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Technical Documents



Neutron Detector:


Polarized 3He Target:


Trigger / DAQ:


Miscellaneous for BigBite and Neutron detector


Run Plan/Kinematics:




Meeting Minutes:

Experiment planning meetings are held at JLab:

·                Contributors should put their files in appropriate directories in 
·                ifarml1:/group/halla/www/hallaweb/html/experiment/E02-013/mtg
·                and then "chgrp -R a-e02013 * ; chmod -R 775 *".


Archive of Software Meeting Minutes

·                Contributors should put their files in appropriate directories in 
·                ifarml1:/group/halla/www/hallaweb/html/experiment/E02-013/mtg
·                and then "chgrp -R a-e02013 * ; chmod -R 775 *".


Archive of Gen Target Meeting Minutes


Maintained by John LeRose

Last modified: Friday, February 17, 2006