Jefferson Lab HALL A Logbook for March 11 - All EXCEPT Automatic Entries
353971 03/31/11 23:58 israely Neutron screenshots
353970 03/31/11 23:57 israely bigbite screenshots
353969 03/31/11 23:56 israely Target screenshot
353968 03/31/11 23:53 Sarah Swing shift run list (analysis)
353967 03/31/11 23:50 Sarah Screen capture of neutron detector single rates during run 3197
353966 03/31/11 23:50 Mitra S Target screens
353965 03/31/11 23:49 Sarah Screen capture of scaler data screen and bigbite scintillator single rates during run 3197
353962 03/31/11 23:08 Ramesh spot check for shift check-list
353961 03/31/11 22:53 eip RHRS momentum
353960 03/31/11 22:50 Ramesh General Tools and BigBite magnet Control
353959 03/31/11 22:38 Sarah Screen capture of neutron detector single rates during run 3196
353958 03/31/11 22:37 Sarah Screen capture of scaler data screen and bigbite scintillator single rates during run 3196
353957 03/31/11 22:31 Sarah CODA crash
353953 03/31/11 21:13 Sarah Screen capture for neutron detector single rates during run 3194
353952 03/31/11 21:11 Sarah Screen capture of scaler data screen and the bigbite scintillator single rates during run 3194
353951 03/31/11 21:06 Mitra S Target screens
353942 03/31/11 19:56 Sarah Screen capture for neutron detector single rates during run 3193
353941 03/31/11 19:54 Sarah Screen capture of the scaler data screen and the bigbite scintillator single rates during run 3193
353938 03/31/11 19:16 Ramesh Small history of Left Dipole NMR unlocking
353937 03/31/11 19:09 Sarah Screen capture of the neutron detector single rates screen during run 3192
353936 03/31/11 19:07 Sarah Screen capture for scaler screen and bigbite scintillator single rates for run 3192
353935 03/31/11 18:35 Mitra S Target screens
353932 03/31/11 18:12 Ramesh Occasional Left Dipole alarms
353931 03/31/11 17:53 V. Sulkosky/ Pmiss Comparison
353930 03/31/11 17:26 Sarah Screen capture of the neutron detector single rates during run 3191
353929 03/31/11 17:25 Sarah Screen capture of the scaler data screen and the bigbite scintillator single rates screen during run 3191
353926 03/31/11 17:07 yez LHRS:PRL2#15 still overflow. Will do more change during NO-production run
353925 03/31/11 16:41 Sarah Screen capture of neutron detector single rates screen during run 3190
353924 03/31/11 16:40 Sarah Screen capture of scaler data and bigbite scintillator single rates screens during run 3190
353923 03/31/11 16:34 V. Sulkosky Deadtime Statistics for Run 3055 (8 uA)
353922 03/31/11 16:30 V. Sulkosky Deadtime Statistics for Run 3068 (6 uA)
353921 03/31/11 16:24 V. Sulkosky Deadtime Statistics for Run 3056 (2 uA)
353920 03/31/11 16:22 Mitra S Target screens
353919 03/31/11 16:20 V. Sulkosky Deadtime Statistics for Run 3044 (4 uA)
353918 03/31/11 16:11 V. Sulkosky Deadtime from Current Scan
353916 03/31/11 16:01 gilman shift summary day 3/31
353913 03/31/11 15:24 gilman spot++ screens for shift checklist
353912 03/31/11 15:18 gilman hall a tools for shift checklist
353911 03/31/11 15:17 yez L-HRS: PRL2#15 HV reduced from -940V to -900V
353908 03/31/11 15:14 gilman setting up HRS right magnets
353907 03/31/11 15:03 yez L-HRS: PRL2 #15 ADC is still overflow. Need to reduce more HV
353904 03/31/11 14:37 gilman raster for 1 uA on He
353901 03/31/11 14:17 gilman spot check with BeO
353898 03/31/11 14:12 gilman Q2,3 cycled on both HRS
353897 03/31/11 14:12 gilman moved to BeO
353896 03/31/11 13:50 Fansler Cryo
353895 03/31/11 13:24 Fansler CRYO
353894 03/31/11 13:20 dalton Bigbite magnet off
353893 03/31/11 12:37 gilman Q1 right on cold return
353886 03/31/11 12:00 Higinbotham Error Bars
353885 03/31/11 11:19 yez ROC3 still uses ADC gates from back pannel
353884 03/31/11 10:57 igorko carbon to deuterium ratio
353883 03/31/11 10:45 yez L-HRS: Reduce HV of PRL2 #15counter
353882 03/31/11 10:17 V. Sulkosky CODA Downloaded after 13-bit Mode Change
353881 03/31/11 10:08 V. Sulkosky Cerenkov ADC Changed to 13bit Mode
353879 03/31/11 09:57
353878 03/31/11 09:49 igorko double in new setting
353877 03/31/11 08:43 igorko X_bj
353876 03/31/11 08:39 gilman Hall being surveyed now
353875 03/31/11 08:14 gilman turning HRS_left magnets off
353870 03/31/11 08:00 arie shift summary
353869 03/31/11 07:51 israely Bigbite screenshot
353868 03/31/11 07:51 israely Neutron screenshot
353867 03/31/11 07:50 israely Target Screenshot
353864 03/31/11 07:04 Fansler RQ1
353861 03/31/11 05:56 israely Neutron screenshot
353858 03/31/11 05:20 Higinbotham Dummy Target Restriction Wording Wrong In MCC List
353857 03/31/11 05:17 israely BBS12001 S13 L10.2 is activating the alarm.
353854 03/31/11 05:01 israely Neutron screenshot
353853 03/31/11 05:00 israely bigbite screenshots
353851 03/31/11 04:54 israely MCC didn't allow 4cm dummy 10uA so we moved to 15cm dummy
353850 03/31/11 04:46 israely Moved to 10 cm dummy target
353842 03/31/11 04:31 arie tools
353841 03/31/11 04:26 arie raster_L
353840 03/31/11 04:19 israely Target screenshot
353831 03/31/11 00:24 israely N6 TDC
353829 03/31/11 00:10 gilman swing shift summary
353828 03/31/11 00:02 israely Target screenshot
353827 03/31/11 00:01 israely neutron screenshot
353826 03/30/11 23:59 israely Coda screenshot
353825 03/30/11 23:58 israely bigbite scintillator screenshot
353824 03/30/11 23:56 Sarah Swing shift run list (analysis)
353823 03/30/11 23:54 Mitra S Target screens
353820 03/30/11 23:04 lselvy No problems seem to exist
353817 03/30/11 21:55 Sarah Screen capture of the neutron detector single rates for run 3172
353816 03/30/11 21:55 Sarah Screen capture of scaler data screen and bigbite scintillator single rates (run 3172)
353815 03/30/11 21:50 Sarah Strange histograms in Run 3172
353814 03/30/11 21:30 gilman spot++ for shift checklist
353810 03/30/11 21:15 gilman Hall A Tools for shift checklist
353809 03/30/11 21:14 Mitra S Moved target to 10cm LD2
353807 03/30/11 20:53 Sarah Screen capture of the neutron detector single rates during run 3170
353806 03/30/11 20:53 Mitras Target screens
353805 03/30/11 20:53 Sarah Screen capture of the scaler data screen and the bigbite scintillator single rates during run 3170
353798 03/30/11 20:10 igorko HV GUI problem
353797 03/30/11 20:05 Sarah The HV is now 2025 for bar 4, right side, layer 6
353795 03/30/11 19:51 gilman 40 uA
353793 03/30/11 19:44 Sarah Nope, it was at 1900 V
353792 03/30/11 19:00 Sarah Screen capture of the neutron detector single rates (run 3169)
353791 03/30/11 18:59 Sarah Screen capture of the scaler data screen and the bigbite scintillator single rates (run 3169)
353790 03/30/11 18:53 Mitras Target screens
353789 03/30/11 18:48 gilman called MCC and asked for 20 uA
353788 03/30/11 18:45 Sarah N6 plane bar 4 right HV has been set back to original value
353783 03/30/11 17:09 Sarah Screen capture of neutron detector single rates (run 3167)
353782 03/30/11 17:08 Sarah Screen capture of scaler data and bigbite scintillator single rates (Run 3167).
353781 03/30/11 16:53 Sarah N6 plane bar 4 right HV has been reduced
353780 03/30/11 16:42 gilman disabled right Q1 cryo alarms
353778 03/30/11 16:25 Mitra Shabes Target moved to slanted carbon
353777 03/30/11 16:23 mitra shabes Target moved to 5mm carbon
353773 03/30/11 16:04 dalton Runplan tonight
353772 03/30/11 16:03 dalton Runplan tonight
353770 03/30/11 16:01 Ole Hansen Day Shift Summary
353769 03/30/11 16:01 Jack (Techs) Some optocouplers replaced on LQ2 and LQ3 power supplies
353767 03/30/11 15:54 israely Spot_L
353765 03/30/11 15:43 Fansler RQ1
353763 03/30/11 15:36 Ole Hansen Ready for beam
353761 03/30/11 15:32 yez target moved to Slanted Carbon
353760 03/30/11 15:23 Ole Hansen Left NMR
353759 03/30/11 15:18 yez target screen
353758 03/30/11 15:13 orchen BB and HAND angles
353757 03/30/11 15:04 israely his is correction to the angle of bigbit
353756 03/30/11 15:03 Ole Hansen BB & HAND ready
353752 03/30/11 14:51 folts Neutron detector move
353740 03/30/11 12:21 V. Sulkosky BigBite Angle now 92 degrees
353739 03/30/11 12:19 yez Target Screen Snapshot
353738 03/30/11 12:18 Ole Hansen BigBite to 93 degrees
353737 03/30/11 12:03 igorko hit wires for BB
353732 03/30/11 11:52 Fansler VESDA
353731 03/30/11 11:41 V. Sulkosky Interesting Messages from EB2
353730 03/30/11 11:05 nmuangma fixed missing wire sections
353729 03/30/11 11:00 igorko HAND HV
353726 03/30/11 10:50 Ole Hansen Work on quads
353723 03/30/11 10:30 V. Sulkosky Right Dipole Settle Time
353722 03/30/11 10:21 Ole Hansen RHRS dipole ramp-down
353720 03/30/11 10:14 Ole Hansen RHRS ramping down??
353719 03/30/11 10:01 Ole Hansen Magnet status
353718 03/30/11 09:58 Ole Hansen RHRS in position
353717 03/30/11 09:34 Ole Hansen Access requested
353716 03/30/11 09:07 Ole Hansen Quad trips
353715 03/30/11 09:05 Ole Hansen RHRS motion problems
353714 03/30/11 09:05 yez Target Heaters' power go higher but still look OK
353713 03/30/11 08:46 Ole Hansen Kinematics change
353712 03/30/11 08:45 igorko missing wires
353708 03/30/11 08:12 israely The golder root is not the same in the bigbite
353706 03/30/11 08:04 israely Target screenshot
353705 03/30/11 08:03 Gilman owl shift summary March 30
353704 03/30/11 08:03 israely Neutron Detector screenshot
353703 03/30/11 08:02 israely Bigbite scintillator
353699 03/30/11 06:08 gilman mcc running qe measurment
353697 03/30/11 06:05 gilman HV trip on bb
353692 03/30/11 05:28 arie neutron singles rates
353691 03/30/11 05:27 arie scalers bigbite singles
353690 03/30/11 04:59 gilman spot++ for shift checklist
353689 03/30/11 04:56 gilman Hall A Tolls for shift checklist
353678 03/30/11 02:34 arie neutron rates
353677 03/30/11 02:31 arie scalers bigbite
353676 03/30/11 02:24 eip hv off for hand/bb
353671 03/30/11 00:12 wenbiao target
353669 03/30/11 00:00 Sarah Swing shift run list (analysis)
353666 03/29/11 23:51 Carlos Swing shift summary
353665 03/29/11 23:36 Sarah Screen capture of neutron detector single rates (run 3141)
353664 03/29/11 23:35 Sarah Screen capture of scalers (Run 3141)
353663 03/29/11 23:27 V. Sulkosky Updated DBB database file
353662 03/29/11 23:00 zwzhao target screen
353661 03/29/11 22:58 Sarah Noisy histogram for N5 bar 3
353660 03/29/11 22:40 Sarah HV trip
353658 03/29/11 22:21 Carlos Beam permit
353651 03/29/11 21:47 Carlos Escorted access requested to look into BB
353649 03/29/11 21:45 Sarah Weird histogram in replay of run 3137
353648 03/29/11 21:31 orchen And this time with the lots attuched
353647 03/29/11 21:22 Sarah Screen Capture of Neutron Detector Single Rates (Run 3137)
353646 03/29/11 21:21 orchen & Igo HAND veto reduction with improved veto timing
353645 03/29/11 21:21 Sarah Screen Capture of Scalers (Run 3137)
353642 03/29/11 20:36 adaq hall a tools
353641 03/29/11 20:35 Carlos spot+
353634 03/29/11 20:29 Sarah Screen Capture of Neutron Detector Singles Rates (run 3136)
353633 03/29/11 20:26 Sarah Screen Capture of Scalers (run 3136)
353630 03/29/11 19:28 V. Sulkosky Re: Target windows for LHRS and RHRS (T5)
353629 03/29/11 18:57 V. Sulkosky Target windows for LHRS and RHRS
353628 03/29/11 18:55 Sarah Screen capture of neutron detector single rates
353627 03/29/11 18:54 Sarah Screen capture of scalers
353626 03/29/11 18:42 Sarah HV trip
353623 03/29/11 18:32 Sarah Run 3132 is Junk
353620 03/29/11 18:06 Sarah N5 Plane Right Bar 3 HV Tripped Off
353619 03/29/11 17:44 Sarah Ended run 3132 and restarted CODA
353616 03/29/11 17:34 V. Sulkosky bbps1:2008 HV OFF
353615 03/29/11 17:32 Sarah HV trip; ended run 3131 early
353610 03/29/11 16:47 lselvy HAND and BB HV alarm
353609 03/29/11 16:04 gilman shift summary March 29 day
353607 03/29/11 15:51 X. Zheng Target snap shot
353602 03/29/11 14:26 gilman Hall A tools for shift checklist
353601 03/29/11 14:10 gilman spot check for shift checklist
353600 03/29/11 13:57 gilman beam will be down about 3:30
353589 03/29/11 11:46 yez 1st and 3rd figure is for run3125, 2nd one is for run3005,
353588 03/29/11 11:42 yez LHRS VDC has a little bit low efficiency
353587 03/29/11 11:34 orchen BB triple coincedence - 1.4C, 46-26 events
353584 03/29/11 09:15 Norum L-10 trip
353582 03/29/11 09:13 gilman sending beam back
353581 03/29/11 09:04 gilman MCC stopping beam
353576 03/29/11 07:56 arie shift summary
353575 03/29/11 07:38 israely Target screenshot
353574 03/29/11 07:23 arie general tools
353573 03/29/11 07:20 arie spot++
353568 03/29/11 05:47 Hisham Target status
353559 03/29/11 03:17 igorko N6 - 1,2 L
353556 03/29/11 03:01 israely We are back to production from run 3119
353555 03/29/11 02:56 Hisham Target moved back to He4
353553 03/29/11 02:44 arie spot_r
353552 03/29/11 02:42 Hisham BeO target for BR
353551 03/29/11 02:41 igorko Pmiss so far
353548 03/29/11 01:41 eip total charge
353547 03/29/11 01:38 igorko HAND N6-1L and N6 -2L problem
353546 03/29/11 01:12 israely No Beam
353545 03/29/11 01:11 igorko triple so far
353544 03/29/11 00:44 israely We currently have problem with the beam.
353540 03/29/11 00:24 israely Prescales screenshots
353539 03/29/11 00:15 israely Neutron detector screenshot
353538 03/29/11 00:13 israely Bigbite scintillator screenshot
353535 03/29/11 00:07 Hisham Target status
353533 03/29/11 00:02 igorko difference between runs
353532 03/28/11 23:57 Carlos Munoz Swing shift summary
353531 03/28/11 22:57 adaq Hall A tools
353530 03/28/11 22:56 adaq spot++
353527 03/28/11 21:12 Carlos bbps1:2001 S13 L10.2 tripped again
353526 03/28/11 20:58 Carlos bbps1:2001 S13 L10.2 tripped
353513 03/28/11 18:19 JinGe target screen
353510 03/28/11 16:05 Sarah Day shift run list (analysis)
353508 03/28/11 16:00 dalton Day Shift Summary
353507 03/28/11 16:00 dalton Day Shift Summary
353504 03/28/11 15:34 yez RHRS: 0 current of HV slot#15.#4, which is Lumi004
353503 03/28/11 15:21 yez RHRS: All HVs are on now.
353502 03/28/11 14:45 dalton Right arm HVs off
353499 03/28/11 14:13 dalton Right arm VDC gas flow unstable
353498 03/28/11 14:00 Sarah Spot_R plots for run 3108 (for shift checklist)
353489 03/28/11 12:16 Sarah Weird histogram in replay of run 3107
353488 03/28/11 11:46 dalton Another L10.2 trip
353487 03/28/11 11:38 dalton T3 rate on 20 cm 4He
353484 03/28/11 11:21 J. Zhang N5 Bar3 hv tripped
353481 03/28/11 11:14 Sarah Plane 5, right bar 3 tripped off
353480 03/28/11 11:12 igorko N5-3R trip
353479 03/28/11 10:42 dalton T3 rate on dummy
353478 03/28/11 10:34 Sarah Spot Plots for Run 3105
353477 03/28/11 10:34 dalton Beam is back
353474 03/28/11 10:16 yez RHRS s2 ADC are normal
353471 03/28/11 09:49 Sarah R-arm S2 ADCs
353470 03/28/11 09:08 wenbiao target status screen
353468 03/28/11 08:49 dalton Left arm dipole alarm
353467 03/28/11 08:39 Sarah Snapshot of the scaler screen
353465 03/28/11 08:35 dalton Friday trip with picture
353464 03/28/11 08:32 dalton RHRS Q2 cycled
353463 03/28/11 08:28 dalton Right dipole trip on Friday
353462 03/28/11 08:26 Sarah Stopped run 3102 to cycle right Q2.
353460 03/28/11 08:18 Sarah Run 3101 is junk
353459 03/28/11 08:17 dalton Right arm Q2 was down for 20 mins
353456 03/28/11 08:15 Sarah/Dalton Right Arm Quadrupole 2 tripped
353455 03/28/11 08:15 dalton Right arm Q2 coming back up
353452 03/28/11 08:02 israely coda screenshot
353451 03/28/11 08:02 arie shift summary
353450 03/28/11 07:55 wenbiao target
353449 03/28/11 07:25 Reimer Target Status Screens
353448 03/28/11 07:21 arie general tools
353447 03/28/11 07:13 arie spot++
353429 03/28/11 00:59 igorko Pmiss
353428 03/28/11 00:31 igorko currents cont.
353427 03/28/11 00:23 igorko triple coincidence
353425 03/27/11 23:58 LeRose Shift Summary
353422 03/27/11 23:45 hisham Target status
353419 03/27/11 21:10 igorko different currents
353410 03/27/11 20:10 Hisham Target status
353407 03/27/11 19:02 igorko ROC sync
353406 03/27/11 18:50 LeRose Hall A Tools
353405 03/27/11 18:46 LeRose Spot++
353400 03/27/11 16:15 Hisham Target status
353398 03/27/11 16:09 Boeglin Shift Summary
353397 03/27/11 15:41 reimer target screen shots
353396 03/27/11 15:36 israely Hall A screenshots
353391 03/27/11 13:32 igorko HAND triple so far
353381 03/27/11 11:54 Boeglin Hall A Tools snapshot
353380 03/27/11 11:52 Boeglin Spot++
353375 03/27/11 08:25 arie neutron singles
353374 03/27/11 08:24 arie scalers
353370 03/27/11 08:01 ipom Owl shift summary
353369 03/27/11 07:25 ipom spot++
353366 03/27/11 06:02 D.Wang target status
353365 03/27/11 05:20 arie neutrons rates
353364 03/27/11 05:18 arie scalers
353355 03/27/11 04:29 D.Wang target status
353350 03/27/11 02:44 arie beck neutron rates
353349 03/27/11 02:42 arie beck scalers
353348 03/27/11 02:28 D.Wang target status
353345 03/27/11 01:33 eip optimal beam current ?
353344 03/27/11 01:30 ipom I misstyped: coda died on run #3075
353343 03/27/11 01:16 igorko e,e'N_recoil - different currents
353342 03/27/11 01:15 igorko e,e'N_recoil - different currents
353341 03/27/11 00:53 ipom coda died on Run 3076
353340 03/27/11 00:50 jixie Make sure histograms are in the same binning
353339 03/27/11 00:29 Jixie Zhang To Shift Leader and 3rd person: Please check the End-of-Run Log to make sure the DAQ work properly
353335 03/27/11 00:02 D.Wang target status
353333 03/26/11 23:56 Carlos Munoz Swing shift summary
353332 03/26/11 23:04 igorko update
353331 03/26/11 22:50 M Defurne screeshots
353330 03/26/11 22:50 Carlos Hall A tools
353329 03/26/11 22:48 igorko (e,e'N_recoil) for 5 uA
353328 03/26/11 22:48 adaq spot++
353317 03/26/11 20:04 M Defurne scrennshots
353314 03/26/11 19:39 nmuangma bigibite calibration continue...
353311 03/26/11 17:56 M Defurne Screnshots- Heat Power Ok
353307 03/26/11 16:01 Boeglin Shift Summary
353304 03/26/11 14:59 boeglin spot++
353303 03/26/11 14:31 Boeglin End of run info problem
353298 03/26/11 12:44 orchen Different bining for BB and link to (e,e'p_recoil) for time comparison
353296 03/26/11 12:40 orchen & Igo (e,e'N_recoil) for 2, 4, and 8 uA
353294 03/26/11 12:34 reimer Target
353287 03/26/11 12:04 reimer target cernox
353286 03/26/11 12:01 Reimer target cernox alarm
353285 03/26/11 11:41 yez L-HRS: Cer Number of after HVs change
353284 03/26/11 11:39 orchen Analysis results for 4He(e,e'pp) and 4He(e,e'pn) for 625MeV/c kinematics
353281 03/26/11 11:07 wenbiao neutron detector single rates
353280 03/26/11 11:01 wenbiao scalers
353279 03/26/11 10:53 yez L-HRS: Cer SPE before and after HVs change
353274 03/26/11 08:10 ipom Owl shift summary
353272 03/26/11 07:53 D.Wang target status
353269 03/26/11 06:58 arie beck neutron single rate
353268 03/26/11 06:56 arie beck scalers
353267 03/26/11 06:48 ipom CODA died, run 3060 is junk
353263 03/26/11 06:29 D.Wang target status
353262 03/26/11 05:18 arie beck nuetron single
353261 03/26/11 05:17 arie beck scalers
353252 03/26/11 04:18 D.Wang target status
353251 03/26/11 04:11 nmuangma 2nd t0 calibration: modify in db_BB.mwdc.dat
353250 03/26/11 04:04 arie beck neutron singles rate
353249 03/26/11 04:02 arie beck scaler
353245 03/26/11 02:55 arie beck neutron detector single rates
353244 03/26/11 02:54 arie beck scalers screenshot
353241 03/26/11 01:57 D.Wang target status
353240 03/26/11 01:35 ipom going for 8uA
353237 03/26/11 01:31 eip adc change
353235 03/26/11 01:27 nmuangma result of wirechamber calibration with T0
353233 03/26/11 01:00 yez L-HRS: Cer ADCs are still overfload after I reduced the HVs
353232 03/26/11 00:16 eip double coinc rate
353231 03/26/11 00:09 yez L-HRS: Reduce HVs of Cerenkov and create a new data base ~/20110326
353227 03/25/11 23:58 D.Wang target status
353226 03/25/11 23:54 Carlos Munoz Swing shift summary
353225 03/25/11 23:39 igorko HAND scalers
353224 03/25/11 23:38 igorko scalers
353223 03/25/11 23:24 igorko double coinc check
353220 03/25/11 22:36 igorko Singles Rates
353219 03/25/11 22:30 Carlos Hall A tools
353218 03/25/11 22:29 Carlos Spot ++
353217 03/25/11 22:28 Hisham Target status
353215 03/25/11 21:44 Carlos RQ2 back
353214 03/25/11 21:33 Carlos Right Q2
353212 03/25/11 21:15 narbe Run Numbers Not Matching On CODA
353201 03/25/11 19:38 Hisham Target Status
353200 03/25/11 19:30 Jixie Zhang script to sum BCM U1 charge using halog files
353199 03/25/11 18:42 Carlos Beam current increased to 4.5 uA
353196 03/25/11 17:51 israely neutron detector screenshots
353195 03/25/11 17:51 israely Bigbite scintilator & dcaler screenshot
353192 03/25/11 16:04 Hisham Target status
353190 03/25/11 16:00 Boeglin Shift Summary
353187 03/25/11 15:42 yez map of Raster Beam is corrected.
353186 03/25/11 15:37 yez cable map of Raster Beam is still wrong
353185 03/25/11 15:05 dalton Target is stable
353181 03/25/11 13:12 Boeglin Hall A Tools
353179 03/25/11 13:11 adaq spot++
353178 03/25/11 12:44 dalton Target is stable
353171 03/25/11 12:21 igorko beam current
353170 03/25/11 12:17 eip beam current
353169 03/25/11 11:53 Punjabi spot check
353164 03/25/11 11:20 dalton Target recovered
353163 03/25/11 11:11 Boeglin Going to Beam Permit
353162 03/25/11 10:49 yez New Data Base 20110324/ has been created for HVs change of GC
353161 03/25/11 10:13 Boeglin Hall A going to Controlled access
353160 03/25/11 10:05 israely There is no beam and It will take arround 3h to fix the target
353159 03/25/11 09:46 yez L-HRS: Cerenkov ADCs vs PRL after reducing HVs
353158 03/25/11 09:43 israely Lost the he4 Target.
353157 03/25/11 09:43 dalton Loop 1 target event
353155 03/25/11 09:02 dalton Target Status
353154 03/25/11 08:59 israely Target screenshot
353153 03/25/11 08:58 israely neutron detector screenshots
353152 03/25/11 08:57 israely Bigbite scintilator & scaler screenshot
353151 03/25/11 08:57 israely Coda screenshots
353145 03/25/11 07:50 ipom Owl shift summary
353144 03/25/11 07:32 D.Wang target status
353141 03/25/11 06:10 orchen missing momentum distributions for 500MeV/c and 625MeV/c kinematics
353140 03/25/11 05:56 D.Wang target status
353131 03/25/11 03:55 D.Wang target status
353126 03/25/11 02:10 D.Wang target status
353123 03/25/11 00:30 israely coda screenshot
353122 03/25/11 00:30 igorko & orc e,e'p for 625 MeV/c
353121 03/25/11 00:29 igorko & orc e,e'p for 625 MeV/c
353120 03/25/11 00:04 D. Wang target status
353118 03/25/11 00:01 israely Coda screenshot
353117 03/24/11 23:58 Boeglin Shift Summary
353114 03/24/11 22:59 Carlos Muno Target screens
353113 03/24/11 22:19 igorko double coincidence for 625 MeV/c
353108 03/24/11 20:38 Boeglin Hall A Tools screen
353107 03/24/11 20:36 adaq spot_R for run 3030
353105 03/24/11 20:33 adaq strange spot_R
353094 03/24/11 18:30 yez A correction for my last halog
353092 03/24/11 18:19 yez L-HRS: Cerenkov PID Efficiency before and after HVs change
353089 03/24/11 17:46 yez This is the db before I changed the HVs this morning. I have not calibrated new db for current HV setting
353088 03/24/11 17:35 nmuangma should't you make a new date for the data base?
353087 03/24/11 17:17 yez L-HRS: Cerenkov ADCs are still overfload after reducing HVs
353085 03/24/11 16:22 yez Data Base of LHRS Cer, PRL1&2 are updated in 20100310/
353084 03/24/11 16:05 Solvignon Day Shift Summary
353082 03/24/11 15:57 Solvignon Correction: LQ2 turned itself off
353081 03/24/11 15:48 Solvignon LQ2 was not a trip but somebody turned it off.
353080 03/24/11 15:46 Fansler LQ2
353079 03/24/11 15:35 Solvignon Left Q2 tripped
353076 03/24/11 15:22 Holmstrom Target Move to He
353075 03/24/11 15:20 Solvignon HRSs ready for data taking
353074 03/24/11 15:15 A. Camsonne Don't forget to update the database in analyzer for Gas Cerenkov
353073 03/24/11 15:13 Solvignon Spot++
353070 03/24/11 15:09 A. Camsonne Right arm momemtum setting
353069 03/24/11 15:04 Holmstrom Move to BeO
353068 03/24/11 14:34 Solvignon Hall A in beam permit
353061 03/24/11 12:11 Solvignon Ramping up the dipoles
353060 03/24/11 12:05 Jack (Techs) LQ2_LQ3 DAC swapped out
353059 03/24/11 11:25 yez LHRS: Cerenkov HVs adjusted
353058 03/24/11 10:43 yez L-HRS: Cerenkov ADC overfload. Need to recude the HVs
353057 03/24/11 08:55 Holmstrom Move Target Empty
353056 03/24/11 08:51 orchen correction.
353052 03/24/11 08:05 igorko & orc BB TOF peak with smaller bining
353050 03/24/11 07:59 ipom Owl shift summary
353049 03/24/11 07:11 siqbal target screen shots
353048 03/24/11 07:10 Higinbotham BigBite Events
353043 03/24/11 05:17 siqbal target screen shots
353040 03/24/11 04:45 orchen removed - didn't change the picture
353039 03/24/11 04:42 orchen HAND TOF peak with a Pmiss dirantional cut
353038 03/24/11 04:29 rshneor can't use cut, when plotting the same variable.
353031 03/24/11 04:22 orchen the cuts used
353030 03/24/11 04:13 orchen summery of the triple data we have so far.
353027 03/24/11 03:20 siqbal target screen shots
353024 03/24/11 01:56 nmuangma db_BB.mwdc.dat change: T0 recalibrated and drift_time change from (-900,900) to (0,200) corrected to the wide of the time peak
353023 03/24/11 01:55 ipom spot++ for shift checklist
353022 03/24/11 01:28 siqbal target screen shots
353018 03/24/11 00:09 Ole Hansen Swing Shift Summary
353017 03/24/11 00:08 Ole Hansen Charge summing script
353016 03/23/11 23:20 H. Albataine Target snapshot
353010 03/23/11 20:58 V. Sulkosky Re: db_run script updated
353000 03/23/11 18:57 igorko db_run
352999 03/23/11 18:51 Ole Hansen Right Q2 back
352998 03/23/11 18:47 yez L-HRS: Some issues with the PID of Cerenkov and PRL1&2
352997 03/23/11 18:43 Ole Hansen Right Q2 low cryo levels
352995 03/23/11 18:39 Ole Hansen Right Q2 trip
352991 03/23/11 16:31 H. Albataine Target snapshot
352989 03/23/11 16:00 Solvignon Day Shift Summary
352987 03/23/11 15:11 igorko small correction
352984 03/23/11 14:36 igorko BB triple coincidence
352983 03/23/11 14:09 Hanretty Target screens
352972 03/23/11 11:31 Hanretty Target screens
352971 03/23/11 11:09 Solvignon Spot++ for shift checklist
352970 03/23/11 11:09 Solvignon Hall A tool for shift checklist
352967 03/23/11 09:06 posik run 3003 junk CODA restart
352965 03/23/11 09:00 Hanretty Target screens
352961 03/23/11 07:57 ipom Owl shift summary
352958 03/23/11 07:24 siqbal target screen shots
352947 03/23/11 04:08 siqbal target screen shot
352946 03/23/11 03:50 ipom Test run with 2uA
352941 03/23/11 01:37 siqbal target screen shots
352937 03/23/11 00:07 Boeglin shift summary
352934 03/22/11 23:24 H. Albataine Target snapshot
352931 03/22/11 21:54 igorko C / LD2 ratio
352930 03/22/11 21:44 igorko & orc HAND lib change
352929 03/22/11 21:12 Boeglin Hall A Tools Screen
352928 03/22/11 21:10 adaq spot++ 2994
352927 03/22/11 21:01 israely Target screenshot
352926 03/22/11 21:00 israely neutron detector screenshots
352925 03/22/11 20:59 israely Bigbite scintilator & scaler screenshot
352924 03/22/11 20:57 israely Coda screenshot
352923 03/22/11 20:56 israely We are back and taking data.
352910 03/22/11 20:09 israely problem stills accures after restarting coda
352908 03/22/11 19:59 israely Bigbite is rebooting
352903 03/22/11 17:32 israely Target screenshot
352899 03/22/11 15:58 israely Target screenshots
352898 03/22/11 15:57 israely neutron detector screenshots
352897 03/22/11 15:56 israely Bigbite and Scalers screenshot
352895 03/22/11 15:48 X. Zheng Target snap shots
352893 03/22/11 15:46 Norum Run summary
352892 03/22/11 15:44 israely Coda screenshot
352891 03/22/11 15:18 orchen mixup in the run numbers
352890 03/22/11 14:57 jpchen TO: In emergency situation when target warmed up, you need to reduce fan speed.
352889 03/22/11 14:43 jpchen Fan speed are at 48 Hz for both loops, do not change them
352886 03/22/11 13:19 X. Zheng Target snap shots
352885 03/22/11 13:10 posik 4He 4uA rates
352883 03/22/11 13:04 Norum Production running
352880 03/22/11 12:56 X. Zheng Target moved to He4 loop 1 20cm
352878 03/22/11 12:39 posik spot++ 2x2
352869 03/22/11 12:08 igorko additional plot
352868 03/22/11 11:52 igorko Carbon and deutron target
352867 03/22/11 11:48 jpchen TO needs to be careful when cahnge fan speed
352866 03/22/11 11:40 jpchen Helium filled to full by Dave. Target ready for beam.
352864 03/22/11 09:27 posik 2978-2979 LHRS VDC Plane/RHRS Cer sum
352863 03/22/11 09:20 X. Zheng Target moved to empty
352862 03/22/11 09:17 posik run 2978 ROC1 vs ROC2 histo not found
352861 03/22/11 09:17 Norum Beam stopped
352859 03/22/11 08:59 posik run 2979 ROC10 restart
352857 03/22/11 08:58 Norum Tools
352856 03/22/11 08:57 Norum Methane alarm
352854 03/22/11 08:26 posik run 2978 coda got hung up
352851 03/22/11 07:57 ipom Owl shift summary
352849 03/22/11 07:47 ipom BB HV power of not from GUI warning
352847 03/22/11 07:46 siqbal target screens
352844 03/22/11 06:49 ipom 2 hours of LD2 done,going back to slanted C
352840 03/22/11 05:49 orchen 750MeV/c protons energy deposit
352839 03/22/11 05:45 siqbal target screen shots
352838 03/22/11 05:23 orchen BB 12C(e,e'p_recoil) with a -0.1V treshold
352837 03/22/11 05:09 orchen HV values for BB and HAND are set fine
352836 03/22/11 05:07 orchen another small modification to the treshold
352835 03/22/11 04:56 orchen Final BB tresholds
352834 03/22/11 04:55 ipom BB HV on chamber #1 went off.
352831 03/22/11 04:33 orchen BB treshold change and "bad" runs
352822 03/22/11 04:24 ipom BB HV
352820 03/22/11 04:16 ipom BB HV are off.
352818 03/22/11 04:08 ipom Rates on LD2
352812 03/22/11 03:44 ipom Done 2 hrs slanted C target. Going to LD2
352808 03/22/11 02:14 orchen New BB tresholds
352805 03/22/11 01:40 ipom rates look ok now
352803 03/22/11 01:23 siqbal target screens
352801 03/22/11 01:17 A. Camsonne Bad connection at output of NIM to ECL level translator
352794 03/22/11 00:46 A. Camsonne Problem with T3
352779 03/22/11 00:27 A. Camsonne Rebooting bbts1
352774 03/22/11 00:11 israely Target screenshot
352772 03/21/11 23:55 A. Camsonne Left Q1 magnet quenched
352771 03/21/11 23:53 JinGe fan of the target turned down
352770 03/21/11 23:48 Norum. LHe LHRS Q1 quench
352769 03/21/11 23:48 JinGe target is moved to slanted carbon
352768 03/21/11 23:39 JinGe target is now moved to Carbon
352767 03/21/11 23:27 JinGe target is moved to 4He 20cm
352766 03/21/11 23:18 israely neutron detector screenshots
352762 03/21/11 23:12 israely spot++
352761 03/21/11 23:10 Norum Hall A tools
352759 03/21/11 22:21 JinGe target is moved to BeO
352758 03/21/11 21:32 Norum Beam update
352757 03/21/11 20:51 JinGe beam expected to be back at 930 pm
352750 03/21/11 18:54 orchen beam update
352749 03/21/11 18:49 igorko E plane thresholds
352748 03/21/11 18:48 JinGe call from chief crew: beam will be back in 2.5 hours if things go smoothly
352747 03/21/11 18:20 orchen BB tresholds (TOO LOW)
352746 03/21/11 17:58 JinGe HallA tools alarm
352745 03/21/11 17:35 JinGe haCryo_supply
352744 03/21/11 17:24 JinGe target snapshots
352743 03/21/11 17:23 JinGe haCryo_supply below low limit sometimes
352742 03/21/11 16:57 A. Camsonne Target filled about half way for tonight - Pay attention to fan on Loop 1 tripping off
352741 03/21/11 16:24 A. Camsonne Target will be refilled soon
352740 03/21/11 16:17 A. Camsonne He4 target vented
352739 03/21/11 16:11 J. Zhang day shift summary
352738 03/21/11 16:10 J. Zhang Helium Target Vented
352735 03/21/11 15:56 A. Camsonne MCC update
352734 03/21/11 15:51 Jack (Techs) Left Dipole NMR cabling
352733 03/21/11 15:46 A. Camsonne Electronics board put in Hall A Radcon staging cabinet
352732 03/21/11 15:43 J. Zhang Cycle the HRS magnets
352731 03/21/11 15:40 Jack (Techs) LQ1 power supply water hoses
352730 03/21/11 15:37 Jack (Techs) Donut transformers on the magnet power supply inputs
352729 03/21/11 15:28 J. Zhang target snapshot
352727 03/21/11 14:11 ipom Batch replay script
352720 03/21/11 11:30 Fansler Cryo
352718 03/21/11 09:14 Fansler Cryo
352717 03/21/11 09:13 J. Zhang Loop2 temp alarm
352716 03/21/11 09:06 J. Zhang Loop2 temperature alram
352715 03/21/11 08:19 Jixie Zhang move to Empty Target
352714 03/21/11 08:17 A. Camsonne Accelerator update : no beam for now ARC power supply still needs to be fixed
352713 03/21/11 07:28 siqbal target screens
352712 03/21/11 04:31 siqbal target screens
352705 03/21/11 02:29 siqbal target screens
352701 03/20/11 23:51 M Defurne screenshots
352700 03/20/11 23:05 LeRose Shift Summary
352699 03/20/11 23:04 LeRose No Beam Owl shift on standby
352692 03/20/11 18:14 M Defurne screenshots
352691 03/20/11 18:11 LeRose Left NMR
352690 03/20/11 17:37 LeRose Left NMR O-scope pictures
352689 03/20/11 17:22 LeRose Left Dipole NMR Lock
352688 03/20/11 16:54 igorko BB triple coincidence
352687 03/20/11 16:15 Jack (Techs) 480VAC phase issues for the magnet power supplies
352685 03/20/11 16:00 Jack (Techs) Left Dipole NMR lock
352684 03/20/11 15:58 eschulte Day Shift Log
352681 03/20/11 15:09 eschulte MCC Update: No ETA
352680 03/20/11 12:32 igorko target
352673 03/20/11 10:43 eschulte HRS Magnets (NMR issues)
352672 03/20/11 10:39 igorko target
352671 03/20/11 09:11 eschulte Hall in Controlled Access
352670 03/20/11 09:08 A. Camsonne Beam status update - No beam before swing shift - Going to controlled access
352669 03/20/11 08:41 xqian Target Screen
352668 03/20/11 08:39 eip s/b
352667 03/20/11 08:19 xqian some thinkings about S/B
352666 03/20/11 08:19 xqian some thinkings about S/B
352665 03/20/11 08:18 orchen Priliminary 4He(e,e'pn) analysis in X>1.2 and Q2=2
352663 03/20/11 07:58 ipom Owl shift summary
352662 03/20/11 07:56 ipom No beam until swing shift
352661 03/20/11 06:51 H. Albataine Target snapshot
352660 03/20/11 05:56 ipom No beam
352658 03/20/11 04:28 orchen Low rate run summery and conclusions
352651 03/20/11 02:18 orchen HAND (e,e'N_recoil) peak for run 2942 (2.5uA)
352650 03/20/11 02:15 nmuangma T0 setting
352649 03/20/11 02:08 ipom No beam
352648 03/20/11 02:06 orchen BB (e,e'p_recoil) from run 2942 (2.5uA)
352647 03/20/11 00:37 H. Albataine Target snapshot
352646 03/20/11 00:21 ipom MCC says that they got a fire alarm and some sprinkels went off in a power supply room
352644 03/19/11 23:48 mhuang Swing Shift Summary
352643 03/19/11 23:45 eip compare to low current
352642 03/19/11 23:42 eip please do the same to the 2.5 micro run
352641 03/19/11 23:38 brads roc8 ped suppression off -- is that intentional?
352640 03/19/11 22:40 igorko HAND TOF
352638 03/19/11 21:52 pzhu run 2947's neutron
352637 03/19/11 21:51 pzhu run 2947's scaler,bigbite
352636 03/19/11 21:51 pzhu run 2947's RC1,SawDTmon
352633 03/19/11 21:31 mhuang Hall A tools screen
352632 03/19/11 21:30 adaq spot++ for 2946
352631 03/19/11 21:22 pzhu run 2946's neutron
352630 03/19/11 21:21 pzhu run 2946's bigbite and scaler
352629 03/19/11 21:21 pzhu run 2946's RC1,SawDTmon
352621 03/19/11 20:19 pzhu no beam
352619 03/19/11 18:06 pzhu run 2945's neutron
352618 03/19/11 18:05 pzhu run 2945's scaler and bigbite
352617 03/19/11 18:04 pzhu run 2945's RC1 and SawDTmon
352614 03/19/11 17:44 A. Camsonne Retimnf
352613 03/19/11 17:11 orchen Bigbite (e,e'p_recoil) status
352612 03/19/11 16:50 pzhu run 2944's neutron
352611 03/19/11 16:49 pzhu run 2944's bigbite,scaler
352610 03/19/11 16:48 pzhu run 2944's RC1 and SawDTmon
352608 03/19/11 16:44 A. Camsonne Beam down - stuck in the injector for now
352606 03/19/11 16:23 israely Target screens
352605 03/19/11 16:03 pzhu run 2943's neutron
352604 03/19/11 16:02 pzhu run 2943's scaler,bigbite
352602 03/19/11 16:01 pzhu run 2943's RC1,SawDTmon
352601 03/19/11 16:01 eschulte Day Shift Log
352599 03/19/11 16:00 eschulte Changed Beam Current to 5uA
352598 03/19/11 16:00 eschulte Day Shift Run LIst
352596 03/19/11 15:48 eschulte HRSL NMR Lock
352595 03/19/11 15:24 eschulte Beam's back!
352594 03/19/11 15:19 eschulte Extended Beam Down Run 2942
352593 03/19/11 14:39 eschulte Run 2942 BigBite Wire Chambers
352592 03/19/11 13:54 pzhu run 2942's RC1 and SawDTmon
352591 03/19/11 13:53 pzhu run 2942's neutron
352590 03/19/11 13:53 pzhu run 2942's scaler and bigbite
352588 03/19/11 13:51 eschulte Reducing current to 2.5 uA
352587 03/19/11 13:50 igorko & orc S/N check
352585 03/19/11 13:39 Higinbotham T3 Rate During 12C(e,e'pN) Experiment (March 2005)
352584 03/19/11 13:38 pzhu 2941's neutron
352583 03/19/11 13:37 pzhu 2941's scaler and bigbite
352582 03/19/11 13:36 pzhu run 2941's RC1,SawDTmon
352579 03/19/11 13:20 eschulte Extended Beam Down Run 2940
352578 03/19/11 13:07 pzhu run 2940's neutron
352577 03/19/11 13:06 pzhu run 2940's bigbite, scaler
352576 03/19/11 13:05 pzhu run 2940's RC1,SawDTmon
352567 03/19/11 12:00 orchen BB (e,e'p_recoil) TOF peak with some basic PID cuts
352566 03/19/11 11:30 adaq CODA and Deadtime monitor
352565 03/19/11 11:25 chench screenshot for neutron detectors sigle rate between run2939
352564 03/19/11 11:24 chench screen shot for BB scintillator single rates and trigger rates
352563 03/19/11 11:21 chench Spot_R after beam back run2938
352562 03/19/11 11:20 yawei Target Screens.
352560 03/19/11 11:18 eschulte Beam Back
352558 03/19/11 11:16 chench rates screenshot after beam back
352555 03/19/11 10:50 A. Camsonne Network switch at BigBite weldment was power cycled
352554 03/19/11 10:15 Higinbotham Trying To Check Pacticle Type Of Peak
352553 03/19/11 09:52 A. Camsonne Network down on BigBite weldment - most likely switch needs to be power cycled or is dead
352552 03/19/11 09:52 eschulte BigBite: Lost Communication
352550 03/19/11 09:24 eschulte Half Wave Plate
352548 03/19/11 09:15 A. Camsonne Yes you can delete whatever is on the /adaql10/work1
352547 03/19/11 09:08 adaq coda and rates
352546 03/19/11 08:39 orchen Is there data from ole experiments on adaql10
352545 03/19/11 08:31 adaq online GUI for run2935
352543 03/19/11 08:01 chench Screenshot of Neutron Deterctor single rates
352542 03/19/11 08:00 chench Screenshot of BB scintillator single rates
352539 03/19/11 07:45 israely Owl shift Summary
352538 03/19/11 07:14 israely Target screenshot
352537 03/19/11 07:13 israely Hall A screenshot
352536 03/19/11 07:03 siqbal bigbite and scalars
352535 03/19/11 07:01 siqbal neutron detector screen shots
352530 03/19/11 05:00 igorko DISK SPACE
352529 03/19/11 04:50 israely Coda screenshot
352528 03/19/11 04:41 igorko BB double coin
352521 03/19/11 04:21 igorko T6 and T7 info
352520 03/19/11 04:11 israely Beam Compensation screenshot
352517 03/19/11 03:38 israely Lecroy HV screenshot
352516 03/19/11 03:36 israely Hall A screenshots
352515 03/19/11 03:34 israely FSD screenshot
352514 03/19/11 03:01 israely Hall A screenshot
352513 03/19/11 02:52 A. Camsonne Rates on He4 at 1 uA Ok
352511 03/19/11 02:50 siqbal scalars
352510 03/19/11 02:47 siqbal scalars
352509 03/19/11 02:47 israely Target screenshot
352508 03/19/11 02:37 A. Camsonne Beam and raster visually checked on BeO
352506 03/19/11 02:35 israely spot++
352504 03/19/11 02:30 A. Camsonne Cabling completed starting beam recovery
352503 03/19/11 02:24 igorko BB delay cables
352502 03/19/11 01:39 israely Igor and alex are still connecting the cables
352501 03/19/11 01:36 A. Camsonne Delay removed only on T3 input at trigger supervisor
352500 03/19/11 01:34 A. Camsonne Additionnal channels in TDCs
352498 03/19/11 00:37 israely The beam is changed to unpolarized beam
352495 03/19/11 00:01 eschulte Swing Shift Log
352494 03/18/11 23:56 eip 20 ns from t3
352493 03/18/11 23:35 eschulte Swing Shift Run Tables
352492 03/18/11 23:34 orchen BigBite IS NOT IN TIME - working on fixing it.
352491 03/18/11 23:12 Xin Qian SRC Timing Problem
352489 03/18/11 21:51 eschulte To be clear...
352487 03/18/11 21:50 eschulte Actually a test run (2927)
352485 03/18/11 21:12 eschulte Hall in Controlled Access
352476 03/18/11 20:13 Punjabi spot++ for run 2925
352473 03/18/11 18:35 Jack (Techs) Left Dipole NMR lock
352472 03/18/11 18:27 Jack (Techs) EPICS alarm fields not set
352470 03/18/11 18:22 brads Removed 20ns from T3 signal at the TS input starting for run 2922
352467 03/18/11 18:19 eschulte Back to Production at 5uA
352465 03/18/11 18:16 eschulte Beam Restored
352463 03/18/11 17:35 eschulte Escorted Access Requested
352462 03/18/11 16:49 yawei Target Screens
352461 03/18/11 16:41 eschulte Q2 investigation
352459 03/18/11 15:59 ellie Day Shift Summary
352457 03/18/11 15:53 ellie Beam down for injector work
352455 03/18/11 14:50 lselvy Permissions for scripts
352454 03/18/11 14:33 ellie Beam Back!
352453 03/18/11 14:27 ellie Beam Down - MCC Lost a Bunch of Magnets
352449 03/18/11 14:08 xqian target screens
352446 03/18/11 13:06 A. Camsonne Energy back to previous value after Hall C is back
352445 03/18/11 12:53 ellie BB & HAND Start of Run Script Problems
352444 03/18/11 12:25 ellie Hall A Tools Screen Capture
352443 03/18/11 12:23 ellie Spot++ for Run 2916
352434 03/18/11 11:51 ellie Glasses Found in Counting House
352433 03/18/11 11:35 A. Camsonne Energy shifted since yesterday
352432 03/18/11 10:43 ellie BHWP Moved to OUT
352429 03/18/11 10:35 xqian Target Screen
352428 03/18/11 10:33 lselvy Run Script Test
352424 03/18/11 09:39 lselvy Errors explained
352423 03/18/11 08:47 V. Sulkosky Bubbler Camera
352422 03/18/11 08:34 narbe End of Run 2912 Called For Reset
352418 03/18/11 08:14 israely Can anyone tell me how to view the gas chamers in the camera?
352416 03/18/11 07:58 danez Owl Shift Summary
352415 03/18/11 07:49 israely target screenshot
352414 03/18/11 07:48 israely Bigbite scintilator & dcaler screenshot
352413 03/18/11 07:47 israely HAND Screenshot(2912)
352412 03/18/11 07:18 siqbal target screens
352409 03/18/11 06:18 Higinbotham Acceptance causes positiive y-target peaking of Al walls
352408 03/18/11 06:09 danez Tools Screenshot
352407 03/18/11 06:08 danez Spot++ Screenshot (2911)
352404 03/18/11 04:42 rbziel HAND Screenshot(2910)
352403 03/18/11 04:41 rbziel Bigbite Scintillator and Scaler Screenshots (2910)
352392 03/18/11 02:47 siqbal target screens
352391 03/18/11 02:08 rbziel HAND Screenshot (2908)
352390 03/18/11 02:07 rbziel Bigbite Scintillator and Scaler Screenshot(2908)
352386 03/18/11 00:52 yez Wrong cratemap?
352384 03/18/11 00:18 siqbal target screen
352382 03/18/11 00:01 adaq Swing Shift Summary
352381 03/17/11 23:43 pzhu run 2906 of neutron
352380 03/17/11 23:42 pzhu run 2906 of scaler,bigbite
352379 03/17/11 23:41 pzhu run 2906 of RC1,Saw
352376 03/17/11 22:56 eip z traget
352375 03/17/11 22:34 pzhu 2905 run of neutron
352374 03/17/11 22:33 pzhu 2905 run of scaler and bigbite
352373 03/17/11 22:32 mhuang Neutron detector left side HV trip
352372 03/17/11 22:32 pzhu 2905run of RC1,Saw
352371 03/17/11 22:22 pzhu run 2904 not good because left side of neutron detector problem
352368 03/17/11 22:02 A. Camsonne Turned regulation off on Left dipole
352367 03/17/11 21:52 pzhu 2904 run of Neutron detctor screenshot
352366 03/17/11 21:51 pzhu 2904 run of scaler and bigbite
352365 03/17/11 21:50 pzhu 2904 run of RC1 and SawDTmon
352363 03/17/11 21:38 lselvy Further Further Sanity Check
352360 03/17/11 21:29 igorko analysis
352359 03/17/11 21:08 lselvy Further Sanity Check
352358 03/17/11 21:05 pzhu Left arm NMR not stable
352357 03/17/11 20:45 lselvy Possible reason for strange peak in 1190
352355 03/17/11 20:39 igorko vertex reconstruction
352347 03/17/11 20:13 lselvy Strange data structure
352346 03/17/11 19:38 pzhu RC1,prescale,sawdtmon for run 2901
352345 03/17/11 19:36 pzhu bigbite and scaler for run 2901
352343 03/17/11 19:35 xqian Target Screen
352341 03/17/11 19:15 mhuang Hall A tools screen during checklist
352340 03/17/11 19:12 Higinbotham Offsite Test
352339 03/17/11 19:11 pzhu spot++ for checklist
352338 03/17/11 19:07 A. Camsonne Test HALOG 19:07
352337 03/17/11 19:06 A. Camsonne HALOG possibly fixed
352336 03/17/11 18:58 A. Camsonne Test HALOG
352335 03/17/11 18:53 A. Camsonne HALOG in bad shape
352334 03/17/11 18:21 A. Camsonne Actually it is 2899 previous run was a spot++
352333 03/17/11 18:19 A. Camsonne Actually it is 2899 previous run was a spot++
352330 03/17/11 18:04 israely target screenshot
352329 03/17/11 18:03 israely Neutron detctor screenshot
352328 03/17/11 18:02 israely Bigbite scintilator & dcaler screenshot
352327 03/17/11 18:00 pzhu spot++
352326 03/17/11 17:54 pzhu RC1, prescale window for run 2899, 5uA, 2x2raster
352325 03/17/11 17:52 mhuang Back to production run
352324 03/17/11 17:51 pzhu scaler production 5uA
352323 03/17/11 17:50 A. Camsonne First production run after DAQ change 2898
352318 03/17/11 17:33 orchen Fixed timing problems in F1 and 1190 TDCs
352317 03/17/11 17:30 Higinbotham [CHANGE] BigBite DAQ Modified After Run 2896
352316 03/17/11 17:29 mhuang Beam back
352313 03/17/11 16:33 israely Bigbite scintilator & dcaler screenshot
352312 03/17/11 16:33 israely Bigbite scintilator & dcaler screenshot
352311 03/17/11 16:32 israely Neutron detctor screenshot
352310 03/17/11 16:31 israely target screenshot
352309 03/17/11 16:30 pzhu L-arm VDC and R-arm cerenkov
352306 03/17/11 16:04 Solvignon Day shift summary
352304 03/17/11 15:56 A. Camsonne Moving files e07006_all_1* to /adaql7/work1/e07006/adaql7
352303 03/17/11 15:41 israely target screenshot
352302 03/17/11 15:40 israely Neutron detctor screenshot
352301 03/17/11 15:39 israely Coda screenshot
352298 03/17/11 14:56 Solvignon Spot++
352297 03/17/11 14:55 gilman target charts as we turn beam back on
352294 03/17/11 14:46 Solvignon Back to production data
352293 03/17/11 14:10 orchen correction - disabled by hardware, not by software
352292 03/17/11 13:59 orchen T6 and T7 triggers disabled by software
352291 03/17/11 13:57 orchen HAND HV trips fixed (IMPORTANT HARDWARE CHANGE!!!)
352290 03/17/11 13:00 brads re: F1s do require explicit ref time subtraction
352289 03/17/11 12:58 brads re: F1 reference time fun
352282 03/17/11 12:01 saw F1 reference time fun
352281 03/17/11 11:55 Solvignon Left Q2 at zero. No alarm
352278 03/17/11 11:49 gilman target status
352276 03/17/11 11:12 Solvignon Hall A tools during checklist
352275 03/17/11 11:10 Solvignon Spot++ during checklist
352274 03/17/11 10:59 israely Target screenshot
352273 03/17/11 10:58 saw Notes on the F1
352271 03/17/11 10:58 israely Bigbite scintilator & dcaler screenshot
352270 03/17/11 10:57 israely Neutron detector screenshot
352269 03/17/11 10:55 gilman target status
352268 03/17/11 10:52 saw F1 window changed from 600 to 1000 ns
352267 03/17/11 10:43 Kalyan Re: Timing for current run
352266 03/17/11 10:41 brads Followup to halog 352225 (BB concerns)
352265 03/17/11 10:38 Solvignon Spot++
352262 03/17/11 10:31 solvignon Target work done. Tuned beam
352261 03/17/11 10:18 israely Starting beam recovery with BeO
352260 03/17/11 10:16 fansler- RQ2 N2
352259 03/17/11 10:16 israely FSD is triped
352258 03/17/11 10:14 israely Target charts screenshot
352257 03/17/11 10:13 israely Target screenshot
352256 03/17/11 10:13 gilman high voltages changed
352255 03/17/11 08:22 Solvignon HRS magnets at 0 for target re-pressurization
352254 03/17/11 08:07 israely target screenshot
352253 03/17/11 08:06 israely Bigbite scintilator & dcaler screenshot
352252 03/17/11 08:05 israely Neutron detector screenshot
352250 03/17/11 07:58 danez Owl Shift Summary
352249 03/17/11 07:37 danez HAND HV slot 5 Update 2
352248 03/17/11 07:35 danez Controlled Access
352246 03/17/11 06:36 danez Tools Screenshot
352245 03/17/11 06:34 danez Spot++ Screenshot
352244 03/17/11 06:18 siqbal neutron detector rates
352241 03/17/11 05:51 Higinbotham Cut on the protons
352240 03/17/11 05:35 orchen following doug's instructionas
352239 03/17/11 04:38 Higinbotham Check for Protons First
352236 03/17/11 04:15 orchen Change of target mass in reaplay scripts
352235 03/17/11 03:42 orchen lookes like no change in the physical layout of the HV cards for HAND
352234 03/17/11 03:20 aniol target moved to 20cm He
352231 03/17/11 02:41 aniol target screens
352230 03/17/11 02:39 aniol target screens, LD2
352228 03/17/11 02:27 aniol target moved to LD2, 10cm
352226 03/17/11 02:14 igorko bigbite
352225 03/17/11 02:11
352224 03/17/11 01:54 danez HAND HV slot 5 Update
352223 03/17/11 01:30 danez HAND HV slot 5
352222 03/17/11 01:20 igorko HAND voltages
352220 03/17/11 01:13 israely target screenshot
352219 03/17/11 01:13 israely coda screenshot
352218 03/17/11 01:12 israely Bigbite scintilator & dcaler screenshot
352217 03/17/11 01:12 israely Neutron detector screenshot
352216 03/17/11 01:04 israely Beam shutdown
352214 03/17/11 00:37 eip hv dispaly
352213 03/17/11 00:33 lselvy gui issues
352211 03/17/11 00:16 Ole Hansen Swing Shift Summary
352210 03/16/11 23:48 narbe EB2 Crashed
352209 03/16/11 23:47 Ole Hansen CODA back up
352207 03/16/11 23:44 Ole Hansen CODA crash
352206 03/16/11 23:39 danez HAND HV Layer 1 - PMTs off?
352205 03/16/11 23:34 israely target screenshot
352204 03/16/11 23:33 israely Neutron Detector Screenshot
352203 03/16/11 23:33 israely Bigbite scintilator & dcaler screenshot
352202 03/16/11 23:32 israely coda screenshot
352201 03/16/11 22:57 narbe Correct Beam Current for 2879-2883
352200 03/16/11 22:46 eip current ?
352198 03/16/11 22:41 Ole Hansen HV trip
352196 03/16/11 22:06 xqian Target Screen Shot
352194 03/16/11 22:04 Ole Hansen HV trip
352192 03/16/11 21:30 Ole Hansen HV crate replaced. Requesting beam
352190 03/16/11 20:28 israely Bigbite scintilator & dcaler screenshot
352189 03/16/11 20:27 israely Neutron Detector Screenshot
352188 03/16/11 20:25 israely Target screenshot
352187 03/16/11 20:24 israely Target screenshot
352185 03/16/11 20:20 A. Camsonne Lost HV crate Bad 24 V supply
352184 03/16/11 20:18 Ole Hansen HAND power supply failure
352183 03/16/11 20:15 narbe F1-TDC ROC5 Error.
352181 03/16/11 20:10 Ole Hansen ROC5 errors
352179 03/16/11 20:00 lselvy Questions about anomalous peak
352178 03/16/11 19:12 Ole Hansen Start production
352176 03/16/11 19:11 xqian Target Change
352174 03/16/11 19:07 narbe Raster Check
352170 03/16/11 18:51 Ole Hansen Setting up for production
352166 03/16/11 18:17 igorko ADCs gate
352165 03/16/11 18:16 igorko F1 and 1190 unclear pattern
352164 03/16/11 17:52 brads re: BB adc vs. tdc
352163 03/16/11 17:44 narbe Restarted CODA due to BBTS1
352159 03/16/11 17:17 igorko BigBite issue
352153 03/16/11 16:00 Solvignon Day shift summary
352151 03/16/11 15:25 A. Camsonne Left HRS Sieve in after run 2870
352150 03/16/11 15:19 saw, igorko ROC5 F1 setup restored to 600ns window
352149 03/16/11 15:18 A. Camsonne ROC5 rebooted after run 2870
352146 03/16/11 15:06 A. Camsonne ROC5 rebooted after run 2869
352145 03/16/11 15:05 saw, igorko F1 TDC Window changed to 1000ns temporarily
352141 03/16/11 13:57 Jack Left VDCs high voltage
352140 03/16/11 13:55 Solvignon Hall A tools for day shift checklist
352136 03/16/11 13:38 Fansler RQ2 N2
352135 03/16/11 13:14 Solvignon Beam study done. Waiting for beam.
352134 03/16/11 12:55 A. Camsonne Update on beam studies
352133 03/16/11 12:27 yez Replay Scripts and scripts for batch farm job submitting are all tested and work fine
352132 03/16/11 12:06 igorko timing for the current run
352131 03/16/11 11:55 LeRose Left NMR Lock
352130 03/16/11 11:16 Fansler RQ2 N2
352129 03/16/11 10:51 Fansler L Arm NMR
352128 03/16/11 10:01 Solvignon Hall A in controlled access
352127 03/16/11 09:40 Solvignon Beam study starts
352126 03/16/11 09:35 gilman moved to slanted carbon target
352125 03/16/11 09:34 Solvignon HV trip
352124 03/16/11 09:22 A. Camsonne Hall C target cool down starting.
352123 03/16/11 09:21 A. Camsonne Beam studies moved to today
352121 03/16/11 09:00 israely Correction: Target was He-4 20cm 13uA
352120 03/16/11 08:41 israely Target screenshot
352119 03/16/11 08:40 israely Coda Screenshot
352118 03/16/11 08:39 israely Bigbite scintilator & dcaler screenshot
352117 03/16/11 08:39 israely Neutron Detector Screenshot
352115 03/16/11 08:29 gilman target screens
352113 03/16/11 08:24 Saha HAND ND N6 Left Problem Run 2865
352112 03/16/11 08:13 V. Sulkosky Re: T5 triggers without a T5 bit
352111 03/16/11 08:11 orchen neutron peak with target vertex cuts
352109 03/16/11 08:01 danez Owl Shift Summary
352103 03/16/11 07:44 orchen Low Q2 4He(e,e'pn) TOF peak ???
352102 03/16/11 07:29 Higinbotham T5 vs T6 and T7
352101 03/16/11 07:06 danez Tools Screenshot
352100 03/16/11 07:05 danez Spot++ Screenshot (2862)
352099 03/16/11 06:22 orchen T5 triggers without a T5 bit.
352098 03/16/11 06:18 rbziel Bigbite Scintillator and Scaler Screenshots(2862)
352097 03/16/11 06:16 rbziel HAND Screenshot(2862)
352094 03/16/11 04:33 aniol target screens
352091 03/16/11 02:48 rbziel Bigbite Scintillator and Scaler Screenshot (2860)
352090 03/16/11 02:46 rbziel HAND Screenshot (2860)
352087 03/16/11 01:05 igorko current for the 20 cm He4 target
352086 03/16/11 00:58 igorko T6 trigger problem
352085 03/16/11 00:44 aniol JT valve opened: question
352083 03/16/11 00:37 B Norum Shift Summary
352080 03/15/11 23:52 israely Neutron Detector Screenshot
352079 03/15/11 23:51 israely Bigbite scintilator & dcaler screenshot
352078 03/15/11 23:50 israely Coda screenshot
352077 03/15/11 23:49 israely Analysis screenshot hand 13
352076 03/15/11 23:48 israely Analysis screenshot hand 13
352075 03/15/11 23:48 israely Analysis screenshot hand 12
352074 03/15/11 23:47 israely Analysis screenshot hand 11
352073 03/15/11 23:46 israely Analysis screenshot hand 10
352072 03/15/11 23:46 israely Analysis screenshot hand 9
352071 03/15/11 23:45 israely Analysis screenshot hand 8
352070 03/15/11 23:44 israely Analysis screenshot hand 7
352069 03/15/11 23:43 israely Analysis screenshot hand 6
352068 03/15/11 23:43 israely Analysis screenshot hand 5
352067 03/15/11 23:42 israely Analysis screenshot hand 4
352066 03/15/11 23:42 israely Analysis screenshot hand 3
352065 03/15/11 23:41 israely Analysis screenshot hand 2
352064 03/15/11 23:41 israely Analysis screenshot hand 1
352063 03/15/11 23:39 israely Analysis screenshot bigbite 1
352062 03/15/11 23:39 israely Analysis screenshot bigbite
352061 03/15/11 23:39 israely Analysis screenshot bigbite 1
352060 03/15/11 23:38 israely Analysis screenshot bigbite
352059 03/15/11 23:37 israely Analysis screenshot bigbite 4
352058 03/15/11 23:37 israely Analysis screenshot bigbite 3
352057 03/15/11 23:36 israely Analysis screenshot bigbite 2
352056 03/15/11 23:36 israely Analysis screenshot bigbite 1
352055 03/15/11 23:34 israely Analysis screenshot 11
352054 03/15/11 23:34 israely Analysis screenshot 10
352053 03/15/11 23:33 israely Analysis screenshot 9
352052 03/15/11 23:33 israely Analysis screenshot 8
352051 03/15/11 23:32 israely Analysis screenshot 7
352050 03/15/11 23:31 israely Analysis screenshot 5
352049 03/15/11 23:31 israely Analysis screenshot 4
352048 03/15/11 23:30 israely Analysis screenshot 3
352047 03/15/11 23:29 israely Analysis screenshot 3
352046 03/15/11 23:29 israely Analysis screenshot 2
352045 03/15/11 23:24 israely Analysis screenshots 1
352044 03/15/11 23:06 israely Target screenshot
352043 03/15/11 22:57 israely Neutron Detector Screenshot
352042 03/15/11 22:57 israely Bigbite scintilator & dcaler screenshot
352041 03/15/11 22:56 israely Current is changed to 18uA
352038 03/15/11 22:43 igorko LHRS momentum
352037 03/15/11 22:37 israely Neutron Detector Screenshot
352036 03/15/11 22:37 israely Bigbite scintilator & dcaler screenshot
352035 03/15/11 22:36 yawei increase loop1 JT value and decrease loop2 JT value
352029 03/15/11 22:23 israely Current is changed to 20uA and code stoped
352028 03/15/11 22:21 yawei increase the fan's drive frequency from 24Hz to 48Hz, Loop1
352024 03/15/11 22:14 igorko figures in JPG format
352023 03/15/11 21:47 israely Coda screenshot
352022 03/15/11 21:46 V. Sulkosky Re-post plots not ps format
352021 03/15/11 21:42 israely Neutron Detector Screenshot
352020 03/15/11 21:41 israely Bigbite scintilator & dcaler screenshot
352019 03/15/11 21:38 igorko db_DBB database
352018 03/15/11 21:37 israely Scalers from run 2853
352015 03/15/11 21:31 igorko BB scalers
352014 03/15/11 21:19 israely Target screenshot
352013 03/15/11 21:14 igorko timming
352012 03/15/11 21:13 israely Prescales from 2852 run
352009 03/15/11 21:01 israely scalers screenshot for 2851 run
352008 03/15/11 20:52 norum LHRS NMR Regulation
352007 03/15/11 20:50 israely Neutron Detector Screenshot
352006 03/15/11 20:49 israely Production 2851
352005 03/15/11 20:46 Norum LHRS no NMR lock
352004 03/15/11 20:46 israely Clock prescaler is reduced to 20i
352000 03/15/11 20:41 A. Camsonne Left NMR unstable
351999 03/15/11 20:40 israely Run 2849 is dead run
351996 03/15/11 20:24 israely Neutron Detector Screenshot
351995 03/15/11 20:23 israely Bigbite scintillator & scaler screenshot
351994 03/15/11 20:17 yawei Target moved to 20cm 4He, loop 1
351993 03/15/11 20:15 israely We are moving to production
351992 03/15/11 20:11 Norum Tools snapshot
351991 03/15/11 20:05 yawei Target moved to BeO position.
351989 03/15/11 20:04 israely spot++ results
351987 03/15/11 19:59 Jack (Techs) LQ1 power supply saga
351986 03/15/11 19:55 yawei increase JT value flow, loop 1
351983 03/15/11 19:34 yawei Target moved to empty position!
351981 03/15/11 19:24 A. Camsonne Right arm set to 1.3825 GeV/c
351980 03/15/11 19:06 A. Camsonne Issue with Right Q1 power supply
351976 03/15/11 18:35 israely Neutron & bigbite are back to live
351975 03/15/11 18:33 israely Code is rebooted
351972 03/15/11 18:19 israely Neutron Detector Screenshot
351971 03/15/11 18:18 israely Bigbite scintillator screenshotBigbite scintillator & scaler screenshot
351964 03/15/11 17:18 lselvy F1TDC inefficiency
351961 03/15/11 16:58 saw More F1 missing reference time fun
351958 03/15/11 16:47 israely Neutron Detector Screenshot
351957 03/15/11 16:45 israely Bigbite scintillators & scalers screenshot
351956 03/15/11 16:42 israely Cosmics Run
351955 03/15/11 16:38 saw,lselvy More on missing F1 reference times
351951 03/15/11 16:06 yawei Target Screens!
351949 03/15/11 15:57 ellie Day Shift Summary
351948 03/15/11 15:48 eip so what does those plots mean
351947 03/15/11 15:37 israely Target IOC screenshot
351946 03/15/11 15:27 saw Missing F1 reference times
351945 03/15/11 15:27 nmuangma BigBite TDC spectrum concern for dE lower bars
351944 03/15/11 15:20 A. Camsonne Requested for Restricted Access to check Q1 power supply
351943 03/15/11 15:14 ellie Hall A Tools Screengrab
351942 03/15/11 15:09 lselvy Followup on the start of run change
351940 03/15/11 14:57 lselvy Start of run script
351939 03/15/11 14:43 Hanretty FPP Straw Chambers off
351938 03/15/11 14:12 igorko timing
351937 03/15/11 13:20 IgorKo, SMB Timing changes in T7
351936 03/15/11 13:12 orchen small evidence for a T6 peak in deutrium when cutting on high momentum
351935 03/15/11 12:57 israely Target Alarm screenshot
351934 03/15/11 12:55 israely Target BDS Positions & Set Absolute Position screenshot
351933 03/15/11 12:51 A. Camsonne HRS moved to production Kinematic angle
351932 03/15/11 12:49 israely WR Valve screenshot
351931 03/15/11 12:46 israely Cryotarget & ERS screenshot
351930 03/15/11 12:32 israely I ment loop 3
351929 03/15/11 12:10 israely Loop 3 Target charts
351928 03/15/11 12:09 israely Loop 2 Target screenshots
351927 03/15/11 12:08 israely Loop 2 Target screenshots
351926 03/15/11 12:01 israely Loop 2 Charts screenshots
351925 03/15/11 12:00 israely Loop 2 Target screenshot
351924 03/15/11 11:40 israely Hall A loop 1 Fan controls screenshot
351923 03/15/11 11:31 israely Loop 1 Charts
351922 03/15/11 11:30 israely Loop 1 Target screenshors
351921 03/15/11 11:08 israely Loop 3 screenshot
351920 03/15/11 11:07 israely Loop 2 screenshots
351919 03/15/11 11:06 orchen semi inclusive T7
351918 03/15/11 11:00 igor semi inclusive T6 problem
351917 03/15/11 10:18 averett reduce JT valve flow-loop 2
351916 03/15/11 10:06 ellie Called for Controlled Access
351915 03/15/11 10:01 Xiaohui RC daily summary
351911 03/15/11 09:41 israely Target Screenshots
351910 03/15/11 09:30 israely Loop3 schematic diagram
351909 03/15/11 09:10 ellie BTA from March 14 Swing Shift
351908 03/15/11 09:08 Xiaohui BTA log
351907 03/15/11 09:02 ellie Owl Shift BTA
351905 03/15/11 08:55 israely Target Screenshot
351903 03/15/11 08:51 israely Loop 2 schematic diagram
351902 03/15/11 08:50 israely Loop 1 schematic diagram
351901 03/15/11 08:43 Holmstrom Neutron Rates
351900 03/15/11 08:29 orchen d(e,e'pn) results for RC meating at MCC
351898 03/15/11 08:10 danez Owl Shift Summary
351895 03/15/11 07:25 danez ROC10 hung
351893 03/15/11 07:15 danez BigBite Screenshot (2832)
351892 03/15/11 07:14 danez HAND Screenshot (2832)
351891 03/15/11 07:01 aniol target - esr temp above 16K
351890 03/15/11 07:01 danez Tools Screenshot
351889 03/15/11 06:53 danez Spot++ Screenshot (2832)
351884 03/15/11 05:43 danez BigBite Screenshot (2830)
351883 03/15/11 05:42 danez HAND Screenshot (2830)
351880 03/15/11 04:57 aniol target screens
351877 03/15/11 04:39 danez ROC5 error, run 2828
351876 03/15/11 04:11 danez BigBite Screenshot (2828)
351875 03/15/11 04:10 danez HAND Screenshot
351872 03/15/11 03:24 nmuangma F1 TDC complain message when replay
351871 03/15/11 03:09 nmuangma 1190 TDC not working for run 2707 to 2799, Work after Vince widen the L1A gate start at run 2800
351868 03/15/11 02:29 danez BigBite Screenshot
351867 03/15/11 02:28 danez HAND Screenshot
351864 03/15/11 02:07 aniol target - adjusted JT valve
351861 03/15/11 01:43 orchen Neutron TOF EDTM location(s)
351860 03/15/11 01:04 danez BigBite Screenshot
351859 03/15/11 01:03 danez HAND Screenshot
351854 03/15/11 00:03 Norum Run Summary
351853 03/14/11 23:59 tireman HAND scaler screen shot
351852 03/14/11 23:57 yawei Target Screens!
351847 03/14/11 22:44 tireman ROC sync plots --- bad scaling with LD2 target
351846 03/14/11 22:40 tireman online replay empty plots that were not empty before
351845 03/14/11 22:38 tireman Online replay issues
351844 03/14/11 22:25 tireman Big bite scintillator singles screen shot
351843 03/14/11 22:23 tireman Hall A scaler data screen shots
351842 03/14/11 22:20 tireman Big bit singles screen snap shot
351841 03/14/11 22:15 tireman Big Bite screen snap shot
351840 03/14/11 22:14 tireman HAND scalar screen snap shot
351839 03/14/11 22:11 yawei Target Screens!
351838 03/14/11 22:08 tireman Back to data collection after CODA restart and ROC 1 and 3 Reboot
351836 03/14/11 22:00 tireman Run 2819 end failed
351834 03/14/11 21:18 tireman Run 2818 is junk (no end run script either)
351830 03/14/11 20:25 tireman Runs 2811 - 2813 are short for rate check on LD2
351829 03/14/11 20:23 tireman Runs 2814 - 2816 are production runs
351824 03/14/11 19:10 Norum Hall A Tools
351821 03/14/11 18:45 yez Prepared scripts for data replay on ifarm and jobs submitting to batch farm
351820 03/14/11 18:37 Xiaohui Run plan update
351819 03/14/11 18:16 tireman HAND scalars with LD2 10 cm with 3 micro amp beam
351813 03/14/11 18:02 Norum Spot Check
351812 03/14/11 18:01 tireman Spot++ screen shots after switch to LD2 10 cm target
351809 03/14/11 17:50 yawei Target to 10cm LD2
351808 03/14/11 17:45 jpchen Adjusted cryo flow to have loop 2 (LD2) ready for beam.
351804 03/14/11 16:28 yawei Target screens.
351802 03/14/11 16:02 ellie Day Shift Summary
351800 03/14/11 15:51 V. Sulkosky EDTM was Enabled During Access
351796 03/14/11 15:41 ellie Increasing beam current from 5uA to 20uA
351794 03/14/11 15:37 ellie Hall A Tools Screen Capture
351792 03/14/11 15:32 Hanretty target change
351791 03/14/11 15:30 weinstein replay questions
351790 03/14/11 15:24 Hanretty target screens
351787 03/14/11 14:57 ellie Beam Down Temporarily - Hall C's Fault
351785 03/14/11 14:28 pzhu BPM database copied to e07006/DB
351784 03/14/11 14:14 A. Camsonne No more warnings for F1 in ROC5
351783 03/14/11 14:10 pzhu BPM database for leftarm
351782 03/14/11 14:10 pzhu BPM database for leftarm
351781 03/14/11 14:10 Hanretty Heater power
351778 03/14/11 13:31 weinstein big bite rate snapshot
351777 03/14/11 13:29 weinstein hand rate snapshot
351776 03/14/11 13:15 V. Sulkosky Scope Trace BB Retiming
351773 03/14/11 13:06 ellie spot++ for 2802
351771 03/14/11 13:02 ellie BMPA Y - Change from 0.37 to 0.30
351769 03/14/11 12:56 V. Sulkosky Neutron TOF T7 and EDTM
351767 03/14/11 12:54 Hanretty target screens
351766 03/14/11 12:54 ellie Beam Recovery looks good, asking for 5uA
351764 03/14/11 12:51 ellie spot++ for 2800
351762 03/14/11 12:38 ellie Beam returning, starting Short Beam Recovery
351761 03/14/11 12:28 Hanretty JT valve adjustment
351760 03/14/11 12:28 V. Sulkosky Checked Stops to F1 and 1190
351758 03/14/11 12:26 V. Sulkosky BB Retiming Checked and Veto Enlarged
351757 03/14/11 12:22 V. Sulkosky T6 Now Coincidence between BB and LHRS
351755 03/14/11 12:04 Xiaohui RC daily summary
351752 03/14/11 11:36 A. Camsonne Redownloaded crls for run 2798
351748 03/14/11 11:29 lselvy Added Synch Event Check for 1190
351743 03/14/11 10:40 Xiaohui Run plan update
351742 03/14/11 10:35 ellie Left Dipole Alarm - fixing itself, but happening a few times
351741 03/14/11 10:32 ellie Target moved to Loop 1, 20cm He target
351740 03/14/11 10:30 igorko F1 - 1190 correlation
351739 03/14/11 10:23 Hanretty Target changed
351738 03/14/11 10:20 ellie Asked for Controlled Access
351736 03/14/11 10:01 Hanretty HAND alarm
351728 03/14/11 09:07 weinstein coda
351727 03/14/11 09:07 Hanretty Target screens
351726 03/14/11 09:05 ellie Moving Left Sieve to OUT
351725 03/14/11 09:04 Hanretty Hanretty
351723 03/14/11 08:41 ellie Extra numbers in Hall A Tools?
351722 03/14/11 08:05 Weinstein Hand rates
351720 03/14/11 08:04 Weinstein Bigbite rates
351719 03/14/11 08:04 danez Owl Shift Summary
351715 03/14/11 07:56 Hanretty Target switch
351711 03/14/11 07:17 aniol target screens
351710 03/14/11 07:09 danez Tools Screenshot
351709 03/14/11 07:08 danez Spot++ Screenshot
351704 03/14/11 06:21 SMB run 2784, ROCs
351703 03/14/11 06:13 SMB run 2784, LD@2uA, rates on BB
351702 03/14/11 06:11 SMB run 2784, LD@2uA, rates on HAND
351694 03/14/11 04:36 SMB Run 2777, online GUI, ROCs:
351693 03/14/11 04:29 SMB online GUI, BB - the "step" problem
351688 03/14/11 03:46 orchen Updated results on d(e,e'pn) measurement at x>1
351683 03/14/11 02:52 aniol target screens
351678 03/14/11 01:54 SMB run 2774, rates on hand
351677 03/14/11 01:52 SMB run 2774, rates on BB
351676 03/14/11 01:47 SMB run 2770, online GUI, BB
351675 03/14/11 01:37 SMB Run 2770, online GUI, HRS, hand
351665 03/14/11 00:09 Fatiha Shift Summary
351664 03/13/11 23:53 Ole Hansen Analyzer updated
351662 03/13/11 23:32 igorko first tripple for X>1 ?
351661 03/13/11 23:29 Fatiha T5 rates tests
351660 03/13/11 23:24 LeRose Target Screens
351657 03/13/11 23:16 yawei beam off trigger rates screens
351653 03/13/11 22:22 yawei rates screen(neutron detector)
351652 03/13/11 22:20 yawei rates screens
351651 03/13/11 22:18 V. Sulkosky EDTM disabled
351646 03/13/11 21:25 V. Sulkosky Run 2706 Started on 3/11/2011
351641 03/13/11 20:02 yawei production prescale setting
351640 03/13/11 19:54 nmuangma BigBite Problems Unsolve, summary what we have done.
351637 03/13/11 19:31 nmuangma run 2762 after long roc 5 power out.
351635 03/13/11 19:18 nmuangma Roc 5 another power off (long 5 mins)
351634 03/13/11 19:16 LeRose Target Screens
351630 03/13/11 18:49 yawei rate screens, 1uA, 10cm LD
351629 03/13/11 18:43 A. Camsonne Sync clock ok but still working on ROC 5 TDC ADC correlation
351621 03/13/11 18:09 yawei similar shape of spot ++
351616 03/13/11 17:41 A. Camsonne Also uncommented clear of SIS for ROC5 - sync looks ok now
351615 03/13/11 17:39 yawei spot ++ check 2x2 raster
351614 03/13/11 17:34 LeRose Dipole NMR lock
351613 03/13/11 17:23 Fatiha LHRS D1-NMR not locked while its current looks fine: what you should do?
351612 03/13/11 17:18 nmuangma ADC with TDC cut
351610 03/13/11 17:17 igorko F1 TDC
351609 03/13/11 17:15 nmuangma TDC & ADC still out of sync after the roc 5 power reboot
351608 03/13/11 17:14 LeRose Target: 10 cm LD2
351606 03/13/11 17:03 nmuangma 2753 & 2754 roc 5 power cycle
351602 03/13/11 16:59 nmuangma power cycle roc 5
351601 03/13/11 16:55 igorko ROC 5 TDCs
351599 03/13/11 16:49 Fatiha Asked for 1uA for rates and spot check
351596 03/13/11 16:31 LeRose Target 20 cm He
351595 03/13/11 16:14 Fatiha Hall A Genaral Tool
351592 03/13/11 16:03 A. Camsonne commented 0xdeaddead word in ROC1 and ROC2
351590 03/13/11 16:02 bogdanw shift summary
351589 03/13/11 15:58 A. Camsonne commented 0xdeaddead word in ROC1 and ROC2
351587 03/13/11 15:51 Xiaohui RC daily summary
351585 03/13/11 15:23 chench summarization for the beam position scan
351584 03/13/11 14:57 tireman Target Screens
351581 03/13/11 14:52 chench Screenshot of BB scintillator single rate at beam current is 1uA
351580 03/13/11 14:51 chench Screenshot for the neutron detector single rate
351577 03/13/11 14:44 chench Neutron Detector single rates
351576 03/13/11 14:43 chench BB scintillator single rate
351575 03/13/11 14:28 chench ROC5 error
351573 03/13/11 14:24 V. Sulkosky Fast Clock Roc 2 vs 5
351571 03/13/11 14:21 V. Sulkosky ROC 5 Possible Sync Issue
351570 03/13/11 14:19 chench UN2745 BB wire chamber HVs are on
351568 03/13/11 14:16 chench run 2744 BB mwdc HV is off
351565 03/13/11 14:11 chench Spot_R after beam come back
351564 03/13/11 14:11 V. Sulkosky T6 Now Singles for Wire Chamber checks
351562 03/13/11 14:07 V. Sulkosky Escorted Access to Check T6 LHRS+BB Trigger
351560 03/13/11 13:54 V. Sulkosky EDTM Re-enabled for T6 check
351559 03/13/11 13:21 eip 10 vs 20 cm target
351558 03/13/11 13:06 orchen test run with BB chambers off
351557 03/13/11 13:02 Xiaohui BPM nominal value adjusted!
351555 03/13/11 13:00 igorko vertex
351554 03/13/11 12:57 igorko vertex reconstruction for 20cm
351552 03/13/11 12:47 chench Online GUI run2742
351550 03/13/11 12:42 chench Spot_R from run2741
351547 03/13/11 12:23 V. Sulkosky EDTM Disabled
351546 03/13/11 12:15 bogdanw VDC efficiency
351545 03/13/11 12:11 chench spot_R from run2741
351544 03/13/11 12:11 igorko vertex reconstruction
351543 03/13/11 12:09 yez some wires of Left HRS VDC planes have slightly low efficiency
351540 03/13/11 11:59 chench spot_R from run2739
351539 03/13/11 11:57 Higinbotham Try
351537 03/13/11 11:55 chench spot_R from run2737
351533 03/13/11 11:52 chench spot_R from run2736
351531 03/13/11 11:46 chench Spot_R run2736
351527 03/13/11 11:42 igorko vertex reconstruction problem
351526 03/13/11 11:41 chench Spot_R from run2735
351524 03/13/11 11:34 chench Run2732 is junk
351523 03/13/11 11:30 chench Spot_R from run2734
351520 03/13/11 11:25 chench Spot_R from run2733 beam current is iuA and
351517 03/13/11 11:21 tireman Screen Shots and a suggestion
351511 03/13/11 11:03 chench Spot++ from run2730
351508 03/13/11 10:21 chench Screenshot of BB scintillator single rate
351507 03/13/11 10:20 chench screenshot of HAND detector single rate
351502 03/13/11 09:33 A. Camsonne Commented L.* and R.* in HRS.odef
351501 03/13/11 09:26 chench screenshot of BB scitillator single rate
351500 03/13/11 09:25 SMB rates on BB and HAND
351499 03/13/11 09:23 chench screenshot of detectors single rate
351498 03/13/11 09:19 A. Camsonne Disks most likely full, moving files of run less than 2500 to /adaql7/work1/e07006
351495 03/13/11 09:06 chench onlie GUI of run2725 for hand
351494 03/13/11 09:03 chench run2725 onlie GUI for BB
351493 03/13/11 08:50 adaq HRS-L NMR locked
351490 03/13/11 08:39 adaq screenshot of bigbite scitillators single rate
351489 03/13/11 08:38 adaq screenshot of neutron detectors single rate
351488 03/13/11 08:25 adaq Tools
351485 03/13/11 08:17 tireman Target Screens
351484 03/13/11 08:06 chench screenshot of bigbite scintillator single rate
351483 03/13/11 08:04 chench Screenshot of Neutron Detectors single rate
351481 03/13/11 07:58 danez Owl Shift Summary
351476 03/13/11 07:34 SMB run 2717: online GUI, LHRS
351475 03/13/11 07:21 SMB run 2717: online GUI, BB,
351474 03/13/11 07:13 SMB run 2717: online GUI, BB
351473 03/13/11 07:10 danez Tools Screenshot
351472 03/13/11 07:04 danez Spot++ Screenshot
351467 03/13/11 06:49 orchen un reliable reasults from first 4He runs
351465 03/13/11 06:38 Kai target moved to He4 20cm one
351464 03/13/11 06:34 SMB run 2717: online GUI, HAND
351463 03/13/11 06:30 SMB Run 2717: online Gui, HAND
351462 03/13/11 06:25 SMB online GUI, run 2717
351461 03/13/11 06:21 kai target moved to He4
351458 03/13/11 05:50 kai target moved to Slanted Carbon
351456 03/13/11 05:48 kai target snapshot
351455 03/13/11 05:36 SMB online replay
351452 03/13/11 05:17 SMB rates on BB, run 2717
351451 03/13/11 05:16 orchen Very Slow replays on adaq computers
351450 03/13/11 05:16 SMB rates on HAND, run 2717
351449 03/13/11 05:09 SMB online Gui - problems
351438 03/13/11 04:45 SMB Run 2715: rates on BB
351437 03/13/11 04:43 SMB rates on hand run 2715
351435 03/13/11 04:18 danez Left Dipole Momentum Setting Again
351434 03/13/11 04:13 kai step close JT valve
351432 03/13/11 04:10 danez Tools Screenshot
351430 03/13/11 04:07 orchen Problem with the BB wire chambers(?)
351429 03/13/11 04:05 danez Gas Shed Methane Low Alarm Sounding
351426 03/13/11 04:02 danez HAND HV Tripping
351425 03/13/11 03:59 orchen Problem with the BB wire chambers
351422 03/13/11 03:52 orchen No events in T6
351417 03/13/11 03:40 kai heat power drops to zero due to MCC chamber calibration
351415 03/13/11 03:22 danez Alarm from Left Dipole
351414 03/13/11 03:17 danez Spot++ for larger raster
351411 03/13/11 03:07 danez Spot++ 4He 2x2
351409 03/13/11 01:47 danez Spot++ from BeO
351400 03/13/11 00:04 kelleher Swing Shift Summary -- March 12
351398 03/12/11 23:39 orchen HV setting for N5-3L is back to its original value
351397 03/12/11 23:32 orchen current HV settings for BB and HAND
351396 03/12/11 23:27 kelleher target to empty
351395 03/12/11 23:26 orchen curent tresholds
351394 03/12/11 23:18 Xiaohui Left Q1 stays at 3.29 GeV
351393 03/12/11 22:51 eip run plan -commnet
351392 03/12/11 22:38 Xiaohui Run plan update
351391 03/12/11 22:29 Jack (Techs) LQ1 work
351390 03/12/11 22:27 Xiaohui Scattering chamber alarm back on
351389 03/12/11 22:23 Jack (Techs) Left Q1 status
351388 03/12/11 20:12 folts checklist/tech
351387 03/12/11 19:55 kelleher target to BeO
351380 03/12/11 17:15 Xiaohui Run plan (Saturday swing - Sunday day)
351379 03/12/11 16:02 bogdanw shift summary
351377 03/12/11 16:01 LeRose Reduced Q1 Optics
351376 03/12/11 15:41 tireman Target Screens
351375 03/12/11 12:36 orchen New trigger setup for T6 and T7
351373 03/12/11 11:53 tireman Target Screens
351372 03/12/11 11:18 jpchen cryotarget Loop 1 PID adjusted
351371 03/12/11 10:05 tireman target motion after camera alignment and focus
351370 03/12/11 09:59 tireman Target Cameras and Target Motion
351363 03/12/11 08:48 Xiaohui Target camera
351362 03/12/11 08:48 Xiaohui Target camera
351361 03/12/11 08:07 tireman Target screen shots and comment
351360 03/12/11 06:31 M Defurne Close JT valve of LD2
351359 03/12/11 05:37 M Defurne screenshots
351358 03/12/11 03:26 M Defurne Maybe Should Increase the minor alarm for heat power
351357 03/12/11 01:49 M Defurne screenshots
351350 03/11/11 23:42 zwzhao target screen
351349 03/11/11 23:36 zwzhao shift summary
351348 03/11/11 23:24 zwzhao gas sensor alarm
351347 03/11/11 21:53 zwzhao target screen
351346 03/11/11 20:19 zwzhao target screen
351341 03/11/11 19:39 nmuangma BB MWDC threshold set from (4.5V,5.5V) to (5.0V,5V)
351340 03/11/11 19:34 zwzhao target sceen
351334 03/11/11 19:14 nmuangma BigBite issue: The noise pattern are difference. Might be related to the way coda record data.
351329 03/11/11 18:05 nmuangma(Tai LT7-11 change to LTex3-11
351327 03/11/11 17:52 nmuangma LT7-9 change to LTex3-9
351325 03/11/11 17:40 A. Camsonne BPM pedestal runs done - iocse10 set back to autogain
351316 03/11/11 17:30 A. Camsonne BPM pedestal run 2697
351315 03/11/11 17:30 nmuangm TEST: ALL BigBite Voltage is "ON": MWDC HV & threshold, dE & E HV
351312 03/11/11 17:27 A. Camsonne BPM pedestal run 2696
351310 03/11/11 16:57 nmuangma TEST: ALL BigBite Voltage is off: MWDC HV & threshold, dE & E HV
351308 03/11/11 16:30 zwzhao target screen
351307 03/11/11 16:18 Jack (Techs) Left Q1
351306 03/11/11 15:43 B Anderson Target screens.
351304 03/11/11 14:31 Weinstein Day shift summary
351303 03/11/11 14:08 Xiaohui Update
351302 03/11/11 14:03 B Anderson Target screens
351300 03/11/11 13:31 Weinstein HRS set for SRC, except Q1
351296 03/11/11 12:09 B Anderson Target screens
351295 03/11/11 10:56 V. Sulkosky Updated Target Info in db_run.dat Script
351294 03/11/11 10:42 Xiaohui Cosmics check
351293 03/11/11 10:17 B Anderson Target screens
351292 03/11/11 10:11 pzhu Cavity BCM test cabling
351285 03/11/11 09:11 Xiaohui Counting house AC is out
351282 03/11/11 08:39 Weinstein Hall C target cooling starting
351281 03/11/11 08:32 B Anderson Target screens
351280 03/11/11 06:54 aniol target screens
351272 03/11/11 01:03 nmuangma The Noise issue in MWDC is understanded/fixed.
351269 03/11/11 00:21 nmuangma BigBite HV and Threshold Setting (-1600,-1600)V and (4.5V, 5.5V)
351267 03/11/11 00:13 aniol target screens
351265 03/11/11 00:08 nmuangma MWDC noise with MWDC_HV off
351259 03/10/11 22:57 mhuang Target screens
351258 03/10/11 22:05 nmuangma MWDC partially fixed.
351249 03/10/11 21:04 igorko Counting House Temperature Issue
351233 03/10/11 19:29 mhuang Target screens
351228 03/10/11 18:10 mhuang Target camera
351226 03/10/11 17:38 Xiaohui Summary & plan
351218 03/10/11 16:52 jpchen Cryotarget cool-down completed
351208 03/10/11 15:15 nmuangma Power cycle both Roc9 & Roc10: check LT power supply (Good)
351196 03/10/11 13:31 yez R-HRS: re-arrangement of cables at Patch Panel (both up and downstairs) for PS#19R, Cer#5,#7
351193 03/10/11 12:16 V. Sulkosky Updated DBB Database For ROC 5
351191 03/10/11 11:33 V. Sulkosky F1TDC Issue (fixed)
351188 03/10/11 10:29 lselvy Roc Issues
351187 03/10/11 09:45 R. Michaels replay warnings in recent runs
351186 03/10/11 09:42 lselvy Known problems
351185 03/10/11 09:41 V. Sulkosky BB T0 calibration Definitely needed
351178 03/10/11 09:13 Xiaohui Status update
351177 03/10/11 08:18 igorko cosmic data
351174 03/10/11 07:56 rshneor BigBite wirechambers missing wires looks like T0 calibration problem
351173 03/10/11 07:33 orchen BB:: More indocation that this is not (only) a HW problem
351172 03/10/11 07:00 orchen replay warinings from run 2658
351165 03/09/11 22:46 Jack (Techs) Magnet work continues
351164 03/09/11 19:44 eip rock 10 slot 1
351161 03/09/11 17:58 igorko Chamber 1, problem?
351158 03/09/11 17:50 pzhu BCM Calibration
351151 03/09/11 16:36 lselvy Roc 10 out of bounds issue
351150 03/09/11 16:35 Xiaohui Summary & plan
351149 03/09/11 16:27 V. Sulkosky T6 BB Singles at 650 Hz
351148 03/09/11 16:24 V. Sulkosky Scope Traces
351147 03/09/11 16:21 V. Sulkosky T3 Delay Changed this Morning
351146 03/09/11 16:15 yez L->L1A comes ~50ns earlier than retiming, R->L1A comes ~ 25 to 75ns before retiming
351145 03/09/11 16:07 V. Sulkosky T7 Trigger details
351144 03/09/11 15:58 V. Sulkosky T6 Trigger details
351141 03/09/11 15:52 V. Sulkosky Bigbite retiming for Coincidences is setup
351140 03/09/11 15:34 V. Sulkosky Trigger Alignment at TS
351139 03/09/11 15:30 V. Sulkosky T1 and T3 Delay Changed on Weldment
351138 03/09/11 15:12 lselvy ROC 10 Issues
351137 03/09/11 15:06 igorko cosmic data
351132 03/09/11 14:57 Xiaohui Status update
351116 03/09/11 13:17 Xiaohui Target update
351115 03/09/11 12:25 V. Sulkosky T6 and T7 Now Coincidence with LHRS
351114 03/09/11 12:05 igorko HAND and BB HV is on
351111 03/09/11 11:14 igorko HAND HV off
351109 03/09/11 10:41 yez L-HRS: L1A comes 60ns earlier than retiming signal
351106 03/09/11 10:34 Xiaohui Target update
351103 03/09/11 09:54 orchen New HAND self trigger
351096 03/09/11 08:57 Xiaohui RC daily summary
351095 03/09/11 08:34 Xiaohui Target vacuum update
351094 03/09/11 08:14 orchen ROC-10 warnings in replay
351092 03/09/11 08:00 orchen Log cosmic run
351090 03/09/11 06:16 eip nn vs np
351083 03/08/11 21:43 V. Sulkosky Cosmic Run 2641
351080 03/08/11 21:34 V. Sulkosky BB MWDC HV On
351079 03/08/11 21:19 V. Sulkosky Checked BB ADC Gates against Coincidence
351078 03/08/11 21:10 V. Sulkosky Trigger Arrivals at Trigger supevisor
351077 03/08/11 21:04 V. Sulkosky T3 Delay Changed
351076 03/08/11 21:01 V. Sulkosky T1 Window Reduced
351075 03/08/11 20:59 V. Sulkosky BB HV turned on
351071 03/08/11 20:19 orchen FIRS triple coincedence (e,e'pp) & (e,e'pn) for 12C x<1 run
351069 03/08/11 19:26 yez HRSs Detectors update
351067 03/08/11 18:58 V. Sulkosky CODA Failure
351063 03/08/11 18:13 Xiaohui Status update <reformat>
351062 03/08/11 18:06 Xiaohui Status update
351061 03/08/11 18:00 yez L-HRS: Delay retiming signal ~10ns and remove the cable of L1A that go into delay module
351053 03/08/11 17:29 yez L-HRS: Double check that the L1A come 10ns later than retming
351050 03/08/11 17:11 yez reboot ROC1
351048 03/08/11 17:03 hsmith Dipole polarity changed right arm
351047 03/08/11 16:45 lselvy Busy Signals
351046 03/08/11 16:44 lselvy F1TDC Issue
351045 03/08/11 15:45 lselvy Scaler Gating on the Right Arm
351044 03/08/11 15:35 V. Sulkosky BB HV turned off
351040 03/08/11 14:40 tech andrew polarity change
351038 03/08/11 14:15 saw Analyzer problem, not F1TDC failure
351032 03/08/11 12:05 yez LHRS: L1A comes later then retiming signal
351031 03/08/11 12:05 lselvy Scaler Gating on the Left Arm
351030 03/08/11 11:58 saw Killed a runaway "prescale"
351029 03/08/11 11:56 yez L-HRS: All Cerenkov ADC and TDC signals are back. T4 with Cer is enabled
351028 03/08/11 11:56 R. Michaels clearing scalers: try at go
351027 03/08/11 11:56 V. Sulkosky T1 and T3 Window Widths
351026 03/08/11 11:53 V. Sulkosky Re-enabled EDTM for SRC setup correction
351024 03/08/11 11:27 pzhu HAPPEX cavity electronic cable bcm part exchanged
351023 03/08/11 11:24 adaq L-HRS: Turn on HVs of Cerenkov
351022 03/08/11 11:21 V. Sulkosky Scaler Gating
351019 03/08/11 11:06 Jack Gas Cherenkov is in and S0 is out of Left Detector Stack
351014 03/08/11 10:34 Xiaohui HRS polarity change
351001 03/08/11 10:03 jmammei target scattering chamber alarm
350994 03/08/11 09:00 jmammei plan for overnight Tuesday
350993 03/08/11 09:00 V. Sulkosky Re-enabled EDTM for SRC setup
350992 03/08/11 08:50 V. Sulkosky Zeroed T1 and T3 delays
350991 03/08/11 08:46 Igorko HAND HV Trip S13.2
350990 03/08/11 08:32 jmammei RC Daily Summary
350989 03/08/11 08:28 Sharon Beck run 2608 online analysis
350988 03/08/11 08:08 danez Owl Shift Summary
350984 03/08/11 06:51 danez Target Screenshot
350983 03/08/11 06:03 Sharon Beck single rates in HAND
350980 03/08/11 05:58 Sharon Beck online analysis
350979 03/08/11 05:53 nmuangma F1TDC Failure
350978 03/08/11 05:32 danez Tools Screenshot
350969 03/08/11 04:13 Sharon Beck changes in online histograms
350968 03/08/11 04:09 danez Target Screenshot
350967 03/08/11 03:56 danez Left HRS S1 HV Adjustment
350966 03/08/11 03:52 danez Prescales on White Board
350963 03/08/11 03:24 Sharon Beck HAND
350962 03/08/11 03:20 nmuangma Current BigBite Setting: threshold(4.0,4.5) -1650,-1600
350957 03/08/11 03:00 danez Prescales for Run 2599
350949 03/08/11 02:12 danez Move to Slanted Carbon
350947 03/08/11 02:09 danez Spot++ Screenshot
350945 03/08/11 01:51 danez Target Screenshots
350944 03/08/11 01:42 lselvy hv map change
350937 03/08/11 01:03 danez Vacuum Pressure above 2^-4 torr
350936 03/08/11 00:55 danez Moved to BeO
350935 03/08/11 00:42 orchen neutron detection efficiency after analyser changes
350933 03/07/11 23:57 flay Monday March 7 Swing Shift Summary
350931 03/07/11 23:51 orchen Analyzer change in HAND lib
350928 03/07/11 23:30 Punjabi PM scalers for run 2593
350927 03/07/11 23:29 Punjabi HRS scalers for run 2593
350926 03/07/11 23:17 flay Hall A Tools
350925 03/07/11 23:03 Punjabi coda problems
350922 03/07/11 22:34 Punjabi PM scalers
350921 03/07/11 22:33 Punjabi Hrs scalers
350918 03/07/11 21:52 Punjabi PM scalers
350917 03/07/11 21:49 flay Hall A Tools
350914 03/07/11 21:27 Punjabi PM scalers
350913 03/07/11 21:27 Punjabi HRS scalers
350910 03/07/11 21:07 Punjabi PM scalers
350909 03/07/11 21:06 Punjabi HRS scalers
350906 03/07/11 20:44 Punjabi Pmscalers
350905 03/07/11 20:43 Punjabi HRS scalers
350902 03/07/11 20:22 Punjabi PM scalers
350901 03/07/11 20:21 Punjabi HRS scalers
350900 03/07/11 20:17 V. Sulkosky Checked HAND Thresholds Okay (-30 mV)
350899 03/07/11 20:16 orchen first results from 5 and 10 uA deutron efficiency runs
350896 03/07/11 19:58 Punjabi HRS scalers
350895 03/07/11 19:57 Punjabi PM scalers
350891 03/07/11 19:33 Punjabi Hrs scalers
350890 03/07/11 19:32 Punjabi scalers
350889 03/07/11 19:17 Reimer Target: Loop 2 hal2_cernox_2_r
350888 03/07/11 19:11 flay Run 2585: Move back to 5 uA
350885 03/07/11 18:51 V. Sulkosky Updated BCM Coefficients in EOR Script
350884 03/07/11 18:44 flay Hall A Tools
350883 03/07/11 18:41 igorko updated current value
350882 03/07/11 18:40 igorko Beam current
350877 03/07/11 18:19 V. Sulkosky Disabled EDTM
350874 03/07/11 18:11 V. Sulkosky Updated Calibration Constants BCM
350871 03/07/11 17:50 V. Sulkosky Coda Configuration Updated
350859 03/07/11 17:22 Punjabi Spot++
350856 03/07/11 16:38 jpchen Don't remove the Screens directory.
350855 03/07/11 16:34 jpchen Access to hall to reset Loop 1 fan controller
350854 03/07/11 16:31 V. Sulkosky Re: SRC configuration Unbuffered
350853 03/07/11 16:24 V. Sulkosky Fixed T7 Trigger (escorted access)
350849 03/07/11 15:47 averett Day Shift Summary
350847 03/07/11 15:26 orchen BB sieve out
350846 03/07/11 15:09 B Anderson Beam off JT closed 1 step
350840 03/07/11 14:33 B Anderson Target charts
350839 03/07/11 14:32 B Anderson Target screen
350836 03/07/11 14:27 jmammei call for escorted access at 11:50 pm
350834 03/07/11 14:15 jmammei shifts canceled
350832 03/07/11 14:11 averett Hall A Tools
350831 03/07/11 14:05 jmammei run plan for overnight Monday and beyond...
350826 03/07/11 13:40 danez Kinematic #13 N-Delta plot
350823 03/07/11 13:38 danez Kinematic #14 N-Delta plot
350822 03/07/11 13:27 B Anderson Target Screen
350819 03/07/11 13:20 lselvy SRC configuration
350818 03/07/11 13:20 B Anderson H target Open JT 1 step
350810 03/07/11 12:15 danez Spectrometer Momenta Changed
350809 03/07/11 12:14 danez Right Bogies Controls Acting Up
350808 03/07/11 12:12 danez Spectrometers Moved (LHRS = 34.5, RHRS = 21)
350807 03/07/11 12:08 B Anderson BeO. Close JT 2 steps.
350795 03/07/11 10:51 orchen wire chamber efficiency results from HV & treshold scans (RESULTS ARE NOT CLEAR!!)
350792 03/07/11 10:32 B Anderson Target Plots
350787 03/07/11 10:05 B Anderson Target screen.
350782 03/07/11 09:49 A. Camsonne Run 2500 sync check - higher statistics
350780 03/07/11 09:35 B Anderson JT valve open 2 steps
350772 03/07/11 09:19 A. Camsonne /adaql10/work1 disk full removing older files
350771 03/07/11 09:13 jmammei RC Daily Summary
350767 03/07/11 09:01 danez Spot++ Screenshot
350762 03/07/11 08:54 orchen two bugs in the start of run scripts
350761 03/07/11 08:52 orchen loading HV file for BB and HAND
350760 03/07/11 08:46 B Anderson JT Valve opened. BeO in.
350759 03/07/11 08:42 eip radiation level near the scattering chamber
350757 03/07/11 08:00 riordan Owl Shift Summary
350756 03/07/11 07:58 M Friend JT valve stepped closed
350748 03/07/11 07:08 danez Runs 2541 and 2452 are junk
350745 03/07/11 06:45 M Friend Target screenshots
350731 03/07/11 05:22 M Friend Target to 15cm LH2
350728 03/07/11 04:55 M Friend Target to 15cm Al dummy
350727 03/07/11 04:55 M Friend Target high powered heater yellow alarm
350724 03/07/11 04:45 M Friend Target to BeO
350720 03/07/11 04:22 M Friend Target snapshots
350717 03/07/11 04:13 riordan Hall A Tools
350716 03/07/11 04:12 riordan spot++
350711 03/07/11 03:42 danez Synch Check Plot for Run 2480
350702 03/07/11 02:39 M Friend Target screenshots
350701 03/07/11 02:35 M Friend JT valve stepped open
350697 03/07/11 02:22 riordan LHRS at 41.5 degrees
350696 03/07/11 02:07 M Friend Target snapshots
350694 03/07/11 02:00 riordan Finish Setting #9 - changing to setting #10
350689 03/07/11 01:36 danez Synch Roc Screenshot - Run 2452
350688 03/07/11 01:35 nmuangma BCM cavity constants
350666 03/07/11 00:03 zwzhao swing shift summary
350663 03/06/11 23:51 zwzhao HallA tools snapshot
350660 03/06/11 23:39 LeRose Target Screens
350659 03/06/11 23:38 LeRose Target 15cm LH2
350658 03/06/11 23:38 flay RMS values are not reducing, staying at ~ 50.
350653 03/06/11 23:11 flay run 2508: ROC sync differences RMS are back down to acceptable levels
350647 03/06/11 22:35 LeRose Target BeO
350644 03/06/11 22:15 LeRose Target to 15 cm Dummy
350643 03/06/11 22:09 flay Run 2504 is Junk
350637 03/06/11 21:54 A. Camsonne Set sync plots to log scale - Sync differences fluctuations.
350634 03/06/11 21:36 flay Run 2500: Sync ROC Differences Rise Again
350629 03/06/11 21:18 flay Run 2499: ROC RMS Plots Are Calming Down
350622 03/06/11 20:32 flay Run 2495: Sync ROC Plots Back to Normal (Mostly)
350621 03/06/11 20:32 jmammei doing 85% of the charge at setting #9
350618 03/06/11 20:19 flay Run 2493: Sync rocs are EMTPY!
350615 03/06/11 20:17 flay sync roc differences are still showing an RMS > 10...
350612 03/06/11 19:55 LeRose Target Screens
350609 03/06/11 19:51 flay Sync ROC Plots for Run 2491
350608 03/06/11 19:46 orchen Updated Results for BB HV and Treshold Scan.
350605 03/06/11 19:24 flay Run 2490 is Junk
350600 03/06/11 19:11 flay N->Delta plots for I = 25 uA on 15cm LH2 target
350599 03/06/11 19:05 flay Run 2488 is at I = 30 uA
350596 03/06/11 19:01 flay N->Delta plots for I = 30 uA on 15cm LH2 target
350595 03/06/11 18:58 flay N->Delta plots for I = 40 uA on 15cm LH2 target
350591 03/06/11 18:40 jmammei techs: LHRS now moving
350590 03/06/11 18:34 jmammei techs: LHRS won't move
350588 03/06/11 18:17 igorko BigBite databases
350585 03/06/11 17:51 jmammei Run plan for overnight Sunday / Monday day
350576 03/06/11 17:07 V. Sulkosky Re: HAND Timing Measurements (Late Entry 2/24/2011)
350575 03/06/11 17:04 flay Run 2483 is Junk
350572 03/06/11 16:42 LeRose Target Screens
350569 03/06/11 16:16 orchen BB tresholds
350568 03/06/11 16:12 orchen HAND tresholds
350567 03/06/11 16:12 orchen HAND tresholds
350565 03/06/11 16:11 M Defurne Day Shift Summary
350562 03/06/11 15:59 adaq screen shot of ndelta for run2480
350561 03/06/11 15:47 M Defurne Start production run with LH2 4cm at 15:45
350559 03/06/11 15:38 adaq spot++ from run2479
350557 03/06/11 15:30 A. Camsonne Finished booting the iocha22
350555 03/06/11 15:23 nmuangma Correction: BCM current calibration
350553 03/06/11 15:16 orchen ROC-8 restart
350552 03/06/11 15:16 M Defurne screenshots of Hall A general Tools
350551 03/06/11 15:14 V. Sulkosky Re: can't connect to bbps1.2001 (HAND right side HV control)
350550 03/06/11 15:04 orchen can't connect to bbps1.2001 (HAND right side HV control)
350549 03/06/11 15:02 orchen HV change in veto
350548 03/06/11 14:53 M Defurne run 2473 Al 15cm Ok
350547 03/06/11 14:49 adaq coda works again
350545 03/06/11 14:49 A. Camsonne iocha22 error during boot
350544 03/06/11 14:45 M Defurne white alarm LeCroy_HV because of iocha22
350543 03/06/11 14:43 A. Camsonne iocha22 Transfer Timed Out, might have network issues
350542 03/06/11 14:30 adaq the error of coda
350541 03/06/11 14:27 adaq er2 of coda is pused
350540 03/06/11 14:18 adaq run#2474 is junk becuase EB2 of coda does not response
350539 03/06/11 14:14 M Defurne Late Entry for target changed
350537 03/06/11 13:51 M Defurne LeCroy HV screen
350536 03/06/11 13:36 M Defurne start run calibration with alumimium 15cm
350535 03/06/11 13:25 M Defurne white alarm hall a LECROY-HV
350521 03/06/11 12:02 adaq run#2466 is production run
350518 03/06/11 11:55 danez Run 2463 - Incorrect Angle Data
350517 03/06/11 11:50 adaq run#2464 is junk since TS1 does not response.
350514 03/06/11 11:34 M Defurne Finish setting #12 moving to setting #8
350510 03/06/11 11:11 M Defurne open JT valve for LH2 15cm
350509 03/06/11 11:05 M Defurne change target to LH2 15cm at 11:00
350505 03/06/11 10:39 igorko BigBite TOF spectra
350504 03/06/11 10:31 igorko BigBite ADCs dE/E
350487 03/06/11 09:05 M Defurne screenshots
350482 03/06/11 08:11 jmammei RC Daily Summary
350478 03/06/11 07:58 riordan Owl Shift Summary
350477 03/06/11 07:54 riordan Increased Beam Ramp Rate
350474 03/06/11 07:47 jmammei correction: setting #8, not 38
350473 03/06/11 07:46 danez Synch Check - Run 2437
350471 03/06/11 07:27 jmammei Run plan for Suday day/ beginning of swing
350470 03/06/11 07:26 M Friend Target to 4cm LH2
350468 03/06/11 07:11 M Friend Target screenshots
350466 03/06/11 07:01 riordan Zone Recovered - resume Al dummy
350465 03/06/11 06:43 riordan No Beam - RF Zone 2L14 down
350462 03/06/11 06:00 M Friend Target to 4cm Al dummy
350459 03/06/11 05:50 M Friend Target to BeO
350441 03/06/11 04:43 riordan Hall A Tools
350440 03/06/11 04:42 riordan spot++
350437 03/06/11 04:16 M Friend Target screenshots
350432 03/06/11 03:42 danez Kinematic 12 Screenshot - 80 microamps
350430 03/06/11 03:29 danez Synch Check - Run 2399
350429 03/06/11 03:25 riordan LHRS at 48 degrees
350428 03/06/11 02:52 riordan Finish Setting #11 - moving to setting #12
350426 03/06/11 02:33 riordan Gas Shed Flammable Gas Sensor Low Alarm
350423 03/06/11 02:08 M Friend Target screenshots
350420 03/06/11 01:39 danez Runs 2431 and 2432 are junk
350405 03/06/11 00:03 bogdanw Shift sumamry
350398 03/05/11 22:49 flay Target Strip Charts [4cm LH2]
350397 03/05/11 22:47 bogdanw Hall A tools
350396 03/05/11 22:32 flay Moved target back to 4cm LH2 for production at I = 55 uA.
350393 03/05/11 21:48 flay Moved to 4cm Aluminum target position
350390 03/05/11 21:39 flay Target moved to BeO position for 5 min. I - 20 uA run.
350382 03/05/11 19:55 jmammei HPH settings for different targets
350379 03/05/11 19:38 flay Error on Number of Events for Run 2415
350378 03/05/11 19:28 jmammei boiling study
350377 03/05/11 19:26 boiling study addition to overnight run plan
350376 03/05/11 19:23 flay Summary of Runs 2409--2417
350375 03/05/11 19:18 jmammei run plan for overnight Saturday
350372 03/05/11 18:51 flay Target Strip Charts [4cm LH2]
350371 03/05/11 18:47 flay Test Runs 2409--2414
350367 03/05/11 18:37 orchen HAND tresholds per PMT in MeVee
350364 03/05/11 18:26 flay N->Delta plots for I = 60 uA on 4cm LH2 target
350363 03/05/11 18:20 flay N->Delta plots for I = 40 uA on 4cm LH2 target
350362 03/05/11 18:15 flay N->Delta plots on 4cm LH2 target at I = 20 uA
350356 03/05/11 17:58 flay N->Delta plots at I = 30 uA
350355 03/05/11 17:56 jmammei moving to 4cm target
350353 03/05/11 17:51 flay N->Delta Plots for I = 10 uA
350347 03/05/11 17:39 rshneor BigBite VDC eff per HV
350346 03/05/11 17:38 bogdanw Hall A tools for kin #11
350345 03/05/11 17:35 jmammei changed HP heater low high alarm
350338 03/05/11 16:29 flay Target Moved To: 15cm LH2
350336 03/05/11 16:19 flay spot_R for run 2407
350333 03/05/11 16:15 M Defurne Day Shift Summary
350329 03/05/11 15:54 R. Michaels Deadtime vs Rate
350326 03/05/11 15:49 M Defurne forgotten screenshot with last emtry
350325 03/05/11 15:46 M Defurne variation of temperature when changing
350322 03/05/11 15:30 M Defurne Back to production for setting 5
350320 03/05/11 15:27 M Defurne move target to LH2 4cm
350315 03/05/11 14:57 adaq run#2401 was junk
350314 03/05/11 14:54 M Defurne BeO target
350312 03/05/11 14:50 M Defurne move target from dummy 4cm to BeO
350310 03/05/11 14:20 orchen HAND veto gains and tresholds
350309 03/05/11 14:19 M Defurne Start calibration run with dummy 4cm for 30 min
350307 03/05/11 14:14 M Defurne move target to dummy 4cm
350295 03/05/11 12:52 M Defurne Late entry (move LHRS)
350285 03/05/11 12:03 adaq corrections: run#2389 is test run after left arm moved, mom of left arm=0.626Gev/C and the angle=30degree
350277 03/05/11 10:35 danez Another duplicate file
350274 03/05/11 10:10 M Defurne screenshots
350273 03/05/11 10:06 orchen HAND TOF resolution using Hydrogen Elastic run
350258 03/05/11 09:05 jmammei RC Daily Summary
350253 03/05/11 08:04 M Defurne screenshots at 8 am
350250 03/05/11 07:56 riordan Owl Shift Summary
350244 03/05/11 07:04 M Friend Target screenshots
350234 03/05/11 05:24 M Friend Target snapshots
350233 03/05/11 05:23 M Friend Target to 4cm LH2
350230 03/05/11 05:10 M Friend Target to BeO
350227 03/05/11 04:04 M Friend Target to 4cm Al dummy
350225 03/05/11 03:53 riordan Hall A Tools
350222 03/05/11 03:39 M Friend JT valve stepped open
350219 03/05/11 03:14 nmuangma BCM calibration against OLO2 and OLO2 against Faraday Cup
350216 03/05/11 02:56 riordan spot++
350215 03/05/11 02:56 danez N-Delta Screenshot
350203 03/05/11 02:10 riordan FFB On
350202 03/05/11 02:07 M Friend Target screenshots
350201 03/05/11 02:00 riordan LHRS at 46 degrees
350200 03/05/11 01:48 M Friend Target to 4cm LH2
350199 03/05/11 01:34 riordan Controlled Access for Spectrometer movement
350192 03/05/11 01:02 M Friend Target to BeO
350187 03/04/11 23:32 H. Albataine Target moved to Al
350184 03/04/11 23:19 H. Albataine Target moved to BeO
350180 03/04/11 23:01 Chao spot_R result for run 2356
350177 03/04/11 22:56 yez I fixed it by removing FPP,BB,and HAND out of the replay script
350176 03/04/11 22:54 R. Michaels two datafiles for 2349
350171 03/04/11 22:13 Chao Missing Data File
350154 03/04/11 20:10 jmammei Al and BeO runs
350122 03/04/11 17:18 A. Camsonne Additionnal sync plots
350121 03/04/11 17:14 V. Sulkosky Work Disk getting full
350116 03/04/11 16:38 H. Albataine Target snap shots
350113 03/04/11 16:20 orchen this is from run number 2270
350109 03/04/11 16:11 yez PRL2 ADC are fine but something wrong with the repaly script
350105 03/04/11 15:52 zwzhao Shift Summary
350101 03/04/11 15:31 flay Sync roc plots for Run 2324
350096 03/04/11 15:06 zwzhao turn pion rejector HV on
350093 03/04/11 14:51 jmammei Run Plan for overnight Friday
350092 03/04/11 14:50 flay Run 2322 is Junk
350086 03/04/11 14:30 zwzhao Halla Tolls sanpshot
350084 03/04/11 14:12 flay LHRS Pion Rejector ADCs
350082 03/04/11 14:01 orchen missing mass and conincedence time
350076 03/04/11 13:23 V. Sulkosky Run 2314 TOF/Mmiss 40 uA
350069 03/04/11 12:58 X. Zheng Target snap shot
350068 03/04/11 12:57 X. Zheng Numbers for target cooling power and beam heating
350064 03/04/11 12:32 X. Zheng Target moved to 4cm loop2
350063 03/04/11 12:30 zwzhao spot_R result
350061 03/04/11 12:24 yez HRS Detectors Update:
350059 03/04/11 12:15 X. Zheng Target to BeO
350058 03/04/11 12:10 danez FPP Information from CC White Board
350057 03/04/11 12:06 X. Zheng target moved to empty
350053 03/04/11 11:45 saw bbts1 scaler event format
350052 03/04/11 11:34 adaq L-HRS: S1 HVs and scaler before changing HVs
350051 03/04/11 11:12 Higinbotham [techs] Right Q1 Tripped
350049 03/04/11 11:04 V. Sulkosky HAND HV OFF
350048 03/04/11 10:58 R. Michaels retored trigger
350047 03/04/11 10:54 atrig Trigger-Download
350046 03/04/11 10:52 Bob / Alex modification to bb_sfi3.crl
350036 03/04/11 10:13 Bob/Alex deadtime checks, part III
350035 03/04/11 10:09 Higibotham Left Arm @ 13.5
350032 03/04/11 09:59 danez T4 Not Connected Correctly 2/27 - 3/4
350030 03/04/11 09:41 danez Cross-Connected Strobe Signals
350020 03/04/11 09:10 A. Camsonne Busy ROC3 and ROC4
350019 03/04/11 08:59 igorko BigBite momentum
350018 03/04/11 08:58 V. Sulkosky Widen T1 trigger to 50 ns
350017 03/04/11 08:55 V. Sulkosky Changed EDTM Setup for new Kinematic
350016 03/04/11 08:52 R. Michaels deadtime checks, part II
350015 03/04/11 08:52 zwzhao Q1 ramp down
350014 03/04/11 08:49 jmammei RC Daily Summary
350012 03/04/11 08:29 R. Michaels download loose triggers, deadtime check
350011 03/04/11 08:23 zwzhao HV on for neutron detector
350010 03/04/11 08:13 V. Sulkosky Turned bbps1:2008 HAND HV On
350008 03/04/11 08:02 riordan Owl Shift Summary
350007 03/04/11 08:02 riordan Owl Shift Summary
350006 03/04/11 07:44 danez Deadtime Monitor moved to adaql1
350005 03/04/11 07:37 riordan Sweep done - Hall in controlled access
350004 03/04/11 07:10 riordan Spectrometer Magnets to Setting #6
350003 03/04/11 07:08 riordan Controlled Access
350002 03/04/11 07:06 jmammei call for access at 7am
350001 03/04/11 07:03 danez Run 2297 Ended with CODA crash
349996 03/04/11 06:10 M Friend Target screenshots
349995 03/04/11 05:56 M Friend Compton EPICS reboot
349986 03/04/11 04:05 riordan Hall A Tools
349985 03/04/11 04:03 danez CODA Crash - Runs 2289-2291 are junk
349984 03/04/11 04:02 M Friend Target snapshots
349980 03/04/11 03:24 yez Put a bigger plot to show the detail: x->TDC, y->ADC
349979 03/04/11 03:18 yez R-HRS: Cerenkov double TDC peaks issue
349972 03/04/11 02:14 yez L-HRS: S1 HV adjustment plan
349971 03/04/11 02:02 M Friend Target screenshots
349961 03/04/11 01:20 yez R-HRS: S1 HV adjustment plan (wait for conform)
349959 03/04/11 01:09 lselvy End of run beep restored
349958 03/04/11 00:53 yez RHRS HV setting before doing detectors ADC alignment
349955 03/04/11 00:46 riordan spot++ Run 2282
349954 03/04/11 00:45 yez LHRS HV setting before detectors alignment
349953 03/04/11 00:38 yez Verification of Shower and PreShower map (Look OK)
349951 03/04/11 00:17 M Friend Target to 4cm LH2
349948 03/04/11 00:06 bogdanw shift summary
349946 03/04/11 00:04 bogdanw kin #1 HRSs
349945 03/04/11 00:03 M Friend Target to BeO
349943 03/03/11 22:56 mhuang N-Delta run2279 Check
349942 03/03/11 22:56 jmammei pedestals in ped1 and 2
349941 03/03/11 22:54 pzhu target status
349936 03/03/11 22:22 yez Not all channels in ROC1,2 ADC have pedestal subpression on
349935 03/03/11 22:21 mhuang N-Delta Run 2278 Check
349934 03/03/11 22:17 mhuang N-Delta run2277 check
349933 03/03/11 22:13 bogdanw Hall A tools
349931 03/03/11 21:46 yez RHRS HV setting during APEX
349930 03/03/11 21:44 adaq N-Delta Run Check
349929 03/03/11 21:42 pzhu target status
349927 03/03/11 21:33 jmammei start of runs not logging again?
349926 03/03/11 21:27 jmammei prescale gui not top user, but java is at ~15%
349925 03/03/11 21:26 jmammei prescale gui not top user, but java is at ~15%
349924 03/03/11 21:25 jmammei N->Delta HowToPage
349923 03/03/11 21:21 jmammei run 2273 was high DT test run
349921 03/03/11 20:57 bogdanw Max DAQ rate
349920 03/03/11 20:55 R. Michaels re: prescale GUI (run on adaql1 ?)
349918 03/03/11 20:39 R. Michaels re: deadtime scan data
349916 03/03/11 20:36 pzhu target status
349913 03/03/11 20:01 igorko Software gains for BB ADCs
349912 03/03/11 19:52 Higinbotham High Rate Test
349909 03/03/11 19:40 pzhu target status
349906 03/03/11 18:51 adaq online analysis GUI
349905 03/03/11 18:49 pzhu Hall A tool screen
349902 03/03/11 18:10 lselvy Deadtime Tests
349901 03/03/11 18:08 Kalyan Prescale GUI is working
349900 03/03/11 18:03 pzhu target status
349883 03/03/11 17:47 benesch puzzle on hall A beam size
349881 03/03/11 17:41 jmammei prescale gui not working
349872 03/03/11 16:20 pzhu target status
349870 03/03/11 16:16 lselvy Pedestal Supression
349867 03/03/11 16:01 Saha Shift Summary
349864 03/03/11 15:40 flay Rn 2256 is a Pedestal Run
349862 03/03/11 15:30 orchen HRS timing calibration
349860 03/03/11 15:09 Holmstrom Target Move
349858 03/03/11 15:03 lselvy Readout time for ROC 10
349857 03/03/11 14:54 Saha Hall A BCM Linearity Test
349855 03/03/11 14:25 flay Hall A Tools
349854 03/03/11 14:21 flay Spot++ for Run 2254
349853 03/03/11 14:16 R. Michaels added locftm to config string for pedrun
349850 03/03/11 13:32 flay Target Type for Run 2252
349848 03/03/11 12:49 Saha BCM OLO2 - FC 2 linearity calibration
349845 03/03/11 12:16 Saha BCM: OLO2 -FC2 calibration
349844 03/03/11 11:51 jmammei settings for kinematic setting #1
349843 03/03/11 11:45 jmammei do another BeO run at setting #1
349842 03/03/11 11:26 Holmstrom Move Target to Empty
349841 03/03/11 11:23 jmammei Ole's script auto-magically removes the Al runs
349840 03/03/11 11:16 jmammei run plan for overnight Thursday
349837 03/03/11 10:45 jmammei RC Daily Summary
349834 03/03/11 10:16 lselvy Readout time for BBTS1
349831 03/03/11 10:08 orchen the change
349830 03/03/11 10:03 orchen BB optics DB change
349827 03/03/11 09:44 V. Sulkosky Trigger supervisor deadtime
349826 03/03/11 09:43 V. Sulkosky Trigger supervisor deadtime
349808 03/03/11 07:58 riordan Owl Shift Summary
349807 03/03/11 07:58 Holmstrom Target sanpshot
349794 03/03/11 06:07 M Friend Target snapshots
349785 03/03/11 04:51 riordan RF Feedback off for ~40min
349784 03/03/11 04:42 M Friend Target alarm
349780 03/03/11 04:10 M Friend Target screenshots
349775 03/03/11 02:38 riordan Start of runs not logging
349772 03/03/11 02:15 M Friend Target screenshots
349771 03/03/11 01:57 M Friend Target to 4cm LH2
349763 03/03/11 01:16 riordan Running on 4cm Al dummy since ~00:55
349762 03/03/11 00:51 M Friend Target to 4cm Al dummy
349759 03/03/11 00:16 riordan Hall A Tools
349758 03/03/11 00:16 riordan spot++ Run 2221
349757 03/03/11 00:12 Nikos N->Delta true events rate (Kin # 3)
349753 03/02/11 23:58 Ole Hansen Swing Shift Summary
349750 03/02/11 23:30 whit target screens
349747 03/02/11 23:21 Ole Hansen Beam current for kine #3
349740 03/02/11 22:54 nmuangma Trigger Dead time calculation after the end of run
349736 03/02/11 22:44 lselvy Readout time for ROCs 1,2,3,4
349732 03/02/11 22:31 Ole Hansen [Techs] Gas alarm
349730 03/02/11 22:25 whit Target moved L2 4cm
349728 03/02/11 22:14 narbe BeO Raster Check
349724 03/02/11 22:01 whit target moved to BeO
349723 03/02/11 22:00 Ole Hansen Recovering beam
349722 03/02/11 21:49 whit moved target to empty
349721 03/02/11 21:14 Ole Hansen LHRS move finished
349720 03/02/11 21:14 narbe Run 2208 Cosmics
349718 03/02/11 21:01 Higinbotham Left HRS 14 degree stop installed
349717 03/02/11 20:44 narbe Run 2207 Junk
349713 03/02/11 20:26 Ole Hansen Moving LHRS
349705 03/02/11 18:49 whit target screens
349701 03/02/11 18:23 yez RHRS:R.cer.#1 show its s.p.e peak after increasing HVs
349697 03/02/11 18:01 lselvy Deadtime code added to ROCs 1,2,3, and 4
349694 03/02/11 17:37 Ole Hansen Charge summing script
349693 03/02/11 17:35 yez increase HV of R.cer.#1 from -2050 to -2100
349692 03/02/11 17:35 Ole Hansen Switched to unbuffered DAQ
349683 03/02/11 17:19 V. Sulkosky New CODA Config unbuffered
349678 03/02/11 17:00 A. Camsonne Macro location
349677 03/02/11 16:57 jmammei run plan for overnight Wednesday
349676 03/02/11 16:56 A. Camsonne Simple physics macro for signal check
349670 03/02/11 15:59 Wednesday, March 2: Day Shift Summary
349668 03/02/11 15:55 A. Camsonne ROC3 error message slot 25 ROC 3
349664 03/02/11 15:43 yez RHRS: A better plot for Cerenkov ADC distribution with TDC cuts
349661 03/02/11 15:19 flay Spot++ for Run 2191
349659 03/02/11 15:10 flay Beam is Coming Back Now
349658 03/02/11 14:59 Hanretty Target Screens
349657 03/02/11 14:59 yez RHRS: Cerenkov rate from scaler
349656 03/02/11 14:56 yez RHRS: A better plot for Cerenkov ADC distribution and s.p.e peaks.
349655 03/02/11 14:46 flay Beam is Down for 20 Minutes
349653 03/02/11 14:41 flay Runs 2186--2189 are Junk
349651 03/02/11 14:25 Hanretty Hall A Tools
349649 03/02/11 13:44 flay Run 2184 is Junk
349643 03/02/11 12:52 Hanretty Target Screens
349640 03/02/11 12:31 rshneor padestal suppresion for R-HRS
349637 03/02/11 12:14 R. Michaels pedestals still off, so no wonder DT big
349636 03/02/11 12:07 orchen Padestal suppresion for R-HRS
349635 03/02/11 12:04 R. Michaels adaql2: system check
349632 03/02/11 11:53 flay Run 2178 is Junk
349627 03/02/11 11:44 yez RHRS: Cerenkov detectors do not have clear s.p.e. peaks,increase HVs?
349626 03/02/11 11:42 Hanretty FPP HV briefly turned off to see effect on deadtime
349625 03/02/11 11:38 Hanretty Target Computer reboot
349622 03/02/11 11:11 yez RHRS: shower, preshower and electron ID
349619 03/02/11 10:44 flay Run 2174 is Junk
349614 03/02/11 10:24 jmammei RC daily summary
349613 03/02/11 10:22 R. Michaels DAQ deadtime, theory, culprit: no ped suppress
349610 03/02/11 09:57 Hanretty Target screens
349598 03/02/11 09:09 flay CODA Rebooted
349596 03/02/11 09:01 flay Run 2169 is Junk
349588 03/02/11 08:00 riordan Owl Shift Summary
349587 03/02/11 07:40 mahbub Target screens
349578 03/02/11 05:59 mahbub Target screens
349569 03/02/11 04:35 riordan Hall A Tools
349564 03/02/11 03:51 mahbub Target screens
349561 03/02/11 03:17 M Friend 4cm LH2 prescales
349560 03/02/11 03:15 M Friend coda reboot
349558 03/02/11 03:03 mahbub Target change to 4cm LH2
349556 03/02/11 02:11 M Friend spot++ BeO, run 2152
349554 03/02/11 02:05 M Friend Al prescales
349553 03/02/11 02:02 mahbub Target change to 4cm Al dummy
349551 03/02/11 01:58 mahbub Target screens
349550 03/02/11 01:56 M Friend BeO prescales
349546 03/02/11 01:41 M Friend spot++ run 2150
349543 03/02/11 01:36 M Friend spot++ run 2149
349532 03/02/11 01:24 mahbub Target change to BeO
349530 03/02/11 01:01 M Friend Extra peak in TDC spectrum?
349527 03/02/11 00:48 riordan Increased LHRS VDC HV by ~1%
349524 03/02/11 00:27 V. Sulkosky CT Peak 2144
349523 03/02/11 00:23 A. Camsonne Retiming ok on left arm
349522 03/02/11 00:17 A. Camsonne Added sync plots for ROC sync clocks
349519 03/02/11 00:07 mahbub Target screens
349518 03/02/11 00:04 kalyan Re: CT spectra from this evening
349516 03/02/11 00:01 efuchey 3/01/11 swing shift summary
349515 03/02/11 00:01 A. Camsonne Test timer library
349513 03/01/11 23:55 efuchey beam back
349512 03/01/11 23:53 V. Sulkosky Reduced width on T3 Window to 70 ns
349511 03/01/11 23:52 V. Sulkosky Re: DBB BigBite TDC Info Fixed
349510 03/01/11 23:45 V. Sulkosky CT spectra from this evening
349509 03/01/11 23:42 efuchey Going back to beam permit.
349508 03/01/11 23:22 whit target screens
349506 03/01/11 23:21 efuchey Switching to escorted access
349505 03/01/11 23:17 V. Sulkosky DBB BigBite TDC Info Issue
349504 03/01/11 23:14 jmammei second prescale change was to 3
349501 03/01/11 23:03 lselvy High Current High Prescale
349496 03/01/11 22:45 efuchey Hall A tools screenshot
349486 03/01/11 21:50 efuchey Beam back
349484 03/01/11 21:29 V. Sulkosky Changed width on T3 Window
349483 03/01/11 21:28 efuchey Got back to beam permit
349482 03/01/11 21:08 efuchey Switching to controlled access
349478 03/01/11 20:37 lselvy Trigger timing
349473 03/01/11 20:17 lselvy DT Tests
349464 03/01/11 19:19 R. Michaels comments re: deadtime
349435 03/01/11 17:11 lselvy Deadtime Update
349422 03/01/11 16:54 whit target screens
349420 03/01/11 16:42 efuchey Beam recovery procedure
349418 03/01/11 16:39 efuchey Spot ++
349417 03/01/11 16:26 jmammei settings for Al and Be0 runs
349416 03/01/11 16:22 Whit target
349415 03/01/11 16:16 efuchey Harp scan
349414 03/01/11 16:02 Saha Shift Summary
349412 03/01/11 15:56 jmammei Run Plan for overnight Tuesday
349411 03/01/11 15:42 X. Zheng Target changed haCryo_Supply_F alarm limits
349410 03/01/11 15:35 lselvy Reverted CRL code for ROC 1 and 2 back
349408 03/01/11 15:18 lselvy New Configuration Changes
349403 03/01/11 15:07 lselvy New Configuration
349402 03/01/11 15:01 jmammei MCC requested more time for beam studies
349401 03/01/11 15:01 X. Zheng Target fans back to 48Hz (20%)
349400 03/01/11 14:50 X. Zheng Target temperature back to normal
349399 03/01/11 14:37 V. Sulkosky Changed T1 delay to 32 ns
349398 03/01/11 14:35 V. Sulkosky Changed widths on T1 and T3
349388 03/01/11 13:36 lselvy Major revision to crl code for Rocs 1 and 2
349386 03/01/11 13:24 lselvy ROC 1 adn 2 CRL code
349382 03/01/11 13:15 lselvy Pedestal issues with ROC 1 and 2
349380 03/01/11 13:10 V. Sulkosky Buffered vs. Unbuffered
349375 03/01/11 12:52 X. Zheng cryo back to normal
349368 03/01/11 12:38 X. Zheng Lost both HRS magnets
349366 03/01/11 12:35 lselvy One further change to the crl for ROC 1 and 2
349365 03/01/11 12:34 X. Zheng Target is warming up due to ESR problems
349362 03/01/11 12:22 lselvy Another change to the CRL for ROCs 1 and 2
349358 03/01/11 12:02 Higinbotham Left HRS to 12.511 degrees
349357 03/01/11 12:00 V. Sulkosky Busy Signals Gathered at weldment
349356 03/01/11 11:59 lselvy Change in ROC 1 and 2 crl
349354 03/01/11 11:49 X. Zheng Left HRS momentum changed to 0.528 GeV/c
349353 03/01/11 11:13 A. Camsonne Left arm FE BUSY sent to cable spare/busy
349351 03/01/11 10:53 A. Camsonne Right arm fastbus busy sent to cable brown
349349 03/01/11 10:45 A. Camsonne Uncommented scaler initialization and clear in go for sync scaler in ROC2
349346 03/01/11 10:36 lselvy Dec data class temporary change
349344 03/01/11 10:03 lselvy Moving software to Buffered mode
349333 03/01/11 08:04 danez Owl Shift Summary
349328 03/01/11 07:11 danez Tools Screenshot
349327 03/01/11 07:08 danez Spot++ Screenshots
349324 03/01/11 06:49 danez Target Screenshots
349321 03/01/11 06:02 danez Moved to 4cm LH2
349315 03/01/11 04:30 danez Moved Target to 4cm Al dummy
349313 03/01/11 04:26 danez Target Screenshots
349304 03/01/11 02:15 danez Target Screenshots
349300 03/01/11 02:05 rshneor coicidence time at 15 mA and 30 mA
349298 03/01/11 01:44 yez RHRS: Multi-peaks issue resolved after replacing the logic unit
349288 03/01/11 01:14 yez RHRS: Replaced a 758 Logic unit for S2m odd bars and put S2m back in the T1 trigger
349286 03/01/11 00:16 danez Tools Screenshot
349285 03/01/11 00:14 danez Target Screenshots
349283 03/01/11 00:07 norum Shift summary