Jefferson Lab HALL A Logbook for October 08 - All EXCEPT Automatic Entries
245763 10/31/08 23:59 brads Badly damaged RTDs from the old reference cell
245762 10/31/08 23:49 brads Very slight downward bow to optics target -- Holey C, BeO center BPM values may change(?)
245761 10/31/08 23:39 brads Photo of new reference cell
245760 10/31/08 22:37 Jinhuang Transvers pumping laser connected
245759 10/31/08 22:35 Yi Qiang Target events for target this afternoon/evening
245758 10/31/08 22:29 Jin Hall Can system enabled
245757 10/31/08 22:26 R. Michaels re: compton
245756 10/31/08 21:51 brads Reference cell pressure gauges have been zeroed
245755 10/31/08 21:49 brads Target Collimators have been REMOVED
245753 10/31/08 21:41 Kalyan BB Scintillator HV change
245751 10/31/08 20:48 yez Target Moved to He3 Cell while Hall is in Controlled Access
245750 10/31/08 20:42 A. Camsonne how to make the compton : Cannot open broadcast Handler
245749 10/31/08 20:40 riordan Target End Disappears between 2563 and 2564
245748 10/31/08 20:26 Kalyan re: re: T1 rate during reference cell break
245747 10/31/08 19:57 brads re: T1 rate during reference cell break
245746 10/31/08 19:26 Kalyan Late Entry: changed T1 threshold for cosmics
245745 10/31/08 19:06 A. Camsonne Compton electron detector trigger control moved to ROC1 ROC2 crate
245744 10/31/08 18:42 jpchen target activities today
245743 10/31/08 18:32 jpchen Target window collimators are out
245736 10/31/08 17:53 brads BigBite sieve IN
245735 10/31/08 17:14 Moffit BCM U10 was unplugged from downconverter.
245727 10/31/08 15:39 Kalyan HV change in BB scintillator
245726 10/31/08 15:16 V. Sulkosky Re: bcm_u10 problem on bbite
245725 10/31/08 14:56 Kalyan T1 rate during reference cell break
245724 10/31/08 14:33 R. Michaels re: non-data files on data (OK, for now)
245722 10/31/08 14:10 brads Reference Cell photos showing break
245721 10/31/08 13:54 Ole Hansen Analyzer updated to 1.5.5
245720 10/31/08 11:20 brads Target heater is fine
245719 10/31/08 10:37 X. Jiang Target photos are taken at 1:20 am this morning
245718 10/31/08 09:33 brads Controlled Access
245717 10/31/08 09:28 brads Reference cell blew out one end, He3 supply still fine
245714 10/31/08 08:28 R. Michaels disk cleanup and a bugfix
245713 10/31/08 07:53 R. Michaels Non-data files on data disks
245712 10/31/08 07:43 R. Michaels disks filled, stopping DAQ
245708 10/31/08 07:09 R. Michaels shift summary
245707 10/31/08 07:01 R. Michaels Lumi check (II)
245706 10/31/08 06:50 R. Michaels Lumi checkout (part I)
245705 10/31/08 06:44 brads EPICs target pressure data in Run Starts doesn't make sense
245704 10/31/08 06:36 R. Michaels ref. cell pressure curve study
245701 10/31/08 06:20 samuel Problem with Force air oven
245700 10/31/08 05:58 samuel empty bottle of He3, we need change that
245697 10/31/08 05:44 R. Michaels note about BB HV trips
245695 10/31/08 05:38 Yi Qiang Cooling jets adjustment
245694 10/31/08 05:37 Yi Qiang Looks like cell is still there
245693 10/31/08 05:34 Yi Qiang Abnormal laser absorption for transverse laser
245692 10/31/08 05:33 riordan bigbite drift chambers
245691 10/31/08 05:30 Chiranjib All lasers TURNED OFF
245688 10/31/08 04:50 A. Camsonne RICH check / work during access, dead time check
245687 10/31/08 04:40 Yi Qiang Instructions for field rotation and NMR field measurement are updated on Hall A wiki
245686 10/31/08 04:40 Chiranjib Transverse pumping started
245685 10/31/08 04:40 jinhuang Beam Effect in the Target Enclosure
245684 10/31/08 04:37 R. Michaels bcm_u10 problem on bbite
245683 10/31/08 04:36 adev BigBite WireChamber Measured Voltage change!
245682 10/31/08 04:36 R. Michaels recent activity
245679 10/31/08 04:25 adev BigBite WireChamber Measured Voltage change!
245676 10/31/08 04:16 ycwang MIP charge run 2531
245673 10/31/08 04:04 samuel move to reference cell
245671 10/31/08 04:01 ycwang RICH Particles and Photons in run # 2531
245669 10/31/08 03:44 R. Michaels scaler strip charts
245646 10/31/08 01:57 jpchen He flow and helium enviroment between the beamline Be window and the target cell.
245644 10/31/08 01:45 jpchen summary of target progress on Thursday (Target Polarization around 50%)
245642 10/31/08 01:42 A. Camsonne Grid plane for RICH plugged
245640 10/31/08 01:41 A. Camsonne RICH pedestal run 2541,2542,2543
245637 10/31/08 01:33 R. Michaels access activities
245635 10/31/08 00:26 samuel move to He3 cell in beam
245634 10/31/08 00:12 samuel move target to optics position
245633 10/30/08 23:55 V. Sulkosky HV Change for PRL1
245632 10/30/08 23:02 Gao Swing shift summary
245631 10/30/08 23:01 Xiaofeng hall switched controlled access
245630 10/30/08 21:21 xqian Increase the 4He flow to the targt chamber
245627 10/30/08 20:42 adev BigBite WireChamber Measured Voltage change!
245626 10/30/08 20:32 Xiaofeng Bigbite HV is on
245625 10/30/08 20:24 Xiaofeng snap shot of Hall A tools
245624 10/30/08 20:15 golge Momentum Setting for LArm is 1.17 GeV Run 2535 to 2539
245623 10/30/08 20:02 Xiaofeng Ion chamber calibration done. Target moved to reference cell position
245622 10/30/08 19:49 Xiaofeng reference vented to 1 atm
245621 10/30/08 19:44 Xiaofeng target move to optic position
245620 10/30/08 19:32 Xiaofeng reference cell filled to 135 psi
245619 10/30/08 19:28 Kalyan BigBite shower thresholds
245618 10/30/08 19:26 Xiaofeng N2 target move to position
245617 10/30/08 18:58 xqian The upstream N2 is still there.
245616 10/30/08 18:57 adev BigBite WireChamber Measured Voltage change!
245615 10/30/08 18:51 Xiaofeng Bigbite HV is off
245614 10/30/08 18:46 adev BigBite WireChamber Measured Voltage change!
245613 10/30/08 18:19 Xiaofeng beam stop for one hour (MCC ion chamber study)
245609 10/30/08 17:48 ycwang Sieve Slit of Run Slit
245606 10/30/08 17:30 Nilanga Shift Summary
245604 10/30/08 17:13 Xiaofeng target moved to N2 position
245603 10/30/08 16:53 Xiaofeng 16:50 target moved to BeO position
245602 10/30/08 16:36 brads LHRS sieve plate removed
245601 10/30/08 16:34 Kalyan ROC9 scaler (1151) replaced
245600 10/30/08 16:33 Xiaofeng target moved to He3 position
245599 10/30/08 16:18 Xiaofeng Target move to pickup coil position
245597 10/30/08 15:32 cusanno FIRST RICH RING!
245595 10/30/08 15:11 Kalyan T1 and T6 trigger uniformity
245592 10/30/08 14:53 gjin spectrum of the target during 10/30/2008 day shift
245588 10/30/08 14:24 cusanno correct run number
245587 10/30/08 14:22 cusanno T3 rate is around 500 Hz, not kHz
245586 10/30/08 14:22 cusanno T3 rate is around 500 Hz, not kHz
245584 10/30/08 14:08 cusanno run 2351 is good for RICH test
245581 10/30/08 14:01 cusanno run 2530 is pedestal for RICH
245580 10/30/08 13:40 elfassi Momentum, Raster and Sieve Slit spectra for run 2429
245579 10/30/08 13:32 RICH HV at 2300 V
245574 10/30/08 12:54 brads BeO spot snapshot at 5 uA, unrastered
245573 10/30/08 12:51 ycwang Sieve Slit Run#2527
245565 10/30/08 11:26 V. Sulkosky Momentum Change Responsible
245564 10/30/08 11:23 V. Sulkosky Pion Rejector Layer 2 Spectra
245563 10/30/08 11:19 V. Sulkosky Actually Aligned to Channel 1200
245562 10/30/08 10:55 V. Sulkosky Pion Rejector Layer 1 After HV Change
245561 10/30/08 10:50 Nilanga wire chamber trip
245554 10/30/08 09:50 cusanno RICH trips. HV reduced
245547 10/30/08 09:32 V. Sulkosky Counting House Pressure Gauge not Zeroed
245544 10/30/08 08:55 Nilanga Run 2516
245539 10/30/08 08:17 xqian 2514 N2 reference cell, Vacuum inside.
245536 10/30/08 08:13 X. Jiang owl shift summary
245534 10/30/08 08:01 xqian Left Y target vs delta for run 2513
245533 10/30/08 07:57 xqian Collimator works!
245530 10/30/08 07:46 xqian Target Collimators are still there????
245529 10/30/08 07:42 x. jiang Tools screen, run 2513.
245527 10/30/08 07:22 x. jiang reset BB threshold and sh_2 to -80 mV
245526 10/30/08 07:15 x. jiang BPMA(0.0, 0.3), BPMB(0.0, 0.1).
245525 10/30/08 06:51 x. jiang many many many, many beam trips. Almost one trip every 5 second.
245524 10/30/08 06:47 x. jiang reference cell, 745 torr N2, beam current 4.123. T3 rate 12.6 kHz.
245523 10/30/08 06:28 x. jiang set BigBite shower and sh_2 threshold back to -50 mV
245522 10/30/08 06:27 samuel target move to reference cell
245521 10/30/08 06:25 X. Jiang spot++ during run 2512.
245520 10/30/08 06:20 x. jiang run 2512, BB threshold and sh_2 set to -120 mV.
245518 10/30/08 06:18 x. jiang tools screen during run 2512.
245517 10/30/08 06:12 X. Jiang T6 scaler rate is about 1.2% higher than T1 scaler rates.
245515 10/30/08 06:10 X. Jiang set BigBite shower threshold and sh_2 to -120 mV.
245513 10/30/08 06:09 X. jiang run 2511, BB threshold and sh_2 set to -80 mV. 500 k events.
245512 10/30/08 06:04 A. Camsonne RICH HV on at 2300 V
245510 10/30/08 06:04 A. Camsonne RICH work / status
245508 10/30/08 06:01 X. Jiang tool screen during run 2510.
245504 10/30/08 05:42 A. Camsonne ROC9 rebooted again
245503 10/30/08 05:41 X. Jiang BB shower, and sh_2 threshold set to -50 mV
245500 10/30/08 05:40 X. Jiang Kinematics settings for left_HRS at 16 degree, one pass beam, including energy loss.
245496 10/30/08 05:18 A. Camsonne ROC9 rebooted itself
245490 10/30/08 04:59 Yi Qiang Update on EPR FM sweep
245477 10/30/08 04:14 Jin & Chiran EPR Tests
245476 10/30/08 02:53 jpchen summary of target activities on Wed.
245475 10/30/08 02:44 jinhuang Laser Fiber RTD interlock enabled
245467 10/30/08 01:43 brads Turned on the BB Cerenkov HVs
245466 10/30/08 01:37 brads BERR light illuminated on 1151 scaler in ROC9
245465 10/30/08 01:28 Kalyan small correction to the entry # 245464
245464 10/30/08 01:13 Moffit OWL/DAY shift commissioning plan.
245459 10/30/08 00:52 brads ROC8, and ROC9 now respond to the remote crate_reset
245453 10/30/08 00:40 Kalyan L_HRS scalers problem fixed
245445 10/29/08 23:47 Gao Swing Shift Summary
245435 10/29/08 22:37 xqian BigBite Wire Chamber dark current vs Luminosity
245426 10/29/08 22:02 Jin Huang Fake Spin Signal Recovered
245425 10/29/08 21:49 brads Controlled Access requested
245424 10/29/08 21:29 brads Bad LeftHRSRich CODA config
245423 10/29/08 21:13 Xiaofeng Target moves to optics position
245422 10/29/08 21:01 xqian single carbon MWDC dark current 5UA
245421 10/29/08 20:59 brads ROC errors: (tNetTask): arptnew failed on 8139a43b
245420 10/29/08 20:58 chench Beam Position Scan
245419 10/29/08 20:57 deng target moved to optics with hole
245418 10/29/08 20:51 xqian BBWC dark 6uA
245417 10/29/08 20:50 xqian BBWC dark current at 5uA
245416 10/29/08 20:49 adev BigBite WireChamber Measured Voltage change!
245415 10/29/08 20:49 brads ROC8 is dead, needs access to reboot
245414 10/29/08 20:48 xqian BBWC dark current 3ua
245413 10/29/08 20:47 xqian BBWC dark current 1uA
245412 10/29/08 20:39 chench Beam Position Scan
245411 10/29/08 20:39 adev BigBite WireChamber Measured Current change!
245410 10/29/08 20:33 deng target to empty target
245409 10/29/08 20:15 brads Harp calibration might be OK
245408 10/29/08 20:12 Kalyan Trigger rates snapshot
245407 10/29/08 19:37 V. Sulkosky Pion Rejector HVs Changed
245406 10/29/08 19:23 xqian comparison between the left vertex z and bigbite vertex z
245405 10/29/08 19:11 xqian Left HRS Vertex z reconstruction
245402 10/29/08 17:54 Chiranjib FAP temp. calibration
245401 10/29/08 17:53 Chiranjib FAP temp. calibration
245391 10/29/08 16:39 adev BigBite WireChamber Measured Voltage change!
245390 10/29/08 16:35 deng target to reference cell
245389 10/29/08 16:11 averett target to PU coils
245387 10/29/08 15:31 xqian Problem fixed
245384 10/29/08 15:15 adev BigBite WireChamber Measured Voltage change!
245383 10/29/08 15:13 Yi Qiang Fake spin signal disabled
245382 10/29/08 15:06 averett HRSL momentum changed
245381 10/29/08 14:57 averett BCM data file
245380 10/29/08 14:46 averett BCM run
245375 10/29/08 13:48 averett beam centering
245371 10/29/08 13:29 Nilanga Holey target centered
245369 10/29/08 13:13 Nilanga Holey target
245363 10/29/08 12:51 Nilanga Holey target
245358 10/29/08 12:32 Nilanga Holey target:
245355 10/29/08 12:23 Nilanga Holey target
245352 10/29/08 12:01 adaq Target and Momentum
245351 10/29/08 11:58 ycwang Target and Momentum
245350 10/29/08 11:55 ycwang Target and Momentum in run 2443
245348 10/29/08 11:49 Nilanga Holey target,
245347 10/29/08 11:47 Nilanga Holey target with 4x4
245343 10/29/08 11:36 Nilanga Holey target with 2x2
245338 10/29/08 11:19 Nilanga Beam position: T3
245336 10/29/08 10:56 Nilanga Beam sopt with T8
245335 10/29/08 10:49 Nilanga beam spot with T8
245333 10/29/08 10:46 Nilanga beam spot on BeO
245332 10/29/08 10:43 Nilanga Beam position calibration
245329 10/29/08 10:14 R. Michaels ABU fixed
245328 10/29/08 08:58 averett target to BeO position
245326 10/29/08 08:55 Nilanga Raster calib 2 x 2 again
245320 10/29/08 08:32 averett laser spectrum
245319 10/29/08 08:30 Nilanga Raster calib: 4 x 4
245314 10/29/08 08:23 averett target to empty pos'n
245313 10/29/08 08:16 dutta spot++ for 1x1
245309 10/29/08 08:11 adaq spot++ for raster 2x2
245303 10/29/08 08:04 Dutta Bulls eye scan
245285 10/29/08 07:13 Dutta BPM pedestals
245284 10/29/08 07:09 Dutta spot++
245283 10/29/08 07:08 Dutta Harp scan
245278 10/29/08 06:46 adev BigBite WireChamber Measured Voltage change!
245275 10/29/08 06:39 samuel Lasers are on to Polarize the He3 cells
245274 10/29/08 06:35 adev BigBite WireChamber Measured Voltage change!
245272 10/29/08 06:13 Dutta no beam since 4:45
245271 10/29/08 05:12 adev BigBite WireChamber Measured Voltage change!
245269 10/29/08 05:01 adev BigBite WireChamber Measured Voltage change!
245268 10/29/08 04:44 Dutta Beam back
245267 10/29/08 04:40 adev BigBite WireChamber Measured Voltage change!
245265 10/29/08 04:21 Dutta Back to beam permit but no beam
245264 10/29/08 04:09 A. Camsonne RICH activity summary
245260 10/29/08 04:01 Yi Qiang CAN system is disable
245259 10/29/08 03:59 Yi Qiang He cooling jets on
245258 10/29/08 03:58 Yi Qiang BigBite Magnet Turned ON
245257 10/29/08 03:55 A. Camsonne ROC15 scaler assignemebt
245234 10/29/08 02:41 jpchen summary of target activities today (Tuesday)
245228 10/29/08 02:12 adaq LHRS Q3
245225 10/29/08 01:13 Nope... it was Left Q3.
245224 10/29/08 01:10 Moffit TECHS: Left Q1 trip? Cycling and setting
245215 10/28/08 23:27 A. Camsonne RICH pedestal run 2395
245204 10/28/08 21:35 R. Michaels re: offset/attenuator
245203 10/28/08 21:26 R.Michaels suggest to make new fanout cable (only 4 connectors)
245202 10/28/08 21:13 V. Sulkosky L1A BigBite and HRS Copies Agree
245196 10/28/08 19:52 V. Sulkosky Re: L1A Signal Added to TDC Part 3
245195 10/28/08 19:49 Jin Huang Target Ladder Fixed
245194 10/28/08 19:31 V. Sulkosky Re: 1H03A HARP operable
245193 10/28/08 19:25 V. Sulkosky Re: Trigger Signals Added to TDC Part 2
245165 10/28/08 17:07 Moffit 1H03A HARP operable
245159 10/28/08 15:14 Lingyan Zhu BigBite off
245155 10/28/08 14:49 Kalyan scaler checks update
245154 10/28/08 14:47 brads BB Cerenkov is full
245149 10/28/08 12:31 adev BigBite WireChamber Measured Voltage change!
245144 10/28/08 12:20 adev BigBite WireChamber Measured Voltage change!
245141 10/28/08 12:08 Chiranjib TARGET ---->>> PICK UP
245140 10/28/08 12:07 Kalyan BigBite scintillator threshold increased
245138 10/28/08 11:57 V. Sulkosky A1 and S2m Centered
245131 10/28/08 11:39 V. Sulkosky Gas Cerenkov Before and After Centering
245127 10/28/08 11:23 V. Sulkosky Re: EDTM and Trigger Signals Added to TDC (Late Entry)
245123 10/28/08 11:10 Chiranjib SPIN UP CURVE for vertical pumping
245122 10/28/08 11:09 cusanno run 2342 is junk
245120 10/28/08 11:00 Kalyan Fixed ROC10 timing for wirechambers
245111 10/28/08 10:43 brads Increased flow and pressure trip point for BB Cerenkov
245109 10/28/08 10:42 A. Camsonne Good pedestal run for RICH trigger with CRAMS triggered by L1A run 2337
245102 10/28/08 10:23 A. Camsonne Scaler address changed for ROC14
245101 10/28/08 10:18 A. Camsonne RICH pedestal run 2330
245095 10/28/08 09:56 Moffit Target OTR foil blown away.
245094 10/28/08 09:47 Moffit Late entry: Target cooling jets off
245093 10/28/08 09:40 A. Camsonne Added additionnal SIS38/36 scaler in ROC14
245092 10/28/08 08:59 adev BigBite WireChamber Measured Voltage change!
245091 10/28/08 08:55 brads MWDC chamber voltage tripped
245090 10/28/08 08:45 Moffit Controlled access. PLEASE READ
245088 10/28/08 07:57 adev BigBite WireChamber Measured Voltage change!
245087 10/28/08 07:21 Moffit ROC9 and ROC 10 rebooted themselves
245086 10/28/08 07:13 Moffit BB Cerenkov has been off.
245085 10/28/08 07:11 Moffit Run 2326-7: ROC8 crashed
245059 10/28/08 04:16 xqian BigBite Tracking efficiency is better than 75%
245057 10/28/08 04:06 xqian BigBite Wire Chamber Timing problem
245056 10/28/08 03:51 xqian Problem is still there with beam condition
245055 10/28/08 03:47 adev BigBite WireChamber Measured Voltage change!
245052 10/28/08 03:26 adev BigBite WireChamber Measured Voltage change!
245051 10/28/08 03:15 adev BigBite WireChamber Measured Voltage change!
245048 10/28/08 03:06 adaq spot++ for raster 4x4
245045 10/28/08 03:03 adaq spot++ for raster 2x2
245042 10/28/08 02:58 adaq Spot++ for 1mm x 1mm rastered beam
245038 10/28/08 02:45 Dutta Target OTR failed
245037 10/28/08 02:43 adaq spot++
245033 10/28/08 02:34 Dutta Harp scan
245025 10/28/08 01:35 Dutta Target OTR
245022 10/28/08 01:10 adev BigBite WireChamber Measured Voltage change!
245020 10/28/08 00:54 brads BB Cerenkov HVs turned on
245019 10/28/08 00:48 jpchen target activities Monday
245018 10/28/08 00:46 Jin Huang Target to Empty position
245015 10/28/08 00:15 brads BB Cerenkov on slow purge overnight
245004 10/27/08 21:20 R. Michaels scaler checks
244999 10/27/08 20:02 Kalyan Update on scalers discrepancy issue
244997 10/27/08 19:48 adev BigBite WireChamber Measured Voltage change!
244996 10/27/08 19:25 V. Sulkosky Re: Raster Settings
244995 10/27/08 19:23 V. Sulkosky Work on Raster Attenuator Settings
244994 10/27/08 18:22 brads Harp IHA1H03A is still broken
244992 10/27/08 18:17 brads All non-target people out of Hall -- Target Laser work begins
244990 10/27/08 17:58 V. Sulkosky BPM Pedestals
244984 10/27/08 17:31 brads C4F8O bottle qinitial weight was 227 lbs, not 237 lbs
244979 10/27/08 17:21 brads BB Cerenkov Purge/Fill rate is roughly 5 lbs/hour
244978 10/27/08 17:14 R. Michaels 2nd floor cubicles PC repair
244954 10/27/08 15:55 brads C4F8O purge started
244944 10/27/08 15:31 xqian We also increase the low voltage value to about 6.2V with 1600 V cosmic
244943 10/27/08 15:29 Kalyan Fixed T1 and T6 rate issue
244941 10/27/08 15:28 xqian Timing is fixed, Still need to check with BEAM
244931 10/27/08 15:07 xqian Test did today
244926 10/27/08 14:36 xqian Cosmic check in the second data
244925 10/27/08 14:28 A. Camsonne RICH Freon fill
244918 10/27/08 13:31 Moffit CANS Off... Lasers Off. Still in controlled access.
244917 10/27/08 13:25 brads Swapped MWDC gas bottle
244915 10/27/08 13:17 adev BigBite WireChamber Measured Voltage change!
244912 10/27/08 13:06 Moffit EPICS energy readback fine now
244908 10/27/08 12:44 Yi Qiang Down stream target cell pickup coil broken and fixed
244901 10/27/08 11:40 Chiranjib HALL A CANS ON
244899 10/27/08 11:23 adev BigBite WireChamber Measured Current change!
244896 10/27/08 10:39 Moffit Target Cooling Jets Shut Off
244893 10/27/08 09:58 Moffit Bigbite magnet ramped to 0 A
244892 10/27/08 09:47 A. Camsonne ROC14 and 15 sync scaler VME adress
244891 10/27/08 09:45 A. Camsonne ROC14 and 15 sync scaler VME adress
244888 10/27/08 09:04 A. Camsonne Added additionnal timeout loop to crl for RICH
244885 10/27/08 08:27 A. Camsonne RICH planned work
244884 10/27/08 08:23 A. Camsonne Noisy RICH wth beam
244882 10/27/08 05:34 Ibrahim The Hall is now in Controlled Access
244881 10/27/08 04:51 Ibrahim Tools Screen Capture
244880 10/27/08 04:24 Ibrahim Controlled Access
244876 10/27/08 03:39 Ibrahim RICH timing check is complete
244874 10/27/08 03:23 xqian BigBite Wire Chambers see tracks!
244871 10/27/08 03:15 Ibrahim Restarted Coda (Runs 2234-2236 are Junk)
244867 10/27/08 03:05 xqian BigBite Wire Chamber Timing are not right.
244866 10/27/08 02:57 xqian They are good in the cosmic run took before
244864 10/27/08 02:53 xqian Wire Chamber hardware problem (need to fix Monday Oct. 27)
244843 10/27/08 01:38 A. Camsonne RICH HV to 2300 V
244840 10/27/08 01:28 A. Camsonne RICH chamber HV current at 3 uA
244823 10/27/08 00:40 A. Camsonne LDelay1 default values for channel 14 and 15
244822 10/27/08 00:36 A. Camsonne RICH timing check
244820 10/26/08 23:54 A. Camsonne RICH check with beam
244819 10/26/08 23:38 x. jiang MCC called. Harp has to wait till the morning to get fixed.
244818 10/26/08 23:11 Kalyan T1 and T6 rate difference
244817 10/26/08 23:02 Kalyan BigBite high voltage off
244816 10/26/08 23:01 x. jiang harp 03A still doesn't work.
244815 10/26/08 22:59 adev BigBite WireChamber Measured Voltage change!
244812 10/26/08 22:23 x. jiang run 2215 detector check. ps1=200, ps3=10.
244811 10/26/08 22:15 A. Camsonne RICH power supply monitor not plugged
244808 10/26/08 21:53 X. jiang run 2214, detector check.
244806 10/26/08 21:46 adev BigBite WireChamber Measured Voltage change!
244805 10/26/08 21:42 xqian BB MWDC HV Current with no targe in
244804 10/26/08 21:36 adev BigBite WireChamber Measured Voltage change!
244803 10/26/08 21:33 Kalyan BigBite HV turned on
244802 10/26/08 21:25 X. jiang run 2213, detector check. ps1=200, ps3=10.
244799 10/26/08 21:13 cusanno RICH Power Supply Monitor
244798 10/26/08 21:07 x. jiang turned on BigBite magnet to 710A, watched beam dump ion chamber.
244797 10/26/08 20:58 Moffit BigBite Steering Test
244793 10/26/08 20:42 X. Jiang MCC Hall A beam dump camera doesn't work.
244792 10/26/08 20:39 V. Sulkosky BPM/Raster Work Summary
244791 10/26/08 20:31 Moffit/X.Jia Harp scans failing.
244785 10/26/08 20:00 Kalyan Discrepancies between L_HRS and BigBite scalers
244784 10/26/08 19:59 x. jiang run 2208, junk run.
244783 10/26/08 19:58 Kalyan Discrepancies between L_HRS and BigBite scalers
244782 10/26/08 19:51 Yi Qiang Spin Down Measurement
244780 10/26/08 19:47 X. Jiang run 2208, bulls eye scan central beam position.
244779 10/26/08 19:46 X. Jiang central beam position before start Bulls eye scan.
244778 10/26/08 19:30 x. jiang run 2207, BPM pedestal run,
244772 10/26/08 19:06 V. Sulkosky BPM and Raster in HRS Working
244771 10/26/08 18:57 X. jiang spot++, run 2205. raster on MCC setting 4mm by 4mm
244770 10/26/08 18:57 Moffit BPM wire signals look acceptable, even with 4x4 raster
244767 10/26/08 18:53 x. jiang spot++ for run 2204
244766 10/26/08 18:48 X. jiang Hall A tool screen during run 2204
244761 10/26/08 17:50 brads Test 3
244759 10/26/08 17:46 brads Test 2
244758 10/26/08 17:42 brads (Hopefully) New halogscript file adds 'Make Entry' and 'Make Followup' links to entries
244745 10/26/08 16:50 brads MPS BCM has been wrong by factor of 10
244743 10/26/08 16:17 Lindgren Day Shift Summary
244740 10/26/08 16:13 X. jiang start swing shift, hall in controlled access.
244739 10/26/08 15:58 Lindgren Control Access fo BPM
244738 10/26/08 15:20 Moffit Another BPM wire snapshot
244737 10/26/08 15:14 Moffit BPM wires after morning access
244736 10/26/08 15:00 Lindgren spot++
244733 10/26/08 14:28 Chiranjib AFP loss
244732 10/26/08 14:09 Lindgren No beam
244731 10/26/08 13:56 Chiranjib SPIN UP
244730 10/26/08 13:09 Jin Huang Target Back to Empty
244729 10/26/08 11:56 Jin Huang Target to Pick Up position
244728 10/26/08 11:02 V. Sulkosky Re: BPM Pedestal Calibration Updated
244727 10/26/08 11:01 Lindgren No beam update
244726 10/26/08 08:51 Lindgren BPM Calibration
244721 10/26/08 08:25 V. Sulkosky/ BPM and Raster ADC's Saturating
244716 10/26/08 07:51 D. Dutta Owl Shift summary
244715 10/26/08 06:44 Moffit Errors when performing HARP analysis
244714 10/26/08 06:38 Dutta Beam back
244712 10/26/08 06:02 Dutta Beam Off
244711 10/26/08 05:59 Dutta Harp scan with raster ON
244710 10/26/08 05:39 Ibrahim Blank Raster X vs Y in Spot++
244709 10/26/08 05:09 D. Dutta BCM calibration, administrative limit on current
244708 10/26/08 05:05 Ibrahim BCM Calibration Current Ramping
244706 10/26/08 04:53 Ibrahim Spot++ for run # 2183
244702 10/26/08 04:44 Ibrahim Spot++ for run # 2182
244699 10/26/08 04:34 Ibrahim Spot++ for run # 2181
244696 10/26/08 04:22 D. Dutta Bulls eye scan
244684 10/26/08 03:18 R. Michaels re: PCs in cubicles
244683 10/26/08 03:13 Ibrahim BPM Pedestal Calibration
244679 10/26/08 02:43 Ibrahim Spot++
244676 10/26/08 02:34 Dutta Corrext OTR log
244675 10/26/08 02:31 Dutta Harp scan run number
244674 10/26/08 02:27 Dutta Harp Scan
244673 10/26/08 02:10 Dutta MCC does harp scan
244672 10/26/08 01:36 brads Hall A OTR screen followup
244671 10/26/08 01:23 brads Hall A OTR screen (how to find it)
244670 10/26/08 01:03 Dutta OTR screen log
244669 10/26/08 00:40 Dutta CW beam in Hall
244668 10/26/08 00:22 X. Jiang swing shift summary
244666 10/25/08 23:39 X. Jiang CW beam still in tuning, 0.5 uA in Hall. Empty target.
244665 10/25/08 21:51 X. Jiang Hall A target lefter infor has not been updated at MCC
244664 10/25/08 21:41 zhangyi polarization quick estimation and water signal fit
244663 10/25/08 20:51 Yi Qiang Some hints on current polarization
244662 10/25/08 20:42 Yi Qiang 3He field rotation test
244660 10/25/08 19:13 x. jiang MCC called, they are about to start tuning beam to the hall
244656 10/25/08 18:36 Jin Huang Spin signal @ bigbite ADC working again
244654 10/25/08 18:03 Moffit Temporary BTA fix
244653 10/25/08 17:51 A. Camsonne RICH freon fill try
244652 10/25/08 17:46 x. jiang asked MCC to put Hall A in beam permit.
244644 10/25/08 16:55 x. jiang MCC said one to two hours.
244643 10/25/08 16:47 V. Sulkosky Re: Harp, Left HRS Sieve-slit and Angle Survey Results
244642 10/25/08 16:42 R. Michaels re: bta
244641 10/25/08 16:37 V. Sulkosky Harp, Left HRS Sieve-slit and Angle Survey Results
244640 10/25/08 16:30 x. jiang MCC called, could have beam in 10 min.
244639 10/25/08 16:20 Kalyan Target spin signal in ADC
244636 10/25/08 16:08 Lindgren Shift summary
244635 10/25/08 16:05 A. Camsonne MIP charge versus position for RICH run 2164
244615 10/25/08 11:39 A. Camsonne Delay for RICH Track and Hold
244613 10/25/08 11:36 A. Camsonne Portserver assignement for RICH on hatsv40
244606 10/25/08 10:49 A. Camsonne Portserver assignement for RICH on hatsv40
244605 10/25/08 10:20 A. Camsonne APC hareboot6 for RICH crate
244604 10/25/08 09:48 Moffit Re: re: abu (use "bta")
244603 10/25/08 09:43 R. Michaels abu aliased to bta
244602 10/25/08 09:40 R. Michaels re: abu (use "bta")
244597 10/25/08 09:07 A. Camsonne RICH pedestal run 2147
244594 10/25/08 08:41 A. Camsonne Opportunistic access for RICH
244592 10/25/08 07:20 samuel shift summary
244591 10/25/08 06:39 samuel vacuum not improved yet
244590 10/25/08 02:22 samuel pump down vacuum starting
244589 10/24/08 23:56 narayan shift summary
244588 10/24/08 22:55 Yi Qiang Laser Temperature Adjustment
244587 10/24/08 22:54 Moffit Late Entry: Controlled Access... Now Beam Permit
244586 10/24/08 22:11 Yi Qiang Transverse Pumping Laser On
244585 10/24/08 21:09 Moffit Sweep in progress.
244583 10/24/08 20:15 Moffit MCC update
244582 10/24/08 20:03 Moffit LHRS VDC HV reset
244576 10/24/08 19:21 Kalyan BigBite high voltage off
244574 10/24/08 19:07 Kalyan Changes in file
244565 10/24/08 17:38 atrig Trigger-Download
244564 10/24/08 17:31 adev BigBite GUI Stopped!
244563 10/24/08 17:21 adev BigBite GUI Stopped!
244560 10/24/08 16:40 fansler Checklist
244556 10/24/08 15:54 brads BB electron stack in final position
244554 10/24/08 15:43 atrig Trigger-Download
244540 10/24/08 13:52 R. Michaels mod's
244539 10/24/08 13:49 Moffit BB db_cratemap.dat. Removed Slot 12 F1TDC
244533 10/24/08 12:55 adev BigBite WireChamber Measured Voltage change!
244531 10/24/08 12:44 adev BigBite WireChamber Measured Voltage change!
244523 10/24/08 12:18 atrig Trigger-Download
244520 10/24/08 12:07 Moffit Hall A Sweep at 4pm.
244519 10/24/08 11:45 atrig Trigger-Download
244516 10/24/08 11:39 atrig Trigger-Download
244515 10/24/08 11:33 atrig Trigger-Download
244514 10/24/08 11:28 atrig Trigger-Download
244513 10/24/08 11:14 atrig Trigger-Download
244512 10/24/08 11:07 atrig Trigger-Download
244511 10/24/08 11:05 atrig Trigger-Download
244501 10/24/08 09:29 X. Jiang Target enclosure, beam entrance and exit windows.
244500 10/24/08 09:27 X. Jiang left-HRS sieve slit and mounting plate separated
244499 10/24/08 08:58 ycwang another posttive HV board on LeCroy 1458
244491 10/24/08 03:39 Yi Qiang NMR Frequency Sweep with Vertical Pumping Chamber Pickup Coils
244490 10/24/08 03:08 Jin , Yi ,Ch FIRST FIELD SWEEP 3he NMR
244489 10/24/08 01:13 Yi Qiang Vertical Pumping Temperature Reading
244488 10/24/08 00:54 Jin Huang Target RTD Reading @ 125W Tran. Laser
244485 10/23/08 22:54 V. Sulkosky Runs 2094-2098 with T8 only and Deadtime
244472 10/23/08 21:20 adev BigBite WireChamber HVGUI Start!
244471 10/23/08 21:02 adev SCALER = -1
244470 10/23/08 20:57 adev SCALER = -1
244469 10/23/08 20:52 adev SCALER = -1
244468 10/23/08 20:47 adev SCALER = -1
244467 10/23/08 20:42 adev SCALER = -1
244466 10/23/08 20:37 adev SCALER = -1
244465 10/23/08 20:32 adev SCALER = -1
244464 10/23/08 20:27 adev SCALER = -1
244461 10/23/08 20:22 adev SCALER = -1
244460 10/23/08 20:17 adev SCALER = -1
244458 10/23/08 20:12 atrig Trigger-Download
244457 10/23/08 20:12 adev SCALER = -1
244456 10/23/08 20:07 adev SCALER = -1
244455 10/23/08 20:01 adev SCALER = -1
244454 10/23/08 20:01 adev BigBite WireChamber HVGUI Start!
244453 10/23/08 19:56 adev SCALER = -1
244452 10/23/08 19:41 adev BigBite WireChamber Measured Voltage change!
244451 10/23/08 19:39 adev BigBite WireChamber HVGUI Start!
244450 10/23/08 19:28 V. Sulkosky Re: EDTM and Trigger Signals Added to TDC
244449 10/23/08 19:21 adev BigBite WireChamber Measured Voltage change!
244448 10/23/08 18:52 adev SCALER = -1
244446 10/23/08 18:47 adev SCALER = -1
244433 10/23/08 18:11 brads (Tech) Guards installed on beamline windows
244421 10/23/08 17:02 atrig Trigger-Download
244420 10/23/08 16:46 adev BigBite WireChamber Measured Voltage change!
244415 10/23/08 14:15 V. Sulkosky Gas Cerenkov Spectra for Left HRS
244414 10/23/08 14:08 V. Sulkosky Efficiency Trigger T4 Reformed
244409 10/23/08 11:51 Bob/Kalyan scaler hardware update
244406 10/23/08 11:34 atrig Trigger-Download
244404 10/23/08 11:18 R. Michaels adaqfs put on a UPS
244401 10/23/08 11:00 Kalyan updated with BCMs on BigBite
244396 10/23/08 10:32 R.Michaels duplicate run problem
244389 10/23/08 09:05 atrig Trigger-Download
244388 10/23/08 09:04 atrig Trigger-Download
244387 10/23/08 03:18 samuel beam tuning process
244386 10/22/08 21:58 atrig Trigger-Download
244385 10/22/08 21:57 atrig Trigger-Download
244384 10/22/08 20:58 Chiranjib FAPS / Helmholtz coil current epics variables added
244383 10/22/08 19:35 brads Added 2nd BB_Shower threshold to epicsRunStart script, LHRS angle snapshot corrected
244378 10/22/08 18:48 brads Firefox wrapper added to ~adaq/bin/
244372 10/22/08 18:16 atrig Trigger-Download
244367 10/22/08 18:10 V. Sulkosky EDTM Signal Added to TDC
244366 10/22/08 17:46 Kalyan Triggers for Transversity
244365 10/22/08 17:43 A. Camsonne Hall A rich freon system
244362 10/22/08 17:32 V. Sulkosky Added EDTM Signal to Left HRS Scalers
244354 10/22/08 16:58 folts tune beam
244352 10/22/08 16:22 adev BigBite WireChamber Measured Voltage change!
244351 10/22/08 16:11 adev BigBite WireChamber Measured Voltage change!
244350 10/22/08 14:08 Kalyan change in file
244349 10/22/08 14:07 adev BigBite WireChamber HVGUI Start!
244342 10/22/08 10:59 R. Michaels surviving firefox on adaql*
244339 10/22/08 10:30 V. Sulkosky VDC HV Tripped Off
244338 10/22/08 10:26 V. Sulkosky ROC 4 Missing ADC Gate
244335 10/22/08 10:08 Moffit Hall A Lockup at 6pm for tune beam.
244330 10/22/08 08:15 Yi Qiang Target tests between Oct 21,6pm to Oct 22, 7am
244329 10/22/08 03:34 Chiranjib FAP single current-power calibration
244328 10/22/08 00:14 jinhuang Target Ladder Control Back Online
244327 10/22/08 00:02 jin huang Target Ladder GUI Freezed. Rebooting target IOC
244315 10/21/08 22:12 V. Sulkosky 1875 was and still is in Roc 4
244311 10/21/08 22:10 V. Sulkosky New Database Directory and Updated Files
244300 10/21/08 21:46 R. Michaels alarming printouts turned off (roc4)
244296 10/21/08 21:28 V. Sulkosky Notes on EDTM Setup for E06-010
244294 10/21/08 20:43 V. Sulkosky Scaler for 103.5 kHz clock
244291 10/21/08 20:40 V. Sulkosky Re: EDTM Signal Connected to S2m
244277 10/21/08 19:29 Kalyan/Vince Coincidence trigger setup
244258 10/21/08 17:37 Moffit DAQ: ROC4 errors from run 2014
244251 10/21/08 14:58 brads Front scintillator paddle and front MWDC guard removed
244248 10/21/08 12:57 R. Michaels filesplitting problem
244247 10/21/08 12:25 Chiranjib Updated epics variables for FAPS
244242 10/21/08 11:05 R. Michaels CODA database cleaned
244241 10/21/08 11:04 R. Michaels roc4 problem fixed (99% sure)
244201 10/21/08 01:46 Jin Huang RICH added to detector replay
244200 10/21/08 00:52 Jin Huang MWDC added to detector replay
244199 10/21/08 00:32 Yi Qiang W&M and Rutgers COMET Lasers Test Result
244198 10/20/08 23:44 R. Michaels RICH HV run 1986 overnight
244197 10/20/08 23:44 R. Michaels attempts to fix roc4
244184 10/20/08 21:11 Chiranjib EPICS variable for the FAP control
244183 10/20/08 20:47 V. Sulkosky EDTM Signal Connected to S2m
244182 10/20/08 20:30 V. Sulkosky Removed FPP TDCs from ROC 4
244180 10/20/08 20:21 V. Sulkosky Left HRS Gas Cerenkov HV On
244101 10/20/08 11:13 R. Michaels auto_ped prefiltering.
244096 10/20/08 10:20 R. Michaels DAQ problems (2)
244092 10/20/08 09:57 R. Michaels misc. DAQ mods.
244065 10/19/08 15:39 R. Michaels ts_scaler.crl mod
244048 10/18/08 20:04 V. Sulkosky Left HRS Pedestal Run
244042 10/18/08 19:11 A. Camsonne RICH pedestal run
244015 10/18/08 17:30 adaq target: Spin Flip Report: Fake Spin Signal are generated by Main Spin Flip Code Now. Flip Interval Are Set To 1min
244014 10/18/08 16:26 A. Camsonne V550 swap
244009 10/18/08 15:45 brads MWDC gas bottle replaced
243996 10/18/08 15:04 V. Sulkosky Left HRS VDC Spectra
243991 10/18/08 14:30 A. Camsonne Fan taken from Hall A labyrinth
243990 10/18/08 13:28 Yi Qiang Q-curve comparison of target chamber pickup coils
243989 10/18/08 13:17 brads MWDC gas bottle is empty
243986 10/18/08 08:42 A. Camsonne RICH work
243923 10/17/08 21:45 V. Sulkosky FPP TDC's dropped from Readout
243885 10/17/08 17:38 adaq target: Spin Flip Report: New Code Test
243879 10/17/08 17:14 adev BigBite WireChamber Measured Voltage change!
243878 10/17/08 17:12 adev BigBite WireChamber Measured Voltage change!
243877 10/17/08 17:11 adev BigBite WireChamber Measured Voltage change!
243875 10/17/08 17:08 adev BigBite WireChamber Measured Voltage change!
243874 10/17/08 17:04 adev BigBite WireChamber Measured Voltage change!
243873 10/17/08 17:02 adev BigBite WireChamber Measured Voltage change!
243811 10/17/08 11:11 adev BigBite WireChamber HVGUI Start!
243808 10/17/08 11:09 adev BigBite WireChamber HVGUI Start!
243776 10/16/08 20:12 adev BigBite WireChamber Chamber Status change!
243775 10/16/08 20:02 adev BigBite WireChamber Chamber Status change!
243774 10/16/08 19:23 V. Sulkosky BCM Signals to BigBite DAQ
243738 10/16/08 13:41 V. Sulkosky Re: New EPICS Variables for He3 Target Status
243737 10/16/08 12:22 R. Michaels lumi data insertion
243734 10/16/08 11:11 atrig Trigger-Download
243715 10/16/08 00:15 Jin Huang New EPICS Variables for He3 Target Status
243714 10/15/08 23:37 Yi Qiang et Self-resonancing of NMR pickup coils
243713 10/15/08 22:30 V. Sulkosky Left HRS DAQ Reconnected
243709 10/15/08 18:11 brads 2nd BB total shower sum trigger is ready
243706 10/15/08 15:36 A. Camsonne CODA database configuration added for RICH
243705 10/15/08 14:54 adev BigBite WireChamber Measured Voltage change!
243703 10/15/08 14:50 adev BigBite WireChamber Measured Voltage change!
243702 10/15/08 14:50 adev BigBite WireChamber Measured Voltage change!
243701 10/15/08 13:08 brads (TECH) BigBite power supply problem
243695 10/14/08 20:52 Kalyan BigBite magnet turned on - current 680amps
243693 10/14/08 19:10 adev BigBite WireChamber HVGUI Start!
243689 10/14/08 14:37 adev BigBite WireChamber HVGUI Start!
243688 10/14/08 14:24 adev BigBite WireChamber HVGUI Start!
243684 10/14/08 10:55 V. Sulkosky Re: Second Target Spin State Electronics Working
243683 10/14/08 09:53 Kalyan BigBite magnet turned off
243679 10/13/08 19:55 Kalyan BigBite magnet turned on
243677 10/13/08 19:28 Jin Huang Second Target Spin State Electronics Working
243670 10/13/08 15:25 A. Camsonne RICH crates portserver assignement
243663 10/13/08 10:01 Kalyan BigBite magnet off
243661 10/12/08 23:42 Jin Huang Left HRS added to Transversity replay directory
243660 10/12/08 21:53 Jin Huang Target: Motorized Qwave plates ready for Transversity
243655 10/11/08 19:59 Chiranjib LASER alignment status
243651 10/11/08 17:39 brads BB magnet beacons (late entry)
243650 10/11/08 16:16 Chiranjib HALL locked for laser alignment
243649 10/11/08 13:33 Yi Qiang Transverse pumping alignment done
243647 10/11/08 10:46 V. Sulkosky Gas Flow on for Left Gas Cerenkov
243646 10/11/08 02:44 Jin & Chiran Target: Longitudinal pumping laser aligned
243645 10/11/08 02:38 chiranjib LASER alignment status in the HALL
243644 10/11/08 00:18 adaq target: Spin Flip Report: All Stepper Motor to be used in e06010 passed 600-flip test
243643 10/10/08 22:02 Yi Qiang Hall A is LOCKED for laser alignment
243642 10/10/08 19:41 V. Sulkosky Left HRS Gas Cerenkov Recabled
243631 10/10/08 17:38 Kalyan BB magnet turned on
243615 10/10/08 09:11 Kalyan BB magnet off
243613 10/10/08 00:25 Jin Huang Spin Signal in BigBite DAQ VME TIR bits input
243612 10/09/08 19:12 Kalyan BigBite magnet turned on
243610 10/09/08 18:50 adev BigBite WireChamber HVGUI Start!
243609 10/09/08 18:29 Moffit BPM signals to BBDAQ
243600 10/09/08 16:13 adev BigBite WireChamber HVGUI Start!
243599 10/09/08 16:00 adev BigBite WireChamber HVGUI Start!
243598 10/09/08 15:34 adev BigBite WireChamber HVGUI Start!
243597 10/09/08 15:20 adev BigBite WireChamber HVGUI Start!
243589 10/09/08 11:16 brads Replaced MWDC gas bottle
243580 10/09/08 10:23 brads halog screen snapshots work again
243578 10/09/08 08:33 Kalyan BigBite magnet off
243576 10/08/08 20:21 Chiranjib FIBER INSTALLATION
243575 10/08/08 20:20 Chiranjib FIBER INSTALLATION
243571 10/08/08 18:38 Kalyan BB magent probe
243570 10/08/08 18:34 Kalyan BigBite magent is ON
243569 10/08/08 16:14 Moffit BBDAQ: Added more F1 reference channels
243568 10/08/08 16:08 Moffit BBDAQ: Added more F1 reference channels.
243566 10/08/08 01:55 Jin Huang Target Spin State in Analyzer
243534 10/06/08 17:06 R. Michaels test, test
243533 10/06/08 16:40 wise test entry #7
243532 10/06/08 16:38 adaq test
243531 10/06/08 16:37 wise test entry #6
243530 10/06/08 16:31 wise test entry #5
243529 10/06/08 16:29 wise test entry #5
243528 10/06/08 16:00 wise test entry #4
243527 10/06/08 15:59 wise upload test #3
243526 10/06/08 15:53 wise test entry #3
243524 10/06/08 15:50 wise upload test #2
243523 10/06/08 15:49 wise upload test #1
243521 10/06/08 15:26 Higinbotham Again
243520 10/06/08 15:22 Higinbotham Second Try
243519 10/06/08 15:11 Higinbotham Test Figure Upload
243518 10/06/08 15:08 test test
1 10/06/08 15:06 test test
1 10/06/08 15:04 test test
1 10/06/08 14:58 test test
1 10/06/08 14:57 test test
1 10/06/08 14:45 wise test
243514 10/06/08 13:00 Higinbotham Halog Test
243509 10/04/08 22:37 Yi Qiang et Water Signal with AC on
243508 10/04/08 22:15 zhangyi bb off
243507 10/04/08 21:22 adev BigBite WireChamber Measured Voltage change!
243506 10/04/08 21:12 adev BigBite WireChamber Measured Voltage change!
243490 10/04/08 10:59 V. Sulkosky/ S2m Timing Resolutions
243488 10/03/08 23:00 adaq target: Spin Flip Report: Motor Power Up test passed for motor #1-4
243481 10/03/08 14:14 LeRose Left Dipole NMR Studies
243480 10/02/08 16:35 Kalyan HV set file for run 1651
0 10/01/08 15:51 no_name no_key