Jefferson Lab HALL A Logbook for November 09 - All EXCEPT Automatic Entries
303836 11/30/09 23:58 ellie A Closer Look at too wide Lumi Asymmetries and beam raster size
303833 11/30/09 23:29 ellie Right Q2 is back up. Taking production with both arms again
303830 11/30/09 23:21 D.Wang/deng large lumi width was due to smaller raster size
303829 11/30/09 23:21 ellie Right Q2 liquid levels back up, beginning cycling
303824 11/30/09 23:06 ellie ABU not entering automatically in BTA
303821 11/30/09 22:13 ellie Techs: Right Q2 down. Waiting for liquid level to refill
303815 11/30/09 22:01 adaq Right Q2 just went down
303814 11/30/09 21:52 hoyoung BLumi asymmetries have large RMS
303813 11/30/09 21:42 ellie Back to Production data taking
303809 11/30/09 21:30 hoyoung spot++
303805 11/30/09 21:27 hoyoung spot++ for LD2
303804 11/30/09 21:27 liye target->LD2
303802 11/30/09 21:21 ellie In process of short beam checkout procedure
303801 11/30/09 21:15 hoyoung spot++
303792 11/30/09 20:53 O. Glamazdin Moller results
303791 11/30/09 18:18 liye target->empty
303790 11/30/09 18:12 ellie Target moved to Empty
303789 11/30/09 18:09 ellie Stopping production to begin Moller measurement
303779 11/30/09 17:30 brads re: Cavity IOC is not talking
303778 11/30/09 17:15 ZAFAR AHMED Cavity IOC is not talking
303777 11/30/09 17:11 brads Photo of new Compton collimator
303770 11/30/09 16:45 M Friend Compton table broken
303766 11/30/09 16:43 ellie Beam up to 110uA, beginning Production data taking
303765 11/30/09 16:41 Ramesh/Bob Scaler rate from datastream
303764 11/30/09 16:34 Apar spot++
303763 11/30/09 16:29 bogdanw shift summary
303759 11/30/09 16:21 M Friend Compton epics reboot
303752 11/30/09 16:08 R. Michaels access work: powercycle cavity crate
303751 11/30/09 15:59 liye target->BeO->LD2
303749 11/30/09 15:56 ZAFAR AHMED spot++
303745 11/30/09 15:17 adaq IHWP
303744 11/30/09 14:30 bogdanw Hall A tools
303743 11/30/09 14:21 R. Michaels re: last night's Al dummy runs
303742 11/30/09 13:45 fansler techs-bypass valves
303738 11/30/09 13:35 Armstrong Answer to my target/cryo question
303731 11/30/09 12:48 R. Subedi Cosmic runs with 10.2 kHz tagger
303730 11/30/09 12:45 R. Subedi Access work
303716 11/30/09 12:25 brads Access update
303715 11/30/09 11:58 M Friend Hall A water leak
303714 11/30/09 11:55 M Friend Compton photon beamline
303692 11/30/09 10:50 Armstrong continued activities during controlled access
303684 11/30/09 10:27 R. Subedi Tagger ON (10.2 kHz)
303679 11/30/09 10:06 Armstrong Cryogen flow blip
303678 11/30/09 10:02 Kai Blumi asymmetry signal for run #14335
303677 11/30/09 09:44 Kai / Dianch Blumi HV was stuck at #14335,#14336. I will still keep them as "production".
303674 11/30/09 09:37 dalton Run coordinator daily summary
303662 11/30/09 07:49 silwal owl shift summary
303659 11/30/09 07:46 G. Russo target screen
303656 11/30/09 06:50 G. Russo target screen
303654 11/30/09 06:48 G. Russo target
303651 11/30/09 06:24 silwal compton cavity power ~ 0
303648 11/30/09 05:42 G. Russo Target Screen
303633 11/30/09 03:39 G. Russo Al target
303630 11/30/09 02:43 deng pvdisL bcm d1 in run 14329 is good actually
303626 11/30/09 02:34 G. Russo target screen
303624 11/30/09 01:39 G. Russo target screen
303620 11/30/09 01:08 G. Russo Target
303612 11/30/09 01:01 deng pvdisL/R bcm d1 signal looks weird in run 14328
303611 11/30/09 00:36 G. Russo target screen
303610 11/30/09 00:26 G. Russo target screen
303605 11/30/09 00:03 miham SWING Shift Summary (11/29/09)
303599 11/29/09 23:02 D.Wang another access to powercycle the internet switch for right arm
303597 11/29/09 22:28 miham Problems with nework switch and ROCs - now on RIGHT ARM - called for controlled access
303596 11/29/09 22:12 dalton Target screens
303595 11/29/09 22:03 dalton Half wave plate OUT, slug 11
303594 11/29/09 21:53 miham HWP out
303589 11/29/09 21:37 R.Michaels e access to powercycle internet switch for left arm
303579 11/29/09 20:54 miham More on the ROC problem - Asked for Controlled Access
303578 11/29/09 20:41 miham Additional problems to ROC 25 problem
303577 11/29/09 20:06 miham DAQ problem - ROC25 Crashed
303567 11/29/09 18:16 M Friend Compton vertical position scan
303565 11/29/09 17:26 miham Starting production
303560 11/29/09 17:23 A. Camsonne Photon rates with slit closed
303559 11/29/09 17:19 johna spot size check - OK
303557 11/29/09 17:15 R. Michaels Compton study summary for layperson
303556 11/29/09 17:09 A. Camsonne Compton electron detector hit pattern run 21305
303549 11/29/09 17:02 miham Beam current monitor at the beginning of the Beam recovery procedure
303548 11/29/09 16:55 A. Camsonne Compton photon detector rates
303547 11/29/09 16:37 miham HallA tools at the beginning of beam recovery procedure
303546 11/29/09 16:34 D.Wang Compton tests, part 4
303545 11/29/09 16:26 A. Camsonne Moving Compton electron detector to garage
303543 11/29/09 16:01 B. Quinn Day shift summary
303542 11/29/09 15:56 R.M. Compton tests, part III
303541 11/29/09 15:37 A. Camsonne Compton electron detector currents
303540 11/29/09 15:24 A. Camsonne Compton electron detector current
303539 11/29/09 15:06 A. Camsonne Backing out from moller setup
303538 11/29/09 15:05 R. M. Compton tests, part II
303537 11/29/09 14:39 R.M. Compton tests, part I
303532 11/29/09 13:55 B. Quinn Right-HRS magnet/cryo problems (tech)
303531 11/29/09 13:47 A. Giusa A. Giusa
303530 11/29/09 13:42 B. Quinn Hall A tools
303529 11/29/09 13:42 Bob/D.Wang End of run logging error fixed
303528 11/29/09 13:28 A. Giusa Target moved to empty
303527 11/29/09 13:21 B. Quinn Switching to Compton/(Moller) run
303524 11/29/09 13:08 A. Camsonne Compton electron detector at position 40 mm
303513 11/29/09 12:07 B. Quinn Error in automatic run log
303512 11/29/09 11:53 dalton Run coordinator daily summary
303511 11/29/09 11:40 folts right Q1/tech
303505 11/29/09 10:31 B. Quinn Beam back on
303503 11/29/09 10:16 Kai RHRS is missing u1 and 104Khz clock, LHRS has all raw scaler cnt, but rate is 0
303501 11/29/09 09:51 Kai access to fix Q1
303500 11/29/09 09:51 Kai Right arm data should be cut out from production data due to Q1 was out whole night
303499 11/29/09 09:48 B. Quinn Controlled access
303498 11/29/09 09:46 A. Giusa beam trip
303497 11/29/09 09:46 Kai the scaler map seems correct
303496 11/29/09 09:45 A. Giusa beam trip
303484 11/29/09 08:48 A. Giusa beam trip
303483 11/29/09 08:45 R. Michaels HRS bcm looks ok
303482 11/29/09 08:33 R. Michaels re: cavities and recovery
303481 11/29/09 08:19 A. Giusa grab of target screens
303479 11/29/09 08:07 F. Garibaldi Owl shift summary 29-09
303467 11/29/09 07:30 G. Russo graphes
303466 11/29/09 07:29 G. Russo target
303465 11/29/09 07:26 Garibaldi Hall A screen
303460 11/29/09 06:17 G.Russo Target
303459 11/29/09 06:15 G.Russo Graphes
303454 11/29/09 05:17 deng/dwang HRS bcm x3 scaler saturation
303445 11/29/09 04:41 Garibaldi Q1 trip not fixed
303444 11/29/09 03:35 D.Wang Q1 quenches frequently
303440 11/29/09 03:05 G. Russo Graphes
303436 11/29/09 02:39 D.Wang magnets recovered
303435 11/29/09 02:38 Techs
303434 11/29/09 01:49 deng/D.Wang Right arm Q1, Q2 and Q3 quenched
303433 11/29/09 01:39 G. Russo beam trip
303418 11/29/09 00:28 D.Wang reset right arm Q1
303414 11/29/09 00:05 ZAFAR AHMED BTA gone bad
303413 11/29/09 00:02 ZAFAR AHME Swing shift summary
303409 11/28/09 23:29 ZAFAR AHMED Compton Error
303405 11/28/09 23:28 A. Giusa beam trip
303404 11/28/09 23:18 Ahmed No beam.
303403 11/28/09 22:42 Title Please see teh entry: 303402
303402 11/28/09 22:36 Ahmed / Deng Failed to change the pregain of Cavity Monitors
303395 11/28/09 22:25 A. Giusa beam trip
303394 11/28/09 22:04 A. Giusa beam trip
303393 11/28/09 22:01 R. Michaels re: scalers
303374 11/28/09 20:34 Bob/Deng Cav positions
303373 11/28/09 20:29 johna Bad BCM readout in end of run files
303372 11/28/09 20:27 Bob/deng Cavity monitor problems (part 1)
303366 11/28/09 18:58 A. Giusa beam trip
303365 11/28/09 18:46 A. Giusa Correction to log 303357
303359 11/28/09 18:33 A. Giusa beam trip
303358 11/28/09 18:18 A. Giusa beam trip again
303357 11/28/09 18:11 A. Giusa beam trip
303356 11/28/09 17:59 R. Subedi Deadtime run list with a 10.2 kHz tagger
303349 11/28/09 17:54 R. Subedi Beam during deadtime study
303348 11/28/09 17:20 R. Subedi Tagger turned off
303335 11/28/09 17:01 M Friend Compton laser instability
303334 11/28/09 16:51 R. Subedi Right pvdis scaler @20 uA with 10.2 kHz tagger
303333 11/28/09 16:50 R. Subedi Left pvdis scaler @20 uA with 10.2 kHz tagger
303326 11/28/09 16:34 R. Subedi Right scaler rate @40 uA (10.2 kHz tagger)
303325 11/28/09 16:33 R. Subedi Left scaler rate @40 uA (10.2 kHz tagger)
303318 11/28/09 16:15 R. Subedi Right scaler @60 uA (10 kHz tagger
303317 11/28/09 16:14 R. Subedi Left scaler @60 uA (10 kHz tagger)
303313 11/28/09 16:10 A. Giusa Snap of target screens
303309 11/28/09 16:02 R. Subedi Right HRS scaler @80 uA
303307 11/28/09 16:01 Li Ye Shift summary
303306 11/28/09 16:01 R. subedi Left HRS scaler @80 uA
303305 11/28/09 15:56 R. Subedi Deadtime data taking starts with a 10 kHz tagger
303297 11/28/09 14:56 X. Zheng this is a production run, deadtime measurement will continue later
303296 11/28/09 14:53 R. Subedi Deadtime measurement only at 110 uA for now
303289 11/28/09 14:33 R. Subedi DAQ rates
303288 11/28/09 14:30 R. Subedi Right pvdis scaler @110 uA, 10.06 kHz tagger
303287 11/28/09 14:29 R. Subedi Left pvdis scaler @110 uA, 10.26 kHz tagger
303283 11/28/09 14:25 R. Subedi Tagger rate is 10.26 kHz now
303279 11/28/09 14:11 M Friend Compton machine reboot
303278 11/28/09 14:06 R. Subedi 110 uA deadtime run again, FADC turned off
303271 11/28/09 13:41 R. Subedi Right pvdis scaler display @110 uA
303270 11/28/09 13:40 R. Subedi Left pvdis scaler display @110 uA
303269 11/28/09 13:38 R. Subedi Deadtime measurement started
303268 11/28/09 13:37 dalton Run coordinator daily summary
303255 11/28/09 12:33 Kai turn off the FADC, and change the prescale back to production setting
303248 11/28/09 12:04 liye hall a tools screen
303247 11/28/09 11:36 jpchen Noisy pressure sensor probably causes the alarm
303246 11/28/09 11:35 Chun-Min Jen turn on FADC
303229 11/28/09 09:58 N. Muangma target temp and heater strip
303228 11/28/09 09:56 N. Muangma target screen
303214 11/28/09 08:32 Kai I did "makePlot" of slug 7 again, and it seems correct now.
303212 11/28/09 08:03 F. Garibaldi Shift Summary
303210 11/28/09 07:39 Kai Compton high voltage after turn HV back on
303191 11/28/09 05:26 deng slug7_plots are identical to slug8_plots?
303184 11/28/09 04:57 deng IHWP.OUT edited
303183 11/28/09 04:54 deng ROC 28 alive, CODA running
303182 11/28/09 04:50 deng problem solved for flipper
303181 11/28/09 04:47 D.Wang compton roc6 rebooted
303177 11/28/09 04:29 deng pvdis Right arm roc 28 did not response
303173 11/28/09 04:12 apar Halfwave plate IN, Slug 10
303169 11/28/09 04:05 deng parity daq coda crashed
303161 11/28/09 03:23 narayan Half Wave Plate changed: Happex run started
303159 11/28/09 02:58 narayan Half Wave plate changed
303152 11/28/09 01:48 narayan Target: D2 Low Pressure Alarm
303133 11/27/09 23:59 D.Wang bpm diffs added to slug_output
303132 11/27/09 23:53 ZAFAR AHME Swing shift summary
303131 11/27/09 23:24 A. Camsonne Compton photon detector back in beam position
303124 11/27/09 22:35 A. Camsonne Compton photon detector moved out from beam
303123 11/27/09 22:33 Z. Meziani Target time charts
303122 11/27/09 22:30 A. Camsonne Beamline HV control lost
303121 11/27/09 22:28 Z. Meziani Target screen capture
303120 11/27/09 22:26 ZAFAR AHMED Beam quality is not good
303113 11/27/09 21:57 ZAFAR AHMED Beam is not good
303112 11/27/09 21:54 A. Camsonne Compton beam diagnostics
303111 11/27/09 21:53 A. Camsonne Beam quality degraded - Compton ion chamber trips
303110 11/27/09 21:17 johna DAQ problems (14273 and 14274 are junk)
303107 11/27/09 21:06 johna screen grab for current drop
303106 11/27/09 21:05 johna Another current drop
303083 11/27/09 19:03 johna Beam current changes
303076 11/27/09 17:45 mack beam modulation comment
303075 11/27/09 17:23 johna prescale factors?
303068 11/27/09 17:13 A. Camsonne Compton rates a bit unstable
303054 11/27/09 15:58 johna Day shift summary
303041 11/27/09 13:27 johna Change from 100 to 110 uA
303039 11/27/09 13:27 narayan Target: screenshot
303021 11/27/09 11:55 A. Camsonne Compton computer rebooted
303020 11/27/09 11:34 dalton Run coordinator daily summary
302988 11/27/09 08:02 Garibaldi shift summary owl 27 Nov. 09
302987 11/27/09 08:00 Kai coda crash, and cannot reboot by usual way, reset the reboot parameter
302954 11/27/09 04:31 garibaldi Hall A screens
302953 11/27/09 04:31 r. de leo target screen
302952 11/27/09 03:56 deng target tools screen shot
302925 11/27/09 00:41 deng Slug 7 global electron asym now is normal
302920 11/27/09 00:10 ZAFAR AHMED Swing shift summary.
302919 11/26/09 23:56 Nuruzzaman Runbird started woking now
302912 11/26/09 23:02 Nuruzzaman Runbird is having some problem
302906 11/26/09 22:05 A. Camsonne Compton ROCs rebooted
302899 11/26/09 21:28 X. Zheng Pileups will be added later to this entry
302895 11/26/09 21:01 Nuruzzaman Half wave plate state changed from IN to OUT
302888 11/26/09 21:00 apar Halfwave plate OUT, Slug 9
302878 11/26/09 19:51 Nuruzzaman Beam Modulation system in PVDIS
302877 11/26/09 19:18 Kai MCC called saying they has problem to send stable 110uA, so we will run at 100uA now
302876 11/26/09 19:10 Kai target snapshot
302875 11/26/09 19:06 ZAFAR AHMED A lot of beam trips.
302874 11/26/09 19:04 Kai increase the JT valve
302866 11/26/09 18:46 ZAFAR AHMED Spot++
302865 11/26/09 18:42 Chun-Min Jen Target alarmed
302858 11/26/09 18:39 deng bad correlation between happex bcm and pvdis bcm in run 14169
302851 11/26/09 17:02 A. Camsonne Compton EPICS reboot complete - dithering back on
302843 11/26/09 16:52 X. Zheng Deadtime loss from runs 14237-14238
302839 11/26/09 16:45 A. Camsonne Compton EPICS reboot
302832 11/26/09 16:24 X. Zheng deadtime runs and tagger status
302831 11/26/09 16:23 A. Camsonne Preliminary efficiency Compton electron detector on background
302830 11/26/09 16:20 D.Wang/R.Sub access work
302824 11/26/09 16:10 Z. Meziani Shift Summary
302822 11/26/09 16:10 Z.-E. Mezian Shift Summary
302817 11/26/09 15:59 A. Camsonne Compton electron detector current position 40 mm 100 uA
302816 11/26/09 15:56 A. Camsonne Compton electron Run 21246 hit pattern
302809 11/26/09 15:34 A. Camsonne Compton vertical scan check
302805 11/26/09 15:19 liye spot++
302802 11/26/09 14:59 Kai current FADC map
302801 11/26/09 14:35 narayan Target: BeO
302783 11/26/09 13:52 jpchen What to do when cryoflow fluctuates
302761 11/26/09 12:54 narayan Target: Cryo flow
302757 11/26/09 12:16 Meziani Hall A access
302756 11/26/09 12:10 narayan Target: Cryo flow fluctuation
302755 11/26/09 11:39 dalton Run coordinator daily summary
302748 11/26/09 10:37 Z.Meziani R-HRS Q1
302744 11/26/09 10:26 R. Subedi Right HRS Q1 tripped
302721 11/26/09 08:04 garibaldi target
302720 11/26/09 08:02 r. de leo owl Nov.26 summary
302694 11/26/09 04:33 r. de leo hallA tools
302693 11/26/09 04:27 r. de leo spot++
302686 11/26/09 04:13 A. Camsonne Compton ROCs rebooted
302655 11/26/09 00:04 johna Turn off VDC HV
302653 11/26/09 00:01 johna Swing shift summary
302643 11/25/09 23:28 Nuruzzaman spot++
302640 11/25/09 23:22 liye target->LD2
302639 11/25/09 23:13 johna Finished with dummy running. Turning on VDCs and moving back to deuterium
302611 11/25/09 19:50 A. Camsonne Compton photon HV reenabled and agin set to 12
302604 11/25/09 19:39 johna compton HV trip
302599 11/25/09 18:58 R. Subedi All three CODA revived
302598 11/25/09 18:51 johna Q^2 measurements done. Turn off VDCs and start new runs for production
302590 11/25/09 18:36 dalton Compton event limit 950 K
302587 11/25/09 18:32 R. Michaels re: FADC
302583 11/25/09 18:18 liye target->Dummy
302582 11/25/09 18:07 johna Turn on VDC HV for Q^2 measurement on dummy target
302581 11/25/09 18:04 johna trying (again) to turn off FADC, setting up for dummy running
302565 11/25/09 16:30 Nuruzzaman Beam Modulation turned ON now
302564 11/25/09 16:10 Armstrong Shift Summary - day shift
302563 11/25/09 16:10 liye target
302554 11/25/09 15:43 R. Michaels re: FADC
302552 11/25/09 15:40 R. Michaels another Compton near-term plan
302551 11/25/09 15:40 R. Subedi tagger (1.109 kHz) ON
302550 11/25/09 15:39 Kai Tagger and FADC is on in #25758, #5301 and #14212
302544 11/25/09 14:50 A. Camsonne Compton Beam diagnostics after tune
302543 11/25/09 14:48 Armstrong spot check of beam spot with spot++... spot the humour?
302542 11/25/09 14:46 Kai update left arm golden run as #25747
302539 11/25/09 14:09 A. Camsonne Compton electron detecteur current at position 20 mm 110 uA
302538 11/25/09 13:42 Armstrong Compton rate improved
302534 11/25/09 13:18 Chun-Min Jen FADC off; change Pre-Scasler Values
302533 11/25/09 12:59 Armstrong Beam off for Compton tuning
302523 11/25/09 12:56 Armstrong Hall A Tools
302522 11/25/09 12:49 N. Muangma target temp and Heater
302521 11/25/09 12:48 N. Muangma target screen
302518 11/25/09 12:37 A. Camsonne Compton electron detector current at 110 uA position 30 mm
302517 11/25/09 12:32 Armstrong Dithering plots: anemic...
302516 11/25/09 11:59 A. Camsonne Compton tuned postponed in about 1 hour
302515 11/25/09 11:58 A. Camsonne Compton beam diagnostics plots
302509 11/25/09 11:31 A. Camsonne Compton ROC 0 rebooted
302507 11/25/09 11:16 Armstrong Prescale adjustment
302506 11/25/09 11:04 dalton Compton tuning at noon
302497 11/25/09 10:42 dalton Run coordinator daily summary
302494 11/25/09 10:40 R. Michaels expert check note 1
302485 11/25/09 09:52 Armstrong Runbird snapshot
302479 11/25/09 09:46 X. Zheng Deadtime loss from electron run 14201-14202
302478 11/25/09 09:39 X. Zheng new delay time for Left TS5
302472 11/25/09 08:58 dalton Compton rates were fine last night
302459 11/25/09 08:12 F. Garibaldi shift report
302452 11/25/09 07:29 Kai Turn on the FADC for a short time run
302448 11/25/09 07:14 R. De Leo Target Screen
302447 11/25/09 07:12 A. Camsonne Compton photon background rate high at 110 uA
302446 11/25/09 07:10 Kai Right arm veto spectrum is the same as before, which is good
302445 11/25/09 07:04 garibaldi Hall A tools screen
302444 11/25/09 06:44 Kai Quick check data on GC veto after access
302440 11/25/09 06:26 Kai change HWP from OUT to IN
302439 11/25/09 06:24 Kai Turn on tagger in #14201, and turn it off after access
302438 11/25/09 06:24 apar Halfwave plate IN, Slug 8
302436 11/25/09 06:18 D.Wang restored
302435 11/25/09 06:17 Kai Access report (Right arm work)
302430 11/25/09 06:08 D.Wang changed for a short test
302428 11/25/09 05:51 D.Wang changed LHRS GC for veto to 60ns
302420 11/25/09 04:37 Garibaldi access to change the width of Gs Cherenkov signal
302418 11/25/09 04:36 Garibaldi access to change the width of Gs Cherenkov signal
302414 11/25/09 04:14 D.Wang LHRS electron narrow group 5, seems overcorrected
302413 11/25/09 04:00 frullani TDC spectra
302412 11/25/09 03:43 Kai It is because yesterday we are running in low rate e+ mode, and the GC spectrum itself looks like that of pion
302411 11/25/09 03:39 Kai #14201 is a whole run with tagger on
302402 11/25/09 02:55 Kai pion path on the left has problem
302373 11/24/09 23:59 ZAFAR AHMED Swing shift summary
302372 11/24/09 23:52 liye target move to LD2
302371 11/24/09 23:32 Ole Hansen spot++
302368 11/24/09 23:25 liye target move to BeO
302365 11/24/09 23:00 ZAFAR AHMED Moller is finished.
302364 11/24/09 22:57 O. Glamazdin Moller results
302363 11/24/09 22:38 ZAFAR AHMED We got beam at 8:00 PM.
302356 11/24/09 18:48 Kai FADC map
302355 11/24/09 17:27 ZAFAR AHMED No beam for next one hour
302354 11/24/09 17:10 O. Glamazdin Reboot Moller DAQ crate
302353 11/24/09 17:10 ZAFAR AHMED shunt power supply
302345 11/24/09 16:04 A. Camsonne Compton electron detector hit pattern at 10 mm Run 21194
302344 11/24/09 16:03 LeRose Target Empty
302343 11/24/09 16:01 Higinbotham Turned VDC Off
302341 11/24/09 15:22 A. Camsonne Compton photon rates ok after spot move
302340 11/24/09 14:11 LeRose Target Screens
302339 11/24/09 13:55 Higinbotham Spectrometers Negative Polarity
302338 11/24/09 13:16 R. Michaels near-term Compton plan
302331 11/24/09 10:58 A. Camsonne Compton electron detector plan D switched to digital boards
302330 11/24/09 10:47 dalton Run coordinator summary
302329 11/24/09 10:36 fansler tech polarity change
302328 11/24/09 09:26 brads Moller FADC module updated
302320 11/24/09 08:05 R. De Leo owl shift summary
302319 11/24/09 07:40 A. Camsonne Compton electron detector in garage position
302318 11/24/09 07:29 A. Camsonne Ramping left arm down for polarity change
302302 11/24/09 06:13 A. Camsonne Compton electron detector current at position 10 mm 2 uA
302295 11/24/09 05:46 A. Camsonne Compton photon crystal to 1700 V for low current running
302294 11/24/09 05:38 A. Camsonne Compton EPICS crashed - rebooting IOC
302293 11/24/09 05:04 Kai summary of e+runs
302292 11/24/09 04:59 r. de leo spot++
302290 11/24/09 04:55 Kai stop high current run and start to ramp down right dipole
302281 11/24/09 04:45 Kai timing check report
302277 11/24/09 04:17 R. De Leo snapshot of HallA Tools
302273 11/24/09 04:00 Kai 2uA low current run finish at 3:30, we are going to start another half an hour 110uA run
302263 11/24/09 02:21 garibaldi target screens snapshot
302262 11/24/09 01:59 Kai 110uA high current run finish, 2uA run starts
302251 11/24/09 01:27 Kai the spectrum change a lot in the e+ run and unable to check the timing
302244 11/24/09 00:44 X. Zheng Quick analysis for pion trigger efficiencies
302234 11/24/09 00:01 A. Deur Swing shift summary
302233 11/23/09 23:50 Jin Huang Target Screen
302229 11/23/09 23:38 R. Subedi Tagger disabled after deadtime study
302226 11/23/09 23:37 R. Subedi Deadtime dedicated positron runs
302225 11/23/09 23:22 R. Subedi Beam current during positron deadtime study
302224 11/23/09 23:19 R. Subedi Right pvdis scaler @110 uA (for deadtime study)
302223 11/23/09 23:19 R. Subedi Left pvdis scaler @110 uA (for deadtime study)
302216 11/23/09 23:01 R. Subedi Right pvdis scaler @80 uA (for deadtime measurement)
302215 11/23/09 22:59 R. Subedi Left pvdis scaler @80 uA (for deadtime measurement)
302213 11/23/09 22:55 R. Subedi pvdis CODA died during 80 uA running for deadtime
302206 11/23/09 22:32 R. Subedi Right pvdis scaler @60 uA (for deadtime study)
302205 11/23/09 22:30 R. Subedi Left pvdis Scaler @60 uA (deadtime study)
302200 11/23/09 22:20 A. Camsonne Compton read for high current
302195 11/23/09 22:00 A. Camsonne ETROC power cycled
302194 11/23/09 21:53 A. Camsonne Compton electron detector current position 5mm 2 uA
302193 11/23/09 21:42 A. Camsonne Compton electron run standalone 21189
302192 11/23/09 21:35 A. Camsonne Compton electron detector current at 10 mm 2uA
302191 11/23/09 21:31 A. Camsonne Compton electron detector current at position 20 mm 2 uA
302182 11/23/09 21:09 A. Deur prescaler values for low current e+ runs
302181 11/23/09 20:59 A. Camsonne Q3 field sign readback
302180 11/23/09 20:59 A. Camsonne Q3 field sign readback
302173 11/23/09 20:46 A. Camsonne Compton photon detector to 1700 V
302172 11/23/09 20:45 dalton IHWP.OUT edited
302171 11/23/09 20:33 Jin Huang RHRS Optics Problem
302163 11/23/09 20:18 Jin Huang Target->LD2
302160 11/23/09 20:13 A. Camsonne Q3 field sign
302149 11/23/09 19:47 Jack (Techs) Right Dipole Compensating Coil polarity switch bad
302148 11/23/09 19:43 deng BCM calibration for happex/pvdis bcms
302147 11/23/09 19:36 A. Camsonne Scope on for electron detector analog signal died
302146 11/23/09 19:24 Jin Huang Target -> Single Carbon
302145 11/23/09 19:08 A. Deur Controled access
302142 11/23/09 19:01 A. Camsonne Compton screen temporarly replaced
302141 11/23/09 18:55 A. Deur bpm/bcm strip chart
302140 11/23/09 18:52 A. Deur Hall A tools
302139 11/23/09 18:27 Jin Huang Target Screenshot @ 110uA production
302134 11/23/09 18:11 ZAFAR AHMED Spot++
302130 11/23/09 18:04 ZAFAR AHMED Spot++
302128 11/23/09 18:02 Jin Huang LHRS Optics Checks OK
302127 11/23/09 18:00 Jack (Techs) Left Q1 polarity readback should be correct
302126 11/23/09 17:56 Jin Huang Target -> LD2
302124 11/23/09 17:53 ZAFAR AHMED Spot++
302118 11/23/09 17:40 Jack (Techs) Right Q3 not reversing polarity
302115 11/23/09 17:38 Jin Huang Target -> Optics for a quick LHRS optics check
302114 11/23/09 17:32 Jin Huang Target -> BeO for Spot Check
302113 11/23/09 17:24 X. Zheng Right Q3 gaussmeter reading
302112 11/23/09 17:15 Jin Huang Target -> Empty
302111 11/23/09 17:04 R. Subedi Left hrs pvdis gr5 cable length changed
302101 11/23/09 16:22 X. Zheng Diagram for this entry
302100 11/23/09 16:19 jpchen Day shift summary
302098 11/23/09 16:10 D.Wang/X.Den checked signal widths of the veto circuits for both arms
302097 11/23/09 16:06 jpchen Sorry, it was right Q3 not reversing
302096 11/23/09 15:50 jpchen Left Q3 reading did not reverse sign after polarity change
302095 11/23/09 15:38 jpchen Spectrometer polarity switch
302094 11/23/09 15:37 fansler techs/polarity change
302093 11/23/09 15:07 jpchen tools screen
302090 11/23/09 14:58 jpchen BCMs/BPMs
302089 11/23/09 14:25 jpchen ramping down all magnets
302088 11/23/09 14:17 jpchen requeted to have controlled access
302087 11/23/09 14:15 deng beam trace log for bcm calibration
302083 11/23/09 14:01 Deng Runs for BCM calibration
302079 11/23/09 13:54 R. Michaels gaussmeter and polarity notes
302075 11/23/09 13:00 Bob / Ramesh L-HRS evtype bits are fine
302062 11/23/09 12:09 jpchen started ramping down right dipole
302054 11/23/09 11:30 R. Michaels instabilities in Compton DAQ
302050 11/23/09 10:44 R. Michaels parity daq hangup again
302045 11/23/09 09:49 R. Michaels parity DAQ reboot, restart BMW
302043 11/23/09 09:44 dalton Run coordinator summary
302042 11/23/09 09:42 D.Wang unser signal plugged back into happex ADC
302029 11/23/09 08:20 R. Michaels disks nearly full, switch, clean
302024 11/23/09 08:04 Kai owl shift summary
302016 11/23/09 06:57 A. Camsonne Compton photon HV back to 1500 V
302015 11/23/09 06:27 Kai smooth production
302014 11/23/09 06:11 A. Camsonne Compton photon to 1550 V run 21178
302001 11/23/09 04:57 A. Camsonne Compton odd photon signal
301994 11/23/09 04:39 A. Camsonne Compton photon HV to 1500 V Run 21175
301981 11/23/09 03:06 A. Camsonne Compton run 21173 - 1450 V
301980 11/23/09 02:37 A. Camsonne Compton electron detector back to garage position
301979 11/23/09 02:32 A. Camsonne Compton photon HV on
301978 11/23/09 02:15 A. Camsonne Compton electron detector current at 25 mm 115 uA
301974 11/23/09 02:10 A. Camsonne Compton run 21171 HV off - FADC triggered by pulser
301970 11/23/09 01:57 A. Camsonne Compton run 21170 HV off
301969 11/23/09 01:48 A. Camsonne Compton vacuum trend
301968 11/23/09 01:33 A. Camsonne Compton beam diagnostics snapshot
301967 11/23/09 01:30 A. Camsonne Compton photon rates improved
301953 11/23/09 00:21 liye target
301952 11/23/09 00:19 Kai Hall A tools at start of the shift
301945 11/23/09 00:01 Jin Huang Shift Summary Nov 22 Swing
301938 11/22/09 22:22 Jin Huang Hall A Tools & BCM Screenshots
301937 11/22/09 22:19 Jin Huang Dummy Done. Back to Production
301933 11/22/09 22:12 Abdurahim Target -> LD2 Loop1 20cm
301923 11/22/09 21:35 Abdurahim Target strip charts
301922 11/22/09 21:34 Abdurahim Target Screen
301921 11/22/09 21:04 A. Camsonne Compton electron current at position 25 mm 50 uA
301920 11/22/09 21:02 A. Camsonne Compton electron detector current at position 20 mm at 50 uA
301919 11/22/09 21:00 A. Camsonne Compton electron detector currents at position 30 mm
301894 11/22/09 17:59 ZAFAR AHMED Prescale changed.
301889 11/22/09 17:53 Jin Huang Q2 measurement done. Moving to Dummy Production
301882 11/22/09 17:48 Jin Huang Q2 Measurement on Al Dummy
301878 11/22/09 17:38 Abdurahim Target -> Al Dummy
301874 11/22/09 17:30 Jin Huang Q2 Measurement @ LD2
301870 11/22/09 17:18 Jin Huang VDC on for Q2 Measurement
301860 11/22/09 16:46 A. Camsonne Compton EPICS IOC rebooted
301859 11/22/09 16:23 A. Camsonne Compton power meter stuck
301851 11/22/09 16:00 Xiaoyan/Rame Shift summary
301850 11/22/09 15:25 X. Zheng Suggestion for delay cable adjustment
301847 11/22/09 15:23 kbrider ROC 25 crash
301845 11/22/09 15:21 dalton Run coordinator daily summary
301824 11/22/09 12:38 Deng large electron narrow path loss on one edge of group5
301817 11/22/09 11:58 R. Michaels re: air cond advice
301813 11/22/09 11:40 A. Camsonne Compton photon asymmetry with 10.4 cm of CH2 and 2 + 1 mm of lead at 1500 V
301809 11/22/09 11:19 A. Camsonne Compton photon power supply current fluctuations at 1500 V
301808 11/22/09 11:18 A. Camsonne Compton slow vertical scan
301807 11/22/09 10:56 deng more info about pvdisR pn grp 1-3, asym check
301806 11/22/09 10:45 A. Camsonne Compton Photon HV to 1500 V
301805 11/22/09 10:44 dalton Hall A counting house AC off?
301798 11/22/09 10:24 deng RHWP angle is 1200 both before and after flipper in the start logbook
301797 11/22/09 10:07 A. Camsonne Compton photon power supply current fluctuations
301790 11/22/09 09:38 kbrider spot++
301789 11/22/09 08:55 deng hallA general tools screen shot
301788 11/22/09 08:53 A. Camsonne Compton GSO crystal in beam position
301780 11/22/09 08:48 liye target status
301772 11/22/09 08:35 A. Camsonne Compton Cavity locks now
301771 11/22/09 08:13 A. CamsonneH Compton cavity locked - mirror optimization starting poin
301770 11/22/09 08:11 deng beam modulation off and then on again
301768 11/22/09 08:04 deng Anything wrong with the next (slug 8) RHWP angle settings?
301767 11/22/09 08:03 Meziani Shift summary
301766 11/22/09 07:58 A. Camsonne Cavity locks a bit after IOC reboot
301765 11/22/09 07:53 A. Camsonne Compton EPICS reboot
301763 11/22/09 07:44 A. Camsonne Compton vacuum
301760 11/22/09 07:37 apar Halfwave plate OUT, Slug 7
301742 11/22/09 05:16 deng compton running ok after roc6 rebooted.
301741 11/22/09 05:02 deng compton coda crash
301726 11/22/09 03:37 deng Golden run changed to #25673 for LHRS
301721 11/22/09 03:07 M Friend Compton orbit lock
301720 11/22/09 02:58 M Friend Compton running conditions
301719 11/22/09 02:48 Kai timing shift of pion signal in TDC
301712 11/22/09 02:15 Kai quick check 3: pion time diff
301711 11/22/09 02:08 Kai quick check data 2
301710 11/22/09 02:06 Kai quick check data 1
301706 11/22/09 01:32 Kai turn off the VDC
301705 11/22/09 01:30 Kai oops, forget to attach the spot++ plots
301704 11/22/09 01:27 Kai 6*6 MCC, 2uA, LD2
301696 11/22/09 01:21 Kai spot++, 2uA, 4*4, LD2 target
301695 11/22/09 01:19 Kai owl shift summary
301690 11/22/09 01:15 Kai 2uA, 4*4 MCC, HRS scaler
301689 11/22/09 01:12 poltar target change
301686 11/22/09 01:06 poltar Target screenshots
301685 11/22/09 01:05 Kai VDC on in run #25669
301684 11/22/09 01:05 poltar Target screenshots
301683 11/22/09 01:01 Meziani Spot++ results
301672 11/22/09 00:46 poltar target changing
301669 11/22/09 00:40 fuchey target motion
301662 11/21/09 23:04 A. Camsonne Vacuum Hall A beamline
301661 11/21/09 22:53 Kai xscaler and xcefdmp of scaler 2d
301660 11/21/09 22:41 Kai/Dianchen access work to replace the scaler 2d (NIM-ELE3) (late entry)
301653 11/21/09 20:33 Kai Turn off the tagger
301652 11/21/09 20:03 A. Camsonne Stripchart vacuum
301651 11/21/09 18:20 A. Camsonne Vacuum Compton
301650 11/21/09 18:14 M Friend Compton shielding
301646 11/21/09 17:27 R. Subedi To see pion signal from pulser, pion veto unplugged
301644 11/21/09 17:17 R. Subedi LHRS Scaler display after 16 ns addition, Part-II
301643 11/21/09 17:15 R. Subedi Left hrs pvdis TS-DLN cables added-Part-I
301641 11/21/09 16:49 A. Camsonne Lecroy Beamline serial on hatsv5 2003
301640 11/21/09 16:49 A. Camsonne Lecroy Beamline power cycled
301632 11/21/09 16:02 Lamiaa Target @ Empty Position
301630 11/21/09 16:01 A. Deur Day Shift summary
301621 11/21/09 15:25 A. Deur Control Access
301617 11/21/09 14:51 R. Michaels /adaql10/work1 cleanup
301586 11/21/09 11:00 Ramesh/Dianc 10 Hz of T8 also put in datastream
301571 11/21/09 10:02 Ramesh/Dianc T5 in rhsr prescaled away
301570 11/21/09 09:58 A. Deur beam current
301569 11/21/09 09:43 R. Subedi All 3 CODA revived
301565 11/21/09 09:14 kbrider BPM12 gain change
301564 11/21/09 09:08 A. Deur beam current
301563 11/21/09 09:05 A. Deur beam position stripchart
301562 11/21/09 08:58 kbrider spot++
301551 11/21/09 08:47 A. Deur Hall A tools
301550 11/21/09 08:44 kbrider Feedback monitor
301549 11/21/09 08:40 kbrider Feedback monitor colors
301543 11/21/09 08:19 Lamiaa Target's screen & charts snapshot
301540 11/21/09 08:07 xqian Owl Shift Summary
301525 11/21/09 05:10 liye JT valve increase
301524 11/21/09 05:07 D.Wang compton laser won't lock
301521 11/21/09 04:55 D.Wang compton laser power decrease
301513 11/21/09 04:46 xqian Beam is back
301507 11/21/09 04:20 liye VDC on
301504 11/21/09 04:18 meziani Target position
301500 11/21/09 04:13 liye spot++
301497 11/21/09 04:11 liye spot++
301494 11/21/09 03:56 liye spot++
301485 11/21/09 03:18 Kai/Dianchen MCC said Beam is ready
301484 11/21/09 03:07 Kai/ Dianche ask for access into the hall
301481 11/21/09 02:32 Kai current status from MCC
301469 11/21/09 00:03 pking Swing shift summary, 20 November
301467 11/20/09 23:52 Ole Hansen PVDIS CODA reboot
301466 11/20/09 23:49 Ole Hansen Run 14104 junk
301465 11/20/09 23:34 pking Hall A tools
301464 11/20/09 23:12 reimer Target Screens
301461 11/20/09 22:23 Reimer Moved to empty target
301455 11/20/09 21:34 pking Beam still down
301448 11/20/09 20:56 M Friend Compton run plan
301441 11/20/09 20:25 pking Beam down for OPS to reboot an IOC
301434 11/20/09 19:42 A. Camsonne Compton photon detector in beam for run 21115
301433 11/20/09 19:26 Ole Hansen Sync diffs of 2?
301426 11/20/09 18:29 deng Sample plot for lumi width when beam current to be 115uA
301419 11/20/09 17:39 Ole Hansen Analysis: large lumi widths
301418 11/20/09 17:35 Ole Hansen spot++
301406 11/20/09 16:40 pking Hall A tools at start of shift
301405 11/20/09 16:39 Xiaoyan Lumi width @ beam current 87, 100 and 114 uA
301403 11/20/09 16:27 mercado BCM1 acting strange at the end of run 14094
301401 11/20/09 16:10 deng Lumi HV adjusted for beam current 115uA
301395 11/20/09 16:04 reimer Target Screens
301391 11/20/09 15:59 bogdanw shift summary
301387 11/20/09 15:35 Rakitha (W) Lumi saturation
301386 11/20/09 15:24 Rakitha (W) Parity Run 14094 strange plots
301385 11/20/09 15:22 deng screenshot of target
301384 11/20/09 15:21 bogdanw beam is 115 muA
301377 11/20/09 15:02 silwal FFB woes and dithering
301376 11/20/09 14:25 R. Subedi pvdis run 14094 has tagger ON until 16k events
301359 11/20/09 13:44 R. Subedi Beam current profile during deadtime test again
301358 11/20/09 13:43 R. Subedi Right hrs scaler @20 uA
301357 11/20/09 13:42 R. Subedi Left hrs scaler @20 uA
301350 11/20/09 13:23 R. Subedi Right hrs scaler @40 uA
301349 11/20/09 13:22 R. Subedi Left hrs scaler @40 uA
301348 11/20/09 13:19 R. Subedi during 40 uA run pvdis coda stopped working, did startcoda
301340 11/20/09 13:01 R. Subedi Beam current profile during deadtime measurement
301339 11/20/09 12:55 R. Subedi Right arm scaler @60 uA
301338 11/20/09 12:54 R. Subedi Left arm scaler @60 uA
301325 11/20/09 12:38 R. Subedi Deadtime measurement started
301324 11/20/09 12:33 R. Subedi Right arm scaler @ 80 uA
301322 11/20/09 12:32 R. Subedi Left arm scaler at 80 uA
301319 11/20/09 12:30 R. Subedi Right arm scaler for deadtime data @95 uA
301315 11/20/09 12:29 R. Subedi Left hrs scaler @95uA
301314 11/20/09 12:07 D.Wang bad scaler channels
301310 11/20/09 12:00 R. Subedi Tagger in left HRS after access
301306 11/20/09 11:02 riordan LQ1 Field should be negative
301305 11/20/09 10:53 brads Left Q1 polarity shows positive -- could be a problem here
301304 11/20/09 10:37 X. Zheng Right arm pion narrow group problem could be due to scaler problem rather than noise
301303 11/20/09 10:18 R. Subedi Tagger disabled, deadtime data taking plan aborted
301302 11/20/09 10:16 adaq Hall A tools
301295 11/20/09 10:08 R. Subedi Left are tagger not working
301294 11/20/09 10:06 R. Subedi Right are tagger scaler @ 20 uA
301293 11/20/09 10:03 R. Subedi Tagger enabled for tagger test
301280 11/20/09 09:28 Rakitha (W) Data Analysis 25625/5180
301279 11/20/09 09:16 riordan Compton Back Up?
301266 11/20/09 08:42 Rakitha (W) high width 14081
301265 11/20/09 08:19 Lamiaa Target's Tools Snapshot
301264 11/20/09 08:03 ZAFAR AHMED Owl shift summary
301256 11/20/09 07:50 R. Michaels re: Compton computer
301255 11/20/09 07:19 reimer Target is LD2 for runs 25624, 5179
301247 11/20/09 06:59 R. Michaels Al dummy run summary
301243 11/20/09 06:08 R. Michaels re: pion rates
301240 11/20/09 05:56 Kai Hypothesis of the pion path problem
301229 11/20/09 04:57 R. Michaels compton computer problems
301216 11/20/09 03:22 ZAFAR AHMED We rebootd the HAPPEX DAQ.
301215 11/20/09 03:20 R. Michaels dithering restarted
301214 11/20/09 03:16 R. Michaels run 14076 no good
301212 11/20/09 02:49 R. Michaels Coulomb meter update
301211 11/20/09 02:37 R. Michaels decide to turn on VDCs
301208 11/20/09 02:32 ZAFAR AHMED VDCs turned on
301203 11/20/09 01:58 Kai/Xiaoyan Add pion rates from all groups
301202 11/20/09 01:44 R. Michaels Compton strip chart
301201 11/20/09 01:44 ZAFAR AHMED Low cut on BCM1 changed.
301194 11/20/09 01:35 ZAFAR AHMED Update
301193 11/20/09 01:30 reimer rates for 50 muA
301192 11/20/09 01:25 reimer Al dummy trigger rates
301190 11/20/09 01:24 R. Michaels Al the Dummy
301187 11/20/09 01:21 Kai the rate of left arm group five pion narrow is half of that from wide path
301183 11/20/09 01:13 ZAFAR AHMED New Prescales after we have dummy target
301179 11/20/09 00:56 ZAFAR AHMED Al dummy target and drift chambers turned on
301163 11/20/09 00:28 R. Michaels killed rogue panguins. runs better now it seems.
301162 11/20/09 00:04 jpchen tools screen
301161 11/20/09 00:04 jpchen bcm stripe chart
301159 11/20/09 00:03 jpchen swing shift summary
301158 11/19/09 23:37 Jin HAPPEX Feedback Monitor Screen shot
301154 11/19/09 23:35 jpchen BHWP IN
301153 11/19/09 23:34 Jin Flipper Screen shot
301152 11/19/09 23:30 apar Halfwave plate IN, Slug 6
301148 11/19/09 23:17 jpchen Compton HV tripped and reset
301147 11/19/09 22:47 jpchen Beam unstable and MCC reduced beam current to 95 uA
301146 11/19/09 22:45 jpchen Compton new run 21103 started
301139 11/19/09 22:17 LeRose Target Screens
301138 11/19/09 22:00 deng screenshot of pvdisR scaler 3&4
301137 11/19/09 21:59 deng screenshot of pvdisR scaler 1&2
301136 11/19/09 21:57 deng screenshot of pvdisL 3rd and 4th scalers
301135 11/19/09 21:56 deng screenshot of pvdisL scaler 1 and 2
301117 11/19/09 20:43 M Friend Compton cavity power
301116 11/19/09 20:29 jpchen Compton DAQ in front room, HV=1500 now
301115 11/19/09 20:14 Jin Parity Ana GUI show "BPM12X+" over 132K
301114 11/19/09 20:00 jpchen Compton HV off
301113 11/19/09 19:56 jpchen Compton detector HV
301108 11/19/09 19:37 R. Subedi RHRS bcm u1 is there in pvdis setup
301107 11/19/09 19:34 jpchen two BCM readings diff by 5 uA
301106 11/19/09 19:26 jpchen right BCM u1 in xscaler reads zero
301097 11/19/09 18:20 Jin Late Entry: Stopped 14062 to debug empty "PVDIS BCM asymmetries" plots on parity GUI
301096 11/19/09 18:08 jpchen Data taking at 105 (103) uA.
301089 11/19/09 17:17 LeRose Target JT valve
301088 11/19/09 17:17 jpchen Beam current to 100 uA then to 113 uA.
301064 11/19/09 16:00 Holmstrom Day Shift Summary
301060 11/19/09 15:42 Lamiaa Target Moved Back to L1D2
301059 11/19/09 15:35 Holmstrom Wire Chamber HV off
301058 11/19/09 15:34 O. Glamazdin Moller results for PVDIS
301051 11/19/09 15:15 Lamiaa Target Moved to Carbon w/. Hole
301050 11/19/09 15:10 Holmstrom Turning on Chambers
301049 11/19/09 15:05 brads Hall A dithering script(?) is leaving FFB off for extended periods
301045 11/19/09 14:57 M Friend Compton photon beam position
301044 11/19/09 14:30 R. Subedi Electron wide signal from gr4 in RHRS
301043 11/19/09 14:28 M Friend Compton epics reboot
301042 11/19/09 14:24 Lamiaa Target Screen & Charts Snapshot
301041 11/19/09 14:17 R. Subedi Electron wide from gr4 in RHRS back now
301037 11/19/09 13:59 R. Subedi Tagger disabled in counting house
301036 11/19/09 13:42 Kai/Ramesh We can see the tagger singal on the E4Wd now.
301026 11/19/09 12:20 Ramesh/Kai tagger test for El4-wide
301025 11/19/09 12:20 Ramesh/Kai tagger test (second plot) for El4-wide
301004 11/19/09 10:59 R. Subedi Left hrs T0 at about 1650 channel
301003 11/19/09 10:50 Holmstrom E4WA
300990 11/19/09 09:50 D.Wang/Kai right arm group 4 wide still missing after controlled access
300974 11/19/09 07:56 Holt snapshot of target parameters
300973 11/19/09 07:54 xqian Owl Shift Summary
300972 11/19/09 07:27 D.Wang right arm group 4 wide signal missing since beginning of slug 5
300965 11/19/09 07:00 Kai spot check found right arm group 4 wide is missing
300958 11/19/09 06:02 Kai parity scaler on right arm
300957 11/19/09 06:01 Kai parity scaler in right arm
300956 11/19/09 06:00 Kai parity scaler snapshot
300955 11/19/09 05:59 Kai parity scaler snapshot
300954 11/19/09 05:44 reimer Low Current; Compton ion chamber trips
300935 11/19/09 04:11 reimer target screens
300934 11/19/09 04:07 xqian Compton HV trip
300914 11/19/09 00:49 reimer Target Screens
300900 11/19/09 00:03 V. Sulkosky Swing Shift Summary, November 18, 2009
300898 11/19/09 00:01 D.Wang Happex DAQ crashed
300891 11/18/09 23:10 V. Sulkosky Beam Trips Reduced
300890 11/18/09 22:52 M Friend Compton base current stability
300889 11/18/09 22:48 M Friend Compton epics reboot
300876 11/18/09 21:12 Jack (Techs) Techs' reference for Left Q1
300875 11/18/09 21:08 V. Sulkosky Beam Current Stripchart
300874 11/18/09 21:06 V. Sulkosky BPM and Energy Stripchart
300873 11/18/09 21:01 V. Sulkosky VDC Raw Times
300854 11/18/09 19:39 V. Sulkosky Created New Database Directory for Podd
300853 11/18/09 19:35 V. Sulkosky Left GC Pedestals
300852 11/18/09 19:07 V. Sulkosky Hall A Tools Screen
300851 11/18/09 19:05 V. Sulkosky Left Arm Vernier Not Set
300850 11/18/09 18:55 ZAFAR AHMED Spot++
300849 11/18/09 18:53 navaphon temp and heater strip
300848 11/18/09 18:52 navaphon target screen
300841 11/18/09 18:29 V. Sulkosky Polarity Readback left Q1
300840 11/18/09 18:22 Jack (Techs) Left Q1
300839 11/18/09 18:15 V. Sulkosky Beam at 90 uA
300832 11/18/09 17:42 V. Sulkosky Run 25580 is Junk
300826 11/18/09 17:20 V. Sulkosky Beam Current
300825 11/18/09 17:15 riordan VDC Current Readback Looks Like Noise
300824 11/18/09 17:03 V. Sulkosky left Q1 Wrong Polarity
300823 11/18/09 16:59 V. Sulkosky VDCs on and then Off
300799 11/18/09 16:07 bogdanw shift summary
300798 11/18/09 16:05 navaphon target move: D2
300796 11/18/09 16:02 O. Glamazdin spot++ with C12 hole
300788 11/18/09 15:49 fansler Lead Flows
300787 11/18/09 15:45 Holt Carbon hole target in beam
300786 11/18/09 15:44 O. Glamazdin HARP scan result
300779 11/18/09 12:33 M Friend Compton photon detector moved
300778 11/18/09 12:27 R. Subedi Right hrs T2 fixed, left hrs retiming untouched
300775 11/18/09 11:33 Holt BeO target in beam position
300774 11/18/09 11:30 apar Halfwave plate OUT, Slug 5
300772 11/18/09 11:18 apar Halfwave plate IN, Slug 5
300760 11/18/09 10:14 R. Subedi Right hrs T2 missing since Nov 16th
300759 11/18/09 10:10 bogdanw tech: HRS-L Q1 trips again
300758 11/18/09 10:03 bogdanw Hall A status - control access
300757 11/18/09 09:06 Holt Empty target position
300753 11/18/09 08:44 Holt JT valve opened
300739 11/18/09 07:53 Holt target snapshots
300738 11/18/09 07:49 X. Qian Owl Shift Summary
300731 11/18/09 07:26 liye target
300723 11/18/09 06:28 xqian Right Arm Q1 and Q2 trip
300711 11/18/09 05:55 Jack (Techs) Next Left Q1 trip is the last
300710 11/18/09 05:35 xqian Left Q1 Trip again
300703 11/18/09 05:04 adaq HAll A Screen
300690 11/18/09 04:04 xqian Left Q1 trip again
300689 11/18/09 03:41 R. Subedi Left Q1 trip numbers in 3 days
300681 11/18/09 02:33 xqian Left Q1 trip
300668 11/18/09 00:57 xqian Left Q1 tripped
300667 11/18/09 00:55 liye target
300654 11/18/09 00:06 V. Sulkosky Swing Shift Summary, November 17, 2009
300653 11/18/09 00:06 V. Sulkosky Q1 left Tripped Again
300651 11/17/09 23:57 V. Sulkosky BPM Stripchart
300644 11/17/09 22:47 Sarah Left Q1 tripped during this run
300637 11/17/09 22:20 V. Sulkosky Left Q1 Tripped (Techs)
300630 11/17/09 21:58 navaphon L1 temp Heater strip
300629 11/17/09 21:56 navaphon target screen
300628 11/17/09 21:40 V. Sulkosky Energy Lock was off
300627 11/17/09 21:19 Sarah Restarted Runbird
300626 11/17/09 21:15 D.Wang Testing compton HV at low curent
300622 11/17/09 21:03 V. Sulkosky Resuming Production
300621 11/17/09 20:55 V. Sulkosky VDCs turned off
300620 11/17/09 20:45 Sarah Q^2 measurement runs
300619 11/17/09 20:45 V. Sulkosky Stripchart for Left Q1
300618 11/17/09 20:44 V. Sulkosky Left Q1 tripped again
300615 11/17/09 20:41 Sarah spot++ results run 25560 (LD2, 6x6 MCC raster, 2 muA)
300606 11/17/09 20:36 Sarah spot++ results for run 25559 (LD2, 4x4 MCC raster, 2 muA)
300603 11/17/09 20:32 V. Sulkosky VDCs On
300600 11/17/09 20:31 navaphon target moved: D2
300599 11/17/09 20:20 Sarah spot++ results (run 25558) BeO, 10muA, 4x4 (MCC) raster
300598 11/17/09 20:18 navaphon target move BeO
300595 11/17/09 20:17 V. Sulkosky Harp Scans
300592 11/17/09 19:44 V. Sulkosky Controlled Access for Left Q1
300591 11/17/09 18:55 O. Glamazdin Moller results
300590 11/17/09 17:51 V. Sulkosky Left Q1 Down Again
300589 11/17/09 17:31 V. Sulkosky All Left and Right Magnets Up
300588 11/17/09 17:29 V. Sulkosky Compton HV Off
300585 11/17/09 16:53 M Friend Compton beamline shielding
300578 11/17/09 16:39 V. Sulkosky Left Q1 Tripped Off Again
300577 11/17/09 16:22 silwal HAPPEX charge feedback analyzer updated for new bit register
300576 11/17/09 16:02 Saha Shift Summary
300574 11/17/09 14:38 Kai pedstal peak shows up after increasing the ADC integration gate
300567 11/17/09 12:19 Higinbotham Target Oscillations
300566 11/17/09 12:06 R. Subedi Lost right hrs Q3
300565 11/17/09 11:39 R. Subedi Tagger in Left hrs is there
300564 11/17/09 10:09 R. Michaels adaqfs cleanup
300560 11/17/09 09:36 R. Subedi right pvdis setup scalers at 90 uA
300559 11/17/09 09:33 R. Subedi right pvdis scaler at 90 uA
300558 11/17/09 09:32 R. Subedi more PVDIS scaler at 90 uA
300557 11/17/09 09:31 R. Subedi PVDIS scaler at 90 uA
300553 11/17/09 08:49 Kai update goldenrootfile to left:25549 and right:5099
300543 11/17/09 08:13 R. Subedi Re: The ADC readout on left arm is apprently larger than before.
300541 11/17/09 08:02 Fatiha Shift Summary
300534 11/17/09 07:43 Fatiha Magnet screen
300533 11/17/09 07:42 Fatiha Better beam quality
300529 11/17/09 07:17 cisbani Target screen and charts
300526 11/17/09 06:42 Kai The ADC readout on left arm is apprently larger than before.
300522 11/17/09 06:06 Fatiha Bad Beam quality since the last 40 min
300521 11/17/09 06:04 Fatiha test
300513 11/17/09 05:43 Fatiha Hall A General Tools
300496 11/17/09 03:49 Fatiha Q1 trips
300492 11/17/09 03:41 A. Camsonne Compton photon asymmetry with new shielding
300491 11/17/09 03:08 A. Camsonne Shielding block position
300490 11/17/09 02:58 A. Camsonne Compton ROC1 error message
300489 11/17/09 02:56 A. Camsonne Compton computer rebooted
300486 11/17/09 02:51 Fatiha Q1 trips
300481 11/17/09 02:30 cisbani Vacuum chamber pressure varies
300469 11/17/09 00:55 Fatiha Q1 recovered
300462 11/17/09 00:49 A. Camsonne Added 1 inch of tungsten shielding in front of Compton photon detector
300455 11/17/09 00:23 Fatiha Hall A Genaral Tools at the start of the shift
300454 11/17/09 00:13 pking Target: scattering chamber vacuum 1.6e-6
300453 11/17/09 00:03 A. Deur Swing shift summary
300449 11/16/09 23:56 pking Target: Scattering chamber vacuum spiked up
300446 11/16/09 23:54 Sarah spot++ results for 25545
300442 11/16/09 23:46 M Friend Compton table scan
300438 11/16/09 23:17 A. Camsonne Compton electron detector to garage position
300435 11/16/09 23:00 silwal/deng target epics variables for LD2 work fine now
300432 11/16/09 22:56 A. Camsonne Compton electron analog signal with persistance
300429 11/16/09 22:43 Sarah Hall A Tools Screen Snapshot
300425 11/16/09 22:40 pking Target screen captures
300424 11/16/09 22:37 pking Target: LD2 loop 1 in in
300423 11/16/09 22:33 M Friend Compton table scan
300422 11/16/09 22:29 pking Target: moving to loop 1 LD2
300421 11/16/09 21:59 pking Target: empty target in
300420 11/16/09 21:52 pking Target: moving to empty
300415 11/16/09 21:19 Sarah spot++ for run 25542
300406 11/16/09 20:34 Sarah Q^2 Measurement Runs
300403 11/16/09 20:32 Sarah spot++ for run 25541
300402 11/16/09 20:30 A. Camsonne Compton electron detector 10 mm from beam 2 uA
300399 11/16/09 20:26 Sarah spot++ results for run 25540
300397 11/16/09 20:23 A. Camsonne Compton electron detector position 20 mm 2uA
300395 11/16/09 20:20 pking Target: Loop 1 in position
300394 11/16/09 20:19 A. Camsonne Compton electron detector pick-up noise
300393 11/16/09 20:18 A. Camsonne Compton electron detector 20 mm from the beam
300392 11/16/09 20:17 Sarah spot++ results again for 25539
300391 11/16/09 20:13 pking Target: moving to LD2
300390 11/16/09 20:12 Sarah spot++ results
300383 11/16/09 19:56 pking Target: Moved to BeO
300382 11/16/09 19:27 A. Camsonne Compton Vertical scan
300381 11/16/09 19:27 pking Target screen captures
300380 11/16/09 18:41 A. Camsonne Compton GSO detector in beam position : rates and base current look good
300379 11/16/09 17:36 deng target epics variables changed to before
300373 11/16/09 17:07 D.Wang beam diagnostic fingers on the strip charts
300371 11/16/09 17:06 folts compton/tech
300369 11/16/09 16:42 R. Subedi Tagger in counting house disabled
300368 11/16/09 16:38 deng Target epics variables changed for LD2 in db file
300367 11/16/09 16:37 Ramesh/Kai DAQ work during access
300359 11/16/09 16:19 jroche Day shit summary
300358 11/16/09 15:58 jpchen target charts/screen
300357 11/16/09 15:55 D.Wang compton, 2 diagnostic scint PMTs added to scalers
300356 11/16/09 15:53 A. Camsonne Compton electron detector in garage position for tune
300355 11/16/09 15:40 A. Camsonne Compton FADC flag file to standard running
300340 11/16/09 13:01 M Friend Compton access work
300327 11/16/09 12:23 brads Firmware updated on Moller FADC module
300324 11/16/09 12:00 Ole Hansen Bad adaql1 disk exchanged
300322 11/16/09 11:16 jpchen Vacuum is ok. EES temperary swapped a vacuum gauge
300321 11/16/09 10:55 jpchen Target scattering chmaber vacuum jumped to 2x10-4!
300320 11/16/09 10:47 jpchen target moved to EMPTY
300319 11/16/09 10:37 jroche halog entries will not show up for a little while
300318 11/16/09 10:32 jpchen target charts/screen
300317 11/16/09 09:22 jroche no beam this morning
300316 11/16/09 09:10 M Friend Compton epics reboot
300306 11/16/09 08:27 jroche lost connection to iocha4
300305 11/16/09 08:03 R. Michaels dithering stopped working
300303 11/16/09 08:01 ZAFAR AHMED Owl shift summary
300295 11/16/09 07:22 R. Michaels Coulomb meter
300294 11/16/09 07:03 R. Michaels results of Qsq vs Rate
300286 11/16/09 05:56 R. Michaels low-I test runs
300266 11/16/09 05:27 Kai spot check run #13991
300259 11/16/09 05:12 R. Michaels recent Compton results
300258 11/16/09 05:08 R. Michaels Compton reboot
300251 11/16/09 04:33 R. Michaels parity CODA reboot
300239 11/16/09 04:19 ZAFAR AHMED Compton LeCroy HV dropped
300232 11/16/09 03:14 R. Michaels dithering restarted
300231 11/16/09 02:32 R. Michaels reboot Parity DAQ
300210 11/16/09 00:32 R. Michaels reboot Compton DAQ
300203 11/16/09 00:19 pking Swing shift summary
300202 11/16/09 00:19 pking LHRS not completely recovered after iocha14 reboot.
300200 11/16/09 00:01 pking Lost connection to iocha14.
300199 11/16/09 00:00 Abdurahim Target strip charts
300195 11/15/09 23:24 Sarah Runbird Feedback Monitor Snapshot for IHWP Flip
300194 11/15/09 23:21 apar Halfwave plate IN, Slug 4
300184 11/15/09 21:49 Abdurahim Target screen
300183 11/15/09 21:49 Abdurahim Target strip charts
300176 11/15/09 21:09 pking BPM strip chart
300175 11/15/09 21:07 Sarah Hall A Tools Screen Snapshot for the shift checklist
300174 11/15/09 20:59 gomez Change of Q1 lead-flow alarm points (HacR_HPE1313A:0_Ch11)
300161 11/15/09 20:16 pking Intermittant alarm on RHRS Q1 LHe flow
300153 11/15/09 18:59 Sarah Dithering still somewhat crummy
300152 11/15/09 18:39 Abdurahim Target strip charts
300151 11/15/09 18:37 pking Back to 70 uA
300145 11/15/09 18:33 Sarah spot++ results runs 25513 and 5061
300142 11/15/09 18:29 Abdurahim Target -> Loop 1 LD2
300141 11/15/09 18:19 Sarah spot++ results for 25512 and 5060
300138 11/15/09 18:16 Sarah spot++ results for 25511
300131 11/15/09 18:04 Ramesh/Xiaoy HV card in RHRS mainframe slot13 repalced
300130 11/15/09 18:02 Abdurahim Target -> BeO
300129 11/15/09 17:59 Abdurahim Target -> Empty
300128 11/15/09 17:57 deng Correction: tagger is off in the middle room
300124 11/15/09 17:43 pking Request beam permit again
300123 11/15/09 17:25 dalton lobeam cut changed to 18000
300116 11/15/09 16:54 Sarah Restarted runbird and the greenmonster
300115 11/15/09 16:54 A. Camsonne Right HV slot 13 gone bad again
300114 11/15/09 16:54 pking Request escorted access
300113 11/15/09 16:45 deng left arm tagger is missing again
300106 11/15/09 16:29 Sarah Forgot to say that these results were for run 25507
300101 11/15/09 16:25 Sarah spot++ results for run 25508
300099 11/15/09 16:23 Sarah spot++ results, 5 muA, 4mm x 4mm
300096 11/15/09 16:14 A. Camsonne HV seems to be ok
300095 11/15/09 16:13 pking Aparently the module started working; cancel the access request
300092 11/15/09 16:09 pking Request escorted access for electronics module replacement
300091 11/15/09 16:00 jroche Day shift summary
300090 11/15/09 15:59 A. Camsonne Compton photon detector current fluctuations at 1700 V
300089 11/15/09 15:59 jroche Day shift summary
300086 11/15/09 15:45 A. Camsonne Compton photon detector base current stable at 1600 V with 1/2 in Pb shielding
300085 11/15/09 15:45 R. Subedi RHRS Preshower (slot13 card) HV problem
300082 11/15/09 15:33 jroche trigger rates at 2uA on LD2 target
300081 11/15/09 15:30 A. Camsonne Compton photon detector shielding
300080 11/15/09 15:28 rakitha spot_R
300079 11/15/09 15:16 rakitha Trigger rates
300076 11/15/09 15:10 narayan Target: D2 target in
300075 11/15/09 14:56 narayan Target: moved to empty
300074 11/15/09 14:51 rakitha-3rd Left HRS Q1
300073 11/15/09 14:49 A. Camsonne/ Power cycled network switch
300072 11/15/09 13:45 A. Camsonne hareboot22 not accessible either
300071 11/15/09 13:39 jroche Controlled access in the Hall requested
300053 11/15/09 12:16 narayan Target: Screenshot
300051 11/15/09 11:30 riordan Rebooted LHRS detector slow controls
300044 11/15/09 11:12 jroche iocha11 needs to be rebooted
300043 11/15/09 11:03 jroche unsuccessful try at higher beam current
300042 11/15/09 10:39 jpchen pressure rise is normal, due to enviromental temperature increase
300041 11/15/09 10:28 R. Michaels re: empty histos
300034 11/15/09 09:37 narayan Target: constant rise in Pressure
300027 11/15/09 09:03 rakitha-3rd empty hitograms
300026 11/15/09 08:58 rakitha-3rd BPM target
300025 11/15/09 08:53 jroche iocha11 needs to be rebooted
300024 11/15/09 08:44 rakitha-3rd BCM1 2 double peaks
300010 11/15/09 08:06 Fatiha Shift Summary
300003 11/15/09 06:51 cisbani Target JT valve closed by 2%
299996 11/15/09 05:32 Fatiha Left spectrometer empty N2 level
299992 11/15/09 05:12 cisbani Target screens
299970 11/15/09 02:39 Fatiha Beam current is 80 uA
299969 11/15/09 02:26 Fatiha HRS_R He Flow much better
299962 11/15/09 02:10 adaq Happex feedback
299955 11/15/09 01:05 Fatiha R arm Q1 Hel flow
299954 11/15/09 00:57 D.Wang spot++
299953 11/15/09 00:37 cisbani Target screens
299952 11/15/09 00:36 Fatiha Beam current screen
299951 11/15/09 00:35 Fatiha Hall A General Tools
299937 11/15/09 00:16 Sarah Swing Shift Summary for Saturday, November 14, 2009
299936 11/15/09 00:15 pking/silwal Changed PC settings back to last "good" settings
299935 11/14/09 23:50 Sarah Pockels Cell Setting and Charge Asymmetry
299934 11/14/09 23:33 Sarah Beam is back!
299930 11/14/09 23:30 Ole Hansen halog numbers
299929 11/14/09 23:29 brads halog numbering seems fixed
299928 11/14/09 23:27 brads Testing halog from web form
299927 11/14/09 23:26 brads Halog numbering is screwed up
299926 11/14/09 23:25 Sarah spot++, 5 muA
299923 11/14/09 23:24 Ole Hansen halog entry numbers
299913 11/14/09 23:17 Ole Hansen adaql1 /dev/sda tests ok
299913 11/14/09 23:14 Sarah Dithering restarted
299913 11/14/09 23:01 Ole Hansen adaql1 recovery
299913 11/14/09 23:00 Sarah Beam gone; Accelerator changing magnet trim card
299913 11/14/09 22:53 R. Michaels Power cycled adaql1, it came up. Start Parity DAQ.
5 11/14/09 22:25 Ole Hansen adaql1 died
4 11/14/09 22:14 sarah/pking adaql1 hung up
3 11/14/09 22:00 Sarah Weird raster plot?
299911 11/14/09 21:02 pking Target: screen captures
299910 11/14/09 21:02 Sarah Hall A Tools Screen Snapsnot for the Shift Checklist
299897 11/14/09 20:16 A. Camsonne Compton beam diagnostics plots
299896 11/14/09 20:16 M Friend Compton change
299895 11/14/09 20:12 Sarah BPM12 saturation corrected
299894 11/14/09 20:08 Sarah BPM12 saturated
299893 11/14/09 20:05 Sarah Lots of beam trips
299892 11/14/09 20:02 R. Michaels re: Compton change ?
299888 11/14/09 19:51 D.Wang/Kai tagger check
299884 11/14/09 19:31 pking Request 98 uA.
299883 11/14/09 19:27 M Friend Compton photon detector base current
299882 11/14/09 19:17 M Friend Compton photon rates
299881 11/14/09 19:00 M Friend Compton photon beamline
299880 11/14/09 18:58 pking Target: Looks fine at normal beam current.
299874 11/14/09 18:41 Sarah spot++, 2 muA, 6x6, Q2 measurement
299873 11/14/09 18:39 pking Scaler rates at 6x6 raster, 2 uA
299870 11/14/09 18:37 Sarah spot++, 4x4(MCC), 2 muA
299865 11/14/09 18:32 pking Target: Loop 1 LD2 in
299864 11/14/09 18:24 Sarah spot++, 10muA, 2.5mm x 2.5 mm
299863 11/14/09 18:23 pking Target: moving to loop 1
299858 11/14/09 18:14 pking Target: BeO in
299857 11/14/09 18:13 pking Target: Moving to BeO
299852 11/14/09 17:51 pking Target: Empty target is in position
299851 11/14/09 17:44 pking Target: moving to empty target
299850 11/14/09 17:38 pking Target: sudden 0.5 psi jump in target pressure.
299846 11/14/09 17:07 pking Target: Screenshots
299836 11/14/09 16:32 Sarah Dithering looks a little weird
299834 11/14/09 16:17 jroche day shift summary
299827 11/14/09 15:46 rakitha(TO) target screens
299814 11/14/09 13:14 A. Camsonne Power cycled ETROC
299807 11/14/09 12:38 R. Subedi Power cycled power supply of ROC1
299798 11/14/09 12:16 riordan Leaving this channel off
299794 11/14/09 12:01 Anusha BPM problem is solved.
299791 11/14/09 11:55 Anusha BPM 12 has some gain problem from the run 13947
299790 11/14/09 11:33 jroche Card 14 channel 10 won't stay on
299789 11/14/09 11:09 jroche, M. D IWHP OUT, starting slug 3.
299785 11/14/09 11:04 Anusha ROC26 reboot
299784 11/14/09 10:58 apar Halfwave plate OUT, Slug 3
299775 11/14/09 10:02 R. Michaels re: reboot
299774 11/14/09 10:02 Anusha Histograms look different for the run 13945
299771 11/14/09 09:28 atrig Trigger-Download
299768 11/14/09 09:22 R. Subedi pvdis DAQ back
299766 11/14/09 09:21 jroche more stable beam
299763 11/14/09 09:15 R. Subedi pvdis DAQ hung up
299760 11/14/09 08:59 jroche unstable beam: MCC delivers 90 uA and thinks about next steps
299757 11/14/09 08:46 atrig Trigger-Download
299756 11/14/09 08:45 rakitha(TO) temperature fluctuations
299749 11/14/09 08:10 rakitha - (T target screen
299745 11/14/09 07:59 flay 11/14/09 Saturday Owl Shift Summary
299744 11/14/09 07:49 cisbani bad beam conditions
299743 11/14/09 07:15 flay Hall A Tools
299736 11/14/09 06:18 Kai problem of CH synch fixed
299723 11/14/09 04:57 Kai malfuction of counting house synch, but PVDIS synch is still good
299716 11/14/09 04:29 liye #13940 CH and HRS Sync Monitor problem
299709 11/14/09 03:33 flay Hall A Tools
299706 11/14/09 03:18 Kai Pan pangui doesn't work in #13939
299687 11/14/09 01:31 cisbani Target sceens
299684 11/14/09 01:22 flay Hall A Tools
299677 11/14/09 00:32 cisbani JT valve closed by 1 step (0.2)
299669 11/13/09 23:59 Sarah Swing Shift Summary for Friday, November 13, 2009
299662 11/13/09 23:03 A. Camsonne Compton low current electron detector running
299661 11/13/09 23:02 A. Camsonne Compton low current electron detector running
299660 11/13/09 22:59 Sarah Note: Fast feedback turns off at low current
299659 11/13/09 22:57 A. Camsonne Compton photon run out from beam run 20974
299655 11/13/09 22:46 A. Camsonne Electron detector and photon detector out from beam
299651 11/13/09 22:40 A. Camsonne Compton electron detector analog signal at 3mm 1.5 uA
299650 11/13/09 22:31 A. Camsonne Compton electron current at 1.5 uA
299646 11/13/09 22:04 A. Camsonne Compton electron current in garage
299639 11/13/09 21:24 A. Camsonne Compton electron detector current
299635 11/13/09 21:18 Sarah Beam Strip Chart Snapshot
299634 11/13/09 21:04 A. Camsonne Compton electron detector current at 100 uA position 40 mm
299633 11/13/09 20:48 A. Camsonne Compton photon detector turned off for now
299632 11/13/09 20:38 A. Camsonne Compton photon rate out of beam
299629 11/13/09 20:32 Sarah Quite a few beam trips
299616 11/13/09 20:04 posik target gui
299615 11/13/09 20:04 Sarah Hall A tools screen snapshot for the shift checklist
299614 11/13/09 20:03 posik target strips
299602 11/13/09 18:51 R. Subedi Golden runs for HRS runs
299599 11/13/09 18:09 R. Subedi spot++ in production
299591 11/13/09 17:30 R. Subedi VDCs off to go to productio mode
299590 11/13/09 17:29 deng spot++, run 25452
299589 11/13/09 17:25 deng spot ++ #25451
299582 11/13/09 17:14 deng spot++, #5003
299577 11/13/09 17:06 deng target moved to LD2 from BeO
299576 11/13/09 16:58 deng spot++ #5002
299575 11/13/09 16:56 R. Subedi Spot check from right arm
299563 11/13/09 16:27 rakitha- (TO target L1
299562 11/13/09 15:52 rakitha- (TO target screen
299556 11/13/09 15:21 A. Camsonne Compton Vertical scan
299549 11/13/09 14:29 Anusha Runs 13923 and 13924 are during the Compton Tunning.
299543 11/13/09 14:15 R. Subedi No problem in fastbus TDC in LHRS runs
299541 11/13/09 13:41 A. Camsonne Vacuum work from yesterday
299537 11/13/09 12:49 R. Subedi Beam stops for Compton tuning
299536 11/13/09 12:47 Rakitha - (T Empty Target
299526 11/13/09 12:18 X. Zheng Lett arm fbTDC problem started between 25369 and 25372
299525 11/13/09 12:13 A. Camsonne Photon Compton off and out for tune
299524 11/13/09 12:03 X. Zheng PVDIS DAQ background study - a possible answer to part 1
299517 11/13/09 11:27 silwal FB_A:pause on for a long time, not sure why
299516 11/13/09 11:19 X. Zheng proper cuts should be applied here
299515 11/13/09 11:09 R. Michaels pvdis empty TDCs
299514 11/13/09 10:48 R. Michaels Compton tuning
299507 11/13/09 10:36 A. Camsonne Compton ion chamber trips
299506 11/13/09 10:19 A. Camsonne Trips maybe due to bad pathlength
299505 11/13/09 10:10 R. Michaels HV alarm, presum. Compton
299504 11/13/09 10:05 Kai turn off the FADC
299503 11/13/09 09:56 Kai nonunderstandable GC spec in a T7 gas cherenkov run
299499 11/13/09 09:42 A. Camsonne Compton slight tune
299489 11/13/09 09:15 A. Camsonne Compton pedestal shift
299488 11/13/09 09:11 R. Michaels beam down: PS replacement
299487 11/13/09 08:46 rakitha - TO Target Screens
299486 11/13/09 08:44 R. Michaels fbTDC bizarre on L-HRS (?)
299485 11/13/09 08:34 Alex / Bob Compton status
299471 11/13/09 07:58 flay 11/13/09 Friday Owl Shift Summary
299467 11/13/09 07:19 kamyers no beam most of run 13915
299463 11/13/09 07:12 kamyers no beam - taking some pedestal runs
299456 11/13/09 07:01 A. Camsonne Compton EPICS IOC rebooted
299453 11/13/09 06:19 Kai the fastfeedback goes "standby" again once I turned on the dithering
299452 11/13/09 06:16 Kai turn on the FADC
299443 11/13/09 05:27 Kai MCC fixed the fast feedback problem
299442 11/13/09 05:19 Kai Hall A energy modulation is "standby", MCC want us to turn off the dithering for a while
299416 11/13/09 03:15 D.Wang compton running with Y position 18.75
299415 11/13/09 03:13 cisbani Target screens
299408 11/13/09 02:44 D.Wang compton test runs
299401 11/13/09 01:32 Kai change the prescale back to before
299384 11/13/09 00:23 flay Hall A Tools
299383 11/13/09 00:23 Kai change the prescale of HRS
299382 11/13/09 00:03 jpchen Swing Shift Summary
299374 11/12/09 23:47 X. Zheng PVDIS DAQ background study - part 1
299368 11/12/09 22:58 M Friend Compton laser power decrease
299366 11/12/09 22:24 adaq BPM charts
299365 11/12/09 22:21 Sarah Hall A Tools Snapshot
299361 11/12/09 22:02 jpchen harp scan results (21:31)
299360 11/12/09 21:59 jpchen VDC HVs off
299357 11/12/09 21:52 D.Wang threshold for gas cerenkov on right arm changed to 150.
299354 11/12/09 21:48 Sarah spot++ 6X6
299351 11/12/09 21:44 jpchen VDC HVs up
299350 11/12/09 21:44 Sarah spot++
299345 11/12/09 21:32 jpchen ASking for 2uA for a harp scan
299344 11/12/09 20:57 jpchen Tune beam to Hall A
299343 11/12/09 20:55 jpchen Target GUI modifications
299342 11/12/09 20:49 Sarah HRS Runs 4979 and 25420 -- no beam
299339 11/12/09 20:35 D.Wang Slug number
299332 11/12/09 19:55 Bo Target main screen
299331 11/12/09 19:55 Bo Target strip charts
299330 11/12/09 19:31 jpchen occational alarms
299329 11/12/09 19:26 jpchen Beam off since 18:10 due to power surge
299328 11/12/09 19:16 Sarah Run 13901 -- no beam during run
299326 11/12/09 18:34 D.Wang flipper
299325 11/12/09 18:17 R. Subedi RHRS gas-cer threshold scan runs
299321 11/12/09 18:12 apar Halfwave plate IN, Slug 28
299320 11/12/09 18:02 R. Subedi Gas-cer threshold understood
299316 11/12/09 17:17 M Friend Compton PMT base current
299315 11/12/09 17:08 silwal dithering turned on @ HAPPEX III coil setpoints
299314 11/12/09 17:05 jpchen gas system brief alarm again
299308 11/12/09 17:00 silwal HAPPEX feedback turned back on, PITA slope + 21.2 ppm/V, IHWP IN
299307 11/12/09 16:59 atrig Trigger-Download
299304 11/12/09 16:58 silwal PITA scan, IHWP IN
299298 11/12/09 16:54 atrig Trigger-Download
299293 11/12/09 16:49 atrig Trigger-Download
299289 11/12/09 16:45 atrig Trigger-Download
299286 11/12/09 16:43 atrig Trigger-Download
299284 11/12/09 16:41 A. Camsonne Compton signal at 100 uA
299278 11/12/09 16:33 atrig Trigger-Download
299277 11/12/09 16:33 jpchen brief alarm on detector gas system
299274 11/12/09 16:32 atrig Trigger-Download
299271 11/12/09 16:31 atrig Trigger-Download
299268 11/12/09 16:30 atrig Trigger-Download
299265 11/12/09 16:29 atrig Trigger-Download
299255 11/12/09 16:03 E. Cisbani Day Shift Summary
299254 11/12/09 16:03 cisbani VDC HV OFF
299253 11/12/09 15:59 cisbani Low current run with VDC HV ON
299247 11/12/09 15:53 O. Glamazdin spot++ 6*6
299244 11/12/09 15:49 O. Glamazdin spot++
299242 11/12/09 15:44 LeRose Target Changed to LD2
299241 11/12/09 15:41 cisbani HallA Tools
299240 11/12/09 15:40 cisbani VDC ON
299238 11/12/09 15:34 O.Glamazdin spot++
299234 11/12/09 15:32 O.Glamazdin spot++
299231 11/12/09 15:21 adaq HARP scan results
299230 11/12/09 15:19 LeRose Target Changed to BeO
299229 11/12/09 15:07 silwal HAPPEX charge feedback turned off, need a PITA scan before it is turned back on
299228 11/12/09 15:02 LeRose target changed to Empty
299227 11/12/09 14:59 Alex/Bob scint. fingers for Compton
299226 11/12/09 14:58 adaq IHWP moved IN
299225 11/12/09 14:53 R. Subedi Gas-cer threshold scan plots
299224 11/12/09 14:48 dalton Compton laser alignment tweak
299223 11/12/09 14:21 R. Michaels scaler/EPICS added for Compton
299222 11/12/09 13:55 jpchen
299221 11/12/09 13:52 LeRose Target (Local Heater)
299220 11/12/09 13:45 paschke phase advance
299219 11/12/09 13:16 silwal correction: the phase advance is not very obvious in y either, if there is any!
299218 11/12/09 13:11 silwal dithering working fine after Trim rack power cycle
299217 11/12/09 13:05 LeRose Target Screens
299216 11/12/09 12:42 Yi Qiang Hall in Controlled Access: Compton Vacuum
299209 11/12/09 12:26 R. Subedi et Gas-cerenkov threshold scan and Q2 measurement
299208 11/12/09 12:18 O.Glamazdin Preliminary Moller results
299196 11/12/09 12:00 atrig Trigger-Download
299189 11/12/09 11:58 atrig Trigger-Download
299182 11/12/09 11:55 atrig Trigger-Download
299177 11/12/09 11:51 dalton Spike in compton table QPD signal
299176 11/12/09 11:35 LeRose Target changed Optics
299175 11/12/09 11:12 R. Subedi Gas cer sum in analyzer
299174 11/12/09 10:56 X. Zheng PVDIS DAQ - Right arm gas cherenkov threshold
299173 11/12/09 09:59 paschke trim card crate cycled, is dithering better?
299172 11/12/09 09:10 Kai RE: find the problem causing the trouble on GC
299171 11/12/09 09:06 Kai Pan find the problem causing the trouble on GC
299163 11/12/09 08:03 M Friend Owl shift summary
299162 11/12/09 08:02 liye target moved
299161 11/12/09 07:54 kamyers bpm12 saturated
299123 11/12/09 05:38 M Friend Hall A tools screenshot
299122 11/12/09 05:10 liye JT valve increased
299118 11/12/09 04:56 kamyers water dripping
299111 11/12/09 04:30 kamyers spot++
299100 11/12/09 04:02 M Friend Gas shed airflow alarm
299097 11/12/09 03:47 M Friend Requested 97uA beam
299096 11/12/09 03:03 M Friend Gas system status alarm
299089 11/12/09 02:35 M Friend Compton laser not locking
299082 11/12/09 01:51 liye target temp trip
299081 11/12/09 01:48 M Friend Edet in garage
299080 11/12/09 01:44 M Friend Compton base current
299076 11/12/09 01:09 Kai podd histogram also shows TS6 is back
299075 11/12/09 01:09 kamyers spot++ check
299073 11/12/09 01:00 M Friend Filter added to Compton beamline
299072 11/12/09 00:56 Kai/Dianchen quick access to fix right arm TS6 missing problem
299071 11/12/09 00:54 M Friend Hall out of controlled access
299064 11/12/09 00:15 X. Zheng PVDIS DAQ - Right arm spectrum after the access at 8pm
299063 11/12/09 00:14 liye target
299061 11/12/09 00:06 bogdanw shift summary
299060 11/12/09 00:06 A. Camsonne Tried adding cerenkov sum and time
299056 11/11/09 23:56 M Friend Edet moved to 5.0mm
299055 11/11/09 23:44 X. Zheng PVDIS DAQ - Right arm gr6 TS missing
299046 11/11/09 23:11 A. Camsonne Trying 12 bit mode on ROC3 ADC
299043 11/11/09 23:07 silwal dithering not working @ 300mA coil currents, SL20 fine @ 50 MeV
299042 11/11/09 22:54 cisbani Target alarm
299041 11/11/09 22:29 M Friend Compton PMT gain shift with beam current
299037 11/11/09 22:25 bogdanw beam!!
299036 11/11/09 22:23 Kai spot++, 6*6 MCC in LD2, ready for production
299033 11/11/09 22:14 Kai spot++ LD2, 4*4 MCC
299030 11/11/09 22:03 cisbani Target is Loop1 LD2
299029 11/11/09 21:59 Ramesh/Dianc Phillips 740 replaced by LeCroy 428F in RHRS pvdis setup
299028 11/11/09 21:54 Kai spot++ Beo MCC 4*4
299026 11/11/09 21:52 A. Camsonne Compton tune
299023 11/11/09 21:48 A. Camsonne Compton tune
299022 11/11/09 21:48 A. Camsonne Compton tune
299020 11/11/09 21:44 Ramesh/Bogda RHRS gas-cer sum attenuated
299019 11/11/09 21:39 cisbani Target is now BeO
299018 11/11/09 21:32 M Friend Compton rates at low beam current
299017 11/11/09 20:49 adaq HallA Tools
299010 11/11/09 20:21 cisbani target screens
299009 11/11/09 20:00 adaq Controlled Access for about 1 hour
299008 11/11/09 19:34 brads re: Gas system alarm (brief)
299007 11/11/09 19:21 X. Zheng PVDIS DAQ - Left arm cherenkov ADC wrap over and discriminator cut histogram
299006 11/11/09 18:33 A. Camsonne Compton electron detector current and signal in garage position
299005 11/11/09 18:30 A. Camsonne Compton electron detector and signal at position 20mm
298997 11/11/09 16:02 Saha Shift Summary
298996 11/11/09 14:48 silwal dithering, still not working
298995 11/11/09 14:02 R. Michaels Coulomb meter started
298994 11/11/09 13:47 jpchen low pressure and HP heater
298993 11/11/09 13:14 R. Michaels note to TOs re: D2 Low P alarms
298986 11/11/09 11:12 A. Camsonne Previous values for Compton Vacuum
298985 11/11/09 10:52 A. Camssonne Compton - beamline vacuum checks
298984 11/11/09 09:53 A. Camsonne Photon line kink
298983 11/11/09 09:27 R. Michaels Gas system alarm (brief)
298982 11/11/09 09:25 R. Michaels D2 low pressure alarm (brief)
298981 11/11/09 09:23 R. Michaels tgt -> empty
298980 11/11/09 09:18 R. Michaels Qsq measurements
298975 11/11/09 09:09 O. Glamazdin 2 uAmps run
298958 11/11/09 07:55 flay 11/11/09 Wednesday Owl Shift Summary
298957 11/11/09 07:55 flay 11/11/09 Wednesday Owl Shift Summary
298950 11/11/09 07:39 R. Michaels attempt to turn on dithering
298949 11/11/09 07:31 posik target D2 low pressure alarm sounded
298942 11/11/09 06:43 flay Hall A Tools
298938 11/11/09 05:53 posik Target D2 pressure alarm
298928 11/11/09 04:34 Kai spot++
298915 11/11/09 04:22 Kai BCM noncorrelated problem basiclly solved
298914 11/11/09 04:03 posik target gui
298913 11/11/09 04:02 posik target strips
298906 11/11/09 02:41 flay Hall A Tools
298899 11/11/09 02:24 Kai change HRS prescale factor
298886 11/11/09 01:29 deng pvdis right arm pion rate dropped down sharply
298885 11/11/09 00:56 deng right arm global electron narrow rate dropped
298866 11/10/09 23:58 Jin Huang Shift Summary Nov 10 Swing
298865 11/10/09 23:19 golge hall A target snapshot
298859 11/10/09 23:09 silwal FFB screen shot, FFB On hallA
298858 11/10/09 22:41 Jin huang Hall A Tools
298857 11/10/09 22:32 X. Zheng PVDIS DAQ narrow trigger right arm fixed
298849 11/10/09 22:14 Jin Huang Spot++ 2uA @ LD2, 6x6 raster
298842 11/10/09 21:54 Jin Huang Spot++ @ 4x4 raster, BeO, 10uA
298839 11/10/09 21:53 D.Wang/X.Den extra delay for T1 removed
298831 11/10/09 21:41 Jin Huang Harp after beam back
298830 11/10/09 21:33 Jin Huang New Beam Position Set
298829 11/10/09 20:45 X. Zheng PVDIS DAQ - Extra delay in right arm T1 should be removed
298822 11/10/09 20:04 Jin Huang MCC trying set new beam position
298821 11/10/09 19:38 Jin Huang Target -> Empty for tuning
298820 11/10/09 19:32 R. Subedi Tagger OFF from counting house
298815 11/10/09 18:57 D.Wang/Kai/R Right arm pion veto(late entry)
298814 11/10/09 18:26 deng lumi check for production
298799 11/10/09 18:00 Jin Huang Asking 100uA for production
298798 11/10/09 17:56 Jin Huang Detector Checkout Done. VDC off now
298797 11/10/09 17:54 Yi Qiang Spot++ of LD2 Target with 6x6 Raster
298795 11/10/09 17:52 Jin Huang Trigger Rate @ 2uA, 6x6mm raster LD2 Target
298789 11/10/09 17:38 Jin Huang Trigger rate @ 2uA, LD2 Target
298788 11/10/09 17:38 Yi Qiang Spot++ with LD2 target and 4x4 raster
298784 11/10/09 17:28 Yi Qiang Spot++ with Carbon Hole and Raster 6x6
298782 11/10/09 17:23 Yi Qiang Spot++ check with BeO and 4x4 raster
298781 11/10/09 17:22 Jin Huang VDC is ON
298778 11/10/09 17:20 Yi Qiang Spot++ check with BeO target and Raster OFF
298773 11/10/09 17:13 Yi Qiang Harp Scan done
298772 11/10/09 17:06 Jack (Techs) Left Dipole
298771 11/10/09 17:05 Ramesh/Dianc bcm Dx3 check
298770 11/10/09 16:41 Jin Huang LHRS up; Call for beam permit
298769 11/10/09 16:40 folts cryo/tech
298768 11/10/09 16:30 Jin Huang LHRS Sieve Out
298760 11/10/09 16:03 Saha Shift Summary
298759 11/10/09 15:03 R. Michaels spot_R issues.
298758 11/10/09 13:41 silwal photocathode rotated by ~90 degrees in the injector between the end of HAPPEX III and start of PVDIS
298751 11/10/09 11:36 Yi Qiang Hall in controlled access for Magnet work
298750 11/10/09 09:46 Rakitha (TO) Target cooling issue
298749 11/10/09 09:41 jpchen Target heater control beam compensation was off, turned back on
298748 11/10/09 09:26 Yi Qiang Current status
298741 11/10/09 08:02 flay 11/10/09 Tuesday Owl Shfit Summary
298740 11/10/09 08:02 Kai Right arm all magnet went down
298733 11/10/09 07:33 Kai weird synch signal
298732 11/10/09 07:10 flay Hall A Tools
298729 11/10/09 07:03 posik main target gui
298728 11/10/09 07:02 posik target strips
298727 11/10/09 06:46 Kai LHRS coda crash
298715 11/10/09 04:56 Kai run process
298699 11/10/09 03:08 flay Hall A Tools
298692 11/10/09 01:53 posik 100uA alarm and solution
298691 11/10/09 01:49 posik 100 uA target alarm and tonights solution
298690 11/10/09 01:44 Kai Still target alarm under 100uA, decide to run under 90uA tonight
298687 11/10/09 01:37 liye first production
298684 11/10/09 01:28 liye target problem
298683 11/10/09 00:38 Jin Huang New beam position for production tonight
298682 11/10/09 00:29 Kai target alarm
298681 11/10/09 00:28 posik D2 pressure target alarm
298680 11/10/09 00:25 M Friend Compton base current
298668 11/10/09 00:06 Jin Huang Suspect loose cable for RHRS BPMA
298664 11/10/09 00:02 A. Deur Swing shift summary
298661 11/09/09 23:58 Jin Huang LD2 Target Aperture Scan
298644 11/09/09 23:19 A. Deur Hall A tools
298638 11/09/09 22:50 R. Michaels how to check scalers
298634 11/09/09 22:31 Jin Huang Target -> LD2
298631 11/09/09 22:20 A. Camsonne Compton checks done - back to running conditions
298630 11/09/09 22:18 Jin Huang Target -> Carbon Hole
298629 11/09/09 21:43 silwal removed bcm10 (HallC) , replaced bcm3 with bcm1 for prompt output
298626 11/09/09 20:47 A. Camsonne Ion chamber history
298625 11/09/09 20:42 A. Camsonne Compton rates straight
298623 11/09/09 20:33 A. Camsonne Compton rates straight 100 uA at 1500 V
298621 11/09/09 20:31 A. Camsonne Compton rates straight CW at 100 uA
298620 11/09/09 20:24 A. Camsonne Compton rates straight
298612 11/09/09 19:41 X. Zheng PVDIS DAQ Right arm pion veto not working
298611 11/09/09 19:34 X. Zheng d3 is missing in fbTDC for run 4892
298610 11/09/09 19:33 d3 is missing in fbTDC for run 4892
298609 11/09/09 19:29 R. Subedi RHRS gas-cerenkov threshold doubled
298608 11/09/09 19:04 Jin Huang End of run log Check
298607 11/09/09 18:46 A. Deur Q1 left arm is up
298604 11/09/09 18:29 Ramesh/Kai/D Access work
298603 11/09/09 17:53 Jin Huang RHRS detector Checkout : TDC double peaking is back
298598 11/09/09 17:35 Jin Huang Target -> Optics
298590 11/09/09 16:10 brads firefox (should be) fixed for apar account too
298589 11/09/09 16:06 jpchen day shift summary
298586 11/09/09 15:03 jpchen Changed PID to be on temperature sensor #2.
298585 11/09/09 14:27 brads firefox (should be) fixed for adaq account
298584 11/09/09 14:22 R. Michaels a-onl/scripts/ update
298583 11/09/09 13:25 jpchen Target: temperature flucation, cryo flow fluctuation, hp heater.
298582 11/09/09 13:12 jpchen ioc rebooted around 11:35
298581 11/09/09 12:57 jpchen Right Q1 tripped
298580 11/09/09 12:55 jpchen Right Q3 tripped
298557 11/09/09 11:42 jpchen target control screen
298556 11/09/09 11:41 jpchen target charts
298554 11/09/09 11:12 R. Michaels re: xscaler problems (run ONE copy, please !)
298552 11/09/09 10:55 O. Glamazdin Hall B Moller measurement
298551 11/09/09 10:31 brads firefox problems and solution (need someone with root)
298550 11/09/09 10:06 R. Michaels start of production: 13843
298549 11/09/09 10:00 jpchen ARM survey for controlled access completed
298548 11/09/09 09:47 R. Michaels Rebooting injector crate via web
298547 11/09/09 09:36 R. Michaels firefox temp fix
298546 11/09/09 09:26 jpchen controlled access
298543 11/09/09 09:18 jpchen turned the loca heater to 0
298542 11/09/09 09:13 jpchen BCM and tools screen
298541 11/09/09 09:04 jpchen moved to Empty target
298540 11/09/09 08:36 R. Michaels stop to cycle Moller quads
298533 11/09/09 08:08 Kai/D.Wang owl shift summary
298526 11/09/09 07:12 D.Wang Target status for the owl shift
298513 11/09/09 04:54 silwal bcm1 adc gain
298508 11/09/09 04:32 D.Wang Target temperature not so table
298503 11/09/09 04:02 silwal turned on HAPPEX charge feedback and dithering
298496 11/09/09 02:47 Kai target snapshot, and are going to do a ioc reboot
298489 11/09/09 02:15 Kai quick access for fixing ps5~8 missing problem (set offset as 0)
298488 11/09/09 02:09 Kai quick access for fixing ps5~8 missing problem
298487 11/09/09 01:49 Kai go to production
298478 11/09/09 01:21 silwal spot++, LD2, MCC 6x6, 3x3 mm, run#25342
298477 11/09/09 01:21 R. Subedi PVDIS RHRS (ROC28) problem, access work
298474 11/09/09 01:17 Kai turn VDC off
298473 11/09/09 01:13 silwal techs: N2 level on left Q3 close to 0, yet the magnet is showing close to 80% liquid level, Q3 left arm still up
298472 11/09/09 01:12 Kai Move target to LD2
298471 11/09/09 01:10 silwal spot++, run # 25341, MCC 6x6, 3x3 mm, optics target
298466 11/09/09 01:03 silwal techs: Q1 left arm down again on cryo fault
298465 11/09/09 01:01 silwal techs: Q3 right arm down
298462 11/09/09 00:27 silwal techs: Q1 left arm down
298457 11/09/09 00:06 Bo Shift summary
298456 11/09/09 00:04 A. Camsonne rebooted adaql1
298455 11/08/09 23:49 A. Camsonne Leaving scalers stuffs commented for ROC28 boot script
298453 11/08/09 23:40 Jin Huang Bull's eye scan : Final Segment
298445 11/08/09 23:28 A. Camsonne Test PVDIS config
298441 11/08/09 23:23 Jin Huang Target -> Optics
298439 11/08/09 23:19 A. Camsonne Test NoROC28
298431 11/08/09 23:07 A. Camsonne Parity msqldump
298425 11/08/09 22:55 Kai Pan parity coda not working, turn VDC on to do PID work
298421 11/08/09 22:37 Jin Huang Fluctuation in Cryo flow causing target alarms
298418 11/08/09 22:27 A. Camsonne ROC28 trouble
298417 11/08/09 22:24 A. Camsonne Rebooted ROC24 and ROC31
298416 11/08/09 21:42 reimer cryogen flows
298415 11/08/09 21:02 R. Subedi Qweak and Injector crate decided to die
298414 11/08/09 20:59 Apar Error message when choosing PvdNoQweak
298413 11/08/09 20:55 A. Camsonne Scan in X in Compton chicane
298411 11/08/09 20:39 A. Camsonne Compton rates
298410 11/08/09 20:20 Jin Huang Target -> Empty
298409 11/08/09 20:19 Bo Right Q1 is also down
298408 11/08/09 20:18 A. Camsonne Start Compton position scan
298407 11/08/09 20:16 Bo Right Q3 was down
298403 11/08/09 19:56 Jin Huang Target : Reduce reserved heating power by adjust local power supply
298402 11/08/09 19:30 X. Zheng Right arm group 5-8 missing electron triggers
298401 11/08/09 19:29 Bo Change R-arm run event limit to 4M
298400 11/08/09 19:18 Bo Hall A tool screen
298396 11/08/09 19:01 R. Michaels re: blinding
298395 11/08/09 18:49 Bo Spot++ at raster 6X6 on LD2 with 100 uA
298390 11/08/09 18:20 Bo Spot++ at raster 6X6
298386 11/08/09 18:09 Bo Spot++ at raster 2X2
298382 11/08/09 18:03 Ramesh/Dianc Scaler gate and pion veto in RHRS
298380 11/08/09 17:53 Jin Huang Target -> LD2
298379 11/08/09 17:44 Jin Huang Target -> Carbon Hole
298378 11/08/09 17:43 Bo harp scan
298377 11/08/09 17:29 A. Camsonne Late entry - spectrometer move pictures
298376 11/08/09 17:23 Jin Huang Target Screen Shot
298375 11/08/09 17:15 Bo Yellow alarm on R-arm He level
298368 11/08/09 17:01 R. Michaels scaler gating issues
298360 11/08/09 16:03 B. Quinn Day shift summary
298359 11/08/09 16:02 B. Quinn Making Hall access
298352 11/08/09 14:59 B. Quinn Hall A tools
298349 11/08/09 14:39 R. Michaels re: oversampling tests
298344 11/08/09 13:51 V. Sulkosky L-HRS Pion Rejector Quality Plots
298342 11/08/09 13:21 Lamiaa Target Charts Snapshot
298338 11/08/09 13:14 V. Sulkosky R-HRS Shower Quality Plots
298335 11/08/09 13:11 B. Quinn Beam Back
298331 11/08/09 13:01 liye spot++ check
298328 11/08/09 12:56 liye spot++ check
298324 11/08/09 12:51 liye spot++ check
298321 11/08/09 12:43 Lamiaa Target -> LD2 Position
298319 11/08/09 12:35 liye target check
298315 11/08/09 12:20 Lamiaa Target Moved to Holey Carbon
298314 11/08/09 12:00 Jack (Techs) Left Dipole
298313 11/08/09 11:53 B. Quinn closing hall
298312 11/08/09 11:03 R. Subedi Scaler map updated
298307 11/08/09 10:11 Deng current status of pvdis bcm
298303 11/08/09 09:54 Lamiaa Target Moved to Empty Position
298302 11/08/09 09:02 reimer Tech (Gary) called for magnet help
298301 11/08/09 08:19 Lamiaa Target Screen & Charts Snapshot
298298 11/08/09 07:55 ZAFAR AHMED Owl shift summary
298297 11/08/09 07:36 silwal Oversample tests summary
298295 11/08/09 07:25 ZAFAR AHMED cryo level Q3 left
298291 11/08/09 06:54 silwal Oversample tests, run # 13803, OS 4, IT 3200, all looks good
298286 11/08/09 06:34 silwal Oversample tests: ROC31 errors
298285 11/08/09 06:32 silwal Oversample tests, run # 13801, OS 4, IT 3200, problems
298281 11/08/09 06:10 silwal Oversample tests, run # 13800, OS = 8, IT=1550, problems
298278 11/08/09 05:47 deng pita scan test, # 13797
298268 11/08/09 04:56 deng more information about blinding
298267 11/08/09 04:44 silwal techs: Q1 right arm down on cryo fault
298266 11/08/09 04:44 ZAFAR AHMED Q1 in right arm is down.
298265 11/08/09 04:42 silwal techs: Q1 left arm, Q3 right arm down on cryo fault
298264 11/08/09 04:39 ZAFAR AHMED Q3 is down in right arm.
298263 11/08/09 04:37 deng blinding test on LD2 target
298260 11/08/09 04:24 silwal dithering checkout
298257 11/08/09 04:08 silwal dithering checkout @ 20 uA, does not look very promising
298252 11/08/09 03:21 silwal target moved to empty
298251 11/08/09 03:20 ZAFAR AHMED Dipoles.
298250 11/08/09 02:53 silwal techs: magnet status: D1 down on both arms still, requested escorted controlled access, Jack here to check D1
298249 11/08/09 02:53 ZAFAR AHMED Controlled access
298248 11/08/09 01:35 Jin Huang Optics Runs : Another segment
298247 11/08/09 01:29 Jin Huang Target OK while HRS magnets crash
298246 11/08/09 01:22 silwal techs: D2 left armdown
298245 11/08/09 01:20 silwal techs: Q1 right arm down on cryo fault
298244 11/08/09 01:18 silwal techs: Q1 left arm down on cryo fault
298243 11/08/09 01:12 Jin Huang Left arm sieve in
298241 11/08/09 01:09 ZAFAR AHMED Q3 Recycle
298240 11/08/09 01:07 Jin Huang Optics Run : Raster off, sieve out @ optics target
298235 11/08/09 00:58 Jin Huang Optics Run : Raster off, sieve out @ single carbon
298232 11/08/09 00:50 Jin Huang Optics Run : Raster off, sieve out @ Ta target
298230 11/08/09 00:45 Jin Huang Further check on foil positions
298225 11/08/09 00:28 X. Zheng PID plots
298224 11/08/09 00:26 X. Zheng Preliminary PID efficiency and going to pseudo production
298221 11/08/09 00:11 Jin Huang Optics Run : Raster on, sieve out @ optics target
298217 11/08/09 00:02 R. Michaels epicsRunStart: another fix
298216 11/08/09 00:02 johna DISABLED alarm for HacR_HPE1313A:0_Ch10
298215 11/07/09 23:59 Ole Hansen Swing Shift Summary
298204 11/07/09 23:37 V. Sulkosky Shower Plots After Gain matching
298201 11/07/09 23:30 V. Sulkosky Preshower Plots After Gain matching
298194 11/07/09 23:19 R. Subedi Controlled access work
298191 11/07/09 23:10 V. Sulkosky R-HRS Shower Gain Matching
298188 11/07/09 23:04 Kai Pan PVDIS DAQ: delay timing, discriminator threshold, width
298187 11/07/09 20:51 Jin Huang Investigating Weired Spot++ on Optics Target
298185 11/07/09 19:49 Jin Huang Target -> Empty
298184 11/07/09 19:32 Ole Hansen Controlled access
298183 11/07/09 19:30 R. Subedi Controlled access while magnets are recovered
298182 11/07/09 19:29 Ole Hansen HRSR magnet strip charts
298181 11/07/09 19:21 Jin Huang Beam Position Survey
298180 11/07/09 19:17 Ole Hansen Hall A Tools after trip
298177 11/07/09 19:15 Ole Hansen Magnet trips
298162 11/07/09 18:37 Jin Huang Spot++ @ Dummy w/ hole
298157 11/07/09 18:21 A. Camsonne Previous Compton beam position
298154 11/07/09 18:20 Jin Huang Spot++ @ Carbon hole
298153 11/07/09 18:19 Ole Hansen VDC HVs on
298148 11/07/09 18:00 A. Camsonne Compton tune improved but not perfect, possibility of scrapping
298147 11/07/09 17:55 V. Sulkosky R-HRS Gas Cerenkov Gain Matched
298145 11/07/09 17:39 johna R-arm T1 seems to be double counting
298144 11/07/09 17:36 Jin Huang Target Screen @ 110uA -> Carbon Hole
298138 11/07/09 17:09 Kai Pan PVDIS DAQ: swapping cable, delay timing, threshold, offset, width
298136 11/07/09 17:03 A. Camsonne Compton GSO detector in beam position for tune
298128 11/07/09 16:37 M Friend Compton FADC crl change
298125 11/07/09 16:28 Ole Hansen VDC HVs off
298115 11/07/09 16:05 A. Deur Shift summary
298114 11/07/09 15:54 Ramesh/Dianc Shower missing channels
298113 11/07/09 15:51 Lamiaa Target Moved to the Holey Carbon Position
298112 11/07/09 15:46 R. Michaels epicsRunEnd mod
298111 11/07/09 15:16 Lamiaa Target Moved to Empty Position
298108 11/07/09 15:06 R. Michaels runend.tcl mods too
298107 11/07/09 15:05 A. Deur run on optics target
298106 11/07/09 15:01 Lamiaa Target moved again to Optics position
298103 11/07/09 15:01 Ramesh/Dianc RHRS retiming
298102 11/07/09 14:59 A. Deur Raster on holey target is normal
298099 11/07/09 14:54 V. Sulkosky VDC TDC spectrum
298098 11/07/09 14:54 Lamiaa Target moved to Carbon w/. Hole Position
298095 11/07/09 14:51 A. Deur Raster patern looks weird
298092 11/07/09 14:46 R. Michaels rates and deadtimes
298085 11/07/09 14:37 R. Michaels datamon update
298084 11/07/09 14:23 reimer controlled access complete
298083 11/07/09 14:19 O. Glamazdin Moller correction
298080 11/07/09 14:07 O. Glamazdin Energy fluctuation correction for Moller results
298078 11/07/09 14:05 R. Michaels status
298077 11/07/09 13:20 R. Michaels runstart.tcl mods (HRS DAQ)
298076 11/07/09 13:01 A. Deur raster turned back on
298075 11/07/09 11:03 A. Deur controlled access
298074 11/07/09 10:46 R. Michaels L-HRS RT module swapped out. put in spare
298069 11/07/09 09:42 Lamiaa Target Charts Snapshot
298068 11/07/09 09:22 D.Wang Optics runs
298067 11/07/09 09:08 reimer HRS-R Dipole Cryo
298065 11/07/09 08:53 A. Deur BEM snapshot
298064 11/07/09 08:41 Lamiaa Target in optics position
298060 11/07/09 08:15 A. Deur BPM snapshot
298048 11/07/09 07:55 flay 11/7/09 Owl Shift Summary
298047 11/07/09 07:47 D.Wang target moved to optics
298046 11/07/09 07:45 flay Hall A Tools
298044 11/07/09 07:27 deng/dwang boiling test, fan speed part
298040 11/07/09 07:08 Kai Turn off the tagger for left arm time tuning
298038 11/07/09 07:07 D.Wang et el LHRS DAQ problem fixed
298027 11/07/09 06:39 Kai time stamp, Left arm DAQ problem solved
298006 11/07/09 04:36 D.Wang target fan speed changed to 50 Hz
297998 11/07/09 04:01 D.Wang Target Fan speed changed to 38 Hz
297996 11/07/09 03:52 silwal fan speed @ 50 Hz, boiling tests
297994 11/07/09 03:45 Deng spot ++ check #4829
297992 11/07/09 03:43 silwal target screen shots
297988 11/07/09 03:36 Deng spot++ check #4828
297979 11/07/09 02:24 silwal change PC voltage to minimize charge asym
297977 11/07/09 02:13 silwal spot++, MCC 6x6, ~3x2.8 mm
297975 11/07/09 02:00 D.Wang LHRS DAQ problem persists
297956 11/07/09 00:34 Jin Huang Hall in Control Access to Fix LHRS DAQ problem
297953 11/07/09 00:09 Jin Huang Shift Summary Nov 06 Swing
297948 11/06/09 23:53 johna deadtime gone, BPM errors persist
297946 11/06/09 23:44 johna deadtime problem persists, included BPM decoding errors
297942 11/06/09 23:39 Jin Huang Q2 measurement @ 5uA
297940 11/06/09 23:35 Jin Huang Error in beam replay, 5uA @ LD2
297939 11/06/09 23:34 Jin Huang Q2 measurement @ 1uA
297934 11/06/09 23:29 johna mysterious deadtime for L-HRS
297933 11/06/09 23:25 Jin Huang Q2 measurement @ 2uA
297924 11/06/09 23:08 Jin Huang tune beam on LD2 Target
297921 11/06/09 23:04 Bo Move target from Empty to Deutron (Loop1)
297918 11/06/09 22:58 Jin Huang Harp Results
297917 11/06/09 22:45 Bo Move target from Carbon Hole to Empty
297916 11/06/09 22:41 Jin Huang New Norminal Beam Position
297915 11/06/09 22:40 X. Zheng PVDIS DAQ - left arm PRL1,2 spectrum and possible swapping
297906 11/06/09 22:34 Jin Huang Spot ++ @ No angles at BPMs
297901 11/06/09 22:27 Jin Huang Spot++ @ BPM X = -3.0mm
297896 11/06/09 22:23 Jin Huang spot++ @ carbon hole
297893 11/06/09 22:19 Bo Move target from Empty to Carbon Hole
297890 11/06/09 22:16 Jin Huang BPM tuned to our norminal positions
297889 11/06/09 22:01 O. Glamazdin Moller results
297888 11/06/09 21:31 Bo Target main screen
297887 11/06/09 21:30 Bo Target charts screen of loop1
297886 11/06/09 21:02 R. Subedi Need to check RHRS retiming next access
297883 11/06/09 20:31 Jin Huang replay software updates
297882 11/06/09 20:24 R. Michaels re: 2nd peak
297881 11/06/09 20:20 R. Michaels minor change to happex3_ts.crl
297880 11/06/09 20:08 V. Sulkosky VDC Shows Second Peak
297879 11/06/09 20:04 V. Sulkosky Restored R-HRS GC HV
297878 11/06/09 19:23 Jin Huang RHRS TDC double peaks
297877 11/06/09 19:22 V. Sulkosky Updated pedestals for Preshower and Shower
297876 11/06/09 19:00 V. Sulkosky R-HRS S1 Pedestals Updated
297875 11/06/09 18:25 Jin Huang RHRS Dipole stablized
297874 11/06/09 18:16 Jin Huang db_run.dat updated for low rate run analysis
297873 11/06/09 18:01 Kai Pan Threshold check
297870 11/06/09 17:48 Jin Huang Continue to moller measurement
297869 11/06/09 17:47 Bo Move target from Carbon Hole to Empty
297868 11/06/09 17:46 R. Subedi RHRS shower channels and T2 trigger
297867 11/06/09 17:41 Jin Huang Missing carbon hole with current beam position
297864 11/06/09 17:31 V. Sulkosky Left hrs pion rejector HV to signal cable lookup table Updated
297863 11/06/09 17:31 Jin Huang Ready for Carbon with hole run
297862 11/06/09 17:24 Bo Move target from Empty to Carbon Hole
297861 11/06/09 17:22 Jin Huang Beam tune result and going to carbon with hole check
297860 11/06/09 17:17 V. Sulkosky L-HRS Pion Rejector HV
297859 11/06/09 17:00 V. Sulkosky R-HRS Gas Cerenkov Wide Pedestal(s)
297858 11/06/09 16:56 Jin Huang MCC tuning beam through Hall
297857 11/06/09 16:46 V. Sulkosky RHRS Missing Shower ADC Channels
297856 11/06/09 16:33 Jin Huang Correction: Cycling Q2/Q3 at 1400A
297855 11/06/09 16:26 Jin Huang Adjusting RHRS momentum
297844 11/06/09 15:58 ellie Day Shift Summary
297839 11/06/09 15:47 V. Sulkosky Right HRS S1 ADC Plots
297838 11/06/09 15:44 V. Sulkosky R-HRS S1 ADCs
297836 11/06/09 15:21 Jack (Techs) Right Q2 status - ON
297832 11/06/09 14:52 mercado Comparing Lumi signals with 20cm LH2 and LD2 targets
297829 11/06/09 14:26 X. Zheng Preliminary timing check for PVDIS DAQ
297823 11/06/09 14:04 R. Michaels new ADCs in ROC4
297819 11/06/09 13:47 O.Glamazdin Moller sign check for new helicity board
297805 11/06/09 12:14 V. Sulkosky/ Pion Rejector Fixed
297802 11/06/09 12:12 R. Michaels update of runstart.tcl
297780 11/06/09 10:28 elllie Hall is in Controlled Access, Survey Complete
297779 11/06/09 09:55 deng sign check for new helicity board
297772 11/06/09 09:06 Lamiaa Target in Empty position
297771 11/06/09 08:57 deng/dwang boiling test summary, done with LD2 target test
297762 11/06/09 08:01 ZAFAR AHMED Owl shift summary
297749 11/06/09 06:49 deng Lumi HV adjust for 10uA
297739 11/06/09 05:54 deng Lumi HV adjust for 20uA
297736 11/06/09 05:20 D.Wang spot++
297733 11/06/09 05:15 deng changed lumi #7 HV to be 710
297727 11/06/09 05:06 D.Wang spot++
297723 11/06/09 04:58 D.Wang spot++
297716 11/06/09 04:46 R. Michaels Qsq distribution
297715 11/06/09 04:30 R. Michaels wire maps for Qsq runs.
297714 11/06/09 04:25 R. Michaels Qsq runs (L-HRS only)
297708 11/06/09 03:31 R. Michaels reset L-HRS magnets
297707 11/06/09 03:07 D.Wang left arm Q1 and dipole down
297706 11/06/09 02:06 deng Lumi HV for 85uA
297700 11/06/09 01:19 R. Michaels scaler rate checks (75 uA)
297697 11/06/09 00:10 V. Sulkosky Pion Rejector Layer 2
297696 11/06/09 00:06 V. Sulkosky Pion Rejector Layer 1
297694 11/06/09 00:01 Jin Huang RHRS detector check out with Beam
297693 11/05/09 23:47 V. Sulkosky Left HRS HV
297691 11/05/09 23:42 V. Sulkosky Left hrs pion rejector HV to signal cable lookup table Updated
297689 11/05/09 23:37 johna right arm Q1 set, Q3 and dipole down
297688 11/05/09 23:28 jpchen coolant fluctuations
297687 11/05/09 23:25 jpchen High current/high power test
297685 11/05/09 23:22 johna Left arm reset; ramping up
297684 11/05/09 23:18 silwal/deng PITA scan with HWP OUT
297681 11/05/09 23:09 johna BCM/ion chamber snapshop for high current test
297676 11/05/09 22:24 jpchen Moved toLD2, increased coolant flow to have over 1K HP heater power
297675 11/05/09 22:23 johna Left arm dipole trip
297674 11/05/09 22:22 johna VDCs off (both spectrometers)
297670 11/05/09 22:19 johna High current cryotarget test
297666 11/05/09 22:11 Jack (Techs) Right Q2 status - OFF
297665 11/05/09 22:10 johna Left arm Q1 trip (followed by right arm all trip)
297659 11/05/09 21:47 Jack Detectors configuration
297658 11/05/09 21:41 LeRose Shift Summary (Partial)
297633 11/05/09 20:54 Reimer High Current Available
297632 11/05/09 20:52 Reimer Q2 off, Q1 ok
297608 11/05/09 20:12 V. Sulkosky Re: R-HRS S1 ADC # 3 Weird Spectrum comes back
297605 11/05/09 20:11 M Friend Compton base current
297604 11/05/09 20:05 M Friend Compton tune
297603 11/05/09 20:03 Jin Huang Target -> Carbon Optics
297601 11/05/09 19:41 LeRose 110 microamps
297595 11/05/09 19:21 V. Sulkosky Pion Rejector HVs Updated
297592 11/05/09 18:12 LeRose Right Q2
297590 11/05/09 17:11 Ramesh/Kai Left hrs pion rejector HV to signal cable lookup table
297587 11/05/09 17:02 Reimer High Current and HRS-R status
297586 11/05/09 16:51 Jin Huang Target : Local Power Heater -> 65V for insurance
297585 11/05/09 16:49 reimer HRS Right Magnets
297581 11/05/09 16:03 Holmstrom Right Q1 off
297580 11/05/09 16:03 Holmstrom Day Shift Summary
297576 11/05/09 09:55 V. Sulkosky Left S2m ADC 12-15
297575 11/05/09 09:54 V. Sulkosky S2m Gain Matching
297574 11/05/09 09:52 doug y-target-optics
297573 11/05/09 09:31 V. Sulkosky L-HRS S1 HV Alignment
297572 11/05/09 09:29 R. Michaels move ADCs to ROC4 ?
297571 11/05/09 09:16 V. Sulkosky L-HRS GC Gain Matched
297557 11/05/09 08:05 V. Sulkosky Owl Shift Summary
297552 11/05/09 08:00 silwal epics logger log
297549 11/05/09 07:58 A. Camsonne ROC3 ADCs
297528 11/05/09 07:15 V. Sulkosky Hall A Tools
297525 11/05/09 07:05 V. Sulkosky L-HRS Q1 Trip late entry
297519 11/05/09 06:56 V. Sulkosky Pion Rejector Not Aligned
297518 11/05/09 06:46 Jin Huang Carbon with Hole Centered
297512 11/05/09 06:32 V. Sulkosky Moved Y position
297508 11/05/09 06:26 V. Sulkosky Raster Size and spot check
297500 11/05/09 06:12 V. Sulkosky Raster 2 X 2 MCC units
297499 11/05/09 06:09 R. Michaels re: ADCs on L-HRS
297498 11/05/09 06:01 A. Camsonne Safer to go back to 12 bit ?
297489 11/05/09 05:38 silwal target snapshots
297483 11/05/09 05:14 Jin Huang HRS ADC @ over max value
297466 11/05/09 04:10 D.Wang/X.Den RHRS Shower ADC problem found
297465 11/05/09 04:05 Jin Huang dp and vz spectrum after retirming fix
297454 11/05/09 03:21 V. Sulkosky Cosmic run TDC Spectra
297453 11/05/09 03:19 Ramesh/Vince controlled access work in Left HRS
297452 11/05/09 03:10 V. Sulkosky Beam Permit
297446 11/05/09 01:03 V. Sulkosky Controlled Access for DAQ Investigation
297445 11/05/09 01:00 V. Sulkosky No R-HRS Tonight
297431 11/05/09 00:29 Jin Huang Optics on LHRS
297430 11/05/09 00:19 V. Sulkosky Weird VDC TDC Spectra with Beam
297427 11/05/09 00:01 Jin Huang Shift Summary Nov 04 Swing
297426 11/04/09 23:58 Jin Huang Right arm angle monitor not working
297425 11/04/09 23:47 V. Sulkosky Dip in Left VDC Wires
297422 11/04/09 23:39 D. Parno Screenshot of target GUI
297421 11/04/09 23:39 Jin Huang xscalar screen shot @ 1uA optics target
297420 11/04/09 23:39 D. Parno Target strip charts -- screenshot
297419 11/04/09 23:38 M Friend Beam position
297418 11/04/09 23:26 Jin Huang 1st detector check run with beam
297415 11/04/09 23:11 D. Parno Target to Carbon Optics
297411 11/04/09 23:04 JIn Huang Beam spot on BeO
297410 11/04/09 22:59 D. Parno Target to BeO
297409 11/04/09 22:57 Jin Huang Harp Scan Result
297408 11/04/09 22:55 V. Sulkosky No R-HRS Gain Matching for Tonight
297407 11/04/09 22:44 Jin Huang Hall A Tool during beam checking
297402 11/04/09 22:11 M Friend Compton photon rates
297401 11/04/09 22:05 A. Camsonne Compton background rates high
297400 11/04/09 21:46 johna Done with compton for now, getting ready to start detector checks
297399 11/04/09 20:19 R. Subedi Right hrs Gas-cer
297398 11/04/09 19:54 D. Parno Hall sweep in progress
297395 11/04/09 17:51 jpchen Note to target operators
297394 11/04/09 17:38 jpchen Target status
297393 11/04/09 17:32 folts checklist
297392 11/04/09 17:08 dalton WAC tool functional
297391 11/04/09 16:59 R. Michaels scint signal quality on R-HRS looks ok to me
297390 11/04/09 16:48 reimer Right HRS Q2
297389 11/04/09 16:27 atrig Trigger-Download
297388 11/04/09 16:25 atrig Trigger-Download
297387 11/04/09 16:23 atrig Trigger-Download
297386 11/04/09 16:23 atrig Trigger-Download
297378 11/04/09 14:25 R. Subedi Shower 65-79 are not yet connected
297377 11/04/09 14:11 V. Sulkosky R-HRS Shower ADC Plots
297375 11/04/09 14:05 V. Sulkosky R-HRS Preshower ADC plots
297374 11/04/09 13:48 adaq R-HRS Gas Cerenkov
297359 11/04/09 09:31 O. Glamazdin Moller results
297358 11/04/09 09:15 V. Sulkosky R-HRS DAQ warnings From Roc 2, slot 22
297356 11/04/09 08:55 A. Camsonne Compton edge
297353 11/04/09 08:02 ZAFAR AHMED OWL Shift Summary
297350 11/04/09 06:23 A. Camsonne Compton electron detector to garage position for Moller tune
297349 11/04/09 06:20 A. Camsonne Compton electron detector in position 8mm
297348 11/04/09 06:15 A. Camsonne Compton electron detector noise at position 7mm
297347 11/04/09 06:14 A. Camsonne Compton electron detector current position 7mm 5 uA
297346 11/04/09 06:08 A. Camsonne Compton electron detector current and noise in garage position
297345 11/04/09 06:04 A. Camsonne Compton vertical scan and Compton status
297344 11/04/09 04:06 ZAFAR AHMED Target Pressure - Tech
297343 11/04/09 02:27 D.Wang put compton photon detector in position
297339 11/04/09 01:05 ZAFAR AHMED HARP Scan
297337 11/04/09 00:57 ZAFAR AHMED HARP Scan
297336 11/04/09 00:40 D.Wang RHRS HV slot 13 working now
297334 11/04/09 00:21 D.Wang RHRS HV slot 13 not working
297332 11/04/09 00:08 Jin Huang Shift Summary Nov 03 Swing
297326 11/03/09 23:50 Jin Huang HV status on RHRS
297325 11/03/09 23:37 Jin Huang Sweep in Progress
297317 11/03/09 22:49 Jin Huang Ramping up HV on Right HRS shower/preshower
297312 11/03/09 22:01 V. Sulkosky Re: Left HRS S2m HV Alignment
297308 11/03/09 21:57 R. Subedi et DAQ and misc Hall work today
297296 11/03/09 21:09 V. Sulkosky Left HRS S1 spectra
297295 11/03/09 21:08 brads MPS, QRT, HEL timing notes after the Helicity board change
297288 11/03/09 20:13 A. Camsonne Compton rcEnd script modified
297286 11/03/09 18:59 M Friend Compton FADC config changed
297282 11/03/09 18:30 folts chec klist /tech
297270 11/03/09 16:46 deng new helicity board woks fine for pvdis DAQ
297265 11/03/09 15:52 A. Camsonne Compton analysis ok
297254 11/03/09 12:42 Kai current PVDIS FADC map
297251 11/03/09 12:09 Reimer DeWalt--built tough
297250 11/03/09 11:55 A. Camsonne Compton pair sync restored
297249 11/03/09 11:50 A. Camsonne Request for inversion of Pair Synch
297245 11/03/09 10:44 silwal pairsynch/helicity flipped
297244 11/03/09 10:33 A. Camsonne Pair sync phase - Does this affect others ?
297243 11/03/09 10:33 Ramesh/Bogda Started replacing more PMTs in left S1
297242 11/03/09 10:17 A. Camsonne Compton analysis seems happier with inverted pair synch
297241 11/03/09 10:17 A. Camsonne Compton analysis seems happier with inverted pair synch
297239 11/03/09 10:05 R. Subedi Gas-cer PMT8 (lhrs) back now
297234 11/03/09 10:01 A. Camsonne Compton test - pair synch inverted
297232 11/03/09 09:22 V. Sulkosky LHRS GC # 8 is Missing again
297231 11/03/09 09:02 mcnulty Follow-up to Raster Problem encountered before second power outage
297230 11/03/09 03:53 D.Wang/X.Den RHRS S1 basically working
297227 11/03/09 03:08 D.Wang/X.Den RHRS s1 ADC 5th PMT
297225 11/03/09 02:52 D.Wang/X.Den RHRS s1 3rd and 4th ADC
297215 11/02/09 23:46 R. Subedi Right hrs PVDIS 6th NIM-ECL connected to Fastbus TDC
297211 11/02/09 23:04 Ramesh/Dianc DAQ check
297210 11/02/09 22:54 Diancheng/Ra Left HRS S1 PMTS replaced
297209 11/02/09 22:26 V. Sulkosky R-HRS S1 and S2 Estimate of Noise Update
297206 11/02/09 21:45 V. Sulkosky RHRS S1 3 and 4 ADC Still Not working
297204 11/02/09 21:35 V. Sulkosky RHRS S1 3 and 4 Have ADC Signal
297203 11/02/09 21:32 V. Sulkosky Updated Pedestals for S1 and S2 (RHRS)
297200 11/02/09 19:41 V. Sulkosky R-HRS VDC
297198 11/02/09 18:44 V. Sulkosky R-HRS S1 and S2 Estimate of Noise
297197 11/02/09 18:20 V. Sulkosky S1 1R TDC Noise
297196 11/02/09 18:02 A. Camsonne Spylib updated
297190 11/02/09 17:40 A. Camsonne Compton need to update helicity EPICS variables
297189 11/02/09 17:36 V. Sulkosky L-HRS S1 Estimate of Noise
297185 11/02/09 16:45 A. Camsonne Threshold boards modified for electron detector
297183 11/02/09 16:37 V. Sulkosky R-HRS T1 trigger appears to be unplugged
297182 11/02/09 16:35 V. Sulkosky R-HRS S1 and S2 Status (as is)
297177 11/02/09 16:20 silwal HallA FFB pause ECL signal polarity needs to be checked
297175 11/02/09 16:15 V. Sulkosky L-HRS VDC
297171 11/02/09 14:29 R. Michaels new helicity board info
297170 11/02/09 14:18 M Friend Compton FADC clock
297169 11/02/09 14:09 M Friend Compton FADC clock
297168 11/02/09 12:41 R. Subedi Photos of Afterpulsing PMTs in left HRS S1 plane
297167 11/02/09 12:17 V. Sulkosky Left HRS S2m TDC spectra
297166 11/02/09 12:08 V. Sulkosky Left HRS S2m HV Alignment Completed
297165 11/02/09 11:49 R. Michaels ovs=9 results seem ok
297163 11/02/09 11:14 R. Michaels Oversampling tests
297150 11/02/09 10:33 R. Michaels CRL mod: ADC18 setup moved
297146 11/02/09 10:22 R. Michaels ADC18 buff full run 13692, CRL mod
297143 11/02/09 09:48 V. Sulkosky Left GC Channel 8 now missing
297139 11/02/09 09:37 atrig Trigger-Download
297137 11/02/09 02:47 Kai correction
297136 11/02/09 02:20 Kai add a new 757 module to fanout the bcm u1,u3,d1,d3
297117 11/01/09 20:14 Ramesh/Dianc DAQ work
297111 11/01/09 17:40 Ramesh/Dianc Left HRS S1 PMTs are after-pulsing
297110 11/01/09 17:17 V. Sulkosky L-HRS S1 ADC and TDC Spectra
297109 11/01/09 17:12 V. Sulkosky L-HRS S2m ADC Spectra
297107 11/01/09 17:07 V. Sulkosky Re: 7 the PMT of left gas-cer Fixed
297105 11/01/09 17:01 V. Sulkosky GC rates after HV Adjustment
297104 11/01/09 16:58 V. Sulkosky L-HRS HV Scrreen
297103 11/01/09 16:42 V. Sulkosky L-HRS S2m scaler rates
297102 11/01/09 16:39 V. Sulkosky Xscaler display updated: S1 and GC rates LHRS
297098 11/01/09 14:58 R. Michaels DAQ mod: move HAPTB setup to Download
297096 11/01/09 14:39 dalton Compton cavity locked and optimised
297091 11/01/09 12:49 V. Sulkosky 7 the PMT of left gas-cer still missing
297089 11/01/09 12:15 R. Subedi 7 the PMT of left gas-cer
297085 11/01/09 12:08 V. Sulkosky Re: Pion Rejector Channel 21 Pedestal Fine
297084 11/01/09 12:01 V. Sulkosky Pion Rejector Cables
297081 11/01/09 11:07 V. Sulkosky L-HRS Pion Rejector Layer 1 and 2 Pedestals Updated in Podd
297078 11/01/09 09:56 V. Sulkosky L-HRS S1, S2m and Gas Cerenkov Pedestals Updated in Podd (late entry)
297077 11/01/09 03:49 Kai existing problems
297076 11/01/09 03:29 Kai existing problems