DAQ meetings

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 Room F326-327 1:00PM AM every other Friday


Meeting URL:
Phone : 1 888 240 2560
Meeting ID:

Most presentations are available at : http://hallaweb.jlab.org/DAQ/Meetings/

  • October 26th 2018
    • ee'K preparation
      • F1 status and issues ( Bishnu pdf, Kosuke pdf )
      • FADC status ( Evan )
        • Right arm ready to switch to raw mode and threshold mode
        • Left HRS : thresholds need to be adjusted for S2m
        • add online plots FADC time
      • DAQ switchover steps pdf( Florian )
      • online replay status pdf (Yuichi )
      • adaq2 test (Alex)
      • Tasklist
  • September 28th 2018
    • GEM GEp geometrical matching pptx
    • MPD IC2 fix pptx
    • SAMPA update pdf
  • July 20th 2018
    • Update Fall run DAQ tasklist by Florian [1]
    • FADC upgrade for APEX pdf pptx
    • Last run F1 data check pdf
  • July 6th 2018
    • Fall run DAQ tasklist by Florian [2]

  • May 11th 2018
    • GMn GEM readout pptx pdf
    • Summer DAQ work (Florian) pdf

  • February 2nd 2018
    • V1495 fast clock and random generator (Evan) [4]
    • VETROC TDC update (Marco) [5]

  • October 27th 2017

  • October 13th 2017
    • 1:00 PM VETROC Compton update ( Marco ) [10]
    • 1:15 PM FADC deadtime measurement update ( Ed) [11]
    • 1:25 PM FADC test in HRS (Hanjie) [12]
    • 1:40PM HRS busy study (Michael) [13]
    • 1:55PM Tritium trigger update (Florian) [14]
    • 2:10 PM DAQ task list (Evan )[15]

  • September 15th 2017
    • Compton Edet progress (Alex) pdf
    • Fastbus ( Bob ) pdf
    • spares discussion (Floriam) pdf
      • Hall D hardware inventory database [16]
    • Vetroc update (Evan) pdf
    • FADC and tritium update (Michael) pdf
    • Xilinx Vivado floating license ?
  • September 1st 2017
      • 13:00-13:15 Compton electron detector ( Alexandre Camsonne) pdf


      • 13:15-13:30 SBS ECAL FADC trigger ( Alexandre ) pdf
      • 13:30-13:45 HRS upgrade pdf ( Alexandre )
      • 14:00-14:15 Tritium update ( Rey)
  • August 18st 2017
      • 13:00-13:15 Compton electron detector ( Alexandre Camsonne) [17]
      • 13:15-13:30 Overview Hall A 12 GeV future experiments ( Alexandre ) [18]
    • SBS progress
      • 13:30-13:45 HCAL FADC trigger work (Marco) [19]
    • SoLID
      • 13:45-14:00 Science review preparation : DAQ deadtime measurement (Alexandre) [20]
    • Tritium preparation
      • 14:00-14:15 Tritium DAQ and trigger overview ( Florian )
      • 14:15-14:30 HRS FADC status ( Michael ) [21]

  • September 21st 2015
    • SBS Fastbus DAQ status and inventory ( Dasuni )pdf
    • BigBite Tritium DAQ status ( Bigbite students : Dien, Michael, Ton ) pdf
    • HCAL SBS FADC Update ( Alexandre ) pdf
    • HRS plan ( Alexandre ) pdf
    • AOB
  • May 18th 2015