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Hall A Collaboration Meeting - June 2008

June 12-14, 2008
CEBAF Center, Jefferson Lab, Newport News, VA, USA


Thursday, 12 June 2008 - CC L102/104

Data Analysis Workshop (webpage)

Friday, 13 June 2008 - CC Auditorium


09:30 Hall A Status Report / Short- and Long-term Schedule (ppt,pdf) C.W. de Jager (JLab)
10:00 Collaboration Business (ppt,pdf) Pete Markowitz

Experiment Status Reports I

10:20 E94-107: Hypernuclear Spectroscopy, Oxygen Results (pptx,pdf) John LeRose (JLab)
10:40 Coffee Break
11:00 E97-110: Small Angle GDH (pdf) Vince Sulkosky (JLab)
11:20 Collaboration Photo - In front of Hall A Dome
12:00 Lunch Break

Hall A Future Topics I

13:50 Neutron DVCS Observables with a
High Luminosity Polarized 3He Target (pdf)
Charles Hyde (l'UBP/ODU)
14:20 12 GeV Moller Experiment (pdf) Gordon Cates (UVA)

Upcoming Experiment Updates

14:50 Polarized 3He Target Update for Transversity / d2n (pdf) Yi Qiang (Duke)
15:10 BigBite Detector Update for Transversity / d2n (pdf) Brad Sawatzky (Temple)
15:30 Coffee Break
15:50 Compton Polarimeter Upgrade (ppt,pdf) Abdurahim Rakhman (Syracuse)
16:10 PVDIS Status Update (pdf) Ramesh Subedi (UVA)
16:30 HAPPEx-III Status Update (pdf) Kent Paschke (UVA)
16:50 PREx Status Update (pdf) Dustin McNulty (UMass)
18:00 Borrel in CC A110 ($9 to Stephanie)

Saturday, 14 June 2008 - CC Auditorium

Experiment Status Reports II

09:30 E05-110: Coulomb Sum Rule (pdf) Seonho Choi (Seoul)
09:50 E05-004: A(Q) at Low Q in e-D Elastic Scattering (pdf) Seonho Choi (Seoul)
10:10 E05-103: Low Energy Deuteron Photodisintegration (pdf) Seonho Choi (Seoul)
(for Jackie Glister)
10:30 Coffee Break
10:50 E03-101: Proton Pair Photodisintegration (pdf) Ishay Pomerantz (Tel Aviv)
11:10 E03-104: Experiment Status Report (ppt,pdf) Simona Malace (USC)
11:30 E06-007: 208Pb(e,e'p) (ppt,pdf) Konrad Aniol (Cal State LA)
11:50 Lunch Break

Hall A Software and Future Topics II

13:30 Analysis Workshop Summary (pdf) Ole Hansen (JLab)
13:50 Multi-Purpose Spectrometer for GEp and other experiments (pdf) Bogdan Wojtsekhowski (JLab)
14:20 E04-007 (ppt,pdf)
Electroproduction of π0 at high Q2 (1-10 GeV2) near threshold (ppt,pdf)
Richard Lindgren (UVA)
14:50 Large Acceptance PVDIS Setup (pdf) Eugene Chudakov (JLab)
15:10 Coffee Break

Experiment Status Reports III

15:30 E08-007: Proton FF Ratio at Low Q2 (ppt,pdf) Nikos Sparveris (MIT)
(for Xiaohui Zhan)
15:50 E04-018: Elastic Electron Scattering off 3He and 4He (ppt,pdf) Elena Khrosinkova (Kent State)
16:10 E02-013: Preliminary results of GEn Experiment (pptx,pdf) Jonathan Miller (Maryland)
16:30 E02-013: GEn Target Final Analysis (pdf) Aidan Kelleher (W&M)