast & slow rasters OFF, Sieve IN, position
364737 03/08/12 19:25 a-onl Start_Run_2937,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=C12(40mil) no LHe, fast & slow rasters OFF, Sieve IN, pointing
364736 03/08/12 19:25 Jixie, JP Change beam to (0,-10)
364735 03/08/12 19:16 a-onl End_of_Run_22032
364734 03/08/12 19:16 a-onl End_of_Run_2936
364733 03/08/12 19:12 jpchen Beam IHWP change
364732 03/08/12 19:07 a-onl Start_Run_22032,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=C12(40mil) no LHe, fast & slow rasters OFF, Sieve IN, position
364731 03/08/12 19:07 a-onl Start_Run_2936,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=C12(40mil) no LHe, fast & slow rasters OFF, Sieve IN, pointing
364730 03/08/12 19:00 a-onl End_of_Run_22031
364729 03/08/12 19:00 a-onl End_of_Run_2935
364728 03/08/12 18:54 Jixie, JP Beam position is at (0,6)
364726 03/08/12 18:53 a-onl Start_Run_22031,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=C12(40mil) no LHe, fast & slow rasters OFF, Sieve IN, position
364725 03/08/12 18:53 a-onl Start_Run_2935,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=C12(40mil) no LHe, fast & slow rasters OFF, Sieve IN, pointing
364724 03/08/12 18:49 Jixie, JP Move beam to (0,8), then change to (0,6)
364723 03/08/12 18:48 a-onl Start_Run_22030,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=C12(40mil) no LHe, fast & slow rasters OFF, Sieve IN, position
364722 03/08/12 18:48 a-onl End_of_Run_22030
364721 03/08/12 18:48 a-onl End_of_Run_2934
364720 03/08/12 18:46 a-onl End_of_Run_22029
364719 03/08/12 18:45 a-onl End_of_Run_2933
364718 03/08/12 18:40 yuxiang zhao position scan(0,6)
364717 03/08/12 18:38 a-onl Start_Run_22029,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=C12(40mil) no LHe, fast & slow rasters OFF, Sieve IN, position
364716 03/08/12 18:38 J. Shields [Target] Rate momentarily returned to 5 kHz, probably due to beam crash
364715 03/08/12 18:31 a-onl End_of_Run_2932
364714 03/08/12 18:31 a-onl End_of_Run_22028
364713 03/08/12 18:25 jmaxwell [Target] Running with NO Helium
364712 03/08/12 18:25 a-onl End_of_Run_2931
364710 03/08/12 18:23 yuxiang zhao replay R-run 22026
364709 03/08/12 18:19 yuxiang zhao replay L-run 2930
364708 03/08/12 18:18 Jixie, JP Tools snapshot, beam position(0,4)
364707 03/08/12 18:16 jpchen A beam is going through Compton Chicane
364706 03/08/12 18:15 a-onl Start_Run_22027,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=C12(40mil) no LHe, fast & slow rasters OFF, Sieve IN, position
364705 03/08/12 18:15 a-onl Start_Run_2931,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=C12(40mil) no LHe, fast & slow rasters OFF, Sieve IN, pointing
364704 03/08/12 18:13 a-onl End_of_Run_22026
364702 03/08/12 18:13 jpchen beam IHWP changed
364701 03/08/12 18:08 Jixie Change beam 4mm vertical up
364700 03/08/12 18:05 yuxiang zhao R-run 2930 L-run 22026
364699 03/08/12 18:04 a-onl Start_Run_22026,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=C12(40mil) no LHe, fast & slow rasters OFF, Sieve IN, position
364698 03/08/12 17:59 a-onl End_of_Run_22025
364697 03/08/12 17:59 a-onl End_of_Run_2929
364696 03/08/12 17:58 yuxiang zhao replay for R-run 22024
364695 03/08/12 17:56 yuxiang zhao replay L-run 22024
364694 03/08/12 17:52 yuxiang position scan (0,0) L-run 2929 R-run 22025
364693 03/08/12 17:50 a-onl Start_Run_22025,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=C12(40mil) no LHe, fast & slow rasters OFF, Sieve IN, position
364692 03/08/12 17:49 a-onl Start_Run_2929,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=C12(40mil) no LHe, fast & slow rasters OFF, Sieve IN, pointing
364691 03/08/12 17:48 a-onl End_of_Run_22024
364690 03/08/12 17:48 a-onl End_of_Run_2928
364689 03/08/12 17:44 jmaxwell [Target] New Target Positions Updated on Table, in PDP
364688 03/08/12 17:37 yuxiang zhao replay for RHRS run 22023
364687 03/08/12 17:32 yuxiang L-run number 2928 R-run number 22024
364686 03/08/12 17:31 a-onl Start_Run_22024,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=C12(40mil) no LHe, fast & slow rasters OFF, Sieve IN, pointing
364685 03/08/12 17:29 yuxiang replay for LHRS run 2927
364684 03/08/12 17:28 a-onl Start_Run_2928,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=C12(40mil) no LHe, fast & slow rasters OFF, Sieve IN, pointing
364683 03/08/12 17:27 mhuang Adding the sieve pattern plot of LHRS
364682 03/08/12 17:27 a-onl End_of_Run_22023
364681 03/08/12 17:26 a-onl End_of_Run_2927
364680 03/08/12 17:19 yuxiang zhao L-run number 2927 R-run number 22023
364679 03/08/12 17:10 YUXIANG L-run number 2927 R-run number 22023
364678 03/08/12 17:08 R. Michaels revival automated ABU (check it)
364677 03/08/12 17:04 a-onl Start_Run_2927,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=C12(40mil) no LHe, fast & slow rasters OFF, Sieve IN, pointing
364676 03/08/12 17:04 a-onl Start_Run_22023,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=C12(40mil) draining LHe, fast & slow rasters OFF, Sieve IN, pointing
364675 03/08/12 17:02 a-onl End_of_Run_2926
364674 03/08/12 17:02 a-onl End_of_Run_22022
364673 03/08/12 16:53 a-onl Start_Run_22022,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=C12(40mil) draining LHe, fast & slow rasters OFF, Sieve IN, pointing
364672 03/08/12 16:53 a-onl Start_Run_2926,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=C12(40mil) draining LHe, fast & slow rasters OFF, Sieve IN, pointing
364671 03/08/12 16:48 a-onl End_of_Run_22021
364670 03/08/12 16:48 a-onl End_of_Run_2925
364669 03/08/12 16:43 a-onl Start_Run_22021,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=C12(40mil) draining LHe, fast & slow rasters OFF, Sieve IN, pointing
364668 03/08/12 16:43 a-onl Start_Run_2925,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=C12(40mil) draining LHe, fast & slow rasters OFF, Sieve IN, pointing
364667 03/08/12 16:34 a-onl End_of_Run_22020
364666 03/08/12 16:34 a-onl End_of_Run_2924
364665 03/08/12 16:34 a-onl Start_Run_22020,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=C12(40mil) draining LHe, fast & slow rasters OFF, Sieve IN, pointing
364664 03/08/12 16:33 a-onl Start_Run_2924,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=C12(40mil) draining LHe, fast & slow rasters OFF, Sieve IN, pointing
364663 03/08/12 16:11 adev Start_Run_40288,Run_type=Cosmics,target_type=Carbon,comment_text=
364662 03/08/12 16:11 X. Zheng Day shift summary
364661 03/08/12 16:01 mhuang/jixie Target field ON runs: sieve pattern & dp spectrum
364660 03/08/12 15:54 a-onl End_of_Run_2923
364659 03/08/12 15:54 a-onl End_of_Run_22019
364658 03/08/12 15:49 adev End_of_Run_40287
364657 03/08/12 15:49 a-onl Start_Run_22019,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=C12(40mil) draining LHe, fast & slow rasters OFF, Sieve IN, pointing
364656 03/08/12 15:49 jmaxwell [Target] Closed Run, Turned on uWaves
364655 03/08/12 15:49 a-onl Start_Run_2923,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=C12(40mil) draining LHe, fast & slow rasters OFF, Sieve IN, pointing
364654 03/08/12 15:45 a-onl End_of_Run_22018
364653 03/08/12 15:44 a-onl End_of_Run_2922
364652 03/08/12 15:36 a-onl Start_Run_22018,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=
364651 03/08/12 15:36 a-onl Start_Run_2922,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=
364650 03/08/12 15:34 a-onl End_of_Run_22017
364649 03/08/12 15:34 a-onl End_of_Run_2921
364648 03/08/12 15:31 a-onl Start_Run_22017,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=
364647 03/08/12 15:31 a-onl Start_Run_2921,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=
364646 03/08/12 15:24 X. Zheng Beam nominal position for centering on the target
364645 03/08/12 15:23 X. Zheng Beam nominal position for centering on the target
364644 03/08/12 15:22 kamyers [Target] red alarms on 4K supply temperature
364643 03/08/12 15:20 a-onl End_of_Run_22016
364641 03/08/12 15:16 adev Start_Run_40287,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon,comment_text=threshold dE=-520mV E=-300mV
364640 03/08/12 15:12 a-onl Start_Run_22016,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=
364639 03/08/12 15:12 a-onl Start_Run_2920,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=
364638 03/08/12 15:10 a-onl End_of_Run_22015
364636 03/08/12 15:09 Jixie Start to take optics data
364635 03/08/12 15:09 a-onl Start_Run_22015,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=
364634 03/08/12 15:08 a-onl Start_Run_2919,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=
364633 03/08/12 15:04 a-onl End_of_Run_2918
364632 03/08/12 15:04 a-onl End_of_Run_22014
364631 03/08/12 14:55 a-onl Start_Run_22014,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=
364630 03/08/12 14:54 X. Zheng Hall C change beam HWP again
364629 03/08/12 14:54 a-onl Start_Run_2918,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=
364628 03/08/12 14:41 jmaxwell [Target] Position Offset Value
364627 03/08/12 14:36 jmaxwell [Target] Moved to C12 40 mil
364626 03/08/12 14:33 kalyan Slow raster off in prepration for optics runs
364625 03/08/12 14:27 Kalyan BPM strip chart for target center
364624 03/08/12 14:17 a-onl End_of_Run_2917
364623 03/08/12 14:17 a-onl Start_Run_2917,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=target position calibration, empty hole (41898), bpma x = -1.1, bpmb x= -1.9, bpma y=-1.1, bpmb y= -2.3
364622 03/08/12 14:11 a-onl End_of_Run_22013
364621 03/08/12 14:10 a-onl Start_Run_2916,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=target position calibration, empty hole (41898), bpma x = -1.1, bpmb x= -1.9, bpma y=-1.1, bpmb y= -2.3
364619 03/08/12 14:10 a-onl Start_Run_22013,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=target position calibration, empty hole (41898), bpma x=-1.1, bpmb x=-1.9, bpma y= -1.1, bpmb y=-2.3
364618 03/08/12 14:03 a-onl End_of_Run_22012
364617 03/08/12 14:03 a-onl End_of_Run_2915
364616 03/08/12 14:01 a-onl Start_Run_22012,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=target position calibration, empty hole (41898), bpma x=-1.1, bpmb x=-1.9, bpma y= -1.1, bpmb y=-2.3
364615 03/08/12 14:01 a-onl Start_Run_2915,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=target position calibration, empty hole (41898), bpma x = -1.1, bpmb x= -1.9, bpma y=-1.1, bpmb y= -2.3
364614 03/08/12 13:56 Solvignon IHWP change
364613 03/08/12 13:55 a-onl Start_Run_22011,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=target position calibration, empty hole (41898), bpma x=2.8, bpmb x= 1.4, bpma y= -1.1, bpmb y=-1.9
364612 03/08/12 13:55 a-onl Start_Run_2914,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=target position calibration, empty hole (41898)
364611 03/08/12 13:54 kamyers [Target] Centered on small C12 hole target
364610 03/08/12 13:54 a-onl End_of_Run_22011
364609 03/08/12 13:54 a-onl End_of_Run_2914
364608 03/08/12 13:52 jmaxwell [Target] New Position Encoder Offsets (plot)
364607 03/08/12 13:48 a-onl End_of_Run_2913
364606 03/08/12 13:48 a-onl End_of_Run_22010
364605 03/08/12 13:47 a-onl Start_Run_22010,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=target position calibration, empty hole (41898)
364604 03/08/12 13:47 a-onl Start_Run_2913,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=target position calibration, empty hole (41898)
364603 03/08/12 13:45 a-onl End_of_Run_22009
364602 03/08/12 13:45 a-onl End_of_Run_2912
364601 03/08/12 13:43 a-onl Start_Run_22009,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=target position calibration, empty hole (41806)
364600 03/08/12 13:43 a-onl Start_Run_2912,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=target position calibration, empty hole (41806)
364599 03/08/12 13:41 a-onl End_of_Run_2911
364598 03/08/12 13:41 a-onl End_of_Run_22008
364597 03/08/12 13:41 a-onl Start_Run_22008,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=target position calibration, empty hole (41623)
364596 03/08/12 13:40 a-onl Start_Run_2911,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=target position calibration, empty hole (41623)
364595 03/08/12 13:39 a-onl End_of_Run_2910
364594 03/08/12 13:39 a-onl End_of_Run_22007
364593 03/08/12 13:36 a-onl Start_Run_22007,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=target position calibration, empty hole (41623)
364592 03/08/12 13:36 a-onl Start_Run_2910,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=target position calibration, empty hole (41623)
364591 03/08/12 13:32 a-onl End_of_Run_22006
364590 03/08/12 13:32 a-onl Start_Run_22006,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=target position calibration, empty hole (42174)
364589 03/08/12 13:31 a-onl Start_Run_2909,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=target position calibration, empty hole (42174)
364588 03/08/12 13:31 a-onl End_of_Run_2909
364587 03/08/12 13:23 a-onl End_of_Run_2908
364586 03/08/12 13:23 a-onl End_of_Run_22005
364585 03/08/12 13:21 a-onl Start_Run_22005,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=target position calibration, empty hole (42174)
364584 03/08/12 13:20 a-onl Start_Run_2908,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=target position calibration, empty hole (42174)
364583 03/08/12 13:17 X. Zheng slow raster pattern
364582 03/08/12 13:16 a-onl End_of_Run_22004
364581 03/08/12 13:15 Solvignon Reboot ROC26
364580 03/08/12 13:11 a-onl End_of_Run_2907
364579 03/08/12 13:05 a-onl Start_Run_22004,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=target position calibration, empty hole (41168)
364578 03/08/12 12:59 a-onl Start_Run_22003,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=target position calibration, empty hole (41168)
364577 03/08/12 12:59 a-onl Start_Run_2907,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=target position calibration, empty hole (41168)
364576 03/08/12 12:17 X. Zheng Or not!
364575 03/08/12 12:09 X. Zheng Beam back!
364574 03/08/12 10:23 X. Zheng Hall C change beam HWP
364573 03/08/12 10:23 X. Zheng Beam will be down for about 30 minutes
364572 03/08/12 10:21 R. Michaels run file byte mismatch for run 21580
364571 03/08/12 10:21 a-onl End_of_Run_2906
364570 03/08/12 10:15 a-onl Start_Run_2906,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=target position calibration, empty hole (41168)
364569 03/08/12 10:10 a-onl End_of_Run_22002
364568 03/08/12 10:10 a-onl End_of_Run_2905
364567 03/08/12 10:09 a-onl Start_Run_22002,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=target position calibration, empty hole (42748)
364566 03/08/12 10:09 a-onl Start_Run_2905,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=target position calibration, empty hole (42748)
364565 03/08/12 10:08 a-onl End_of_Run_2904
364563 03/08/12 10:06 a-onl Start_Run_2904,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=target position calibration, empty hole (42748)
364562 03/08/12 10:06 a-onl Start_Run_22001,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=target position calibration, empty hole (42748)
364561 03/08/12 10:00 X. Zheng Beam back
364560 03/08/12 09:59 jmaxwell [Target] Moved to Hole Target
364559 03/08/12 09:57 jmaxwell Slow Raster On
364558 03/08/12 09:50 Zhihong Ye G2p Status Update: Smooth
364557 03/08/12 09:39 X. Zheng Beam delivery problem
364556 03/08/12 09:28 jmaxwell [Target] Moved to Home
364555 03/08/12 09:11 pzhu slow raster size check and harp scan
364554 03/08/12 09:05 Jixie Set septa currents to 725.4A
364553 03/08/12 09:05 jmaxwell [Target] Moved to Carbon Target
364552 03/08/12 08:39 Jixie, Chao Escorted acess to move sieve in
364551 03/08/12 08:34 T. Badman raster size calibration
364550 03/08/12 08:33 X. Zheng Escorted access for inserting the sieve slits
364549 03/08/12 08:29 X. Zheng Hall A Tools and Septum Screen
364548 03/08/12 08:08 M. Cummings Owl Shift Summary
364547 03/08/12 08:07 M. Cummings Cycling LHRS momentum back to 2.251
364546 03/08/12 07:58 M. Cummings Hall C changing half wave plate
364545 03/08/12 07:57 a-onl End_of_Run_22000
364544 03/08/12 07:57 a-onl End_of_Run_2903
364543 03/08/12 07:55 a-onl Start_Run_2903,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=raster calibration,+1-3,50nA, CW,fast raster off, 1.4V slow raster, Cross-hair target(2217749)
364542 03/08/12 07:54 a-onl Start_Run_22000,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=raster calibration,+1-3,50nA, CW,fast raster off, 1.4V slow raster, Cross-hair target(2217749)
364541 03/08/12 07:53 pzhu slow raster size
364540 03/08/12 07:48 a-onl Start_Run_21999,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=raster calibration,+1-3,50nA, CW,fast raster off, 1.4V slow raster, CH2 target(4030526)
364539 03/08/12 07:47 a-onl Start_Run_2902,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=raster calibration,+1-3,50nA, CW,fast raster off, 1.4V slow raster, CH2 target(4030526)
364538 03/08/12 07:47 a-onl End_of_Run_21999
364537 03/08/12 07:47 a-onl End_of_Run_2902
364536 03/08/12 07:46 marcoapc Scaler - fast raster off, target at 4030526 - runs #21999 (right) and #2902 (left)
364535 03/08/12 07:40 a-onl End_of_Run_2901
364533 03/08/12 07:36 a-onl Start_Run_21998,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=raster calibration,+1-3,50nA, CW,fast raster off, 1.4V slow raster, CH2 target(4000999)
364532 03/08/12 07:35 a-onl Start_Run_2901,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=raster calibration,+1-3,50nA, CW,fast raster off, 1.4V slow raster, CH2 target(4000999)
364531 03/08/12 07:33 a-onl End_of_Run_2900
364530 03/08/12 07:33 a-onl End_of_Run_21997
364529 03/08/12 07:32 a-onl Start_Run_21997,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=raster calibration,+1-3,50nA, CW,2x2 fast raster, 1.4V slow raster, CH2 target(4000999)
364528 03/08/12 07:31 a-onl Start_Run_2900,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=raster calibration,+1-3,50nA, CW,2x2 fast raster, 1.4V slow raster, CH2 target(4000999)
364527 03/08/12 07:25 a-onl End_of_Run_21996
364525 03/08/12 07:23 a-onl Start_Run_21996,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=raster calibration,+1-3,50nA, CW,2x2 fast raster, 1.4V slow raster, CH2 target(3883499)
364524 03/08/12 07:22 a-onl Start_Run_2899,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=raster calibration,+1-3,50nA, CW,2x2 fast raster, 1.4V slow raster, CH2 target(3883499)
364523 03/08/12 07:21 a-onl End_of_Run_21995
364522 03/08/12 07:17 a-onl End_of_Run_2898
364521 03/08/12 07:17 a-onl Start_Run_21995,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=raster calibration,+1-3,50nA, CW,2x2 fast raster, 1.4V slow raster, target(4172999)
364520 03/08/12 07:16 a-onl Start_Run_2898,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=raster calibration,+1-3,50nA, CW,2x2 fast raster, 1.4V slow raster, target(4172999)
364519 03/08/12 07:16 marcoapc Scaler - target at 4172999 - runs #21995 (right) and #2898 (left)
364518 03/08/12 06:51 A. Camsonne Slow raster rough calibration
364517 03/08/12 06:32 a-onl Start_Run_21994,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=raster calibration,+1-3,50nA, CW,2x2 fast raster, 1.4V slow raster, crosshair target(1860554)
364516 03/08/12 06:31 a-onl End_of_Run_21994
364515 03/08/12 06:31 a-onl End_of_Run_2897
364514 03/08/12 06:28 a-onl Start_Run_2897,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=raster calibration,+1-3,50nA, CW,2x2 fast raster, 1.4V slow raster, crosshair target(1860554)
364513 03/08/12 06:21 a-onl End_of_Run_2896
364512 03/08/12 06:21 a-onl End_of_Run_21993
364511 03/08/12 06:21 M. Cummings LHRS momentum moved to 2.0934
364510 03/08/12 06:20 marcoapc Scaler - target crosshair (1801499) - runs #21993 (right) and #2896 (left)
364509 03/08/12 06:20 a-onl Start_Run_21993,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=raster calibration,+1-3,50nA, CW,2x2 fast raster, 1.4V slow raster, crosshair target(1801499)
364508 03/08/12 06:20 a-onl Start_Run_2896,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=raster calibration,+1-3,50nA, CW,2x2 fast raster, 1.4V slow raster, crosshair target(1801499)
364507 03/08/12 06:18 a-onl End_of_Run_21992
364506 03/08/12 06:18 a-onl End_of_Run_2895
364505 03/08/12 06:17 a-onl Start_Run_21992,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=raster calibration,+1-3,50nA, CW,2x2 fast raster, 1.4V slow raster, crosshair target(2217749)
364504 03/08/12 06:17 a-onl Start_Run_2895,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=raster calibration,+1-3,50nA, CW,2x2 fast raster, 1.4V slow raster, crosshair target(2217749)
364503 03/08/12 06:16 marcoapc Scaler - crosshair target (2217749) - runs #21992 (right) and #2895 (left)
364502 03/08/12 06:06 T raster calibration update
364501 03/08/12 06:00 a-onl Start_Run_21991,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=raster calibration,+1-3,50nA, CW,2x2 fast raster, 1.4V slow raster, target(4000499)
364500 03/08/12 06:00 a-onl End_of_Run_2894
364499 03/08/12 06:00 a-onl End_of_Run_21991
364498 03/08/12 06:00 a-onl Start_Run_2894,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=raster calibration,+1-3,50nA, CW,2x2 fast raster, 1.4V slow raster, target(4000499)
364497 03/08/12 05:59 marcoapc Scaler - target at 4000499 - runs #21991 (right) and #2894 (left)
364496 03/08/12 05:55 M. Cummings Hall C changing HWP
364495 03/08/12 05:54 a-onl End_of_Run_21990
364494 03/08/12 05:54 a-onl End_of_Run_2893
364493 03/08/12 05:53 marcoapc Scaler - ps=1 (right) and ps3=1 (left) and ps8=0 (both) - runs #21990 (right) and #2893 (left
364492 03/08/12 05:52 a-onl Start_Run_21990,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=raster calibration,+1-3,50nA, CW,2x2 fast raster, 1.4V slow raster,CH2 target(3883499), ps1=1 ps8=0
364491 03/08/12 05:52 a-onl Start_Run_2893,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=raster calibration,+1-3,50nA, CW,2x2 fast raster, 1.4V slow raster, CH2 target(3883499), ps3=1 ps8=0
364490 03/08/12 05:48 a-onl End_of_Run_2892
364489 03/08/12 05:48 a-onl End_of_Run_21989
364488 03/08/12 05:48 a-onl Start_Run_21989,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=raster calibration,+1-3,50nA, CW,2x2 fast raster, 1.4V slow raster,CH2 target(3883499), ps1=0 ps8=1
364487 03/08/12 05:48 marcoapc Scaler - using ps8=1 and ps1=ps3=0 - runs #21989 (right) and #2892 (left)
364486 03/08/12 05:47 a-onl Start_Run_2892,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=raster calibration,+1-3,50nA, CW,2x2 fast raster, 1.4V slow raster, CH2 target(3883499), ps3=0 ps8=1
364485 03/08/12 05:46 a-onl End_of_Run_21988
364484 03/08/12 05:45 a-onl End_of_Run_2891
364483 03/08/12 05:44 marcoapc Scaler - beam current 50nA CW - runs #21988 (right) and #2891 (left)
364482 03/08/12 05:44 a-onl Start_Run_21988,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=raster calibration,+1-3,50nA, CW,2x2 fast raster, 1.4V slow raster,CH2 target(3883499)
364481 03/08/12 05:44 a-onl Start_Run_2891,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=raster calibration,+1-3,50nA, CW,2x2 fast raster, 1.4V slow raster, CH2 target(3883499)
364480 03/08/12 05:42 a-onl Start_Run_21987,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=raster calibration,+1-3,1uA, pulse,2x2 fast raster, 1.4V slow raster,CH2 target(3883499)
364479 03/08/12 05:42 a-onl Start_Run_2890,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=raster calibration,+1-3,1uA, pulse,2x2 fast raster, 1.4V slow raster, CH2 target(3883499)
364478 03/08/12 05:41 a-onl End_of_Run_21987
364477 03/08/12 05:41 a-onl End_of_Run_2890
364476 03/08/12 05:41 marcoapc Scaler - target at CH2 (3883499) - runs #21987 (right) and #2890 (left)
364475 03/08/12 05:37 a-onl End_of_Run_2889
364474 03/08/12 05:36 a-onl End_of_Run_21986
364473 03/08/12 05:35 a-onl Start_Run_2889,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=raster calibration,+1-3,1uA, pulse,2x2 fast raster, 1.4V slow raster,target(2217749)
364472 03/08/12 05:34 marcoapc Scaler - beam position +1,-3 and target at 2217749 - runs #2889 (left) and #21986 (right)
364471 03/08/12 05:34 a-onl Start_Run_21986,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=raster calibration,+1-3,1uA, pulse,2x2 fast raster, 1.4V slow raster,crosshair target(2217749)
364470 03/08/12 05:29 a-onl End_of_Run_2888
364469 03/08/12 05:29 a-onl End_of_Run_21985
364468 03/08/12 05:24 a-onl Start_Run_21985,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=raster calibration,-3-4,1uA, pulse,2x2 fast raster, 1.4V slow raster,target(1745999)
364467 03/08/12 05:24 a-onl Start_Run_2888,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=raster calibration,-3-4,1uA, pulse,2x2 fast raster, 1.4V slow raster,target(1745999)
364466 03/08/12 05:22 a-onl End_of_Run_21984
364465 03/08/12 05:22 a-onl End_of_Run_2887
364464 03/08/12 05:20 a-onl Start_Run_21984,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=raster calibration,+2-4,1uA, pulse,2x2 fast raster, 1.4V slow raster,target(1745999)
364463 03/08/12 05:19 a-onl Start_Run_2887,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=raster calibration,+2-4,1uA, pulse,2x2 fast raster, 1.4V slow raster,target(1745999)
364462 03/08/12 05:18 marcoapc Scaler - target at 1745999
364461 03/08/12 05:17 pzhu slow raster size check
364460 03/08/12 05:17 a-onl End_of_Run_21983
364459 03/08/12 05:17 a-onl End_of_Run_2886
364458 03/08/12 05:16 marcoapc Scaler - target at 1805999 - runs #21983 (right) and #2886 (left)
364457 03/08/12 05:14 a-onl Start_Run_21983,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=raster calibration,+2-4,1uA, pulse,2x2 fast raster, 1.4V slow raster,target(1805999)
364456 03/08/12 05:14 a-onl Start_Run_2886,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=raster calibration,+2-4,1uA, pulse,2x2 fast raster, 1.4V slow raster,target(1805999)
364455 03/08/12 05:12 a-onl End_of_Run_21982
364454 03/08/12 05:12 a-onl End_of_Run_2885
364453 03/08/12 05:11 marcoapc Scaler - target at crosshair - runs #21982 (right) and #2885 (left)
364452 03/08/12 05:11 a-onl Start_Run_21982,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=raster calibration,+2-4,1uA, pulse,2x2 fast raster, 1.4V slow raster,crosshair target(2217749)
364451 03/08/12 05:11 a-onl Start_Run_2885,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=raster calibration,+2-4,1uA, pulse,2x2 fast raster, 1.4V slow raster,crosshair target(2217749)
364450 03/08/12 05:07 adaq [Target] Moved to crosshair
364449 03/08/12 05:06 a-onl End_of_Run_2884
364448 03/08/12 05:06 a-onl End_of_Run_21981
364447 03/08/12 05:05 a-onl Start_Run_21981,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=raster calibration,+2-4,1uA, pulse,2x2 fast raster, 1.4V slow raster,aluminum hole target(3765369)
364446 03/08/12 05:05 a-onl Start_Run_2884,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=raster calibration,+2-4,1uA, pulse,2x2 fast raster, 1.4V slow raster,aluminum hole target(3765369)
364445 03/08/12 05:04 marcoapc Scaler - target moved to 3765369
364444 03/08/12 05:02 a-onl End_of_Run_2883
364443 03/08/12 05:02 a-onl End_of_Run_21980
364442 03/08/12 05:01 a-onl Start_Run_21980,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=raster calibration,+2-4,1uA, pulse,2x2 fast raster, 1.4V slow raster,aluminum hole target(3883499)
364441 03/08/12 05:01 a-onl Start_Run_2883,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=raster calibration,+2-4,1uA, pulse,2x2 fast raster, 1.4V slow raster,aluminum hole target(3883499)
364440 03/08/12 05:00 adaq [Target] moved target position to CH2
364439 03/08/12 05:00 marcoapc Scaler - target moved to 38834
364438 03/08/12 04:58 a-onl End_of_Run_2882
364437 03/08/12 04:58 a-onl End_of_Run_21979
364436 03/08/12 04:56 a-onl Start_Run_21979,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=raster calibration,+2-4,1uA, pulse,2x2 fast raster, 1.4V slow raster,aluminum hole target(4292609)
364435 03/08/12 04:56 a-onl Start_Run_2882,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=raster calibration,+2-4,1uA, pulse,2x2 fast raster, 1.4V slow raster,aluminum hole target(4292609)
364434 03/08/12 04:56 marcoapc Scaler - target moved to 4292609 - runs #21979 (right) and #2882 (left)
364433 03/08/12 04:54 M. Cummings Hall C changing HWP
364432 03/08/12 04:54 a-onl Start_Run_21978,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=raster calibration,+2-4,1uA, pulse,2x2 fast raster, 1.4V slow raster,aluminum hole target(4233554)
364431 03/08/12 04:53 a-onl End_of_Run_21978
364430 03/08/12 04:53 a-onl End_of_Run_2881
364429 03/08/12 04:53 a-onl Start_Run_2881,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=raster calibration,+2-4,1uA, pulse,2x2 fast raster, 1.4V slow raster,aluminum hole target(4233554)
364428 03/08/12 04:53 marcoapc Scaler - target moved to 4233554 - runs #21978 (rigth) and #2881 (left)
364427 03/08/12 04:49 a-onl End_of_Run_2880
364426 03/08/12 04:49 a-onl End_of_Run_21977
364425 03/08/12 04:49 a-onl Start_Run_2880,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=raster calibration,+2-4,1uA, pulse,2x2 fast raster, 1.4V slow raster,aluminum hole target(4174499)
364424 03/08/12 04:49 a-onl Start_Run_21977,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=raster calibration,+2-4,1uA, pulse,2x2 fast raster, 1.4V slow raster,aluminum hole target(4174499)
364423 03/08/12 04:49 marcoapc Scaler - target moved position 4174499 - runs #21977 (right) and #2880 (left)
364422 03/08/12 04:44 pzhu raster size check
364421 03/08/12 04:43 a-onl End_of_Run_2879
364420 03/08/12 04:43 a-onl End_of_Run_21976
364419 03/08/12 04:38 adaq [Target] small target movement
364418 03/08/12 04:38 marcoapc Scaler - target moved 2.7mm, up
364417 03/08/12 04:37 a-onl Start_Run_21976,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=raster calibration,+2-4,1uA, pulse,2x2 fast raster, 1.4V slow raster,aluminum hole target(4025624+80000)
364416 03/08/12 04:37 a-onl Start_Run_2879,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=raster calibration,+2-4,1uA, pulse,2x2 fast raster, 1.4V slow raster,aluminum hole target(4025624+80000)
364415 03/08/12 04:32 a-onl End_of_Run_21975
364414 03/08/12 04:32 a-onl End_of_Run_2878
364413 03/08/12 04:30 a-onl Start_Run_21975,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=raster calibration,+2-4,1uA, pulse,2x2 fast raster, 1.4V slow raster,aluminum hole target(4025624)
364411 03/08/12 04:29 a-onl Start_Run_2878,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=raster calibration,+2-4,1uA, pulse,2x2 fast raster, 1.4V slow raster,aluminum hole target(4025624)
364410 03/08/12 04:28 pzhu beam position -1-4 to +1-4
364409 03/08/12 04:26 a-onl End_of_Run_2877
364407 03/08/12 04:21 a-onl Start_Run_21974,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=raster calibration,+1-4,500nA, pulse,2x2 fast raster, 1.4V slow raster,aluminum hole target(4025624)
364406 03/08/12 04:21 marcoapc Scaler - beam position +1,-4 - runs #21974 (right) and #2877 (left)
364405 03/08/12 04:21 a-onl Start_Run_2877,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=raster calibration,+1-4,500nA, pulse,2x2 fast raster, 1.4V slow raster,aluminum hole target(4025624)
364404 03/08/12 04:13 a-onl End_of_Run_21973
364403 03/08/12 04:13 a-onl End_of_Run_2876
364402 03/08/12 04:09 a-onl Start_Run_21973,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=raster calibration,500nA, pulse,2x2 fast raster, 1.4V slow raster,aluminum hole target(4025624)
364401 03/08/12 04:09 a-onl Start_Run_2876,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=raster calibration,500nA, pulse,2x2 fast raster, 1.4V slow raster,aluminum hole target(4025624)
364400 03/08/12 04:07 marcoapc Scaler - 500 nA - runs #21973 (right) and #2876 (left)
364399 03/08/12 04:06 a-onl Start_Run_21972,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=raster calibration,500nA, pulse,2x2 fast raster, 1.4V slow raster,aluminum hole target(4025624)
364398 03/08/12 04:06 a-onl Start_Run_2875,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=raster calibration,500nA, pulse,2x2 fast raster, 1.4V slow raster,aluminum hole target(4025624)
364397 03/08/12 04:06 a-onl End_of_Run_2875
364396 03/08/12 04:06 a-onl End_of_Run_21972
364395 03/08/12 04:04 a-onl End_of_Run_21971
364394 03/08/12 04:04 a-onl End_of_Run_2874
364393 03/08/12 04:03 marcoapc Scalers - slow raster 1.4V, 200nA - runs #2874 (left) and #21971 (right)
364392 03/08/12 04:01 a-onl Start_Run_21971,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=raster calibration,200nA, pulse,2x2 fast raster, 1.4V slow raster,aluminum hole target(4025624)
364391 03/08/12 04:01 a-onl Start_Run_2874,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=raster calibration,200nA, pulse,2x2 fast raster, 1.4V slow raster,aluminum hole target(4025624)
364390 03/08/12 04:00 a-onl Start_Run_21970,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=raster calibration,100nA, pulse,2x2 fast raster, 1.4V slow raster,aluminum hole target(4025624)
364389 03/08/12 04:00 a-onl Start_Run_2873,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=raster calibration,100nA, pulse,2x2 fast raster, 1.4V slow raster,aluminum hole target(4025624)
364388 03/08/12 03:59 a-onl End_of_Run_2873
364387 03/08/12 03:59 a-onl End_of_Run_21970
364386 03/08/12 03:58 a-onl End_of_Run_2872
364384 03/08/12 03:55 marcoapc Scaler - raster 2x2, slow raster 1V
364383 03/08/12 03:55 a-onl Start_Run_21969,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=raster calibration,100nA, pulse,2x2 fast raster, 1V slow raster,aluminum hole target(4025624)
364382 03/08/12 03:55 a-onl Start_Run_2872,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=raster calibration,100nA, pulse,2x2 fast raster, 1V slow raster,aluminum hole target(4025624)
364381 03/08/12 03:53 M. Cummings Hall C changing HWP
364380 03/08/12 03:52 a-onl End_of_Run_2871
364379 03/08/12 03:52 a-onl End_of_Run_21968
364378 03/08/12 03:50 a-onl Start_Run_21968,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=raster calibration,100nA, pulse,2x2 fast raster, 500mV slow raster,aluminum hole target(4025624)
364377 03/08/12 03:50 marcoapc Scaler - 100nA - runs #2871 (left) and #21968 (right)
364376 03/08/12 03:50 a-onl Start_Run_2871,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=raster calibration,100nA, pulse,2x2 fast raster, 500mV slow raster,aluminum hole target(4025624)
364375 03/08/12 03:48 a-onl End_of_Run_2870
364374 03/08/12 03:48 a-onl End_of_Run_21967
364373 03/08/12 03:46 a-onl Start_Run_21967,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=raster calibration,50nA, pulse,2x2 fast raster, 500mV slow raster,aluminum hole target(4025624)
364372 03/08/12 03:46 a-onl Start_Run_2870,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=raster calibration,50nA, pulse,2x2 fast raster, 500mV slow raster,aluminum hole target(4025624)
364371 03/08/12 03:45 marcoapc Scaler - raster calibration, pulse 50nA, 2x2 fast raster and 500mV slow raster - runs #2870 (left) and #21967 (right)
364370 03/08/12 03:39 pzhu slow raster size calibration
364369 03/08/12 03:39 T. Badman [Target] Moved target for slow raster calibration
364368 03/08/12 03:39 marcoapc Scalers - beam off - preparing BPM + slow raster calib
364367 03/08/12 03:37 M. Cummings Septa turned on
364366 03/08/12 03:35 M. Cummings Harp scans finished
364365 03/08/12 03:26 a-onl End_of_Run_2869
364364 03/08/12 03:26 a-onl End_of_Run_21966
364363 03/08/12 03:25 pzhu harp scan record
364362 03/08/12 03:25 a-onl Start_Run_21966,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=bpm calibration -1-1 100nA CW
364361 03/08/12 03:25 a-onl Start_Run_2869,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=bpm calibration -1-1 100nA CW
364360 03/08/12 02:55 a-onl End_of_Run_21965
364359 03/08/12 02:49 M. Cummings Hall C changing HWP
364358 03/08/12 02:39 a-onl End_of_Run_2868
364357 03/08/12 02:39 a-onl Start_Run_21965,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=bpm calibration -1-8 100nA CW
364356 03/08/12 02:39 a-onl Start_Run_2868,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=bpm calibration -1-8 100nA CW
364355 03/08/12 02:18 a-onl End_of_Run_2867
364353 03/08/12 02:18 a-onl Start_Run_2867,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=bpm calibration +3-4 100nA CW
364352 03/08/12 02:18 a-onl Start_Run_21964,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=bpm calibration +3-4 100nA CW
364351 03/08/12 02:01 M. Cummings Hall A Tools
364350 03/08/12 01:43 a-onl End_of_Run_21963
364349 03/08/12 01:41 a-onl End_of_Run_2866
364348 03/08/12 01:41 a-onl Start_Run_21963,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=bpm calibration -5-4 100nA CW
364347 03/08/12 01:41 a-onl Start_Run_2866,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=bpm calibration -5-4 100nA CW
364346 03/08/12 01:39 M. Cummings Hall C changing HWP
364345 03/08/12 01:32 pzhu 1H05A harp scan
364344 03/08/12 01:29 a-onl End_of_Run_21962
364343 03/08/12 01:29 marcoapc Scalers for run #21962 (right) and #2865 (left)
364342 03/08/12 01:28 a-onl Start_Run_21962,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=bpm calibration -1-4 100nA CW
364341 03/08/12 01:27 a-onl End_of_Run_2865
364340 03/08/12 01:27 a-onl Start_Run_2865,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=bpm calibration -1-4 100nA CW
364339 03/08/12 01:24 a-onl End_of_Run_2864
364338 03/08/12 00:40 M. Cummings Continue with harp scans
364337 03/08/12 00:08 Ole Hansen Swing Shift Summary
364336 03/07/12 23:12 Ole Hansen More harp scans underway
364335 03/07/12 23:06 a-onl Start_Run_2864,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=bpm check
364334 03/07/12 22:18 J. Shields [Target] Ramp to 2.5 T
364333 03/07/12 22:11 Ole Hansen Controlled access ends
364332 03/07/12 22:08 J. Shields [Target] 4k alarm set off again, self-corrected
364331 03/07/12 22:01 a-onl Start_Run_21961,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=test
364330 03/07/12 21:05 d. keller [target] flows
364329 03/07/12 21:05 A. Camsonne Harp IH05 withou beam
364328 03/07/12 20:59 jshields [Target] Ramp magnet to zero at request of MCC for short controlled access
364327 03/07/12 20:56 Ole Hansen Short controlled access, target field off
364326 03/07/12 20:53 a-onl Start_Run_2863,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=startofrun script check
364325 03/07/12 20:52 a-onl End_of_Run_2863
364324 03/07/12 20:44 Ole Hansen More harp scans
364323 03/07/12 20:16 a-onl End_of_Run_2862
364322 03/07/12 20:01 a-onl Start_Run_2862,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=bpm check,500nA CW
364321 03/07/12 19:58 pzhu MCC checking local beam dump right now
364320 03/07/12 19:46 a-onl End_of_Run_2861
364319 03/07/12 19:44 a-onl Start_Run_2861,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=bpm check,100nA CW
364318 03/07/12 19:41 a-onl End_of_Run_2860
364317 03/07/12 19:33 pzhu spot++ in 100nA CW
364316 03/07/12 19:32 a-onl Start_Run_2860,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=bpm check,100nA CW
364315 03/07/12 19:29 a-onl Start_Run_2859,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=bpm check,100nA CW
364314 03/07/12 19:29 a-onl End_of_Run_2859
364313 03/07/12 19:27 pzhu cannot connect hareboot32,happex crate,dvcstlab1 portserver,ts0 in right arm
364312 03/07/12 19:18 pzhu turn off fast raster
364311 03/07/12 19:12 pzhu beam position during last harp scan
364310 03/07/12 19:11 pzhu 1H04 harp scan
364309 03/07/12 19:03 pzhu 1H05A harp scan
364307 03/07/12 18:54 pzhu 1H05A harp scan
364306 03/07/12 18:40 pzhu 1H05A harp scan
364305 03/07/12 18:37 pzhu 1H04 harp scan
364304 03/07/12 18:26 Ole Hansen Target alarm harmless
364303 03/07/12 18:22 Ole Hansen Target alarm
364302 03/07/12 18:17 jpchen Hall C breed-through to Hall A 50 nA
364301 03/07/12 18:09 Ole Hansen COmmencing harp scans
364300 03/07/12 18:02 Ole Hansen MCC is ready for harp scans
364299 03/07/12 17:09 Zhihong Ye Beam Permit
364298 03/07/12 16:45 jmaxwell [Target] Magnet at 2.5T
364297 03/07/12 16:29 Ole Hansen Septa to zero current
364296 03/07/12 16:24 jmaxwell [Target] Ramping Magnet to 2.5T
364295 03/07/12 16:19 jpchen Day shift summary
364294 03/07/12 16:14 a-onl End_of_Run_2858
364293 03/07/12 15:49 a-onl Start_Run_2858,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=Cosmic T4 check
364292 03/07/12 15:47 jpchen FZ2 current off more than 20 A (5%)
364291 03/07/12 15:42 M. Cummings/ T2 Rate [late entry]
364290 03/07/12 15:01 kamyers [Target] return of the 4K temperature excursion
364289 03/07/12 14:55 Jixie Zhang Beam trajectory for 2.5T, 90 deg target field
364288 03/07/12 12:33 jmaxwell [Target] Magnet at Zero, Leads Locked and Tagged
364287 03/07/12 12:19 kamyers [Target] magnet ramped to zero
364286 03/07/12 12:02 jpchen ion chamber and BPM strip charts during Yves beam test this morning
364285 03/07/12 11:50 jpchen Hall A going to controlled access after a full survey
364284 03/07/12 11:33 kamyers [Target] 4K temp excursions pretty regular
364283 03/07/12 11:25 jpchen beam tuning through chicane with target field changing
364282 03/07/12 11:05 Kalyan Temperature rise in local dump (last night)
364281 03/07/12 10:31 jmaxwell [Target] Second 4K supply Alarm
364280 03/07/12 10:24 Zhihong Ye G2p Status Update
364279 03/07/12 10:19 jpchen Hall back to beam permit for harp scan
364278 03/07/12 10:09 kamyers [Target] 4K supply temperature is climbed to 19K, back to nominal
364277 03/07/12 09:53 jmaxwell [Target] Magnet Ramped to 2.5T
364276 03/07/12 08:38 Kalyan Yves ELOG about beam transport problems
364275 03/07/12 07:22 Zhihong Ye Remain in Control Access before I double check with Yves
364274 03/07/12 03:02 Zhihong Ye G2p Status Update: No beam for rest of the owl shift and Restricted Access Tomorrow to diagonize beamline problems
364273 03/07/12 02:43 Zhihong Ye No Halog posted about when and why septa magnets was off
364272 03/07/12 02:26 M. Cummings [Target] Target Magnet Ramping down
364271 03/07/12 02:21 pzhu turn off septum magnet
364270 03/07/12 02:17 pzhu septum current during owe shift
364269 03/07/12 01:48 pzhu tunning beam trouble
364268 03/07/12 00:51 M. Cummings [Target] target position moved to home
364267 03/07/12 00:51 M. Cummings [Target] Ramping Magnet to 2.5T
364266 03/07/12 00:40 Zhihong Ye Halog halog halog .....
364265 03/07/12 00:34 pzhu
364264 03/07/12 00:30 pzhu hall A generate tool
364263 03/06/12 23:55 Ole Hansen Swing Shift Summary
364262 03/06/12 23:41 Ole Hansen Hall Status
364261 03/06/12 22:56 a-onl End_of_Run_2857
364260 03/06/12 22:55 a-onl Start_Run_2857,Run_type=Spot++,target_type=empty,comment_text=bpm check
364259 03/06/12 22:53 a-onl End_of_Run_21960
364258 03/06/12 21:28 adaq bpm,bcm receiver setting backup
364257 03/06/12 20:03 D. Keller [Target] Moved
364256 03/06/12 19:56 D. Keller D. Keller
364255 03/06/12 19:54 D. Keller [Target] Moved target
364254 03/06/12 19:53 D. Keller [Target] Moved target
364253 03/06/12 19:53 Ole Hansen Cycle Left Q3
364252 03/06/12 19:51 jmaxwell [Target] Magnet Ramped
364251 03/06/12 19:46 Ole Hansen Hall Status
364250 03/06/12 19:45 mhuang LHRS Q3 current scale down study-II
364249 03/06/12 19:28 jmaxwell [Target] Ramping Magnet to 2.5T
364248 03/06/12 18:25 adev End_of_Run_40286
364247 03/06/12 18:01 M. Cummings VDC plots from run 21912 (with beam)
364246 03/06/12 17:59 a-onl Start_Run_21960,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=cosmics
364245 03/06/12 17:40 a-onl End_of_Run_21959
364244 03/06/12 17:39 a-onl Start_Run_21959,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=cosmics
364243 03/06/12 17:35 adev Start_Run_40286,Run_type=Cosmics,target_type=empty,comment_text=threshold dE=-50mV E=-50mV
364242 03/06/12 17:30 adev End_of_Run_40285
364241 03/06/12 16:30 a-onl Start_Run_21957,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=cosmics
364240 03/06/12 16:14 a-onl Start_Run_2855,Run_type=Optics,target_type=empty,comment_text=fast raster off, slow raster off, no target(pure Lhe), delta=0, LQ3=882.3A
364239 03/06/12 16:14 a-onl Start_Run_2856,Run_type=Optics,target_type=empty,comment_text=fast raster off, slow raster off, no target(pure Lhe), delta=0, LQ3=882.3A
364238 03/06/12 16:14 adev Start_Run_40285,Run_type=Commission,target_type=empty,comment_text=threshold dE=-520mV E=-300mV
364237 03/06/12 16:13 a-onl End_of_Run_2855
364236 03/06/12 16:13 a-onl End_of_Run_2856
364235 03/06/12 16:10 jmaxwell [Target] Magnet Ramp Up Test Complete
364234 03/06/12 15:57 Techs Checklist
364233 03/06/12 14:02 jmaxwell [Target] Starting Magnet Ramp Test Procedure
364232 03/06/12 12:23 jpchen Hall A radiation survey this morning
364231 03/06/12 11:03 A. Camsonne BPM calibration summary
364230 03/06/12 10:50 Zhihong Ye Current Progress Update
364229 03/06/12 10:36 a-onl Start_Run_21932,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=cosmics
364228 03/06/12 09:55 jpchen harp test plots
364227 03/06/12 09:24 Zhihong Ye G2p/Gep Status
364226 03/06/12 08:58 X. Zheng Hall A Tools Screen snapshot
364225 03/06/12 08:47 mhuang/jixie LHRS Q3 scale down optics study
364224 03/06/12 08:14 Chao Septum current scan during the BPM Calibration
364223 03/06/12 08:09 hoyoung Owl Shift Summary March 06, 2012
364222 03/06/12 07:43 hoyoung Restricted access
364221 03/06/12 07:11 Zhihong Ye Ramp down Septa magnet field and request restricted access
364220 03/06/12 07:11 hoyoung Restricted access requested
364219 03/06/12 07:11 marcoapc Replay - fast raster off, slow raster off, no target (pure LHe), delta=0 - run #21931
364218 03/06/12 07:07 a-onl End_of_Run_2854
364217 03/06/12 07:05 marcoapc Replay - Left hrs - L Q3=882.3A - run #2854
364216 03/06/12 07:03 a-onl End_of_Run_21931
364215 03/06/12 07:02 marcoapc Scalers - left L Q3=882.3A - run #2854
364214 03/06/12 07:01 a-onl Start_Run_2854,Run_type=Optics,target_type=empty,comment_text=fast raster off, slow raster off, no target(pure Lhe), delta=0, LQ3=882.3A
364213 03/06/12 07:01 Jixie set LQ3 to 882.3A
364212 03/06/12 07:00 marcoapc Replay - optics - Left hrs - fast raster off, slow raster off, no target (pure LHe), delta=0
364211 03/06/12 06:58 a-onl End_of_Run_2853
364210 03/06/12 06:57 marcoapc Replay - optics - right hrs - fast raster off, slow raster off, no target (pure LHe), delta=0
364209 03/06/12 06:55 a-onl Start_Run_21931,Run_type=Optics,target_type=empty,comment_text=fast raster off, slow raster off, no target(pure Lhe), delta=0
364208 03/06/12 06:54 a-onl Start_Run_2853,Run_type=Optics,target_type=empty,comment_text=fast raster off, slow raster off, no target(pure Lhe), delta=0
364207 03/06/12 06:54 marcoapc Scaler - faster raster off, slow raster off, no target (pure Lhe), delta=0
364206 03/06/12 06:53 a-onl Start_Run_21930,Run_type=Optics,target_type=empty,comment_text=fast raster off, slow raster off, no target(pure Lhe), delta=0
364205 03/06/12 06:53 a-onl End_of_Run_21930
364204 03/06/12 06:53 a-onl End_of_Run_2852
364203 03/06/12 06:53 a-onl Start_Run_2852,Run_type=Optics,target_type=empty,comment_text=fast raster off, slow raster off, no target(pure Lhe), delta=0
364202 03/06/12 06:50 Jixie Start taking Helium data for optics, delta=0%
364201 03/06/12 06:46 a-onl Start_Run_21929,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=fast raster calibration 7x0.8
364200 03/06/12 06:46 hoyoung Fast raster OFF
364199 03/06/12 06:46 a-onl Start_Run_2851,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=fast raster calibration 7x0.8
364198 03/06/12 06:45 a-onl End_of_Run_21929
364197 03/06/12 06:45 a-onl End_of_Run_2851
364196 03/06/12 06:45 pzhu fast raster calibration
364195 03/06/12 06:43 a-onl End_of_Run_21928
364194 03/06/12 06:43 a-onl End_of_Run_2850
364193 03/06/12 06:42 a-onl Start_Run_21928,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=fast raster calibration 6x0.8
364192 03/06/12 06:42 a-onl Start_Run_2850,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=fast raster calibration 6x0.8
364191 03/06/12 06:40 a-onl End_of_Run_2849
364190 03/06/12 06:40 a-onl End_of_Run_21927
364189 03/06/12 06:39 a-onl Start_Run_21927,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=fast raster calibration 5x0.8
364188 03/06/12 06:39 a-onl Start_Run_2849,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=fast raster calibration 5x0.8
364187 03/06/12 06:37 a-onl End_of_Run_21926
364186 03/06/12 06:37 a-onl End_of_Run_2848
364185 03/06/12 06:37 a-onl Start_Run_21926,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=fast raster calibration 4x0.8
364184 03/06/12 06:37 a-onl Start_Run_2848,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=fast raster calibration 4x0.8
364183 03/06/12 06:35 a-onl End_of_Run_21925
364182 03/06/12 06:34 a-onl End_of_Run_2847
364181 03/06/12 06:34 a-onl Start_Run_21925,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=fast raster calibration 3x0.8
364180 03/06/12 06:34 a-onl Start_Run_2847,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=fast raster calibration 3x0.8
364179 03/06/12 06:32 a-onl End_of_Run_21924
364178 03/06/12 06:32 a-onl End_of_Run_2846
364177 03/06/12 06:31 a-onl Start_Run_21924,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=fast raster calibration 2x0.8
364176 03/06/12 06:31 hoyoung Hall A general tools
364175 03/06/12 06:31 a-onl Start_Run_2846,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=fast raster calibration 2x0.8
364174 03/06/12 06:29 a-onl End_of_Run_21923
364173 03/06/12 06:29 a-onl End_of_Run_2845
364172 03/06/12 06:29 a-onl Start_Run_21923,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=fast raster calibration 1x0.8
364171 03/06/12 06:28 a-onl Start_Run_2845,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=fast raster calibration 1x0.8
364170 03/06/12 06:25 a-onl End_of_Run_2844
364169 03/06/12 06:25 a-onl End_of_Run_21922
364168 03/06/12 06:25 a-onl Start_Run_21922,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=fast raster calibration 0.8x7
364167 03/06/12 06:25 a-onl Start_Run_2844,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=fast raster calibration 0.8x7
364166 03/06/12 06:23 a-onl End_of_Run_2843
364165 03/06/12 06:23 a-onl End_of_Run_21921
364164 03/06/12 06:22 a-onl Start_Run_21921,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=fast raster calibration 0.8x6
364163 03/06/12 06:22 a-onl Start_Run_2843,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=fast raster calibration 0.8x6
364162 03/06/12 06:20 a-onl End_of_Run_21920
364161 03/06/12 06:20 a-onl End_of_Run_2842
364160 03/06/12 06:19 a-onl Start_Run_21920,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=fast raster calibration 0.8x5
364159 03/06/12 06:19 a-onl Start_Run_2842,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=fast raster calibration 0.8x5
364158 03/06/12 06:17 a-onl End_of_Run_21919
364157 03/06/12 06:17 a-onl End_of_Run_2841
364156 03/06/12 06:16 a-onl Start_Run_21919,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=fast raster calibration 0.8x4
364155 03/06/12 06:16 a-onl Start_Run_2841,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=fast raster calibration 0.8x4
364154 03/06/12 06:15 a-onl End_of_Run_2840
364153 03/06/12 06:15 a-onl End_of_Run_21918
364152 03/06/12 06:15 marcoapc Scalers - fast raster calibration - runs #2840 (left) and #21918 (right)
364151 03/06/12 06:14 hoyoung Fast raster settings
364150 03/06/12 06:14 a-onl Start_Run_21918,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=fast raster calibration 0.8x3
364149 03/06/12 06:14 a-onl Start_Run_2840,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=fast raster calibration 0.8x3
364148 03/06/12 06:12 a-onl End_of_Run_21917
364147 03/06/12 06:12 a-onl Start_Run_21917,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=fast raster calibration 0.8x2
364146 03/06/12 06:12 a-onl End_of_Run_2839
364145 03/06/12 06:11 a-onl Start_Run_2839,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=fast raster calibration 0.8x2
364144 03/06/12 06:09 a-onl End_of_Run_2838
364143 03/06/12 06:09 a-onl End_of_Run_21916
364142 03/06/12 06:09 hoyoung Fast raster size of 0.8 x 1.0 mm
364141 03/06/12 06:08 a-onl Start_Run_21916,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=fast raster calibration 0.8x1
364140 03/06/12 06:08 a-onl Start_Run_2838,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=fast raster calibration 0.8x1
364139 03/06/12 06:04 hoyoung 100 nA CW to do fast raster calibration
364138 03/06/12 05:56 M. Yurov [target] Target does not move
364137 03/06/12 05:54 Jixie Set left HRS delta=0%, P=2.251, SeptumI=725.4A
364136 03/06/12 05:42 adaq slow raster calibration
364135 03/06/12 05:35 Jixie Cycle Left Q2,Q3
364134 03/06/12 05:31 hoyoung Slow raster OFF
364133 03/06/12 05:31 a-onl End_of_Run_21915
364132 03/06/12 05:30 a-onl End_of_Run_2837
364131 03/06/12 05:29 a-onl Start_Run_21915,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=slow raster calibration X
364130 03/06/12 05:29 a-onl Start_Run_2837,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=slow raster calibration X
364129 03/06/12 05:28 a-onl End_of_Run_21914
364128 03/06/12 05:27 a-onl Start_Run_21914,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=slow raster calibration Y
364127 03/06/12 05:27 a-onl Start_Run_2836,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=slow raster calibration Y
364126 03/06/12 05:26 a-onl End_of_Run_2836
364125 03/06/12 05:24 marcoapc Scalers - septum Ileft=718.1A and Iright=725.4A - run #21913 (right) and #2835 (left)
364124 03/06/12 05:24 a-onl End_of_Run_21913
364123 03/06/12 05:24 a-onl End_of_Run_2835
364122 03/06/12 05:23 a-onl Start_Run_21913,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=BPM delay time check Y
364121 03/06/12 05:22 a-onl Start_Run_2835,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=BPM delay time check Y
364120 03/06/12 05:20 a-onl End_of_Run_21912
364119 03/06/12 05:19 a-onl End_of_Run_2834
364118 03/06/12 05:18 a-onl Start_Run_21912,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=BPM delay time check X
364117 03/06/12 05:18 a-onl Start_Run_2834,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=BPM delay time check X
364116 03/06/12 05:16 a-onl End_of_Run_21911
364115 03/06/12 05:16 a-onl End_of_Run_2833
364114 03/06/12 05:16 a-onl Start_Run_21911,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=BPM delay time check X
364112 03/06/12 05:16 a-onl Start_Run_2833,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=BPM delay time check X
364111 03/06/12 05:10 hoyoung Beam position back to 0/0
364110 03/06/12 05:09 a-onl End_of_Run_21910
364109 03/06/12 05:08 pzhu bpm calibration for new run
364108 03/06/12 05:08 a-onl End_of_Run_2832
364107 03/06/12 05:07 a-onl Start_Run_21910,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=new bpm calibration -4+4,pulser septum Iright=725.4A,100nA,CW
364106 03/06/12 05:07 a-onl Start_Run_2832,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=new bpm calibration -4+4,pulser septum Ileft=718.1,100nA,CW
364105 03/06/12 05:04 marcoapc Replay - Right hrs, septum Iright=725.4A - run #21909
364104 03/06/12 05:03 pzhu beam position fluctuate
364103 03/06/12 05:02 hoyoung 100 nA CW
364102 03/06/12 05:00 marcoapc Replay - Left hrs - septum Ileft=718.1A, 100nA - run #2831
364101 03/06/12 04:59 a-onl End_of_Run_21909
364100 03/06/12 04:59 marcoapc Scalers - septum Ileft=718.1A and Iright=725.4 - runs #2831 (left) and #21909 (right)
364099 03/06/12 04:58 a-onl Start_Run_21909,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=new bpm calibration -4+4,pulser septum Iright=725.4A,100nA
364098 03/06/12 04:58 a-onl End_of_Run_2831
364097 03/06/12 04:58 a-onl Start_Run_2831,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=new bpm calibration -4+4,pulser septum Ileft=718.1,100nA
364096 03/06/12 04:50 Jixie change septa: Ileft=718.1A, Iright=725.4A
364095 03/06/12 04:48 marcoapc Replay - Left hrs, septum I=703.6A, 8uA - run #2830
364094 03/06/12 04:46 marcoapc Replay - Right hrs, septum I=703.6A, 8uA - run #21908
364093 03/06/12 04:43 marcoapc Scalers - septa I=703.6 - runs #21908 (right) and #2830 (left)
364092 03/06/12 04:42 a-onl End_of_Run_21908
364091 03/06/12 04:41 a-onl Start_Run_2830,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=new bpm calibration -4+4,pulser septum I=703.6A,8uA
364090 03/06/12 04:41 a-onl Start_Run_21908,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=new bpm calibration -4-4,pulser septum I=703.6A,8uA
364089 03/06/12 04:40 a-onl End_of_Run_2830
364088 03/06/12 04:22 Jixie change both septa to -3%, 703.6A
364087 03/06/12 04:21 marcoapc Replay - Left hrs, septum=653A - run #21907
364086 03/06/12 04:17 Jixie Change septum current back to 718.1(left) and 725.4(right)
364085 03/06/12 04:16 marcoapc Replay - Left hrs, septum I=653A - run #2829
364084 03/06/12 04:15 hoyoung 8 uA pulse in -4/+4
364083 03/06/12 04:15 marcoapc Scalers - septa in I=653A - runs #2829 (left) and #21907 (right)
364082 03/06/12 04:13 a-onl End_of_Run_21907
364081 03/06/12 04:13 a-onl End_of_Run_2829
364080 03/06/12 04:12 a-onl Start_Run_2829,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=new bpm calibration -4-4,pulser septum I=653A,100nA
364079 03/06/12 04:11 a-onl Start_Run_21907,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=new bpm calibration -4-4,pulser septum I=653A,100nA
364078 03/06/12 04:09 a-onl End_of_Run_21906
364077 03/06/12 04:09 a-onl Start_Run_21906,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=new bpm calibration -4-4,pulser septum I=688A,100nA
364076 03/06/12 04:08 Jixie Change both septa to 653A
364075 03/06/12 04:06 a-onl End_of_Run_2828
364074 03/06/12 04:05 a-onl Start_Run_2828,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=new bpm calibration -4-4,pulser septum I=688A,100nA
364072 03/06/12 04:05 a-onl Start_Run_21905,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=new bpm calibration -4-4,pulser septum I=688A,100nA
364071 03/06/12 04:03 a-onl End_of_Run_21904
364070 03/06/12 04:03 a-onl End_of_Run_2827
364069 03/06/12 04:03 a-onl Start_Run_2827,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=new bpm calibration -4-4,pulser septum I=688A,100nA
364067 03/06/12 04:01 marcoapc Replay - Right hrs, septum I=688A - run #21903
364066 03/06/12 03:59 hoyoung 100 nA CW
364065 03/06/12 03:59 a-onl End_of_Run_21903
364064 03/06/12 03:58 marcoapc Scalers - Septum I=688A - runs #21903 (Right) and #2826 (Left)
364063 03/06/12 03:58 a-onl Start_Run_21903,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=new bpm calibration -4-4,pulser septum I=688A,8uA
364062 03/06/12 03:57 a-onl End_of_Run_2826
364061 03/06/12 03:55 Jixie Change septa currents to 688A
364060 03/06/12 03:52 marcoapc Septum was I=725.4A in run #2825
364059 03/06/12 03:50 marcoapc Replay - Right hrs - run #21902
364058 03/06/12 03:48 adaq bpm setting for new calibration
364057 03/06/12 03:47 hoyoung 8 uA pulse in -4/-4
364056 03/06/12 03:47 marcoapc Replay - Left Hrs - run #2825
364055 03/06/12 03:45 a-onl End_of_Run_2825
364054 03/06/12 03:44 a-onl End_of_Run_21902
364053 03/06/12 03:43 marcoapc Scalers for runs #21902 (Right) and #2825 (Left)
364052 03/06/12 03:43 a-onl Start_Run_21902,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=new bpm calibration +4-4,pulser septum I=725.4A,CW
364051 03/06/12 03:43 a-onl Start_Run_2825,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=new bpm calibration +4-4,pulser septum I=762A,CW
364050 03/06/12 03:40 hoyoung 100 nA CW
364049 03/06/12 03:40 Jixie Change both septa currents to 725.4A
364048 03/06/12 03:40 a-onl End_of_Run_2824
364047 03/06/12 03:40 a-onl End_of_Run_21901
364046 03/06/12 03:39 a-onl Start_Run_21901,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=new bpm calibration +4-4,pulser septum I=762A
364045 03/06/12 03:39 a-onl Start_Run_2824,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=new bpm calibration +4-4,pulser septum I=762A
364044 03/06/12 03:36 a-onl End_of_Run_21900
364043 03/06/12 03:36 a-onl End_of_Run_2823
364042 03/06/12 03:36 a-onl Start_Run_21900,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=new bpm calibration +4-4,pulser septum I=762A
364041 03/06/12 03:36 a-onl Start_Run_2823,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=new bpm calibration +4-4,pulser septum I=762A
364040 03/06/12 03:31 marcoapc Replay - Left hrs - run #2822
364039 03/06/12 03:29 hoyoung 8 uA pulse in +4/-4
364038 03/06/12 03:28 marcoapc Replay - Right hrs - run #21899
364037 03/06/12 03:26 a-onl End_of_Run_2822
364036 03/06/12 03:26 a-onl End_of_Run_21899
364035 03/06/12 03:25 a-onl Start_Run_21899,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=new bpm calibration +4+4,pulser septum I=762A
364034 03/06/12 03:25 a-onl Start_Run_2822,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=new bpm calibration +4+4,pulser septum I=762A
364033 03/06/12 03:23 Jixie Change both septa to 762 (5%)
364032 03/06/12 03:22 a-onl End_of_Run_2821
364030 03/06/12 03:21 marcoapc Scaler - run #21898 (right) and #2821 (left)
364029 03/06/12 03:21 a-onl Start_Run_21898,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=new bpm calibration +4+4,pulser
364028 03/06/12 03:20 a-onl Start_Run_2821,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=new bpm calibration +4+4,pulser
364027 03/06/12 03:13 hoyoung 8 uA pulse
364026 03/06/12 03:12 marcoapc Replay - BPM calib - Right, run 21896
364025 03/06/12 03:09 a-onl End_of_Run_2820
364024 03/06/12 03:09 a-onl End_of_Run_21897
364023 03/06/12 03:08 marcoapc Replay - BMP calib - Left, run 2819
364022 03/06/12 03:06 marcoapc Scalers for bpm calib +4,+4
364021 03/06/12 03:05 a-onl Start_Run_21897,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=new bpm calibration +4+4
364020 03/06/12 03:05 a-onl Start_Run_2820,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=new bpm calibration +4+4
364019 03/06/12 03:02 hoyoung 100 nA CW
364018 03/06/12 03:00 hoyoung BPMA 0/0
364017 03/06/12 02:57 hoyoung 8 uA beam in +4/+4
364016 03/06/12 02:56 a-onl End_of_Run_2819
364015 03/06/12 02:53 a-onl End_of_Run_21896
364014 03/06/12 02:51 a-onl Start_Run_21896,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=new bpm calibration 00
364013 03/06/12 02:50 a-onl End_of_Run_21895
364012 03/06/12 02:49 a-onl Start_Run_21895,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=new bpm calibration 00
364011 03/06/12 02:49 a-onl Start_Run_2819,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=new bpm calibration 00
364010 03/06/12 02:48 hoyoung 100 nA CW
364009 03/06/12 02:34 a-onl Start_Run_21894,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=bpm check
364008 03/06/12 02:33 a-onl Start_Run_2818,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=bpm check
364007 03/06/12 02:33 a-onl End_of_Run_2818
364006 03/06/12 02:33 a-onl End_of_Run_21894
364005 03/06/12 02:32 Pengjia Moved sieve in
364004 03/06/12 02:31 Pengjia disconnect BCM multiplier
364003 03/06/12 02:30 Jixie Change septa currents to 800A
364002 03/06/12 02:27 hoyoung Beam permit
364001 03/06/12 02:18 a-onl End_of_Run_2817
364000 03/06/12 02:07 a-onl Start_Run_2817,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=bpm check
363999 03/06/12 02:05 a-onl End_of_Run_2816
363998 03/06/12 02:04 a-onl End_of_Run_21893
363997 03/06/12 01:55 a-onl Start_Run_21893,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=bpm check
363996 03/06/12 01:52 a-onl End_of_Run_21892
363995 03/06/12 01:52 a-onl Start_Run_21892,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=bpm check
363994 03/06/12 01:48 a-onl End_of_Run_21891
363993 03/06/12 01:48 a-onl Start_Run_21891,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=bpm check
363992 03/06/12 01:47 a-onl End_of_Run_21890
363991 03/06/12 01:46 a-onl Start_Run_21890,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=bpm check
363990 03/06/12 01:45 a-onl End_of_Run_21889
363989 03/06/12 01:43 a-onl Start_Run_21889,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=bpm check
363988 03/06/12 01:40 a-onl End_of_Run_21888
363987 03/06/12 01:40 a-onl Start_Run_21888,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=bpm check
363986 03/06/12 01:29 a-onl Start_Run_2816,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=bpm check
363985 03/06/12 01:14 hoyoung Controlled access
363984 03/06/12 01:13 a-onl End_of_Run_2815
363983 03/06/12 01:13 a-onl Start_Run_2815,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=Check MYSQL DB
363982 03/06/12 01:12 a-onl End_of_Run_2814
363981 03/06/12 01:11 a-onl Start_Run_2814,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=Check MYSQL DB
363980 03/06/12 01:09 a-onl End_of_Run_2813
363979 03/06/12 01:07 a-onl Start_Run_2813,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=Check MYSQL DB
363978 03/06/12 01:06 a-onl End_of_Run_21887
363977 03/06/12 01:06 a-onl End_of_Run_2812
363976 03/06/12 01:04 pzhu bpm calibration done for run before now
363975 03/06/12 01:03 a-onl Start_Run_21887,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=bpm calibration 00 low current new
363974 03/06/12 01:03 a-onl Start_Run_2812,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=bpm calibration,00 low current new
363973 03/06/12 01:02 a-onl End_of_Run_21886
363972 03/06/12 01:01 a-onl End_of_Run_2811
363971 03/06/12 00:59 a-onl Start_Run_21886,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=bpm calibration 00 low current old
363970 03/06/12 00:59 a-onl Start_Run_2811,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=bpm calibration,00 low current old
363969 03/06/12 00:59 a-onl Start_Run_21885,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=bpm calibration 00 low current old
363968 03/06/12 00:58 a-onl Start_Run_2810,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=bpm calibration,00 low current old
363967 03/06/12 00:57 a-onl End_of_Run_2810
363966 03/06/12 00:57 a-onl End_of_Run_21885
363965 03/06/12 00:43 a-onl End_of_Run_21884
363964 03/06/12 00:43 a-onl End_of_Run_2809
363963 03/06/12 00:41 adaq harp 1H04 is getting worse, don't know why
363962 03/06/12 00:41 a-onl Start_Run_21884,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=bpm calibration +4+4 low current old
363961 03/06/12 00:41 a-onl Start_Run_2809,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=bpm calibration,+4+4 low current old
363960 03/06/12 00:39 a-onl End_of_Run_21883
363959 03/06/12 00:39 a-onl End_of_Run_2808
363958 03/06/12 00:37 a-onl Start_Run_21883,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=(TRIGGER TEST)pm calibration +4+4 low current new
363957 03/06/12 00:36 a-onl Start_Run_2808,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=MYSQL DB CHECK
363956 03/06/12 00:23 a-onl End_of_Run_2807
363955 03/06/12 00:23 a-onl End_of_Run_21882
363954 03/06/12 00:22 a-onl Start_Run_21882,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=(TRIGGER TEST)pm calibration +4-4 low current new
363953 03/06/12 00:22 a-onl Start_Run_2807,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=(TRIGGER TEST)bpm calibration +4-4 low current new
363952 03/06/12 00:18 a-onl End_of_Run_21881
363951 03/06/12 00:18 a-onl End_of_Run_2806
363950 03/06/12 00:16 a-onl Start_Run_21881,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=(TRIGGER TEST)pm calibration +4-4 low current old
363949 03/06/12 00:16 a-onl Start_Run_2806,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=(TRIGGER TEST)bpm calibration +4-4 low current old
363948 03/05/12 23:46 a-onl End_of_Run_21880
363947 03/05/12 23:46 a-onl End_of_Run_2805
363946 03/05/12 23:43 a-onl Start_Run_21880,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=(TRIGGER TEST)pm calibration -4-4 low current old
363945 03/05/12 23:43 a-onl Start_Run_2805,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=(TRIGGER TEST)bpm calibration -4-4 low current old
363944 03/05/12 23:41 a-onl End_of_Run_2804
363943 03/05/12 23:41 a-onl End_of_Run_21879
363942 03/05/12 23:39 a-onl Start_Run_21879,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=(TRIGGER TEST)pm calibration -4-4 low current new
363941 03/05/12 23:39 a-onl Start_Run_2804,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=(TRIGGER TEST)bpm calibration -4-4 low current new
363940 03/05/12 23:38 a-onl End_of_Run_21879
363939 03/05/12 23:37 a-onl End_of_Run_21878
363938 03/05/12 23:36 a-onl End_of_Run_21878
363937 03/05/12 23:17 a-onl End_of_Run_21878
363936 03/05/12 23:17 a-onl End_of_Run_2803
363935 03/05/12 23:14 a-onl Start_Run_21878,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=(TRIGGER TEST)pm calibration -4+4 low current old
363934 03/05/12 23:13 a-onl Start_Run_2803,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=(TRIGGER TEST)bpm calibration -4+4 low current old
363933 03/05/12 23:12 a-onl End_of_Run_2802
363932 03/05/12 23:12 a-onl End_of_Run_21877
363931 03/05/12 23:09 a-onl Start_Run_21877,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=(TRIGGER TEST)pm calibration -4+4 low current new
363930 03/05/12 23:09 a-onl Start_Run_2802,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=(TRIGGER TEST)bpm calibration -4+4 low current new
363929 03/05/12 23:06 a-onl End_of_Run_21876
363928 03/05/12 23:06 a-onl End_of_Run_2801
363927 03/05/12 23:04 a-onl Start_Run_21876,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=(TRIGGER TEST)pm calibration -4+4 low current new
363926 03/05/12 23:03 a-onl Start_Run_2801,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=(TRIGGER TEST)bpm calibration -4+4 low current new
363925 03/05/12 23:01 D. Keller shift summary [harp]
363924 03/05/12 22:37 a-onl Start_Run_21875,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=(TRIGGER TEST)pm calibration -4+4 high current old
363923 03/05/12 22:36 a-onl End_of_Run_21875
363922 03/05/12 22:35 a-onl Start_Run_2800,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=(TRIGGER TEST)bpm calibration -4+4 high current old
363921 03/05/12 22:34 a-onl End_of_Run_2800
363920 03/05/12 22:21 a-onl End_of_Run_21874
363919 03/05/12 22:21 a-onl End_of_Run_2799
363918 03/05/12 22:18 a-onl Start_Run_21874,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=bpm calibration -4+4 high current old
363917 03/05/12 22:18 a-onl Start_Run_2799,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=bpm calibration -4+4 high current old
363916 03/05/12 22:16 a-onl End_of_Run_21873
363915 03/05/12 22:16 a-onl End_of_Run_2798
363914 03/05/12 22:14 a-onl Start_Run_21873,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=bpm calibration -4+4 high current old
363913 03/05/12 22:14 a-onl Start_Run_2798,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=bpm calibration -4+4 high current old
363912 03/05/12 22:11 a-onl End_of_Run_2797
363912 03/05/12 22:11 a-onl End_of_Run_21872
363911 03/05/12 22:09 a-onl Start_Run_21872,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=bpm calibration -4+4 high current new
363910 03/05/12 22:08 a-onl Start_Run_2797,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=bpm calibration -4+4 high current new
363909 03/05/12 21:48 a-onl End_of_Run_2796
363908 03/05/12 21:45 a-onl Start_Run_21871,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=bpm calibration 44 low current new
363907 03/05/12 21:45 a-onl Start_Run_2796,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=bpm calibration 44low current new
363906 03/05/12 21:42 a-onl End_of_Run_2795
363905 03/05/12 21:42 a-onl End_of_Run_21870
363904 03/05/12 21:42 a-onl Start_Run_21870,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=bpm calibration 44 low current new
363903 03/05/12 21:42 a-onl Start_Run_2795,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=bpm calibration 44low current new
363902 03/05/12 21:33 a-onl End_of_Run_2794
363901 03/05/12 21:33 a-onl End_of_Run_21869
363900 03/05/12 21:31 a-onl Start_Run_21869,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=bpm calibration 44 low current new
363899 03/05/12 21:31 a-onl Start_Run_2794,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=bpm calibration 44low current new
363898 03/05/12 21:31 Kalyan ThirdArm E-plane signals fixed
363897 03/05/12 21:30 a-onl Start_Run_21868,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=bpm calibration 44 low current new
363895 03/05/12 21:30 a-onl End_of_Run_2793
363894 03/05/12 21:30 a-onl End_of_Run_21868
363893 03/05/12 21:27 a-onl End_of_Run_21867
363891 03/05/12 21:25 a-onl Start_Run_21867,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=bpm calibration 44 low current old
363890 03/05/12 21:25 a-onl Start_Run_2792,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=bpm calibration 44low current old
363889 03/05/12 21:23 a-onl End_of_Run_2791
363888 03/05/12 21:22 a-onl End_of_Run_21866
363887 03/05/12 21:21 Kalyan Third arm raw rates - scaler display
363886 03/05/12 21:20 a-onl Start_Run_21866,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=bpm calibration 44 high current old
363885 03/05/12 21:20 a-onl Start_Run_2791,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=bpm calibration 44 high current old
363884 03/05/12 21:18 a-onl End_of_Run_2790
363883 03/05/12 21:18 a-onl End_of_Run_21865
363882 03/05/12 21:16 a-onl Start_Run_21865,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=bpm calibration 44 high current new
363881 03/05/12 21:16 a-onl Start_Run_2790,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=bpm calibration 44 high current new
363880 03/05/12 21:13 Kalyan restarted hight voltage GUI
363879 03/05/12 21:12 adev End_of_Run_40284
363878 03/05/12 21:03 adev Start_Run_40284,Run_type=Commission,target_type=empty,comment_text=threshold dE=-520mV E=-300mV
363877 03/05/12 20:55 a-onl End_of_Run_21864
363876 03/05/12 20:55 a-onl End_of_Run_2789
363875 03/05/12 20:51 a-onl Start_Run_21864,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=bpm calibration 00
363874 03/05/12 20:51 a-onl Start_Run_2789,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=bpm calibration 00
363873 03/05/12 20:49 a-onl End_of_Run_21863
363872 03/05/12 20:49 a-onl End_of_Run_2788
363871 03/05/12 20:46 a-onl Start_Run_2788,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=bpm calibration 00
363870 03/05/12 20:46 a-onl Start_Run_21863,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=bpm calibration 00
363869 03/05/12 20:41 a-onl End_of_Run_2787
363868 03/05/12 20:41 a-onl Start_Run_2787,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=bpm adc check
363866 03/05/12 20:41 a-onl Start_Run_21862,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=bpm adc check
363865 03/05/12 20:37 a-onl End_of_Run_2786
363864 03/05/12 20:37 a-onl End_of_Run_21861
363863 03/05/12 20:36 mhuang Preliminary optics angular calibration
363862 03/05/12 20:26 a-onl Start_Run_21861,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=bpm adc check
363860 03/05/12 20:17 a-onl End_of_Run_2785
363859 03/05/12 20:17 a-onl End_of_Run_21860
363858 03/05/12 20:13 a-onl Start_Run_21860,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=bpm adc check
363857 03/05/12 20:13 a-onl Start_Run_2785,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=bpm adc check
363856 03/05/12 20:08 a-onl End_of_Run_2784
363855 03/05/12 20:08 a-onl End_of_Run_21859
363854 03/05/12 20:07 a-onl Start_Run_2784,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=bpm adc check
363852 03/05/12 20:06 a-onl End_of_Run_21858
363851 03/05/12 20:06 a-onl End_of_Run_2783
363850 03/05/12 19:53 a-onl Start_Run_2783,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=bpm adc check
363849 03/05/12 19:53 a-onl Start_Run_21858,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=bpm adc check
363848 03/05/12 19:52 a-onl End_of_Run_2782
363847 03/05/12 19:52 a-onl End_of_Run_21857
363846 03/05/12 19:48 a-onl Start_Run_2782,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=bpm adc check
363845 03/05/12 19:48 a-onl Start_Run_21857,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=bpm adc check
363844 03/05/12 19:47 a-onl End_of_Run_2781
363842 03/05/12 19:41 a-onl Start_Run_21856,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=bpm new gain constant,gain off - test epicsRunstart
363841 03/05/12 19:41 a-onl Start_Run_2781,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=bpm new gain constant,gain off - test epics runstart
363840 03/05/12 19:35 mhuang/jixie Dp spectrum for carbon and CH2 runs (central hole only)
363839 03/05/12 19:27 a-onl End_of_Run_2780
363838 03/05/12 19:26 a-onl End_of_Run_21855
363837 03/05/12 19:21 a-onl Start_Run_21855,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=bpm new gain constant,gain off
363836 03/05/12 19:21 a-onl Start_Run_2780,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=bpm new gain constant,gain off
363835 03/05/12 18:39 a-onl End_of_Run_2779
363833 03/05/12 18:38 pzhu bpm receiver setting backup
363832 03/05/12 18:32 a-onl Start_Run_21854,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=bpm test
363831 03/05/12 18:32 a-onl Start_Run_2779,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=bpm test
363830 03/05/12 18:30 a-onl End_of_Run_2778
363829 03/05/12 18:30 a-onl End_of_Run_21853
363828 03/05/12 18:30 a-onl Start_Run_21853,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=bpm test
363827 03/05/12 18:30 a-onl Start_Run_2778,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=bpm test
363826 03/05/12 18:23 A. Camsonne HARP signal gains
363825 03/05/12 18:05 A. Camsonne Requested 8 uA tuned beam for HARP scan
363824 03/05/12 17:31 rakitha Hall C Results for Hall A Large Charge Asymmetry
363823 03/05/12 17:24 A. Camsonne HARP test conclusions
363822 03/05/12 16:14 mhuang Central hole optics data dp vs VertexZ
363821 03/05/12 15:52 Zhihong Ye Hall-A Tool Screen Snapshot
363820 03/05/12 15:51 Zhihong Ye Septa Magnet Power Supply GUI
363818 03/05/12 15:00 X. Zheng Hall sweep in progress
363817 03/05/12 14:59 jpchen Moved sieve slits out
363816 03/05/12 14:43 Chao/Kalyan Switch the dE1L and E1L signal cable
363815 03/05/12 14:36 a-onl End_of_Run_2777
363814 03/05/12 14:36 a-onl End_of_Run_21852
363813 03/05/12 14:13 Zhihong Ye Hall works mostly done. Will close the hall and ask for beam permit soon.
363812 03/05/12 14:03 folts checklist /tech
363811 03/05/12 13:24 M. Cummings RHRS VDC plots for cosmic run 21852
363810 03/05/12 13:05 A. Camsonne 1H04 HARP signal still noisy
363809 03/05/12 13:00 Zhihong Ye BTA working and Shift Leader need to fill out BTA before the end of shift
363808 03/05/12 12:59 a-onl Start_Run_21852,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=cosmic run
363807 03/05/12 12:57 a-onl End_of_Run_21851
363806 03/05/12 12:52 Jack Right Arm VDC high voltage
363805 03/05/12 12:52 A. Camsonne Test signal HARP
363804 03/05/12 12:46 R. Zielinski RHRS s2m double-peak
363803 03/05/12 12:40 R. Zielinski RHRS T2 MLU
363802 03/05/12 12:27 a-onl Start_Run_2777,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=cosmic run
363801 03/05/12 12:26 a-onl Start_Run_2776,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=cosmic run
363800 03/05/12 12:26 a-onl Start_Run_21851,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=cosmic run
363799 03/05/12 12:25 a-onl End_of_Run_2776
363798 03/05/12 12:00 a-onl Start_Run_21850,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=Swapped VDC High Voltage
363797 03/05/12 11:59 Glamazdin Rack 1H75B15 partialy unpowered
363796 03/05/12 11:59 a-onl End_of_Run_21849
363795 03/05/12 11:42 Zhihong Ye Current Status: No an estimation about when we close the hall
363794 03/05/12 11:30 a-onl Start_Run_21849,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=Swapped VDC High Voltage
363793 03/05/12 11:17 musson bpm receiver
363792 03/05/12 11:08 a-onl End_of_Run_2775
363791 03/05/12 11:07 a-onl Start_Run_2775,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=bpm test
363790 03/05/12 11:06 a-onl End_of_Run_2774
363789 03/05/12 11:01 a-onl End_of_Run_21848
363788 03/05/12 10:57 a-onl Start_Run_2774,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=bpm test
363787 03/05/12 10:55 a-onl End_of_Run_2773
363786 03/05/12 10:51 a-onl Start_Run_2773,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=bpm test
363785 03/05/12 10:50 a-onl Start_Run_2772,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=test
363784 03/05/12 10:50 a-onl End_of_Run_2772
363783 03/05/12 10:45 A. Camsonne HARP status
363782 03/05/12 10:42 a-onl End_of_Run_2771
363781 03/05/12 10:40 M. Cummings RHRS VDC efficiency from cosmic run 21848
363780 03/05/12 10:32 A. Camsonne Switch HV output to 3 for electron detector HV distribution
363779 03/05/12 10:13 a-onl Start_Run_21848,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=Swapped VDC High Voltage
363778 03/05/12 10:13 pzhu connect back bpm to happex
363777 03/05/12 10:11 a-onl End_of_Run_21847
363776 03/05/12 09:55 a-onl Start_Run_21847,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=Swapped VDC High Voltage
363775 03/05/12 09:21 Zhihong Ye Status: Experts are working on Harp in the hall
363774 03/05/12 08:34 A. Camsonne Compton electron detector runs
363773 03/05/12 08:30 Zhihong Ye Chicane Change postponed to Tuesday at 7:30am
363772 03/05/12 08:04 hoyoung Restricted Access
363771 03/05/12 07:59 hoyoung Owl Shift Summary March 04, 2012
363770 03/05/12 07:47 Chao ADC & TDC plots for 3rd arm run 40283
363769 03/05/12 07:24 hoyoung Restricted access requested
363768 03/05/12 07:11 a-onl Start_Run_21846,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=test
363767 03/05/12 07:11 a-onl Start_Run_2770,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=test
363766 03/05/12 07:10 a-onl End_of_Run_2770
363765 03/05/12 07:10 a-onl End_of_Run_21846
363764 03/05/12 07:08 marcoapc VDC efficiency - Rhrs - run#21845
363763 03/05/12 07:01 Zhihong Ye Ramp down Septa Magnet field
363762 03/05/12 06:59 a-onl End_of_Run_21845
363761 03/05/12 06:59 a-onl End_of_Run_2769
363760 03/05/12 06:50 adev End_of_Run_40283
363759 03/05/12 06:48 adev Start_Run_40283,Run_type=Commission,target_type=empty,comment_text=threshold dE=-520mV E=-300mV
363758 03/05/12 06:47 adev End_of_Run_40282
363757 03/05/12 06:47 adev Start_Run_40282,Run_type=Commission,target_type=empty,comment_text=threshold dE=-50mV E=-50mV
363756 03/05/12 06:39 hoyoung 1 uA CW beam for compton
363755 03/05/12 06:26 adev End_of_Run_40281
363754 03/05/12 04:55 hoyoung Hall A general tools
363753 03/05/12 01:37 adev Start_Run_40281,Run_type=Cosmics,target_type=empty,comment_text=threshold dE=-50mV E=-50mV
363752 03/05/12 00:27 M Friend Compton collimator and lead filter changed
363751 03/04/12 23:56 pzhu hall A generate tools
363750 03/04/12 23:52 pzhu swing shift summary
363749 03/04/12 23:52 pzhu swing shift summary
363748 03/04/12 23:48 pzhu Re. no bpm information from 2754 to 2768 for left arm
363747 03/04/12 23:34 pzhu no bpm information from 2754 to 2768 for left arm
363746 03/04/12 23:21 a-onl Start_Run_2769,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=misc detector check
363745 03/04/12 23:20 a-onl End_of_Run_2768
363744 03/04/12 23:16 M Friend Compton spectrum
363743 03/04/12 23:12 M Friend Compton spectrum
363742 03/04/12 22:41 pzhu right arm vdc hits change from 15:58 to 22:10
363741 03/04/12 22:40 a-onl Start_Run_21845,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=test
363740 03/04/12 22:39 a-onl Start_Run_2768,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=misc detector check
363739 03/04/12 22:37 pzhu right arm vdc hits change from 15:58 to 22:10
363738 03/04/12 22:30 a-onl End_of_Run_2767
363737 03/04/12 22:30 a-onl End_of_Run_21844
363736 03/04/12 22:12 a-onl Start_Run_21844,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=test
363735 03/04/12 22:11 a-onl Start_Run_2767,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=misc detector check
363734 03/04/12 22:11 a-onl End_of_Run_21843
363733 03/04/12 22:10 a-onl End_of_Run_2766
363732 03/04/12 22:02 a-onl Start_Run_21843,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=test
363731 03/04/12 22:00 a-onl End_of_Run_21842
363730 03/04/12 21:57 a-onl Start_Run_2766,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=misc detector check
363729 03/04/12 21:56 a-onl End_of_Run_2765
363728 03/04/12 21:53 a-onl Start_Run_21842,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=test
363727 03/04/12 21:49 a-onl End_of_Run_21841
363726 03/04/12 21:40 a-onl Start_Run_21841,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=test
363725 03/04/12 21:40 a-onl Start_Run_2765,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=misc detector check
363724 03/04/12 21:38 a-onl End_of_Run_2764
363723 03/04/12 21:38 a-onl End_of_Run_21840
363722 03/04/12 21:23 a-onl Start_Run_21840,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=test
363721 03/04/12 21:21 a-onl End_of_Run_21839
363720 03/04/12 21:05 pzhu VDC hits and efficiency for run 21837
363719 03/04/12 21:01 a-onl Start_Run_21839,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=test
363718 03/04/12 21:00 a-onl Start_Run_2764,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=misc detector check
363717 03/04/12 20:59 a-onl End_of_Run_21838
363716 03/04/12 20:58 a-onl End_of_Run_2763
363715 03/04/12 20:57 a-onl Start_Run_21838,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=test
363714 03/04/12 20:56 a-onl Start_Run_2763,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=misc detector check
363713 03/04/12 20:55 a-onl End_of_Run_21837
363712 03/04/12 20:55 a-onl End_of_Run_2762
363711 03/04/12 20:52 a-onl Start_Run_21837,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=test
363710 03/04/12 20:44 R. Zielinski RHRS VDC Plots: Run 21836
363709 03/04/12 20:43 a-onl End_of_Run_2761
363708 03/04/12 20:43 a-onl End_of_Run_21836
363707 03/04/12 20:07 a-onl Start_Run_2761,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=misc detector check
363706 03/04/12 20:03 a-onl Start_Run_21836,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=test
363705 03/04/12 19:47 a-onl End_of_Run_2760
363704 03/04/12 19:47 a-onl End_of_Run_21835
363703 03/04/12 19:34 a-onl Start_Run_2760,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=test
363702 03/04/12 19:33 a-onl End_of_Run_2759
363701 03/04/12 19:31 A. Camsonne HARP still broken, will do Compton and Calorimeter runs tonight
363700 03/04/12 19:24 a-onl Start_Run_21835,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=test
363699 03/04/12 19:22 a-onl End_of_Run_21834
363698 03/04/12 19:20 a-onl Start_Run_2759,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=test
363697 03/04/12 19:20 A. Camsonne HARP still have issues
363696 03/04/12 19:19 a-onl End_of_Run_2758
363695 03/04/12 19:05 a-onl Start_Run_21834,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=test
363694 03/04/12 19:04 a-onl Start_Run_2758,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=test
363693 03/04/12 19:01 a-onl Start_Run_2757,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=CH2(100 mil) fast raster ON slow raster OFF sieve IN Delta=1%
363692 03/04/12 19:01 a-onl End_of_Run_2757
363691 03/04/12 19:00 a-onl End_of_Run_21833
363690 03/04/12 18:52 igorko RHRS VDC efficiency
363689 03/04/12 18:35 Kalyan/Chao Access work on thirdarm
363688 03/04/12 18:33 bogdanw Right arm VDC gas
363687 03/04/12 18:30 a-onl Start_Run_21833,Run_type=Other,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=Cosmics
363686 03/04/12 18:24 adev End_of_Run_40280
363685 03/04/12 17:54 adev Start_Run_40280,Run_type=Other,target_type=Carbon,comment_text=threshold dE=-50mV E=-50mV
363684 03/04/12 17:54 Mohamed Hafe Compton_chicane_vacuum_status
363683 03/04/12 17:53 adev End_of_Run_40279
363682 03/04/12 17:49 adev Start_Run_40279,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon,comment_text=threshold dE=-500mV E=-50mV
363681 03/04/12 17:48 Zhihong Ye Late Entry: Asked for a Control Acces at 4:20pm to fix Harp and VDC ...
363680 03/04/12 17:36 pzhu hall A generator tools
363679 03/04/12 16:25 Chao 3rd arm ADC & TDC plot for run 40278
363678 03/04/12 16:12 Jixie, Chao straight through optics summary, part 4
363677 03/04/12 16:11 a-onl End_of_Run_2756
363676 03/04/12 16:10 igorko scalers run #2754
363675 03/04/12 16:09 igorko replay 2754
363674 03/04/12 16:08 a-onl End_of_Run_21832
363673 03/04/12 16:06 a-onl Start_Run_21832,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=fast raster OFF slow raster ON sieve IN Delta=0% , CH2
363672 03/04/12 16:06 a-onl Start_Run_2756,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=CH2(100 mil) fast raster ON slow raster OFF sieve IN Delta=1%
363671 03/04/12 16:02 adev End_of_Run_40278
363670 03/04/12 16:01 a-onl End_of_Run_2755
363669 03/04/12 15:59 a-onl End_of_Run_21831
363668 03/04/12 15:57 a-onl Start_Run_2755,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=CH2(100 mil) fast raster ON slow raster OFF sieve IN Delta=1%
363667 03/04/12 15:55 a-onl End_of_Run_2754
363665 03/04/12 15:49 a-onl Start_Run_21831,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=fast raster OFF slow raster ON sieve IN Delta=0% , CH2
363664 03/04/12 15:49 a-onl Start_Run_2754,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=CH2(100 mil) fast raster ON slow raster OFF sieve IN Delta=1%
363663 03/04/12 15:48 Jixie, Chao Set left HRS momentum to quasi-elastic peak, P=2.228,
363662 03/04/12 15:47 a-onl End_of_Run_21830
363661 03/04/12 15:45 adev Start_Run_40278,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon,comment_text=threshold dE=-520mV E=-250mV
363660 03/04/12 15:42 a-onl End_of_Run_2753
363659 03/04/12 15:41 josemans Replay - LHRS 2753
363658 03/04/12 15:40 M. Cummings RHRS VDC
363657 03/04/12 15:37 M. Cummings RHRS VDC
363656 03/04/12 15:36 a-onl Start_Run_21830,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=fast raster OFF slow raster ON sieve IN Delta=0% , CH2
363655 03/04/12 15:34 josemans Scaler - LHRS 2753
363654 03/04/12 15:34 a-onl Start_Run_2753,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=C12(40 mil) fast raster ON slow raster OFF sieve IN Delta=0%
363653 03/04/12 15:34 M. Cummings RHRS VDC
363652 03/04/12 15:33 a-onl End_of_Run_21829
363651 03/04/12 15:32 josemans Replay - RHRS 21829
363650 03/04/12 15:31 a-onl End_of_Run_2752
363649 03/04/12 15:31 josemans Scaler - RHRS 21829
363648 03/04/12 15:30 josemans Scaler - RHRS 21829
363647 03/04/12 15:24 a-onl Start_Run_2752,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=C12(40 mil) fast raster ON slow raster OFF sieve IN Delta=0%
363646 03/04/12 15:24 a-onl Start_Run_21829,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=fast raster OFF slow raster ON sieve IN Delta=0% , CH2
363645 03/04/12 15:24 Jixie, Chao Fast raster on , 1x1 mm, 100nA on CH2 target
363644 03/04/12 15:23 R. Zielinski [ Target] Moved Target to CH2
363643 03/04/12 15:21 Chao Cycle Q2,Q3 and set P=2.251 SeptumI=725.4 for both arms
363642 03/04/12 15:03 a-onl End_of_Run_2751
363641 03/04/12 14:42 a-onl End_of_Run_21828
363640 03/04/12 14:41 a-onl End_of_Run_2750
363639 03/04/12 14:41 adev End_of_Run_40277
363638 03/04/12 14:39 Chao, Jixie, straight through optics run summary, part 3
363637 03/04/12 14:38 josemans Scaler - RHRS 21827
363636 03/04/12 14:37 a-onl Start_Run_21828,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=fast raster OFF slow raster OFF sieve IN Delta Scan=4%
363635 03/04/12 14:35 a-onl End_of_Run_21827
363634 03/04/12 14:34 adev Start_Run_40277,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon,comment_text=threshold dE=-520mV E=-250mV
363633 03/04/12 14:32 josemans Scaler - RHRS 21827
363632 03/04/12 14:31 a-onl Start_Run_21827,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=fast raster OFF slow raster OFF sieve IN Delta Scan=4%
363631 03/04/12 14:28 a-onl End_of_Run_2749
363630 03/04/12 14:22 pzhu MCC updated bpm calibration constant
363629 03/04/12 14:21 josemans Scaler - RHRS 21826
363628 03/04/12 14:20 a-onl Start_Run_21826,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=fast raster OFF slow raster OFF sieve IN Delta Scan=4%
363627 03/04/12 14:20 Chao set right delta to 4%
363626 03/04/12 14:19 a-onl End_of_Run_2748
363625 03/04/12 14:18 josemans Replay - LHRS 2747
363624 03/04/12 14:13 a-onl Start_Run_2748,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=C12(40 mil) fast raster OFF slow raster OFF sieve IN Delta Scan=4.5%
363623 03/04/12 14:11 Chao Threshold for this run is dE=-420mV E=-300mV
363622 03/04/12 14:10 a-onl End_of_Run_2747
363621 03/04/12 14:10 a-onl End_of_Run_21825
363620 03/04/12 14:09 josemans Scaler - RHRS 21825
363619 03/04/12 14:07 josemans Scaler - LHRS 2747
363618 03/04/12 14:05 Chao set left Delta to 4.5%
363617 03/04/12 14:05 adev Start_Run_40276,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon,comment_text=threshold dE=-520mV E=300mV
363616 03/04/12 14:04 adev End_of_Run_40276
363615 03/04/12 14:04 a-onl Start_Run_21825,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=fast raster OFF slow raster OFF sieve IN Delta Scan=3.5%
363614 03/04/12 14:04 a-onl Start_Run_2747,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=C12(40 mil) fast raster OFF slow raster OFF sieve IN Delta Scan=4.5%
363613 03/04/12 14:02 a-onl End_of_Run_21824
363612 03/04/12 14:00 a-onl End_of_Run_2746
363611 03/04/12 13:57 a-onl Start_Run_21824,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=fast raster OFF slow raster OFF sieve IN Delta Scan=3.5%
363610 03/04/12 13:56 a-onl Start_Run_2746,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=C12(40 mil) fast raster OFF slow raster OFF sieve IN Delta Scan=4%
363609 03/04/12 13:55 a-onl End_of_Run_21823
363608 03/04/12 13:55 a-onl End_of_Run_2745
363607 03/04/12 13:50 a-onl Start_Run_2745,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=C12(40 mil) fast raster OFF slow raster OFF sieve IN Delta Scan=4%
363606 03/04/12 13:49 Chao, Jixie changed right delta to 3.5%, P=2.172
363605 03/04/12 13:49 a-onl Start_Run_21823,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=fast raster OFF slow raster OFF sieve IN Delta Scan=3.5%
363604 03/04/12 13:49 a-onl End_of_Run_2744
363603 03/04/12 13:46 Chao Run 21822 is junk
363602 03/04/12 13:45 a-onl Start_Run_2744,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=C12(40 mil) fast raster OFF slow raster OFF sieve IN Delta Scan=4%
363601 03/04/12 13:43 Chao, Jixie Set left delat to 4%, P=2.161
363600 03/04/12 13:39 a-onl End_of_Run_2743
363599 03/04/12 13:38 a-onl Start_Run_21822,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=fast raster OFF slow raster OFF sieve IN Delta Scan=2%
363598 03/04/12 13:37 a-onl End_of_Run_21822
363597 03/04/12 13:35 a-onl Start_Run_2743,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=C12(40 mil) fast raster OFF slow raster OFF sieve IN Delta Scan=3%
363596 03/04/12 13:33 a-onl End_of_Run_2742
363595 03/04/12 13:27 a-onl Start_Run_2742,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=C12(40 mil) fast raster OFF slow raster OFF sieve IN Delta Scan=3%
363594 03/04/12 13:26 a-onl End_of_Run_21821
363593 03/04/12 13:26 a-onl End_of_Run_2741
363592 03/04/12 13:24 Chao set left delta to 3%
363591 03/04/12 13:22 josemans Scaler - LHRS 2741
363590 03/04/12 13:21 a-onl Start_Run_2741,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=C12(40 mil) fast raster OFF slow raster OFF sieve IN Delta Scan=3%
363589 03/04/12 13:21 a-onl Start_Run_21821,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=fast raster OFF slow raster OFF sieve IN Delta Scan=2%
363588 03/04/12 13:19 a-onl End_of_Run_21820
363587 03/04/12 13:16 a-onl End_of_Run_2740
363586 03/04/12 13:15 josemans Replay - RHRS 21819
363585 03/04/12 13:12 a-onl Start_Run_21820,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=fast raster OFF slow raster OFF sieve IN Delta Scan=2%
363584 03/04/12 13:11 a-onl Start_Run_2740,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=C12(40 mil) fast raster OFF slow raster OFF sieve IN Delta Scan=2%
363583 03/04/12 13:10 a-onl End_of_Run_21819
363582 03/04/12 13:09 a-onl End_of_Run_2739
363581 03/04/12 13:08 josemans Replay - LHRS 2738
363580 03/04/12 13:04 josemans Scaler RHRS - 21819
363579 03/04/12 13:04 a-onl Start_Run_21819,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=fast raster OFF slow raster OFF sieve IN Delta Scan=2%
363578 03/04/12 13:03 a-onl Start_Run_2739,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=C12(40 mil) fast raster OFF slow raster OFF sieve IN Delta Scan=2%
363577 03/04/12 13:02 a-onl End_of_Run_2738
363576 03/04/12 12:58 pzhu bpm receiver setting
363575 03/04/12 12:57 josemans Scaler - LHRS 2738
363574 03/04/12 12:56 a-onl Start_Run_2738,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=C12(40 mil) fast raster OFF slow raster OFF sieve IN Delta Scan=2%
363573 03/04/12 12:54 josemans Replay - LHRS 2735
363572 03/04/12 12:51 a-onl End_of_Run_2737
363571 03/04/12 12:49 mhuang Q3 setting Right
363570 03/04/12 12:47 a-onl Start_Run_2737,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=C12(40 mil) fast raster OFF slow raster OFF sieve IN Delta Scan=1%
363569 03/04/12 12:44 a-onl End_of_Run_2736
363568 03/04/12 12:44 a-onl Start_Run_21818,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=fast raster OFF slow raster OFF sieve IN Delta Scan=2%
363567 03/04/12 12:43 a-onl End_of_Run_21818
363566 03/04/12 12:41 adev Start_Run_40275,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon,comment_text=threshold dE=-520mV E=300mV
363565 03/04/12 12:41 adev End_of_Run_40275
363564 03/04/12 12:40 Jixie set left delta to 1%,right delta to 2%
363563 03/04/12 12:39 a-onl Start_Run_2736,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=C12(40 mil) fast raster OFF slow raster OFF sieve IN Delta Scan=1%
363562 03/04/12 12:37 a-onl End_of_Run_2735
363561 03/04/12 12:33 josemans Scaler - LRHS 2735
363560 03/04/12 12:32 a-onl Start_Run_2735,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=C12(40 mil) fast raster OFF slow raster OFF sieve IN Delta Scan=1%
363559 03/04/12 12:32 Chao Right HRS Sieve Pattern with vertex cut
363558 03/04/12 12:29 a-onl Start_Run_21817,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=DAQ test
363557 03/04/12 12:28 a-onl End_of_Run_21817
363556 03/04/12 12:26 a-onl End_of_Run_2734
363555 03/04/12 12:23 josemans Replay - RHRS 21816
363554 03/04/12 12:20 Jixie. Min, straight through optics run summary, part 2
363553 03/04/12 12:19 josemans Scaler - RHRS 21816
363552 03/04/12 12:19 a-onl Start_Run_2734,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=C12(40 mil) fast raster ON slow raster OFF sieve IN Delta Scan=0%
363551 03/04/12 12:19 a-onl Start_Run_21816,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=C12(40 mil) fast raster ON slow raster OFF sieve IN ps1=1 Delta Scan=0%
363550 03/04/12 12:17 a-onl End_of_Run_2733
363549 03/04/12 12:17 a-onl End_of_Run_21815
363548 03/04/12 12:16 josemans Replay - LHRS 2733
363547 03/04/12 12:16 a-onl Start_Run_21815,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=C12(40 mil) fast raster ON slow raster OFF sieve IN ps1=1 Delta Scan=0%
363546 03/04/12 12:12 a-onl Start_Run_2733,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=C12(40 mil) fast raster ON slow raster OFF sieve IN Delta Scan=0%
363545 03/04/12 12:10 a-onl End_of_Run_2732
363544 03/04/12 12:08 adev Start_Run_40274,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon,comment_text=threshold dE=-520mV E=300mV
363543 03/04/12 12:06 josemans Scaler - LHRS 2732
363542 03/04/12 12:05 a-onl Start_Run_2732,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=C12(40 mil) fast raster ON slow raster OFF sieve IN Delta Scan=0%
363541 03/04/12 12:05 a-onl Start_Run_21814,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=C12(40 mil) fast raster ON slow raster OFF sieve IN ps1=1 Delta Scan=0%
363540 03/04/12 12:02 Jixie Turn fast raster on for acceptance calibration
363539 03/04/12 12:02 Jixie change left septum back to 725.4A.
363538 03/04/12 12:01 a-onl End_of_Run_2731
363537 03/04/12 12:01 a-onl End_of_Run_21813
363536 03/04/12 12:00 lerose Q3 setting Right
363535 03/04/12 11:57 a-onl Start_Run_2731,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=C12(40 mil) fast raster OFF slow raster OFF sieve IN Delta Scan=0% septum current=730.3A
363534 03/04/12 11:55 a-onl End_of_Run_2730
363533 03/04/12 11:54 josemans replay - LRHS 2730
363532 03/04/12 11:54 a-onl Start_Run_21813,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=C12(40 mil) fast raster OFF slow raster OFF sieve IN ps1=1 Delta Scan=0%
363531 03/04/12 11:52 Jixie, Min, set left septum to 730.3A
363530 03/04/12 11:52 a-onl End_of_Run_21812
363529 03/04/12 11:50 josemans replay - RHRS 21812
363528 03/04/12 11:50 a-onl Start_Run_2730,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=C12(40 mil) fast raster OFF slow raster OFF sieve IN Delta Scan=0% septum current=730.3A
363527 03/04/12 11:48 a-onl End_of_Run_2729
363526 03/04/12 11:45 josemans Scaler - LHRS 2729
363525 03/04/12 11:44 josemans Scaler - LHRS 21812
363524 03/04/12 11:43 a-onl Start_Run_21812,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=C12(40 mil) fast raster OFF slow raster OFF sieve IN ps1=1 Delta Scan=0%
363523 03/04/12 11:42 a-onl Start_Run_2729,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=C12(40 mil) fast raster OFF slow raster OFF sieve IN Delta Scan=0% septum current=730.3A
363522 03/04/12 11:42 a-onl End_of_Run_21811
363521 03/04/12 11:39 josemans replay - RHRS 21811
363520 03/04/12 11:36 a-onl End_of_Run_2728
363519 03/04/12 11:31 josemans Scaler - RHRS 21811
363518 03/04/12 11:30 a-onl Start_Run_2728,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=C12(40 mil) fast raster OFF slow raster OFF sieve IN Delta Scan=0%
363517 03/04/12 11:29 a-onl End_of_Run_2727
363516 03/04/12 11:28 a-onl Start_Run_21811,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=C12(40 mil) fast raster OFF slow raster OFF sieve IN ps1=1 Delta Scan=0%
363515 03/04/12 11:27 Jixie, Chao, right delta set to 0%
363514 03/04/12 11:23 a-onl Start_Run_2727,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=C12(40 mil) fast raster OFF slow raster OFF sieve IN Delta Scan=0%
363513 03/04/12 11:22 a-onl End_of_Run_2726
363512 03/04/12 11:22 Zhihong Ye RQ3 Current Setting ISSUE
363511 03/04/12 11:22 josemans replay - LHRS 2726
363510 03/04/12 11:13 josemans Scaler - LHRS 2726
363509 03/04/12 11:12 a-onl Start_Run_2726,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=C12(40 mil) fast raster OFF slow raster OFF sieve IN Delta Scan=0%
363508 03/04/12 11:10 a-onl End_of_Run_2725
363507 03/04/12 11:04 Jixie, Min, left delta to 0%
363506 03/04/12 11:02 a-onl Start_Run_2725,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=C12(40 mil) fast raster OFF slow raster OFF sieve IN Delta Scan=0%
363505 03/04/12 11:00 a-onl End_of_Run_21810
363504 03/04/12 10:51 a-onl Start_Run_21810,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=C12(40 mil) fast raster OFF slow raster OFF sieve IN ps1=1 Delta Scan=-2%
363503 03/04/12 10:47 a-onl End_of_Run_21809
363502 03/04/12 10:40 josemans Scaler - RHRS 21808
363501 03/04/12 10:36 Jixie Zhang, straight through optics run summary, part 1
363500 03/04/12 10:36 a-onl Start_Run_21809,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=C12(40 mil) fast raster OFF slow raster OFF sieve IN ps1=1 Delta Scan=-2%
363499 03/04/12 10:34 a-onl End_of_Run_21808
363498 03/04/12 10:27 josemans Scaler - RHRS 21808
363497 03/04/12 10:26 Jixie, Min, change right delta to -2%, P=2.296, septum I=739.9A
363496 03/04/12 10:26 a-onl Start_Run_21808,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=C12(40 mil) fast raster OFF slow raster OFF sieve IN ps1=1 Delta Scan=-2%
363495 03/04/12 10:25 a-onl End_of_Run_2724
363494 03/04/12 10:24 josemans replay - LHRS 2722
363493 03/04/12 10:17 a-onl Start_Run_2724,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=C12(40 mil) fast raster OFF slow raster OFF sieve IN Delta Scan=-1%
363492 03/04/12 10:14 a-onl End_of_Run_2723
363491 03/04/12 10:07 a-onl Start_Run_2723,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=C12(40 mil) fast raster OFF slow raster OFF sieve IN Delta Scan=-1%
363490 03/04/12 10:06 josemans replay - RHRS 21807
363489 03/04/12 10:01 a-onl End_of_Run_2722
363488 03/04/12 10:00 a-onl End_of_Run_21807
363487 03/04/12 09:56 josemans Scaler - LHRS 2722
363486 03/04/12 09:54 a-onl Start_Run_2722,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=C12(40 mil) fast raster OFF slow raster OFF sieve IN Delta Scan=-1%
363485 03/04/12 09:53 mhuang -4% dp solid angle acceptance
363484 03/04/12 09:53 Jixie change left delta to -1%, P=2.274, septum I=732.7
363483 03/04/12 09:48 a-onl Start_Run_21807,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=C12(40 mil) fast raster OFF slow raster OFF sieve IN ps1=1 Delta Scan=-3.5%
363482 03/04/12 09:48 a-onl End_of_Run_2721
363481 03/04/12 09:46 a-onl End_of_Run_21806
363480 03/04/12 09:45 josemans replay - LHRS 2720
363479 03/04/12 09:40 a-onl Start_Run_2721,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=C12(40 mil) fast raster OFF slow raster OFF sieve IN Delta Scan=-2%
363478 03/04/12 09:38 a-onl End_of_Run_2720
363477 03/04/12 09:35 R. Zielinski RHRS VDC U1/V1 Problem
363476 03/04/12 09:32 a-onl Start_Run_21806,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=C12(40 mil) fast raster OFF slow raster OFF sieve IN ps1=1 Delta Scan=-3.5%
363475 03/04/12 09:31 a-onl Start_Run_2720,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=C12(40 mil) fast raster OFF slow raster OFF sieve IN Delta Scan=-2%
363474 03/04/12 09:29 a-onl End_of_Run_21805
363473 03/04/12 09:29 a-onl End_of_Run_2719
363472 03/04/12 09:28 mhuang Central sieve hole rays focal plane distribution
363471 03/04/12 09:22 josemans Scaler - LHRS 2719
363470 03/04/12 09:21 a-onl Start_Run_2719,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=C12(40 mil) fast raster OFF slow raster OFF sieve IN Delta Scan=-2%
363469 03/04/12 09:19 a-onl End_of_Run_2718
363468 03/04/12 09:18 josemans Scaler - LHRS 2718
363467 03/04/12 09:18 josemans Scaler - RHRS 21805
363466 03/04/12 09:16 a-onl Start_Run_21805,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=C12(40 mil) fast raster OFF slow raster OFF sieve IN ps1=1 Delta Scan=-3.5%
363465 03/04/12 09:12 a-onl Start_Run_2718,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=C12(40 mil) fast raster OFF slow raster OFF sieve IN Delta Scan=-2%
363464 03/04/12 09:10 Jixie change left delta to -2%, right delta to -3.5%
363463 03/04/12 09:05 M. Cummings Hall C flipping HWP
363462 03/04/12 09:01 josemans replay - LHRS 2717
363461 03/04/12 08:59 a-onl End_of_Run_21804
363460 03/04/12 08:58 a-onl End_of_Run_2717
363459 03/04/12 08:58 josemans replay RHRS 21804
363458 03/04/12 08:56 josemans Scaler - LHRS 2717
363457 03/04/12 08:54 josemans Scaler - RHRS 21804
363456 03/04/12 08:45 a-onl Start_Run_2717,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=C12(40 mil) fast raster OFF slow raster OFF sieve IN ps3=1 Delta Scan=-3%
363455 03/04/12 08:42 a-onl End_of_Run_2716
363454 03/04/12 08:39 a-onl Start_Run_21804,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=C12(40 mil) fast raster OFF slow raster OFF sieve IN ps1=1 Delta Scan=-4%
363453 03/04/12 08:37 a-onl End_of_Run_21803
363452 03/04/12 08:34 marcoapc Scalers for Delta Scan=-3%
363451 03/04/12 08:31 a-onl Start_Run_2716,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=C12(40 mil) fast raster OFF slow raster OFF sieve IN ps3=1 Delta Scan=-3%
363450 03/04/12 08:30 Jixie left delta=-3%, P=2.319
363449 03/04/12 08:29 a-onl Start_Run_2715,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=junk - C12(40 mil) fast raster OFF slow raster OFF sieve IN ps3=1 Delta Scan=-3%
363448 03/04/12 08:29 a-onl End_of_Run_2715
363447 03/04/12 08:27 a-onl Start_Run_2714,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=junk - C12(40 mil) fast raster OFF slow raster OFF sieve IN ps3=1 Delta Scan=-4%
363446 03/04/12 08:27 a-onl End_of_Run_2714
363445 03/04/12 08:24 a-onl Start_Run_2713,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=C12(40 mil) fast raster OFF slow raster OFF sieve IN ps3=1 Delta Scan=-4%
363444 03/04/12 08:24 a-onl End_of_Run_2713
363443 03/04/12 08:23 a-onl Start_Run_2712,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=C12(40 mil) fast raster OFF slow raster OFF sieve IN ps3=1 Delta Scan=-4%
363441 03/04/12 08:22 a-onl End_of_Run_2712
363440 03/04/12 08:21 a-onl End_of_Run_2711
363439 03/04/12 08:21 a-onl End_of_Run_21802
363438 03/04/12 08:19 Jixie Right Dipole is ready, delta =-4%
363437 03/04/12 08:14 marcoapc Replay - Optics Lhrs - Delta Scan=-4%
363436 03/04/12 08:08 a-onl Start_Run_2711,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=C12(40 mil) fast raster OFF slow raster OFF sieve IN ps3=1 Delta Scan=-4%
363435 03/04/12 08:05 a-onl End_of_Run_2710
363434 03/04/12 08:04 marcoapc Scalers for Delta Scan=-4%
363433 03/04/12 08:02 a-onl Start_Run_21802,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=C12(40 mil) fast raster OFF slow raster OFF sieve IN ps1=1 Delta Scan=-4%
363432 03/04/12 08:00 a-onl End_of_Run_21801
363431 03/04/12 07:56 marcoapc Scaler for Delta Scan = -4%
363430 03/04/12 07:56 a-onl Start_Run_21801,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=C12(40 mil) fast raster OFF slow raster OFF sieve IN ps1=1 Delta Scan=-4%
363429 03/04/12 07:56 a-onl Start_Run_2710,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=C12(40 mil) fast raster OFF slow raster OFF sieve IN ps3=1 Delta Scan=-4%
363428 03/04/12 07:55 Jixie delta =-4%, P=2.341
363427 03/04/12 07:49 mhuang Septa current tuning results
363426 03/04/12 07:42 marcoapc Replay - Optics Lhrs - Larm momentum 2.246
363425 03/04/12 07:38 marcoapc Replay - Optics Rhrs - Rarm momentum 2.2435
363424 03/04/12 07:37 Jixie Zhang, Cycle Q2,Q3, prepare to do delta scan
363423 03/04/12 07:36 a-onl End_of_Run_2709
363421 03/04/12 07:35 marcoapc Scalers for runs 21800 and 2709 - Rarm momentum 2.2435 and Larm momentum 2.246
363420 03/04/12 07:32 marcoapc Rarm momentum 2.2435 in run 21800
363419 03/04/12 07:31 a-onl Start_Run_21800,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=C12(40 mil) fast raster OFF slow raster OFF sieve IN ps1=1 Lhrs momemtum 2.2463
363418 03/04/12 07:31 a-onl Start_Run_2709,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=C12(40 mil) fast raster OFF slow raster OFF sieve IN ps3=1 Lhrs momemtum 2.2463
363417 03/04/12 07:29 Jixie Zhang change LHRS momentum to 2.246, RHRS momentum to 2.2435
363416 03/04/12 07:19 marcoapc Optics Rhrs - Q=+1% and LeftDipole=-0.2% RightDipole=-0.3%
363415 03/04/12 07:15 a-onl End_of_Run_2708
363414 03/04/12 07:14 a-onl End_of_Run_21799
363413 03/04/12 07:14 marcoapc Replay - Optics Lhrs - Q=+1% and LeftDipole=-0.2% RightDipole=-0.3%
363412 03/04/12 07:12 marcoapc Scaler for Q=+1% and LeftDipole=-0.2% RightDipole=-0.3%
363411 03/04/12 07:09 a-onl Start_Run_21799,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=C12(40 mil) fast raster OFF slow raster OFF sieve IN ps1=1 Q1 +1% LeftDipole -0.2% RightDipole -0.3%
363410 03/04/12 07:09 a-onl Start_Run_2708,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=C12(40 mil) fast raster OFF slow raster OFF sieve IN ps3=1 Q1 +1% LeftDipole -0.2% RightDipole -0.3%
363409 03/04/12 07:06 jixie zhang change left dipole by -0.2% and right dipole by -0.3%
363408 03/04/12 07:04 marcoapc Replay - Optics Lhrs - Q=+1%
363407 03/04/12 07:02 a-onl Start_Run_21793,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=C12(40 mil) fast raster OFF slow raster OFF sieve IN ps1=1 septum -0.5%
363406 03/04/12 06:57 marcoapc Replay - Optics Rhrs - Q=+1%
363405 03/04/12 06:57 a-onl End_of_Run_2707
363404 03/04/12 06:57 a-onl End_of_Run_21798
363403 03/04/12 06:50 marcoapc Scaler for Q=+1%
363402 03/04/12 06:50 a-onl Start_Run_21798,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=C12(40 mil) fast raster OFF slow raster OFF sieve IN ps1=1 Q1 +1%
363401 03/04/12 06:50 a-onl Start_Run_2707,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=C12(40 mil) fast raster OFF slow raster OFF sieve IN ps3=1 Q1 +1%
363400 03/04/12 06:48 Jixie Zhang changed Q1 to +1%
363399 03/04/12 06:44 a-onl End_of_Run_21797
363398 03/04/12 06:40 marcoapc Scaler to Q1=-1%
363397 03/04/12 06:40 a-onl Start_Run_21797,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=C12(40 mil) fast raster OFF slow raster OFF sieve IN ps1=1 Q1 -1%
363396 03/04/12 06:38 marcoapc CODA rhrs rebooted
363395 03/04/12 06:35 a-onl End_of_Run_2706
363394 03/04/12 06:34 marcoapc Scaler to Q1 -1%
363393 03/04/12 06:28 a-onl Start_Run_21796,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=C12(40 mil) fast raster OFF slow raster OFF sieve IN ps1=1 Q1 -1%
363392 03/04/12 06:28 a-onl Start_Run_2706,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=C12(40 mil) fast raster OFF slow raster OFF sieve IN ps3=1 Q1 -1%
363391 03/04/12 06:26 Jixie Zhang change both Q1 by -1%
363390 03/04/12 06:23 a-onl End_of_Run_2705
363389 03/04/12 06:23 a-onl End_of_Run_21795
363388 03/04/12 06:15 a-onl Start_Run_21795,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=C12(40 mil) fast raster OFF slow raster OFF sieve IN ps1=1 septum +725.4
363387 03/04/12 06:15 T. Badman focal plane variable plots at septum settings -0.5%,-1%,-2%
363386 03/04/12 06:15 a-onl Start_Run_2705,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=C12(40 mil) fast raster OFF slow raster OFF sieve IN ps3=1 septum +725.4
363385 03/04/12 06:14 Jixie Zhang set both septa to 725.4A
363384 03/04/12 06:13 a-onl End_of_Run_21794
363383 03/04/12 06:13 a-onl End_of_Run_2704
363382 03/04/12 06:05 a-onl Start_Run_21794,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=C12(40 mil) fast raster OFF slow raster OFF sieve IN ps1=1 septum +730.7
363381 03/04/12 06:05 a-onl Start_Run_2704,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=C12(40 mil) fast raster OFF slow raster OFF sieve IN ps3=1 septum +730.7
363380 03/04/12 06:04 Jixie Zhang Set both septa to 730.7A
363379 03/04/12 05:59 a-onl End_of_Run_21793
363378 03/04/12 05:58 a-onl End_of_Run_2703
363377 03/04/12 05:51 a-onl Start_Run_2703,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=C12(40 mil) fast raster OFF slow raster OFF sieve IN ps3=1 septum -0.5%
363376 03/04/12 05:50 mhuang Try different optics matrix
363375 03/04/12 05:48 Jixie Change septa to -0.5%
363374 03/04/12 05:48 a-onl End_of_Run_21792
363373 03/04/12 05:43 a-onl Start_Run_21792,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=C12(40 mil) fast raster OFF slow raster OFF sieve IN ps1=1 septum -2%
363372 03/04/12 05:41 a-onl End_of_Run_2702
363371 03/04/12 05:37 marcoapc CODA rhms rebooted
363370 03/04/12 05:34 mhuang Right HRS sieve pattern not so good
363369 03/04/12 05:33 a-onl Start_Run_2702,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=C12(40 mil) fast raster OFF slow raster OFF sieve IN ps3=1 septum -2%
363368 03/04/12 05:33 a-onl Start_Run_21791,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=C12(40 mil) fast raster OFF slow raster OFF sieve IN ps1=1 septum -2%
363367 03/04/12 05:33 a-onl End_of_Run_21791
363366 03/04/12 05:32 a-onl End_of_Run_2701
363365 03/04/12 05:30 a-onl End_of_Run_21790
363364 03/04/12 05:29 a-onl Start_Run_21790,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=C12(40 mil) fast raster OFF slow raster OFF sieve IN ps1=1 septum -2%
363363 03/04/12 05:29 a-onl Start_Run_2701,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=C12(40 mil) fast raster OFF slow raster OFF sieve IN ps3=1 septum -2%
363362 03/04/12 05:28 Jixie Zhang Changed septum to -2%
363361 03/04/12 05:26 Jixie Zhang Lower septa current by 1%
363360 03/04/12 05:26 a-onl End_of_Run_21789
363359 03/04/12 05:26 adev End_of_Run_40273
363358 03/04/12 05:25 a-onl End_of_Run_2700
363357 03/04/12 05:22 mhuang Sieve pattern!
363356 03/04/12 05:20 a-onl Start_Run_21789,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=C12(40 mil) fast raster OFF slow raster OFF sieve IN ps1=1 septum -1%
363355 03/04/12 05:19 a-onl Start_Run_2700,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=C12(40 mil) fast raster OFF slow raster OFF sieve IN ps3=1 septum -1%
363354 03/04/12 05:18 adev Start_Run_40273,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon,comment_text=C12(40 mil) fast raster OFF slow raster OFF sieve IN septum -1%
363353 03/04/12 05:14 adev End_of_Run_40272
363352 03/04/12 05:14 marcoapc CODA of the rhrs disconnected on run 21788 - rebooting rac 26
363351 03/04/12 05:09 marcoapc reboot CODA rhrs before 21788
363350 03/04/12 05:07 a-onl End_of_Run_2699
363349 03/04/12 05:04 a-onl Start_Run_21788,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=C12(40 mil) fast raster OFF slow raster OFF sieve IN ps1=1
363348 03/04/12 05:04 adev Start_Run_40272,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon,comment_text=C12(40 mil) fast raster OFF slow raster OFF sieve IN
363347 03/04/12 04:58 a-onl End_of_Run_21786
363346 03/04/12 04:58 a-onl Start_Run_21786,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=C12(40 mil) fast raster OFF slow raster OFF sieve IN ps1=1
363345 03/04/12 04:54 a-onl End_of_Run_21785
363344 03/04/12 04:52 T. Badman Hall C changing hwp
363343 03/04/12 04:51 a-onl Start_Run_21785,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=C12(40 mil) fast raster OFF slow raster OFF sieve IN ps1=1
363342 03/04/12 04:50 a-onl Start_Run_2699,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=C12(40 mil) fast raster OFF slow raster OFF sieve IN ps3=1
363341 03/04/12 04:48 Jixie Zhang, Sieve slits are now IN
363340 03/04/12 04:32 jpchen Left septum power off for runs 2682-2698.
363339 03/04/12 04:32 adev End_of_Run_40271
363338 03/04/12 04:23 a-onl End_of_Run_2698
363337 03/04/12 04:23 a-onl End_of_Run_21784
363336 03/04/12 04:22 marcoapc reboot left hrs CODA before 2698
363335 03/04/12 04:20 a-onl Start_Run_21784,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=C12(40 mil) fast raster OFF slow raster OFF sieve OUT
363334 03/04/12 04:20 a-onl Start_Run_2698,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=C12(40 mil) fast raster OFF slow raster OFF sieve OUT
363333 03/04/12 04:17 a-onl End_of_Run_2697
363332 03/04/12 04:17 a-onl End_of_Run_21783
363331 03/04/12 04:14 a-onl Start_Run_2697,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=C12(40 mil) fast raster ON slow raster OFF sieve OUT
363330 03/04/12 04:09 a-onl Start_Run_21783,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=C12(40 mil) fast raster ON slow raster OFF sieve OUT
363329 03/04/12 04:09 a-onl Start_Run_2696,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=C12(40 mil) fast raster ON slow raster OFF sieve OUT
363328 03/04/12 04:04 T. Badman [Target] crosshair cup scan
363327 03/04/12 03:59 marcoapc the rhrs scaler t3 and t4 is not ok
363326 03/04/12 03:52 a-onl End_of_Run_21782
363324 03/04/12 03:45 marcoapc change 3rd arm prescale factor
363323 03/04/12 03:43 a-onl Start_Run_21782,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=C12(40 mil) fast raster ON slow raster OFF sieve OUT
363322 03/04/12 03:43 a-onl Start_Run_2695,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=C12(40 mil) fast raster ON slow raster OFF sieve OUT
363321 03/04/12 03:41 a-onl End_of_Run_2694
363320 03/04/12 03:41 a-onl End_of_Run_21781
363319 03/04/12 03:40 adev Start_Run_40271,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon,comment_text=C12(40 mil) fast raster ON slow raster OFF sieve OUT
363318 03/04/12 03:40 adev End_of_Run_40270
363317 03/04/12 03:37 Jixie Zhang Escorted access to move sieve in 20 minutes
363316 03/04/12 03:34 a-onl Start_Run_21781,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=C12(40 mil) fast raster ON slow raster OFF
363315 03/04/12 03:34 adev Start_Run_40270,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon,comment_text=C12(40 mil) fast raster ON slow raster OFF sieve OUT
363314 03/04/12 03:34 a-onl Start_Run_2694,Run_type=Optics,target_type=Carbon thin,comment_text=C12(40 mil) fast raster ON slow raster OFF
363313 03/04/12 03:31 Jixie Zhang Hall A Tools snapshot
363312 03/04/12 03:29 Jixie zhang Start taking optics data
363311 03/04/12 03:24 a-onl End_of_Run_21780
363310 03/04/12 03:24 pzhu crosshair run
363309 03/04/12 03:16 a-onl Start_Run_21780,Run_type=Commission,target_type=empty,comment_text=crosshair, slow raster on(700mv),target moved up ~5mm(150000)
363308 03/04/12 03:12 a-onl Start_Run_21779,Run_type=Commission,target_type=empty,comment_text=crosshair, slow raster on(700mv),target moved up ~5mm(150000)
363307 03/04/12 03:12 a-onl Start_Run_2693,Run_type=Commission,target_type=empty,comment_text=crosshair, slow raster(700mv) on,target moved up ~5mm(150000)
363306 03/04/12 03:12 a-onl End_of_Run_21779
363305 03/04/12 03:11 a-onl End_of_Run_2693
363304 03/04/12 03:11 Zhihong Ye G2p Status Update
363303 03/04/12 03:08 a-onl End_of_Run_2692
363302 03/04/12 03:08 a-onl End_of_Run_21778
363301 03/04/12 03:01 a-onl Start_Run_21778,Run_type=Commission,target_type=empty,comment_text=crosshair, slow raster on(700mv),target moved up ~5mm(150000)
363300 03/04/12 03:01 a-onl Start_Run_2692,Run_type=Commission,target_type=empty,comment_text=crosshair, slow raster(700mv) on,target moved up ~5mm(150000)
363299 03/04/12 02:59 a-onl End_of_Run_2691
363297 03/04/12 02:54 a-onl Start_Run_21777,Run_type=Commission,target_type=empty,comment_text=crosshair, slow raster on(700mv),target moved up ~4mm(120000)
363296 03/04/12 02:54 a-onl Start_Run_2691,Run_type=Commission,target_type=empty,comment_text=crosshair, slow raster(700mv) on,target moved up ~3mm(90000)
363295 03/04/12 02:53 mhuang DB 20110303/db_R/L.vdc.dat update
363294 03/04/12 02:52 a-onl End_of_Run_21776
363293 03/04/12 02:51 a-onl Start_Run_21776,Run_type=Commission,target_type=empty,comment_text=crosshair, slow raster on(600mv),target moved up ~4mm(120000)
363292 03/04/12 02:49 a-onl End_of_Run_2690
363291 03/04/12 02:49 a-onl End_of_Run_21775
363290 03/04/12 02:46 a-onl Start_Run_21775,Run_type=Commission,target_type=empty,comment_text=crosshair, slow raster on(600mv),target moved up ~3mm(90000)
363289 03/04/12 02:45 a-onl Start_Run_2690,Run_type=Commission,target_type=empty,comment_text=crosshair, slow raster(600mv) on,target moved up ~3mm(90000)
363288 03/04/12 02:44 a-onl End_of_Run_2689
363287 03/04/12 02:44 a-onl End_of_Run_21774
363286 03/04/12 02:42 a-onl Start_Run_2689,Run_type=Commission,target_type=empty,comment_text=crosshair, slow raster(600mv) on,target moved up ~2mm(60000)
363285 03/04/12 02:37 a-onl End_of_Run_2688
363284 03/04/12 02:34 a-onl Start_Run_2688,Run_type=Commission,target_type=empty,comment_text=crosshair, slow raster(600mv) on,target moved up ~2mm(60000)
363283 03/04/12 02:34 a-onl Start_Run_21774,Run_type=Commission,target_type=empty,comment_text=crosshair, slow raster on(600mv),target moved up ~2mm(60000)
363282 03/04/12 02:32 a-onl End_of_Run_21773
363280 03/04/12 02:31 a-onl Start_Run_21773,Run_type=Commission,target_type=empty,comment_text=crosshair, slow raster on(700mv),target moved up ~2mm(60000)
363279 03/04/12 02:31 a-onl Start_Run_2687,Run_type=Commission,target_type=empty,comment_text=crosshair, slow raster(700mv) on,target moved up ~2mm(60000)
363278 03/04/12 02:29 a-onl End_of_Run_2686
363277 03/04/12 02:29 a-onl End_of_Run_21772
363276 03/04/12 02:20 a-onl Start_Run_21772,Run_type=Commission,target_type=empty,comment_text=crosshair, slow raster on,target moved up ~2mm(60000)
363275 03/04/12 02:20 a-onl Start_Run_2686,Run_type=Commission,target_type=empty,comment_text=crosshair, slow raster on,target moved up ~2mm(60000)
363274 03/04/12 02:18 a-onl End_of_Run_21771
363273 03/04/12 02:18 a-onl End_of_Run_2685
363272 03/04/12 02:09 a-onl Start_Run_21771,Run_type=Commission,target_type=empty,comment_text=crosshair, slow raster on,target moved up ~1mm(30000)
363271 03/04/12 02:09 a-onl Start_Run_2685,Run_type=Commission,target_type=empty,comment_text=crosshair, slow raster on,target moved up ~1mm(30000)
363270 03/04/12 02:03 a-onl End_of_Run_2684
363269 03/04/12 02:03 a-onl End_of_Run_21770
363268 03/04/12 02:02 a-onl Start_Run_21770,Run_type=Commission,target_type=empty,comment_text=crosshair, slow raster on
363267 03/04/12 02:02 a-onl Start_Run_2684,Run_type=Commission,target_type=empty,comment_text=crosshair, slow raster on
363266 03/04/12 02:00 a-onl End_of_Run_21769
363265 03/04/12 02:00 a-onl End_of_Run_2683
363264 03/04/12 01:58 a-onl Start_Run_21769,Run_type=Commission,target_type=empty,comment_text=crosshair, slow raster x off
363263 03/04/12 01:57 a-onl Start_Run_2683,Run_type=Commission,target_type=empty,comment_text=crosshair, slow raster x off
363262 03/04/12 01:55 a-onl End_of_Run_21768
363261 03/04/12 01:55 a-onl End_of_Run_2682
363260 03/04/12 01:54 Zhihong Ye R-VDC-1 has hardware issues
363259 03/04/12 01:47 a-onl Start_Run_21768,Run_type=Commission,target_type=empty,comment_text=crosshair
363258 03/04/12 01:47 a-onl Start_Run_2682,Run_type=Commission,target_type=empty,comment_text=crosshair,1.0Vslow raster-hitting
363257 03/04/12 01:44 a-onl End_of_Run_2681
363256 03/04/12 01:44 a-onl End_of_Run_21767
363255 03/04/12 01:44 Jixie Zhang Cycle Q2,Q3, change HRS momenta to 2.251
363254 03/04/12 01:43 a-onl Start_Run_21767,Run_type=Commission,target_type=empty,comment_text=crosshair
363253 03/04/12 01:42 a-onl Start_Run_2681,Run_type=Commission,target_type=empty,comment_text=crosshair
363252 03/04/12 01:41 a-onl End_of_Run_21766
363251 03/04/12 01:41 a-onl End_of_Run_2680
363250 03/04/12 01:35 T. Badman [Target] moved target position again
363249 03/04/12 01:28 T. Badman [Target] moved target stick
363248 03/04/12 01:26 Jixie Zhang Change septa current: Ileft=716.76 Iright=711.379
363247 03/04/12 01:25 a-onl Start_Run_21766,Run_type=Commission,target_type=empty,comment_text=bpm check,100 nA cw
363246 03/04/12 01:25 a-onl Start_Run_2680,Run_type=Commission,target_type=empty,comment_text=bpm check, 100nA cw,fast raster off
363245 03/04/12 01:24 a-onl Start_Run_21765,Run_type=Commission,target_type=empty,comment_text=bpm check,100 nA cw
363244 03/04/12 01:24 a-onl Start_Run_2679,Run_type=Commission,target_type=empty,comment_text=bpm check, 100nA cw,fast raster off
363243 03/04/12 01:23 a-onl End_of_Run_2679
363242 03/04/12 01:23 a-onl End_of_Run_21765
363241 03/04/12 01:13 Jixie Zhang Log every change, please
363240 03/04/12 01:01 a-onl End_of_Run_21764
363238 03/04/12 00:37 a-onl Start_Run_21764,Run_type=Commission,target_type=Carbon thick,comment_text=bpm check,100 nA cw
363237 03/04/12 00:37 a-onl Start_Run_2678,Run_type=Commission,target_type=Carbon thick,comment_text=bpm check, 100nA cw,fast raster off
363236 03/04/12 00:29 a-onl Start_Run_2677,Run_type=Commission,target_type=Carbon thick,comment_text=bpm check, 100nA cw,fast raster off
363235 03/04/12 00:28 a-onl End_of_Run_2677
363234 03/04/12 00:20 M. Cummings pion rejector HV matching
363233 03/04/12 00:14 M. Cummings Hv Settings (New)
363232 03/04/12 00:12 J. Zhang Change half-wave plane
363231 03/04/12 00:07 M. Cummings HV Settings (Old)
363230 03/04/12 00:06 A. Camsonne Can't see beam on HARPs
363229 03/03/12 23:52 D. Keller target moved
363228 03/03/12 23:44 D. Keller Swing Shift Summary
363227 03/03/12 23:16 a-onl End_of_Run_2676
363226 03/03/12 23:16 a-onl End_of_Run_21763
363225 03/03/12 23:15 pzhu changed bpm bandwidth to 700
363224 03/03/12 23:14 a-onl Start_Run_21763,Run_type=Commission,target_type=Carbon thick,comment_text=bpm check,100 nA cw
363223 03/03/12 23:14 a-onl Start_Run_2676,Run_type=Commission,target_type=Carbon thick,comment_text=bpm check, 100nA cw,fast raster off
363222 03/03/12 23:12 D. Keller target moved to carbon
363221 03/03/12 23:01 pzhu bpm bandwidth changed to 1200
363220 03/03/12 23:00 a-onl End_of_Run_2675
363219 03/03/12 23:00 a-onl End_of_Run_21762
363218 03/03/12 22:59 a-onl Start_Run_21762,Run_type=Commission,target_type=empty,comment_text=bpm check,100 nA cw
363217 03/03/12 22:58 a-onl Start_Run_2675,Run_type=Commission,target_type=empty,comment_text=bpm check, 100nA cw,fast raster off
363216 03/03/12 22:57 adaq bpm gain
363215 03/03/12 22:56 a-onl End_of_Run_2674
363214 03/03/12 22:56 a-onl End_of_Run_21761
363213 03/03/12 22:55 a-onl Start_Run_21761,Run_type=Commission,target_type=empty,comment_text=bpm check,100 nA cw
363212 03/03/12 22:55 a-onl Start_Run_2674,Run_type=Commission,target_type=empty,comment_text=bpm check, 100nA cw,fast raster off
363211 03/03/12 22:53 a-onl End_of_Run_2673
363210 03/03/12 22:53 a-onl End_of_Run_21760
363209 03/03/12 22:51 a-onl Start_Run_21760,Run_type=Commission,target_type=empty,comment_text=bpm check,100 nA cw
363208 03/03/12 22:51 a-onl Start_Run_2673,Run_type=Commission,target_type=empty,comment_text=bpm check, 100nA cw,fast raster off
363207 03/03/12 22:48 a-onl End_of_Run_2672
363206 03/03/12 22:48 a-onl End_of_Run_21759
363205 03/03/12 22:48 a-onl Start_Run_21759,Run_type=Commission,target_type=empty,comment_text=bpm check,100 nA cw,
363204 03/03/12 22:47 a-onl Start_Run_2672,Run_type=Commission,target_type=empty,comment_text=bpm check, 100nA cw,fast raster off
363203 03/03/12 22:46 a-onl End_of_Run_21758
363202 03/03/12 22:44 pzhu bpm gain
363201 03/03/12 22:43 a-onl Start_Run_21758,Run_type=Commission,target_type=empty,comment_text=bpm check,100 nA cw, VDC Check
363200 03/03/12 22:40 a-onl End_of_Run_2671
363199 03/03/12 22:40 a-onl End_of_Run_21757
363198 03/03/12 22:39 a-onl Start_Run_21757,Run_type=Commission,target_type=empty,comment_text=bpm check,100 nA cw
363197 03/03/12 22:38 a-onl Start_Run_2671,Run_type=Commission,target_type=empty,comment_text=bpm check, 100nA cw,fast raster off
363196 03/03/12 22:35 a-onl End_of_Run_2670
363195 03/03/12 22:31 a-onl Start_Run_2670,Run_type=Commission,target_type=empty,comment_text=bpm check, 1.5 uA pulse,fast raster off
363194 03/03/12 22:31 Chao Large Charge Asymmetry Test Results
363193 03/03/12 22:29 a-onl End_of_Run_21756
363192 03/03/12 22:29 a-onl End_of_Run_2669
363191 03/03/12 22:27 a-onl Start_Run_21756,Run_type=Commission,target_type=empty,comment_text=bpm check,1.5uA pulser
363190 03/03/12 22:27 a-onl Start_Run_2669,Run_type=Commission,target_type=empty,comment_text=bpm check, 1.5 uA pulse,fast raster off
363189 03/03/12 22:23 a-onl End_of_Run_21755
363188 03/03/12 22:23 a-onl End_of_Run_2668
363187 03/03/12 22:21 a-onl Start_Run_21755,Run_type=Commission,target_type=empty,comment_text=bpm check,3uA pulser
363186 03/03/12 22:20 a-onl Start_Run_2668,Run_type=Commission,target_type=empty,comment_text=bpm check, 3 uA pulse,fast raster off
363185 03/03/12 22:14 a-onl End_of_Run_21754
363184 03/03/12 22:14 a-onl End_of_Run_2667
363183 03/03/12 22:14 pzhu bpm raw signal 100 nA CW, without raster
363182 03/03/12 22:13 a-onl Start_Run_21754,Run_type=Commission,target_type=empty,comment_text=BCM calib. 100 nA tungsten calorimeter test
363181 03/03/12 22:10 a-onl Start_Run_21753,Run_type=Commission,target_type=empty,comment_text=BCM calib. 280 nA tungsten calorimeter test
363180 03/03/12 22:10 a-onl Start_Run_21752,Run_type=Commission,target_type=empty,comment_text=BCM calib. 280 nA tungsten calorimeter test
363179 03/03/12 22:10 a-onl Start_Run_2667,Run_type=Commission,target_type=empty,comment_text=bpm check, 100 nA cw,fast raster off
363178 03/03/12 22:09 a-onl End_of_Run_21753
363177 03/03/12 22:08 a-onl Start_Run_2666,Run_type=Commission,target_type=empty,comment_text=BCM calibraztion, 280 nA, tungsten calorimeter test
363176 03/03/12 22:08 a-onl End_of_Run_2666
363175 03/03/12 22:06 pzhu bpm raw signal with 100nA cw, fast rast on
363174 03/03/12 22:00 a-onl End_of_Run_21752
363173 03/03/12 21:53 a-onl End_of_Run_2665
363172 03/03/12 21:53 a-onl End_of_Run_21751
363171 03/03/12 21:35 A. Camsonne Starting tungsten calorimeter setup for 200 nA run 2665 and 21751
363170 03/03/12 21:30 a-onl Start_Run_2665,Run_type=Commission,target_type=empty,comment_text=BCM calibraztion, 280 nA, tungsten calorimeter test
363169 03/03/12 21:29 a-onl Start_Run_21751,Run_type=Commission,target_type=empty,comment_text=BCM calib. 280 nA tungsten calorimeter test
363168 03/03/12 21:26 R. Zielinski Adding Jack to VDC discussion
363167 03/03/12 21:25 a-onl Start_Run_21750,Run_type=Commission,target_type=empty,comment_text=bpm check
363166 03/03/12 21:25 a-onl Start_Run_2664,Run_type=Commission,target_type=empty,comment_text=bpm check
363165 03/03/12 21:25 a-onl End_of_Run_2664
363163 03/03/12 21:16 a-onl End_of_Run_21749
363162 03/03/12 21:15 a-onl End_of_Run_2663
363161 03/03/12 21:13 a-onl Start_Run_21749,Run_type=Commission,target_type=empty,comment_text=charge asymmetry test
363160 03/03/12 21:08 a-onl End_of_Run_21747
363159 03/03/12 21:08 a-onl Start_Run_21747,Run_type=Commission,target_type=empty,comment_text=charge asymmetry test
363158 03/03/12 21:08 a-onl Start_Run_2663,Run_type=Commission,target_type=empty,comment_text=charge asymmetry test
363157 03/03/12 21:07 a-onl Start_Run_21746,Run_type=Commission,target_type=empty,comment_text=charge asymmetry test
363156 03/03/12 21:06 a-onl End_of_Run_21746
363155 03/03/12 21:06 a-onl Start_Run_2662,Run_type=Commission,target_type=empty,comment_text=charge asymmetry test
363154 03/03/12 21:06 a-onl End_of_Run_2662
363153 03/03/12 21:05 Zhihong Ye Hall A Tool Screen Shot
363152 03/03/12 21:02 a-onl End_of_Run_21745
363150 03/03/12 20:56 a-onl Start_Run_21745,Run_type=Commission,target_type=empty,comment_text=charge asymmetry test
363149 03/03/12 20:30 pzhu asymmetry for run 2659
363148 03/03/12 20:09 Sasha Moller results
363147 03/03/12 20:06 A. Camsonne HARP analyzer fixed
363146 03/03/12 20:06 A. Camsonne HARP analyzer fixed
363145 03/03/12 20:02 A. Camsonne VDC checks
363144 03/03/12 20:01 Kalyan Requested controlled access
363143 03/03/12 19:57 R. Zielinski RHRS U1/V1 Efficiency Low
363142 03/03/12 19:54 R. Zielinski RHRS VDC Hits/Efficiency
363141 03/03/12 19:53 R. Zielinski RHRS VDC Wires/TDC
363140 03/03/12 19:46 Kalyan Back to normal laser settings on HallA IA
363139 03/03/12 19:42 Kalyan Third setting for Hall-A IA
363138 03/03/12 19:41 a-onl End_of_Run_2661
363137 03/03/12 19:41 adev End_of_Run_40269
363136 03/03/12 19:41 a-onl End_of_Run_21744
363135 03/03/12 19:40 R. Zielinski LHRS PR2 12-33
363134 03/03/12 19:40 R. Zielinski LHRS PR1 24-33 PR2 0-11
363133 03/03/12 19:39 a-onl Start_Run_21744,Run_type=Commission,target_type=empty,comment_text=charge asymmetry test
363132 03/03/12 19:39 R. Zielinski LHRS PR1 0-23
363131 03/03/12 19:38 a-onl Start_Run_2661,Run_type=Commission,target_type=empty,comment_text=charge asymmetry test
363130 03/03/12 19:37 adev Start_Run_40269,Run_type=Commission,target_type=No Target,comment_text=charge asymmetry test
363129 03/03/12 19:37 adev End_of_Run_40268
363127 03/03/12 19:36 R. Zielinski LHRS VDC Hits/Efficiency
363126 03/03/12 19:36 a-onl End_of_Run_21743
363125 03/03/12 19:35 R. Zielinski LHRS VDC Wires and TDC
363123 03/03/12 19:34 R. Zielinski LHRS Cer Plots
363122 03/03/12 19:34 a-onl Start_Run_21743,Run_type=Commission,target_type=empty,comment_text=charge asymmetry test
363121 03/03/12 19:34 adev Start_Run_40268,Run_type=Commission,target_type=No Target,comment_text=charge asymmetry test
363120 03/03/12 19:33 a-onl Start_Run_2660,Run_type=Commission,target_type=empty,comment_text=charge asymmetry test
363119 03/03/12 19:33 adev End_of_Run_40267
363118 03/03/12 19:33 R. Zielinski LHRS s2m TDC 6-15
363117 03/03/12 19:32 adev Start_Run_40267,Run_type=Commission,target_type=No Target,comment_text=charge asymmetry test
363116 03/03/12 19:32 R. Zielinski LHRS s2m ADC 11-15 TDC 0-5
363115 03/03/12 19:31 R. Zielinski LHRS s2m ADC 0-11
363114 03/03/12 19:30 a-onl End_of_Run_2659
363113 03/03/12 19:30 a-onl End_of_Run_21742
363112 03/03/12 19:30 adev Start_Run_40266,Run_type=Commission,target_type=No Target,comment_text=charge asymmetry test
363111 03/03/12 19:30 adev End_of_Run_40266
363110 03/03/12 19:29 Kalyan First setting for Hall-A IA
363109 03/03/12 19:28 R. Zielinski LHRS S1 Plots
363108 03/03/12 19:27 adev Start_Run_40265,Run_type=Commission,target_type=No Target,comment_text=charge asymmetry test
363107 03/03/12 19:27 a-onl Start_Run_21742,Run_type=Commission,target_type=empty,comment_text=charge asymmetry test
363106 03/03/12 19:27 a-onl Start_Run_2659,Run_type=Commission,target_type=empty,comment_text=charge asymmetry test
363105 03/03/12 19:27 adev End_of_Run_40264
363104 03/03/12 19:26 adev Start_Run_40264,Run_type=Commission,target_type=No Target,comment_text=charge asymmetry test
363103 03/03/12 19:18 Kalyan Preparing for larger charge asymmetry run
363102 03/03/12 19:15 a-onl End_of_Run_21741
363101 03/03/12 19:14 a-onl Start_Run_21741,Run_type=Commission,target_type=empty,comment_text=data taken during the moller run, i= 0.15 microamp
363100 03/03/12 19:14 a-onl End_of_Run_2658
363099 03/03/12 19:12 a-onl Start_Run_2658,Run_type=Commission,target_type=empty,comment_text=data taken during Moller run. I = 0.15 microamp
363098 03/03/12 19:07 R. Zielinski RHRS T2 High-Rate
363097 03/03/12 18:50 a-onl End_of_Run_2657
363096 03/03/12 18:43 Zhihong Ye RHRS S2m Scaler Screen
363095 03/03/12 18:42 Zhihong Ye RHRS S1&Cer Scaler Screen
363094 03/03/12 18:42 Zhihong Ye L-HRS Scaler Scree
363093 03/03/12 18:40 a-onl Start_Run_2657,Run_type=Commission,target_type=empty,comment_text=data taken during Moller run. I = 0.15 microamp
363092 03/03/12 18:39 a-onl End_of_Run_2656
363091 03/03/12 18:37 Zhihong Ye Scaler Screen
363090 03/03/12 18:35 adev Start_Run_40263,Run_type=Commission,target_type=No Target,comment_text=dE=-500mV E=-300mV
363089 03/03/12 18:16 a-onl Start_Run_2656,Run_type=Commission,target_type=empty,comment_text=data taken during Moller run. I = 0.15 microamp
363088 03/03/12 18:15 a-onl End_of_Run_2655
363087 03/03/12 18:13 a-onl Start_Run_2655,Run_type=Commission,target_type=empty,comment_text=data taken during Moller run. I = 0.15 microamp
363086 03/03/12 18:11 a-onl End_of_Run_21740
363085 03/03/12 18:09 adev Start_Run_40262,Run_type=Commission,target_type=No Target,comment_text=DAQ check
363084 03/03/12 18:09 adev End_of_Run_40262
363083 03/03/12 17:57 R. Zielinski RHRS Cer ADC/TDC
363082 03/03/12 17:56 R. Zielinski RHRS s2m ADC 6-15
363081 03/03/12 17:55 R. Zielinski RHRS s2m TDC 12-15 ADC 0-5
363080 03/03/12 17:49 R. Zielinski RHRS s2m TDC 0-11
363079 03/03/12 17:48 R. Zielinski Forgot a Plot. RHRS PS 12-23L
363078 03/03/12 17:47 R. Zielinski RHRS PreShower 0-23L
363077 03/03/12 17:45 R. Zielinski RHRS PreShower 0-23R
363076 03/03/12 17:44 R. Zielinski RHRS Shower 64-79
363075 03/03/12 17:43 R. Zielinski RHRS Shower 32-63
363074 03/03/12 17:41 R. Zielinski RHRS SH 0-31
363073 03/03/12 17:39 R. Zielinski RHRS S1 Plots
363072 03/03/12 17:34 a-onl Start_Run_21740,Run_type=Commission,target_type=empty,comment_text=data taken during the moller run, i= 0.15 microamp
363071 03/03/12 17:33 a-onl Start_Run_21739,Run_type=Commission,target_type=empty,comment_text=data taken during the moller run, i= 0.15 microamp
363070 03/03/12 17:32 a-onl End_of_Run_21739
363069 03/03/12 17:32 a-onl Start_Run_21738,Run_type=Commission,target_type=empty,comment_text=data taken during the moller run, i= 0.15 microamp
363068 03/03/12 17:31 a-onl End_of_Run_21738
363067 03/03/12 17:16 adev Start_Run_40261,Run_type=Commission,target_type=No Target,comment_text=DAQ check
363066 03/03/12 17:15 adev End_of_Run_40260
363065 03/03/12 17:13 adev Start_Run_40260,Run_type=Commission,target_type=No Target,comment_text=DAQ check
363064 03/03/12 16:58 a-onl End_of_Run_2654
363063 03/03/12 16:47 a-onl End_of_Run_21737
363062 03/03/12 16:46 a-onl Start_Run_21737,Run_type=Commission,target_type=empty,comment_text=data taken during the moller run, i= 0.15 microamp
363061 03/03/12 16:43 a-onl End_of_Run_21736
363060 03/03/12 16:43 a-onl Start_Run_21736,Run_type=Commission,target_type=empty,comment_text=data taken during the moller run, i= 0.15 microamp
363059 03/03/12 16:42 a-onl Start_Run_2654,Run_type=Commission,target_type=empty,comment_text=data taken during Moller run. I = 0.15 microamp
363058 03/03/12 16:33 a-onl End_of_Run_21735
363057 03/03/12 16:30 a-onl End_of_Run_2653
363056 03/03/12 15:57 Kalyan BCM calibration run 2648
363055 03/03/12 15:35 a-onl Start_Run_21735,Run_type=Commission,target_type=empty,comment_text=data taken during the moller run, i= 0.15 microamp
363054 03/03/12 15:35 a-onl Start_Run_2653,Run_type=Commission,target_type=empty,comment_text=data taken during Moller run. I = 0.15 microamp
363053 03/03/12 15:33 a-onl End_of_Run_21734
363052 03/03/12 15:33 a-onl End_of_Run_2652
363051 03/03/12 15:03 A. Camsonne BCM constants updated with those values
363050 03/03/12 14:58 adaq Previous BCM new receiver constants
363049 03/03/12 14:57 a-onl Start_Run_2652,Run_type=Commission,target_type=empty,comment_text=data taken during Moller run. I = 0.15 microamp
363048 03/03/12 14:57 a-onl Start_Run_21734,Run_type=Commission,target_type=empty,comment_text=data taken during the moller run, i= 0.15 microamp
363047 03/03/12 14:53 A. Camsonne BCM constants for update
363046 03/03/12 14:22 a-onl End_of_Run_2651
363045 03/03/12 14:21 a-onl End_of_Run_2651
363044 03/03/12 14:16 A. Camsonne Added current EPICS variables to left arm replay
363043 03/03/12 14:04 jpchen Moller Starts
363042 03/03/12 13:59 a-onl End_of_Run_2651
363041 03/03/12 13:59 a-onl End_of_Run_21733
363040 03/03/12 13:59 Jixie Zhang HRS Mometum set to quasi-elastic peak 2.2267
363039 03/03/12 13:57 a-onl Start_Run_21733,Run_type=Commission,target_type=empty,comment_text=bpm check with 100 na
363038 03/03/12 13:57 a-onl Start_Run_2651,Run_type=Commission,target_type=empty,comment_text=bpm check with 100 na current
363037 03/03/12 13:55 a-onl End_of_Run_2650
363035 03/03/12 13:55 a-onl Start_Run_2650,Run_type=Commission,target_type=empty,comment_text=bpm check with 100 na current
363034 03/03/12 13:55 a-onl Start_Run_21732,Run_type=Commission,target_type=empty,comment_text=bpm check with 100 na
363033 03/03/12 13:50 A. Camsonne Calorimeter run complete - resuming beam 100 nA no raster for BPM checks
363032 03/03/12 13:50 jpchen Tungsten calorimeter calibration done, turned off slow raster
363031 03/03/12 13:48 a-onl End_of_Run_21731
363030 03/03/12 13:48 a-onl End_of_Run_2649
363029 03/03/12 13:43 Jixie Zhang Another executable to calculate septa currents
363028 03/03/12 13:32 mhuang VDC HV tripped from #2597
363026 03/03/12 13:21 A. Camsonne Slow raster on for calorimeter run
363025 03/03/12 13:16 a-onl Start_Run_21731,Run_type=Commission,target_type=empty,comment_text=tungstnn calorimeter for bcm calibration current 100 na
363024 03/03/12 13:16 a-onl Start_Run_2649,Run_type=Commission,target_type=empty,comment_text=tungsten calorimeter run for bcm calibration with 100 na current
363023 03/03/12 13:14 a-onl End_of_Run_2648
363022 03/03/12 13:14 a-onl End_of_Run_21730
363021 03/03/12 13:13 a-onl Start_Run_21730,Run_type=Cosmics,target_type=empty,comment_text=tungston calorimeter for bcm calibration current 200 na
363020 03/03/12 13:12 a-onl Start_Run_2648,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=tungston calorimeter run for bcm calibration with 200 na current
363019 03/03/12 13:10 A. Camsonne Quick BCM calibration
363018 03/03/12 13:09 a-onl End_of_Run_2647
363017 03/03/12 13:09 a-onl End_of_Run_21729
363016 03/03/12 12:55 a-onl Start_Run_2647,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=bcm calibration current = 500 na to 1 microamp,t3 and t8
363015 03/03/12 12:52 a-onl Start_Run_21729,Run_type=Cosmics,target_type=empty,comment_text=bcm calibration current = 500 na to 1 micro amp, T1 and T8
363014 03/03/12 12:50 a-onl End_of_Run_2646
363013 03/03/12 12:50 a-onl End_of_Run_21728
363012 03/03/12 12:46 a-onl Start_Run_21728,Run_type=Cosmics,target_type=empty,comment_text=bcm calibration current = 500 na to 1 micro amp, T1 and T8
363011 03/03/12 12:45 a-onl Start_Run_2646,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=bcm calibration current = 500 na to 1 microamp,t3 and t8
363010 03/03/12 12:43 a-onl End_of_Run_21727
363009 03/03/12 12:43 a-onl End_of_Run_2645
363008 03/03/12 12:27 a-onl Start_Run_21727,Run_type=Cosmics,target_type=empty,comment_text=bcm calibration current = 0 to 1 micro amp, T1 and T8
363007 03/03/12 12:26 a-onl Start_Run_2645,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=bcm calibration current = 0 to 1 microamp,t3 and t8
363006 03/03/12 12:25 a-onl Start_Run_21726,Run_type=Cosmics,target_type=empty,comment_text=bcm calibration current = 0 to 1 micro amp, T1 and T8
363005 03/03/12 12:25 a-onl End_of_Run_2644
363004 03/03/12 12:25 a-onl Start_Run_2644,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=bcm calibration current = 0 to 1 microamp,t3 and t8
363003 03/03/12 12:25 a-onl End_of_Run_21726
363002 03/03/12 12:24 a-onl End_of_Run_21725
363001 03/03/12 12:24 a-onl End_of_Run_2643
363000 03/03/12 12:22 A. Camsonne BCM gain settings
362999 03/03/12 12:21 a-onl Start_Run_21725,Run_type=Cosmics,target_type=empty,comment_text=bcm calibration current = 0 to 1 micro amp, T1 and T8
362998 03/03/12 12:20 a-onl Start_Run_2643,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=bcm calibration current = 0 to 1 microamp
362997 03/03/12 12:14 a-onl End_of_Run_2642
362996 03/03/12 12:14 a-onl End_of_Run_21724
362995 03/03/12 12:11 a-onl Start_Run_21724,Run_type=Cosmics,target_type=empty,comment_text=bcm calibration test only
362994 03/03/12 12:10 a-onl Start_Run_2642,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=bcm calibration test only
362993 03/03/12 11:38 a-onl End_of_Run_21723
362992 03/03/12 11:38 a-onl End_of_Run_2641
362991 03/03/12 11:38 pzhu bpm tail and double peak
362990 03/03/12 11:35 a-onl Start_Run_21723,Run_type=Cosmics,target_type=empty,comment_text=bpm calibration initial, 200na pulse beam,t8 only
362989 03/03/12 11:35 a-onl Start_Run_2641,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=bpm calibration initial, 200 na pulse beam,t8 only
362988 03/03/12 11:33 a-onl End_of_Run_2640
362987 03/03/12 11:32 a-onl Start_Run_21722,Run_type=Cosmics,target_type=empty,comment_text=bpm calibration initial, 200na pulse beam
362985 03/03/12 11:31 a-onl Start_Run_2640,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=bpm calibration initial, 200 na pulse beam
362984 03/03/12 11:29 a-onl End_of_Run_21721
362983 03/03/12 11:29 a-onl End_of_Run_2639
362982 03/03/12 11:29 a-onl Start_Run_21721,Run_type=Cosmics,target_type=empty,comment_text=bpm calibration initial, 200na pulse beam
362981 03/03/12 11:28 a-onl Start_Run_2639,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=bpm calibration initial, 200 na pulse beam
362980 03/03/12 10:26 R. Zielinski [ Target ] Reset Magnet Fill Encoder
362979 03/03/12 10:24 a-onl End_of_Run_21720
362978 03/03/12 10:20 R. Zielinski Turned off VDCs on both arms during BPM test
362977 03/03/12 10:14 a-onl Start_Run_21720,Run_type=Cosmics,target_type=empty,comment_text=bpm check
362976 03/03/12 10:12 a-onl Start_Run_2638,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=bpm calibration initial, 200 na pulse beam
362975 03/03/12 10:12 a-onl End_of_Run_2638
362974 03/03/12 09:55 a-onl Start_Run_21719,Run_type=Cosmics,target_type=empty,comment_text=bpm check
362973 03/03/12 09:53 a-onl End_of_Run_2637
362972 03/03/12 09:39 a-onl Start_Run_2637,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=bpm calibration initial, 200 na pulse beam
362971 03/03/12 09:30 R. Zielinski VDC HV Tripped on Both arms
362970 03/03/12 09:27 Zhihong Ye Control Access for Pengjia to fix some BPM connections
362969 03/03/12 09:14 Zhihong Ye G2p Current Status Update+Weekend Plan
362968 03/03/12 08:49 a-onl End_of_Run_21717
362966 03/03/12 08:46 a-onl Start_Run_21717,Run_type=Cosmics,target_type=empty,comment_text=bpm calibration initial, 200 na pulse beam
362965 03/03/12 08:46 a-onl Start_Run_2636,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=bpm calibration initial, 200 na pulse beam
362964 03/03/12 08:44 a-onl End_of_Run_21716
362963 03/03/12 08:44 a-onl End_of_Run_2635
362962 03/03/12 08:43 a-onl Start_Run_21716,Run_type=Cosmics,target_type=empty,comment_text=bpm calibration initial, 200 na pulse beam
362961 03/03/12 08:43 a-onl Start_Run_2635,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=bpm calibration initial, 200 na pulse beam
362960 03/03/12 08:40 a-onl End_of_Run_2634
362958 03/03/12 08:36 a-onl Start_Run_21715,Run_type=Cosmics,target_type=empty,comment_text=bpm calibration initial, 400 na pulse beam
362957 03/03/12 08:36 a-onl Start_Run_2634,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=bpm calibration initial, 400 na pulse beam
362956 03/03/12 08:35 a-onl End_of_Run_2633
362955 03/03/12 08:34 a-onl End_of_Run_21714
362954 03/03/12 08:34 a-onl Start_Run_21714,Run_type=Cosmics,target_type=empty,comment_text=bpm calibration initial, 400 na pulse beam
362953 03/03/12 08:34 a-onl Start_Run_2633,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=bpm calibration initial, 400 na pulse beam
362952 03/03/12 08:20 a-onl End_of_Run_2632
362951 03/03/12 08:20 a-onl End_of_Run_21713
362950 03/03/12 08:15 a-onl Start_Run_21713,Run_type=Cosmics,target_type=empty,comment_text=bpm calibration initial, 1uA pulse beam
362949 03/03/12 08:15 a-onl Start_Run_2632,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=bpm calibration initial, 1uA pulse beam
362948 03/03/12 08:14 a-onl End_of_Run_2631
362947 03/03/12 08:14 a-onl End_of_Run_21712
362946 03/03/12 08:06 a-onl Start_Run_21712,Run_type=Cosmics,target_type=empty,comment_text=bpm calibration initial, 200nA pulse beam
362945 03/03/12 08:06 a-onl Start_Run_2631,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=bpm calibration initial, 200nA pulse beam
362944 03/03/12 08:04 a-onl Start_Run_21711,Run_type=Cosmics,target_type=empty,comment_text=bpm size check,100nA
362943 03/03/12 08:04 a-onl Start_Run_2630,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=bpm size check,100nA
362942 03/03/12 08:04 a-onl End_of_Run_21711
362941 03/03/12 08:04 a-onl End_of_Run_2630
362940 03/03/12 07:59 hoyoung Owl Shift Summary March 03, 2012
362939 03/03/12 07:58 hoyoung 200nA Pulse beam with raster off
362938 03/03/12 07:53 pzhu BPM receiver pre gain change
362937 03/03/12 07:53 a-onl End_of_Run_21710
362936 03/03/12 07:53 a-onl End_of_Run_2629
362935 03/03/12 07:52 a-onl Start_Run_21710,Run_type=Cosmics,target_type=empty,comment_text=bpm size check,100nA
362934 03/03/12 07:51 a-onl Start_Run_2629,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=bpm size check,100nA
362933 03/03/12 07:50 a-onl End_of_Run_2628
362932 03/03/12 07:50 a-onl End_of_Run_21709
362931 03/03/12 07:49 a-onl Start_Run_21709,Run_type=Cosmics,target_type=empty,comment_text=bpm size check,100nA
362930 03/03/12 07:48 a-onl Start_Run_2628,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=bpm size check,100nA
362929 03/03/12 07:45 a-onl End_of_Run_2627
362928 03/03/12 07:45 a-onl End_of_Run_21708
362927 03/03/12 07:44 a-onl Start_Run_21708,Run_type=Cosmics,target_type=empty,comment_text=bpm size check,100nA
362926 03/03/12 07:44 a-onl Start_Run_2627,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=bpm size check,100nA
362925 03/03/12 07:42 a-onl End_of_Run_2626
362924 03/03/12 07:42 a-onl End_of_Run_21707
362923 03/03/12 07:41 a-onl Start_Run_21707,Run_type=Cosmics,target_type=empty,comment_text=bpm size check,100nA
362922 03/03/12 07:41 a-onl Start_Run_2626,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=bpm size check,100nA
362921 03/03/12 07:39 a-onl End_of_Run_2625
362919 03/03/12 07:39 a-onl End_of_Run_21706
362918 03/03/12 07:39 a-onl Start_Run_21706,Run_type=Cosmics,target_type=empty,comment_text=bpm size check,100nA
362917 03/03/12 07:38 a-onl End_of_Run_2625
362916 03/03/12 07:38 a-onl Start_Run_2625,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=bpm size check,100nA
362915 03/03/12 07:34 a-onl End_of_Run_2624
362914 03/03/12 07:34 a-onl End_of_Run_21705
362913 03/03/12 07:33 a-onl Start_Run_21705,Run_type=Cosmics,target_type=empty,comment_text=bpm size check,100nA
362912 03/03/12 07:33 a-onl Start_Run_2624,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=bpm size check,100nA
362911 03/03/12 07:31 a-onl End_of_Run_2623
362910 03/03/12 07:31 a-onl End_of_Run_21704
362909 03/03/12 07:31 hoyoung Beam is back
362908 03/03/12 07:30 a-onl Start_Run_21704,Run_type=Cosmics,target_type=empty,comment_text=bpm check
362907 03/03/12 07:30 a-onl Start_Run_2623,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=bpm check
362906 03/03/12 07:25 a-onl Start_Run_21703,Run_type=Cosmics,target_type=empty,comment_text=bpm check
362905 03/03/12 07:24 a-onl Start_Run_2622,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=bpm check
362904 03/03/12 07:24 a-onl End_of_Run_2622
362903 03/03/12 07:24 a-onl End_of_Run_21703
362902 03/03/12 07:02 hoyoung Hall A tools screenshot
362901 03/03/12 06:59 a-onl Start_Run_21702,Run_type=Cosmics,target_type=empty,comment_text=bpm check
362900 03/03/12 06:58 a-onl Start_Run_2621,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=bpm check
362899 03/03/12 06:58 a-onl End_of_Run_2621
362898 03/03/12 06:58 a-onl End_of_Run_21702
362897 03/03/12 06:31 T. Badman [Target] buffer supply valve readout incorrect
362896 03/03/12 06:21 hoyoung Beam Permit
362895 03/03/12 05:58 a-onl End_of_Run_2619
362894 03/03/12 05:57 a-onl Start_Run_2619,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=bpm cal,check beam size
362893 03/03/12 05:49 a-onl Start_Run_2618,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=bpm cal,check beam size
362892 03/03/12 05:49 a-onl End_of_Run_2618
362891 03/03/12 05:48 a-onl End_of_Run_2617
362890 03/03/12 05:47 a-onl Start_Run_2617,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=bpm cal,check beam size
362889 03/03/12 05:37 a-onl End_of_Run_2616
362888 03/03/12 05:37 a-onl Start_Run_2616,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=bpm cal,check beam size
362887 03/03/12 05:36 a-onl End_of_Run_2615
362886 03/03/12 05:28 a-onl Start_Run_2615,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=bpm cal,check beam size
362885 03/03/12 05:23 a-onl End_of_Run_21701
362884 03/03/12 05:16 a-onl End_of_Run_21700
362883 03/03/12 05:12 a-onl Start_Run_21700,Run_type=Cosmics,target_type=empty,comment_text=bpm cal,check beam size pos 0,0
362882 03/03/12 05:01 a-onl End_of_Run_21699
362881 03/03/12 05:01 a-onl Start_Run_21699,Run_type=Cosmics,target_type=empty,comment_text=bpm cal,check beam size pos 0,0
362880 03/03/12 05:00 a-onl End_of_Run_21698
362879 03/03/12 04:58 a-onl Start_Run_21698,Run_type=Cosmics,target_type=empty,comment_text=bpm cal,check beam size pos 0,0
362878 03/03/12 04:57 a-onl End_of_Run_21697
362877 03/03/12 04:56 a-onl Start_Run_21697,Run_type=Cosmics,target_type=empty,comment_text=bpm cal,check beam size pos 0,0
362876 03/03/12 04:51 a-onl End_of_Run_21696
362875 03/03/12 04:49 a-onl End_of_Run_2614
362874 03/03/12 04:41 a-onl Start_Run_2614,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=bpm cal,check beam size
362873 03/03/12 04:25 a-onl End_of_Run_2613
362872 03/03/12 04:25 a-onl End_of_Run_21695
362871 03/03/12 04:22 a-onl Start_Run_21695,Run_type=Cosmics,target_type=empty,comment_text=bpm cal,check beam size pos 0,0
362870 03/03/12 04:22 a-onl Start_Run_2613,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=bpm cal,check beam size
362869 03/03/12 04:20 hoyoung Controlled access
362868 03/03/12 04:09 a-onl End_of_Run_2612
362866 03/03/12 04:09 a-onl Start_Run_21694,Run_type=Cosmics,target_type=empty,comment_text=bpm cal,check beam size pos 0,0
362865 03/03/12 04:08 a-onl Start_Run_2612,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=bpm cal,check beam size
362864 03/03/12 04:03 a-onl End_of_Run_21693
362862 03/03/12 04:03 a-onl Start_Run_21693,Run_type=Cosmics,target_type=empty,comment_text=bpm cal,check beam size pos 0,0
362861 03/03/12 04:02 a-onl Start_Run_2611,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=bpm cal,check beam size
362860 03/03/12 03:56 a-onl End_of_Run_21692
362859 03/03/12 03:56 a-onl End_of_Run_2610
362858 03/03/12 03:55 a-onl Start_Run_21692,Run_type=Cosmics,target_type=empty,comment_text=bpm cal,check beam size pos 0,0
362857 03/03/12 03:55 a-onl Start_Run_2610,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=bpm cal,check beam size
362856 03/03/12 03:52 a-onl End_of_Run_21691
362855 03/03/12 03:51 a-onl Start_Run_21691,Run_type=Cosmics,target_type=empty,comment_text=bpm cal,check beam size pos 0,0
362854 03/03/12 03:51 a-onl Start_Run_2609,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=bpm cal,check beam size
362853 03/03/12 03:51 hoyoung Beam back and BPM 0.0/0.0
362852 03/03/12 03:32 Kalyan/Pengj BPM gains
362851 03/03/12 03:14 hoyoung Waiting for beam for 28 mins
362850 03/03/12 02:49 a-onl Start_Run_2608,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=bpm cal,check beam size
362849 03/03/12 02:48 a-onl End_of_Run_21690
362848 03/03/12 02:48 a-onl End_of_Run_2608
362847 03/03/12 02:46 a-onl Start_Run_21690,Run_type=Cosmics,target_type=empty,comment_text=bpm cal, check beam size
362846 03/03/12 02:45 a-onl Start_Run_21689,Run_type=Cosmics,target_type=empty,comment_text=bpm cal, check beam size
362845 03/03/12 02:45 a-onl Start_Run_2607,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=bpm cal,check beam size
362843 03/03/12 02:44 a-onl End_of_Run_21689
362842 03/03/12 02:43 hoyoung 100 nA CW with raster on
362841 03/03/12 02:19 a-onl End_of_Run_2606
362840 03/03/12 02:19 a-onl End_of_Run_21688
362839 03/03/12 02:19 a-onl Start_Run_21688,Run_type=Cosmics,target_type=empty,comment_text=bpm cal, 5,0 for bpm A
362838 03/03/12 02:18 a-onl Start_Run_2606,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=bpm cal,5,0 for bpm A
362837 03/03/12 02:15 hoyoung Beam back
362836 03/03/12 01:58 Kalyan double peaks in BPM
362835 03/03/12 01:52 adaq hvgui
362834 03/03/12 01:35 a-onl End_of_Run_21687
362833 03/03/12 01:35 a-onl End_of_Run_2605
362832 03/03/12 01:32 a-onl Start_Run_21687,Run_type=Cosmics,target_type=empty,comment_text=bpm cal, 5,0 for bpm A
362831 03/03/12 01:31 a-onl Start_Run_2605,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=bpm cal,5,0 for bpm A
362830 03/03/12 01:22 a-onl End_of_Run_2604
362829 03/03/12 01:22 a-onl End_of_Run_21686
362828 03/03/12 01:20 a-onl Start_Run_2604,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=bpm cal,0,0 for bpm A
362826 03/03/12 01:20 a-onl End_of_Run_2603
362825 03/03/12 01:20 a-onl End_of_Run_21685
362824 03/03/12 01:19 Mohamed Compton_Chicane vacuum status
362823 03/03/12 01:18 a-onl Start_Run_21685,Run_type=Cosmics,target_type=empty,comment_text=bpm cal, 0,0 for bpm A
362822 03/03/12 01:17 a-onl Start_Run_2603,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=bpm cal,0,0 for bpm A
362821 03/03/12 01:06 Mohamed Hafe Compton cavity power stability
362820 03/03/12 01:04 a-onl End_of_Run_2602
362819 03/03/12 01:03 a-onl End_of_Run_21684
362818 03/03/12 01:02 a-onl Start_Run_2602,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=test run
362816 03/03/12 00:58 a-onl End_of_Run_2601
362815 03/03/12 00:58 a-onl End_of_Run_21683
362814 03/03/12 00:58 a-onl Start_Run_2601,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=test run
362813 03/03/12 00:58 a-onl Start_Run_21683,Run_type=Cosmics,target_type=empty,comment_text=test run
362812 03/03/12 00:46 Mohamed Hafe Compton cavity power restored
362811 03/03/12 00:05 a-onl End_of_Run_21682
362809 03/03/12 00:02 A. Camsonne HARP software has a bug
362808 03/02/12 23:55 a-onl Start_Run_2600,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=test run
362807 03/02/12 23:55 a-onl Start_Run_21682,Run_type=Cosmics,target_type=empty,comment_text=test run
362806 03/02/12 23:35 a-onl End_of_Run_2599
362805 03/02/12 23:35 a-onl End_of_Run_21681
362804 03/02/12 23:35 a-onl Start_Run_21681,Run_type=Cosmics,target_type=empty,comment_text=test run
362803 03/02/12 23:34 a-onl Start_Run_2599,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=test run
362802 03/02/12 23:32 a-onl End_of_Run_2598
362801 03/02/12 23:32 a-onl End_of_Run_21680
362800 03/02/12 23:31 a-onl Start_Run_21680,Run_type=Cosmics,target_type=empty,comment_text=coda test
362799 03/02/12 23:30 a-onl End_of_Run_21679
362798 03/02/12 23:29 a-onl Start_Run_21679,Run_type=Cosmics,target_type=empty,comment_text=coda test
362797 03/02/12 23:29 a-onl Start_Run_21678,Run_type=Cosmics,target_type=empty,comment_text=test run
362796 03/02/12 23:29 a-onl End_of_Run_21678
362795 03/02/12 23:24 T. Badman [Target] target position
362794 03/02/12 23:22 a-onl Start_Run_21677,Run_type=Cosmics,target_type=empty,comment_text=test run
362793 03/02/12 23:19 a-onl Start_Run_21676,Run_type=Cosmics,target_type=empty,comment_text=test run
362792 03/02/12 23:17 a-onl End_of_Run_21675
362791 03/02/12 23:17 a-onl Start_Run_21675,Run_type=Cosmics,target_type=empty,comment_text=test run
362790 03/02/12 23:16 a-onl Start_Run_2598,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=test run
362789 03/02/12 23:11 A. Camsonne hac_bcm_average constants updated
362788 03/02/12 23:08 Zhihong Ye Is Target IN?
362787 03/02/12 22:39 pzhu beam tunning
362786 03/02/12 22:34 E. Cisbani Target: He level on nose drops below 15 at 5 uA
362785 03/02/12 22:13 a-onl End_of_Run_2597
362784 03/02/12 22:13 a-onl Start_Run_2597,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=test run
362783 03/02/12 22:12 a-onl End_of_Run_2596
362782 03/02/12 22:10 a-onl Start_Run_2596,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=test run
362781 03/02/12 22:07 A. Camsonne New BCM receiver rough calibration
362780 03/02/12 22:04 a-onl End_of_Run_2595
362779 03/02/12 22:02 a-onl Start_Run_2595,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=test run
362778 03/02/12 22:01 a-onl End_of_Run_2594
362777 03/02/12 22:00 a-onl Start_Run_2594,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=test run
362776 03/02/12 21:53 a-onl End_of_Run_2593
362775 03/02/12 21:52 a-onl Start_Run_2593,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=test run
362774 03/02/12 21:51 a-onl End_of_Run_2592
362773 03/02/12 21:51 a-onl Start_Run_2592,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=test run
362772 03/02/12 21:50 A. Camsonne Beam in Hall A - Ion chamber limit setting up starting
362771 03/02/12 21:49 a-onl End_of_Run_2591
362770 03/02/12 21:49 a-onl Start_Run_2591,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=test run
362769 03/02/12 21:42 a-onl End_of_Run_21674
362768 03/02/12 21:42 a-onl End_of_Run_2590
362767 03/02/12 21:41 a-onl Start_Run_2590,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=test run
362766 03/02/12 21:41 a-onl Start_Run_21674,Run_type=Cosmics,target_type=empty,comment_text=test run
362765 03/02/12 21:29 E. Cisbani Target valve problem fixed
362764 03/02/12 20:48 A. Camsonne Check VDC efficiency regularly
362763 03/02/12 20:44 E. Cisbani Control access to fix a target valve problem
362762 03/02/12 20:40 A. Camsonne Target motion fixed
362761 03/02/12 20:29 V. Sulkosky Left HRS VDC Gas Flow
362760 03/02/12 20:19 a-onl End_of_Run_21673
362759 03/02/12 20:19 a-onl Start_Run_21673,Run_type=Cosmics,target_type=empty,comment_text=MySql db check
362758 03/02/12 20:13 a-onl End_of_Run_21672
362757 03/02/12 20:00 a-onl Start_Run_21672,Run_type=Cosmics,target_type=empty,comment_text=MySql db check
362756 03/02/12 19:59 a-onl End_of_Run_2589
362755 03/02/12 19:59 a-onl Start_Run_2589,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=MYSQL DB Check
362754 03/02/12 19:54 musson, cams BPM/BCM Tests and Commissioning for G2P.
362753 03/02/12 19:53 A. Camsonne Target motion non functional
362752 03/02/12 19:52 V. Sulkosky Hall A Main Dump Camera Light Operation
362751 03/02/12 18:44 pzhu first spot_R
362750 03/02/12 18:41 pzhu first spot++
362749 03/02/12 18:40 a-onl End_of_Run_2588
362748 03/02/12 18:40 a-onl End_of_Run_21671
362747 03/02/12 18:39 a-onl Start_Run_21671,Run_type=Cosmics,target_type=empty,comment_text=Test Run
362746 03/02/12 18:37 a-onl Start_Run_2588,Run_type=Commission,target_type=empty,comment_text=Test run
362745 03/02/12 18:00 Chao New g2p library for replay
362744 03/02/12 17:37 E. Cisbani Chamber problem in the beam line
362743 03/02/12 17:36 a-onl End_of_Run_2587
362742 03/02/12 17:34 a-onl Start_Run_2587,Run_type=Commission,target_type=empty,comment_text=Test run
362741 03/02/12 17:32 a-onl End_of_Run_2586
362740 03/02/12 17:31 a-onl Start_Run_2586,Run_type=Commission,target_type=empty,comment_text=Test run
362739 03/02/12 17:30 a-onl End_of_Run_2585
362738 03/02/12 17:30 a-onl Start_Run_2585,Run_type=Commission,target_type=empty,comment_text=Test run
362737 03/02/12 17:29 a-onl End_of_Run_2584
362736 03/02/12 17:28 a-onl Start_Run_2584,Run_type=Commission,target_type=empty,comment_text=Test run
362735 03/02/12 17:16 A. Camsonne Beam in Hall A
362734 03/02/12 15:59 LeRose Spectrometer Setting and Monitoring
362733 03/02/12 15:42 a-onl End_of_Run_21670
362732 03/02/12 15:16 a-onl End_of_Run_2583
362731 03/02/12 15:15 a-onl Start_Run_2583,Run_type=Commission,target_type=empty,comment_text=MYSQL Database Check
362730 03/02/12 13:24 LeRose Quadrupole Cycling (new and improved)
362729 03/02/12 13:15 yawei Hall Sweep Finished
362728 03/02/12 12:55 M. Cummings RHRS plots: shower
362727 03/02/12 12:54 M. Cummings RHRS plots: preshower
362726 03/02/12 12:53 M. Cummings RHRS plots: s2m
362725 03/02/12 12:51 M. Cummings RHRS plots: s1 and cherenkov
362724 03/02/12 12:47 M. Cummings RHRS plots: vdc, again
362723 03/02/12 12:43 M. Cummings RHRS plots: vdc
362722 03/02/12 12:39 musson Hall A BPM(s)
362721 03/02/12 12:29 T. Badman [Target] material in nose
362720 03/02/12 12:22 J. Butler(te Check List
362719 03/02/12 12:21 Kalyan Thirdarm in place
362718 03/02/12 12:09 a-onl End_of_Run_2582
362717 03/02/12 12:08 a-onl Start_Run_2582,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=MYSQL Database Check
362716 03/02/12 12:01 M. Cummings missing channel 32 on prl2
362715 03/02/12 11:53 a-onl End_of_Run_2581
362714 03/02/12 11:51 a-onl Start_Run_2581,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=MYSQL Database Check
362713 03/02/12 11:51 M. Cummings LHRS plots: adc rocsync
362712 03/02/12 11:50 M. Cummings LHRS plots: prl1 and prl2
362711 03/02/12 11:48 M. Cummings LHRS plots: s2m
362710 03/02/12 11:47 a-onl End_of_Run_2580
362709 03/02/12 11:47 M. Cummings LHRS plots: s1 and cherenkov
362708 03/02/12 11:44 M. Cummings LHRS Plots: vdc
362707 03/02/12 11:08 R. Michaels cycled Q2,Q3. magnet status
362706 03/02/12 10:55 a-onl Start_Run_21670,Run_type=Cosmics,target_type=empty,comment_text=new s1 TDC cable/Delay Module
362705 03/02/12 10:45 a-onl End_of_Run_21669
362704 03/02/12 10:40 LeRose Quadrupole Cycling
362703 03/02/12 10:30 a-onl Start_Run_21669,Run_type=Cosmics,target_type=empty,comment_text=new s1 TDC cable
362702 03/02/12 02:49 a-onl Start_Run_2580,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=Cosmic test
362701 03/02/12 02:42 a-onl End_of_Run_2579
362700 03/02/12 02:41 a-onl Start_Run_2579,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=MYSQL DB check
362699 03/02/12 02:39 a-onl End_of_Run_2578
362698 03/02/12 02:39 a-onl Start_Run_2578,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=MYSQL DB check
362697 03/02/12 02:36 a-onl End_of_Run_2577
362696 03/02/12 02:35 a-onl Start_Run_2577,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=MYSQL DB check
362695 03/02/12 02:34 a-onl End_of_Run_2576
362694 03/02/12 02:33 a-onl Start_Run_2576,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=MYSQL DB check
362693 03/02/12 02:27 a-onl End_of_Run_2575
362692 03/02/12 02:27 a-onl Start_Run_2575,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=MYSQL DB check
362691 03/02/12 02:25 a-onl End_of_Run_2574
362690 03/02/12 02:25 a-onl Start_Run_2574,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=MYSQL DB check
362689 03/02/12 02:24 a-onl End_of_Run_2573
362688 03/02/12 02:24 a-onl Start_Run_2573,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=MYSQL DB check
362687 03/02/12 02:22 a-onl End_of_Run_2572
362686 03/02/12 02:22 a-onl Start_Run_2572,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=MYSQL DB check
362685 03/02/12 02:20 a-onl End_of_Run_2571
362684 03/02/12 02:19 a-onl Start_Run_2571,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=MYSQL DB check
362683 03/02/12 02:18 a-onl End_of_Run_2570
362682 03/02/12 02:17 a-onl Start_Run_2570,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=MYSQL DB check
362681 03/02/12 02:16 a-onl End_of_Run_2569
362680 03/02/12 02:16 a-onl Start_Run_2569,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=MYSQL DB check
362679 03/02/12 02:11 a-onl End_of_Run_2568
362678 03/02/12 02:11 a-onl Start_Run_2568,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=MYSQL DB check
362677 03/02/12 02:10 a-onl End_of_Run_2567
362676 03/02/12 02:09 a-onl Start_Run_2567,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=MYSQL DB check
362675 03/02/12 02:08 a-onl End_of_Run_2566
362674 03/02/12 02:08 a-onl Start_Run_2566,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=MYSQL DB check
362673 03/02/12 02:07 a-onl End_of_Run_2565
362672 03/02/12 02:07 a-onl Start_Run_2565,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=MYSQL DB check
362671 03/02/12 02:05 a-onl End_of_Run_2564
362670 03/02/12 02:04 a-onl Start_Run_2564,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=MYSQL DB check
362669 03/02/12 02:03 a-onl End_of_Run_2563
362668 03/02/12 02:02 a-onl Start_Run_2563,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=MYSQL DB check
362667 03/02/12 01:41 a-onl End_of_Run_2562
362666 03/02/12 01:40 a-onl Start_Run_2562,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=MYSQL DB check
362665 03/02/12 01:36 a-onl End_of_Run_2561
362664 03/02/12 01:35 a-onl Start_Run_2561,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=MYSQL DB check
362663 03/02/12 01:21 a-onl End_of_Run_2560
362662 03/02/12 01:21 a-onl Start_Run_2560,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=MYSQL DB check
362661 03/02/12 01:17 a-onl End_of_Run_2559
362660 03/02/12 01:17 a-onl Start_Run_2559,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=MYSQL DB check
362659 03/02/12 01:14 a-onl End_of_Run_2558
362658 03/02/12 01:13 a-onl Start_Run_2558,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=MYSQL DB check
362657 03/02/12 01:11 a-onl End_of_Run_2557
362656 03/02/12 01:10 a-onl Start_Run_2557,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=MYSQL DB check
362655 03/02/12 00:54 a-onl End_of_Run_2556
362654 03/02/12 00:54 a-onl Start_Run_2556,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=MYSQL DB check
362653 03/02/12 00:52 a-onl End_of_Run_2555
362652 03/02/12 00:51 a-onl Start_Run_2555,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=MYSQL DB check
362651 03/02/12 00:47 a-onl End_of_Run_2554
362650 03/02/12 00:13 a-onl Start_Run_21668,Run_type=Cosmics,target_type=empty,comment_text=new s1 TDC cable
362649 03/02/12 00:12 a-onl End_of_Run_21667
362648 03/01/12 23:58 a-onl Start_Run_21667,Run_type=Cosmics,target_type=empty,comment_text=new s1 TDC cable
362647 03/01/12 23:10 a-onl Start_Run_2554,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=checking new S1 TDC cable
362646 03/01/12 23:09 a-onl End_of_Run_2553
362645 03/01/12 23:09 a-onl Start_Run_2553,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=new
362644 03/01/12 22:55 a-onl End_of_Run_2552
362643 03/01/12 22:54 a-onl Start_Run_2552,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=junk
362642 03/01/12 22:51 a-onl End_of_Run_2551
362641 03/01/12 22:50 a-onl Start_Run_2551,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=junk
362640 03/01/12 22:47 a-onl End_of_Run_21666
362639 03/01/12 22:47 a-onl Start_Run_21666,Run_type=Cosmics,target_type=empty,comment_text=junk
362638 03/01/12 21:42 a-onl End_of_Run_2550
362637 03/01/12 21:41 a-onl Start_Run_2550,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=Ryan's doin stuff
362636 03/01/12 21:39 a-onl End_of_Run_2549
362635 03/01/12 21:38 a-onl Start_Run_2549,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=Ryan's doin stuff
362634 03/01/12 21:37 a-onl End_of_Run_2548
362633 03/01/12 21:37 a-onl Start_Run_2548,Run_type=Other,target_type=empty,comment_text=Ryan's doin stuff
362632 03/01/12 21:35 a-onl End_of_Run_2547
362631 03/01/12 21:33 a-onl End_of_Run_2546
362630 03/01/12 21:32 a-onl End_of_Run_2545
362629 03/01/12 21:30 a-onl End_of_Run_2544
362628 03/01/12 21:25 a-onl End_of_Run_2543
362627 03/01/12 21:22 a-onl End_of_Run_2542
362626 03/01/12 21:18 a-onl End_of_Run_2541
362625 03/01/12 21:18 a-onl Start_Run_2541,Run_type=Cosmics,target_type=empty,comment_text=db_run test!
362624 03/01/12 21:16 a-onl End_of_Run_2540
362623 03/01/12 21:15 a-onl End_of_Run_2539
362622 03/01/12 21:14 a-onl End_of_Run_2538
362621 03/01/12 21:14 a-onl Start_Run_2538,Run_type=Cosmics,target_type=empty,comment_text=bpm test
362620 03/01/12 21:13 a-onl End_of_Run_2537
362619 03/01/12 21:12 a-onl End_of_Run_2536
362618 03/01/12 21:06 a-onl End_of_Run_2535
362617 03/01/12 21:05 a-onl Start_Run_2535,Run_type=Cosmics,target_type=empty,comment_text=bpm test
362616 03/01/12 19:31 a-onl End_of_Run_2534
362615 03/01/12 19:30 a-onl Start_Run_2534,Run_type=Cosmics,target_type=empty,comment_text=bpm test
362614 03/01/12 19:30 a-onl End_of_Run_2533
362613 03/01/12 19:26 a-onl Start_Run_2533,Run_type=Cosmics,target_type=empty,comment_text=bpm test
362612 03/01/12 19:26 a-onl End_of_Run_2532
362611 03/01/12 19:23 a-onl Start_Run_2532,Run_type=Cosmics,target_type=empty,comment_text=bpm test
362610 03/01/12 19:23 a-onl End_of_Run_2531
362609 03/01/12 19:21 a-onl End_of_Run_2530
362608 03/01/12 19:20 a-onl Start_Run_2530,Run_type=Cosmics,target_type=empty,comment_text=bpm test
362607 03/01/12 19:20 a-onl End_of_Run_2529
362606 03/01/12 19:18 a-onl Start_Run_2529,Run_type=Cosmics,target_type=empty,comment_text=bpm test
362605 03/01/12 19:17 a-onl End_of_Run_2528
362604 03/01/12 19:15 a-onl End_of_Run_2527
362603 03/01/12 18:58 gomez Momentum to Septum currents
362602 03/01/12 17:59 adev End_of_Run_40259
362601 03/01/12 17:55 adev Start_Run_40259,Run_type=Other,target_type=No Target,comment_text=DAQ check
362600 03/01/12 17:55 adev End_of_Run_40258
362599 03/01/12 17:54 adev Start_Run_40258,Run_type=Other,target_type=No Target,comment_text=DAQ check
362598 03/01/12 17:44 a-onl End_of_Run_21665
362597 03/01/12 17:40 a-onl Start_Run_21665,Run_type=Cosmics,target_type=empty,comment_text=junk
362596 03/01/12 17:39 a-onl End_of_Run_21664
362595 03/01/12 17:38 a-onl End_of_Run_21663
362594 03/01/12 17:31 A. Camsonne iochacp2 new network settings
362593 03/01/12 17:29 A. Camsonne iochacp2 previous settings
362592 03/01/12 15:42 a-onl End_of_Run_2526
362591 03/01/12 15:37 a-onl End_of_Run_2525
362590 03/01/12 15:25 a-onl End_of_Run_2524
362589 03/01/12 15:18 a-onl End_of_Run_2523
362588 03/01/12 15:14 brads Missing 'Scope from 2nd floor CH -- please return!
362587 03/01/12 15:14 a-onl End_of_Run_2522
362586 03/01/12 15:14 jie Remote Crate Resets
362585 03/01/12 15:03 adev End_of_Run_40257
362584 03/01/12 15:01 adev Start_Run_40257,Run_type=Other,target_type=No Target,comment_text=DAQ check
362583 03/01/12 13:11 a-onl End_of_Run_2521
362582 03/01/12 12:56 a-onl End_of_Run_21662
362581 03/01/12 11:40 a-onl End_of_Run_2520
362580 03/01/12 11:13 adev End_of_Run_40256
362579 03/01/12 11:10 adev Start_Run_40256,Run_type=Other,target_type=No Target,comment_text=BCM check
362578 03/01/12 10:47 adev End_of_Run_40255
362577 03/01/12 10:45 adev Start_Run_40255,Run_type=Other,target_type=No Target,comment_text=BCM check
362576 03/01/12 09:22 adev End_of_Run_40254
362575 03/01/12 09:20 adev Start_Run_40254,Run_type=Other,target_type=No Target,comment_text=DAQ check
362574 03/01/12 09:10 adev End_of_Run_40253
362573 03/01/12 09:08 adev Start_Run_40253,Run_type=Other,target_type=No Target,comment_text=DAQ check
The HALOG was generated by version HA1.51
If you have any comments or problems, please contact:
Robert Michaels
(757) 269-7410