Main Page
From Hall A Wiki
Hall A Wiki
Consult the User's Guide for information on using the wiki software.
- 1 Running experiment SBS GMn
- 2 Running general informations
- 3 12 GeV Experiments
- 4 12 GeV Hardware
- 5 Previous Experiments
- 6 Hall A detectors
- 7 Software
- 8 Run Coordinator Tools
- 9 DAQ
- 10 High Voltage
- 11 Trigger MLU
- 12 Experiments
- 13 Hall A He3 Polarized Target
- 14 Raster
- 15 ECal
- 16 Tech Page
- 17 Conference list
- 18 Inventory software
- 19 Getting started with the wiki
Running experiment SBS GMn
Running general informations
12 GeV Experiments
Tritium Family of Experiments (sign up our email-list)
Other Experiments
- SuperBigBite Super BigBite Experiments
- Measurement of Lepton-Lepton Electroweak Reaction (MOLLER) Experiment
- SoLID - Solenoidal Large Intensity Device
- Hypernuclear Experiments (HKS)
- Ar(ee'p)
- 12 GeV DVCS/GMp October 2014 running
- DVCS3 Experiment E12-06-114
- GMp Experiment E12-07-108
- Tagged DIS run group
12 GeV Hardware
Measurement of Lepton-Lepton Electroweak Reaction (MOLLER) Experiment
SoLID - Solenoidal Large Intensity Device
12GeV Era BigBite Spectrometer
Previous Experiments
SRC Family of Experiments
SRC Family How To, Tools, and Documents
Quasi-Elastic Family of Experiments
Quasi-Elastic Family 3He_QuasiElastic
- Online HowTo <-- From d2n, some things may have changed
- Hadron DAQ re-installation
- Neutron Detector
- Lumi Howto for Quasi-Elastic
- Expert Shift Checklist
- MySQL database How to insert analysis information into MySQL database
- RHRS HV control is through the BB HV GUI
Hall A detectors
- Hall A detector status
- How to's D2n How to
Run Coordinator Tools
- BigBite_trigger_and_DAQ
- Epics Logger Scripts for SBS
- L-HRS for SBS
- HRS power remote strips
- Tritium DAQ page
- DAQ meetings
- SBS DAQ meetings
- E04-018 DAQ
- General DAQ
- E06-007 January 2008 DAQ
- EEL 122 test setup
- Useful DAQ stuffs
- Second floor counting house DVCS - CSR test setup
- Test setup office
- Hall A intel VME CPU
- ComptonDaqDev
- HV for Bob
- Installing CODA2.6
- Data handling scripts (to MSS and deletion)
- Jessica FB
- ECal DAQ
- CDet DAQ
- Hall A - SFI inventory
- Console Servers
- V1495 programming
- Compton_DAQ_Dev
- Installing Linux and other drivers in GE XVB602 CPUs
- Test Lab DAQ test stands
- GeP ECal cosmics DAQ
- VTP setup in Hall A
- SRO DAQ test stand
High Voltage
Trigger MLU
- E06-014 d2n
- E06-010 Transversity
- The Proton Form Factor Ratio at Low Q2 : E08-007
- Pi0 Threshold : E04-007
- Coulomb Sum Rule (CSR): E05-110
- LEDEX: E05-004 & E05-103
- E06-007 Impulse Approximation limitations to the (e,e',p) reaction on 208Pb, identifying correlations and relativistic effects in the nuclear medium
- E04-018
- Parity
- E07-006 Short Range Correlations
- E08-014 x>2
- g2p g2p
- AVFF Axial Vector Form Factor
Hall A He3 Polarized Target
Link to excel spreadsheet for ECal PMT installation shifts.
Tech Page
- Old Page [1]
- Monitoring with vncserver for Techs
Conference list
Hall A/C joint summer 2014 meeting
Inventory software
Hall B/D inventory software informations